winmo app request - touch smugmug - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

hey guys. i have seen a thread about thia somewhere else but it would be nice if someone could work on this. im not sure how many people use it but they are a great photohosting site!
if anyone makes oneb i would be willinf to pay for their first year subscription. i have $340 in referral bonuses.
anyways, the iphone has a basic one made by them that could be a good start.
i have also put in a request to smugmug for one.

You wan't the application to just upload pictures to your user account there?

Please post your questions, ideas, and or requests in the "Questions and Answers" section of the forum. This thread will likely be moved there. Thanks.


Help Xda!!! (please Show Your Support & Give 1 Min Of Your Time) **update Again**

Hey guys and gals. TweakMan here. Thanks for stopping in. First off , let me apologize for opening this thread. I am totally against opening any thread in the Development & Hacking section unless you are contributing, but this is my only option. So please read on, and show your support for XDA. It will only take a minute to read this, and decide. It takes less to post and show your support.
I opened the "General PPC Questions" thread at the top of this page almost 2 months ago. When I first opened this thread, I believed it would only have 10 to 20 posts max. Now , it has grown into a size I never believed. The amount of support everyone has showed for there fellow PPC users, is amazing!!
This one thread alone has helped answer over 150 questions! It has stopped almost 250 new threads from being opened for a simple question. It's done it's job, and I believe its served this site well!! I am in no way trying to take sole credit for this. All I did was open the thread. It is you amazing people that keep this thread alive and working.
I spend at least 2 to 4 hours a day trying to keep the "Answered & Unanswered Boards" updated, for easier use. But there are still maybe 20% of the original amount of new threads being opened. And I believe I have a solution.
I would really like to see a new section opened in this forum. General Questions. I would be willing to do all of the work, and put the same amount of time and more into it. There are a few features that would help this work. First, in the section, open only 5 threads at the beginning. Software Questions, Theme Questions, PPC Questions, Smartphone Questions, and Other Questions.
Also, and most importantly, make the entire section locked. This should be the only 5 threads that are able to be opened. This makes sure that the section isn't overrun with new threads everyday, making it impossbile to keep organized.
I have a lot of ideas that will make this work. And I promise you if you show your support here I will do my best to make it work as well as and better as the General Questions Thread. But I need your support to even get the moderators to consider this.
When I first posted the idea for the General PPC Question thread, I was flamed and told that it would never work. Look at how well it has done. There are over 300 users that are currently using this thread, with better results than any other site I've seen like this. So this goes out to all of you. Especially the users that use this thread for help. Give me one minute of you time and post a reply here showing you support this idea.
****************************************************************UPDATE HERE:
Hey guys. Just giving you an update on the progress of our work here. I just sent the letter to the administrator of the forum, and am now in a waiting game to hear a response.
But until then , I hope you keep showing your support. Also, there are now at least 4 mods supporting this.
Thank you all for your support in this , and the already existing thread. Without you all, each and every one, this wouldn't even be a dream, and the other thread would have already crashed and burned.
And last but not least, Thanks for the ideas. Your guys ideas are what make the already existing thread work. I hope that it happens so that all of our ideas can continue to help clean up this site, and gain our once loved search function back to full capacity !! LOL
So keep the support coming guys. There are over 400 users that use the Questions thread. I hope that you all can return the favor, and show your support here for something that has helped you. This isn't for me, it's always been for XDA.
I will update you as soon as I hear back from the admin.
Keep your fingers crossed and keep showing the love for XDA!!!!
This is reserved to update you on how this project is going.
Voted +1.
(What? we can't all have long threads )
Voted +2
its a great too getting annoyed by new post here and there..
Voted +3
great idea
An Alternative Suggestion
Instead of implementing your suggestion why don't we create another forum called, say, "Development & Hacking Professional".
This new forum would be locked to all except those who had an application or development to submit. For an author to place his/her item in this new forum he/she would first have to submit their item to a moderator. If it passes the test then the moderator opens a thread in the new forum for that item.
All questions, etc, would be placed in the current Dev & Hacking forum which would, de facto, become the Questions & Answers forum you are seeking to create. The moderators could, over time, move development items already in the current Dev & Hacking forum into the new forum.
To make this work effectively, all developers would have to setup a wiki page for their development. Any valuable hints and tips, registry changes, tweaks, etc, would go into that wiki page as support for the developed item.
The upshot of all this is that if you wanted to find a developed application you search in the new Dev & Hacking Professional forum. If you want support you search the relevant wiki pages.
Searches become simple and fast, support is there without the developers being innundated with crap, and we all live happily ever after.
Just my penny's worth.
PS: BTW, what I am suggesting is not difficult. We did something similar for Schaps when he was developing his roms and getting threads 1000 posts long, most asking the same question that had been answered only 2 posts up if people had bothered to read!
To reduce the support overhead on Schaps, myself and another user put together wiki pages for Schaps as a support and reference point and it worked! You still got the lazy fools posting already answered questions in the main thread; however the wiki page fast tracked any search for solutions to known problems, etc.
It can be done if there is the will by all to make this work.
Give me Moderator status and I will be more than happy to put some legwork in to make this happen.
Good idea tweakman. you have my vote.
IMHO doing it your way sounds to me as damage control, while Tweakman's idea is (or should) target the root of the problem...
I do like the wiki idea though
on a side note i'd also like to see a "software request" section,
+1 vote... good idea
I posted a thread about this awhile back, I support this idea
Thanks guys !! I wish as many that used the thead would give one min of there time for somethin thats helped so many. I am sending a request to the administrator in the morning, and alread have support from several mods. LETS KEEP TRYIN, IM ONLY DOING THIS TO HELP!!!!!! WEVE COME A LONG WAY WITH ONLY 1 THREAD!!! Almost 400 posts in 2 months!!!!
Yup, I support you too.
Thanks guys! Im sending a request to the administrator in the morning under recommendation from several mods, and those mods, are supporting us as well guys!!!!
So keep your fingers crossed and show the love you have for XDA!!! Simply post a quick reply sayin I SUPPORT THIS!!!
keep it rocks
Count my vote
good idea, fully support this.
it would tidy the entire forum cos when you think zbout it a lot of the questions posted in the devices threads relate to more than one phone
D&H definitely needs cleanup.
EDIT: One more idea: what about creating a Themes/skins development section?
Great Idea!
You have my vote
I have seen so many noob's get flamed, and probably scared off the site forever, for asking simple questions that deserve to have a place to be answered.
Any member that dedicates posts to shaming someone, for what they post, should slap themselves. To those members; you were all noobs once, and now you've graduated to become full fledged ASSHOLES! Pull the stick out of your ass and get a real hobby. This is not your private club, and you definately do not look cool when you do **** like that.
XDA is a community for users of EVERY level. Cut new people some slack, quit playing little social exclusion games, and help someone out every now and then. As they grow in knowledge and understanding, they will treat others, on this site, the same way they were treated when they were beginners.
One More
Good idea.
Not sure the post suggesting that a 'Development & Hacking Professional' thread is opened is a good idea though - we are trying to consolidate the information into one place, not spread it more thinly.
+1 from me!
+ 1
Ciao, Andrea


I don't know if this is appropriate for this forum. If not than will a moderator please remove this post.
I just invited a bunch of people to Dropbox (I picked up an invite from a user on this forum a few weeks ago).
While looking around Dropbox's website I noticed that they are looking for an Android dev to make a Dropbox app for Android.
Since times are hard I thought I would post it up here in case any of the xda devs were interested in making some money! Thought since this was an Android developer forum I would post this up.
I would really like this see this app to happen! It would be GREAT!!!!
Here is the link:
Once again. If this in inappropriate for this forum will a moderator please delete this post.

Originally was an ad

This post originally was an ad. But I thought someone might be interested here. Didn't know the rule.
Removed the content.
I'd still like to say thank you for all the devs and folks who have provided great info and insight.
Not interested
read the xda rules... no EBAY ADVERTISEMENT!
mods, pls close this thread.

Forum Moderator

Sup guys.
I've been assigned as your forum moderator today . So I'm assuming you have read the rules but if you haven't here ya go. Now a few things I will like to remind you about.
1) Please use the search feature before making a new thread.
2) Play nice with the new guys. We where all "newbs" at one point
3) If something or someone is out of line don't take matters in your hand. Report it or give me a PM
4) English please.
If you need help feel free to send me a PM.

New Forum Moderators

My name is Tom and I'm one of the new moderators here. I like post-rock music, cooking and ROM making. If you have some issues/questions, please PM me and I'm sure we'll find a solution.
Some rules:
0. Follow the rules.
1. Post in the correct section
2. Respect each other
3. Report when you'll see some abusive posts.
See you soon
Hi, I'm Kenny and I like long walks on the beach......what? Oh, it's not that kind of intro? Oh OK.
Well hi all I have the distinct honor of sharing the Moderator roll here and hope to help keep this new forum fun for all.
I am honored to be your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator.
To keep me friendly though please do not get into flaming matches. If someone is disrespectful please mash the report button rather than engage them further. In other words don't feed the trolls.
Also please post questions in Q&A. Those are the biggies.
I have put out a few themes and ROMs for the Epic 4G so know what it is like from the developer side. So please respect the developers. Without them xda-developers would be xda-facebook or something.
Thank you all!
Hi everyone,my name is Tasos and i have been assigned to be your new Forum Moderator along with Tom and Kenny.
If you have any problems don't hesitate to pm me siberian tiger
And don't forget the rules
Please review the rules and lets keep XDA the best place for fellowship and development.
And remember we are all here to have fun
This thread can now be used as a "Ask a moderator" thread. You can post your questions, concerns here. We will gladly help
Welcome aboard
Any news on future development for this device? Is this device a world seller?
goodmamba said:
Welcome aboard
Any news on future development for this device? Is this device a world seller?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just give Chainfire or some other developer some time to root this device. As it's Samsung, rooting it shouldn't be too difficult (I guess )
And yes, you can buy SIII Mini almost everywhere.
I was wondering if the rooting will allow cell unlock.
I am asking this to know what to do: wait for root or go to a Samsung service for cell unlock.
root will not unlock the device, but I wish some great devs will developing for this S3 mini, wich is a very great phone imho
Hello all,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm graffixnyc and I have recently been assigned to help moderate the forum. If you guys have any issues please do not hesitate to let me know. As always, please follow the rules and treat each other with respect.
as much as i would like to believe that the rules follow some logical flow and understanding and are in place due to experience and historical events that have taken place on the XDA forums
i have a small issue with the rule of not being able to post in the developer section until having made 10 posts
from my experience in doing some small dev work i would not want to be harassed directly for help with a solution that i provided
i would not want to be getting several PM's asking the same question from several different people all because they were not able to post their question on the thread where i provided the solution
since we are unable to post in a thread our questions or suggestions that leaves only one place to be able to post, the Q&A section
leading to the risk of multiple duplicate posts and resulting in more work for the moderators to clean up
what would be the correct way to get around this issue whilst still following the rules?

