Back To Stock - Verizon - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok I did my research, and I narrowed down to two threads.
I have to send my phone back into Verizon, I have the infamous dead zone on my LG G2, they just sent me a replacement that will be here wednesday. However I have to send back my old phone and if they determine it was rooted they will charge me for the phone. So I need to make sure I take every step in order to make sure it look perfect. So am I doing in this right? I should make sure the root flag is set back to unrooted, and then flash back to stock? Is that all I need to do? Sorry for asking something that is probably easy for to understand I just don't wish to be charged a B.S. charge.

Helltech said:
Ok I did my research, and I narrowed down to two threads.
I have to send my phone back into Verizon, I have the infamous dead zone on my LG G2, they just sent me a replacement that will be here wednesday. However I have to send back my old phone and if they determine it was rooted they will charge me for the phone. So I need to make sure I take every step in order to make sure it look perfect. So am I doing in this right? I should make sure the root flag is set back to unrooted, and then flash back to stock? Is that all I need to do? Sorry for asking something that is probably easy for to understand I just don't wish to be charged a B.S. charge.
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I believe you're gonna have to use the TOT method to reset the root checker. I did this on my Verizon one and it worked like a charm.

markrulesallnow said:
I believe you're gonna have to use the TOT method to reset the root checker. I did this on my Verizon one and it worked like a charm.
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I honestly don't know what that means, can you link me?
Is this what I need?
Is this ALL I need to do?

Am I good to send this back now that I did the ToT method?

Yes i took mine back a week ago you can also use the kdz they both work and will turn ur status to a lovely unrooted i have all tot and kdsz files (tot 10b,11a)(kdz 12b,24a)if needed
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Free mobile app


What happens when you don't unroot before returning

I'm having a problem with my wifi randomly turning itself off and customer care told me to just switch it out through the buyers remorse policy at a T-mobile store. I know you have to erase all signs of having rooted the phone before sending it to HTC under the limited warranty or else they charge you. Do I also have to set it back to stock before returning it directly to T-mobile through buyers remorse?
I'm asking because a) its a pain in the rear end to get it back to stock and b) I haven't found the stock recovery anywhere and have already flashed ClockworkMod Recovery so I'm not sure at this point I can get it back to stock.
Please post questions in Q&A section
Thanks for moving it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I remember one time sending my Touch Pro 2 to T-Mobile for a new one with the HSPL on it. HSPL allows me to flash any custom ROM basically.
But I never got a call back or charged, but I only did that one time because I was being lazy.
Good question.
I have to return mine actually due to a hardware defect which I can't put up with like I thought I could but I also rooted my phone and turned S OFF but I turned the S ON the other day so I am hoping that will be enough lol. Well plus make sure none of the files I've d/l are on the sd card but I don't think I have to worry about that seeing as I'm not using the sd card that came with the phone but my own.
However, I think I might do this once I figure out if it's needed (cause I'm kind of nervous about doing it and messing it up you know) and after I do more research on this hex editor stuff.
likeitnot said:
Good question.
I have to return mine actually due to a hardware defect which I can't put up with like I thought I could but I also rooted my phone and turned S OFF but I turned the S ON the other day so I am hoping that will be enough lol. Well plus make sure none of the files I've d/l are on the sd card but I don't think I have to worry about that seeing as I'm not using the sd card that came with the phone but my own.
However, I think I might do this once I figure out if it's needed (cause I'm kind of nervous about doing it and messing it up you know) and after I do more research on this hex editor stuff.
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Its very easy to do, it really is. I did it just today to switch out phones for another color. Just follow the directions carefully. They won't know because it literally puts stock right back on the phone. Just make sure that's what you want because there is no link for the 2.2.1 update right now. And people are having problems getting the updates again.
timbo1083 said:
Its very easy to do, it really is. I did it just today to switch out phones for another color. Just follow the directions carefully. They won't know because it literally puts stock right back on the phone. Just make sure that's what you want because there is no link for the 2.2.1 update right now. And people are having problems getting the updates again.
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That's the easy part but how do you get the stock recovery back on? I haven't seen a download for it, don't think HTC has released it either.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
If you are returning it to a store under buyer's remorse, then you don't need to unroot or do anything, as it is not a warranty exchange. You should be able to swap it out within a few minutes there, and never hear of it again.
When you follow the other post to downgrade it.puts the stock back on it. That is the point of it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
^^ I finally got it to work but I did notice that after a while superuser app and a few others I had downloaded are appearing again... uhhhhh
When I got into the terminal on the phone and type su + enter it says permission denied and another $ I safe to say its not rooted and it just put the apps back cause of the google backup?
Plus S is back to SON (it was SOFF cause of the root) & Titanium Pro will not let me upgrade the busybox always comes back with an error and then when I go back in the application it says "Error" Sorry I could not acquire root priveleges. This application will *not* work!..." Not to mention the application ShootMe no longer works cause it says I don't have root access.
OKAY *phew* I take it they only appeared again because of the google backup!
I had the exact same problem. My wifi and GSM signal would disappear. I would have to reboot the phone to get it back.
Anyway I took it back to tmo and they didn't even power it up or anything. I put everything back in like it was when I go it and no questions asked.
btmec said:
I had the exact same problem. My wifi and GSM signal would disappear. I would have to reboot the phone to get it back.
Anyway I took it back to tmo and they didn't even power it up or anything. I put everything back in like it was when I go it and no questions asked.
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You bought your's from a Tmo store though right?
I ordered mine through add a line with 611..
I have dust under my sceen and am thinking about sending it back.
Odds are you all would be just fine, but honestly? Why take that chance...if you rooted it, you can unroot it. Just set it all back to stock and dont sign back in with the phone.
c_licious said:
I'm having a problem with my wifi randomly turning itself off and customer care told me to just switch it out through the buyers remorse policy at a T-mobile store. I know you have to erase all signs of having rooted the phone before sending it to HTC under the limited warranty or else they charge you. Do I also have to set it back to stock before returning it directly to T-mobile through buyers remorse?
I'm asking because a) its a pain in the rear end to get it back to stock and b) I haven't found the stock recovery anywhere and have already flashed ClockworkMod Recovery so I'm not sure at this point I can get it back to stock.
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just flash the RUU from the downgrade post since you're already rooted and s-off you shouldn't need to do any of the hex editing or anything just download the RUU and put it in /sdcard/ named and it will take care of it... and it will restore everything including recovery... the only thing that won't go back to normal is if you ran gfree for radio s-off... if you did that follow the guide in that post for restoring radio s-on then flash the RUU...
slhpss said:
just flash the RUU from the downgrade post since you're already rooted and s-off you shouldn't need to do any of the hex editing or anything just download the RUU and put it in /sdcard/ named and it will take care of it... and it will restore everything including recovery... the only thing that won't go back to normal is if you ran gfree for radio s-off... if you did that follow the guide in that post for restoring radio s-on then flash the RUU...
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Where can I get the RUU?
And the method I used was with Visionaryr11 and a download that had a script.
I just ran Visionary, used Terminal Emulator to access the script and then rebooted and I was perma rooted.
nguyendqh said:
Where can I get the RUU?
And the method I used was with Visionaryr11 and a download that had a script.
I just ran Visionary, used Terminal Emulator to access the script and then rebooted and I was perma rooted.
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the download that the link I posted says to save as on your sdcard and reboot in the boot loader is the RUU... it will put you back to stock 2.2 everything including recovery and bootloader
I accidentally deleted my part7 .bin created by gfree and could not get s=on. I exchange anyway at the tmo for a better screen. They didn't even pretend to check if it had been rooted.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
exchanged my G1 which was rooted and had a version of android we werent supposed to have yet, I exchanged it through HTC though, my screen all out stopped working, maybe thats why they didn't notice anything, that or they just don't really care.
QUESTION - it seems that flashing is the same process as flashing SAPPIMG.nbh for the original myTouch 3G.
1. Is the hexeditor stuff necessary or can we just copy to sdcard and flash away?
2. Can be flashed from hboot S-OFF or do I need to turn S-ON first?
c_licious said:
That's the easy part but how do you get the stock recovery back on? I haven't seen a download for it, don't think HTC has released it either.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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The Unlockr
Has a stock ROM and a Stock Recovery Image that you can flash.

Quick Question... Need to Unroot to Swap Phone

I am sending in my Vibrant for a replacement Vibrant because my GPS is worthless. I read through the sticky to see how to un-root and I decided I am going to do it with terminal emulator and now my only question is after I enter the codes in on terminal emulator what do I do to reinstall the original software that T-Mobile put onto the phone?
Easiest way is to just Odin back to stock. This will return your phone to the condition it was when it came out of the box. Takes like 5 min to do.
jnutz said:
Easiest way is to just Odin back to stock. This will return your phone to the condition it was when it came out of the box. Takes like 5 min to do.
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i a noob. what is odin and what is jk2? i dont quite understand what to do and I cannot brick my phone. can someone please clarify?
alecjake said:
i a noob. what is odin and what is jk2? i dont quite understand what to do and I cannot brick my phone. can someone please clarify?
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See that link---^ Click it and read it. Tells you everything you need to know. We were all noobs once but the information you need is right there.
And don't take this as an attack but in the future be careful about making changes to your phone until you understand the changes you are making and understand how to undo those changes.

Erase all Trace

I rooted my Epic 4G with the new Epic Experience Rom recently. I am going to return the phone, but they won't take it back rooted. I couldn't find anything in search. Does anyone know how to erase any trace of my phone being rooted?
Thanks everyone.
Edit: nm read his post wrong.
RootTheWorld said:
I rooted my Epic 4G with the new Epic Experience Rom recently. I am going to return the phone, but they won't take it back rooted. I couldn't find anything in search. Does anyone know how to erase any trace of my phone being rooted?
Thanks everyone.
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ODIN, and an official release, not Froyo.. Use the DI18 Package..
Also remember to wipe your SD card too which will not be touched during install. ODIN will flash over EVERYTHING making it brand new.
Why would you want to return your Epic? I hope not to get an EVO.. The EVO is a good phone and I wanted it when it first came out, my gut kept telling me to wait and the EPIC really is a good phone.
brian_hoffman said:
ODIN, and an official release, not Froyo.. Use the DI18 Package..
Also remember to wipe your SD card too which will not be touched during install. ODIN will flash over EVERYTHING making it brand new.
Why would you want to return your Epic? I hope not to get an EVO.. The EVO is a good phone and I wanted it when it first came out, my gut kept telling me to wait and the EPIC really is a good phone.
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Last time I had to take my phone into a sprint store, I ODIN'ed back to DI18 and thought that it removes root as I've read in multiple posts but apparently it doesn't because the technician said the phone is rooted and although they will service the phone this time, root voids warranty and they put a note on my account to check if phone is rooted if i ever take it back again. My speaker just died, so I ODIN'd and used this to remove root.
When I took it in, they didn't mention anything about root. So either they didn't check or they saw phone wasn't rooted.
For you those going back to stock or are stock and u flashed 2.2 and want to downgrade or resort back to stock use this method.
Rooted/clockwork users skip the first step...
1. Do the one click root/clockwork/etc Here
2. Flash the d118 modem Here
3. Then Flash the zip file Here
4. Then flash the get rid of clockwork zip Here
5. Your are back to stock without using odin yay!!!
Now all links work!!! and added a step use this method to return to stock with out odin.
viper786 said:
Last time I had to take my phone into a sprint store, I ODIN'ed back to DI18 and thought that it removes root as I've read in multiple posts but apparently it doesn't because the technician said the phone is rooted and although they will service the phone this time, root voids warranty and they put a note on my account to check if phone is rooted if i ever take it back again. My speaker just died, so I ODIN'd and used this to remove root.
When I took it in, they didn't mention anything about root. So either they didn't check or they saw phone wasn't rooted.
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If you ODIN to an offical "virgin" Rom you will lose root.. Period. If you dont believe me do it then try and run any app that requires root "like wifi tether" it will not work. There are roms that work with odin that are pre rooted.
What I got from the other thread was Sprint can tell by some method what OS version and build you have been using while connected to thier network... so if this is true they may be able to tell your running an "Epic Experience" build and put 2&2 together that you have rooted.
The fact of the matter is, if you are running software not designed for the phone or not ready to be released and things do not work then they waste countless man hours trying to figure our why things force close on a product that is no longer thiers.
So, it is not hard to see why they do not like people rooting thier devices.
If you ODIN back and still have the speaker problem then it is SAFE to assume its a hardware rather than a software problem regardless of your past programs that have run on the phone.
brian_hoffman said:
If you ODIN to an offical "virgin" Rom you will lose root.. Period. If you dont believe me do it then try and run any app that requires root "like wifi tether" it will not work. There are roms that work with odin that are pre rooted.
What I got from the other thread was Sprint can tell by some method what OS version and build you have been using while connected to thier network... so if this is true they may be able to tell your running an "Epic Experience" build and put 2&2 together that you have rooted.
The fact of the matter is, if you are running software not designed for the phone or not ready to be released and things do not work then they waste countless man hours trying to figure our why things force close on a product that is no longer thiers.
So, it is not hard to see why they do not like people rooting thier devices.
If you ODIN back and still have the speaker problem then it is SAFE to assume its a hardware rather than a software problem regardless of your past programs that have run on the phone.
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I was not aware that they can see what OS i've been using. Anyway, they are replacing the phone and said i should receive the replacement at my house tomorrow. Normally all replacements are sent to them this is the first time i'm getting a replacement sent to my house instead of the store.
Are you sure you searched? One of the very first threads in the development forum...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
updated instructions to goto stock without odin, see post 5.

[Q] Damaged phone, rooted, warranty HELP

Very sorry to post this in such a panic, I have been researching Google and XDA forums for a couple of hours now and just can't find the information I need.
I dropped my phone and broke the proximity sensor. It is making the phone all but unusable. I have the Total Equipment Protection from Verizon, which covers damage, theft, and loss. However, the problem is I have rooted the phone, and I am concerned they will say I have voided the warranty.
I tried doing a hard reset, and it still shows up as rooted. I have downloaded the files to 'restore to stock', but I don't know if that will unroot the device, or not.
I had previously installed Voodoo Rootkeeper when I had rooted it the first time. Now, after doing the hard (factory) reset, I installed Voodoo Rootkeeper from the Play store and it says I have Superuser installed, but I don't see it in my apps list. I am guessing that I just need to reinstall it from the play store because there is a button in Rootkeeper that says, "Google Play".
There's also a button that says "Temp un-root". Will this unroot my phone so that I can return it to the store under warranty?
Is there a way to completely un-root this phone, once it has been rooted?
Just FYI, I did not use the Chinese root. I used the root where you plug your phone in to the USB and use adb to run a program, which then asks you if you want full root or the partial root that you can only access via USB/abd.
I'm sorry if this seems confused... Basically, I want to unroot this phone and return it as quickly and simply as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Use the LG flash tool to return to stock (detailed somewhere on these forums) and you will become completely unrooted. I've done it before and it does reset the status flag in the settings screen.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
usefulidiot127 said:
Use the LG flash tool to return to stock (detailed somewhere on these forums) and you will become completely unrooted. I've done it before and it does reset the status flag in the settings screen.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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THANK YOU! I had hoped it would be that simple. I tried to read through that thread to see if that was the case, but couldn't see anything definitive. I was in a bit of a panic and distracted too, so it's possible I missed it. Hopefully, this thread will get indexed by Google and other people who may have the same problem can see this.
Will try that and report back!
This worked great and is VZW specific.
Broken screen for me and needed an insurance replacement.
Thanks, hard brick?
willyjay said:
This worked great and is VZW specific.
Broken screen for me and needed an insurance replacement.
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Do you think I should try that one specifically instead of the generic instructions here:
I didn't know what a TOT file is, so I Googled it and found some warning to be very careful with TOT files because they can hard brick the phone?
Not working
Ah, heck!
I tried the first generic 'restore to stock' from this link:
and when I get to the step where I click 'ok' to proceed and flash the rom, the program stops and the phone displays a "B100" and then "ROOTED" in red letters!
I'm going to read through all 27 pages of that thread to see if anyone else has had this problem, but in the meantime, does that Verizon specific thread fix this problem, would either of you happen to know?
Total protection is not warranty. You breaking your phone is not a manufacturer defect which warranty covers.
Regardless, neither method cares if it's rooted or not. I have returned more phones than I can count that have been rooted and not once have I had a charge.
gwbyrd said:
Do you think I should try that one specifically instead of the generic instructions here:
I didn't know what a TOT file is, so I Googled it and found some warning to be very careful with TOT files because they can hard brick the phone?
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The VZW specific method worked perfectly for me....also, shows unrooted in the settings and download mode.
Just make sure to verify the md5 checksum on the tot file.
Verified, flashing the stock tot resets back to pure stock including a reset of the root flag. I used the VZW specific writeup and it went exactly as advertised. Recommend you use that one.
06stang said:
Total protection is not warranty. You breaking your phone is not a manufacturer defect which warranty covers.
Regardless, neither method cares if it's rooted or not. I have returned more phones than I can count that have been rooted and not once have I had a charge.
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Thanks, I was wondering about that! I've never been a Verizon customer before and I've heard stories that made me nervous. You have definitely made me feel a bit more reassured. Of course, I still want to unroot it a) to show myself I can, and b) just to be safe.
gwbyrd said:
Thanks, I was wondering about that! I've never been a Verizon customer before and I've heard stories that made me nervous. You have definitely made me feel a bit more reassured. Of course, I still want to unroot it a) to show myself I can, and b) just to be safe.
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Can't hurt to do it. When I had my Incredible 1 I asked my buddy about it and he told me when he gets the phone they check for physical damage, check the water damage indicators, plug it in and flash the new software, then test it to send back out. I went through 6 incredibles, 4 incredible 2s, 4 rezounds, and 4 galaxy nexus. All rooted all returned without resetting no charges.
But i can say 100% guaranteed without a doubt your total protection insurance does no care what you do to the phone because it's not a warranty issue anyway. If you return your current device for a new one you're paying the $99 fee anyway. If you send it in as warranty they'll charge you full pop if they see physical damage.
I followed the steps at this link:, and it worked!
Thanks again, everyone!

Getting replacement device today, questions about next steps.

Getting a replacement device today because mine will randomly drop 4G and revert to 3G in strong signal areas and will only come back when I put it in airplane mode and back out again. Swapped SIMs, reset to stock, even allowed the latest update with no change.
The replacement device arrives today. My phone before was rooted with Kingo, but I only used root for tethering and minor customization using Wanam, Nova, etc. No special ROMs or anything. In reading the forums it looks like accepting the KK update is NOT the way to go.
Looking at this thread, I think this is the route I want to take.Since I haven't done a whole lot since my OG Droid days besides point and click rooting solutions, if I mess something up do I always have the option of restoring my phone to stock using Kies like I did to revert to stock for my original phone's trip back to Verizon?
Thanks all.
I work for Verizon Wireless Tech Support, YOU NEED TO UNROOT AND FLASH STOCK EVERYTHING ON THE PHONE. Literally no joke, if our returns center detects even the HINT of root / non stock they WILL charge you $299 and it CAN NOT BE REVERSED, not by a supervisor, not by returning the phone, not by talking to samsung, nothing will have that removed. Just flash the phone completely stock, as for your new one that will depend on what OS it comes pre loaded with.
Xproplayer said:
I work for Verizon Wireless Tech Support, YOU NEED TO UNROOT AND FLASH STOCK EVERYTHING ON THE PHONE. Literally no joke, if our returns center detects even the HINT of root / non stock they WILL charge you $299 and it CAN NOT BE REVERSED, not by a supervisor, not by returning the phone, not by talking to samsung, nothing will have that removed. Just flash the phone completely stock, as for your new one that will depend on what OS it comes pre loaded with.
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I did. Used Kies and restored my original phone to the stock image.
Can I always do this with this model phone? If I have a problem with rooting?
hawkeye680 said:
I did. Used Kies and restored my original phone to the stock image.
Can I always do this with this model phone? If I have a problem with rooting?
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Do what? Root or unroot?
Xproplayer said:
Do what? Root or unroot?
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Use Kies to restore to factory. Unrooted.
hawkeye680 said:
Use Kies to restore to factory. Unrooted.
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Probably. If not, use odin.
LeftyGR said:
Probably. If not, use odin.
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Kies actually uses Odin to restore the phone to stock. :good:
