Help:( phone charge problem!?!? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi guys i have a probelm which i mentioned in a rom post but no one seemed to have an answer/not care.
My phone EVEN though its plugged in charger it chargers down?! Even small usage and its a no go. It will only charge if i dont go on it. Its been happening for 3 days now and ive had this phone for 2 months.
I have:
Original out of box samung usb charger (no mains supplied)
firmware NC4
ROM google play edtion 6/19/14
KT kernel - settings are: conservative, cfq, no oc/uc, gpu 320-545, fast charge disabled.
Tried kt + row too.
Phone is reading 61 degree temp not charging only on chrome writing this thread.
61 degrees is too hot for this no? Maybe i have virus/malware/trojan?
I dunno but plz any info would be helpful many many thanks

Backup your important data/app .apk files to your external sd (app backup and restore on play store) then do a hard reset. Clear cache and dalvik cache if possible first. I'm no expert, but that's usually a common software side solution. Hardware would probably be next. You could also use battery diagnostic apps or even virus/malware apps.

Hard reset will not work ive tried that before on a previous phone years back. The problem eventually came back. I dont think its hardware coz phone is brand new (2months old) not dropped or owt. Maybe its an app but i deleted one recently cant remember now and since then bam! Phone over heats like fire. Phones not slow, no lag just battery drain is at its worst and over heay is terrible


G2 Shuts OFF(resets)! Potential FIX!

For about 2 months since I have owned this phone it has given me nothing but crap. I always kept my G1 in my pocket and I always dropped it, even had it in water 3 times! (never had any problems) The G2 however if I kept it in my pocket, dropped it, or open/closed the keyboard repeatedly the phone would shutoff! Very Very disappointed at first. I missed many calls and text messages.
So How come NOW I can drop it, open/close the keyboard repeatedly, and keep it in my pocket without it shutting off?
I did a little investigating of the battery and contact points on this phone, it turns out that there is room for play with my battery. SO every so often the contacts would lose connection with the battery!
TO fix this I put a small piece of folded paper along the top edge of the battery opposite of the contact point to the phone, it made a more secure and snug fit to the contact points.
The battery does get Hot so I do not recommend this as a permanent fix as it is now a small fire hazard.
BUT, to this day I have had ZERO problems.
I am sooooo now with my G2 any questions or other comments please leave them below.
Class 10 4gb microSd
1500MAH battery
Hard rubberized black graphic case
Talk about going backward! I remember the old nokia 5160s that everyone and their brother had folded up paper in the batteries about 10 years ago! LOL
Meh... I don't think anyone else has this problem. If they did then they probably exchanged it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 running Cyanogenmod.
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
If you search through the threads and on google, quite a few people experience this random freeze / shutdown where you have to do a battery pull.
I've tried flashing different roms, using only basic apps etc...
I don't think it's software related anymore, and if it is, it's too hard to diagnose. Many suggestions have been made, micro sd card slot, battery connections, software, weird app, different rom... I haven't tried removing SD card yet and my battery connection seems ok, it's pretty tight in there...
Don't know what the problem is and I wish someone could figure it out as it's frustrating to drop too much $$$ on a phone and have it act this way.
Random Reboots
I have a similar problem with my G2. It randomly reboots when its siting stationary on my desk or in my car.
This problem is made stranger though because it NEVER does this while I'm using it!! If I have it playing Pandora or Youtube - no reboots. But, like clockwork, if turn off the screen and set it on my desk, reboot... never fails... it will reboot 2 or 3 times then seems to be ok for a little while. Very annoying because I can't make or receive calls while its doing this.
Like others I've read plenty of posts on this but no working fix I can find. Some people say they returned their phone 2 or 3 times and still have the same issue. Some people say its related to signal strength but it does this will full bars or no bars.
I've tried custom Roms: CM6.1.1, CM7-RC1, & Virtuous 1.0.1 and the problem remains.
Does anyone know how to fix this? This is the only negative about an otherwise HOT little phone.
At least yours reboots! A lot of others just freeze (like mine)! And then you don't even know it.
I'm trying out another theory... Installed CM6 a few days ago. Had the same problem.
But I just started OC using CPU Tuner and the stock CM6 Kernel., the lowest option I have for clock speed is 700 something for some reason, so I just used that. So far, 36h, hasn't done it. I THINK, it might be related to the phone not getting enough juice for some odd reason - even on stock, so when you OC it and set a higher clock speed for idle, it might help. NOT sure yet but testing. Will post up if it "fixes" the problem for me.
My G2 was randomly shutting off a lot, usually right after I stuck it in my pocket. The solution? I exchanged it. The new one never does that XD
Possible fix for random reboot
I think I may have found a working fix for my random reboots. Credit goes to the OP.
I installed the Pershoot kernel and since then I haven't had a reboot and up until now it has rebooted like clockwork.
I'll see how it goes.
I had this problem while using the Red ChiChi/EVO batteries, but I believe my problem to be with the back cover. I might have dropped it and the cover got slightly tweaked, or perhaps it was the chichi battery, as it wasn't exactly a perfect fit. If a certain spot on it gets touched or pushed in, the battery loses contact with the pins and kills the phone. I have to pull the battery and let it set for a minute b4 putting it back in and powering up.
I used the same method, with a piece of folded paper on top for a while.
Perhaps its a different problem than the OP, but this only happened with my ChiChi batteries. With stock battery, it always seemed to be a good enough fit, and the corners kept it in place.
I ended up buying an extra stock battery for around $20, and now I carry 2 Stock batteries at all times.
Solution finally?!
I think I found the solution for my phone:
set OC profiles so the phone doesn't go below a certain mhz threshold.
On CM6 stock with CPU Tuner, it defaults to 700mhz lowest. Did not notice any increase in battery drain.
Uptime - 70 hours. Finally fixed!
//UPDATE: I did experience a freeze around the 100 hour mark, but so far that's the only one in the last week or so. In any case, it's doing MUCH better than before...
//OK I lied it still does it but so far just once or twice a week. Better than once a day.
So far there are apparently three problems/solutions:
- Micro SD slot loose connection / improper close - Check micro SD card slot
- Idle voltage too low, freezes phone / use OC kernel and set screen off speed higher
- Bad battery connection / manually fix
After many tries and diagnosing I think one issue is that on stock settings, the idle / screen off profile is set too low, which can freeze the phone (although I did have it freeze once while I was actively texting... not sure why). But 99% of the time it happened with the screen off. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, will keep phone on to see, but I don't remember it going more than 48h without freezing lately.
I have tried the following which did NOT fix the issue for me:
Micro SD check
Uninstall programs (skype, launcher pro, various others)
Revert to "stock"
CM6 "stock"
Checked Battery
Used stock battery / China battery
All those solutions still led to the random freeze / battery pull situation, but could potentially work for you.
2 G2's did the same thing. T-Mobile states known problem. After 14-hour shut down pulled mSDHC card and Sim and replaced battery which was drained in the off-state.
Solved problem and bought a Nokia N8.
Customer Service at T-Mobile and HTC is totally unconnected and unresponsive. Their answer wait for the FOTA.
Hope they don't send it to my Symbian ^3 jewel!
Was Shutting down multiple times a day - FIXED!
Hey Guys,
I've purchased my G2 from ebay so was not able to return it. So I've been trying to fix this problem for ever.
I have not found anything that works until now (knock on wood).
I installed the Cyanogenmod ( and updated my older CM version. The phone has not shutdown once in 4 days, which is a first.
Note: my GPS does not work with this version. I'm about to try a clean wipe to see if it will activate. I'm guessing however that the shutdown issue is 100% tied to the GPS so if I'm successful the problem will return. If a wipe does not work I'll try new radios.
I'll update any progress.
lost800 said:
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
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Caveat emptor.
I know. Live in Canada and only way to get the phone.
Me too, although my phone is at uptime: 211 hours right now
CM6 with cpu tuner with the settings posted above... basically make sure it never underclocks below 700 mhz.


Hey guys.
there are several major problems with my device.
first of all, lets see what we have here.
Exynos powered SM-N900 note 3 device
About 2 months old
rooted with CF- Auto Root
4.4.2 N900XXUDNA6_N900SERDNA6_SER firmware
that was the situation of device when the first problem showed itself.
Whiel i was watching video from an sd card, suddenly ı realised even if the device is on charge, (wall type) the battery percentage was dropping. when ı saw that, ı stopped watching the video, put down the phone and went to sleep. (it was 15 % at that time)
after 8 hours of proper sleep, I took my phone and saw that it was just 60%.
then ı began searching for slow charging issues. tried exactly everything about it, no luck. ( 5 different brands of different cables, 3 different brands of wall chargers, 2 different original note 3 batteries. tried both for AC and USB charging.)
All of them gave me the same result of charging current of 300 mah.
then ı tried all the wipe options, (wipe from recovery, factory reset from the settings menu, flashing another firmware which is CAC-N900XXUDNA8-20140210150816. ) still no luck. and things started to get worse.
a pain in the ass lag showed up, I'cant even use the camera. its like it comes and goes, but most of the time its there.
slow charging still continues, sometimes it does not charge at all,(had to reset couple of times) and when it charges, it's always 300 Mah and shows in the battery section as USB all the time ( even if I'm charging with the wall charger) ( already tried cache wipe for this, didn't make any difference.)
When I plug it to the PC, it does not recognize the device as a usb device, nor Kies, but ODİN does. (thankfully).
got this really weird screen, and some other screens close to it. (the screen actually faded away like in the picture ı uploaded. waited for it to go out for 10-15 seconds when ı pushed the wake button, the screen came itself just like nothing else happened 10 seconds ago!)
those are my problems, and the device is rooted, there is no warranty issue, so that means I'm stuck. it's not my first android device, and i consider myself just above average android user, but my hands are tied for this. any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!!
Really? No one can answer that?
rompinpumpkin said:
Really? No one can answer that?
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Did u try charging when mobile is off?if not give a try
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah I tried that. It kind of shortens the time of charging, but still, there are also other problems and some way ı think all of them are connected. That can be a solution only for slow charging, but the other issues still there.
rompinpumpkin said:
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah I tried that. It kind of shortens the time of charging, but still, there are also other problems and some way ı think all of them are connected. That can be a solution only for slow charging, but the other issues still there.
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may all your problems linked each other possible, try to uninstall third party apps you have installed, may some app is causing all the problems.
jdomadia said:
may all your problems linked each other possible, try to uninstall third party apps you have installed, may some app is causing all the problems.
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I'm afraid that is also not a solution, because i already performed a full wipe and flashed a clean firmware, which cleared all 3rd party apps, still problems go on.
appreciate the effort though!
rompinpumpkin said:
I'm afraid that is also not a solution, because i already performed a full wipe and flashed a clean firmware, which cleared all 3rd party apps, still problems go on.
appreciate the effort though!
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Read carefully & flash from below link, hop u will get your all problems sort out.
jdomadia said:
Read carefully & flash from below link, hop u will get your all problems sort out.
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are you suggesting EFS back-up /restore?
By the way, i have fresh brand new issues!!
now device doesn't close, if i close it and connect it to a charger, it reboots itself to recovery mode!!!
ı discovered something about the lag issue. if i run the cpu enough, (like playing games) lag goes out. when ı quit the game, it turns back!!
I opened up cpu monitor from the developer options, everytime lag shows up, i see from the cpu list this thing:
I think this causes all of my problems.
any ideas???
rompinpumpkin said:
are you suggesting EFS back-up /restore?
By the way, i have fresh brand new issues!!
now device doesn't close, if i close it and connect it to a charger, it reboots itself to recovery mode!!!
ı discovered something about the lag issue. if i run the cpu enough, (like playing games) lag goes out. when ı quit the game, it turns back!!
I opened up cpu monitor from the developer options, everytime lag shows up, i see from the cpu list this thing:
I think this causes all of my problems.
any ideas???
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EFS backup is very IMPORTANT, no Idea about what u say about CPU
jdomadia said:
Read carefully & flash from below link, hop u will get your all problems sort out.
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jdomadia said:
EFS backup is very IMPORTANT, no Idea about what u say about CPU
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I know the importance of the EFS, just couldn't figure out the relevance.
rompinpumpkin said:
I know the importance of the EFS, just couldn't figure out the relevance.
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It looks like a problem with a interrupt of the video driver. I read you already flashed a other firmware, correct?
Have you installed any apps to monitor battery drain? I use GSAM Battery Monitor and every time I start to see weird things with my battery, I have a look to see which app is running wild. Removing the app usually sets my phone back to very good battery life. The other day HD Widgets updated their app and all of a sudden I was dropping battery life about 15% per hour when hardly using the phone. HD was the culprit, removing it put me back to normal again. This happens often when companies update their apps.
One other thing, does you phone run hot? In the notification screen, you can see the current temp of your phone. If your battery is draining fast, it will run hot.
Thank you for the feedback. I downloaded the app, here are my first results. Do you think its normal that my kernel alone 74% ? I recently turned into cvm recovery, any ideas for alternative kernels?
SM-N900 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

[Q] Overheating problems on my Galaxy S4.

Overheating on my Galaxy S4.
I have a Galaxy S4 for about a year, I have this problem almost since I bought it, but it appears and reappears, so I let it go.
My Galaxy S4, using WhatsApp Music and the CPU temperature rises to just using these programs 45-50ºC
Using only the poweramp the instrument reaches 65c for no reason.
Using browser is hopeless, the device rises to 50-70 degrees and finally restarts or shuts down.
When I bought the unit in the first week I realized that he was heating a lot, but did not reach this temperature (50-70) normally.
I read in various forums that the normal temperature of the Galaxy S4 units were 35-56c
Recently, I downloaded a few albums of music and some pictures on my phone that day he shot and started this strange behavior, and following the same steps bellow, the problem still persists.
I already own a Galaxy Note and I have witnessed the bug "AndroidMediaScanner".
I did all the steps (exeto formatting the MicroSD, I recently formatted to exFAT SD) Until I checked the status of the reading process of media using the Android ADB, there was nothing abnormal ..
Even without the memory card, few files in SD (just applications) the problem still appears.
What do you think? It may be a hardware problem that requires replacement?
It may be the battery?
It may be the ROM • (when the OmegaROM use a series of modules Xposed)
Recently reinstalled the ROM and the problem still persists.
I read in a blog that the DS Battery Saver could be giving conflict with the manager's native battery used in the Galaxy S4, I uninstalled the program, yet the problem persists warming.
Connected to the USB temperature suddenly increases to 65c without any reason or use.
What recommend?
Sorry for the English. I used Google translator.
Maybe i attach prints.
My initial thought would be to get a new battery. Becaus it jumps so drastically when you start charging it. You could also check your battery connections. Make sure they are free from dust and corrosion.
Hey Girafa, missed u man. :/
KevSanches said:
Hey Girafa, missed u man. :/
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I sent him the link to the forum Galaxy s4 was not?
SocratesDemise said:
My initial thought would be to get a new battery. Becaus it jumps so drastically when you start charging it. You could also check your battery connections. Make sure they are free from dust and corrosion.
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Ever encountered moisture near my battery (cover).
I try to buy a battery when you can.
But do you have any recommendations?
thxz for quickly reply.
GiRaFa-SAMA said:
Ever encountered moisture near my battery (cover).
I try to buy a battery when you can.
But do you have any recommendations?
thxz for quickly reply.
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You have to find the "service" that is turning in background....
If you mind it is the AndroidMediaScanner, I can say from experience ( it was killing my battery in less than 5 hours)
I stopped this issue (flaw) by cleaning one by one my Music folders and deleting those empty or having no music file in it ( that sometime comes when you clean a directory from the music player interface) .
then my phone turning back to normal temperature state.
lolo9393 said:
You have to find the "service" that is turning in background....
If you mind it is the AndroidMediaScanner, I can say from experience ( it was killing my battery in less than 5 hours)
I stopped this issue (flaw) by cleaning one by one my Music folders and deleting those empty or having no music file in it ( that sometime comes when you clean a directory from the music player interface) .
then my phone turning back to normal temperature state.
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I said in the text that has nothing wrong with MediaScanner Android. I used the Android Debug Bridge to verify this and it appears to be normal.
The application showed 10% CPU usage when the unit was starting.
I used OS Monitor app (it shows up the processes of the Linux kernel and user) in order to find some buggy process that was doing it.
I removed 4GB of external memory file and checked the Android Debug Bridge MediaScanner if the process had been stuck at some file storage.
There was no error in both stores.
I witnessed this primary failure of the Android system twice on my old Galaxy Note.
Thxz for reply.
whats the solution

(Solved)(HOT) Android Lollipop Issue Ex-Heating,gaming,lag etc

People are complaining that they are facing lag,heating issue,battery Lollipop v5.1
Here is the solution........
1st- Before Upgrading to v5.1 do wipe and factory reset
2nd-take out your SD card before updating to v5.1
3rd-Again do hard reset after installing v5.1
Please Do hit thanks button if I helped you
Lollipop v5.1 Review by me
Antutu Score increased to Approx 40K
Games like Real Racing 3,Asphalt 8,Nova 3 doesn't lag anymore like kitkat do....(kitkat is very bad update for TN7)
Can't install benchmark tools from play store.
Browsing in Chrome is also improved
Battery performance increased by 15-20%
Everything is buttery Smooth...
Performance mode is hide by nvidia. Don't know why.(Download Activity launcher then select all activities then settings->setting>nvcontrolpanel)
Graphics performance increased a bit.
Music is Same.
Have a Nice Day Sir\Mam.....
Enjoy your LoLLipop ��
is this confirmed 100% that hard reset solves all heat and performance issues if i didnt hard reset before install this update ?
mortuus82 said:
is this confirmed 100% that hard reset solves all heat and performance issues if i didnt hard reset before install this update ?
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Yes I did v it... It worked for me...?
it resolved the lag and heating problems but still having problems with google apps connecting through my wifi connection. even if I can basically browse the web using chrome, I cant add a google account in the settings cuz of the issue im having.
Still having battery problems after this. The battery doesn't drain as fast but it takes 3X longer to charge.
didnt solve this that hard reset.. still getting micro freeze lag in games and tablet heats up to 40c playing games like clash of clans and boom beach and this is with 2 cores and 30fps limit set , if i plug in charger it seems stuck, only way is to turn of tablet and turn in cable then it charges normaly... no this is something not right here i never had heat issues or lag in the games i played what a disaster
It even stays at 41c even if i dont play any games, its like the cpu is at 100% for some reason but i did hard reset so wtf is this nonsense ?
mortuus82 said:
didnt solve this that hard reset.. still getting micro freeze lag in games and tablet heats up to 40c playing games like clash of clans and boom beach and this is with 2 cores and 30fps limit set , if i plug in charger it seems stuck, only way is to turn of tablet and turn in cable then it charges normaly... no this is something not right here i never had heat issues or lag in the games i played what a disaster
It even stays at 41c even if i dont play any games, its like the cpu is at 100% for some reason but i did hard reset so wtf is this nonsense ?
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When you say "hard reset" do you mean a reboot or a full factory wipe from the settings menu? I factory reset mine and have had no issues except a little stuttering, but it's far less than it was for me before the update. Make sure you're factory resetting from the settings menu and not from a custom recovery... it will erase everything and reinstall the OS from the factory image of the 5.1 update, which a wipe from a custom recovery doesn't do.
mortuus82 said:
didnt solve this that hard reset.. still getting micro freeze lag in games and tablet heats up to 40c playing games like clash of clans and boom beach and this is with 2 cores and 30fps limit set , if i plug in charger it seems stuck, only way is to turn of tablet and turn in cable then it charges normaly... no this is something not right here i never had heat issues or lag in the games i played what a disaster
It even stays at 41c even if i dont play any games, its like the cpu is at 100% for some reason but i did hard reset so wtf is this nonsense ?
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Installing a new ROM sometimes does this. I've had similar problems with my phone. Solved by calibrating the battery.
It may take several iterations though.
EDIT: by 'this', I mean heating up and draining of battery mainly.
I did a factory reset yes wiped everything, not just reboot the device sorry but problem is still there and this is from using the tablet over a year never any battery or heat problems.. all started after i updated to 5..1
so why do i have issues then ? it must be faulty update im not the only one having heat and battery problems now.. I feel cheated the update promised increased performance and stability improvements i dont see any of that so far only problems and negative stuff..
and how do u calibrate the battery then ?
mortuus82 said:
and how do u calibrate the battery then ?
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There are many versions of essentially the same thing, nothing is guaranteed though, you can google it. Usually it requires root, I guess that's not your case.
So what you have to do is switch off your device and let it charge to 100%. Do not unplug it even then and let it charge for 2-3 hours even after that. Switch on, use it normally. If it's solved then good, if it isn't repeat the process. Like I said, it could take several iterations.
(I calibrated even my laptop's battery the same way in the past. I thought it was gonna die but it worked for another year after that.)
My experience:
A while ago I flashed my phone with unofficial custom cyanogenmod recovery. It worked flawlessly. I used to manually flash the updates as well. This one time, I encountered battery heating up and draining like hell, even if the phone was connected to the charger, battery percentage would go down with each second. Luckily my phone was rooted. I tried calibrating apps from Play Store and it worked. I flashed updates after that as well, but recently, I flashed a new ROM update, and the problem is back. But this time, it's not resolving. I think I've tried every possible way. After a few tries, battery is not heating/draining when using normally, but as soon as I plug it for charging, it gets heated up. (EDIT: it's alright now, without doing anything else than regularly charging and using normally).
Charger is not faulty, I'm sure, plus I've tried a couple of different chargers. ROM is not faulty, if it was everyone would b having the same problem I guess. Also, I re-flashed the previous version, which used to work alright, but the issue remained the same. I'm hoping this would be resolved after a few more tries, or after a new update. As I said, it's not guaranteed, but it works sometimes.
People may tell you to delete the batterystats.bin (this is what calibration apps do, requires root). But a google engineer confirmed that it does essentially nothing as whenever you charge to 100%, the file is automatically reset.
Although I'm not having any battery issues, I still liked it better before this update. I think I'm gonna downgrade it, if there's a way.
Sidenote: If you ever decide to flash a custom recovery or OTA update, make sure you have high percentage of battery. Flashing ROMs on low battery can cause issues too. (I don't have any evidence for this, just experience, so I may be wrong.)
battery problem is due to performance setting.........every app uses 100% 4Core max limit of tab.... even playstore,chrome etc like app
If u have back up on TWRP u can run TWRP via fastboot. Then install the with recovery and make restore. All works fine and 5.1 is gone.
fix heating and battery drain issue.
I solved lag issue by doing this, hope it helps.

[Q] change the battery or throw the cellphone away?

Hi guys
I have my note 4 (n910f) since 2015. I have changed the battery twice when they became unstable after a year of using and the charge amount suddenly changed from a high amount to zero percent.
the current battery has been working well and the charge amount is always correct.
the problem is that when I play a game like Clash Royale or open an application like Instagram after a game the phone is restarted and goes to boot-loop and never comes back until I do a lot of things such as wipe cache and sometimes wipe battery stats (recently), put it in the refrigerator because when this problem happens the area close to the camera becomes very hot so I try to cool down it.
I had the Alexander rom, then I have tried some original rom and then I tried to root the original rom and update the baseband and everything but the problem still occurs on my phone.
So if you know that this problem would be solved by a new battery I am going to buy one. I don't have extra money to do the risk because the battery is expensive now and hard to find in Rio de janeiro.
If there is a serious problem with cpu or motherboard then I should throw it away
guys if you think that there is a solution for heating and restarting and boot-loop please help me to solve it
The Snapdragon variants of the Note 4 have all been sufffering from various issues. I would advise that you back up your device, wipe it then sell it and purchase a new device. As there is nothing you can do, short of replacing the Motherboard.
I used the below method and the problem was solved
however, after that the back button doesn't work, the pen also is not recognized.
I have installed the navigation bar for the first problem.
I think it is worth to try for dead phones.
