Restoring Nandroid didn't go well - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys, I'm facing a problem.
So I recently made a nandroid backup. I installed just a small mod but didn't liked so I restored
my backup. When I started up I did get a google play services and google process gapps stopped message.
As I clicked OK I immediately tried to open other apps but they all FC. I didn't get error on recovery and
also wiped cache and dalvik. Still facing this problem, what could be the problem? I'm on stock deoxed rom

Well thats normal when you didn't fully wipe. Always fully wipe before restoring backups.

I got a error message: android_secure.img not found
Sounds like this is the proble, but can't seem to find how to fix it..

Oh nice -.- was about to flash stock rom but won't work, write protection is enabled wtf!??
can't do it with odin anybody knows something??


I'm getting a bunch of force close messages on Boot

I flashed cyanogen 5.0beta. It was working great.....then i went to compress cache in one of the new apps(can't remember the name) the phone reset itself about 3 times so I wiped it and restored it. Now it completely boots, but then I get a "force close" message that won't go away. If someone could help I would appreciate it.
When you wiped, did you reflash the google stuff and the cyan rom?
I tried wiping it and the re-flashing cyan but I still get the same messages. Thts the only rom I flashed
I mean after you wiped did you also flash the Google Add on supplied in Cyanogen's thread ( along with the ROM after you wiped?
Also, what is force closing? Is it specific apps? If so, are they system apps are market/3rd party apps? Is it processes that are force closing?
I just wiped and reflashed cyan and then downloaded and flashed the google addon and the I rebooted just fine. now i want to see if i can restore. Plus the force close message was google startup wizard
I think I gotta start from scratch if my titanium backup failed me
Damn. Well at least it's fixed. Thanks for the help. I don't know why the google add on helped but it did.

[Q] System UID Inconsistent Error after Titanium Backup

I searched and haven't found anything that's worked.
My phone was running fine after I flashed the crDroid rom. I then used Titanium Backup to only restore Bluetooth Connections, to see if it'd work. I had tried this same thing before with a full restore, and kept getting stuck in a Boot Loop, and had to restore and wipe constantly.
Now after I rebooted, it's giving me the "System UID Inconsistent - Please Wipe Data Partition .... I'm Feeling Lucky"
I press the I'm Feeling Lucky, and a lot of apps are gone. Is there a fix for this other than restoring and reformatting again? I've downloaded the Fix Permissions app from the App store, but no luck.
Thanks for any help!
sixout said:
I searched and haven't found anything that's worked.
My phone was running fine after I flashed the crDroid rom. I then used Titanium Backup to only restore Bluetooth Connections, to see if it'd work. I had tried this same thing before with a full restore, and kept getting stuck in a Boot Loop, and had to restore and wipe constantly.
Now after I rebooted, it's giving me the "System UID Inconsistent - Please Wipe Data Partition .... I'm Feeling Lucky"
I press the I'm Feeling Lucky, and a lot of apps are gone. Is there a fix for this other than restoring and reformatting again? I've downloaded the Fix Permissions app from the App store, but no luck.
Thanks for any help!
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I think you have not changed the settings in TB to the "legacy" folder. Search the forum for solutions
Probably the cleanest solution HERE

Nandroid - apps crashing after restore

I I have a Galaxy S4 with KitKat 4.4.2 and TWRP installed. I have been using Nandroid for backups.
Today I (stupidly) deleted the CSC.apk file with Uninstall and the phone started acting really strangely. I tried restoring the CSC app but it wouldn't do it (I tried multiple times). So I booted into TWRP recovery mode and did a full restore which worked fine...until I rebooted the phone.
I have quite a few apps that continually crash with:
Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped
and then all I can do is tap the OK button. After tapping OK the errors popup continuously.
Is this normal? How can I fix this without reflashing the phone? This is my first restore ever done with Nandroid Any ideas? Annoyingly I also lost the activation for my GPS app (CoPilot). I thought Nandroid was an exact clone/backup so when you screw the phone up you can restore back to EXACTLY how the phone was when the backup was done?
Anyway, appreciate any help or thoughts on how I can get my apps to work without the constant stopping popups!
Thank you!
Can anyone help please?
Go back into recovery and wipe both the regular cache and dalvik cache.
As to the lost CoPilot activation, you'll need to contact CoPilot, then explain the situation to them, and they should be able to help you.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Go back into recovery and wipe both the regular cache and dalvik cache.
As to the lost CoPilot activation, you'll need to contact CoPilot, then explain the situation to them, and they should be able to help you.
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Thanks! I tried that but after wiping both caches and rebooting the phone and entering my SIM PIN, I am still constantly getting the "Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped".
Is there anything else I can try? I'm a but confused by this as I thought Nandroid was an exect image of the phone! I'm not worried about CoPilot at all but the rest is important
Do a factory reset from within TWRP, then restore from the nandroid backup. How old is this nandroid?
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Do a factory reset from within TWRP, then restore from the nandroid backup. How old is this nandroid?
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I'll give that a try tonight. I am running Nandroid 4.4.5 and the backups were created about a week ago.
Many thanks for your help!
BB007BB said:
I'll give that a try tonight. I am running Nandroid 4.4.5 and the backups were created about a week ago.
Many thanks for your help!
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So I tried doing a factory reset from TWRP and then doing a Nandroid restrore but after rebooting the phone I was still getting LOTS of errors with applications not working. Even the firewall wouldn't work as it couldn't find the config file.
I don't get it, I thought Nandroid made an EXACT image of your phone so if something went wrong and you performed a restore, your phone would be back to a working state?
BB007BB said:
So I tried doing a factory reset from TWRP and then doing a Nandroid restrore but after rebooting the phone I was still getting LOTS of errors with applications not working. Even the firewall wouldn't work as it couldn't find the config file.
I don't get it, I thought Nandroid made an EXACT image of your phone so if something went wrong and you performed a restore, your phone would be back to a working state?
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It does, but your backup can get corrupted.

"Insufficient storage available" and "Error 24" after Nandroid restore

"Insufficient storage available" and "Error 24" after Nandroid restore
Hello all. This is one of my first few posts but I've been reading these forums for a while. This is the first problem I've really been stumped on even after Googling and searching these and other forums for a couple of days on and off.
Some background:
I had Cloudystock 2.5 installed on my D800 and had to SIM unlock my phone. Apparently Cloudystock didn't include the HiddenSIMUnlock apk. So I did a full Nandroid backup including EFS partition and installed the Stock Rooted KITKAT ROM - D80020k by Vectus. This gave me the option to SIM unlock and then I restored my backup. I cleared dalvik and regular caches for all the installs and restores.
I did make the mistake of restoring EFS once I had SIM unlocked, but I installed that stock ROM again, unlocked and restored which gave me the SIM unlock on the restored ROM.
I have deleted app cache through the storage settings. I have also backed up and wiped the SD-Ext partition to make sure that wasn't the culprit.
So, now comes the problem:
The big issue is that anything I try to install gives me either the "Insufficient storage available" error or "Error 24" It makes no difference what app I try to install. Also if I try to install directly and not via the Play store, it will not install the application.
This only happens on the restored backup. On Vectus's ROM or a Cloudystock new install, apps install fine. This leads me to believe it's a file on the data partition that is causing it. Otherwise though, everything seems to work as it should.
I forgot to add: installed applications auto-update without issue.
I'm pretty much stumped as to what to do next.
Some help would be appreciated as this has become somewhat frustrating and I would rather not lose my settings.
UPDATE: On a clean Cloudystock install, then restoring just /data the problem persists. Also, restoring then updating over it to latest Cloudystock does not change the behavior.
Does no one have any idea where this stems from? I would have to assume it's one or two files in /data creating this problem, but I don't have enough experience to know specifically which one.

If one more app is installed, System UI stops

I had been using Temasek's Unofficial CM 11 ROM on my SM-N9005, then I decided to update to lollipop. So I backed up with Titanium Backup Pro, wiped data and dalvik and cache, flashed the AICP ROM, and now I'm trying to restore apps.
Restoring has been difficult in TB - it kept freezing/getting stuck on what seemed like random apps, and then it started to give me "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped" messages, which reappear a few seconds after they're dismissed.
I've somehow reached the point where if I install ONE more app (no matter what it is or whether it's restored from TB or downloaded from Play Store), I get "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped", but if I uninstall it I'm fine.
I know that apps should use more space with the ART runtime, but I have ~7GB of free storage so it can't be that. It seems silly, but is there some kind of app limit in lollipop that I'm unaware of?
Thanks in advance!
Actually the most important thing is what method are you using for restore? I mean are you using the only restore missing apps method or something else? Cause if you are using a method other than that then you will have problems.
elewint said:
I had been using Temasek's Unofficial CM 11 ROM on my SM-N9005, then I decided to update to lollipop. So I backed up with Titanium Backup Pro, wiped data and dalvik and cache, flashed the AICP ROM, and now I'm trying to restore apps.
Restoring has been difficult in TB - it kept freezing/getting stuck on what seemed like random apps, and then it started to give me "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped" messages, which reappear a few seconds after they're dismissed.
I've somehow reached the point where if I install ONE more app (no matter what it is or whether it's restored from TB or downloaded from Play Store), I get "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped", but if I uninstall it I'm fine.
I know that apps should use more space with the ART runtime, but I have ~7GB of free storage so it can't be that. It seems silly, but is there some kind of app limit in lollipop that I'm unaware of?
Thanks in advance!
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Did you take a nandroid backup? If so, Restore it after wiping then use TB to make an Apps and copy it across to your ExtSDCard. THEN flash the ROM and GApps - i also flash at the same time. Then I start the phone and set up basic info. Then Back to Recovery and run the file.
I also use Nova Launcher so once in I restore the backup and Voila! I have almost everything back as I like it.
Another thing to check is the SDCardfix - you might want to download a zip of it and flash it while in Recovery. Once it is done and you are in LP version it seems OK, but I had to restore and older version of Temasek's ROM and promptly had SDCard access issues until I ran the fix again.
Thanks for your replies!
I am definitely doing "restore missing apps with data", though I am deselecting some of the apps (the very large ones) before restoring if that's an issue.
I didn't take a Nandroid backup unfortunately, I usually don't as I have no need for the data other than apps. Using an "" sounds like an interesting approach - I might try that next time.
I'll try to work with the SD card - should I try to find and flash an LP version of SDCardFix or just use the KK one?
I tried reflashing the rom after a data, dalvik, cache, and /system wipe. Then I restored all apps, but the same problem came back, so the problem seems to be replicable.
Some people in the forums have suggested doing a "Fix permissions" in CWM, however that feature was obviously removed. There's a flashable zip that restores the feature apparently. Do you think I should try that or will it have no effect?
Thank you!

