3G connection freezes - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm having a problem with my N900W8 since doing the Kitkat upgrade.
On Jellybean, I can be in a building, unable to get LTE, but have strong 3G/HSPA+ connection and it works great.
Ever since upgrading to Kitkat though, while LTE continues to work great, if not faster in my speed tests, when on 3G/HSPA+, after a short while, the data connection seems to freeze. I'll see it drop from H+ to 3G in the menu bar, and just merely a flashing up arrow, and nothing else. It never seems to fix itself, and I just have to put the device to sleep by tapping the power button. Within a minute it regains a good data connection again for maybe another 2 minutes. This is constant.
I'm at a loss, it's a new phone and only had it for 2 months. It's not rooted or anything like that, just unlocked by the distributor, and on T-Mobile (if that matters).
It's getting annoying because it makes using my data connection completely unusable. Samsung techs were actually quite helpless, they wanted me to send in my phone, but it seems to be software related because it worked fine on Jelly bean. It literally happened RIGHT away after the kitkat upgrade.

Please someone help? I already have checked, double checked, triple checked the APN settings, even deleting them and starting over, and trying both fast and epc APN's on T-Mobile.

I reset the device back to factory, and all was well. And I noticed that it started happening again after running the speedtest.net app on the 3G.. It seems to start doing it again when I run that app, and when I "cleared" all the app cache, the problem seemed to go away. Not sure then what's going on there.


3G stops switching back after wifi?

This is a strange one. I have been using Fresh Evo rom for almost a month and it works great. I wanted to try another rom so I tried the VirusRom... it was good but I liked Fresh better. So reflashed my Nandroid image and all was well.
But then I started seeing a lot of failed connections to the market and noticed that my 3G was not connecting. I live in Chicago so I am fully covered by 3G in this area, and even 4G in many spots. Usually when I leave a wifi area, the phone switches back to 3G almost instantly. But ever since nandroiding back to the Fresh Evo rom, it only works after a reboot. As soon as I hit a wifi zone and then lose it, 3G doesn't switch back on.
4G and Wifi both work, but if I disable both wifi and 4g.. 3g doesn't come back without a reboot.
I've even switched off the Mobile network using the widget and the power button menu.. no luck. Only a reboot brings it back.
So then I even did the trick to get my PRI up to 1.40 and that worked fine. But no change in the behavior of 3G. When I reboot and 3G is working, it works great as usual. Just not sure why the switching no longer works. I even tried switching back to the rooted sprint stock rom.. same deal.
Anyone else having any issues?
DssTrainer said:
This is a strange one. I have been using Fresh Evo rom for almost a month and it works great. I wanted to try another rom so I tried the VirusRom... it was good but I liked Fresh better. So reflashed my Nandroid image and all was well.
But then I started seeing a lot of failed connections to the market and noticed that my 3G was not connecting. I live in Chicago so I am fully covered by 3G in this area, and even 4G in many spots. Usually when I leave a wifi area, the phone switches back to 3G almost instantly. But ever since nandroiding back to the Fresh Evo rom, it only works after a reboot. As soon as I hit a wifi zone and then lose it, 3G doesn't switch back on.
4G and Wifi both work, but if I disable both wifi and 4g.. 3g doesn't come back without a reboot.
I've even switched off the Mobile network using the widget and the power button menu.. no luck. Only a reboot brings it back.
So then I even did the trick to get my PRI up to 1.40 and that worked fine. But no change in the behavior of 3G. When I reboot and 3G is working, it works great as usual. Just not sure why the switching no longer works. I even tried switching back to the rooted sprint stock rom.. same deal.
Anyone else having any issues?
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yes, I have noticed this at times. Just happened to me. Failed connection when switching off 4g to 3g. Using fresh 3.2. But I noticed this as well on other roms. I had to reboot each time to get 3g working again. I also reset my data connection last night but it obviously didnt work.
I've been having issues with my 3G for the past two days. Similar story, I did and Nand restore and that is when it started.
I am getting an error code 67 everytime I switch from Wifi, 4G or even when I reboot to try and fix this. Usually if I let it sit it will come back, but the error message popping up is quite annoying.
Wish I had something more helpful to say, but I can just add that I'm having the same problems switching from wifi to 3g. Even after 3g turns on it will sometimes turn off again randomly and I will have no connection. I'm also running fresh. In addition my 3g signals are quite week. kinda a mess...
Weird. My phone did this today for the first time. The thing is, I've been on Fresh 3.2 for a month now, and I flashed the latest Baked Snack rom yesterday to test it out. It never did it while I was on Fresh, but today after turning off WiFi, it wouldn't connect to 3G for anything. No text or data transfer at all. After I rebooted it, it started working again, but my phone never did this while I was on Fresh.
I am having the same problem and I am using Fresh 3.2 as well. I did go to a different rom but then went back to Fresh's rom and that is when it starting happening to me. It will only pick up 3g now and then and even when it does my speed is super slow. Hoping someone comes up with a fix as I made my own post but no one seems to feel the need to reply to it.
Same here. I'm on Baked Snack 1.7x
I know Fresh and Hero both use some of the same components. I flashed to Cyano and have had no problems with the 3G radio. It's very snappy switching on and off after wifi connects and disconnects.
I do know there have been one or two issues with the radio with people who are on the 3.28.651.x roms. (for instance, if you enable 4G then disable, sometimes it randomly turns off and on without you knowing until you restart)
So my guess is maybe the 3.28.651.x series is glitchy. You guys want to try going back to 3.26.651.6 and do some testing?
happened to me on stock. Had to reboot the phone to fix it.
This seems to be working for me today with no problems so far. I am wondering if a tower was down with Sprint putting up the 4g around my city. Will keep posted if it happens again but seems to be running like normal now.
This has to be network issues maybe the latest PRL.
Mine has did the same last couple days also on power on , it takes longer for 3G icon to kick in.
Signal flux has been occurring more then norm fast download - Upload speeds taking hit some parts of the day.
bigblueshock said:
So my guess is maybe the 3.28.651.x series is glitchy. You guys want to try going back to 3.26.651.6 and do some testing?
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I am on 3.26.651.6 build and this was happening. I am no longer having any problems with this. I do feel this might have been a problem Sprint's servers were having. Seems like everyone started having the problem right around the same time.
It must be... Going to an older PRL didn't help, and there are a bunch of forum topics being created about this on other forums as well. Guess it's time to play the waiting game.
My issue is so bad right now even if I restart my phone, it doesn't even get data connection right away. 10 minutes waiting now and error code 67's keep popping up.
This just happened to me today. It took me awhile to connect the error statement to the fact the 3g didn't turn on after I turned off wifi. But I was able to press the 'data connection' button on the switchpro widget to turn 3g back on.
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bigmoogle said:
This just happened to me today. It took me awhile to connect the error statement to the fact the 3g didn't turn on after I turned off wifi. But I was able to press the 'data connection' button on the switchpro widget to turn 3g back on.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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That is how I got it working a little bit last evening but as I said in my last statement it is finally working and has been all day. Not sure what the deal actually was as I did not change anything since 2 evenings ago. I am thinking that Sprint is doing something which is messing everyone up at one point or another.

Dropped Calls Issue

Lately I have noticed my N1 has been dropping a lot of calls everyday. When this happens, my 3G icon disappears and comes back about 30 seconds later. It's as if it loses connection to the network and comes back.
I can't for the life of me remember if this started happening before I upgraded to 2.3.3 (OTA) or after. I believe it's been going on before that but I can't be sure. I kept blaming my friends that it was their phones dropping calls but after paying closer attention, it appears to be my phone instead.
I am with Rogers, not rooted (stock) running 2.3.3.
Any ideas what might be causing this?
First option would be a factory reset. Then revert to an old build and see if the problem occurs there too. Then upgrade accordingly and see if it's fixed.
Thanks for the reply. Where can I get a 2.2 stock image?
I have tried several ROMs and the same problem occurs too. So I think it's TMobile's network problem.
doraemon6688 said:
I have tried several ROMs and the same problem occurs too. So I think it's TMobile's network problem.
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Just in case, check if your carrier's APN are configured correctly.
Ok so i have done a factory reset late last night. In the next day or two while using my phone, I should probably find out if the reset did the trick.
Just to reiterate, I am with Rogers (in Canada) running 2.3.3. My APN settings are correct as well.
Also, I did already notice something odd. When you go to Mobile Network Settings, and then choose Access Point Names, I see my Rogers APNs (one for the network and one for tethering). I then click on the Rogers network APN where I see all my APN settings. So far so good. Then, I don't touch anything, and the weird part is as soon as I hit the back button taking me back to the APNs screen, my 3G icon disappears for a few seconds, comes back this time white in colour (as well as the signal meter), and a few more seconds later both the 3G icon and singal meter turn green again. Is this normal? Is this perhaps a bug in 2.3.3 that might be contributing to my problem?
I was hoping if anyone out there can test and see if their n1 does the same thing. Thanks.

[Q] Data Connection shutting off on Xoom?

I've had my Xoom since the beginning of March and this is the first time I've had this issue.
Earlier today my 3G wasn't working. I go to my settings and try to turn off the mobile network and then turn it back on. That didn't work, so I restarted the tablet. Connects to 3G no problem.
I come back from lunch and the same thing happens. I go to the settings and try to turn off and back on the mobile network. No dice. Reboot, 3G is back.
What gives? Anyone having this problem? Running 3.1 not rooted.
Well, this is an old thread - but I was doing my due diligence by searching before posting a question and this is the closest I could find. In fact, it exactly describes my recent troubles. I had to power cycle my Xoom 4 times yesterday to restore data. Turning data off and back on didn't restore data. Only a power cycle resolves it, for a while...
I live in a 3G only area. I just got my Xoom back from Moto service, after it got stuck in the Honeycomb boot screen animation for the 4th time in 6 months. Since getting it back, I've had these data connection issues. It's strictly stock OS, by the way. Android version 3.2.6 and build HLK75H
If it did it daily, I'd say it's a tablet issue. But yesterday was full of reboots and today it's been fine all day. Sound like a known issue or perhaps just a Verizon data problem?
thanks all!
Well I had something similar but reboots didn't fix it. Sent mine in for the LTE upgrade and returned with signals barely 50% and not staying connected, in either LTE/cdma or cdma modes. I took mine to work and inspected under a scope and saw cold solder joints on all the antenna connectors for the center pin. Reflowed them all and signal strength back up and not dropping data. Not sure if this would apply to you.
Thanks, Tiger. I think my Xoom issue is different since, when I DO have data connection, the signal strength is fine. And reboots restore my connection.
I have discovered that I can force this to happen by leaving an area with wifi coverage. My Xoom now consistently won't transfer from wifi to 3G. As an experiment, I turned off wifi today and it's been fine all day - running only 3G. But, if I have wifi on the transition from wifi to mobile seems to choke it.
data issues too
Mine used to be just fine. After the 4g upgrade I am now having these same disconnect issues as well. Should have never let it out of my hands... I am thinking it is time to root and rom and hope it is a software issue.
rossvtaylor said:
Thanks, Tiger. I think my Xoom issue is different since, when I DO have data connection, the signal strength is fine. And reboots restore my connection.
I have discovered that I can force this to happen by leaving an area with wifi coverage. My Xoom now consistently won't transfer from wifi to 3G. As an experiment, I turned off wifi today and it's been fine all day - running only 3G. But, if I have wifi on the transition from wifi to mobile seems to choke it.
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Well what your describing sounds more like an app causing the problem. One of ur apps is holding onto the radio (wifi or cell) and is not letting go so the tab can switch properly. Since you sent it in for repair I would assume you made backup before it went in and you just restored it all. Which if the cause is not an app, then one of the system apps restored data conflicts with what's in there now.
If you used titanium backup I would perform a full back up, wipe your tab back to default state. At this point just give your tab a dry run (just skip sign in and adding accounts so google doesnt restore your apps) and use wifi/cell, browse web, for while to see if problem continues. If not then restore "missing apps and data". Not full restore. This way it only restores what's missing (which of course won't be the system apps/data). After this then things I would only restore in system apps would be browser favorites.

Mobile Data will not enable!! (Dynamic Kat)

I need help this is driving me insane!
I've been running Dynamic Kat Rom for about 6 months or so now. Everything was working fine then all of a sudden a week or two ago I noticed my mobile data is not enabling at all.
I can only connect on Wifi and only receive SMS.
I've tried
- Messing will all the data/network settings
- Turning Mobile Data on and off -- no effect
- Toggling Airplane Mode on and off as suggested in some places
- Wiping everything but Data and reflashing latest ROM
- Reseating the SIM card
- several other things I forgot..
I do see the carrier information in the top left (AT&T) and I am getting signal bars.. but not indicator for 4G/LTE/etc
I've been messing with this for a week now and it's driving me insane.. I can't get a connection anywhere unless I'm on Wifi.
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not super phone savvy, but willing to try any suggestions anyone may have.
Hmmm.. weird.
So I called AT&T and asked them about it.. figuring it could possibly be a carrier issue.
They told me to try things I had already done 100 times.. turn the phone off and on.. turn wifi off... etc.
I turned Wifi off... (which I had done 50,000 times before) and 4G popped up.
I guess they did something. So.. guess it's resolved.
Problem has returned.. same issue. I will have 4G signal for hours and then all of a sudden it will drop completely and I can't get a data signal no matter what I do.
I see AT&T in the corner and have signal bars, so I AM getting some kind of signal.. but no data connection whatsoever.
It seems completely random and intermittent.. I can have data signal for days with no issues then I will lose it for days.
Restarting the phone 5-20 times sometimes fixes it.. but that's about it. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
Bad signal / carrier issue?
Call them and report a fault in your area?
I have called them multiple times, they will reset the signal.. sometimes it will come back right away, sometimes it wont.
And this happens regardless of where I am. I know for a fact where I am right now has a great signal strength. I get 4-5 bars on average. But this also happens at home as well about 20 miles away, which also has a good signal, or anywhere I go really it can happen. This isn't in the middle of nowhere either, it's smack in the middle of SoCal (LA/OC)
I'm beginning to think it may be a SIM card issue or a hardware issue with the phone. I'm going to try asking them to send me a new SIM card.
Another thing I will notice is when I have a working 4G LTE connection, and I'm on Wifi... it will sometimes CONSTANTLY switch back and forth between wifi and 4G like every 10 seconds, even when I have full signal strength on Wifi and 4G.
Disable Smart Network Switching in WiFi settings
it's nothing but a buggy headache, disabling might fix most of your problems, almost certainly the constant switching back and forth
Yeah forgot to mention I have disabled that. It's disabled now. It solves the constant switching back and forth (when I actually have a data connection), but that's kind of a separate issue as the losing data connection.

Losing mobile network

I have a stock t-mobile s7 edge device. It's losing the mobile network. I've noticed it a couple of months ago - it happened a few times but recently the problem is getting worse. It already happened 3 times this week.
Seems like completely random. Sometimes I notice it after I go somewhere with weak signal or no signal at all. Sometimes when I get back to an area with good signal it reconnects and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it shows the bars and says it's connected to t-mobile but 4g doesn't show up at all. So you can call but no internet. Sometimes no signal at all.
When it happens the only way to connect is to reboot the phone. Nothing else helps. If you try to connect to network manually - it can find t-mobile but unable to connect. just spins. Changing from lte to 3g or 2g also doesn't work.
I even tried to create a new APN - same thing.
Please heeeeelp...........
Last time this happened to me on another device, it was the sim card that had a problem. Have you tried with another SIM card?
No, but I don't believe it's a sim card related problem. Wife's phone has the same problem although less frequently. But she also travels less.
It looks like a configuration / firmware or maybe hardware issue to me.
I'm experiencing the same issue. It seems to happen when the phone loses signal completely like when deep inside a building. Then it won't reconnect to data or the network by itself.
From the first moment when I got my edge back in April I noticed that the radio performance was weaker than other phones. Then I got the Note 7 and same issue again. Then back to an s7 edge and the problem seems to be worse on this one specially after the latest software update.
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My wife (s7) and me (s7 edge), as well as a co-worker (s7) are having this same issue.
Before it was happening occasionally, but after the last update its happening WAY more often.
Wiping cache seems to help with frequency, but still did not eliminate the problem. Hopefully it gets fixed with an update. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to put up with it.
Edit: I forgot to add a "simple" fix I've found that works almost all the time is to turn off mobile data, turn on airplane mode, turn off airplane mode, wait for signal, then turn on mobile data. Those steps in that exact order work for me most of the time.
So I've been having the same issues as everyone stated. The only fix is to reboot the phone, but who wants to that every time. I even changed the sim card!! I wish T-Mobile would get out of their feelings and start selling more flagship phones.
I have made the decision to jump to LG V20. I hope this issue doesn't exist with the LG.
I've just got my s7 edge and I'm sort of having same problem at home got 2 bars and sometimes goes to 4 bars but also wen I called someone the line was crackling but person said could her me fine so done a wiped cache and think it's sorted it now for the time being
(Edit ~ it's done it again could hardly hear person I was talking to)
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