Dell Venue 8 Pro charge+data setup - $8.25 FS - Windows 8 General

Saw this (DVP8 data+charging setup) on Slickdeals and am passing it along. Basically, you set a switch on the cable to charge, to get DVP8 to start charging, then set switch to data. Apparently, charging continues. Should work other tablets as well. Cost = $8.25 FS from


Try!No incoming calls&gprs data when in docking station!

Hi all, after months of try&error and buying 2 (TWO!) MDAs (Wizard & Charmer) i finally found out WHY sometimes GPRS data flow stops and no incoming calls will be put throught (they land on mailbox):
It's the docking stations! Just let me explain that a little bit more: Both Wizard & Charmer will be delivered without any docking stations, so I bought two different on Ebay + one active holder from Brodit for my car.
After I put Wizard or Charmer in one of the docking station it's necessary to call 2 or 3 times until the call gets through, also in the car (Brodit), and - GPRS data flow, that means even I'm connected (2 GPRS arrows are there), stops after 2 or 3 minutes. I see that with a network monitor called Phatnet (very recommended!)
So now comes the real scurillic thing: If I use the original AC adapter from T-Mobile nothing of the above happens... GPRS data packets flow hours and hours without any breaks, and calls come through.
The docking station definitly loads the devices, but it takes longer. So here's my conclusion: The AC Adapters and the car adapter give to little current for the radio part in the devices - sounds strange, but I have no other ideas.
So now what? Try yourself please, anyone who owns Wizard or Charmer and some other AC adapters than the originals should tell here - it's easy, just put the devices in, surf a little bit for just a couple of minutes and you'll see surfing stops. It's not dependend of the loading status (orange or green led).
I tried different Rom updates, different devices and now it seems that power is the reason, really annoying. Tell us your experience!
Yours B.
Here are the links of the 2 docking stations:
Must be a Charmer/Wizard flaw as my Magician doesn't act at all like this.
What I really don't understand is how you can even make a phonecall or use gprs when there's no original AC-adapter connected to your device, when a car charger doesn't give you enough current to have the radio operating as it should be. So your devices must be pretty crap then lol.
I think the cradle's are somehow interfering with the radio. The current can't be the main issue, otherwise the device wouldn't be functioning on a battery only. Guess it comes in a strange state, I noticed that my magician doesn't hold a gprs connection while Act.Sync is running, maybe this is something simular.
But it sure must be a pain in the rear bottom I agree to that.
Well there's some additional information I researched:
When connecting the device to the original AC adaptor it does NOT switch on the display, when connecting to the cradle it does. So the pinout of the connector must be different and Wizard/Charmer maybe (half way) believes that it has been connected to USB of a PC, but not in a defined state. Remember that my docking station IS NOT connected to a PC, it's only there for power.
Somebody maybe knows the pinout of the delivered USB sync cable and the AC adaptor?
Yours B.

Atrix Plus Laptop Companion Dock = Charged for something you aren't using TETHERING

Why would you charge for tethering with the atrix laptop companion dock when what you are doing technically isn't tethering? Forcing users to have a tethering plan with the atrix laptop dock would be akin to forcing someone who used a bluetooth keyboard with their smartphone.
Or for how is the way the dock is implemented different than sending video out to tv. Some smartphones have this capability and allow you to play media from phone to tv, look at pictures, or even view apps or your browser on a large LCD screen which is no different than how the dock companion is implemented.
So i reiterate why should pay a tethering plan to use the dock when you aren't tethering?
For those who aren't aware of what the laptop companion dock is....its simply a screen and keyboard/mouse and thus allows viewing of your phone on a bigger screen with full keyboard. The dock does not have its own processor, memory, or OS. You are using the phone as the brain. This isn't using the data connection of your phone as a modem for a full fledged laptop that has its own cpu, memory, and OS.
I think the reasoning is that you are actually using something else and getting the content from the phone.
When you send stuff over a.cable yo the tv, or whatever you're doing,.you have to interact with the phone all of the time.
With the laptop dock, you are primarily using something that is being powered by the phone; an active experience rather than a passive one, if you will.
Captivate 2.2.1 Paragon
The tethering plan also gave you 2GB more than basic one. So you will get 4GB in total. And for the laptop dock, you will get two USB ports to manage files from USB drive or USB harddisk, usb mouse..etc. I don't think the TVout cable has this kind of function.
And when you want to type a long document in the trip or in a rush, I don't think Phone+bluetooth keyboard+LCD screen will be convenient than laptop dock.
His point is that tethering, by definition, is not really required for the dock as it's still the phone that's being used, even if attached to make it into a "laptop".
AT&T likes money... that's basically the only reason I can find. It does provide a way for reducing the price on the laptop dock, though it ends up being more expensive through the plan. The dock can still be purchased without the tethering plan.
I'd say their reason for the the tethering plan is more for the added 2gb of data.
They are marketing this product as a way to ditch your laptop/desktop. That being the case I think even a moderate user might come close to the 2gb cap if they use it as their primary device.
This is similar to when they started making it mandatory for smart phones to require a certain amount of data. It's easier and more cost effective to require people to use a data plan that will fit most users than having disgruntled customers complaining about overages. I'd say if there's one thing that wireless carriers have learned over the years it's that people don't like being surprised on their bill.
I'm not saying I like this approach but I understand why they do it.

Recommend a Android Stick Setup Intended to Be Used As Replacement for PC

I need to replace my parents 7 year old Windows PC with a new one. I was thinking of getting a Android stick instead since their uses are limited to Skype, Hangouts, Facebook, occassional browsing and YouTube. Besides, at least my mom has become pretty familiar with her Android phone.
What I have in mind is this:
Buy a monitor with HDMI port or DVI. The monitor will have built in speakers as well. Connect the stick to it.
Attach a USB hub to the stick.
Attach webcam, keyboard and mouse to the hub. Alternatively, attach keyboard and mouse to the USB ports in the monitor (if available). I don't want to use bluetooth because they will find recharging the keyboard/mouse difficult.
My questions are:
How effective this setup will be for the above mentioned purposes? The reason I ask this is because most people seem to be using Android stick primarily as a media player.
I tried hooking up two tablets to my TV, neither of them gave full screen. Will I face such problems with the stick? Do I need to look for any specific monitor resolutions or aspect ratios?
If I attach keyboard and mouse to the monitor's USB port, will it work?
Are there any sticks which will support touch screen monitors out of the box?
Will it play the sound through monitor out of the box?
In case I have to use bluetooth, can I pair both keyboard and mouse at the same time?
Do I need to shutdown the stick just like a PC or will a simple mains switch off be enough? Or can I leave it running all the time without worrying about the power consumption?
Please recommend a good stick for this purpose.
Am I overlooking something? Will I need any extra components?
I will most likely be telling them over the phone on how to set up the whole thing. So any kind of tinkering with software (like rooting or some form of modding) will not be possible.
unni_kmr said:
I need to replace my parents 7 year old Windows PC with a new one. I was thinking of getting a Android stick instead since their uses are limited to Skype, Hangouts, Facebook, occassional browsing and YouTube. Besides, at least my mom has become pretty familiar with her Android phone.
What I have in mind is this:
Buy a monitor with HDMI port or DVI. The monitor will have built in speakers as well. Connect the stick to it.
Attach a USB hub to the stick.
Attach webcam, keyboard and mouse to the hub. Alternatively, attach keyboard and mouse to the USB ports in the monitor (if available). I don't want to use bluetooth because they will find recharging the keyboard/mouse difficult.
My questions are:
How effective this setup will be for the above mentioned purposes? The reason I ask this is because most people seem to be using Android stick primarily as a media player.
I tried hooking up two tablets to my TV, neither of them gave full screen. Will I face such problems with the stick? Do I need to look for any specific monitor resolutions or aspect ratios?
If I attach keyboard and mouse to the monitor's USB port, will it work?
Are there any sticks which will support touch screen monitors out of the box?
Will it play the sound through monitor out of the box?
In case I have to use bluetooth, can I pair both keyboard and mouse at the same time?
Do I need to shutdown the stick just like a PC or will a simple mains switch off be enough? Or can I leave it running all the time without worrying about the power consumption?
Please recommend a good stick for this purpose.
Am I overlooking something? Will I need any extra components?
I will most likely be telling them over the phone on how to set up the whole thing. So any kind of tinkering with software (like rooting or some form of modding) will not be possible.
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I have a Minix X7, which is my first android mini pc.. here's my thoughts regarding your list:
1. If you connect the mini pc (stick or otherwise) using HDMI cable to the monitor, you will have audio through the monitor.
2. If you buy a mini pc instead of a stick, you wouldn't need an additional usb hub (see X5 or X7)
3. You will need to use a logitech webcam (at least to use stock roms on Minix)
4. For browsing, Facebook, and Skype, the X7 will handle that easily, on a wired/wireless connection
5. Full screen works fine (either 1080p or 720p)
6. I have never used a touch screen monitor, but this thread has some guidance ( a little more involved than plug-and-play
7. The X7will pair both a keyboard and mouse via bt at once, though I would recommend using the usb ports if you are setting it up at a desk
8. My X7 almost never gets shut off. Usually just shut off the monitor and let it stay on. The power consumption is minimal, especially when not being used.
Also, as far as a recommendation, I find the X7 to be pretty good. You'd probably be ok with an X5 if they aren't planning on using it as a media center and want to save some $$$. A lot of the cheap sticks are made by manufacturers who do not provide updates or product support, but since the end of July, Minix has come out with 3 firmware updates, and another one is almost ready. (They would have released update 005 except Rockchip released an update to their code and Minix want to integrate it prior to their next release, as it improves video playback).
On the negative side, the firmware does still have occasional glitches. Although my X7 has been up for days on end, every once in a while it just freezes up, and i have to pull the power cable, plug it back in, and turn it on. Also, the X7 had some early issues with SD cards, but if you don't plan on using an SD card, that shouldn't be an issue.
If you believe an android device will do everything your parents need in a PC, I think it's a great idea. Low power consumption (4W vs the 160-220W of my HTPC), low heat, no noise, low price, and decent reliability.
One more thought, if you wish to root/update firmware, etc, get the device shipped to you, then ship it to your parents. It'll take a few more days, but you can set it up and make sure everything suits their needs prior to delivery..
Mike_77 said:
I have a Minix X7, which is my first android mini pc.. here's my thoughts regarding your list:
1. If you connect the mini pc (stick or otherwise) using HDMI cable to the monitor, you will have audio through the monitor.
2. If you buy a mini pc instead of a stick, you wouldn't need an additional usb hub (see X5 or X7)
3. You will need to use a logitech webcam (at least to use stock roms on Minix)
4. For browsing, Facebook, and Skype, the X7 will handle that easily, on a wired/wireless connection
5. Full screen works fine (either 1080p or 720p)
6. I have never used a touch screen monitor, but this thread has some guidance ( a little more involved than plug-and-play
7. The X7will pair both a keyboard and mouse via bt at once, though I would recommend using the usb ports if you are setting it up at a desk
8. My X7 almost never gets shut off. Usually just shut off the monitor and let it stay on. The power consumption is minimal, especially when not being used.
Also, as far as a recommendation, I find the X7 to be pretty good. You'd probably be ok with an X5 if they aren't planning on using it as a media center and want to save some $$$. A lot of the cheap sticks are made by manufacturers who do not provide updates or product support, but since the end of July, Minix has come out with 3 firmware updates, and another one is almost ready. (They would have released update 005 except Rockchip released an update to their code and Minix want to integrate it prior to their next release, as it improves video playback).
On the negative side, the firmware does still have occasional glitches. Although my X7 has been up for days on end, every once in a while it just freezes up, and i have to pull the power cable, plug it back in, and turn it on. Also, the X7 had some early issues with SD cards, but if you don't plan on using an SD card, that shouldn't be an issue.
If you believe an android device will do everything your parents need in a PC, I think it's a great idea. Low power consumption (4W vs the 160-220W of my HTPC), low heat, no noise, low price, and decent reliability.
One more thought, if you wish to root/update firmware, etc, get the device shipped to you, then ship it to your parents. It'll take a few more days, but you can set it up and make sure everything suits their needs prior to delivery..
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That is a great wright up of x7 I love mine and agree 100 % with what you have said here. I've tried the uab sticks they don't work as well plus no heat on the x7 that thing is built well to last. I have set p.o.s. (point of sales) systems up in the past using the x5 cheap and fast browsing experience.
Good luck hope your parents are happy with what ever you end up doing.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4
I have MK808b (dual core with 1GB RAM), and using it as a media center, but also as a PC for browsing INTERNET. It is connected to pc monitor with HDMI, and works perfectly in full HD resolution.
I can't find any reason not to use it as a replacement for PC, especially if you use cloud storage services.
Mike_77 said:
I have a Minix X7, which is my first android mini pc.. here's my thoughts regarding your list...
6. I have never used a touch screen monitor, but this thread has some guidance ( a little more involved than plug-and-play
One more thought, if you wish to root/update firmware, etc, get the device shipped to you, then ship it to your parents. It'll take a few more days, but you can set it up and make sure everything suits their needs prior to delivery..
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Thanks very much for this detailed reply. Really appreciate you taking time to write all these.
I have dropped the idea of using touch screen, since they seem to be 3 times the cost of a regular monitor (in India).
Regarding the shipping, I am in US now and parents are in India. I am not exactly sure if customs will cause any problems. That's why I am thinking of ordering from eBay India itself. Only problem is eBay India seller is charging around $204, probably because this is a new device. said:
Good luck hope your parents are happy with what ever you end up doing.
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If this works as expected for the above purposes, I am the one who will be more happy. In the last 2 years, I have spent a lot of hours through LogMeIn remote desktop updating and maintaining the PC. Where my parents stay, there are scheduled powercuts for 1 hour per day for atleast half of the year, and power comes and goes every now and then even otherwise. This inconsistency in power was another reason that made me lean towards the mini PCs. Besides, my mom, who is the primary user of the PC, has become more familiar with Android (through her phone), and she likes playing the games a lot as well.
draskome said:
I have MK808b (dual core with 1GB RAM), and using it as a media center, but also as a PC for browsing INTERNET. It is connected to pc monitor with HDMI, and works perfectly in full HD resolution.
I can't find any reason not to use it as a replacement for PC, especially if you use cloud storage services.
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What resolution is your monitor?
Cloud storage will be a problem, since the internet at my parents house is only 512 kbps.
I am thinking of getting the X7 or X5 mainly because of the software updates, since I won't need to purchase any hub and since I can use my existing Logitech C310 webcam.
I have few more questions regarding the X7:
1. How responsive is the keyboard and mouse? Can I expect a response similar to a normal Windows PC?
2. If I use a monitor that has a resolution between 720p and 1080p (something like 1360x768 for example), will the device handle it properly or will it look odd (like stretched)?
3. Will it get updated automatically? I saw one video in YouTube in which he was manually flashing it using some Windows utility. Is that the only way to update?
I have two devices.
First device is a 70 dollar single core tablet with a broken touch screen. It was to expensive to fix it so I turned it into a server.
1. it runs Servers ultimate pro running a WebDav server, PHP/MySQL server for RSS feeds and a home site for the family, ddns updater and an FTP server.
2. it is running a surveillance app that sends an email to me the moment anything moves in the camera shot.
3. runs a PocketMine-MP server
4. runs an app to auto stop and start apps dring certain times of the day.
All this is remotely accessible VIA webkey.
Second device is an iMito MX1
1. it has a 7 port hub attached.
2. a HD webcam for Skype.
3. two harddrives (a 1 TB driver for media storage and a 720GB for internal memory replacement)(more on that in a min)
4. plays netflix, red box, youtube, Vevo, crackle and XBMC... to name a few
5. has 32 games loaded up with a Logitech F710 wireless controller VIA an app for onscreen touch.
6. Logitech full sized KB and Mouse.
I use this thing for web browsing, shooting vids and pics over to it from my phone for family sharing(DLNA)
The 750gig harddrive is currently the SDCARD but the internal one(NAND). The internal NAND is no longer used and the harddrive is where the OS stores the app's file to SD and the apps extra downloads. This has allowed me to download 15 games that contain 1+gig of extra data each.
All this has replaced two PC's in my house running 24/7. My electric bill has dropped 100+ dollars a month and the house has become quieter.
Let me tell you that two PC's(one was a server and the other a media center) running at full speed just to watch a movie took 280 watts of power. My new setup only consumes 24 at peak! Plus less heat and fan noise! I changed over around a year ago and never looked back or miss my old setup.
If you plan on running one fore a PC replacement I recommend a quad core. Sometimes the browsers can get a bit poky and that is due to the slower CPU. Also Webkey a must for remote management. This one FREE app has saved me more times then I can could. It has tons of functions and features but it's best feature is the remote control. It is just like setting in front of the device but just a tad slower. It is not a perfect app but it is the only remote app that I have found to work time and time again.
unni_kmr said:
What resolution is your monitor?
Cloud storage will be a problem, since the internet at my parents house is only 512 kbps.
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My monitor is 24" 1080p, and it's perfectly suitable for the purpose
For the office documents, 512kbps is quite enough, but not for pics, videos....
unni_kmr said:
Thanks very much for this detailed reply. Really appreciate you taking time to write all these.
I have dropped the idea of using touch screen, since they seem to be 3 times the cost of a regular monitor (in India).
Regarding the shipping, I am in US now and parents are in India. I am not exactly sure if customs will cause any problems. That's why I am thinking of ordering from eBay India itself. Only problem is eBay India seller is charging around $204, probably because this is a new device.
What resolution is your monitor?
Cloud storage will be a problem, since the internet at my parents house is only 512 kbps.
I am thinking of getting the X7 or X5 mainly because of the software updates, since I won't need to purchase any hub and since I can use my existing Logitech C310 webcam.
I have few more questions regarding the X7:
1. How responsive is the keyboard and mouse? Can I expect a response similar to a normal Windows PC?
2. If I use a monitor that has a resolution between 720p and 1080p (something like 1360x768 for example), will the device handle it properly or will it look odd (like stretched)?
3. Will it get updated automatically? I saw one video in YouTube in which he was manually flashing it using some Windows utility. Is that the only way to update?
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I'm glad to share my experience. I was a bit hesitant to buy one originally, but have been more than happy with my purchase.
I bought mine from shipped DHL for only $3 more, and had it delivered in 3 days to Hawaii from China.
Updates are kind of a pain until they implement OTA updates, which they say they're going to do. That's why I recommend shipping to you first, and then you can send to your parents. I understand the customs issue though.. tough decision on that one.
I use mine on a 55" 1080p tv, and the picture quality is outstanding. The picture does not looked stretched or odd any any way. I believe it will detect the correct display settings and you can set the resolution you desire in /settings/display/resolution (trying to remember exact menu it's under)
The keyboard and mouse is just as responsive as a windows pc. There are a couple of times there is a bit of lag, but that is just a function of how much stuff is running. Even when you experience lag, it isn't anything significant.
There is a working version of CWM that will allow you to flash updates like an Android phone, but you will have to use the pc utility to install CWM (available on Once CWM is installed, you can package the update files into a zip that is premade other than your update files, and it'll update for you.
There is a lot more information on I alternated between that and for a while when trying to decide which android mini pc to buy. After weeks of research, I decided the wait for the X7 was worth it, and haven't regretted my decision since.
Thanks very much for all the replies. Sorry that I didn't reply for a long time. I tried ordering Minix Neo X7 from the AliExpress link. But they rejected my payment due to security concerns (I used an US credit card and gave India adress which probably raised some red flags). Then I ordered from eBay India. Waiting for it to be shipped.
I also came across another interesting product that could have satisfied all my requirements. Its the ViewSonic VSD220. Its a touch screen monitor with speakers, web cam, USB ports and is a Android mini PC. The only down side was that a YouTube review said its processor is not upto the mark.
unni_kmr said:
Thanks very much for all the replies. Sorry that I didn't reply for a long time. I tried ordering Minix Neo X7 from the AliExpress link. But they rejected my payment due to security concerns (I used an US credit card and gave India adress which probably raised some red flags). Then I ordered from eBay India. Waiting for it to be shipped.
I also came across another interesting product that could have satisfied all my requirements. Its the ViewSonic VSD220. Its a touch screen monitor with speakers, web cam, USB ports and is a Android mini PC. The only down side was that a YouTube review said its processor is not upto the mark.
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I think you'll get better performance out of the X7. Have you read all the info, etc on Also, starting with FW006, they are supporting SDCard firmware updates (theoretically, though I haven't tried it)
reddragon72 said:
I have two devices.
First device is a 70 dollar single core tablet with a broken touch screen. It was to expensive to fix it so I turned it into a server.
1. it runs Servers ultimate pro running a WebDav server, PHP/MySQL server for RSS feeds and a home site for the family, ddns updater and an FTP server.
2. it is running a surveillance app that sends an email to me the moment anything moves in the camera shot.
3. runs a PocketMine-MP server
4. runs an app to auto stop and start apps dring certain times of the day.
All this is remotely accessible VIA webkey.
Second device is an iMito MX1
1. it has a 7 port hub attached.
2. a HD webcam for Skype.
3. two harddrives (a 1 TB driver for media storage and a 720GB for internal memory replacement)(more on that in a min)
4. plays netflix, red box, youtube, Vevo, crackle and XBMC... to name a few
5. has 32 games loaded up with a Logitech F710 wireless controller VIA an app for onscreen touch.
6. Logitech full sized KB and Mouse.
I use this thing for web browsing, shooting vids and pics over to it from my phone for family sharing(DLNA)
The 750gig harddrive is currently the SDCARD but the internal one(NAND). The internal NAND is no longer used and the harddrive is where the OS stores the app's file to SD and the apps extra downloads. This has allowed me to download 15 games that contain 1+gig of extra data each.
All this has replaced two PC's in my house running 24/7. My electric bill has dropped 100+ dollars a month and the house has become quieter.
Let me tell you that two PC's(one was a server and the other a media center) running at full speed just to watch a movie took 280 watts of power. My new setup only consumes 24 at peak! Plus less heat and fan noise! I changed over around a year ago and never looked back or miss my old setup.
If you plan on running one fore a PC replacement I recommend a quad core. Sometimes the browsers can get a bit poky and that is due to the slower CPU. Also Webkey a must for remote management. This one FREE app has saved me more times then I can could. It has tons of functions and features but it's best feature is the remote control. It is just like setting in front of the device but just a tad slower. It is not a perfect app but it is the only remote app that I have found to work time and time again.
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Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. What would you reccomend for luanchers or either installing a new system on the Tronsmart T428. I just can't stand using the android with my wifi keyboard w built-in mouse. The android pop-up keyboard takes up half of my projector screen when it pops up even with null keyboard installed. When selecting a link if a similar page ops up there is no scroll bars on the right letting you know to scroll down or if ytou are still on the smae page waiting for stuff to upload. i guess I'm looking for more of an Ubuntu 10x or windows experience. Traditional keyboard and mouse vs touch screen. NOw that I think about it I bet I have to get hulu plus to watch anything on this bc it acts like a tablet.

Idea : Android smartphone as security device (inside of my laptop)

I have large 17" laptop with unused second hdd caddy (= i don't have second hdd in my laptop). As I work in various offices during year as contractor physical security of my laptop concerns me quite a lot. I often leave my laptop in the offices overnight. I am using kensington lock and all data are encrypted but let's move it to another level. Free space in second hdd caddy ( could be used for installation of GPS/GSM tracking device
When is laptop locked e.g. in the office cabinet or on the table g-sensor could detect that someone took my laptop - then gps could be activated and each few minutes gprs could send me location of my laptop. First idea I had was to combine Arduino modules together but now I think I need just some c heap Android smartphone with g-sensor + gps. Smartphone battery could be easily charged (every working day ~ 8 hours) through SATA power connector as there are very similar voltage levels as in USB. I could even add extra batteries to have smartphone active for longer time - so even after one week holiday device would work fine. I could enable/disable this tracking device e.g. over bluetooth or simply setup schedule when to (de)activate smartphone tracking app. Smartphones are also pretty small so I would fit with extra batteries inside of hdd caddy - Arduino or any other custom hw would propably take more space. I have to test how good is GPS signal "inside of my laptop".
I need your advice now - which type of Android smartphone I should use for this purpose ? I need total control of g-sensor + gps + gprs + bluetooth - I don't mind to root phone to get everything I need. Preferably phone should be small and not with built in battery.
hi dude,
u dont need an gps smartphone to track ur laptop.
u only need a tracking software on your lt!!
Google Prey.
Sent from my XT897 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

[Q] Dell Venue 8 Pro - Can I switch it to RT

So, I got the Dell Venue 8 Pro a few months ago, thinking that I'd want this super powerful portable machine that would be running a full version of windows. I've come to realize that using Windows on it is less than user friendly on such a small tablet. I boosted the icon and font sizes, but I think I would like it much more if it just ran Windows RT. The battery life seems to be less than great with full windows, maybe too may process running in the background, maybe I've let it sit too long on the table between uses. Is it possible to put RT on it?
I'm probably the first person to ask for RT over the stock OS.
timmyjoe42 said:
So, I got the Dell Venue 8 Pro a few months ago, thinking that I'd want this super powerful portable machine that would be running a full version of windows. I've come to realize that using Windows on it is less than user friendly on such a small tablet. I boosted the icon and font sizes, but I think I would like it much more if it just ran Windows RT. The battery life seems to be less than great with full windows, maybe too may process running in the background, maybe I've let it sit too long on the table between uses. Is it possible to put RT on it?
I'm probably the first person to ask for RT over the stock OS.
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IIRC: Windows RT runs only on ARM CPUs. So with your Intel Atom you're most likely not able to use RT. Even if you could get a licence (which are only handed out to OEMs)
Windows RT is windows 8 compiled for ARM and with signature checking enabled for desktop apps. It would not help your problem even remotely and is impossible to install anyway.
Yeah, I really don't know what problems you expect RT to *solve* here... RT is just normal Win8(.1) except it blocks most Windows software and uses a different kind of CPU (which your tablet doesn't have).
I think I am just trying to "solve" the user interface problems that I have with full Windows 8.1 vs RT. Win 8.1 is not very input friendly on an 8" screen with no keyboard or mouse. The lack of USB compiled with the not so great battery life makes this not a great option with bluetooth accessories. The power port being the only input jack makes using an adapter pointless. I didn't consider the processor limiting it's use. I guess I'll just put it on ebay...
User interface would be the same so it wouldnt solve anything.
SixSixSevenSeven said:
User interface would be the same so it wouldnt solve anything.
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By user interface, I meant using the 8" touch screen for full Windows is not a pleasant experience. If I'm using a USB to OTG adapter, I can't charge it. I can't use a mouse and a keyboard (unless I use a hub, and I'm not sure it would work, because I haven't tried that).
timmyjoe42 said:
By user interface, I meant using the 8" touch screen for full Windows is not a pleasant experience. If I'm using a USB to OTG adapter, I can't charge it. I can't use a mouse and a keyboard (unless I use a hub, and I'm not sure it would work, because I haven't tried that).
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Hubs work, its full windows 8, anything that works on your laptop or desktop works on the tablet. You can get USB OTG cables for simultaneous charge and device although the venue only trickle charges like this. Powered USB hubs would of course be running your USB device from external power not from the device battery (which last time I checked competed with android tablets anyway unless you have gone totally overboard with 3rd party software which permanently runs in the background)
SixSixSevenSeven said:
Hubs work, its full windows 8, anything that works on your laptop or desktop works on the tablet. You can get USB OTG cables for simultaneous charge and device although the venue only trickle charges like this. Powered USB hubs would of course be running your USB device from external power not from the device battery (which last time I checked competed with android tablets anyway unless you have gone totally overboard with 3rd party software which permanently runs in the background)
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Do you have a recommendation for a USB-OTG cable and a nice portable powered hub? I got a cheap USB-OTG cable from ebay and it is very hard to put in my micro-usb slot, almost to the point where I am nervous about using it because I am afraid that it will damage the port and essentially junk my tablet.
timmyjoe42 said:
Do you have a recommendation for a USB-OTG cable and a nice portable powered hub? I got a cheap USB-OTG cable from ebay and it is very hard to put in my micro-usb slot, almost to the point where I am nervous about using it because I am afraid that it will damage the port and essentially junk my tablet.
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I also just use a cheap ebay cable, no recommendations here I'm afraid.
Portable powered hubs. I am not aware of any powered hubs specifically marked as being portable per se. The powered hub I use at home for my devices is pretty compact though, its a D-Link DUB-H7 but as with all current powered hubs it is mains powered. Pimoroni manufacture a 4 port powered hub specifically for the raspberry pi, this one is actually pretty compact.
There was a company which used to sell a USB hub which had a microUSB plug wired in the OTG format and an integrated battery, but its no longer in production which is a shame because that would be absolutely perfect now.
But you can buy battery packs with a USB output. If that was combined with a standard (non powered) USB hub and one of the cables I've just posted above then that would allow the hub to run from the battery pack instead of the devices USB power. Or an approach I have personally done before (for other purposes though) would be to take a soldering iron and simply stick a DC barrel jack onto the output of a 5v regulator and an RC car battery pack on the input and use that as a replacement for the mains power supply with a powered hub (although you would have to choose the hub wisely as not all take a 5v input, some take 9 or 12v and regulate to 5 internally, the D-Link and pi ones I mention above are both 5v input though).
timmyjoe42 said:
By user interface, I meant using the 8" touch screen for full Windows is not a pleasant experience. If I'm using a USB to OTG adapter, I can't charge it. I can't use a mouse and a keyboard (unless I use a hub, and I'm not sure it would work, because I haven't tried that).
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Why not just use a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard? You can use both and you get to charge the tablet
timmyjoe42 said:
By user interface, I meant using the 8" touch screen for full Windows is not a pleasant experience.
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So use the "Modern UI" (i.e., apps from Windows Store). That's the same thing you'd get with Windows RT. It's still not clear what difference from Windows RT you are after?
Windows RT doesn't magically make the full Windows UI and all existing apps magically work on an 8" screen, rather it restricts you to Windows Store apps which you can already run on your device.
mdwh said:
So use the "Modern UI" (i.e., apps from Windows Store). That's the same thing you'd get with Windows RT. It's still not clear what difference from Windows RT you are after?
Windows RT doesn't magically make the full Windows UI and all existing apps magically work on an 8" screen, rather it restricts you to Windows Store apps which you can already run on your device.
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I don't like using bluetooth devices because I hate charging them up daily. I'd rather just plug in and be set.
I've had a Surface RT and found the UI much easier to use. I'd rather have better battery life and live in the Microsoft App store than using full Windows applications. The problem is that with full Windows running, even if I try to stay in the RT mode, I still get kicked out to windows to have to use the control panel, settings, and use other programs, etc. It's not a huge deal, it's just keeping me from really using it because I get a little frustrated with the flipping back and forth between desktop mode, trying to hit tiny buttons (such as minimizing and maximizing windows) and killing process that are using resources.

