Sony Walkman And Album updates - Sony Cross-Device General

Sony Walkman 8.3.A.0.7 And Album update version 6.1.A.0.14 is rolling now :laugh:
Download Walkman 8.3.A.0.7 and Album 6.1.A.0.14 app update for Android 4.3+ version like Xperia Z2, Z1, Z Ultra, Z, ZL, ZR, SP, T, V etc
Download Link for walkman :-
Download link for Album :-

Sangeet007 said:
Sony Walkman 8.3.A.0.7 And Album update version 6.1.A.0.14 is rolling now :laugh:
Download Walkman 8.3.A.0.7 and Album 6.1.A.0.14 app update for Android 4.3+ version like Xperia Z2, Z1, Z Ultra, Z, ZL, ZR, SP, T, V etc
Download Link for walkman :-
Download link for Album :-
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Maybe is better to describe how to install: like a normal app or like system app?!?! :good:

Its an apk file, hence normal install after checking unknown sources.

Thnks any ways..!! :good:

pepitoff said:
Maybe is better to describe how to install: like a normal app or like system app?!?! :good:
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Install like a normal apk
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Thanks @Sangeet007
Pressed the button

1. Installed Walkman like system app - moved to system/priv-app folder with right permissions - got FC
2. Installed Walkman like normal app - works perfect.
3. Installed Album like normal app - starts normal but when tab on a picture get FC
4. Installed Album like system app - moved in system/priv-app folder with right permissions - starts normal, makes thumbnails and then FC
Device: Xperia Arc S (LT18i)
ROM: XperiaOverlay anzu (KitKat 4.4.2) based on AOSP KitKat 4.4.2

pepitoff said:
1. Installed Walkman like system app - moved to system/priv-app folder with right permissions - got FC
2. Installed Walkman like normal app - works perfect.
3. Installed Album like normal app - starts normal but when tab on a picture get FC
4. Installed Album like system app - moved in system/priv-app folder with right permissions - starts normal, makes thumbnails and then FC
Device: Xperia Arc S (LT18i)
ROM: XperiaOverlay anzu (KitKat 4.4.2) based on AOSP KitKat 4.4.2
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Actually I meet the same issue too
I Tried every 8.3.A.0.X version WALKMAN,but meet the same problem again and again.
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

pepitoff said:
1. Installed Walkman like system app - moved to system/priv-app folder with right permissions - got FC
2. Installed Walkman like normal app - works perfect.
3. Installed Album like normal app - starts normal but when tab on a picture get FC
4. Installed Album like system app - moved in system/priv-app folder with right permissions - starts normal, makes thumbnails and then FC
Device: Xperia Arc S (LT18i)
ROM: XperiaOverlay anzu (KitKat 4.4.2) based on AOSP KitKat 4.4.2
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You will need to install SU mod to use these updates. check forums
---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------
Quisland said:
Actually I meet the same issue too
I Tried every 8.3.A.0.X version WALKMAN,but meet the same problem again and again.
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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You will need to install SU mod to use these updates. check forums

sourabhp said:
You will need to install SU mod to use these updates. check forums
---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------
You will need to install SU mod to use these updates. check forums
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I have installed SuperSU mod and the result is the same

What is your phone?

Jaycel0820 said:
What is your phone?
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Xperia Arc S with XperiaOverlay ROM.

sourabhp said:
You will need to install SU mod to use these updates. check forums
---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------
You will need to install SU mod to use these updates. check forums
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This problem happens on my LT18i using XPERIA OVERLAY ROM
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Quisland said:
This problem happens on my LT18i using XPERIA OVERLAY ROM
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I think that SuperSU cause problems on this ROM.
Maybe SuperUser will work more properly but I dont know how to change SuperSU with SuperUser.
Will waiting for an update of this ROM (if the developer make it )

Those apps cannot be installed as system apps. They won't work unless you install them into userspace.
SuperSU won't help here.

Jackos said:
Those apps cannot be installed as system apps. They won't work unless you install them into userspace.
SuperSU won't help here.
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Install it as normal apk do many times,but it doesn't help again and again.And I work on updating walkman on xperia overlay rom for a whole day,but failed...
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Quisland said:
Install it as normal apk do many times,but it doesn't help again and again.And I work on updating walkman on xperia overlay rom for a whole day,but failed...
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Uninstall preview Walkman (via ROMToolBox or manually via RootExplorer).
If you delete SemcMusic.apk from system/priv-app folder manually you need to delete also folder from data/data directory.
Then reboot your phone once and install new Walkman like normal app.
It works on my XperiaOverlay_anzu.

pepitoff said:
Uninstall preview Walkman (via ROMToolBox or manually via RootExplorer).
If you delete SemcMusic.apk from system/priv-app folder manually you need to delete also folder from data/data directory.
Then reboot your phone once and install new Walkman like normal app.
It works on my XperiaOverlay_anzu.
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Still meet the same problem.
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Maybe its not compatible on your phone

Jaycel0820 said:
Maybe its not compatible on your phone
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It works on other CM11 but it doesn't work on this CM11 based rom
Sent from my GT-I9268 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app


ICS Files as of 11/10/2011 (flashable zip) (Music fix)

This is a flashable zip i made of all leaked stuffs from ICS
Zip was uploaded by my LG P500 average speed 30/kbs
Zip does not haveICS Launcher Included!
The market launcher is not inside this neither is the official ,
Zip has been flashed and tested and it works, you do not need to wipe anything, but if you want to that's ok.
Linkmeup82 said:
I have solved the force close music app issue. First, flash the file, then use root explorer to copy Music.apk from system/app/ and place somewhere on your SD card for later. Use root uninstaller to remove Music.apk. Then copy Music.apk from the SD card back to system/app/ and change permissions to rw-r--r--. What I did to get it to work was, I launched Music.apk from system/app/ and installed. It said install unsuccessful. I then rebooted and have had no issues since then. The app is no longer treated like a system app but a downloaded app instead. It still works great.
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The zip contains following!
Audio files
Music player
Clock widget
(Optional) Googleplus2
This zip is brought to you buy
I'm using ICS, What do you use
Thanks a trillion! Downloading now!
i can't find the launcher and the wallpapers! How can i find them? I've installed the package from recovery...
welictus said:
i can't find the launcher and the wallpapers! How can i find them? I've installed the package from recovery...
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The launcher were never added the wallpapers is in system/media
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Awesome! Thnx!
And how can you run ROM ICS?
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
mDroidd said:
Awesome! Thnx!
And how can you run ROM ICS?
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
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Im a secret n00b l0l, who said anything about im running ICS
Im a secret n00b l0l, who said anything about im running ICS
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U did say u were using ICS tho
Anyways. The music app FC's for me. Gonna uninstall that little f-er... thanks for the zip...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
ert69 said:
U did say u were using ICS tho
Anyways. The music app FC's for me. Gonna uninstall that little f-er... thanks for the zip...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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yupp u need google+ 2.0 for it (after reboot its fcin )
Reminder! Whoever has a fc on contacts like:
Remove the Google+ v2.0 immediately, is been reported by me and the others...
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1
DaxElectro said:
Reminder! Whoever has a fc on contacts like:
Remove the Google+ v2.0 immediately, is been reported by me and the others...
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1
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a virus or what is it ?
a virus or what is it ?
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Whaa....?? Virus?? No! Its a bug not virus... It will be fixed soon as cyanogenmod 9 released next month
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1
DaxElectro said:
Whaa....?? Virus?? No! Its a bug not virus... It will be fixed soon as cyanogenmod 9 released next month
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1
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its a bad bort by music player l0l also that one is google music beta 4, and they sayin its ICS leaked music player, pfft
its a bad bort by music player l0l also that one is google music beta 4, and they sayin its ICS leaked music player, pfft
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That google music is true leaked, and the market is another update not leaked... If its official leaked, it must be market v4.0 or v4.1.2
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1
DaxElectro said:
That google music is true leaked, and the market is another update not leaked... If its official leaked, it must be market v4.0 or v4.1.2
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1
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But that's not the official ics
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
I have solved the force close music app issue. First, flash the file, then use root explorer to copy Music.apk from system/app/ and place somewhere on your SD card for later. Use root uninstaller to remove Music.apk. Then copy Music.apk from the SD card back to system/app/ and change permissions to rw-r--r--. What I did to get it to work was, I launched Music.apk from system/app/ and installed. It said install unsuccessful. I then rebooted and have had no issues since then. The app is no longer treated like a system app but a downloaded app instead. It still works great.
Linkmeup82 said:
I have solved the force close music app issue. First, flash the file, then use root explorer to copy Music.apk from system/app/ and place somewhere on your SD card for later. Use root uninstaller to remove Music.apk. Then copy Music.apk from the SD card back to system/app/ and change permissions to rw-r--r--. What I did to get it to work was, I launched Music.apk from system/app/ and installed. It said install unsuccessful. I then rebooted and have had no issues since then. The app is no longer treated like a system app but a downloaded app instead. It still works great.
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that may work also
Thanks dude!
Sent from my LG Optimus One P500 using xda premium
thedoginme87 said:
Thanks dude!
Sent from my LG Optimus One P500 using xda premium
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eh, that was nothing =)
Music fix didn't work for me. Music.apk FC on reboot.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
vimitake said:
Music fix didn't work for me. Music.apk FC on reboot.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
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how doesn't it work, ?? you got googleplus2 installed or did you delete it ??

[Request ][Sony Walkman player for gingerbread based rom ]

Please provide the Sony Walkman player link for cm7.2 nightly rom
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
acerkumar said:
Please provide the Sony Walkman player link for cm7.2 nightly rom
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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Do you mean the one in the screenshot below? If so, just flash the attached zip -- it copies the Walkman.apk to /system/app and sets the required permissions. You can extract the apk from the zip if you want, but keep in mind that in order to install it, you'll still need to copy the apk to /system/app and set permissions to rw-r--r-- (0644).

Walkman music on other devices

Has anyone manage to install Walkman music on cynogenmod 9 or 10?
Will it work only for Sony phones?
Sent from my Xperia Sola using xda app-developers app
I have. Just go here , download the app. In there, where is a section for additional apps. I have installed the package from there and it is working. No other package worked for me. Also, please note that not all apps from there work.
Hopefully it works for you.

AceROM - [CM7] - [OTA] - [AROMA Installer]

Welcome to AceROM "ROM Almost Perfect"​
This Rom is made by me and aleeexxhh​
●Launchers: Holo Launcher, ADW Launcher, Xperia Launcher, Launcher PRO
●Font: AnkeSans, Roboto, Ubuntu
●GPS: Europe, Nort America, Center America, SouthAmérica
●Kernel: FireKernel, Blackhawk
●Script: Int2ext4+
●Status Bar: Normal clock (to the right), Clock in the center
»Based on CM7 Rom base by Brooklyn
»New Themes
»Jelly Bean animations
»Added Gapps just neccesary
»30 Step volume mod
»Changed default wallpaper
»Eliminated some thash apps
»Settings with JellyBean/ICS type
»New SystemUI
»Lastest GooglePlay version
»Added OTA Updtaer app
»Added BlueTorch
»Added GooglePlayServices
»CM7 Camera
»MiFileExplorer as default archive manager
»New MMs app
»ICS Calculator
»MIUI Notes
»QuickPic as default gallery
»Supersu as default root app
»ViperFX as default sound manager
»New Tweaks in build.prop
»New Sounds Libs
»New host file
»Better Battery life and Better performance
»New Bootanimation
»You can updater OTA
»If the status bar icons doesn't appear just reboot and they should appear
»To make ViperFX working open it and then you install the drivers you reboot then open it again and select the first option and reboot it and ready
»If the GooglePlay app doesn't appear just connect to wifi and it should appear
»CWM 5
»Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830/L/B
»Download the Rom put it in your SD Card
»Reboot into recovery mode
»Make, Wipe data, Wipe cache y Wipe dalvik-cache
»Install the ROM (select your options in the aroma)
»Reboot and ready
Download Link:
»XDA Developers
»Sorry if my english is bad I am Mexican but I am learning more everyday .
Just waiting for screen
ROM works great! Please add Asia for the GPS.config
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
What is the name of the font you used in your screenshots?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Blackbox421 said:
What is the name of the font you used in your screenshots?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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It is the ankesans font .
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
I've a problem with alarms:
The dark rectangle is too long.
Good Rom guys :thumbup:. Installed it now, so far so good... Keep up the work people.
Just let me know one thing, just happened to see one of your another ROM. ExperiaMe or something similar. Can you please tell me what is the difference between these two ROMs other than Theme and UI???
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Using this configuration
Xperia Launcher- BlackhawkOC- Xperia Lock, although the work is very good but some pngs regarding Call Answere screens seemed a bit out of place...
And, the Time, Date and Settings shown on Notification panels would look better if they were above the toggles.
Finally am not able to change the Time settings to 24hr format...
Maybe you could look into them for next update... Thanx for the Rom.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
For all who interested in using the ROM please do not use PurePerformance X script with Fire Kernel on this ROM or the phone might misbehave and you might face wifi and bluetooth issues...
Sent from my Xperia GT-S5830
edit your post guys,,
where kernel sources ?
where credits ?
Rhievaldo said:
edit your post guys,,
where kernel sources ?
where credits ?
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Give proper credits to the following ppl:
Brooklyn for the base, ketut_kumujaya for the cm blackhawk kernel, dragonn for the fire kernel, etc., also others for the 30 step volume mod, viper4fx & so on.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
I've installed this rom and it works amazing. The only thing i'm missing for now is Google Apps. Can't seem to get it installed.
Tried it with Mount Data\Mount System but nothing worked. Any suggestions?
LpH1981 said:
I've installed this rom and it works amazing. The only thing i'm missing for now is Google Apps. Can't seem to get it installed.
Tried it with Mount Data\Mount System but nothing worked. Any suggestions?
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actually it should work.. which gapps package did you downloaded?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
omega_warrior said:
For all who interested in using the ROM please do not use PurePerformance X script with Fire Kernel on this ROM or the phone might misbehave and you might face wifi and bluetooth issues...
Sent from my Xperia GT-S5830
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Excuse me but as far as Play Store and related stuff is concerned thie ROM already has it. You talking about other gapps (like talk, gmail, etc.) I presume!!!
Sent from my Xperia GT-S5830
Blackbox421 said:
actually it should work.. which gapps package did you downloaded?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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I've tried the signed package from ''.
But the installer CWM won't install, invalid pacakge. But i've installed Google Maps from the play store and this worked, including navigation.
Download the ones from the thread of cm7.2 ROM by thilibaultblizz.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Rhievaldo said:
edit your post guys,,
where kernel sources ?
where credits ?
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Venomous Viper 119 said:
Give proper credits to the following ppl:
Brooklyn for the base, ketut_kumujaya for the cm blackhawk kernel, dragonn for the fire kernel, etc., also others for the 30 step volume mod, viper4fx & so on.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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yea sorry its cause i havent time at all but now i will add it and also the screenshots
can i port the boot animation for lenovo A7000??????

[5.0.x] [LOLLIPOP] Cyanogenmod 12 General
Sent from my C6902 using XDA Free mobile app
More details here.
Sent from my C6902 using XDA Free mobile app
I got aosp lollipop compiled and booting, hopefully expect a release with mobile data, wifi, bluetooth etc within a week.
For those interested it doesn't compile out of the box with Sony AOSP sources, but you can always fix errors. Always fix code, never comment out error lines or suppress warnings though. That's not the right way. It's not difficult to fix and compile lollipop
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
krabappel2548 said:
I got aosp lollipop compiled and booting, hopefully expect a release with mobile data, wifi, bluetooth etc within a week.
For those interested it doesn't compile out of the box with Sony AOSP sources, but you can always fix errors. Always fix code, never comment out error lines or suppress warnings though. That's not the right way. It's not difficult to fix and compile lollipop
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
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This is amazing stuff...Keep going @krabappel2548
The nightly builds of cyanogenmod 12 will be available from December 1st week.
Sent from my Xperia Z1 using XDA Free mobile app
Any news for official nightlies?
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Free mobile app
baseband unknown?
Li_Kai said:
baseband unknown?
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What do u you mean?
Sent from my L39h using XDA Free mobile app
Li_Kai said:
baseband unknown?
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Flash the mod for C6902.
It is missing the radio related files
pranii23 said:
Flash the mod for C6902.
It is missing the radio related files
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You mean after writing brush , brush C6902 official baseband? My model L39h?
---------- Post added at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ----------
ast9011 said:
What do u you mean?
Sent from my L39h using XDA Free mobile app
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Li_Kai said:
You mean after writing brush , brush C6902 official baseband? My model L39h?
---------- Post added at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ----------
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Flash this file if your model is C6902. To get the baseband
pranii23 said:
Flash this file if your model is C6902. To get the baseband
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camera wont work until sony release the lollipop camera blobs or until some devs will fix this (after official lollipop release for z1)
I am no dev but if the camera is the same in the z1,z2,z3 can't the lollipop blobs be pulled from this repo and used from the z2 or z3?
As far as I can see there are camera blobs for z2 and z3 but the z1 is stuck on 4.4.2 by the looks of it.
Anyone installed official CM nightlies?
Sent from my Xperia Z1 using XDA Free mobile app
ast9011 said:
Anyone installed official CM nightlies?
Sent from my Xperia Z1 using XDA Free mobile app
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Yes I installed a its great Rom
Why does Youtube App or video playback in general never work on this rom?
I've tried reflashing reinstalling and everytime no matter what trick i try youtube never works...i just get the same message with the continuous loop then spells the message saying unable to to video touch to retry :/
How do i fix Youtube? Also tried playing general videos i have stored on my microsd card and nothing plays so i guess video playback is completely broken? :S
encryptioncsta said:
Why does Youtube App or video playback in general never work on this rom?
I've tried reflashing reinstalling and everytime no matter what trick i try youtube never works...i just get the same message with the continuous loop then spells the message saying unable to to video touch to retry :/
How do i fix Youtube? Also tried playing general videos i have stored on my microsd card and nothing plays so i guess video playback is completely broken? :S
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Yes it's a bug.. It will get fixed in near future by CM.. Whereas video playback is working on crDroid rom..
Sent from my C6902 using XDA Free mobile app
