[Q] Eclair 2.1 rom - GT540 Optimus General

I was looking for a light 2.1 rom and found this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1038337 (Lite edition)
Being a beginner, i got a few questions.
Do i need my phone flashed to V20E using .kdz beforehand? My current is V20B + fastboot.
There is kernel img provided, but iam not sure how to use it.
Which clockwork recovery do i need? As i understand 2.1 roms can only be flashed with old recoveries, such as 2.5.x.x . My current version is

Img files can be flashed via fastboot commands:
on your PC type:
fastboot devices (makes sure its recognized)
fastboot -w (wipes data, cache)
fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase system
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot reboot
You'll need the fastboot drivers to be installed of course

Tnx for fast reply.
But do i need V20E.kdz rom specifically and flash my phone with KDZ updater? I couldnt find working links for V20E.kdz, only A,B&C.

berins said:
Tnx for fast reply.
But do i need V20E.kdz rom specifically and flash my phone with KDZ updater? I couldnt find working links for V20E.kdz, only A,B&C.
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nope thats not needed


System delete..

Hello! I have an P8Lite ALE-L21 unlocked and by mistake I delete the system.. Now I don't have OS to boot
What can I do now to have back?
Download the rom for your phone then install the rom using the recovery system op the phone.
If that doesn't work try flashing the rom through fastboot.
EpicBas said:
Download the rom for your phone then install the rom using the recovery system op the phone.
If that doesn't work try flashing the rom through fastboot.
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I tried both but it dosen't work
I don't find source with system.img
Use this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2433454&page=31 to extract the system.img
- Fastboot flash boot boot.img
- Fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
- Fastboot flash cust cust.img
- Fastboot flash system system.img
- Fastboot reboot
Use those commands and I hope it will be fixed.

Nexus Player Rom help

Hi im having problems here with my nexus player
i purchased and used this since 3year with custom AOSP android lollirock that i found on this forum how to install in the begining when i purchased it now since there are newer version of android and app stop working correctly on it i wanna return to the stock rom
what it did is after booting into fastboot and running those command using google official rom
fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase system
fastboot erase cache
fastboot flash bootloader (bootloader filename)
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash cache (there were no cache.img in the google official rom package so i leave it like this)
fastboot reboot
my nexus bootloader is in UNlocked state, i remeber unlocked it the first time i flash the original rom to install the lollirock one
the device rebooted and now im stuck in the bootloop of circle turning in the screen
i did the exact samething trying to install a older version of the rom (after i read on the internet that the 8.00 was sending people who never messed around with fastboot and just using OTA to update into this samebootloop)
i got the same exact problem using an older version of the google official rom 7.1.2 i try i think
then i tried to reinstall AOSP custom 7.1 of android that i found on the forum of zulu99 he tell to
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot -w (and i noticed that when i run this fastboot return me and error saying that the file is missing (cannot generate image for userdata)
anyone know what i can do from here ?
im able to get into fastboot no problem holding the button under the device before i plugged in the power cord
im pretty a beginner using ADB and flashing android roms so i have no clue what im missing here but i guess its something due to the fact that ivd run fastboot erase cache.img in the begining !?!?
Please any help would be greatly appreciated
I always used the nexus root tool kit for everything.

I need help with twrp ASAP please

I flashed 3.3.1-2 twrp and then installed a couple different roms to compare. Then I'm not quite sure what happened, I know I formatted and tried to install another, then I lost access to twrp. Even though it says I'm successful at flashing it, it won't boot into twrp or any recovery for that matter. What should I do? I've tried two different twrp's and neither will boot up. I've tried the .bat and volume+ and power, and I even tried with the fastboot boot twrp.img command.
willineedhelp said:
I flashed 3.3.1-2 twrp and then installed a couple different roms to compare. Then I'm not quite sure what happened, I know I formatted and tried to install another, then I lost access to twrp. Even though it says I'm successful at flashing it, it won't boot into twrp or any recovery for that matter. What should I do? I've tried two different twrp's and neither will boot up. I've tried the .bat and volume+ and power, and I even tried with the fastboot boot twrp.img command.
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What do you see exactly when you try to enter recovery mode? Stock recovery? Or fastboot? Which recovery have you tried? (provide links)
willineedhelp said:
I flashed 3.3.1-2 twrp and then installed a couple different roms to compare. Then I'm not quite sure what happened, I know I formatted and tried to install another, then I lost access to twrp. Even though it says I'm successful at flashing it, it won't boot into twrp or any recovery for that matter. What should I do? I've tried two different twrp's and neither will boot up. I've tried the .bat and volume+ and power, and I even tried with the fastboot boot twrp.img command.
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Hello, download fastboot rom and flash this files
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash logo logo.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash misc misc.img (u can get on fastboot rom not .zip)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (recommend used twrp-3.3.1-2-davinci-fix)
For twrp use bat file to install for u don't do it manually..
SomethingWentWrong said:
What do you see exactly when you try to enter recovery mode? Stock recovery? Or fastboot? Which recovery have you tried? (provide links)
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Fastboot mode
farhan20 said:
Hello, download fastboot rom and flash this files
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash logo logo.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash misc misc.img (u can get on fastboot rom not .zip)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (recommend used twrp-3.3.1-2-davinci-fix)
For twrp use bat file to install for u don't do it manually..
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I'll give that a shot, thanks!
farhan20 said:
Hello, download fastboot rom and flash this files
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash logo logo.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash misc misc.img (u can get on fastboot rom not .zip)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (recommend used twrp-3.3.1-2-davinci-fix)
For twrp use bat file to install for u don't do it manually..
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Oh man you're a life saver! Worked perfectly! Thanks so much!
willineedhelp said:
Oh man you're a life saver! Worked perfectly! Thanks so much!
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Glad to know I was able to help, it happens with me and this is how I fixed ?
Hello! Had the same problem and the procedure let me access recovery, yet everytime I reboot to system, the phone opens recovery instead.
I tried restoring a backup but rom is unstable and stuff keeps crashing. Any ideas?
EDIT: did a fastboot flash of .9 ROM and at got it back to work.
farhan20 said:
Hello, download fastboot rom and flash this files
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash logo logo.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash misc misc.img (u can get on fastboot rom not .zip)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img (recommend used twrp-3.3.1-2-davinci-fix)
For twrp use bat file to install for u don't do it manually..
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So I tried to go back to MIUI and it did it again, I did the default wipe and tried to install it. It got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't go into TWRP again. Tried what you prescribed again, but that didn't work. I tried using the command (fastboot boot recovery.img) and it just shut off. It's clearly not flashing TWRP, but I have no idea why. I tried both 3.3.1-2 and 3.3.1-3, neither worked. I tried flashing more of the fastboot ROM images, but that did nothing either. Any suggestions? I'm having to use my old moto g5 until I get this fixed, so help ASAP would be amazing. Thanks in advance!
willineedhelp said:
So I tried to go back to MIUI and it did it again, I did the default wipe and tried to install it. It got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't go into TWRP again. Tried what you prescribed again, but that didn't work. I tried using the command (fastboot boot recovery.img) and it just shut off. It's clearly not flashing TWRP, but I have no idea why. I tried both 3.3.1-2 and 3.3.1-3, neither worked. I tried flashing more of the fastboot ROM images, but that did nothing either. Any suggestions? I'm having to use my old moto g5 until I get this fixed, so help ASAP would be amazing. Thanks in advance!
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Nvm, I just had a junk TWRP version.
willineedhelp said:
So I tried to go back to MIUI and it did it again, I did the default wipe and tried to install it. It got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't go into TWRP again. Tried what you prescribed again, but that didn't work. I tried using the command (fastboot boot recovery.img) and it just shut off. It's clearly not flashing TWRP, but I have no idea why. I tried both 3.3.1-2 and 3.3.1-3, neither worked. I tried flashing more of the fastboot ROM images, but that did nothing either. Any suggestions? I'm having to use my old moto g5 until I get this fixed, so help ASAP would be amazing. Thanks in advance!
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What MIUI version you have tried to go back?

Ticwatch pro 2020 stock firmware

I am using the ticwatch pro 2020. I tried to flash a custom firmware and now it wont boot into anything but fastboot. I was wondering if anyone could help me find the stock firmware files
No stock files are avaiable yet, you have to get it back to the repair center
Coaleb said:
I am using the ticwatch pro 2020. I tried to flash a custom firmware and now it wont boot into anything but fastboot. I was wondering if anyone could help me find the stock firmware files
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- fastboot flash aboot aboot.img
- fastboot flash boot boot.img
- fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
- fastboot flash system system.img
- fastboot format userdata
- fastboot format cache
- fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
- fastboot reboot
Hello, what process did you exactly use? I don't think there is stock firmware available for this watch but maybe we can help you to get the custom one running.

[ROM][STOCK][FASTBOOT][OP8] Stock Fastboot ROMs for OnePlus 8

Things are changing with the advent of project treble and seamless updates. OnePlus will no longer release ROMs flashable via recovery (either stock) because is no more needed. The updates will be done on the slot not used for example if you are using slot a the update will be installed on slot b and the slot b will be set as default. If you brick and you are in bootloop how you can restore the rom? You can't with Stock ROM you have, because the zip can be only installed via Update Engine, so what can you do? Flash a stock rom via fastboot. I have extracted all images from the stock zip and i have made a new zip with the Fastboot ROM with a flash-all.bat included. This will work only if your bootloader is unlocked. This will erase all your data and will wipe your internal storage.
This version is only for not branded devices
Download the zip;
Unpack the zip in a folder;
Reboot the OnePlus 8 in fastboot-bootloader mode (Power and volume + and volume-);
Connect the OnePlus 8 to PC;
Run flash-all.bat flasher you need;
Wait until the process end;
The phone will automatically reboot.
All roms on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fastbootroms/files/OnePlus 8
For now branded device are not supported
MANUAL FLASH: Windows - OSX - Linux
If you want to manual flash these roms these are the commands (You need the latest sdk platform tools, you can find it here
Is reccomended to format data or the rom cannot boot:
fastboot -w
Others Commands to flash a fastboot rom
fastboot flash aop aop.img
fastboot flash bluetooth bluetooth.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash dsp dsp.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash LOGO LOGO.img
fastboot flash modem modem.img
fastboot flash oem_stanvbk oem_stanvbk.img
fastboot flash qupfw qupfw.img
fastboot flash storsec storsec.img
fastboot flash multiimgoem multiimgoem.img
fastboot flash uefisecapp uefisecapp.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.img
fastboot flash opproduct opproduct.img
fastboot reboot fastboot
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
fastboot flash product product.img
fastboot reboot
"Invalid sparce file format at header magic" is not an error, you need to wait a bit when you see that string, just wait.
If the device automatically reboot in Stock Recovery mode don't reboot it and wait the flash end.
These ROMs can't be used to update or downgrade your phone but just to restore your phone.
If the rom seems doesn't start go in recovery stock and follow this guideline: English -> Wipe data and cache -> Erase everything.
If you want to rebrand your phone from HydrogenOS to OxygenOS you can follow this guide: Rebrand Guide
If you want you can use also my tool to flash Factory Images, unlock bootloader, flash twrp or to understand if the device is recognized: https://toolaio.tk/
If you got some problems like write error or no partition, check this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=76658555&postcount=34
If you want to support this and others my projects please consider making a donation, thanks.
Branded devices is for example a Chinese version with HydrogenOS to which OxigenOS has been installed? If so, how can a branded device be recovered?
Hi guys, i'm here again to ask for your support, actually with android 10 Google introduced a lot of changing, from dynamic partitions to the new keymaster 4 encryption/decryption. Teamwin is working hard to update TWRP but they will still take some time. Currently some things already work but there are difficulties in bringing them to the OnePlus 8/8 Pro, for example decryption already works but creates some problems on the OnePlus devices. That's why I decided to create a Paypal moneybox to be able to bring you the latest updates in the shortest time possible. As I have previously done, I assure you of a support of at least 2 years (within the limits of my possibilities). In addition to the TWRP I will improve the fastboot roms and add OnePlus 8/8 Pro to my TOOL ALL IN ONE (and maybe I will also bring the RevengeOS). By getting hold of a OnePlus 8 or 8 Pro I will also be able to improve the TWRP for OnePlus 7T and 7T Pro.
OnePlus 8/8 Pro PayPal MoneyBox: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8pfrIOL3Qa
If you are unable to participate in the PayPal moneybox, you can make a normal donation (perhaps specifying that it is for the moneybox), however all private donations that I will receive for this or other projects will be included in the moneybox.
Private PayPal Donations: https://www.paypal.me/MauronofrioTool
Why after flash it, it boot up to Qualcomm crashdump mode and how to fix?
sakun-ice said:
Branded devices is for example a Chinese version with HydrogenOS to which OxigenOS has been installed? If so, how can a branded device be recovered?
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I think unbranded devices mean the device bought from T-Mobile or Verizon. Nothing to do with chinese versiion flash oxygenOS, if I'm not wrong.
Can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying to flash a stock rom for my OnePlus 8 after bricking it during a rooting process.
The device' bootloader is obviously unlocked and i can get the phone into Fastboot mode and connected to my PC.
The only issue is when i execute the flash-all.bat file, it can't seem to flash any of the files and gives an error consisting of the message "FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed for Critical Partitions').
What to do guys? Can anyone help me out.
Does anyone know where to find mobile oneplus 8 5g tmobile from mine is bricked I had same error as post above
KJStar said:
Can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying to flash a stock rom for my OnePlus 8 after bricking it during a rooting process.
The device' bootloader is obviously unlocked and i can get the phone into Fastboot mode and connected to my PC.
The only issue is when i execute the flash-all.bat file, it can't seem to flash any of the files and gives an error consisting of the message "FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed for Critical Partitions').
What to do guys? Can anyone help me out.
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Try to flash fastboot rom with "tool all in one),It worked for me.
I needed modem I forgot to fastboot reboot fastboot guy in post 6 that's all you need to do is reboot fastboot then flash all I was looking for different file
Never mind I fixed it by downloading ota and going to system updates in settings because fastboot won't flash to modem right
I am having issues flashing. flashing not allowed on critical partition. please help I tried to use the large address aware program but nothing has changed.
bluemoel said:
I am having issues flashing. flashing not allowed on critical partition. please help I tried to use the large address aware program but nothing has changed.
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Make sure your on the latest update: 10.5.8
mauronofrio said:
Things are changing with the advent of project treble and seamless updates. OnePlus will no longer release ROMs flashable via recovery (either stock) because is no more needed. The updates will be done on the slot not used for example if you are using slot a the update will be installed on slot b and the slot b will be set as default. If you brick and you are in bootloop how you can restore the rom? You can't with Stock ROM you have, because the zip can be only installed via Update Engine, so what can you do? Flash a stock rom via fastboot. I have extracted all images from the stock zip and i have made a new zip with the Fastboot ROM with a flash-all.bat included. This will work only if your bootloader is unlocked. This will erase all your data and will wipe your internal storage.
This version is only for not branded devices
Download the zip;
Unpack the zip in a folder;
Reboot the OnePlus 8 in fastboot-bootloader mode (Power and volume + and volume-);
Connect the OnePlus 8 to PC;
Run flash-all.bat flasher you need;
Wait until the process end;
The phone will automatically reboot.
All roms on Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fastbootroms/files/OnePlus 8
For now branded device are not supported
MANUAL FLASH: Windows - OSX - Linux
If you want to manual flash these roms these are the commands (You need the latest sdk platform tools, you can find it here
Is reccomended to format data or the rom cannot boot:
fastboot -w
Others Commands to flash a fastboot rom
fastboot flash aop aop.img
fastboot flash bluetooth bluetooth.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash dsp dsp.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash LOGO LOGO.img
fastboot flash modem modem.img
fastboot flash oem_stanvbk oem_stanvbk.img
fastboot flash qupfw qupfw.img
fastboot flash storsec storsec.img
fastboot flash multiimgoem multiimgoem.img
fastboot flash uefisecapp uefisecapp.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.img
fastboot flash opproduct opproduct.img
fastboot reboot fastboot
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
fastboot flash product product.img
fastboot reboot
"Invalid sparce file format at header magic" is not an error, you need to wait a bit when you see that string, just wait.
If the device automatically reboot in Stock Recovery mode don't reboot it and wait the flash end.
These ROMs can't be used to update or downgrade your phone but just to restore your phone.
If the rom seems doesn't start go in recovery stock and follow this guideline: English -> Wipe data and cache -> Erase everything.
If you want to rebrand your phone from HydrogenOS to OxygenOS you can follow this guide: Rebrand Guide
If you want you can use also my tool to flash Factory Images, unlock bootloader, flash twrp or to understand if the device is recognized: https://toolaio.tk/
If you got some problems like write error or no partition, check this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=76658555&postcount=34
If you want to support this and others my projects please consider making a donation, thanks.
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Hi, do you know if patching with local update a Oxygen OS Europe release from a Global release may cause problems to the fingerprint? I have a IN2010 with the Global OxygenOS but I would like to switch to the European versione becasue I live in Italy like you
Why not flash reserve.img?
nnyd said:
Why not flash reserve.img?
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Because it is placed in userdata and not in a dedicated partition
I have an issue trying to flash on fastboot. It's says I can't flash on critical partitions. Yes I know alot of people are saying that but what I haven't seen is this:
This is my problem:
Fastboot get device-info
(Bootloader) device unlocked:true
(Bootloader) device critical unlock: false
(Bootloader) charger screen enabled: true
I have already tried "fastboot flashing unlock_critical"
It says bootloader already unlocked. I then re lock bootloader which I know is not a good idea( reflash stock with msm tool) and it lock then I try unlock critical command again and it still says device critical unlock: false
i need help please ..
i tried this method not the latest version i tried the 10.5.4 global
so it gave me all failed and error to foramt and others
then it restart my phone to show me crashdump
what should i do ?
should i use latest version ?
i hope you replay fast .. thank you
Alucardo1 said:
i tried this method not the latest version i tried the 10.5.4 global
so it gave me all failed and error to foramt and others
then it restart my phone to show me crashdump
what should i do ?
should i use latest version ?
i hope you replay fast .. thank you
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Try again with 10.5.7. When it reboot to recovery, let it continue to run till it reboots on its own.
Unbrick from fastboot method
I hope I can help someone since I spent the whole night trying various methods to unbrick my Oneplus 8 and only this one worked for me JUST FOR INTERNATIONAL VERSION
You must have the drivers installed (Adb & Fastboot)
You must have your phone with the bootloader unlocked
1.- Download the file
2.-Unzip it
inside you will find Flash-all.bat
3.-Enter Fastboot mode
4.-Double click on the Flash-all.bat command
5.-It will direct you to the recovery, select the English language and restart in fastboot mode so that the process continues, wait for it to finish flashing everything and ready, the phone restarts on the latest version
Donate Link to support my work
cannot relock bootloader on oneplus 8
bro thanks for fastboot room for oneplus 8,i flash your fastboot room 10.5.9 everthing ok,but i relocked to boot loader it the phone be correpted. what should i do ,
please help me.
