How to configure android application before or during instalaltion? - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

How to configure android application before or during instalaltion?
Is there any standard approach how to configure android application with custom settings before or during instalaltion?
Our users will not use Android market to install our application. They will download apk file from some local site in local network.
Our android application should communicate with server side application.
Different clients(corporate clients) will use different URLs for server side applications.
We need to setup correct URL for server side application before or during installation of apk file on user's phone/tablet.
It should be done automatically without interaction with user.
User should install apk file and after installation application should work with correct server side application.
How to do it?
One approach - create different apk files for different clients and set somewhere in application resources correct URL for server side application.
I do not like it. Actually client could change location of server side. In this case we will need to create new apk files.
Second approach:
- Create apk file.
- Install/store apk file as part of web application deployed on client's server.
- During installation of web application unpack apk file and put correct URL into some resource file.
- Pack apk again.
- Sign apk file.
- Call zipalign for this file. Is this step optional or required?
- Now user can open this web application in browser, download configured apk file and install it on phone/tablet
As result we will have custom apk file with correct URL for server side application inside.
User will install such apk on phone/tablet and application will connect to correct server side without any interaction with user.
Is the second approach correct?
Is it allowed to re-pack apk files at all?

Repackaging APK is WAY too fragile IMO.
Best to find another way.
EG, app starts, and sends request to public Internet server.
Public Internet server checks originating IP address and responds with special URL.
Or,... something on phone, like IP, MAC address, phone number, country etc. is used to calculate a URL or retrieve a URL from a list.
All that said, APK is a ZIP file and I think you could put some files in that won't require a resign.

mikereidis said:
Repackaging APK is WAY too fragile IMO.
Best to find another way.
EG, app starts, and sends request to public Internet server.
Public Internet server checks originating IP address and responds with special URL.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We can't use public internet server.
Our users work in corporate local network. Access to internet could be disabled.


Exchange cert

How can i get the exchange cert i need if i don't got admin permissions. Can't get into the exchange server except thru web outlook.
you will need to get the certificate for your server from your servers administrator.
Also as you just need the public certificate you might be able to export it from your desktop browser when you go to your outlook web access page.
Explain more =)
I will explain how to do it with internet explorer.
1. You point your browser to or a simalar URL where you have web access to your outlook postbox.
2. On file menu look at the properties of the page
3. Press the "Certificate" button
4. On the second tab you should find a "copy to file" button
This starts the certifcate export wizard where you can export the certifcate as a binary. Simply save it to a .cer file and copy that file to your PPC, double click it in the file explorer and it should get imported.

[REQ] Setup Email via .Cab File

Hi, i personally got 4 email to setup. everytime after a flash, i need to setup all of the email one by one.
i was wondering is there any quicker way that i can do this?
or easiest possible, juz install a cab file mayb? is there such a software that i could create .cab file from all the email settings i wanted, then copy the .cab to ppc and just install then could get all the email running?
The best way I found to do this is Sashami, and its built in XML editor, Makisu. Go here, register, and download Sashami 8. Install it on your device, and open Makisu. Select the Email option, and input all the information about your email accounts as the wizard asks for it. Most email providers have a page which has all of the connectivity information, which details which protocols, ports, etc. are supported, and all that is readily available on Google.
Do this with each email account, and you should end up with a few XML files, which are compatible with most user customization options, which are often integrated in ROMs. If your ROM doesn't have any form of UC or you don't want to use UC, you can make your XML file into a cab file with these directions (skip down to the step called Creating the CAB File, since you already have the XML file made). After you do that, you will have a few cab files (or one cab, if you manually merge all the XML files) which will install your email accounts and preferences.
It may seem like a lot of work now, but it's completely worth it after you never need to set up another email account again.
oh hell yeah.. thx for it bro.. thats is wat i wanted it to be..

[Q] I can download a webservice (SOAP) for my application?

I have a web application with SOAP webservices.
I'm developping a application for Android, and i want know if can i download the SOAP service at xml file to specific folder on my Android application?
Example: webservices/soap/HelloWorld.xml

[How-to]Sideload over WIFI

Just a quick how-to sideload apps over wifi; no need to upload/download.
First though, you do need ES File Explorer. Once you have that, you can use it's network feature to sideload over wifi from your phone, or whatever other Android device you have.
On your phone, download Samba Server from the Playstore. Open it once installed.
Select the little plus sign. Select SMB Server from the dropdown. It'll bring up a settings page. All you really need to do here is give your server a name. Switch over to the Roots tab / select Add. Again, give your directory a name. Select Browse to navigate to the directory containing the APK's you want to sideload--for me, this is /backups/apps on my sd card since I use ES File Explorer to back up my apps.
Once you've named the server, and the dirctory (roots) hit the back button. It'll prompt you to save. (Twice). Now just select Start to start your session. Select info and take note of your WIFI IP.
Now on your Ouya, open ES File Explorer. Under Network, select the LAN tab. Select New (+ symbol on bottom). Enter the WIFI IP you just noted above, click the little box for Anonymous, hit ok. This will add a little icon representing your phone. open it, and wa-la.... your APKs at your disposal to install directly over wifi.
NOTE that since you're signing in anonymously, this is unsecure. So you won't want to leave this service running at all times. Just remember to stop the server in Samba Server when you're done.

could not find class referenced from method

Hi all...
I made a java web app for restaurant recommendation. I created SOAP web services for accessing the server. Now I need to make android client for that web app and I want to use the web services I made. So... I go to my command prompt and type the following
wsimport -keep -s src <WSDL_URI>
which generates source files that I need to use in order to consume web services. I then go to my Android project, create package named "" (that's the name of the package that the source files are in), and simply copy the files there. Then I import the necessary libraries (javax.xml.bind.jar, javax.jws-3.0.1.jar, and jaxws-api-2.2.1.jar) as external jars and try to run the application.
Now, in run time log cat says: Could not find class '' referenced from method 'com.example.MainActivity.method.
and then the application crashes with NoClassDefFoundException
I also tried to put the libraries (javax.xml.bind.jar, javax.jws-3.0.1.jar, and jaxws-api-2.2.1.jar) in libs folder, but that did not work either.
I was also trying to Order and Export (by the way, I have no clue what these options do, so if anyone could explain I would appreciate it), but that did not do the magic also.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

