could not find class referenced from method - Java for Android App Development

Hi all...
I made a java web app for restaurant recommendation. I created SOAP web services for accessing the server. Now I need to make android client for that web app and I want to use the web services I made. So... I go to my command prompt and type the following
wsimport -keep -s src <WSDL_URI>
which generates source files that I need to use in order to consume web services. I then go to my Android project, create package named "" (that's the name of the package that the source files are in), and simply copy the files there. Then I import the necessary libraries (javax.xml.bind.jar, javax.jws-3.0.1.jar, and jaxws-api-2.2.1.jar) as external jars and try to run the application.
Now, in run time log cat says: Could not find class '' referenced from method 'com.example.MainActivity.method.
and then the application crashes with NoClassDefFoundException
I also tried to put the libraries (javax.xml.bind.jar, javax.jws-3.0.1.jar, and jaxws-api-2.2.1.jar) in libs folder, but that did not work either.
I was also trying to Order and Export (by the way, I have no clue what these options do, so if anyone could explain I would appreciate it), but that did not do the magic also.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


copying and pasting in c# (visual studio)

i have a problem with visualstudio .net framework 1.1
in my application, i define a context menu and a copy and paste menuitems.
in the correspondent function, i access to the Clipboard object
but the system generates a compilation error: The clipboard object is not defined.
the help contains a reference to the Clipboard class, and the examples of the msdn uses them !!
help me, please.
I have read that you need cpf 2.0 to access the clipboard idataobject. I have not tried it because I have had too many other problems with the compact framework and now only do win32. It seems to me that there is something funny going on with the clipboard and that mcrosoft have been trying to make it look like its implemented properly when in fact it is not. Look at real software like resco file explorer and see that even they could not find a way to access it. You cannot copy from file explorer to resco file explorer. There is also no help from drop files structure that a pc windows program may use to get the data object. If you do get the clipboard to work properly in cpf2.0 I would love to know if the data object can be used to access the information about the location of files or if it is only useful for framework related purposes.
if i install the cpf2 and i compile my application with them,
the application works in a pocket with cpf1 or not ?
It would not work unless the ppc had the 2.0 redistibutable. Its free so you clould just include it in your instalation.

Java Midlet Question

I really want to use a name picker (randomly picks a name from a pre-defined list)
Google reveals this java version is exactly what I need for a desktop
Is there any way I can use it on the pocket pc (does not work in midlet manager)
You normally need a jar version of the program to work with midlet manager - best you do a search for a jar version.
The author kindly sent me his JAR file for this app. I have placed it onto my device but cannot open it
Is it incompatable or am I making a silly mistake
Is that the zip he sent you or did you send you a jar file? Even when i rename it namepicker.jar it wont install, i am sure there is something wrong with the file.
Is that the zip he sent you or did he send you a jar file? Even when i rename it namepicker.jar it wont install, i am sure there is something wrong with the file.
he sent this text in his email
The jar file is here, but it probably isn't set up the way you need it:
I downloaded it but can't get it working
yep - still says invalid - contact the author again he must have a valid jar that works
will do
thanks for your help
the author replied
"invalid" in what context? It's valid in the context in which you've been
running it on your PC or whatever. Maybe it lacks a manifest file or
something. There are free tool to extract and rebuild jar files.
The message it gives is that it has an 'invalid java application desciptor' i.e. the jad part of the jar is wrong.
just a guess, but its probably made for jave for desktops, not j2me.
OMG. The Java that is written is for PC (or eqv) Java not for Java for phone (eg. midlet). That's why it doesn't run. Midlet is a very small subset of the real Java, the code is different, and there isn't much function in midlet version of java, and it is a pain to program in midlet-java (whatever you call it). Hence the JAR is not working. Try running it on your PC, it will work.
No, you can't extract it and run it on your midlet-enabled phone. No, even if you have the source, you can't do that either, unless you translate the code manually. I don't think there is a converter for that matter, especially it involved GUI.
That explains it
Anyone up for the challenge of writing a good pocket pc version ??
Try this one...
This is an OSS JVM that's meant to be J2SE compliant so it might just run. Try your luck.

Mobile file paths in MS Visual Studio 2005

Hi all,
my father got MS Visual Studio 2005 some time ago and I just discovered that it's capable of creating mobile applications as well so I'm playing with it, trying to do some cool stuff (program for recording my marks at school atm ). The fact is, that I'm not extremely experienced in C# (in which I'm working in the MSVS2005) so I have to look up syntaxes or parts of code in help database every now and then. I have always succeeded so far, but now I have a problem I need someone to help me with.
I just started working with files, everything is fine, I think i quite understand the syntax and stuff, but I can't figure out how file paths under Windows Mobile work. In help file, they say that this should work:
string path = @"c:\temp\MyTest.txt";
but i think this is for desktop Windows only. If I try to use this in my programme, "Catch (Exception Ex)" command returns error saying: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException.
I tried various variants of the file path and the only one working was just plain name of file, for example
string path = @"MyTest.txt"
This way, I managed to write into the file and read the input back..but I couldn't find the file anywhere in my phone's memory :S
So if there was someone who would be so kind and told me how to specify file paths under WM correctly, I would really appreciate it. btw if the "someone" gave me his MSN/ICQ too, and was willing to give me real-time help once a time, it would be absolutely perfect
The root of the Windows Mobile filesystem is "\". If you want to place the file in the temp dir of the root, use this:
string path = @"\temp\MyTest.txt";

Disassemble or Reverse Engineer WM 6.5 dll

Can anyone suggest tools/utilities that would allow me to disassemble a WM 6.5 dll to reveal it's methods and parameters? In .net desktop world I can use tools like Reflector to do this, but I seem to be having difficulty doing this on WM apps.
Unregister dll - EDiT - Register dll
Here two threads discussing Developer tools & Kitchen Utilities for (ROM) Chef's;
Kitchen Utensils
60 Universal Tutorials for Customizing any Device and Cooking
Have fun, develop something nice for free and please do it here on xda-developers
There are a lot of ifs and buts to this but here goes:
If the dll was created as a .NET app, then reflector should be able to list the code within it, as it will contain the MSIL code within it. If it has been run through an obfuscator when it was built, this can mangle some of the internals and give Reflector a bit of a hard time.
Otherwise it will be a Win32/MFC/ATL object containing ARM object code. A DLL file is the same format as an exe file i.e. Microsoft's PE (Portable Executable) format. Microsoft's DUMPBIN, part of Visual Studio, (run it from the VS Command Prompt), is able to dump out the EXPORT table which lists the public functions visible in it.
There is a freeware ARM dissassembler , CHARMED, which can run on your device which can display the ARM assembly code, but to make any sense out of it, you will require a pretty good knowledge of the ARM instruction set and basic knowledge of how compilers work. If you don't know what a stack frame is, you'll struggle.
Providing a link to chARMed and C/P from that page
stephj said:
There is a freeware ARM dissassembler , CHARMED, which can run on your device which can display the ARM assembly code, but to make any sense out of it, you will require a pretty good knowledge of the ARM instruction set and basic knowledge of how compilers work. If you don't know what a stack frame is, you'll struggle.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here is the link for this nice freeware ARM dissassembler;
Requirements: Windows 98,Me,2000,XP Size: 246kb Description: ABOUT ChARMeD:
ChARMeD is a Windows Mobile / Pocket PC / Win CE (for ARM CPUs) Disassembler and Assembler
The name ChARMeD stands for:
Carolo's Hexadecimal ARM Editor and Disassembler
· Disassemble a Windows CE Executable for ARM CPUs.
· Assemble instructions in ARM Assembler.
· Upload modified file to Windows CE Device.
· View MZ and PE Headers of executable.
· View Import Table of executable.
· Added NOP instruction 0x90909090, which is not part of the ARM instruction set, but nevertheless works because it is an undefined instruction.
· Supports all no operand instructions, Branches (Jumps) and instructions with two registers as operands.
· Recognises 0x90909090 as NOP (see ASSEMBLER above)
· Supports all no operand instructions, Branches (Jumps) and double operand instructions.
ARM Classic Processors
ARM Infocenter
I think IDA is standard for this kinda reversing. If you can find a location where the DLL is called from in another app, you should be able to quickly identify at least the number and format of the parameters. Obviously you can also refer to the import/export tables for this.
Awsome bits of info to get me started ... thanks!!
Is a DLL signed?
And if it is, how does one know it? I use a tool from sysinternals called Sigcheck
Verify that images are digitally signed and dump version information with this simple command-line utility.
One way to use the tool is to check for unsigned files in your \Windows\System32 directories with this command:
sigcheck -u -e c:\windows\system32
Though there are way more options than the example above.
As all reverse engineers/hackers or cooks you too should investigate the purpose of any files that are not signed.
Besides some nice sysinternals standard utilities, there's also;
For obvious reasons I'm using not a direct link to the Suite. Therefore you need to click on it (on the left) yourself. There's a load of useful utilities there waiting to be downloaded by (would be) developers, power users and system / network administrators (are we not all).
If it is signed with a signature; you need to unsign it before editing it!
It's dead easy.
1) Copy your DLL from your phone to your PC. You may need to use ROMExtractor to do this if you have problems.
2) Unsign it using Unsigner. To do this download Unsigner and the Unsigner batch file here. Copy Unsigner, the Batch file and the dll from the phone to one directory and run the .bat file. It should tell you that the certificate has been removed.
3) Download Reshack
4) Open the dll from the phone using Reshack or the better not free PE Explorer
5) Do your editing.
6) Click Compile String at the top and then save the file.
7) Download Ssigner. Launch it and use Select File to select the DLL file you've just modified. Click Start Sign Process! When it's done check the text file that's created to make sure it signed properly.
8) Copy the file back to the Windows directory on the device using for PPC/handheld/CE free Total Commander. If necessary Reboot.
Kitchen Utils Reviewed gives links to programs a developer / cook needs!
Have fun edtinig, vewinig ,bwroisng, assilimating, copamirng and itengaritng your files,

ADT8 proguard integration not working

I tried to export signed apps using eclipse and i have the proguard.cfg file in my base project folder but at the end getting build failed.
Some of my projects "Failed to export application" and no more tips.
Is there any logs or other something I can see?
Need help, thanks
Got the same problem here. Looking on the message groups here and the suggestion is to ensure the proguard folder is not under a folder with spaces in it's name. so if you have the sdk installed into "Program Files" then maybe move it to the root of the c drive instead.
*however* even after I did that, I still couldn't get it to compile with proguard enabled...
Managed to get it to work, and confirmed it is all to do with spaces in folder names. If you change your windows temp folder to something else (the default goes under your user accounts in the "Local Settings\Temp" folder which has a space in it. I also had to move my whole workspace which again was under my user account below the "Documents And Settings" folder.
If you feel adventurous - once you try to export a signed app and it fails, you can find a .pro file which you can invoke manually using the proguard.bat and the parameters of @<location to workspace proguard.cfg fle> and @<location to the .pro file> (obviously don't include the < or the > !)
I can't find any issues raised on the android bug tracker, but I'm sure someone will raise it soon.

