I'm trying to write an app to help with PowerAmp. I'd like this app to get the currently playing track and the next track (which PowerAmp displays on the bottom of the screen when in the currently playing song view). I can get the current track, but I don't know how to get the next track. Is this even possible?
Here's what I have so far to get the currently playing track:
In the activity's onCreate:
IntentFilter iF = new IntentFilter();
registerReceiver(mReceiver, iF);
In the mReceiver's onReceive:
Bundle track = intent.getBundleExtra("track");
string artist = track.getString("artist");
string title = track.getString("title");
I thought about using track.getString("posInList") to get the current position and then incrementing it to get the next track, but then I don't know how to get the playing playlist to check the next track's artist/title.
Did you find a solution?
I am trying to set the volume to my needs then put it back after. I have use the code from ppc developer network and when that did not set the correct volume I also did the registry as well. Don't worry about "reg", its my registry class and it works fine.
DWORD oldReg=0;
wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
wf.nChannels = 1;
wf.nSamplesPerSec = 8000 * 1000;
wf.wBitsPerSample = 8;
wf.nBlockAlign = wf.nChannels * wf.wBitsPerSample / 8;
wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = wf.nSamplesPerSec * wf.nBlockAlign;
wf.cbSize = 0;
DWORD dwVolume=0xffffffff;
DWORD oldVolume=0;
int waveDevice=-1;
UINT numberOfDevices=waveOutGetNumDevs();
for(UINT id=0;id<numberOfDevices;id++)
if (waveOutOpen(&hwo,id,&wf,0,0,CALLBACK_NULL)==MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
.........playing sound here all ok....
//put the volume back
if (waveOutOpen(&hwo, waveDevice, &wf, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
waveOutSetVolume(hwo, oldVolume);
I can set the volume to any value below the origional volume but any attempt to set a volume higher just dose nothing. There are no errors (checking left out here), just the same level. I did not seriously expect the registry part to work as I guess there is some event to trigger that change, but others seem to get results from waveOutSetVolume.
Well, I never tried changing volume by code, but I know TCPMP player does it well and it's open source so might be worth taking a look at.
Thanks levenum, I will give it a look.
Before I got a chance to look at that code I got a result. I have been using PlaySound to play a resource with no volume change working. When I use waveOutWrite to play a buffer containing the same data I can get the volume change I am after. There is still something wrong with my code because the sound gets garbled but I think I will figure that part out. I also want to next test playsound with a file instead of a resource.
using playsound with the same file plays clear sound but the volume change is not working. Its a pity because to get the waveoutwrite to work properly i had to fill in the WAVEFORMATEX with the CORRECT values. This means that if I am allowing the user to specify files to play I will have to find out the samples per second and bits per sample info before I can use the file.
I am used to work with Flash and if we want to position an item at certain coordinates on the stage we just modify the .x and .y values. But I can't manage to find a way to this to a TextView (or any other item for that matter).
I did manage to get the width and height of the stage using this:
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
stageWidth = display.getWidth();
stageHeight = display.getHeight();
But, if I want for example to position a TextView called tv at the coordinates like this:
tv.x = stageWidth - tv.width - 30
tv.y = stageHeight - tv.height - 30
I don't know how to do it.
Thanks, and sorry if this is a stupid answer...maybe I am to used in working with Flash.
Hello all! I'm somewhat new to Android development, I'm using eclipse to do all of my development. Right now I am working on an "away message text" application. I am having trouble with database query returning a string of the first index of data. Here is my code where i am trying to pull data from the database. This is being done inside my ReceiveText class, which extends BroadcastReceiver.
mDbHelper = new TextsDbAdapter(context);
getText = mDbHelper.fetchText(0);
message = getText.getString(getText.getColumnIndex(mDbHelper.KEY_BODY)).toString();
The error that I am getting is Cursor index out of bounds...any recommendations? Thanks!
you always start out of bounds.... you have to moveToFirst() first...
Thanks. Would I moveToFirst() before I fetchText()?
you're probably going to have to change how the fetchText method is implemented.
you'll probably want something like
public String fetchText(int id){
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query( uri,
new String[] { <name_of_text_column> } ,
"_id == " + id, null, null);
String text = null;
if( c != null ){
if( c.moveToFirst() ){
text = c.getString( c.getColumnIndex( <name_of_text_column> ) );
return text;
Thanks. The method I have for fetchText returns a Cursor, however I made another method that returns a string, similar to what you recommended. For some reason, there is something wrong with the rowid sending in, I want to just get the first one, if I'm not mistaken, wouldn't it be 0? I have a seperate ReceiveText.java class, which extends Broadcast Receiver. The part where the messages are stored into the database is very similar to androids notepad demo. When a text is received, I want the ReceiveText class to query the database and just pull the first text that was actually stored into the database. I have 3 columns, KEY_ROWID, KEY_TITLE, and KEY_BODY. For some reason there is an issue when trying to query the database from the ReceiveText class. Any ideas that would make better sense or be easier to implement? Any help is much appreciated.
oh, right. I wasn't paying attention and for some reason I thought it was returning a string. I see now that it's obviously a cursor..
what you are doing sounds fine but you sure really look at the database on the phone/emulator.
open up adb and type
sqlite3 /data/data/<name_of_app>/databases/<name_of_db>
then you can do
select * from <name_of_table>
personally, I find it way easier to read if you change the mode with a ".mode line" command(the dot is important).
that should give you a good idea of why it is not working properly.
How do I open up the adb? I looked online, and it says i can run it through command line, or terminal since I use ubuntu, but I'm not sure exactly how to open it. Apologies for my noobness with android development i'm trying to learn!
if you're running it on a phone/tablet, you'll have to set up the adb drivers
but if you're just using the emulator, you're fine
cd /<path_to_sdk>/platform-tools/
./adb devices ##this should list the device. if not you have a problem.
./adb shell
and now you can execute commands on the device, like sqlite3
Awesome, I got that to work, and i can see the three "texts" that i've added to the database...looks like this...
1|Sleeping|Sleeping...text you when I wake up.
2|Driving|Driving right now...text you when I'm done.
3|Xbox|Playing xbox...text you later.
So this means that my database works. The numbers 1,2, and 3 are the KEY_ROWID, sleeping, driving, and xbox are the KEY_TITLE, and the third part is the KEY_BODY.
For some reason the ReceiveText class is having trouble pulling this information from the database, I really think it has something to do with when i Query the database, it asks for a columnindex, and i am putting a 0 as the parameter. Any ideas? Thanks again for all your help. It's a great learning process.
yeah, there doesn't seem to be a column with _id == 0
that is strange. when you defined it did you use "integer primary key autoincrement"? This should start at 0, I believe.. maybe you deleted your first entry at some point?
try it with 1 and see if that works.
Man, thanks so much for your help...it works! Here is how I did it from the ReceiveText class.
mDbHelper = new TextsDbAdapter(context);
getText = mDbHelper.fetchText(1);
message = getText.getString(2).toString();
getText is a Cursor type, and message is a String type.
I really appreciate the help, I understand a lot more now. My next step is to set the text to use without having to specify from the ReceiveText class...any suggestions? I was thinking adding another column in the database that would hold either a 1 or 0, and if it is selected, it updates the database and changes that field to a 1, then the ReceiveText class will query the database to return the field that has the 1...make sense? lol
Just to clear this up a bit for those still a little fuzzy:
Cursor c = db.query(TABLE_NAME3, new String[] {NAMESHORT, LAPTIME, LAPNUMBER}, null ,null, null, null, orderBy);
The column indexes are what you have in the "new String[]" area whether you have 1 or 50 items. So, NAMESHORT is index 0, LAPTIME is index 1 and LAPNUMPER is index 2. It's NOT the column number of where it is in the table
Just a personal preference of mine, but I code all this in the database methods and return what I need from there. Seeing hard-coded numbers in a program always bothers me. Instead of returning cursors I'll return a StringBuilder or ArrayList or whatever. Just sayn'
So, I wrote this block of code:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(BookmarkColumns.BOOKMARK, "1");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.CREATED, "1311170108");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.DATE, "1311170708");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.FAVICON, "favicon");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.TITLE, "XDA");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.URL, "http://forum.xda-developers.com");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.VISITS, "1");
getContentResolver().insert(Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI, values);
When executed, I get no errors. Looking in the browser bookmarks section, the book mark is not there. If i click the Most Visited tab, this shows up and also has the yellow bookmark star next to it, indicating that it is a bookmark. If i click the star to unbook mark it, and click it again, then view the Bookmarks tab, it shows up.
If I use another piece of code to print out all the bookmarks found after I add it, mine shows up
Even with rebooting, they are not showing.
So I ask, why is it that they are not showing up in the bookmarks page of the browser?
I have tried everything and looked around everywhere, and nothing
there is no sanctioned way of adding a bookmark without user input. the normal way would be a call to android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark()
public static final void saveBookmark(Context c, String title, String url) {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT, Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI);
i.putExtra("title", title);
i.putExtra("url", url);
other than that dealing with the DB directly would be the only way to add one. try to follow that startActivity to the dialog and see if there is an intent sent to the Browser telling it the DB was updated
killersnowman said:
there is no sanctioned way of adding a bookmark without user input. the normal way would be a call to android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark()
public static final void saveBookmark(Context c, String title, String url) {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT, Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI);
i.putExtra("title", title);
i.putExtra("url", url);
other than that dealing with the DB directly would be the only way to add one. try to follow that startActivity to the dialog and see if there is an intent sent to the Browser telling it the DB was updated
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But, even with restarting the device the book marks are not there. Surely the browser updates the database at that point.
But it also dosnt make sense because if the page was shown in the history, it has the bookmarked indicator next to it
I must do all of this in a fully transparent way. Showing that popup for each one will not do :/
there are a few other columns that are interesting. 'user_entered' which can be '0' or '1'
But I think your best bet is to find the dialog that saveBookmark() calls and analyze its src
Here it is addBookmark()
It appears to be static. Why not just call this method?
static void addBookmark(Context context, ContentResolver cr, String url, String name, Bitmap thumbnail, boolean retainIcon)
------nvm i think its package restricted
From something awesome
Hi all.
I'm trying to use setNextMediaPlayer function with 2 video files:
mp0 = new MediaPlayer();
mp1 = new MediaPlayer();
mp0.setDisplay(holder); // surface holder set
//mp1.setDisplay(holder); // surface holder NOT set because I get an error (width 0, height 0) in video size changed event
mp0.setNextMediaPlayer( mp1 );
It this way I see the first video, it finishes and then I can only listen the audio track of the second video...
I tried also to call "setNextMediaPlayer" in "onPrepared" event listener, same result.
Any idea?