Adding Bookmarks Are Invisible? - Android Software Development

So, I wrote this block of code:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(BookmarkColumns.BOOKMARK, "1");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.CREATED, "1311170108");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.DATE, "1311170708");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.FAVICON, "favicon");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.TITLE, "XDA");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.URL, "");
values.put(BookmarkColumns.VISITS, "1");
getContentResolver().insert(Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI, values);
When executed, I get no errors. Looking in the browser bookmarks section, the book mark is not there. If i click the Most Visited tab, this shows up and also has the yellow bookmark star next to it, indicating that it is a bookmark. If i click the star to unbook mark it, and click it again, then view the Bookmarks tab, it shows up.
If I use another piece of code to print out all the bookmarks found after I add it, mine shows up
Even with rebooting, they are not showing.
So I ask, why is it that they are not showing up in the bookmarks page of the browser?
I have tried everything and looked around everywhere, and nothing

there is no sanctioned way of adding a bookmark without user input. the normal way would be a call to android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark()
public static final void saveBookmark(Context c, String title, String url) {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT, Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI);
i.putExtra("title", title);
i.putExtra("url", url);
other than that dealing with the DB directly would be the only way to add one. try to follow that startActivity to the dialog and see if there is an intent sent to the Browser telling it the DB was updated

killersnowman said:
there is no sanctioned way of adding a bookmark without user input. the normal way would be a call to android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark()
public static final void saveBookmark(Context c, String title, String url) {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT, Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI);
i.putExtra("title", title);
i.putExtra("url", url);
other than that dealing with the DB directly would be the only way to add one. try to follow that startActivity to the dialog and see if there is an intent sent to the Browser telling it the DB was updated
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But, even with restarting the device the book marks are not there. Surely the browser updates the database at that point.
But it also dosnt make sense because if the page was shown in the history, it has the bookmarked indicator next to it
I must do all of this in a fully transparent way. Showing that popup for each one will not do :/

there are a few other columns that are interesting. 'user_entered' which can be '0' or '1'
But I think your best bet is to find the dialog that saveBookmark() calls and analyze its src

Here it is addBookmark()
It appears to be static. Why not just call this method?
static void addBookmark(Context context, ContentResolver cr, String url, String name, Bitmap thumbnail, boolean retainIcon)
------nvm i think its package restricted
From something awesome


Passing data from activity to Widget?

I've been researching for many days. and i am really out of ideas.
First. I am new to all this.
Okay. my project:
I have:
- 1 Activity
- 1 Widget
So. my app is the widget itself. when you click the widget, it opens up the activity, the activity consists of a + and - button and a textview. the textview is on 0. when you click on +, you add up +1 to the textview and vica versa with the -.
So, what i want, in the activitys "onPause()", i want it to save the value and transfer it to the widget, i tried to send a broadcast, but that didnt work properly (i wanted to save the value in a hidden textview, but appwidget cant read values of TextViews -.-').
Also i tried some sql stuff.. didnt work either (appwidget doesnt support?)
Tried so save as a file on sd, didnt work (appwidget doesnt support?)
I couldnt use the broadcast thing because my app is made like this:
public void onUpdate(Context context,AppWidgetManager mgr,int[] appWidgetIds){
SetUp(context, mgr, appWidgetIds);
public void SetUp(Context c, AppWidgetManager mgr, int[] appWidgetIds){
//do stuff.....
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
//If i get the number here, i cant really do anything with it, because i cant really save my value anywhere?
Bump. no one can help ?
I tried with the intent.putextra, but wont work.
If anyone wants to help me at msn, pm me. (eventually lightly paid)
Have you figured how to do it yet? I'm having the exact same problem and I'm unable to find any kind of solution.
Thank you!

Trouble with database

Hello all! I'm somewhat new to Android development, I'm using eclipse to do all of my development. Right now I am working on an "away message text" application. I am having trouble with database query returning a string of the first index of data. Here is my code where i am trying to pull data from the database. This is being done inside my ReceiveText class, which extends BroadcastReceiver.
mDbHelper = new TextsDbAdapter(context);;
getText = mDbHelper.fetchText(0);
message = getText.getString(getText.getColumnIndex(mDbHelper.KEY_BODY)).toString();
The error that I am getting is Cursor index out of bounds...any recommendations? Thanks!
you always start out of bounds.... you have to moveToFirst() first...
Thanks. Would I moveToFirst() before I fetchText()?
you're probably going to have to change how the fetchText method is implemented.
you'll probably want something like
public String fetchText(int id){
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query( uri,
new String[] { <name_of_text_column> } ,
"_id == " + id, null, null);
String text = null;
if( c != null ){
if( c.moveToFirst() ){
text = c.getString( c.getColumnIndex( <name_of_text_column> ) );
return text;
Thanks. The method I have for fetchText returns a Cursor, however I made another method that returns a string, similar to what you recommended. For some reason, there is something wrong with the rowid sending in, I want to just get the first one, if I'm not mistaken, wouldn't it be 0? I have a seperate class, which extends Broadcast Receiver. The part where the messages are stored into the database is very similar to androids notepad demo. When a text is received, I want the ReceiveText class to query the database and just pull the first text that was actually stored into the database. I have 3 columns, KEY_ROWID, KEY_TITLE, and KEY_BODY. For some reason there is an issue when trying to query the database from the ReceiveText class. Any ideas that would make better sense or be easier to implement? Any help is much appreciated.
oh, right. I wasn't paying attention and for some reason I thought it was returning a string. I see now that it's obviously a cursor..
what you are doing sounds fine but you sure really look at the database on the phone/emulator.
open up adb and type
sqlite3 /data/data/<name_of_app>/databases/<name_of_db>
then you can do
select * from <name_of_table>
personally, I find it way easier to read if you change the mode with a ".mode line" command(the dot is important).
that should give you a good idea of why it is not working properly.
How do I open up the adb? I looked online, and it says i can run it through command line, or terminal since I use ubuntu, but I'm not sure exactly how to open it. Apologies for my noobness with android development i'm trying to learn!
if you're running it on a phone/tablet, you'll have to set up the adb drivers
but if you're just using the emulator, you're fine
cd /<path_to_sdk>/platform-tools/
./adb devices ##this should list the device. if not you have a problem.
./adb shell
and now you can execute commands on the device, like sqlite3
Awesome, I got that to work, and i can see the three "texts" that i've added to the database...looks like this...
1|Sleeping|Sleeping...text you when I wake up.
2|Driving|Driving right now...text you when I'm done.
3|Xbox|Playing xbox...text you later.
So this means that my database works. The numbers 1,2, and 3 are the KEY_ROWID, sleeping, driving, and xbox are the KEY_TITLE, and the third part is the KEY_BODY.
For some reason the ReceiveText class is having trouble pulling this information from the database, I really think it has something to do with when i Query the database, it asks for a columnindex, and i am putting a 0 as the parameter. Any ideas? Thanks again for all your help. It's a great learning process.
yeah, there doesn't seem to be a column with _id == 0
that is strange. when you defined it did you use "integer primary key autoincrement"? This should start at 0, I believe.. maybe you deleted your first entry at some point?
try it with 1 and see if that works.
Man, thanks so much for your works! Here is how I did it from the ReceiveText class.
mDbHelper = new TextsDbAdapter(context);;
getText = mDbHelper.fetchText(1);
message = getText.getString(2).toString();
getText is a Cursor type, and message is a String type.
I really appreciate the help, I understand a lot more now. My next step is to set the text to use without having to specify from the ReceiveText class...any suggestions? I was thinking adding another column in the database that would hold either a 1 or 0, and if it is selected, it updates the database and changes that field to a 1, then the ReceiveText class will query the database to return the field that has the 1...make sense? lol
Just to clear this up a bit for those still a little fuzzy:
Cursor c = db.query(TABLE_NAME3, new String[] {NAMESHORT, LAPTIME, LAPNUMBER}, null ,null, null, null, orderBy);
The column indexes are what you have in the "new String[]" area whether you have 1 or 50 items. So, NAMESHORT is index 0, LAPTIME is index 1 and LAPNUMPER is index 2. It's NOT the column number of where it is in the table
Just a personal preference of mine, but I code all this in the database methods and return what I need from there. Seeing hard-coded numbers in a program always bothers me. Instead of returning cursors I'll return a StringBuilder or ArrayList or whatever. Just sayn'

[Q] How to keep layouts inflated after activity restarts

Hi guys,
On a button click I am inflating a layout like so:
public void plusLayout(View v) {
// inflating layout here:
LinearLayout ll1 = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
// this layout is being inflated:
View newView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.layout_to_be_added, null);
// add layout
But when the activity restarts, the inflated layouts are gone.
I'd like the layouts to stay there.
(The user can click a button to remove the layout by hand).
I must be missing something trivial here right?
Which way is it restarted?
If the complete app is restarted, a new layout will be set in the onCreate method.
nikwen said:
Which way is it restarted?
If the complete app is restarted, a new layout will be set in the onCreate method.
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Yeah when you press back button and start the app again or completely kill it.
It also happens on orientation change as the activity get restarted then as well.
But I think you can override that in the manifest somewhere.
DaanJordaan said:
Yeah when you press back button and start the app again or completely kill it.
It also happens on orientation change as the activity get restarted then as well.
But I think you can override that in the manifest somewhere.
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Ah ok.
The point is: If you open the app or turn your device, the onCreate method is called. There you set a completely new layout. You would need to save that the layout is inflated (you could use a SharedPreferences entry) and inflate it in the onCreate method. If you just want it to appear again after turning the device, use the onSaveInstanceState method and the onRestoreInstanceState method. That would be better practice.
Look at the activity lifecycle.
Just so I'm sure I get this right :
The user launches the app, the layouts are not inflated
He presses a button which calls your plusLayout() method, so the layouts are now inflated
The user quits the activity and restarts it, the layouts are not inflated anymore but you want them to.
Is that correct ?
If it is, 2 ways I can think of :
Overriding savedInstanceState() & onRestoreInstanceState() :
First, declare a private Boolean before the onCreate() of your activity :
private Boolean isInflated = false;
Then, set it to true in the onClick() of your button, and override savedInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState like so :
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if th activity is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putBoolean("inflate", isInflated);
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
Boolean myBoolean = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("inflate");
if (myBoolean == true)
Using the sharedPreferences
Same logic, different way to save the boolean :
Before onCreate(), declare a private boolean and a private SharedPreferences :
private Boolean isInflated = false;
private SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("MY_PREFS");
in the onClick of your button :
isInflated = true;
Editor e = prefs.edit();
e.putBoolean("inflate", isInflated);
Then, in your onCreate(), retrieve the stored value and if it's true, call your plusLayout() method :
Boolean doInflate = prefs.getBoolean("inflate", false // this is the default value);
if (doInflate == true)
nikwen said:
Ah ok.
The point is: If you open the app or turn your device, the onCreate method is called. There you set a completely new layout. You would need to save that the layout is inflated (you could use a SharedPreferences entry) and inflate it in the onCreate method. If you just want it to appear again after turning the device, use the onSaveInstanceState method and the onRestoreInstanceState method. That would be better practice.
Look at the activity lifecycle.
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Okay I'm working on that at the moment.
Whenever a layout is created an (int) "counter" get incremented.
I will save this "counter" in the SharedPreferences.
When the app starts layouts get created "counter" times.
Is this good practice?
It seems so strange that there isn't an easier way to save layout/activity states.
Edit: said:
Just so I'm sure I get this right :
The user launches the app, the layouts are not inflated
He presses a button which calls your plusLayout() method, so the layouts are now inflated
The user quits the activity and restarts it, the layouts are not inflated anymore but you want them to.
Is that correct ?
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That is correct. Big thanks for the examples.
DaanJordaan said:
Okay I'm working on that at the moment.
Whenever a layout is created an (int) "counter" get incremented.
I will save this "counter" in the SharedPreferences.
When the app starts layouts get created "counter" times.
Is this good practice?
It seems so strange that there isn't an easier way to save layout/activity states.
That is correct. Big thanks for the examples.
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I would use his snippets. They are good (as always). Decide which one to use by what I have given above:
Just for turning:
onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreSavedInstanceState
For turning and reopening:
Shared preferences

[Q] Help with Gallery App

I have found a Gallery App on GitHub ( that I have integrated into my own app.
Currently the gallery displays all images from my device. What I would like to have is that it ONLY display the images starting at the folder on my sdcard that I specify such as..
private static String targetPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/DCIM/_private/.nomedia";
I tried several different modifications but I am really struggling.
I was hoping someone could take a look at the source code for the Gallery App on GitHub and tell me how to change it so it does not scan my entire device.
Thanks in advance!!
StEVO_M said:
I have found a Gallery App on GitHub ( that I have integrated into my own app.
Currently the gallery displays all images from my device. What I would like to have is that it ONLY display the images starting at the folder on my sdcard that I specify such as..
private static String targetPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/DCIM/_private/.nomedia";
I tried several different modifications but I am really struggling.
I was hoping someone could take a look at the source code for the Gallery App on GitHub and tell me how to change it so it does not scan my entire device.
Thanks in advance!!
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I had a look at the source and from my understanding the important class here is that DataManager class here. Especially the getTopSetPath() with the static final Strings and maybe the mapMediaItems() methods seem to be where you need to look at. You might have to play around a bit, but this is where I would start.
SimplicityApks said:
I had a look at the source and from my understanding the important class here is that DataManager class here. Especially the getTopSetPath() with the static final Strings and maybe the mapMediaItems() methods seem to be where you need to look at. You might have to play around a bit, but this is where I would start.
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I have tried adding/changing the following
//Setting Folder Path
public static final String targetPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/DCIM/_private/.nomedia";
// This is the path for the media set seen by the user at top level.
private static final String TOP_SET_PATH = targetPath;
private static final String TOP_IMAGE_SET_PATH = "/combo/{/mtp,/local/image,/picasa/image}";
private static final String TOP_VIDEO_SET_PATH = "/combo/{/local/video,/picasa/video}";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_SET_PATH = "/local/all";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_IMAGE_SET_PATH = "/local/image";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_VIDEO_SET_PATH = "/local/video";
I even tried setting all of the _PATH s to my targetPath
And I get a NullPointerException
12-13 11:07:47.881: E/AndroidRuntime(23029): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
12-13 11:07:47.881: E/AndroidRuntime(23029): at com.myprivgallery.common.Utils.checkNotNull(
Which leads me to this in
line 46 // Throws NullPointerException if the input is null.
line 47 public static <T> T checkNotNull(T object) {
line 48 if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException();
line 49 return object;
line 50 }
So if I am reading correctly, it is saying the path is empty. But I know that path works in other apps and it is not empty.
StEVO_M said:
I have tried adding/changing the following
//Setting Folder Path
public static final String targetPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/DCIM/_private/.nomedia";
// This is the path for the media set seen by the user at top level.
private static final String TOP_SET_PATH = targetPath;
private static final String TOP_IMAGE_SET_PATH = "/combo/{/mtp,/local/image,/picasa/image}";
private static final String TOP_VIDEO_SET_PATH = "/combo/{/local/video,/picasa/video}";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_SET_PATH = "/local/all";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_IMAGE_SET_PATH = "/local/image";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_VIDEO_SET_PATH = "/local/video";
I even tried setting all of the _PATH s to my targetPath
And I get a NullPointerException
12-13 11:07:47.881: E/AndroidRuntime(23029): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
12-13 11:07:47.881: E/AndroidRuntime(23029): at com.myprivgallery.common.Utils.checkNotNull(
Which leads me to this in
line 46 // Throws NullPointerException if the input is null.
line 47 public static <T> T checkNotNull(T object) {
line 48 if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException();
line 49 return object;
line 50 }
So if I am reading correctly, it is saying the path is empty. But I know that path works in other apps and it is not empty.
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I don't think you can call an Environment method when static class variables are Initialised make sure that your String is the correct path with Logs, I would probably make that an instance variable instead...
SimplicityApks said:
I don't think you can call an Environment method when static class variables are Initialised make sure that your String is the correct path with Logs, I would probably make that an instance variable instead...
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It may kinda look like I know what I'm doing, but looks are deceiving.
I really have no clue what I am doing. I consider myself a hack. I can some what look at code and then make it do what I want, but to actually program something new... I will see if I can't figure that out. But I really do appreciate your help.
StEVO_M said:
It may kinda look like I know what I'm doing, but looks are deceiving.
I really have no clue what I am doing. I consider myself a hack. I can some what look at code and then make it do what I want, but to actually program something new... I will see if I can't figure that out. But I really do appreciate your help.
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Well then you should probably get started on a simpler app you've built yourself rather than trying to understand this very complex Gallery app (which in my view is poorly commented and documented)...
I had a closer look at the source and it seems that we are on the right track because the _PATH s are used in the getTopSetPath method of the DataManager, and a search reveals that it is called by various activities and pickers. If you're using one of those in your app we should be right.
Now let's get back to the basics, when the app is launched, the default launcher activity is During it's creation, either startDefaultPage, startGetContent or startViewAction is called, but all of them have the following call:
data.putString(AlbumSetPage.KEY_MEDIA_PATH, getDataManager().getTopSetPath(DataManager.INCLUDE_ALL)); // or some other variable
So this is the path where the images are loaded. Honestly, I have no idea what the
is doing in the path variable, it has to do something with the Combo classes in the data folder, since the app is loading images from different dirs. You can now call your Environment call there and somehow pass back Strings instead of Paths, but it would be nicer if we could somehow figure out the these Paths are used here. An important class is the That is also where getImage from the DataManager is called. You could have a look at that class as well. Which path do you want the gallery to scan actually? The best solution would be to further experiment with the _PATH String, without calling Environment as well as debugging the whole app from the start, so you can get an idea of how everything is working.
SimplicityApks said:
Well then you should probably get started on a simpler app you've built yourself rather than trying to understand this very complex Gallery app (which in my view is poorly commented and documented)...
I had a closer look at the source and it seems that we are on the right track because the _PATH s are used in the getTopSetPath method of the DataManager, and a search reveals that it is called by various activities and pickers. If you're using one of those in your app we should be right.
Now let's get back to the basics, when the app is launched, the default launcher activity is During it's creation, either startDefaultPage, startGetContent or startViewAction is called, but all of them have the following call:
data.putString(AlbumSetPage.KEY_MEDIA_PATH, getDataManager().getTopSetPath(DataManager.INCLUDE_ALL)); // or some other variable
So this is the path where the images are loaded. Honestly, I have no idea what the
is doing in the path variable, it has to do something with the Combo classes in the data folder, since the app is loading images from different dirs. You can now call your Environment call there and somehow pass back Strings instead of Paths, but it would be nicer if we could somehow figure out the these Paths are used here. An important class is the That is also where getImage from the DataManager is called. You could have a look at that class as well. Which path do you want the gallery to scan actually? The best solution would be to further experiment with the _PATH String, without calling Environment as well as debugging the whole app from the start, so you can get an idea of how everything is working.
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I tried Changing the following in
public class LocalAlbumSet extends MediaSet {
public static final Path PATH_ALL = Path.fromString("/DCIM/_private/.nomedia/all");
public static final Path PATH_IMAGE = Path.fromString("/DCIM/_private/.nomedia/image");
public static final Path PATH_VIDEO = Path.fromString("/DCIM/_private/.nomedia/video");
and Changing all of the TOP_..._Path s to
// This is the path for the media set seen by the user at top level.
private static final String TOP_SET_PATH = "/local/all";
private static final String TOP_IMAGE_SET_PATH = "/local/image";
private static final String TOP_VIDEO_SET_PATH = "/local/video";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_SET_PATH = "/local/all";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_IMAGE_SET_PATH = "/local/image";
private static final String TOP_LOCAL_VIDEO_SET_PATH = "/local/video";
I now see Random Images from /DCIM/_private/.nomedia but not all of them, which is really confusing. But at least it's a start.
StEVO_M said:
I have found a Gallery App on GitHub ( that I have integrated into my own app.
Currently the gallery displays all images from my device. What I would like to have is that it ONLY display the images starting at the folder on my sdcard that I specify such as..
private static String targetPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/DCIM/_private/.nomedia";
I tried several different modifications but I am really struggling.
I was hoping someone could take a look at the source code for the Gallery App on GitHub and tell me how to change it so it does not scan my entire device.
Thanks in advance!!
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Android gallery will not scan any folder having a .nomedia file in it.
EatHeat said:
Android gallery will not scan any folder having a .nomedia file in it.
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So I am guessing there is no way to Force your own instance to scan it????
StEVO_M said:
So I am guessing there is no way to Force your own instance to scan it????
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Delete the .nomedia file.
Lol. Not an option if I want to hide my pic.
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Not sure what you are trying to achieve, if you want to scan it then why would you want to hide it?
If you want to add an option to allow it to scan or not, you could backup the .nomedia to another directory and delete it for the time being.
Just an idea, can't say for sure. Didn't try it ever.
I have created an app to hide pictures. Currently I have a very basic gallery. I was trying integrate this gallery because it has a lot more option such as editing and adding filters and such.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
StEVO_M said:
I have created an app to hide pictures. Currently I have a very basic gallery. I was trying integrate this gallery because it has a lot more option such as editing and adding filters and such.
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Well why do you need to? Make your app fulfill only one purpose, so let it hide the pictures (I guess by moving a .nomedia file into the folder right?) and then just create a shortcut in your app to the gallery app so the user can still use their preferred one... Makes more sense to me and is way less work.
StEVO_M said:
I have created an app to hide pictures. Currently I have a very basic gallery. I was trying integrate this gallery because it has a lot more option such as editing and adding filters and such.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
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A far more simple and logical way would be to create a hidden folder on the SD card with a .nomedia file in it. Images/videos that are to be hidden can be moved to that location. This would keep it hidden from the gallery and can only be accessed through your private gallery.
For unhiding media, just move them back to their original folders.
Let me try to explain further... As I said, I have created an app already that does the Basic things.
My Application looks like a standard App, a "To Do List", but if you press and hold an Icon on the main screen it prompts you for a Password (These passwords are setup on first use).
Now... Depending on which password you enter, it will either take you to the hidden Gallery OR if you enter a different password it will take you to a Hidden To Do List. This is so anyone that may stumble upon your app, you can show them that it's has a hidden area of the app. This way they have no clue you really have a Hidden Gallery.
If you enter the Hidden Gallery password then it would of course, take you to the hidden gallery.
The Current Features are...
Import from Main Gallery
Pinch to Zoom
Restore back to Main Gallery
Quick Escape ------ "Quick Escape" can be activate 2 ways. If you shake the phone while in the Hidden Gallery, the image will change to an image of your choosing or the default one that is set during install. OR..... A less obvious "Quick Escape" ... While in the Hidden Gallery, press the volume up or down and the image will switch. Either way, once it is in that mode, you can not press back. the only way out it to press the home button. This is designed so if someone grabs the phone out of your hand they will only see they Quick Escape" image and pressing back will not take them back to the gallery.
My app also appears in the standard Share menu, so if you are in your Main Gallery and want to hide a picture, you can share it to my app and it will then hide the picture.
I want to add More features to my Gallery, such as Filters, Editing (crop, rotate...), Frames... All the same things that you can do in the Main Gallery. The only thing I really don't want or need is a Camera function. I can't see someone taking the time to open my app and then get to the Hidden Gallery and then taking a picture, just so they can hide an image. Most would just take the picture as they always would and then "Share" it to my app.
I hope this explains Why I want to use the other Gallery rather than reinventing the wheel that already has all of these features built in. If I can not get that to work, maybe I can just pull the Features out and use those.
Anyone who wants to actually See the app in action, PM me and I will send you a DropBox link to install. FYI, It requires 4.0 or higher.

[Q] Need Help with a problem

I am using one edit text view and one OK button to input a large amount of user data during a setup function but can't figure out how to pause the thread execution unit the OK button is pressed. I don't want to have to register and use a ton of different buttons and listeners to call individual functions for each user input and so far I've found out the hard way that a while look will lock the UI thread and running the loop in a separate thread will not make the program wait. Any Ideas?
public class SetupMenuActivity extends Activity
private TextView setupPrompt;
boolean okButtonPressed = false;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
private OnClickListener okButtonListener = new OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
okButtonPressed = true;
private void setup()
Button okButton = (Button) findViewById(;
setupPrompt = (TextView) findViewById(;
setupPrompt.setText("Please Enter Your Name");
// Make program wait for ok button clicked
setupPrompt.setText("Please Enter a Name for your Account");
What else could the user click/etc that you want to prevent from happening? If you want to block another button, then you can either do button.setClickable(false) or even button.setVisibility(View.GONE) until the ok button is clicked. Instead blocking the whole thread doesn't make much sense
The only two things the user can interact with is the button and the edit text box. I want to prevent the changing of the setupPrompt text view until the Ok button is pressed. The easy way to do it would be to put it into the onClickListener but there is a whole series of the prompts and waiting for user input so I'm trying to avoid creating a ton of different button listeners for each piece of user input.
TShipman1981 said:
The only two things the user can interact with is the button and the edit text box. I want to prevent the changing of the setupPrompt text view until the Ok button is pressed. The easy way to do it would be to put it into the onClickListener but there is a whole series of the prompts and waiting for user input so I'm trying to avoid creating a ton of different button listeners for each piece of user input.
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The way you think this would work is not right, you have to think through it again, sorry . In Android, you can almost never wait for user events (because they might not happen). Instead, you have to do what you can during setup and everything that can only happen after a certain event has to be in the onEvent method (for instance onClick). What you can do to make it less complex is one method which is called only from the onClickListener. The method keeps track of how many times it has been called with an int step instance variable. That method has to execute what should happen at each step.
SimplicityApks said:
The way you think this would work is not right, you have to think through it again, sorry . In Android, you can almost never wait for user events (because they might not happen). Instead, you have to do what you can during setup and everything that can only happen after a certain event has to be in the onEvent method (for instance onClick). What you can do to make it less complex is one method which is called only from the onClickListener. The method keeps track of how many times it has been called with an int step instance variable. That method has to execute what should happen at each step.
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Yeah Agreed with Simp. I would honestly make one method with all the info you need then get all the info and call it only when the button is clicked. If I knew a bit more of what your trying to accomplish I might be able to help you code it more efficiently.

