Odd S View ghosting issue - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I've been having a problem with S View over the past few days. When ever the screen changes (like when trying to unlock the phone in S View), it gives this weird ghosting effect, like in the picture below:
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Has anyone else got this issue, and/or has anyone fixed it?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 using Tapatalk.

BodenM said:
Hi all,
I've been having a problem with S View over the past few days. When ever the screen changes (like when trying to unlock the phone in S View), it gives this weird ghosting effect, like in the picture below:
Has anyone else got this issue, and/or has anyone fixed it?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 using Tapatalk.
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On 4.3 yes I experienced it.
Since upgrade to 4.4.2, the issue has gone.
Sent from N9005 NC2 ROM.


Weird lines on screen

Well, it started yesterday and it keeps driving me nuts. It's present both in the system as well as 4ext or even the splash screen so it is definitely a hardware issue. Is there any way to get rid of them because my contract ends in november but I was going to stay with my DHD and get myself a PS3 (very nice offer from my carrier)
It looks like that, it's not a screenshot but it looks exactly like that:
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what seems to be an officer problem?
the faint horizontal lines on the screen. That is only a picture but live they also flicker.
You could try replacing the screen yourself, but it could happen that the gpu is the problem, in which case you can't do anything on your own...
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
I remember having the same issue right after I bought my DHD and I remember rooting and reflashing it helped I recently changed my Radio software, you think it might have anything to do?
It's not hardware. I get it on the current versions of the 3 kernel. Synergy said it was to do with fb (not sure what it is) and he's working on it.
FB....hmmm....frame buffer (only thing that comes to mind except FaceBook) Anyway you're a life saviour man! I was worried that I will have to get a new phone.

Screen defect.. Is this hardware or software?

Hey guys
I sold my nexus 4 previously but just re purchased one because nothing out there matches the smoothness of this beauty..
But anyway I've noticed some weird screen bugs happening now and again and wanted to know if its hardware or software?
I'm running PA with Franco. I'm guessing I need a replacement but just thought id get another opinion first
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Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Since it's visible in screenshots, it's 100% software. Flash the stock images and see if that helps
Thanks ill give that a go.. i did find it a little weird that it showed on screenshots too
Still doing it after flashing factory image... no apps installed or anything custom... its so strange
I had a HTC sensation 3g that did this I ended up having to get a hardware replacement to fix it. I never had that problem before or after that phone
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I'm having a similar issue with my brand new nexus 4 that i unboxed yesterday. It had the issue with stock and now still persists on CM10.1 with franco kernel. not sure what is the resolution. did you manage to fix yours?

[Q] Camera fails to launch

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Anyone else having this problem with their new S5?
kilroy1stcav said:
View attachment 2696987Anyone else having this problem with their new S5?
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Do you use snapchat? I had this issue occasionally happen to my GS4 when I had switched from snapchat camera to another app or the home screen and then to the stock samsung camera.
I solved it by closing both apps and restarting the one that I needed. I haven't experienced this issue with my GS5 yet, but I've been using it for less than 24 hours.
Yep. Returned mine yesterday for a replacement yesterday. Factory reset 3 times and even had the Samsung rep wipe it from scratch with Samsung image. No dice. Said it was a hardware failure. Get it returned soon.
Sent from my SM-G900V using xda app-developers app
No, just using stock apps. Thanks for the advice, heading in now to get replaced!
Just replaced it with new..
Facing the same Issue on T-mobile SM G900T.
Talked to Samsng support online, but they say that replacements aren't a part of Samsung's policy. Bull****. Should've got myself a M8 :/
Verizon acknowledges S5 camera failure

Galaxy s4 camera problem

I m using galaxy s4 i9500 with 4.4.2 my stock camera is nt production good images as compared 2 3rd part apps can anyone tell me y?
Reasons for the Camera (and Examples why Android 4.4.2 is bad )
I know why. (It was hard to read your post. NT=Not?)
- It's because of the Bogus Android Version. Android 4.4.2 has many Disadvantages.
-Battery Problems
-WiFi not Stamina
-Data Loss Bug
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-I miss the Old Barttery Icon Colour !!!!!
-No App-Ops anymore as seen in Android 4.3
-Deleting APP DATA AT UNINSTALLATION! :crying::crying::crying::crying:
and unstable PC-dataTransfer :crying:
- Well, it's not your Fault at all! Google's Android Engineers totally messed up KOT49H..
i think i have the same problem before and the reason behind it is one day my little brother missed up with the configuration of the camera! try to recover the phone to the manufacturer setting!

Rogers S5 Lollipop lock screen block text

I updated to 5.0 a while back when Rogers rereleased it, and every once in a while the numbers/letters on the lockscreen keypad will turn to white blocks. The lock screen is the only place that this happens.
Anyone know what's wrong/how to fix it besides rebooting the phone?
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Anyone has a better solution than reboot?
It is appearing on T-Mobile I-9505, I-9515 and G-900F.
Do you use SwiftKey? My girlfriends Canadian GS5 is doing this as well, when I searched the internet I found a reference with regards to SwiftKey not playing 100% nice with Lollipop and causing this blockyness on the lock screen. So far there has been no fix other than reboot... She's been a couple of months now with this annoyance, but luckily it doesn't seem to affect the usability, you just have to know which numbers are which Side note: I have a Nexus 5 and use Swiftkey but don't have this problem.
This is apparently just a general lollipop issue, not really tied to anything just a glitch in android, i dont know a fix just thought id throw that out there.
Sent from my Tw5ted SM-G900A using Tapatalk

