Backlight going down/up... - Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) General

I don't even know if my eyes are cheating me, or the tablet is indeed have a problem.
(If you followed my previous topic, this is the second tablet I got, brand new.)
Noticed the issue in Hangouts first, with AI keyboard and dynamic screen mode.
Disabling dynamic seemed to fix the issue.
But yesterday I saw it again... at least I think.
It was only a Chrome window, and I was reading news.
The screen went from lighter to darker while I did nothing with the tablet.
Anyone else seeing/having the same issue?
It's so damn annoying.
I mean, I never had such issue on my displays on any device. That's why I think it's not my eyes...

h8Aramex said:
I don't even know if my eyes are cheating me, or the tablet is indeed have a problem.
(If you followed my previous topic, this is the second tablet I got, brand new.)
Noticed the issue in Hangouts first, with AI keyboard and dynamic screen mode.
Disabling dynamic seemed to fix the issue.
But yesterday I saw it again... at least I think.
It was only a Chrome window, and I was reading news.
The screen went from lighter to darker while I did nothing with the tablet.
Anyone else seeing/having the same issue?
It's so damn annoying.
I mean, I never had such issue on my displays on any device. That's why I think it's not my eyes...
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Try turning off "Reading Mode": [Settings] -> [Device] -> [Display] -> [Reading Mode = Off]
Just a thought.
This may be a silly question, but, is your brightness set to auto?

HumanCaviar said:
Try turning off "Reading Mode": [Settings] -> [Device] -> [Display] -> [Reading Mode = Off]
Just a thought.
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Yeah, did that yesterday night as a last resort. Didn't notice the issue happening since then, but I will keep an eye on it.
By the way, now I have a working tablet, I'm quite satisfied. (Except this.)
Thanks for the tip!

h8Aramex said:
Yeah, did that yesterday night as a last resort. Didn't notice the issue happening since then, but I will keep an eye on it.
By the way, now I have a working tablet, I'm quite satisfied. (Except this.)
Thanks for the tip!
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I believe it happens whenever an image is shown. So you will probs notice it when text takes up the entire screen and as you scroll down the page and an image comes into view the screen will change brightness.
Just have to get used it a guess. I kinda am lol.
Sent from Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition via Tapatalk.

the tablet has dynamic backlighting that i haven't seen anywhere to turn off (it's not the screen mode, i have that set to movie). there was a thread about it earlier and i think only the OP and i were able to see it. it's a lot subtler than other devices but when you have a dark scene the screen dims a bit, then when you have a "bright" scene the screen increases the backlight a bit.

I have this issue and its especially noticeable with gifs on screen.

Zerogamer100 said:
I have this issue and its especially noticeable with gifs on screen.
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Thanks fellas!
Back to Samsung it goes!
Well, at the moment I contacted the local consumer rights service and will try to use the law against the carrier.
Which basically means that they will have to refund me for both the tablet and mobile data fees.
Yeah, this provider got the best prices. And the worst customer service.
And yeah I waited YEARS for this tablet to arrive (I missed the original 10.1 bandwagon)... and it's riddled with bugs. Don't even know what to do if they do refund.
Should I buy an iPad? But that's dumb as a rock. A normal tablet? What's the point in that?
So yeah. Wait for the Note Pro? But who knows if it won't have the same... or even more issues?
Yeah, #firstworldproblems, I know.
But I had a Latitude XT2 laptop with a pen. Most magical thing ever.
I just wanted to write again. ;_;
pls sammy why u do dis to us...
@madsquabbles: Nah. I disabled dynamic, set it to normal or what. Auto backlight is off ... I checked everything.
This is not a feature, but some stupid power management or firmware issue. Not that Sammy would address either. (See the lack of 4.4 or multi-seat support. The tablet is far from brand new.)
ps.: I don't think it's that two of you could see it. You two had the same panel issue as I do. (Remember, Apple also loves to mess up things like this. Like their latest problem with the Retina MBPs had the burn in problem. It was the same machine, but two companies were shipping the LCD panels. One was faulty, other one was perfect. I suspect the same.)
@Geordie Affy: I found this issue happening on news sites. But now it happened on a wall of text (it was a news site again, but without any images.) And today, even in LectureNotes. Not that it's bad, BUT it's annoying as hell.
Baaah. Sorry guys for "mentioning", I just tend to use this stupid mail symbol to refer to people.
Silly internet. There are no symbols left that would cause no harm. ;_;

h8Aramex said:
Thanks fellas!
Back to Samsung it goes!
Well, at the moment I contacted the local consumer rights service and will try to use the law against the carrier.
Which basically means that they will have to refund me for both the tablet and mobile data fees.
pls sammy why u do dis to us...
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Use the law against carrier? Good luck.
If everything else works, as you said, then why don't you fix this issue (not sure if it's a bug, as you call it).
Turn the auto brightness off, control it yourself.
Or install lux, if you're rooted, and you have much better control.

ddavtian said:
Use the law against carrier? Good luck.
If everything else works, as you said, then why don't you fix this issue (not sure if it's a bug, as you call it).
Turn the auto brightness off, control it yourself.
Or install lux, if you're rooted, and you have much better control.
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This is different. It's not auto, it's not scene mode, it's not what you think it is.
Uhm... okay how can I explain this.
If you don't have it, you can't guess what we mean.
It's like... you are reading some text, and it goes darker, then brigher, then darker. At the very same screen, even if you stop scrolling.
Then if you got images, it can become worse.
It's terrible because you spend like 10 seconds each time to check if you eyes are bad or there is something fishy going on.
As I said it's possible a faulty panel provider or something.
Now I'm on the carrier-war. If I lose that, I'll send the tablet back to Sammy for LCD replacement/repairs.

I have seen this exact issue and have been able to reproduce it on my friends unit as well. Open up snote.. Start recording a voice memo and watch.. The screen flashes dim and bright. Dim and bright.. It drove me nuts.. Then I noticed.. It was actually doing it in unison with the red blinking dot of the voice memo. So I think it's something where there is an animated gif/pic on screen. I will test turning off reading mode to see if that fixes it and report back. I think I also have mine set to dynamic
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

it's more of a gimic than anything. it's a way to boost contrast numbers without any real benefit to the end user, imoh.


we need a bug fix update now

Don't you all agree?
not really. what bugs are you talking about?
I have had a G1, Mytouch, and now the Nexus - I see and have no bug issues with my Unit...
If you could explain what bugs (or problems) you are having ... Is this your first Andriod ???
zachthemaster said:
Don't you all agree?
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100% disagree.
My phone is amazing. What bugs are you experiencing?
Be more specific? before or after the ota? Mine is still kicking a## after the ota!
I Agree......
Even after the OTA update, the touch screen issue still exists.
the phone gets all buggy with registering touch (touching middle of screen activates haptic soft keys, at the bottom of screen), getting tired of constently rebooting...........
ratsoda said:
I Agree......
Even after the OTA update, the touch screen issue still exists.
the phone gets all buggy with registering touch (touching middle of screen activates haptic soft keys, at the bottom of screen), getting tired of constently rebooting...........
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You don't have to reboot.
Just turn the screen off for 3 seconds and back on...
Not everyone has this "touch screen accuracy" issue...
I haven't noticed any bugs that jump out at me. I would like them to improve the speech to text, and would love them to get the kernel with full RAM support out ASAP. I was sad this update did not have that. But, in a month when we get the next one I am confident and optimistic it will make it into it!
New RAM kernel.
Trackball/LED notification fix.
If its software the bottom row of buttons being difficult to register.
Those are all legit HW/SW issues that are unique to the N1 and need to be resolved.
New RAM kernel - not a bug
Trackball/LED notification fix - what's the issue?
If its software the bottom row of buttons being difficult to register. - Not a bug. As I posted in the tips and tricks thread, aim for the top edge, where the screen meets the black border and you'll hit it every single time. Not many people know about this and that's why they always complain. This is just user error
Paul22000 said:
New RAM kernel - not a bug
Trackball/LED notification fix - what's the issue?
If its software the bottom row of buttons being difficult to register. - Not a bug. As I posted in the tips and tricks thread, aim for the top edge, where the screen meets the black border and you'll hit it every single time. Not many people know about this and that's why they always complain. This is just user error
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Whether you label it as a "bug" or not its still an issue.
Half the available RAM not being used.
The ability for Devs/Apps to customize the LED/Trackball is a feature removed.
And considering the Droid has the same panel and not the issues it is in fact a problem that the keys and "touch" area are not aligned. Thats a design flaw and nothing to do with user error.Its like asking the user to tap the Q to get a W.
Those are 2 out of the box gimpings of available hardware.
And one either HW problem or design flaw. In which case can be chalked up to "it is what it is".
xManMythLegend said:
Whether you label it as a "bug" or not its still an issue.
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Well, the OP is asking for a bug fix update. A bug is something that is not working as intended.
For Example,
Half the available RAM not being used.
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If the Android developers intended for there to be half, then it's not a bug. Having all of the available ram is more of a new feature.
The ability for Devs/Apps to customize the LED/Trackball is a feature removed.
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I don't remember this ever being possible? When did they remove it?
And considering the Droid has the same panel and not the issues it is in fact a problem that the keys and "touch" area are not aligned. Thats a design flaw and nothing to do with user error.Its like asking the user to tap the Q to get a W.
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It's hard to say without having a Droid and Nexus One together side by side. If they are exactly the same touch pads, and you can clearly prove that the same exact precision keypress on the Droid works 100% of the time on the Droid and not on the Nexus One, then I can agree it's a bug.
If they intended it to be so that you have to use your whole thumb (or aim for the top), then no bug. I find that if I use my entire thumb, it will always land 100% of the time no matter where I aim, so that's why I say it's hard to say it's a bug or not.
But again, this is the only one that I might agree is a bug. The other two are definitely feature requests
Paul22000 said:
Well, the OP is asking for a bug fix update. A bug is something that is not working as intended.
For Example,
If the Android developers intended for there to be half, then it's not a bug. Having all of the available ram is more of a new feature.
I don't remember this ever being possible? When did they remove it?
It's hard to say without having a Droid and Nexus One together side by side. If they are exactly the same touch pads, and you can clearly prove that the same exact precision keypress on the Droid works 100% of the time on the Droid and not on the Nexus One, then I can agree it's a bug.
If they intended it to be so that you have to use your whole thumb (or aim for the top), then no bug. I find that if I use my entire thumb, it will always land 100% of the time no matter where I aim, so that's why I say it's hard to say it's a bug or not.
But again, this is the only one that I might agree is a bug. The other two are definitely feature requests
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How about the dots which indicate the screen you are on being off.
You seem a little blinded by your love of Android. I like it too, but it is not without it's problems, just like any other software. You've convinced yourself that the the misaligned buttons are that way on purpose...really?
The wifi is very buggy, bluetooth as well. There are also notification protocols that seems a bit buggy, sometimes they pop up, sometimes they don't, sometimes they vibrate, sometimes not. E-mail client inbox refresh doesn't reconcile with server with read/unread messages, even though data packets are received. To name a couple...
gibosn6594 said:
How about the dots which indicate the screen you are on being off.
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This is a bug yes. Introduced with this week's OTA.
You seem a little blinded by your love of Android. I like it too, but it is not without it's problems, just like any other software. You've convinced yourself that the the misaligned buttons are that way on purpose...really?
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Blinded? No. But if something is 95% good, and 5% bad, I'm going to focus on the 95%, not the 5%
And the buttons might be that way on purpose, yes.
Even if not, I've found a way to use them so they always work for me (aiming for the top) so it doesn't bother me. If I had not figured that out, then I could see how it could be frustrating.
The wifi is very buggy, bluetooth as well.
There are also notification protocols that seems a bit buggy, sometimes they pop up, sometimes they don't, sometimes they vibrate, sometimes not.
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Can you give specific instances of issues with these?
E-mail client inbox refresh doesn't reconcile with server with read/unread messages, even though data packets are received. To name a couple...
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I haven't had issues with the email refreshing at all. In fact, when I'm sitting at my PC, my phone vibrates and makes a sound for new emails. I switch tabs in Firefox to Gmail and the email hasn't even shown up yet; I have to click inbox to refresh Gmail to make the email show up. My phone's email is faster than my PC's; that's how fast it is for me
Paul22000 said:
This is a bug yes. Introduced with this week's OTA.
Blinded? No. But if something is 95% good, and 5% bad, I'm going to focus on the 95%, not the 5%
And the buttons might be that way on purpose, yes.
Even if not, I've found a way to use them so they always work for me (aiming for the top) so it doesn't bother me. If I had not figured that out, then I could see how it could be frustrating.
Can you give specific instances of issues with these?
I haven't had issues with the email refreshing at all. In fact, when I'm sitting at my PC, my phone vibrates and makes a sound for new emails. I switch tabs in Firefox to Gmail and the email hasn't even shown up yet; I have to click inbox to refresh Gmail to make the email show up. My phone's email is faster than my PC's; that's how fast it is for me
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As far as BT and wifi, it poorly handles the switchover. When disconnected, the attempt to reconnect does not always work, to put is simply.
The e-mail client issue is not with gmail, it is with the exchange integration on corporate accounts.
gibosn6594 said:
As far as BT and wifi, it poorly handles the switchover. When disconnected, the attempt to reconnect does not always work, to put is simply.
The e-mail client issue is not with gmail, it is with the exchange integration on corporate accounts.
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Ah yes, I have noticed that turning on wifi sometimes it just sits there and doesn't connect until I open up wifi settings. Definite bug.
Oh, exchange. Yeah, I have heard exchange is pretty bad on the N1 (or non-existant without the file from the dev forum?). I don't use it so I can't comment. But supposedly, there will be a Nexus One Enterprise edition with full Exchange support, and a physical keyboard So maybe this one is not aimed at people who rely on it.
Cool thing about Android and this phone: all of the above mini-bugs can and IMO will be fixed. Something which you cannot say for most phones out there. That's why I love it - devs can do almost anything they want with it. Makes me go back to the list of smartphones behind this: If you had a problem you had to get used to it - so I think we all should give the guys working on the N1 a break - I mean we got an OTA upgrade LESS than a month after the phone went on the market which gave us multi-touch. So most of the bugs do exist but they are minor when compared to most of the mobile market and IMO Google is committed to fix them.
Paul22000 said:
Well, the OP is asking for a bug fix update. A bug is something that is not working as intended.
For Example,
If the Android developers intended for there to be half, then it's not a bug. Having all of the available ram is more of a new feature.
I don't remember this ever being possible? When did they remove it?
It's hard to say without having a Droid and Nexus One together side by side. If they are exactly the same touch pads, and you can clearly prove that the same exact precision keypress on the Droid works 100% of the time on the Droid and not on the Nexus One, then I can agree it's a bug.
If they intended it to be so that you have to use your whole thumb (or aim for the top), then no bug. I find that if I use my entire thumb, it will always land 100% of the time no matter where I aim, so that's why I say it's hard to say it's a bug or not.
But again, this is the only one that I might agree is a bug. The other two are definitely feature requests
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Ive had the Droid and N1 side by side which is when I realized its a design flaw or OS issue.
Both the RGB trackball and 512mb ram were both advertised as such. Including in the initial press conference. Those arent feature requests those are hardware limitations that have yet to be addressed.
The ram limitation has at least been acknowledged.
As for the LED/trackball. Its been a feature since the G1. Theres bunches of apps including the most popular messaging app that allow you to designate different colors and flash rates for LEDs for notifications.
N1 is great but before we can move forward I would like for Google to address these pretty significant things.
MT was a major feature add. But the 3g fix is still plaguing many users.
All in all N1/Android 2.1 are fantastic. Googles lack of communication frustrates too many people.
Maybe Im too used to games but good Devs are constantly in touch with users concerning bugs and issues and are pretty consistent with "update/bug fix" information and ETAs.
The fact that google is just getting phone support hiring going is pretty silly.
Im an early adaptor so I know the risks. But this really is a barely past Beta piece of hardware. I dont see the harm in other early adapters acknowledging that.
Frankly if it wasnt for users ((and haters)) *****ing and moaning non stop I dont think MT would have been put out and a 3g fix would have been put off.
The way Googles worked recently whining gets more results then sitting and waiting.
dbaboci said:
Cool thing about Android and this phone: all of the above mini-bugs can and IMO will be fixed. Something which you cannot say for most phones out there. That's why I love it - devs can do almost anything they want with it. Makes me go back to the list of smartphones behind this: If you had a problem you had to get used to it - so I think we all should give the guys working on the N1 a break - I mean we got an OTA upgrade LESS than a month after the phone went on the market which gave us multi-touch. So most of the bugs do exist but they are minor when compared to most of the mobile market and IMO Google is committed to fix them.
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I agree.
Heres my primary issue.
The guys at google seem like a bunch of brilliant engineers but rely rounds of feedback to get things right.
There creative and quality control people are suspect IMO.
Engineers tend to be a snobbish anti-social bunch. You dont want that leaking into consumer products. The communication pitfalls of this month highly reflect that mentality. They need another layer. They seem to desire it though so thats good.
ratsoda said:
I Agree......
Even after the OTA update, the touch screen issue still exists.
the phone gets all buggy with registering touch (touching middle of screen activates haptic soft keys, at the bottom of screen), getting tired of constently rebooting...........
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Same here,,,,,I encountered this problem once, after I had updated (never tired before update)..

Incoming Verizon Update

I'm on T-Mobile but I just got home and phoned up my co-worker who has the Verizon version. Says he noticed a slight improvement in overall touchscreen responsiveness. Biggest problem that he said was fixed was ghost touches (touching one portion of the screen caused a menu to pop up somewhere else for example) being completely gone. Idk, it's really starting to feel like a lot of these bugs should have gotten squashed in the product testing phase. Wonder if this is the same update as the mandatory one T-Mobile got way back. I wouldn't think so since the T-Mobile update did not fix touch screen issues for anyone.
Anybody notice the auto brightness isn't as dim anymore which is a good thing IMO.
slick_shoes said:
Anybody notice the auto brightness isn't as dim anymore which is a good thing IMO.
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well that sucks because the lowest wasn't low enough for me.
Lock-N-Load said:
2. I do NOT see a difference in QC 2.0. I was about 8.94-9.0 volts draw on QC 2.0 before, and now I am at same. I call it as no change in QC 2.0 speed - so still not "true" QC 2.0.
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Forgive me if I've misunderstood QC 2.0. But my understanding is it can charge at 9V or 12V. So just because it's still at 9V doesn't definitely mean that the phone isn't receiving more power, the amps could have also increased.
To provide 15W, for instance, you'd need 3A at 5V, 1.67A at 9V, and 1.33A at 12V.
It's possible to still get 9V from the charger, but draw more amps, for faster charging. Using something like Battery Monitor Widget, to monitor the current provided to the battery, would be a useful tool.
bobloadmire said:
well that sucks because the lowest wasn't low enough for me.
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Try the paid version of Lux ... Can get the screen REAL dim!
G4'ed it!
After reading all of these posts, I'm really hoping for a similar update on T-Mobile coming soon. I'm glad this isn't just a placebo and an actual solution to a software problem that doesn't require getting my phone serviced.
SIdeloading apps problem???
UPDATE: Nevermind - issue not related to Verizon update... Had Twilight app kick on after sunset and that overlay app (reducing blue light) is what caused the touch issue. (Credit: brainwash1)
Enabled installing from "Unknown Sources" and installed an app yesterday no problem
I just did the Verizon system update and reboot, now on sideloading install I get the permissions list with CANCEL & INSTALL buttons at the bottom. Looks normal, but the INSTALL button doesn't respond to any tapping. Tried landscape mode also, just to move where the button was located on the screen, but no dice. CANCEL button works fine.
[Also, if there are many permissions, so I need to scroll, the INSTALL button starts as a NEXT button, then changes to INSTALL when done scrolling to bottom. Doesn't matter, neither NEXT not INSTALL buttons function]
Not sure what else would cause this. It seems like the Verizon system update broke something. Anyone else having new problem sideloading after the update???
Whats your carrier? I think the other guy is verizon. So am i, and i put no thanks
z500zag said:
Enabled installing from "Unknown Sources" and installed an app yesterday no problem
I just did the Verizon system update and reboot, now on sideloading install I get the permissions list with CANCEL & INSTALL buttons at the bottom. Looks normal, but the INSTALL button doesn't respond to any tapping. Tried landscape mode also, just to move where the button was located on the screen, but no dice. CANCEL button works fine.
[Also, if there are many permissions, so I need to scroll, the INSTALL button starts as a NEXT button, then changes to INSTALL when done scrolling to bottom. Doesn't matter, neither NEXT not INSTALL buttons function]
Not sure what else would cause this. It seems like the Verizon system update broke something. Anyone else having new problem sideloading after the update???
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Do you have an app running that overlays something on the screen? I've had this in the past with a couple of different apps. Try turning off anything that's running.
Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
Ding ding ding!
brainwash1 said:
Do you have an app running that overlays something on the screen? I've had this in the past with a couple of different apps. Try turning off anything that's running.
Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
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Twilight app kicked on after sunset, which is why I started having the problem. Paused it, and no more issue. Thanks!
Misterxtc said:
If you or anyone else don't want to be bothered by the OTA in fear of patching a exploit for root block LGDMSClient.apk with the debloater tool by @gatesjunior. If anyone downloaded it and do not want to install it just clear the cache from recovery mode. That should remove it from the phone.
EDIT: To enter recovery mode power down the phone and then hold the volume down and power buttons when powering back on.
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Wiping the cache did nothing. It keeps popping up saying it is already downloaded and ready to install.
psycho_asylum said:
Wiping the cache did nothing. It keeps popping up saying it is already downloaded and ready to install.
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OK, then the update isn't stored in the cache partition as other phones. It's a bit drastic but a factory data reset will do it. I ended up taking the update and then froze the updater. It did improve the touch response so I have no need for further updates. It updates the kernel because that is where the necessary changes are.
Misterxtc said:
OK, then the update isn't stored in the cache partition as other phones. It's a bit drastic but a factory data reset will do it. I ended up taking the update and then froze the updater. It did improve the touch response so I have no need for further updates. It updates the kernel because that is where the necessary changes are.
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my touch response "seems" improved but I still get ghost touches..
I love pretty much every aspect of the phone, but the issues I have with the touchscreen are maddening at times, if I didn't see widespread reports of issues I would have Verizon replace the phone, but I am not sure it's worth the hassle..
lazarus2297 said:
my touch response "seems" improved but I still get ghost touches..
I love pretty much every aspect of the phone, but the issues I have with the touchscreen are maddening at times, if I didn't see widespread reports of issues I would have Verizon replace the phone, but I am not sure it's worth the hassle..
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It might be worth replacing. I first had a black one that had the problem pretty bad. I returned the phone and went back to my S6 for a while but ended up picking up a blue one from Best Buy and this one works great. The touch wasn't that sensitive before the update but now it works really good. My battery is really good on the blue model too. Keep in mind I paid full retail for mine so when I returned the first one there was no restocking fee. I go to BestBuy just for that reason.
I was having some touch issues just as many are experiencing. Just today I installed the Google keyboard from the play store. I enabled the new keyboard and stopped using the LG keyboard. I have been using it this way for about an hour and I am much happier. I am hopeful this will take care of my issue. This is on a Verizon G4.
I took the update yesterday and threw my Verizon G4 on a Qi Wireless Charger last night and the bug where it has crashed in the AM is still there. Not sure about that.
Basically every time I wake up on a night of Qi Charging, the phone is crashed and freaks out.
My phone is now getting hot and doing the screen brightness bounce like it did out of the box. Going from 100 to 90 to 80 to 90 to 80 to 100 to 90.
bnick007 said:
I was having some touch issues just as many are experiencing. Just today I installed the Google keyboard from the play store. I enabled the new keyboard and stopped using the LG keyboard. I have been using it this way for about an hour and I am much happier. I am hopeful this will take care of my issue. This is on a Verizon G4.
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I switched from the LG keyboard to the google keyboard day one so that was never a source of my issues.. Just today.. twice post update I have had ghost touches launch the app switcher icon while texting and caused me to switch apps on accident.. Doh.. It's frustrating to say the least.
Never had a problem with wireless charging besides it's slow.
No screen brightness fluctuations.
No ghosting on screen.
Sounds like there's an awful big batch of bad phones.
06stang said:
Never had a problem with wireless charging besides it's slow.
No screen brightness fluctuations.
No ghosting on screen.
Sounds like there's an awful big batch of bad phones.
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There are definitely bad ones. I returned mine again a few hours ago because my outdoor pictures would come out either dark or overexposed real bad. I tried manual mode and auto and no matter what I did they were awful. So I'm back to my S6 again, it was fun while it lasted.

screen sensitivity too high!

Can this be reduced?
Using this phone is near impossible (browsing, ex) without so many false touches!
This has to be fixed.
No root = no build.prop edits.
Anyone know of a solution?
May have to keep my Note 5.
I've noticed that the screen is crazy sensitive. It's almost like i didn't even touch it yet and an app will open or the screen will swipe... Interested if there is any was to adjust it a bit as well.
At first I thought this was just a subjective thing that random people were experiencing but last night I was playing monkey King escape and it kept swiping me to the side when I would swipe up and vice versa. Also getting random clicks when scrolling through menus and webpages... And I'm using cases so it's not edge sensitivity. As much as I like everything else about this phone I can't deal with something as basic as that going wonky on me for this amount of money.
cpufrost said:
Can this be reduced?
Using this phone is near impossible (browsing, ex) without so many false touches!
This has to be fixed.
No root = no build.prop edits.
Anyone know of a solution?
May have to keep my Note 5.
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I'm having the exact same problem. It's very frustrating. It is difficult to do anything without unintentional opening apps and links. I'm hoping this is a software issue that can be resolved with a firmware update. If I cannot find something where Samsung acknowledge this issue before my 14 day return period is over. I may just have to go back to my S6. That's a shame because I really love everything else about this phone. There is a discussion about this issue here.
I experienced the same problem when using without a case. But with my case on, no issues at all. I have a Spigen neo-hybrid case if it matters to anyone and love it.
dazednconfused said:
I experienced the same problem when using without a case. But with my case on, no issues at all. I have a Spigen neo-hybrid case if it matters to anyone and love it.
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Daze I see you also have/had a S6 Edge. Did you have any issues with the screen sensitivity on the S6 Edge? The S7 is my first Edge phone. Thanks.
Eddie Hicks said:
Daze I see you also have/had a S6 Edge. Did you have any issues with the screen sensitivity on the S6 Edge? The S7 is my first Edge phone. Thanks.
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The S6 definitely wasn't as sensitive as the S7 without a case, but I kept the same model of case on my S6 as well. I tried using the S7 around the house without a case and it definitely is touchy. No issues with the case on though.
dazednconfused said:
The S6 definitely wasn't as sensitive as the S7 without a case, but I kept the same model of case on my S6 as well. I tried using the S7 around the house without a case and it definitely is touchy. No issues with the case on though.
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Thanks for the reply. I do have a Spigen Air Cushion Ultra Hybrid case. It does help with the edge but I have an issue with the entire screen being over sensitive. I don't have that problem with my S6. Apparently I'm not the only one. It's even mentioned in a couple of reviews. I'm just hoping that it is resolved in a firmware update.
Eddie Hicks said:
Thanks for the reply. I do have a Spigen Air Cushion Ultra Hybrid case. It does help with the edge but I have an issue with the entire screen being over sensitive. I don't have that problem with my S6. Apparently I'm not the only one. It's even mentioned in a couple of reviews. I'm just hoping that it is resolved in a firmware update.
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I'm getting that same case!
yeah, I think a firmware update should fix that sensitivity and bring it down a tad. Not sure if all variants (Sprint, T-Mobile AT&T?) have it set this high or if it's just Verizon. To me, it's not like a dealbreaker or anything, but ideally I would like it lowered some.
I have the same issues with extra screen sensitivity, so does my wife's regular S7. Actually when typing responses on this forum, I often hit the wrong thng on my SwiftKey keyboard on accident and it closes out everything lol. Then I have to start over. I'm not even sure how the heck it's happening.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
The S6 Edge+ was nearly flawless.
Tapatalk browsing on this (S7 Edge) makes me want to throw the damn thing! LOL
Maybe this is Samsung's answer to TW lag. Just like in the old days (I'm talking i486 w/ Win 3.1 LOL) of making the mouse tracking fast to make the computer feel faster.
Just posting to say my screen is too sensitive as well. I fixed some false presses with a case, but still regular scrolling and clicking can be hit or miss if I'm hovering too close to the screen.
I've noticed this also, trying keeping your finger not so close to the screen when using it lol.
I found a solution for my over sensitive screen
I really feel stupid for my last post. I should have not jumped the gun so soon. I should have given it some time. Anyway after working great for the hours as I played around with the phone yesterday the over sensitive issue has returned today though not quite as bad as before. I just left a local Verizon corporate store to make an exchange. The problem is they do not have any S7 Edge's in stock nor have they ever received any S7 Edge's in their shop. Almost 2 weeks since the official release and not one Edge phone. They did have the regular S7 in stock and I considered switching to one. I also had my S6 with me and considered re-activating it. I ended up leaving with my Edge. I pre-ordered my Edge online and have one more day to decide to send it back or not. Sorry if anyone used that Verizon repair assistance and it didn't work. I meant well.
I called Verizon tech support today in regards to the screen sensitivity issue. He first had me boot in safe mode to see if the problem was present without any user installed apps. Problem still existed in safe mode. He suggested that I run the Verizon repair assistance to see if reflashing the firmware would help. He emailed me the link to the website. I didn't think that it would work but I figured I would give it a try. If it didn't work I was going to take the phone to the local Verizon corporate store for an exchange and maybe even switch to the regular S7. To my surprise it actually worked. My phone's screen is normal now. I'm still in kind of disbelief because it is such an enormous difference. Before flashing, just barely touching the phone would open apps. Scrolling on websites would open links. Now it only happens when I intentionally tap apps and links. The repair assistance is easy to use. It backs up your apps and settings and restores everything for the most part when it's done. When the phone first boots up it starts the setup wizard. When it gets to the part where it ask to restore backups from the cloud I wouldn't let it because it wasn't yet connected to wifi. I learned the hard way what happens when your phone installs a complete backup on data and repair assistant re-installs a backup and settings. Anyway the program will tell you when you have to make manual selections during the process like what USB connection to choose. I don't know if this will work for everyone but it definitely worked for me. I'm going keep testing it though in case the issue returns. I have only 2 days to return the phone for a new replacement if necessary. Here is the link to the repair assistance website.
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Eddie Hicks said:
I called Verizon tech support today in regards to the screen sensitivity issue. He first had me boot in safe mode to see if the problem was present without any user installed apps. Problem still existed in safe mode. He suggested that I run the Verizon repair assistance to see if reflashing the firmware would help. He emailed me the link to the website. I didn't think that it would work but I figured I would give it a try. If it didn't work I was going to take the phone to the local Verizon corporate store for an exchange and maybe even switch to the regular S7. To my surprise it actually worked. My phone's screen is normal now. I'm still in kind of disbelief because it is such an enormous difference. Before flashing, just barely touching the phone would open apps. Scrolling on websites would open links. Now it only happens when I intentionally tap apps and links. The repair assistance is easy to use. It backs up your apps and settings and restores everything for the most part when it's done. When the phone first boots up it starts the setup wizard. When it gets to the part where it ask to restore backups from the cloud I wouldn't let it because it wasn't yet connected to wifi. I learned the hard way what happens when your phone installs a complete backup on data and repair assistant re-installs a backup and settings. Anyway the program will tell you when you have to make manual selections during the process like what USB connection to choose. I don't know if this will work for everyone but it definitely worked for me. I'm going keep testing it though in case the issue returns. I have only 2 days to return the phone for a new replacement if necessary. Here is the link to the repair assistance website.
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Please keep us up to date on this over the next couple days. If this is the fix it seems too good to be true! Also, do you mean when you said - you learned the hard way about letting it restore the backup via data instead of wifi - that the restore simply eats thru a ton of data? Or was that some other meaning? My home wifi is slow as crap compared to LTE so I don't know if I have the patience to wait for a full restore on my wifi lol.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Eddie Hicks said:
I called Verizon tech support today...
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Ok I did this and since I don't have much on my phone I chose NOT to back it up.
It downloaded a big file (the latest fully updated ROM, presumably) so if you don't have a fast connection this may take some time. We were getting good speed so it only took a minute or two.
It does seem to be better.
It needs to settle in before the jury's out.
Definitely worth the set up as new if it turns out to be the solution.
It was driving me nuts.
mwshows said:
Please keep us up to date on this over the next couple days. If this is the fix it seems too good to be true! Also, do you mean when you said - you learned the hard way about letting it restore the backup via data instead of wifi - that the restore simply eats thru a ton of data? Or was that some other meaning? My home wifi is slow as crap compared to LTE so I don't know if I have the patience to wait for a full restore on my wifi lol.
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
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See my update on my original post please. As far as the data issue, I purchased my S6 last November from Best Buy. They set everything up in the store as far as my Verizon and Samsung registration. On the way home unbeknownst to me the phone was restoring all of my dozens of apps from a backup on Verizon. I was in my car with no wifi and I didn't realize what was happen until I received a text message from Verizon informing me that I was almost out of data. I shut off mobile data right away but I had very little left at that point. Apparently downloading loads of apps eats a lot of data.
I have sensitive S6 (it may be similar to other S)
This suggestion is from somebody else but it worked for me.
try this:
setting | personal | accessibility | dexterity | press and hold change it from 0.5 to 1.0
Changing that setting didn't work.
This phone is useless IMO for browsing in most apps. Every time I touch to scroll where there's an item that's clickable it selects it. VERY annoying. NEVER had this before in any device. Methinks this is going back.
I hit the twitter or Facebook link in posts when scrolling occasionally but it's few and far between.

Recent apps and back buttons

Mine are not lighting up and not working. I have done various resets and things would be back to normal, but that has stopped now. Have made enquiries and people are saying it's the Google app and you have to disable it then enable, but that doesn't work either. Has anyone else had this issue? Factory resets were advised in other threads but did not work. I'm getting so many bugs on this phone that it's starting to piss me off
Have you tried initializing in smart switch. Or using odin to flash the latest firmware?
qwewqa said:
Have you tried initializing in smart switch. Or using odin to flash the latest firmware?
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I''ll give that a try as that seems to be the only option left apart from returning it.
Gave it a try x 2 and it initially appears to work. Then installed some apps and it reverted back. Tried again, and tried setting up as a new phone, same thing. This phone has to be the most disappointing smartphone I have ever had. Permanent bugs, poor sound. Should have waited for the HTC 10.
In Accessibility Settings check if "One touch mode" is enabled. Disable it.
themissionimpossible said:
In Accessibility Settings check if "One touch mode" is enabled. Disable it.
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Don't have one touch mode anywhere . This phone is really beginning to piss me off. Surely a replacement can't have as many bugs as the one I have. Samsung Internet hardly ever works, the settings I save never save and now this. i'm thinking Samsung rushed this out.
Maybe it's called "Single touch mode" or something similar, I'm translating from Italian...
themissionimpossible said:
Maybe it's called "Single touch mode" or something similar, I'm translating from Italian...
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Thanks for your help but I cannot find anything relevant on the phone or by Google.
mightywhites29111971 said:
Thanks for your help but I cannot find anything relevant on the phone or by Google.
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Have you tried the app called galaxy button lights? It might fix the problem.
Heres a link:
Also check to see if you have powersaving enabled. When enabled the recent and back keys do not illuminate.
amar95353 said:
Have you tried the app called galaxy button lights? It might fix the problem.
Heres a link:
Also check to see if you have powersaving enabled. When enabled the recent and back keys do not illuminate.
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Thanks, have just tried it, doesn't work or do anything I'm afraid
mightywhites29111971 said:
Thanks, have just tried it, doesn't work or do anything I'm afraid
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I think your only option is to get a replacement then. Hope you get a working one becuase this really is a great phone.
So people say but I have had nothing but problems with it. The sound quality is poor, it never saves my settings and I had to pay £200 to replace the screen whilst out jogging. I didn't drop it, it was in my arm strap for the entire 2 mile jog back from the gym. I'd love to swap it for a HTC 10 as I had the M7 and M8 and they were great phones and I didn't have any issues with them.
mightywhites29111971 said:
So people say but I have had nothing but problems with it. The sound quality is poor, it never saves my settings and I had to pay £200 to replace the screen whilst out jogging. I didn't drop it, it was in my arm strap for the entire 2 mile jog back from the gym. I'd love to swap it for a HTC 10 as I had the M7 and M8 and they were great phones and I didn't have any issues with them.
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You must have just got a faulty one. I have had mine since it was released here in the uk and have not had a single problem with it other than the occasional reboot but thats acceptable and is just in the nature of Android. I would try a replacement but if you prefer you could sell it and put what ever you get towards a htc 10.
mightywhites29111971 said:
Mine are not lighting up and not working. I have done various resets and things would be back to normal, but that has stopped now. Have made enquiries and people are saying it's the Google app and you have to disable it then enable, but that doesn't work either. Has anyone else had this issue? Factory resets were advised in other threads but did not work. I'm getting so many bugs on this phone that it's starting to piss me off
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Is powersave mode on?
I've taken it to Samsung on Oxford St, London. After waiting 90 mins a member of staff tried the buttons and then said they will have to send it away for repair and it will take 7-8 days. Then instead of posting it back to me I have to go back to Oxford St and presumably have to wait the same time to get it back. Shambolic customer service.

Display driver issue? fixes?

My phone seems to have developed a display driver issue where part of the screen ghosts images, turns 50 shades of gray, etc. Apparently this is a common problem at one time one if one searches "fix moto x pure display driver" on google but cant find a fix for it.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Did motorola address this issue with a fix? Perhaps reflash the driver? Ive already tried wiping the phone and flashing to Nougat ([7.1.2] AICP for clark). Neither made a difference. It shows in twrp as well btw.
running out of ideas here. Hate to have to retire the old girl.
any ideas on a replacement for verizon networks...i need an sd card slot for additional storage and of course the phone needs to be rootable. Maybe a moto G?
What makes you think this is a driver issue? If you do a screen shot when this is occuring does it look normal or messed up? If it is a software issue, the screen shot will look messed up, if it looks normal then the hardware is at fault. That would give you about a 80% accurate answer.
There are no "known issues" with the display drivers in the Moto X S/P, so if it's software, best would be to reflash stock via fastboot and retest. If the issue recurs it is likely hardware.
acejavelin said:
What makes you think this is a driver issue? If you do a screen shot when this is occuring does it look normal or messed up? If it is a software issue, the screen shot will look messed up, if it looks normal then the hardware is at fault. That would give you about a 80% accurate answer.
There are no "known issues" with the display drivers in the Moto X S/P, so if it's software, best would be to reflash stock via fastboot and retest. If the issue recurs it is likely hardware.
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I thought it might be a driver issue by searching for "moto x pure display driver". My phone looks exactly like the one pictured in the first link in the search. Android authority is a pretty decent site and after reading through the comments section it does seem common enough.
Im going to try to reflash via fastboot as you suggested but im afraid i think youre right as it doesnt show on a screenshot. Its worth a try i suppose. Just dont have the $ for a phone right now.
thanks for the reply btw.
steveindajeep said:
I thought it might be a driver issue by searching for "moto x pure display driver". My phone looks exactly like the one pictured in the first link in the search. Android authority is a pretty decent site and after reading through the comments section it does seem common enough.
Im going to try to reflash via fastboot as you suggested but im afraid i think youre right as it doesnt show on a screenshot. Its worth a try i suppose. Just dont have the $ for a phone right now.
thanks for the reply btw.
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I haven't heard of any display issues in this regard since the X's initial release, and that was fixed pretty quickly with an OTA. None sense then... The "display driver" is built into the kernel, and if this was an issue I'm sure we would have heard more about it.
Sorry to hear, but this sure sounds like a hardware problem.
Okay so my issue was similar just that instead of the bottom half, it was happening for the full screen and it seems to have fixed itself after having the screen on full brightness overnight. It was a mistake actually. It all started when I was replacing my old battery cus it got so weak. I had no heat gun or anything or that sort around so I figured I could heat the phone up internally. Started running clash royale as it got the phone hotter whenever I played and changed the sleep period to 30 minutes because those are the things that make my phone heat up. So I did that. Replaced the battery yada yada, it works perfectly now. So I forgot to set the sleep period back and went to bed with the screen on. Somehow it just continued to stay on all the way till morning (or I believe so). Woke up to the phone hot, screen brightness on full. It was under my pillow too so the heat just kept building up. Needles to say, when I realised I closed the apps running, turned the brightness all the way down and locked the screen. I put it aside to cool off because I had just gotten up, wasn't in the mood. But seeing as I can't keep my hands always from my phone I picked it up like 3 minutes later. I'm writing this an hour after and the brightness is on the lowest setting. No ghosting, no lines being drawn up anywhere, no lagging, nothing. It's currently working like brand new. I should mention that the phone was plugged in the whole time. And mobile network was on. WiFi was off.
I'll keep monitoring the issue and I'll post and changes if any. Hopefully there won't be any.
_arxn said:
Okay so my issue was similar just that instead of the bottom half, it was happening for the full screen and it seems to have fixed itself after having the screen on full brightness overnight. It was a mistake actually. It all started when I was replacing my old battery cus it got so weak. I had no heat gun or anything or that sort around so I figured I could heat the phone up internally. Started running clash royale as it got the phone hotter whenever I played and changed the sleep period to 30 minutes because those are the things that make my phone heat up. So I did that. Replaced the battery yada yada, it works perfectly now. So I forgot to set the sleep period back and went to bed with the screen on. Somehow it just continued to stay on all the way till morning (or I believe so). Woke up to the phone hot, screen brightness on full. It was under my pillow too so the heat just kept building up. Needles to say, when I realised I closed the apps running, turned the brightness all the way down and locked the screen. I put it aside to cool off because I had just gotten up, wasn't in the mood. But seeing as I can't keep my hands always from my phone I picked it up like 3 minutes later. I'm writing this an hour after and the brightness is on the lowest setting. No ghosting, no lines being drawn up anywhere, no lagging, nothing. It's currently working like brand new. I should mention that the phone was plugged in the whole time. And mobile network was on. WiFi was off.
I'll keep monitoring the issue and I'll post and changes if any. Hopefully there won't be any.
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Later on the same day: So I fell asleep for about 4 hours with brightness on low. (damn I sleep a lot) woke up and the issue returned. But I had the brightness on full for a while and it seems to have resolved again when I put it back to low brightness.
That's all so far. Still monitoring
I'm glad someone else noticed that when you slide the brightness bar it effects the way this display issue behaves. I was starting to think I was alone on this. Now this is just my experience on my phone of course. It seems to be around 2/3 way to full bright that it starts to flash the white lines on and off and then 3/4 + it is pretty much acts as it should, they go away! So I took a screenshot as acejavelin suggested and the screenshot was clear. So this would explain why updates don't seem to change anything since it does seem to be a certain batch with bad hardware. Can this hardware be solder changed? Guess I will keep an eye out for sale of xpure with busted digitizer/good lcd to test and possible mb swap.
Yes 1575 definitely has a display driver issue, i've noticed this too. I don't think there is a way to fix this, unless it would be fixed in Nougat.
But how sure are you that it's a driver issue and not hardware? That's why I'm waiting for nougat. If it doesn't fix the issue then I'm just going to have to retire the phone.
Sorry bro
If you're encountering a display problem in aftermarket roms and even on the bootloader and recovery menus, then it's most definitely not a "display driver" issue. As @acejavelin already pointed out, it's not a known software problem unless you're running the shipped Lollipop software release.
Mine has the same issues now and then but a restart fixes it always.
Bill720 said:
If you're encountering a display problem in aftermarket roms and even on the bootloader and recovery menus, then it's most definitely not a "display driver" issue. As @acejavelin already pointed out, it's not a known software problem unless you're running the shipped Lollipop software release.
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that's the point, problems are only in the stock rom. I've tried many custom roms and none of them have this issue, but unfortunately they have many other issues so i have to use the stock version.
But the Op!
onupirat said:
that's the point, problems are only in the stock rom. I've tried many custom roms and none of them have this issue, but unfortunately they have many other issues so i have to use the stock version.
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steveindajeep said:
I've already tried wiping the phone and flashing to Nougat ([7.1.2] AICP for clark). Neither made a difference. It shows in twrp as well btw.
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Oh. I just read this and assumed that we were all talking about the same thing. In your case, I'd perform some experimentation to make absolute certain that your findings aren't just coincidence.
Question re: hardware vs software
acejavelin said:
What makes you think this is a driver issue? If you do a screen shot when this is occuring does it look normal or messed up? If it is a software issue, the screen shot will look messed up, if it looks normal then the hardware is at fault. That would give you about a 80% accurate answer.
There are no "known issues" with the display drivers in the Moto X S/P, so if it's software, best would be to reflash stock via fastboot and retest. If the issue recurs it is likely hardware.
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Hi ~ just read your msg, and tried your "screenshot test." The grayish area on my screen (which over time, comes & goes - haven't detected a pattern as to why/when) DOES show up on the screenshot.
If I understand correctly, that would tend to indicate that I am experiencing a software issue? (Not hardware)
I did do a Factory Data Reset, and am experiencing the same issue. I had not added any apps for an extended period of time, prior to this gray-area occuring. I did, however, drop the phone. I don't recall for certain, but I don't think the problem occurred immediately, rather, it started very shortly thereafter (1 -3 days).
And I am waiting for delivery of a battery, since that's shot (runs down very quickly, & shuts down with anywhere from 30% - 60%+ battery level).
Any suggestions for resolving this? I hope this post makes sense... And thank you for any ideas or assistance you can offer!
Hello everybody. I have the same problem.
And who ever changed the display? Do you want to understand this is the problem of the display, motherboard or drivers?
I think it's a software problem, a hardware will not stop glitches when you flash a different software until and unless you fix it. In my experience, after my phone break because of downgrade to marshmallow stock firmware, and with an unlock bootloader i update my phone using OTA update, suddenly it stop working. blank screen and i tried try to recovery it with xt1575 IMG file to boot it again, mine it was xt1572(India) then I start facing a lot of problem, glitches, can go back to marshmallow stock firmware so and so... Now I'm trying to find a solution !!!! Custom ROM, CM13 work better and no glitches till now... I will Report soon
Moto x style/pure display problem
steveindajeep said:
My phone seems to have developed a display driver issue where part of the screen ghosts images, turns 50 shades of gray, etc. Apparently this is a common problem at one time one if one searches "fix moto x pure display driver" on google but cant find a fix for it.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Did motorola address this issue with a fix? Perhaps reflash the driver? Ive already tried wiping the phone and flashing to Nougat ([7.1.2] AICP for clark). Neither made a difference. It shows in twrp as well btw.
running out of ideas here. Hate to have to retire the old girl.
any ideas on a replacement for verizon networks...i need an sd card slot for additional storage and of course the phone needs to be rootable. Maybe a moto G?
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I think maybe due to brightness control problem, could be the software or hardware problem

