7" Screen Blues - Nvidia Tegra Note 7

I must say I had high hopes for this tablet. And it hasn't disappointed except in one area. That small 7" screen. I'd been using a Asus Transformer TF101 for over 2 years, and this screen just doesn't cut it for me. Going back to a 10" screen. I sure wish EVGA would release a 10" version of this tablet because I'd buy it. As it is I'll probably go with the latest Transformer. I'll miss that stylus though (Galaxy Note 10" is too expensive). So if you're considering this tablet and you're coming from a larger tablet, take note. Borrow a friends if you can for a couple of days to see how you like it.

fbales said:
I must say I had high hopes for this tablet. And it hasn't disappointed except in one area. That small 7" screen. I'd been using a Asus Transformer TF101 for over 2 years, and this screen just doesn't cut it for me. Going back to a 10" screen. I sure wish EVGA would release a 10" version of this tablet because I'd buy it. As it is I'll probably go with the latest Transformer. I'll miss that stylus though (Galaxy Note 10" is too expensive). So if you're considering this tablet and you're coming from a larger tablet, take note. Borrow a friends if you can for a couple of days to see how you like it.
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Try an eight inch screen, it's a good compromise. Size wise the Galaxy Tab 3 is only a little in spite of the screen being an inch larger. I prefer the fact it doesn't use on screen soft keys too as it means you get use all of the screen, all of the time...


Traded in my TF for a....

Hey Folks,
First and foremost, I'm not hear to start bickering with anybody...just here to share. Yesterday, I received my TF from BB via UPS. I was anxious to get it but at the same time had fingers crossed being that there's been quite a few documented issues both hardware and software related. As I turned on the device, the first thing that was blaring at me was there was screen separation. This was under the bezel where I could see the white of the black light clearly. Not the same as light bleed (there was some of that also). I went ahead and setup my account but had already known at that point that I was going to at least replace the unit. Initially, the unit was on 3.0.1, but after the battery had charged to about 70%, I got the notification that the 3.1 update was available. Now prior to me updating, which in all honesty wasn't a ton of time, I was experiencing FC's left and right. Believe me, I'm not the drama queen type, BUT IT WAS FREQUENT. Next thing I noticed was that, albiet not to thick, the tablet was quite heavy..a fair share of fatigue after holding for a short spell. In the TF's defense, I know a Xoom would have been equally taxing, as would an Iconia, etc.
Now I had been in Best Buy the same day that my TF came in the mail and saw that the Tab 10.1 was being released the next day (today). BTW...I live in NYC and was at the Union Square location. Fast forward to today; I was contemplating what I was going to do. Should I replace the unit with another and take the chance that everything is okay or do I choose something else. Low and behold, greatly due to the fact that there have been so many reports over various forums, I chose the Tab 10.1.
I've just had it a couple hours now, but so far here's what's evident. It is quite a bit lighter and more comfortable in hand.There's just about 0 light bleed. The colors are brighter on the Tab (take that as a pro or con....the colors are 'Galaxy S' oversaturated). There have been 0 FC's and the Tab is noticeably more responsive even when compared to the TF after it updated to 3.1. I'll miss the TF's widgets and extra cloud/DNLA services even though I never got a chance to hook it up. It's good to know that there are already accessories available that are made just for the tab. I bought a book style case for it from Belkin. '
All-in-all, I felt a bit let down enough by the TF to quickly decide that it wasn't the right choice for me. If any of you are feeling the same, I pray that provided you don't have any major hardware issues that Asus and Google can straighten them out with future updates. As for me, I prefer to take a less tentative unsure route.
Interesting. Thanks for the input.
Is there a keyboard case for the tab?
no microsd? dealbreaker.
samsung qual control? dealbreaker.
active # of developers for tab? semi dealbreaker.
love the TF. love the dev community. love the dock. good luck with the tab.
Keyboard Case? Not sure. I saw the Keyboard today, but don't know about the case to be honest.
chotabk said:
no microsd? dealbreaker.
samsung qual control? dealbreaker.
active # of developers for tab? semi dealbreaker.
love the TF. love the dev community. love the dock. good luck with the tab.
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Call it the luck of the draw and I hope I continue to be lucky, but as I'm using I haven't encountered anything as yet. But again, this is just after a couple hours of use. I will tell you this much though, there are certain options that I can't seem to find on the Tab...such as the option to have the Tab be seen as a desktop device so less mobile pages load. As far as the microsd, it's not that big of dealbreaker for me as I don't necessarily need to have a ton of movies or music on the device. I'll be able to hold a decent share, but it was never one of my major objectives to load the baby up like I would an ipod or my mac. I may change my tune. I guess time will tell.
chotabk said:
no microsd? dealbreaker.
samsung qual control? dealbreaker.
active # of developers for tab? semi dealbreaker.
love the TF. love the dev community. love the dock. good luck with the tab.
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+ $100 more than TF. Dealbreaker
Fyahstarter said:
Call it the luck of the draw and I hope I continue to be lucky, but as I'm using I haven't encountered anything as yet. But again, this is just after a couple hours of use. I will tell you this much though, there are certain options that I can't seem to find on the Tab...such as the option to have the Tab be seen as a desktop device so less mobile pages load. As far as the microsd, it's not that big of dealbreaker for me as I don't necessarily need to have a ton of movies or music on the device. I'll be able to hold a decent share, but it was never one of my major objectives to load the baby up like I would an ipod or my mac. I may change my tune. I guess time will tell.
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Could you do more test for us if possible? What is the load time for the browser? Is there lag when typing on forums like xda? How is the battery life? Thanks
Fyahstarter said:
The colors are brighter on the Tab (take that as a pro or con....the colors are 'Galaxy S' oversaturated).
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This is where your rant fell apart for me.
The reason the colours are so saturated on the Galaxy S phones is because of the SuperAMOLED screen they have in them.
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 uses a traditional TFT panel which is absolutely nothing special whatsoever, TFT is the most basic screen technology you can get right now.
You are imagining things, dust and light bleed issues aside the IPS panel in the Transformer is far, far superior to the ancient TFT panel in the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Shawn_230 said:
You are imagining things, dust and light bleed issues aside the IPS panel in the Transformer is far, far superior to the ancient TFT panel in the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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The Galaxy Tab 10.1 has a PLS panel which is suppose to be an incremental improvement over IPS with even better viewing angles and brightness.
Shawn_230 said:
This is where your rant fell apart for me.
The reason the colours are so saturated on the Galaxy S phones is because of the SuperAMOLED screen they have in them.
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 uses a traditional TFT panel which is absolutely nothing special whatsoever, TFT is the most basic screen technology you can get right now.
You are imagining things, dust and light bleed issues aside the IPS panel in the Transformer is far, far superior to the ancient TFT panel in the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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What are you talking about??? The 10.1 US verison runs on a PLS screen which is a IPS panel....Maybe you're thinking about the 10.1V which was release eariler this yr.
I dunno, just looked on Samsung's website and it said 10.1 WXGA TFT panel.
I guess it may have been the non-US version.
Shawn_230 said:
This is where your rant fell apart for me.
The reason the colours are so saturated on the Galaxy S phones is because of the SuperAMOLED screen they have in them.
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 uses a traditional TFT panel which is absolutely nothing special whatsoever, TFT is the most basic screen technology you can get right now.
You are imagining things, dust and light bleed issues aside the IPS panel in the Transformer is far, far superior to the ancient TFT panel in the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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The tab has a pls display (better than ips) not tft. And the saturation has nothing to do with being an amoled or not. Samsung just likes to increase the saturation on its displays so they look more appealing
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Shawn_230 said:
I dunno, just looked on Samsung's website and it said 10.1 WXGA TFT panel.
I guess it may have been the non-US version.
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That is just a very generic description for 1280x800 LCD. Even IPS panels are WXGA TFT. That isn't suppose to tell you what kind of panel it is, be it TN, VA, IPS, or PLS.
So the description is correct, it's just vague in not including the panel type.
aim1126 said:
The tab has a pls display (better than ips) not tft. And the saturation has nothing to do with being an amoled or not. Samsung just likes to increase the saturation on its displays so they look more appealing
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
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Learn to read, this fact was already pointed out by at least two other people. Jesus, do people just enjoy kicking someone while they are down?
Also, I'm still not entirely sure. I'm looking at some sites and I see a lot of them listing a WXGA TFT display.
Edit: Okay, I guess this link confirms it. I still don't care though, I just went through two months of Transformer back-order bullcrap and I'm guessing it will be the same story with the Galaxy Tab for a while.
Ravynmagi said:
That is just a very generic description for 1280x800 LCD. Even IPS panels are WXGA TFT. That isn't suppose to tell you what kind of panel it is, be it TN, VA, IPS, or PLS.
So the description is correct, it's just vague in not including the panel type.
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Yeah, but when they just say TFT it usually means the crappiest kind. If they had something to advertise they would (well looks like they do, not sure why they don't advertise the SuperPLS panel more).
I'm still undecided what to do with my Transformer. This is the second one I've had. Sounds like my first had the same issue the OP has with his and my second has a light colored blotch in the middle of the screen.
Both tablets have some very positive qualities. So hard to weight what is going to be more important to me.
+ $100 cheaper
+ micro SD
+ mini HDMI
+ netbook style keydock
Galaxy Tab 10.1
+ lighter and rounded edges (more comfortable)
+ better speakers
+ PLS display
+ LED flash
+ just better looking
Almost afraid to say it, because I detest custom UI, but I almost want to give the Galaxy Tab 10.1 a + for TouchWiz UX. The demo of it actually has some very nice looking features.
Because of the lack of micro SD I almost certainly will need to spend $200 more for a 32GB Galaxy Tab 10.1, versus the 16GB Transformer I'm using now with my 16GB micro SD card. So the price difference is greater (I am sure I need more than 16GB for a tablet).
Shawn_230 said:
Learn to read, this fact was already pointed out by at least two other people. Jesus, do people just enjoy kicking someone while they are down?
Also, I'm still not entirely sure. I'm looking at some sites and I see a lot of them listing a WXGA TFT display.
Edit: Okay, I guess this link confirms it. I still don't care though, I just went through two months of Transformer back-order bullcrap and I'm guessing it will be the same story with the Galaxy Tab for a while.
Yeah, but when they just say TFT it usually means the crappiest kind. If they had something to advertise they would (well looks like they do, not sure why they don't advertise the SuperPLS panel more).
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Relax dude. Those people answered while I was typing my message. I'm not a very fast aat typing I guess lol
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
aim1126 said:
Relax dude. Those people answered while I was typing my message. I'm not a very fast aat typing I guess lol
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
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Sorry, my experience has been that people like to gang up. Someone makes a clerical error and makes a misinformed statement, one person points out this error and it should end there. But usually you get a dozen other people join in and say the same thing just to feel good.
So yeah, sorry that I misunderstood your intent.
Ravynmagi said:
I'm still undecided what to do with my Transformer. This is the second one I've had. Sounds like my first had the same issue the OP has with his and my second has a light colored blotch in the middle of the screen.
Both tablets have some very positive qualities. So hard to weight what is going to be more important to me.
+ $100 cheaper
+ micro SD
+ mini HDMI
+ netbook style keydock
Galaxy Tab 10.1
+ lighter and rounded edges (more comfortable)
+ better speakers
+ PLS display
+ LED flash
+ just better looking
Almost afraid to say it, because I detest custom UI, but I almost want to give the Galaxy Tab 10.1 a + for TouchWiz UX. The demo of it actually has some very nice looking features.
Because of the lack of micro SD I almost certainly will need to spend $200 more for a 32GB Galaxy Tab 10.1, versus the 16GB Transformer I'm using now with my 16GB micro SD card. So the price difference is greater (I am sure I need more than 16GB for a tablet).
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Same here. My TF is on its way to Asus for Repair. My display went dead after 1 months.... Before, having an sd slot was very important to me, but now its not cause I pretty much stream all my videos from my server at home with plex. What I like about the 10.1 is the battery life (engadget review) got 10 hrs, and better speakers. I am going to purchase 10.1 next week from Bestbuy and test it out. IF its good, then my TF will go straight to Ebay.
Here is an mini comparison of both Tablet.
dazz87 said:
Could you do more test for us if possible? What is the load time for the browser? Is there lag when typing on forums like xda? How is the battery life? Thanks
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Im typing in the browser now and there is a bit of lag, but one thing that makes it a bit easier is that the Tab has haptic feedback. The TF didnt or by default it was turned off. The lag is definitely there though.
Shawn_230 said:
This is where your rant fell apart for me.
The reason the colours are so saturated on the Galaxy S phones is because of the SuperAMOLED screen they have in them.
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 uses a traditional TFT panel which is absolutely nothing special whatsoever, TFT is the most basic screen technology you can get right now.
You are imagining things, dust and light bleed issues aside the IPS panel in the Transformer is far, far superior to the ancient TFT panel in the Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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Again, I'm not here to bicker or say mine is bettrr than yours, I'm just sharing. However, at the same time I'm not imagining things. The colors are very bright. Similar to what i have seen on Galaxy S phones. Moreover, that's not necessarily a pro. I am more partial to colors being closer to neutral.

Are you surprised Samsung hasn't announced a next generation tablet?

I have owned the Galaxy Tab 10.1 since its launch date last June. With all of the competing tablets that have arrived on the market since that time, along with the soon-to-be-released Asus Infinity, none of them have matched the Tab 10.1 in four areas that I highly value in a tablet.
1) Comfort. The 10.1’s smooth contoured border and the etched plastic backing makes it comfortable to hold, keeps the device lightweight, and provides enough grip to feel secure in the hands without using a third-party shell. I owned the iPad 3 for a couple of weeks and had to use a TPU case with it -- not only to protect the scratch prone aluminum backing, but also to dull its sharp tapered edge and provide a sufficient grip. I have to mention that adding a TPU shell also adds substantial weight to an already “heavy” tablet.
2) Color uniformity and the lack of backlight bleed. The 10.1 is the only tablet I have seen that has solid color uniformity and zero backlight bleed. Yellow and pink blotches on the iPad 3’s display are what made me hesitantly it. I was going to exchange it for a new one, but from what I have read, the blotchy display pattern is still ubiquitous and I wasn’t going to try my hand at finding the diamond on the rough.
3) Speaker placement. I am surprised that even Samsung moved away from their original speaker placement for the Galaxy Tab 2. The current speaker design found on the Tab 2 and the Galaxy Note 10.1 looks tack to me in comparison. IMO, no other speaker arrangement beats the original Tab 10.1 The speakers provide crystal clear stereo sound while remaining hidden along the tablet’s border. They are also in the least likely areas to be covered up by the hands or chest. I do hope Samsung will decide to return to the original speaker arrangement in their next Tab iteration. Finding out that the Asus Infinity maintains a mono speaker layout was a definite disappointment does make me reconsider that device as an upgrade path.
4) An logo free black bezel. This is one attribute that some people may not notice, but I certainly do appreciate. There is just something about having a clean black bezel tha the remains uniform when holding the tablet both in landscape and portrait. I’m not sure if Apple bullied Samsung into putting their logo on all of their devices, but I would like to see the return of logo free bezels on Android tablets. I don’t believe this design criterion should be patentable.
So now it is a year since release of the Tab 10.1. Because I use the tablet mainly as a reading device, resolution does matter for me. If the Galaxy Note 10.1 does indeed have a 1280x800 display, I really can’t consider it as a next-gen device with the 2012 releases of the iPad 3 and Asus Infinity. At this point, I may just continue to wait this year out. The fabled Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6" with 2560x1600 resolution is what I am waiting for.
Cleanskinned said:
I have owned the Galaxy Tab 10.1 since its launch date last June. With all of the competing tablets that have arrived on the market since that time, along with the soon-to-be-released Asus Infinity, none of them have matched the Tab 10.1 in four areas that I highly value in a tablet.
1) Comfort. The 10.1’s smooth contoured border.......
2) Color uniformity and the lack of backlight.......
3) Speaker placement. I am surprised that even Samsung moved away from their original speaker placement for the Galaxy Tab 2. The current speaker design found on the Tab 2 and the Galaxy Note 10.1 looks tack to me in comparison. IMO, no other speaker arrangement beats the original Tab 10.1 The speakers provide crystal clear stereo sound while remaining hidden along the tablet’s border. They are also in the least likely areas to be covered up by the hands or chest. I do hope Samsung will decide to return to the original speaker arrangement in their next Tab iteration. Finding out that the Asus Infinity maintains a mono speaker layout was a definite disappointment does make me reconsider that device as an upgrade path.
4) An logo free black bezel. This is one attribute that some people may not notice, but I certainly do appreciate. There is just something about having a clean black bezel tha the remains uniform when holding the tablet both in landscape and portrait. I’m not sure if Apple bullied Samsung into putting their logo on all of their devices, but I would like to see the return of logo free bezels on Android tablets. I don’t believe this design criterion should be patentable.
So now it is a year since release of the Tab 10.1. Because I use the tablet mainly as a reading device, resolution does matter for me. If the Galaxy Note 10.1 does indeed have a 1280x800 display, I really can’t consider it as a next-gen device with the 2012 releases of the iPad 3 and Asus Infinity. At this point, I may just continue to wait this year out. The fabled Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6" with 2560x1600 resolution is what I am waiting for.
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I'm with you on points 1 & 2 completely. But on points 3 & 4, not so much.
On point 3... Samsung "had" setup to change the speaker layout... Apple won the court case so Samsung had to redesign the original Tab10.1 so it could sell them over seas. That's how we got the Galaxy10.1n.
On point 4... I have a Grey 16G Wifi only Tab and it has no logo on it. Do 3g/LTE Tabs (Verizon, AT&T...) have a logo?
And as for a next generation tablet from Samsung... That would be the Galaxy Note 10.1... Quad core processor, better all around screen, more ram and Spen technology.... I think Samsung was more concerned with cornering the market on size and quantity..... Just saying.
But I'm also with you on the waiting thing. I'm happy with my Tab and everything it dose.
Sent From My Galaxy10. 1 Class Starship...
Cleanskinned said:
I have owned the Galaxy Tab 10.1 since its launch date last June. With all of the competing tablets that have arrived on the market since that time, along with the soon-to-be-released Asus Infinity, none of them have matched the Tab 10.1 in four areas that I highly value in a tablet.
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I agree with most of what you say but while it was the best possible tablet when I bought it in early January, I wouldn't buy a G.Tab 10.1" (or a Tab 2) today. I would rather buy a Transformer TF300 or wait a little longer for the Note 10.1" or the Transformer Infinity or even the Acer Iconia A700.
1) Comfort.
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Definitely, it's still one of the lighest and slimmest tablets around, one of the most comfortable to hold, one of the better looking and I HATE metal back panels for a lot of reasons (feel in hand, weight, signal interferance etc) so really I find the G.Tab 10.1" simply ideal.
2) Color uniformity and the lack of backlight bleed.
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Yes, very good display (and good GPS and very good Wi-Fi reception). Good cameras too, with flash which occasionally comes handy in more ways than one. I like the overall design a lot.
3) Speaker placement.
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Like another poster has already told yuo they HAD to redesign the tablet. What I find absurd is that some of the new tablets around today are very similar to our version of G.Tab...
4) An logo free black bezel. This is one attribute that some people may not notice, but I certainly do appreciate. There is just something about having a clean black bezel tha the remains uniform when holding the tablet both in landscape and portrait. I’m not sure if Apple bullied Samsung into putting their logo on all of their devices, but I would like to see the return of logo free bezels on Android tablets. I don’t believe this design criterion should be patentable.
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I would rather have no logo at all on a full black bezel but the the logo I have on my G.Tab is "low visibility" (much less, for example, than that on my Note), a smart move.
Actually, I see only 2 cons to this tablet: lack of SD card slot and incomplete 3G functionality (SMS works but I would LOVE to get full phone capability like in the Tab 2).
So now it is a year since release of the Tab 10.1. Because I use the tablet mainly as a reading device, resolution does matter for me. If the Galaxy Note 10.1 does indeed have a 1280x800 display, I really can’t consider it as a next-gen device with the 2012 releases of the iPad 3 and Asus Infinity. At this point, I may just continue to wait this year out. The fabled Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6" with 2560x1600 resolution is what I am waiting for.
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Yes I would definitely like to have a higher resolution display but I am thinking about 1920x1200, I am not interested at all in these ultra-high resolutions because they are totally overkill on 10" screens (or 11.6", for that matter). They just add weight, thickness and price and shorten battery runtime. I blame Apple for putting this BS marketing gimmick into people's minds (they are probably overcompensating because their iCrap1 and iCrap2 have the lowest PPI screen of all the tablets... :laugh: )
Does the note 10.1 count as a rumored tablet by Samsung?
My life for Aiur
I think the speaker placement on the Tab is HORRIBLE. When listening to music or a movie I need to cup my hands over the side of the Tab to hear it well. The Note does it right and I'm tempted to get a Note when it comes out just for this feature alone.
However, I think that the Asus Infinity, which will soon be out, will be the one to get. It will be my replacement for the Tab.
I had the 7.0 tab first then igot the 10.1. i am looking forward to a better customized tablet. The picture quality on this tab, for me, is horrible. I have the gsm version and most of the time i can only pick up a signal on wifi. i think the note would be better for me but i do enjoy the size of the screen.
Sent from my SGH-T859 using xda premium

Nexus7 feels like a cheap tablet vs GTab 7.7

Got my 32G+HPSA Nexus7 yesterday and boy was I disappointed: it feels
like a cheap piece of plastic compared to my Galaxy Tab 7.7.
- thicker than my 1-year old gtab 7.7
- huge bezel, small screen: lots of wasted real-estate, an 8" screen
could easily have been fitted in that case
- no forward-facing camera
- no phone function (I knew that, but still, how much would it cost to
add it, and really convenient when travelling to put a 'local' SIM)
- bad screen, washed out colors, nowhere near the crispness and quality
of a Gtab 7.7
I will keep it though for my kids, but it's a let down.
What is the successor the the Galaxy Tab 7.7?
zafu said:
Got my 32G+HPSA Nexus7 yesterday and boy was I disappointed: it feels
like a cheap piece of plastic compared to my Galaxy Tab 7.7.
- thicker than my 1-year old gtab 7.7
- huge bezel, small screen: lots of wasted real-estate, an 8" screen
could easily have been fitted in that case
- no forward-facing camera
- no phone function (I knew that, but still, how much would it cost to
add it, and really convenient when travelling to put a 'local' SIM)
- bad screen, washed out colors, nowhere near the crispness and quality
of a Gtab 7.7
I will keep it though for my kids, but it's a let down.
What is the successor the the Galaxy Tab 7.7?
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i agree with you, the only thing is really cool in the N7 is the smoothness of the JB.
nothing else.
once we got out JB, N7 doesn't stand out in front of G7.7 in anything.
Well, the price says a lot about it. Super AMOLED Plus is quite expensive to produce. It is the perfect AmoLED, even better than the Note 2's semi-pentile AmoLED screen without the Plus. =)
About the phone function, you can download Apps to enable it, just like you can download camera apps to shoot pictures using the front facing cam of the Nexus 7.
jerverg said:
Well, the price says a lot about it. Super AMOLED Plus is quite expensive to produce. It is the perfect AmoLED, even better than the Note 2's semi-pentile AmoLED screen without the Plus. =)
About the phone function, you can download Apps to enable it, just like you can download camera apps to shoot pictures using the front facing cam of the Nexus 7.
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So what you're saying is that I should look for a "Super AMOLED Plus"
screen in my next tablet to get a similar quality as the Gtab7.7 ?
bassem.mohsen said:
i agree with you, the only thing is really cool in the N7 is the smoothness of the JB.
nothing else.
once we got out JB, N7 doesn't stand out in front of G7.7 in anything.
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also there is so much more development going on for the nexus...
zafu said:
Got my 32G+HPSA Nexus7 yesterday and boy was I disappointed: it feels
like a cheap piece of plastic compared to my Galaxy Tab 7.7.
- thicker than my 1-year old gtab 7.7
- huge bezel, small screen: lots of wasted real-estate, an 8" screen
could easily have been fitted in that case
- no forward-facing camera
- no phone function (I knew that, but still, how much would it cost to
add it, and really convenient when travelling to put a 'local' SIM)
- bad screen, washed out colors, nowhere near the crispness and quality
of a Gtab 7.7
I will keep it though for my kids, but it's a let down.
What is the successor the the Galaxy Tab 7.7?
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Hi Guys,
I'm currently eagerly awaiting delivery of an almost new GTab 7.7 to replace my Gtab 8.9... hope it lives up to the hype!
I heard that Samsung are going to bring out a Galaxy Note 7.7.... a natural successor i guess. Though I'm sure for my purposes the Chip, screen and form of the original 7.7 will be more than enough for the next year or two
Wow!You posted the same thing in the nexus 7 section.Tell me more about how much better the GTab is. -.-
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

Why not Super AMOLED Plus!!! (Coming from GT 7.7)

The story so far: I've had just about every Galaxy Tab 7" - from the Original, to the Galaxy Tab 7 Plus, to the GT 7.7. I also have a Galaxy S3 and a Note 2. I love the Note 2 and when it was announced there would be a Note 8 I was excited that I'd be able to go to one device that was the 8" and have the phone capability that would work w/ my smartwatch and headset. They had to make a worthy successor to the 7.7, so I picked up the 8 the other week.
I am on the fence whether I keep the Note 8 or not - when I use my 7.7, I can't help but feel that the 8 could have been so much better.
That 7.7's Super AMOLED Plus screen has sex with my eyes, the Note 8 screen is ok, but it's strikingly obvious when you hold them side by side. Let's face it, on a tablet, the screen is a major factor of your experience/enjoyment and even though it would have been nice to have a higher resolution, I really miss the deep black for contrast to the vibrant popping colors. Also miss the battery savings from AMOLED when using dark backgrounds and UIs. Plus the 7.7 screen didn't have the pentile problems of other AMOLED screens.
The build quality, metal back, and thinness of the 7.7 was actually pretty nice for its generation. So many people overlooked it and now that Samsung has gone to the all plastic back like their phones it just feels less nice (not as important as I cover with a case anyway).
The 7.7 was just on the upper boundaries of fitting in some of my jacket/back pockets - the 8 definitely no longer fits in some of them and sort of hinders my use of being able to stick it in a pocket and not carry around a tablet bag (man purse).
What I was hoping for with the 8 was the current OS, stylus, HW guts of what they released but kept the build materials/quality and screen of the 7.7. Also wish they released the phone capable one on my carrier Verizon in the US - that would have been everything I wanted.
Has anyone else come from the 7.7 w/ the Super AMOLED Plus screen?
My path is 7.7->note 10.1->note 8
I agree the 7.7 display and build are at a higher level, but it also was very expensive +50% above note 8 here. The 10.1 and 8 have so many other features I don't mind the display regression.
Those 2 devices mixed would be an incredible device. If it had a good display (just equal the 7.7 even) and 3g/4g I'd sell my note 2 and be completely device satisfied.
I agree that the Tab 7.7 was/is a great device and display, and Samsung's best overall build-quality in a mobile device to this date. Unfortunately, Samsung priced it WAY out of the market to be considered by the general public and iPad users, and even very few of us geeks considered it because of the price alone. I also wish that they had the foresight to have slimmed down the long side bezels (like the iPad Mini) so that it would still fit in my pocket like the original Tab 7. At the time, the size and pocketability, and 3g/phone capabilities, were major advantages to me over the 9.7" iPads.
When the 7.7 came out I was ecstatic about the SA display and the build quality, but I was like, "Nooooooooooooooooo" when I found out the width and that it would no longer fit into my pockets. The original Tab 7 could and would go with me everywhere! The iPad 9.7 and Tab 7.7 would not.
Having used the Note 8.0, I agree about the display (as compared to the Tab 7.7), but it's not really that bad or noticeable unless you compare them side by side. You can also dim the screen on the Note 8.0 so it is barely lit for night viewing/reading in the dark. I also love the weight, balance, and bezels on the Note 8.0 because it is the most comfortable Tablet I've held to date. However, I would love to see how it feels (ergonomically) in hand and in day-to-day use with slimmer side bezels, so it might be possible to fit in my pockets!
I guess I don't think about price too much if the device meets my needs. I got the 7.7 for the same price I bought my Note 8 on a company discount, but there are still many people that think the $399 usd they want for the Note 8 is too high. There are rumors of a higher end successor to the 7.7, but without the stylus, I'm afraid I'd be again disappointed from having an "almost perfect" device.
bbfoto said:
However, I would love to see how it feels (ergonomically) in hand and in day-to-day use with slimmer side bezels, so it might be possible fit in my pockets!
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Looked at the GN8 Wi-Fi today, and where my Galaxy Tab fit easily into my pockets, the GN8 just barely squeezed into it. Add a case and I doubt it will fit. Which is a big shame.
I do wish they had slimmed down the bezels. Doesn't really need to be so big =/
rEVOLVE said:
I guess I don't think about price too much if the device meets my needs. I got the 7.7 for the same price I bought my Note 8 on a company discount, but there are still many people that think the $399 usd they want for the Note 8 is too high. There are rumors of a higher end successor to the 7.7, but without the stylus, I'm afraid I'd be again disappointed from having an "almost perfect" device.
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^Agreed. Personally, I don't think that the $399 price is too much for what the Note 8.0 WiFi offers. But I think in the general public's eyes, $399 IS too much. They don't understand the unique features, they just think, "it's an 8-inch tablet with a bunch of icons/apps" and they are probably more familiar with iOS apps.
First thing they see when comparing at the store...the build quality compared to the lower priced iPad Mini. In their head..."why should I pay more for the 8-inch Hyundai when I can have a beautiful 8-inch Porsche for less?" The iPad Mini is thinner, it's smaller overall, and sleeker. It's an Apple. Oh, and it's $70 less.
$330 and $400 are a big difference in the consumer's mind. Again, they don't compare the unique features, they are both just 8" screens with icons. (We know know the real difference.)
I think $349.99 would have been the better price for the Note 8.0. It's still quite a bit below that psychological "$400" mark. And then people could rationalize that, "okay, I'll get a slightly sharper screen and a stylus for just $20 more than the iPad Mini. Cool." But then there's that build quality/premium feel of the iPad Mini. Is the S-Pen enough to make a difference? "Hell, the kids will probably just lose the stylus anyway!" So iPad Mini it is.
Unfortunately, at least in the stores, Samsung doesn't do a good job of making the unique features known.
Research shows that A LOT of people use their tablets while watching TV. If a store display (especially at Best Buy where they sell a boatload of HDTVs) demonstrated the Note 8.0 IR Blaster as the [email protected] Universal Remote that it is, I think that a lot of people would have that "Holy Sheit" moment..."this is awesome, we could get rid of all of our stupid remotes!"..."just wait 'til the guys see this at our next Monday Night Football GTG!" And how many of us have TVs in our bedroom, and also use our tablets to read while in bed? Just another use case scenario.
...anyway, I would LOVE to see a 1080P, non-pentile Super-AMOLED Plus display in a Note 8.0 with thinner side bezels! Samsung, are you listening?
---------- Post added 26th April 2013 at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was 25th April 2013 at 11:53 PM ----------
leginag said:
Looked at the GN8 Wi-Fi today, and where my Galaxy Tab fit easily into my pockets, the GN8 just barely squeezed into it. Add a case and I doubt it will fit. Which is a big shame.
I do wish they had slimmed down the bezels. Doesn't really need to be so big =/
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Yeah. Sorry, mate. It's frustrating because it just needs to be trimmed by 5mm or so.
I suspect the extra bezel all around is to fit more battery...which is important, but...
People, the bezel size is to combat erroneous touches while holding the device. Seriously, its one of the BIGGEST gripes about the iPad Mini, and I, for one, greatly welcome smartly sized bezels. There is literally no reason to slim the bezels on a tablet.
bbfoto said:
^Agreed. Personally, I don't think that the $399 price is too much for what the Note 8.0 WiFi offers. But I think in the general public's eyes, $399 IS too much. They don't understand the unique features, they just think, "it's an 8-inch tablet with a bunch of icons/apps" and they are probably more familiar with iOS apps.
First thing they see when comparing at the store...the build quality compared to the lower priced iPad Mini. In their head..."why should I pay more for the 8-inch Hyundai when I can have a beautiful 8-inch Porsche for less?" The iPad Mini is thinner, it's smaller overall, and sleeker. It's an Apple. Oh, and it's $70 less.
$330 and $400 are a big difference in the consumer's mind. Again, they don't compare the unique features, they are both just 8" screens with icons. (We know know the real difference.)
I think $349.99 would have been the better price for the Note 8.0. It's still quite a bit below that psychological "$400" mark. And then people could rationalize that, "okay, I'll get a slightly sharper screen and a stylus for just $20 more than the iPad Mini. Cool." But then there's that build quality/premium feel of the iPad Mini. Is the S-Pen enough to make a difference? "Hell, the kids will probably just lose the stylus anyway!" So iPad Mini it is.
Unfortunately, at least in the stores, Samsung doesn't do a good job of making the unique features known.
Research shows that A LOT of people use their tablets while watching TV. If a store display (especially at Best Buy where they sell a boatload of HDTVs) demonstrated the Note 8.0 IR Blaster as the [email protected] Universal Remote that it is, I think that a lot of people would have that "Holy Sheit" moment..."this is awesome, we could get rid of all of our stupid remotes!"..."just wait 'til the guys see this at our next Monday Night Football GTG!" And how many of us have TVs in our bedroom, and also use our tablets to read while in bed? Just another use case scenario.
...anyway, I would LOVE to see a 1080P, non-pentile Super-AMOLED Plus display in a Note 8.0 with thinner side bezels! Samsung, are you listening?
---------- Post added 26th April 2013 at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was 25th April 2013 at 11:53 PM ----------
Yeah. Sorry, mate. It's frustrating because it just needs to be trimmed by 5mm or so.
I suspect the extra bezel all around is to fit more battery...which is important, but...
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It's really time to drop all of the Ipad Mini price comparisons. For starters, the Note 8 is not an Ipad Mini competitor and was never intended to be. If you are going to use the automotive comparison, then the iPad mini is a car and the Note 8 is more of an SUV. Two different vehicles that serve 2 different needs, but can overlap if necessary.
If Samsung wanted the make an Ipad mini competitor, they would have, but the Note 8 is in it's own category. As far as the price, you have no idea about the actual profit margins of the Note 8, so you can't possibly decide the appropriate price point.
To put it simply, if all you want is Youtube and Angry Birds, this tablet is not for you. This tablet is only for people who have use for the Wacom stylus and can justify the price point for it. It is not going to steal any sales away from the ipad and was never intended to.
bbfoto said:
First thing they see when comparing at the store...the build quality compared to the lower priced iPad Mini. In their head..."why should I pay more for the 8-inch Hyundai when I can have a beautiful 8-inch Porsche for less?" The iPad Mini is thinner, it's smaller overall, and sleeker. It's an Apple. Oh, and it's $70 less.
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But what if the Hyundai actually has more horsepower and more features? The iPad Mini only has 512 MB RAM compared to the N8's 2 GB. And of course the N8 has the pen digitizer and removable SD. Not important to everybody, but these features are really important to others.
And of course its a completely different OS and ecosystem. The iPad, any iPad, was never a serious contender to me. Ever.
Now of course many of your points are right when talking about the average Joe (who could probably care less about what I just said, if they even understood it at all). But the N8 is pretty clearly aimed at a niche market of enthusiasts, not the masses. If average Joe just wants a cheap gimped device as an introduction to the tablet world, they can buy a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. The N8 is aimed at those that want more.
---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------
sputnik767 said:
It's really time to drop all of the Ipad Mini price comparisons. For starters, the Note 8 is not an Ipad Mini competitor and was never intended to be. If you are going to use the automotive comparison, then the iPad mini is a car and the Note 8 is more of an SUV. Two different vehicles that serve 2 different needs, but can overlap if necessary.
If Samsung wanted the make an Ipad mini competitor, they would have, but the Note 8 is in it's own category. As far as the price, you have no idea about the actual profit margins of the Note 8, so you can't possibly decide the appropriate price point.
To put it simply, if all you want is Youtube and Angry Birds, this tablet is not for you. This tablet is only for people who have use for the Wacom stylus and can justify the price point for it. It is not going to steal any sales away from the ipad and was never intended to.
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Well put. We are clearly on the same page.
---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------
As far as the title of this thread, not everyone likes AMOLED. I've seen many folks on XDA comment that they find the artificially saturated colors and contrast on AMOLED screens nearly unbearable, and can't stand AMOLED (and actually avoid it on purpose). Of course, its a matter of individual taste and preference. I personally don't feel strongly either way, and think the screen on the N8 is just great.
As for "why", I assume that Sammy saved a few bucks using TFT instead, to offset the price of the pen digitizer and keep the price where they wanted it.
I've said my piece about the screen several times, it is what it is and not good enough for my needs, but for those mentioning hand feel/weight I'd highly suggest picking up a demo at the store. I think that's one of the best things about it. It's weighted about perfectly for a device like this. Any more pocketable and you're basically back at the note 2.
sputnik767 said:
It's really time to drop all of the Ipad Mini price comparisons. For starters, the Note 8 is not an Ipad Mini competitor and was never intended to be. If you are going to use the automotive comparison, then the iPad mini is a car and the Note 8 is more of an SUV. Two different vehicles that serve 2 different needs, but can overlap if necessary.
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No No your completely wrong, the ipad mini is like a set of directional summer tires rated vr with some cool tread pattern and the extended road hazard warranty. The note 8.0 is like a big set of nobby mud tires, maybe 35's.
That explains the difference perfectly........
OH wait, no its more like the ipad mini is a strawberry ice cream cake, with flowers on it, and maybe a little toy on the top, and the galaxy note is more like a chocolate shake, with sprinkles and whipped cream....
No, wait I have a better one.......
The ipad mini is like my roommate Ernies rubber ducky, and the galaxy note 8.0 is like my pet pigeon Bernise.
chakra said:
No No your completely wrong, the ipad mini is like a set of directional summer tires rated vr with some cool tread pattern and the extended road hazard warranty. The note 8.0 is like a big set of nobby mud tires, maybe 35's.
That explains the difference perfectly........
OH wait, no its more like the ipad mini is a strawberry ice cream cake, with flowers on it, and maybe a little toy on the top, and the galaxy note is more like a chocolate shake, with sprinkles and whipped cream....
No, wait I have a better one.......
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I can see this new device forum is already shaping up with some comic relief!
Always a good things, as these discussions can often get a little too serious . . .
^Your One X (and now the HTC One) have one of the best displays I've ever seen. Being a photographer, I ultimately prefer neutral & natural color balance, and a wide color gamut. But some days the deep blacks, contrast, and color of my Captivate, SGS2, Note1, Note 2, and Tab 7.7 screens wow me.
LOL at the responses. You guys are a passionate group, and for good reason.
As stated in my posts, my comments were clearly regarding the Average Joe consumer and how it relates to Samsung's and Android's market share and perception in the general consumer marketplace. We here at xda are a different breed.
I'm an Android user through and through. My last iDevice was the iPhone 3G. I have way more beefs regarding Apple products, and that's why I am here. But Apple does some important things right that Samsung would do well to pay attention to (if they expect more attention and market share from the general public, and increased admiration from us).
Being that the Note 8.0 and the iPad Mini are the only 8" tabs in the marketplace, I would argue that they are if fact competitors. Yes, the IPM and N8 are aimed at different users, but do they have to be? The N8 can do everything and (way) more compared to the IPM, so if the pricing and build quality were more comparable, there would be no reason to buy the Apple product. I'd like to see Samsung succeed.
I spent many hours over several DAYS at Best Buy comparing the Note 8.0 and all of the tablets. I planned to drop some serious money for the International 3G (phone) Note 8.0, and I wanted to be sure that it would be the right choice beforehand. It is.
But it was interesting watching the other shoppers going down the line of tablets on display, and how much time they would pause at each model for a minute or two before ultimately settling at the iPad table for 5-10 minutes or more. The Note 8.0 probably received the least screen time. A lot of people stopped, played, and looked, but as soon as they saw the price tag, off they went.
I love all of my Samsung products. They are far more useful, versatile, and productive for me. But like many, I yearn for better build quality for my money.
Just my observations. I'll leave the dead horse be now with the IPM comparisons. Thanks for all of the responses...ALL good points!
Oh. @chakra, you should be pleased, I do QUESTION EVERYTHING.
---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------
guthrien said:
I've said my piece about the screen several times, it is what it is and not good enough for my needs, but for those mentioning hand feel/weight I'd highly suggest picking up a demo at the store. I think that's one of the best things about it. It's weighted about perfectly for a device like this. Any more pocketable and you're basically back at the note 2.
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I completely agree regarding the weight/balance in hand. And given its resolution, I was actually quite impressed by the screen.
How about this? Just make the bezel narrower or very minimal ON ONE (long) SIDE, so the screen is offset to one side...Get rid of the capacitive and home buttons altogether...put them on the screen so they rotate with the device's orientation, or just use gestures instead.
That way if you are left- or right-handed you will always have a comfortable bezel to grip in portrait mode, and it won't matter in landscape. The FFC might be a slight issue, but it could "auto-rotate" as well.
I absolutely love the 8" screen size, and the weight/balance of this device. But I also prefer a device that can go with me everywhere without any extra work to carry it. Just my opinion, of course...trying to get down to one device.
bbfoto said:
But it was interesting watching the other shoppers going down the line of tablets on display, and how much time they would pause at each model for a minute or two before ultimately settling at the iPad table for 5-10 minutes or more. The Note 8.0 probably received the least screen time. A lot of people stopped, played, and looked, but as soon as they saw the price tag, off they went.
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Of course price is a factor. But the Apple brand is a big one, too. I have no doubt that many (or even most) of these folks you're talking about would still have opted for the iPad Mini, even if it cost more than the Note 8.
Average Joe probably weighs brand reputation and price over everything else, by far. They usually don't have the knowledge to even understand the features, specs, or even difference in build quality and screens. But they will often just buy a brand they know has a good reputation. Apple very much wins in this category. Although Sammy is gaining traction. I'm finally starting to hear people mention "Galaxy S" more and more in casual conversations about smartphones, instead of just "iPhone iPhone iPhone".
I'm with you on the build quality, or what some call industrial design. Sammy's penchant for plastics has turned me off to their products for a long time. Their build quality is still very good. I'd even still consider the Note 8 a premium look and feel. It would just be a whole league greater if they used higher quality materials (but also probably heavier, and maybe thicker). The aluminum body on my old HTC Flyer is probably the only thing I miss about it, versus the Note 8. But HTC is staying out of the Android tablet market for now (I'm hearing they are planning Windows 8 tablets), which is one of the primary reasons I've gone to Sammy.
I really like the screen of Note 8 even the contrast isn't unlimited as Note 2, but it does not have "burn in" problem.
In addition, Quadrant is good as Note 2 and the battery is pretty decent.
^^Well said, redpoint73, and agree on all points.
I'll take LCD over the psuedo-HD Pentile AMOLED screens anyday.
Unless deep contrast (at the sake of true color at times), LED just doesn't match LCD. Just like the big displays, LED is still behind LCD & plasma in overall quality of picture & clarity.
It is great for battery life, LED, but I use the Note 8 in sunlight frequently & while it does not have quite the brightness control of the Note 10.1, it is still pretty good.
GSLEON3 said:
I'll take LCD over the psuedo-HD Pentile AMOLED screens anyday.
Unless deep contrast (at the sake of true color at times), LED just doesn't match LCD. Just like the big displays, LED is still behind LCD & plasma in overall quality of picture & clarity.
It is great for battery life, LED, but I use the Note 8 in sunlight frequently & while it does not have quite the brightness control of the Note 10.1, it is still pretty good.
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Don't compare this AMOLED to others you might have seen - have you even seen the Super AMOLED "PLUS" screen on the 7.7? The "Plus" means it was the only implementation of AMOLED at the time that was not prone to the pentile issues observed on many other AMOLED displays. Do some web searches and you'll see that claim backed up if you can't get in front of one. Everyone who's seen that screen in real life loves it and "over saturated" is a complaint made by no one that's used or owned it. Everything looks more "lush" on this screen and if the Note 8 display looks drab in comparison.
I've been carrying both my Note 8 and 7.7 around and have put them both up for people to compare and it's the 7.7 screen preferred every time. If they really were trying to sell a device that would compete and sell well with regular users, all they would have to do is put that same screen as the 7.7 in and put it side by side with the competition - regular folk who haven't fallen for the "over saturation" sheepspeak would agree the screen was better.
Also I have a mount on my dash for the tablets and you can definitely tell that the 7.7 is easier to read n the full sun than the Note 8.
rEVOLVE said:
Don't compare this AMOLED to others you might have seen - have you even seen the Super AMOLED "PLUS" screen on the 7.7? The "Plus" means it was the only implementation of AMOLED at the time that was not prone to the pentile issues observed on many other AMOLED displays. Do some web searches and you'll see that claim backed up if you can't get in front of one. Everyone who's seen that screen in real life loves it and "over saturated" is a complaint made by no one that's used or owned it. Everything looks more "lush" on this screen and if the Note 8 display looks drab in comparison.
I've been carrying both my Note 8 and 7.7 around and have put them both up for people to compare and it's the 7.7 screen preferred every time. If they really were trying to sell a device that would compete and sell well with regular users, all they would have to do is put that same screen as the 7.7 in and put it side by side with the competition - regular folk who haven't fallen for the "over saturation" sheepspeak would agree the screen was better.
Also I have a mount on my dash for the tablets and you can definitely tell that the 7.7 is easier to read n the full sun than the Note 8.
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I cannot speak for the 7.7, but as for just about every other LED Samsung has released including the GS3, washed out blues & unnatural white or lighter pastel type colors is in fact my opinion, which is not based on what anyone else may say or think, but what I have experienced with the multitude of devices at my disposal.
Also, I said "deep contrast" & "at times at the sake of true color", not washed out, just unnatural color, like you see on the S3 vs the HTC One X. I don't know what in the hell you mean by "fallen for the sheepspeak", but what I said is exactly my experience with the devices I have or have had. One last bone of contention, who the heck says "sheepspeak"? I only see cobbled together words like that in Apple/Android rants by fanatics, folks that think Jesus will flood the world if everyone doesn't repent & swear allegiance to the giant Android/Apple deity. ,,!,,

TabPro 8.4 price drop (now US$ 349.99)

The TabPro 8.4 price just dropped to US$ 349.99 both at Amazon and BestBuy:
Amazon (screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/6uyD4aB.jpg)
Best Buy (screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/fcLF7nm.jpg)
I am wondering if this is somehow related to the recent rumors of the new "Galaxy Tab S 8.4" tablet from Samsung with a 2560x1600 OLED screen and 3GB of RAM...
More information about the supposed new tablets at http://www.sammobile.com/2014/05/05...ay-exynos-5-octa-fingerprint-sensor-and-more/
that would suck if they came out soo fast.. this tablet not even 6 months old. looks to be the same thing but was a screen that uses less power and finger print reader...
I agree. I paid $369 a couple of weeks ago for what would be a premium tablet. The only thing that really bothers me is if these new models will in fact have 3GB of RAM, while the Tab Pro 8.4 has only 2GB. Personally I don't care about the fingertip reader, and I am very happy with the Tab Pro 8.4 screen.
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
I really don't want any tablet with SAMOLED screens. I usually run my tablet full on brightness with still images. Books, flipboards, graphs (Evga precision), RDP and such. Which would cause the screen burn in on SAMOLED. I believe the LCD screens are more durable on that matter. I buy my stuff for what I need, and this 8.4 screen with high density LCD screen is perfect for me
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Free mobile app
sharpehenry said:
I really don't want any tablet with SAMOLED screens. I usually run my tablet full on brightness with still images. Books, flipboards, graphs (Evga precision), RDP and such. Which would cause the screen burn in on SAMOLED. I believe the LCD screens are more durable on that matter. I buy my stuff for what I need, and this 8.4 screen with high density LCD screen is perfect for me
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Free mobile app
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You are correct in the sense that it depends on the main usage.
I had a Galaxy S3, was my first OLED device (pentile). I considered the screen OK, but not the best. It had the issue of "spots" that could be seen in the dark, but only with a black screen. Nothing that would disturb normal usage. However, I had noticed that I was able to see that the text was not as sharp as other LCD screens at the same resolution/size due to the pentile arrangement.
I replaced the S3 by a Moto X, which also has an OLED screen, at the same size and resolution as the S3. But Moto X OLED display is full RGB (not pentile), and I can easily tell that the Moto X text rendering is much sharper that the S3.
With that said, I am not really a fan of Samsung's OLED because of the pentile subpixel arrangement. I would need to see the 8.4" OLED screen at 2560x1600 resolution to convince myself that an OLED pentile display is better than LCD...
_dsouza_ said:
I agree. I paid $369 a couple of weeks ago for what would be a premium tablet. The only thing that really bothers me is if these new models will in fact have 3GB of RAM, while the Tab Pro 8.4 has only 2GB. Personally I don't care about the fingertip reader, and I am very happy with the Tab Pro 8.4 screen.
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
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i would only really care about the 1 gb of ram..... but it would be a pretty **** head move to release another tablet so quickly after getting us to buy this pro series
Just hoping that since this is the "pro" tablet we would get in the express lane for the updates and supports
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Free mobile app
sharpehenry said:
Just hoping that since this is the "pro" tablet we would get in the express lane for the updates and supports
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Free mobile app
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Correct. Samsung will need to show some differentiation for the "Pro" line.
However, it is possible that the new "Tab S" line could be positioned as the higher-end tablets, then the "Pro" line would become the mid-range, and this sudden price drop could be this...
For a different theory, consider that the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 is still pretty close to the price of the iPad Mini Retina (I own both), and more than a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" (I own a Fire, but not HDX.) Yes, the Tab Pro has some advantages - expandable memory primarily - but the iPad is considered premium, the Kindle is cheaper and can play Amazon videos, and the Samsung gets lost in a crowd of tablets including over a half-dozen recent Samsung releases.
Heck, we can't even point to flexibility as a reason to get the Samsung - since it's not rooted and rooting it invalidates the warranty. You can get a Kindle with that same kind of restriction. The iPad and Kindle have more accessories available (I love my Zagg keyboard cover for the iPad - nothing like it for the Sammy) and more help available (my phone and my iPad are trivial to hook to a TV. It took several orders of parts to get that working on the Sammy, and even then it's a kludgy solution requiring a power adapter and five pieces.) In other words, it's a great tablet - maybe equally great on points - but in a different league... which is the better vehicle - a Ducatti motorcycle or a BMW 335?
So I wonder if it's just that sales weren't where they wanted it to be. Take advantage of the initial demand, and then, when that peters out, lower the price to a sustainable point.
It is now 329.99
_dsouza_ said:
Correct. Samsung will need to show some differentiation for the "Pro" line.
However, it is possible that the new "Tab S" line could be positioned as the higher-end tablets, then the "Pro" line would become the mid-range, and this sudden price drop could be this...
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The Pro line is meant to be for business users, hence the preloaded productivity software[Hancom Office/WebEx/Remote PC etc].
Traditionally Amoled displays are more expensive than TFT LCD displays. Not all Amoled displays are pentile. The Tab 7.7 is a Super Amoled Plus tablet (the only Amoled Samsung tablet so far/and many consider best tablet Samsung has produced) and uses a standard RGB sub pixel structure. I am using one and thinking of replacing it with the excellent TabPro 8.4, till news broke of the impending announcement of the Tab S line.
The Tab S line will be thinner and lighter and probably more expensive. Can't wait till 12 June for the announcement and details/price.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
It's now 279.99 at Bestbuy. Got mine on Monday.
Buttercream said:
It's now 279.99 at Bestbuy. Got mine on Monday.
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Their website still shows $329.99.
Buttercream said:
It's now 279.99 at Bestbuy. Got mine on Monday.
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Really? Considering that I paid $369 mine just two months ago, this is a significant price drop. I need to say that I am not happy to have paid a higher price, but on the other hand, US$ 279.99 for the TabPro 8.4 is a bargain for an excellent tablet!
Maybe it's a local sale, but it's $279 at the Best Buy's in the Saint Louis area. I'm kinda ticked, especially since with the change of their price matching policy to 15 days, I'm six days over the limit. I could've saved another $70.
Maybe the website hasn't changed the price yet. It's 279.99 at my local Bestbuy at San Francisco, CA.
I went in originally to get the Tab 4 8.0 for 239.99, but found out that for 40 dollars more, the Tab pro 8.4 is a much better deal.
AWESOME!! I'll be getting mine tomorrow, I'll post up if the price is same at the BB in Milwaukee.
Ordering online from bestbuy is 329.99+ $50 gift card.
In store you can get it for 279.99
Great deal.
No if you order it online then pick it up store, price gets adjusted to 280 + 50gc mail to you.
Alexpride said:
No if you order it online then pick it up store, price gets adjusted to 280 + 50gc mail to you.
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Click to collapse
Really? You sure?
When you order online, don't you have to make the $330 payment? Then you go to the store and pick it up.
