having trouble with wifi - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just got my Nexus 10, so far I'm liking it. One problem I'm having is connecting to my wifi through my extender I can't get on the internet. It makes the connection to the extender, if I connect to my router it works fine. Only the extender is giving me trouble and I have to connect to the extender to be on the same network as my Chromecast in the bedroom. I'm on latest stock rom KitKat and not rooted (yet).

Got it working, restart extender. Simple fix.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app


Wifi issues

Does anyone have issues staying connected to wifi on their Fascinate? It seems that I can only connect for a little bit until it cuts out. It still says I'm connected but if I use the internet it says connection lost. Then when I turn the wifi on and off it works for just a little bit again.
Any help would be appreciated but for all I know, I'm the only one with this problem.
Does it happen just at your home connection or other hotspots too?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
All wifi locations
I can't say I have had that problem....what kernel/rom/modem are you running?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I have the same problem but only with the router at my house
I have DL09 kernel modem and ROM, Blackhole 3.0.
zeroasd said:
I have the same problem but only with the router at my house
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Same problem
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
FWIW, wifi was absolute junk on my Fascinate when I had the Wireless Tether app installed. After uninstalling it and switching to Barnacle for tethering, wifi performance improved tremendously. Not sure if that's your issue or not though.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Before updating my wireless driver on my laptop, I couldn't connect to the AdHoc network of Wireless Tether (2.0.6) at all...zilch.
After updating my Intel wireless driver to v13.4 directly from Intel, it found and connected to the AdHoc network immediately and is working great now. No wi-fi drops.
I'm going to try Barnacle next. Just wanted to point out that wifi can be drastically affected by your wireless network card's driver...so update it if you haven't. I prefer to update my wifi cards directly from their manufacturer's site instead of the computer manufacturer unless there is no other choice.
Good luck.

[Q] Wifi Issues?

After reading a bit it's seems to be a common issue on ICS and later. My device occasionally looses it's wifi connection, at which point I have to go to settings and turn the wifi off and on. Is there a better solution to this problem? My router is using WPA2-PSK and is on channel 7.
Wifi seems to stay on fine here, but I cannot connect to 5ghz, only 2.4ghz. Not sure if this is an issue or if the Wifi chip only supports 2.4 ghz.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
it doesnt connect to 5ghz, unless theres a trick to it??? but use wifi analyzer and look for the strongest channel on ur wifi router to fix ur problem
Turn off multimedia support on your router if all else fails
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
5 GHz band is not supported
Sent from my Nexus 7
Yea I'm having trouble as well. I have a telus smart hub at home and it is super slow. Then when I use my hotspot on my Gnex from rogers, it runs fine, although this app takes awhile to load.
Tried playing with the settings, only think I couldn't find was the 5ghz and 2ghz.
Try some more playing tomorrow and look for different routers
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Can I ask someone with nexus 7 to check if it connects with wifi AD-HOC network without problems?
I use my old LG gt540 as a 3g modem + wifi router, but it works only with ad-hoc. For example my HTC Sensation can't connect to such a network.
edit: NO, it does not connect with AD-HOC

Foxfi issues on the Nexus 7 Need Help

Hello everyone I just got my Nexus 7 last night and am trying to tether it to my Motorola Milestone X to get internet when I am not by a wifi connection. I installed the program on my phone and tested it out before buying the Nexus 7 using another smartphone and that phone was able to connect to my foxfi connection and go onto the internet.
When I go into settings and look for foxfi under the wireless connections I do see foxfi and am able to connect to it but where it shows the signal strength is is all grey where as when I am at home connected to my wifi connection it is blue? I try to connect to the internet and nothing happens. I have tried looking on the internet on a solution but have not found any. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!
nmeurett said:
Hello everyone I just got my Nexus 7 last night and am trying to tether it to my Motorola Milestone X to get internet when I am not by a wifi connection. I installed the program on my phone and tested it out before buying the Nexus 7 using another smartphone and that phone was able to connect to my foxfi connection and go onto the internet.
When I go into settings and look for foxfi under the wireless connections I do see foxfi and am able to connect to it but where it shows the signal strength is is all grey where as when I am at home connected to my wifi connection it is blue? I try to connect to the internet and nothing happens. I have tried looking on the internet on a solution but have not found any. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!
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Are you sure you're getting an IP?
Have you tried using any other apps such as barnacle or WiFi tether?
are you able to connect to any other wireless networks via your nexus 7?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app while tethering from my RAZR Maxx using FoxFi

[Q] Wifi reliable connection

I am having problems with wifi. The wifi network gets connected but i am unable to make browse or do anything .
It says "Can't establish a reliable network connection" . Is there a solution through which i can root the wifi?
might be problem of your isp or lan cable
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
kickmobile said:
might be problem of your isp or lan cable
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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but can i do something to make that unreliable connection work ? I wanted to make that unreliable connection work. Can it be done by rooting?
No. Your tablet won't change the fact that your provider is the problem. The nexus 7 and tf101 have shown me that Asus makes the best WiFi radios. The problem must be your modem or router.
My WiFi connection on n7 is crappy as well. All my other devices are good when I'm on my room except the n7. It's definitely a lemon unit I got. I remedied it by installing connectify on my desktop. But then it is not a good solution as my desktop need to be always on. I haven't brought mine to service center, coz they may refuse it as I lost my warranty card.
To OP, better bring it to service center.
Tapatalked from my Ace 2

[Q] Wifi Hotspot

Has anyone tried connecting the nexus 4 as a wifi hotspot? My phone can load webpages like google, facebook, XDA really fast. But when I have my laptop connected through portable hotspot I can't even get google.com to open up. Sometimes it does but very very slowly, is this normal for wifi hotspots or is it just something with my connection settings?
My Wi-Fi Hotspot from Nexus 4 works perfectly when I connect my Nexus 7, Playbook, and Galaxy Nexus.
WiFi hot spot worked for me also
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Hmm i tried it with my playbook too, it works but same issue its much slower then what the phone can accomplish!
It's normal for it to be slower (just consider that all requests need to be routed from your laptop, to your phone via WiFi, then to the cell service) but it certainly should be working without issue. Are you using the built-in WiFi hotspot feature? And what carrier?
