[Q] Is unlock code time-sensitive??? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

Sorry for posting yet another stupid question.
Being technically impaired on unlocking my smart phone for overseas use, I am ready to pay for the unlocking service code.
My question is:
After receiving the unlocking code, is there a time restriction on when I need to use the code to unlock?

confused2014 said:
Sorry for posting yet another stupid question.
Being technically impaired on unlocking my smart phone for overseas use, I am ready to pay for the unlocking service code.
My question is:
After receiving the unlocking code, is there a time restriction on when I need to use the code to unlock?
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No time restrictions, either it will work or it won't. The code might not work if it is incorrect or if you tried some of the "free" methods and screwed something up. However, if it is a correct code, and you use it correctly, it should work.


How can I enter my sim unlock code?

I'd like to try out a sim unlock code I generated for my 8525. However, I only have the one sim. How can I get to the unlock process without having to insert another sim? Really I just need to test it.
I'm not really sure what you're asking.
Doom Tints said:
I'm not really sure what you're asking. Why not ask the person whose sim card it is for the unlock code? If you are just "testing" the phone at this point, I'm assuming it's not even your phone.
If you want to see a Hermes in action, go ahead and return it to the rightful owner and I'm sure they will give you a friendly walkthrough.
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Doom Tints' Score: ZERO for reading comprehension.
I have an 8525 that belongs to me. Shall i forward you a receipt? Very helpful. Anyways, to clarify for anyone else who gets confused easily, I was curious how to I can test my sim unlock code on my own locked Hermes. Obviously I could remove the sim lock with the stickied utility in the forums, but that is not my purpose. I simply need to verify that my unlock code generating algorithm is working. I don't believe that I've seen anyone discussing the ability to generate unlock codes for any arbitrary IMEI before. Although I could be mistaken.
The wiki states that I can use:
[email protected]=0,<facility>,<code>
Facility is a number between 0 and 32, code is a 8 digit code.
What shall I use for the facility? "SC"? "PS"? Those are the only relevant facility codes I know of. Should then I convert SC to 0x5343? Maybe I just answered my own question...
Thanks Doom Tint!
I'm not sure there's a way. I just ended up borrowing a friend's T-Mobile sim when i was unlocking my 3125 - it takes about 2 minutes so it's not big deal to do quickly then hand back the sim chip to the friend.
Thanks for the clarification instead of the tiny 1-sentence question without explaining what you were doing.
BTW, I had already edited my message before you posted your response.
yay! it works.
[email protected]=0,1,<code>
did the trick.
anyone know if there are any HTC models which cannot be sim unlocked through published means? this unlock code generator should be universal,
fluxist said:
anyone know if there are any HTC models which cannot be sim unlocked through published means? this unlock code generator should be universal
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This only works on devices with qualcomm msm6250 (universal) / msm6275 (hermes, trinity...). It needs a bootloader with 'rtask' command but you can also do it in a simple CE program with RilDevSpecific() functions, communicating with the radio through RIL dll if you don't have an 'rtask' enabled bootloader.

SIM Unlock

Hello all. I got a TMobile Wing from US (I'm from South America), but it's SIM Unlocked.
Anyone knows where can I get a "unlock code key generator" where I can input my IMEI and it gives me my SIM Unlock Code!???
I'm not willing to pay U$ 35!!!!!!!!!, because the phone already cost me a fortune here.
After reading the WIKI, I saw that at this point there's no way (except paying to some obscure website) to unlock the wing.
My points are:
1) How hard can It be to unlock it, because:
1) the website can do that, and I'm pretty sure they're not using the official way.
2) I only need SIM unlock. When I use my SIM card, it asks for an unlock code. I'm assuming that the unlock code is a function of my IMEI number.
If there are code generators for other HTC models, how different the algorithm can be? And, of course, the guys from that website most probably have broke it.
3) I used to crack 68k code long time ago on my Commodore Amiga. Is there any emulator or something? A debugger like softice? Who's working on the unlock code generator? Can I help?
I've been going thru the herald forums for months now, and I have yet to hear of anyone being able to bypass SIM lock on the herald ...
I'm sure if you could figure out how to unlock, it would be much appreciated by the whole community.
i second that.... hope you find a way man... because ive been itching to get my wing working... 35 dollars for a code? that would be too much... some say they can get it from t-mobile for free, you just have to contact them... the problem with our situation (yes i bought mine from ebay also), we do not have a contract with them. i tried it already and they were not willing to help unless i am the subscriber myself asking for the unlocking. i tried contacting the person i bought my phone from but i got no answer.
duprade said:
I've been going thru the herald forums for months now, and I have yet to hear of anyone being able to bypass SIM lock on the herald ...
I'm sure if you could figure out how to unlock, it would be much appreciated by the whole community.
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I was Olipro's tester for his hard-spl, and after it was done, my O2 terra was sim unlocked.
I have no idea how it happened, though

Unlocking Motorola Flipside

Hi Members,
I have rooted my Flipside using 'SuperOneClick' and am struggling for unlocking the phone. Tried getting code from at&t but no luck. pls help me to unlock the phone.
Thanks aton in advance
do anyone know how to unlock flipside by software?
Unlocking flipside by software
Has anybody figured out how to unlock moto flipside ... none of the codes work. Help guys !!!
hi... I've been trying to get my flipside mb508 unlocked... but no luck yet... I've tried many ebay vendors and other websites... all of them say that the code was not found. Somebody please find a way to unlock it by software
I have mine unlocked since I live in Canada and had no issues unlocking it.
here is the guy on ebay I purchased my unlock code from
yes call att and demand they give you the unlock code ive gotten unlock cokes for my last 4 phones directly from att free of charge all you need to do is ask and give them the ime number and request instructions for entering it.
unlocking via codes is the safe way to unlock your mobile..
Ok so I signed up on this forum just to post this solution:
If you feel like dealing with ATT: you can call them and request a network unlock (its FREE) but DON'T under any circumstance tell them you have an att account! If you tell them that, they will make you jump through hoops to unlock your phone. If you bought multiple phones, just call one person, unlock one phone, and call back to get a different person to unlock the other phone. Don't call one person and tell them you have two phones, because then they will ask you for both IEMI #'s from you, write them down in your notes, so when you call back you won't beable to receive the unlock code (they say only one unlock code is free per person). So if you have multiple phones, call them to unlock one phone, hang up, call back unlock the next phone.
If you don't like dealing with ATT:
I bought two of these phones(mb508) spent $17.99 each and unlocked them both from gsmliberty.com. It was a link some dude was advertising in the forums, I clicked it, it went straight to my phone (it had a picture of it) and I called the 1-800 number to see if I could actually talk to a human being, and I could, so I tried it and it actually worked for both of them. It was a network unlock for T-mobile.
and no I have no ties with gsmliberty, just letting everyone else know whose bought the same phones.

T-Mobile Galaxy S8 unlock with an Unlock Code

I have no Idea how to start but I will throw in whatever I have so far.
I ordered sim unlock from samsungsimunlock.com for $26 ($13 original price and $13 Pending Amount for Hard Locked phone). This morning I was provided the Unlock Code and an app called Network Unlock which looked like T-Mobile's device unlock app but was non functional. The instructions were clear, install the app and enter the unlock code when prompted, but only ended up with no Sim Unlock.
I checked Service Menu to find an option to enter Unlock Code but it was missing Phone Control menu option since T-Mobile restricted unlocks to their app.
Now I am wondering if I would be able to flash Verizon or ATT firmware and be able to enter the Unlock Code. I know people are still trying to figure out ways to install the firmware through Odin and no one has been successful so far. But I was just wondering if I would be able to change firmware to different carrier which has the option to enter unlock code.
Any replies or help would be really appreciated. And I can use my T-Mobile phone as test device if anyone has ideas.
You have to go through Tmobile's app if you have it locked to Tmobile's sim. Flashing another firmware may work but not guaranteed
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
suyash1629 said:
I have no Idea how to start but I will throw in whatever I have so far.
I ordered sim unlock from samsungsimunlock.com for $26 ($13 original price and $13 Pending Amount for Hard Locked phone). This morning I was provided the Unlock Code and an app called Network Unlock which looked like T-Mobile's device unlock app but was non functional. The instructions were clear, install the app and enter the unlock code when prompted, but only ended up with no Sim Unlock.
Any replies or help would be really appreciated. And I can use my T-Mobile phone as test device if anyone has ideas.
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Did you resolve this finally. Were you able unlock?
deltacharlie said:
Did you resolve this finally. Were you able unlock?
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So even the paid services are not reliable ? Hope you got a refund.
suyash1629 said:
I have no Idea how to start but I will throw in whatever I have so far.
I ordered sim unlock from samsungsimunlock.com for $26 ($13 original price and $13 Pending Amount for Hard Locked phone). This morning I was provided the Unlock Code and an app called Network Unlock which looked like T-Mobile's device unlock app but was non functional. The instructions were clear, install the app and enter the unlock code when prompted, but only ended up with no Sim Unlock.
I checked Service Menu to find an option to enter Unlock Code but it was missing Phone Control menu option since T-Mobile restricted unlocks to their app.
Now I am wondering if I would be able to flash Verizon or ATT firmware and be able to enter the Unlock Code. I know people are still trying to figure out ways to install the firmware through Odin and no one has been successful so far. But I was just wondering if I would be able to change firmware to different carrier which has the option to enter unlock code.
Any replies or help would be really appreciated. And I can use my T-Mobile phone as test device if anyone has ideas.
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I am facing the same problem...paid the $26.00 and got the code with the instructions. Followed everything and their app showed "Device is Permanently Unlocked" but when I tried another SIM card the phone showed that it was invalid and to use the T-Mobile unlock app
Working with the support people from samsungsimunlock.com right now but things don't look promising...
Did you reach out to samsungsimunlock.com or did you request a refund?
There code does not work at all and they are bs. I used blowfish unlocks and was able to get a code for the phone to be unlocked. The code works when you flash the rom for testing the phones. It accepts the code but when you reinstall the T-Mobile software the phone stays locked.
T-Mobile and there bul**** app... the app unlock server is down and I don't know if it will come back online. We will just have to wait for root and a unlock method
Just used the T-Mobile unlock app. It's been exactly 44 days since first use on the TMo network, so I gave it a shot. Easy peasy! Only needed a restart.
i just carried unlocked my s8+ from tmo,i send a message to T-force and they help me to unlock my phone in just 10 min,im from mexico and i bought it in brownsville tx
this site i explained to the after reading this and before ordering,they guaranteed me my phone will be unlocked which they failed to do ,now they dont reply to emails nor do they want to grant my refund requested
Sheon849 said:
There code does not work at all and they are bs. I used blowfish unlocks and was able to get a code for the phone to be unlocked. The code works when you flash the rom for testing the phones. It accepts the code but when you reinstall the T-Mobile software the phone stays locked.
T-Mobile and there bul**** app... the app unlock server is down and I don't know if it will come back online. We will just have to wait for root and a unlock method
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Just curious but when you said the code works when you flashed the rom for testing, did you try and then flash another carrier's rom (like AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon) rather than re-install the T-mobile software? Was it able to pick up a signal after it accepted the code while you were not on the T-mobile firmware?
Sheon849 said:
There code does not work at all and they are bs. I used blowfish unlocks and was able to get a code for the phone to be unlocked. The code works when you flash the rom for testing the phones. It accepts the code but when you reinstall the T-Mobile software the phone stays locked.
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Does that means if I flash another carrier's firmware phone will work? Or what do you mean by rom for testing?
via msl to unlock the phone by z3x box is no possible.
SamsungSimUnlock.com are a SCAM!!!
Dear XDA people looking to unlock your phones,
The post below, is just a copy of this post (ht tps://forum.xda-developers. com/showpost.php?p=73084963&postcount=117), but for convenience I've copied it here:
Do not, again, DO NOT use samsungsimunlock.com. They scam people into sending them codes. I was scammed out of $26. Their website states they refund the money if it doesn't work, they don't.
Here is what happens (I've broken it down in a number of steps):
1. You go to their website, and order an unlock code. It states that it is $13. Great. You then wait.
2. You receive this e-mail:
Dear xxxx,
we have checked your order and found that the Unlock Code for your Samsung phone is available in our 'High Range' database because your carrier has locked your phone with a highest level of encryption (almost all new models like s8/s8+ are hard locked)*and we have*to use a Special New 2017 Unlocking Tool (which cost more than normal)*to get the correct*unlock code for your hard locked*Samsung phone.
The final cost for unlocking your phone is*$26.00
Below are the details of your order:
Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S8 (Vodafone_UK_server#2)
Paid Amount
Pending Amount
To finish the unlocking process for your Samsung phone*please click on this link*and pay additional $13.00 to make the total amount*$26.00
Kindly note:*the new price for the unlock code ($26.00) is still the lowest for your Samsung phone which is locked by the high level of encryption. We guarantee that you will not get official correct unlock code cheaper than this cost on any other website.
Thank you
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3. You click the link, pay, then wait a few hours, and then you receive this e-mail:
Dear, xxxxxx
we have a very good news for you.
Vodafone_UK_SuperNew_2017_Server_#2*successfully generated official unlock code for your Samsung*phone.
Below you can find the details of your order,*your unlock code and step by step instructions:
Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S8*(Vodafone_UK_server#2)
Unlock Code
Please follow the steps to unlock your Samsung phone:
First of all please make sure that your phone is on the stock factory firmware. This is very important. Unlock code will work correctly only on the stock factory firmware.
1 - Connect your phone (which you want to unlock) to wi-fi network
2 - Download and install on your phone official Network Unlock app: ht tp://tinyurl. com/hm7cp4g
3 - Power OFF the phone (long press on power button -> Power off)
4 - Pull out the*sim card from the phone*and*Switch ON the phone
5 - Make sure that your phone is connected to wi-fi network
6 - Open the app menu, find there*Network Unlock*app and run it
7 - Click 'Continue' button and wait until your phone will connect to server
8 - The phone will ask you to enter eight digit Sim Network Unlock Pin
9 - Enter the unlock code (which is written above), click 'Unlock' button and wait for result
10 - You will see the message "Device is Permanently Unlocked", do not close it, press the power button, choose 'Restart' and click 'OK'
Now your phone is unlocked and you can use it with any carrier sim card.
Thank you for using our service!
Best regards,
SamsungSimUnlock team
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4. You download the app, enter the code, and it says that your phone is permanently unlocked. You are happy, restart the phone, enter new sim, and find out that the phone is not unlocked at all.
You find out that the app is just a dummy app, and it doesn't matter what code you enter, it always says that it's permanently unlocked. It never is.
5. You reply to them, tell them that the code is not working, and they stall with various e-mails.
Stalling e-mail one:
Dear customer,
we’ve got unlock code for your phone directly from Vodafone server and this code is
in 100% working condition, it`s official factory sim unlock code provided by official carrier employees.
Seems like the problem on your side. Here is some useful recommendations.
Very often unlock code is not working because our customers flashing on
their phones custom ROM`s which includes custom basebands. These
changes in the structure of the radio module (baseband) are not acceptable
to unlock and this may be the reason why our code is not working. So
please make sure that your phone using original stock ROM and original
baseband firmware and your phone never was modified before.
Also here is some helpful advises:
-Try to reset your phone to factory settings.
-Make sure that sim card is not locked by PIN or PUK code
-Make sure that sim card which you put in your phone is activated and has
positive amount
-Make sure that your phone was not lost or stolen before because IMEI may be blacklisted
-Contact a person who gave\sold you this phone and ask make sure that phone was not refubrished by manufacturer before.
Additionally please contact your network operator, the problem also may be
in the high level of lock encryption for your sim card. Please ask
your carrier to change the level of encryption to normal that`s will make an
unlock code compatible with the sim card which you trying to activate.
Which error your phone displaying after entering unlock code?
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Stalling e-mail two:
Dear xxxx,*
can you please provide us screenshot of your phone current android version, baseband number and error which your phone is displaying after entering code.
Thank you
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Stalling e-mail three:
Dear xxx,
we will send a request (with screenshots) directly to carrier technical support team, they will re-check your order.
Seems like your phone is locked by the highest level of encryption and that`s why you have an issues during unlocking process.
We will update you as soon as we will receive an response regarding your order from the carrier technical support.
Thank you for your patience.
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Stalling e-mail four:
We will update you instantly as soon as we will get response from server
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Stalling e-mail five:
Dear xxxx,
everything is fine, we have sent request to the official carrier technical team.
Their server is extra busy right now because they updating the databases, so some sort of delay may happen, this is normal process, please don’t worry.
So please can you wait a bit, we will update you as soon as we will get a response from carrier technical support.
Best regards
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Stalling e-mail six:
Dear xxxx,
we have sent a request to carrier server,
it takes more time then usual, because of the very high traffic on their server and 10 hour
time difference. We will contact you as soon as we will receive an response regarding your order from official carrier support.
Please be patient, we are also waiting like you.
Thank you
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Stalling e-mail seven (after which I requested a refund for a second time):
Dear customer,
We will send a request to carrier server regarding aprox. delivery time and as soon as they will answer us, we will forward this information directly to your email address.
You know, all requests are official and they all are coming directly from carrier server, so we are also waiting like you and like all other services. So please don`t worry, this is simple delay, just need to wait a bit until database will be updated.
Best regards
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Stalling e-mail eight (still no refund):
Dear xxxx,*
no problem, if don`t need a code anymore, we will send a request to carrier server, they will cancel your order and will start refund process.
Please provide us screenshot with error which your phone is displaying after entering code (it will needed as proof for our supplier)
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All this time, I've complied with their requests for screenshots and stuff. So, after eight e-mails, it's easy to conclude that this is just a tactic.
I waited more than two weeks for them to comply with the refund. They haven't.
6. You go on XDA forums to warn other users not to use them, because this is the place where I found that site, which was probably plugged by the scammers themselves.
7. Find another reputable Unlock code provider.
Ultimately I did find a website, and they sent me a code which worked flawlessly. I'm not stating which one it is, so that this post doesn't seem like it's from someone trying to promote a website.
So, there you have it folks. I have an unlocked phone, but my back account is $26 lighter.
If you have $26 that is just itching to leave your bank account, donate it, or buy some random person some flowers. Do not use samsungsimunlock.com
I will update this post if I hear back from SamsungSimUnlock.com
I got scammed too...
Any chance you can PM me the URL of the site that worked for you?
I've been waiting 4 weeks now for a working code from samsungimunlock.com after also paying $26....
These guys are seriously scammy....
samsungsimunlock said:
Dear XDA people looking to unlock your phones,
The post below, is just a copy of this post (ht tps://forum.xda-developers. com/showpost.php?p=73084963&postcount=117), but for convenience I've copied it here:
Do not, again, DO NOT use samsungsimunlock.com. They scam people into sending them codes. I was scammed out of $26. Their website states they refund the money if it doesn't work, they don't.
Here is what happens (I've broken it down in a number of steps):
1. You go to their website, and order an unlock code. It states that it is $13. Great. You then wait.
2. You receive this e-mail:
3. You click the link, pay, then wait a few hours, and then you receive this e-mail:
4. You download the app, enter the code, and it says that your phone is permanently unlocked. You are happy, restart the phone, enter new sim, and find out that the phone is not unlocked at all.
You find out that the app is just a dummy app, and it doesn't matter what code you enter, it always says that it's permanently unlocked. It never is.
5. You reply to them, tell them that the code is not working, and they stall with various e-mails.
Stalling e-mail one:
Stalling e-mail two:
Stalling e-mail three:
Stalling e-mail four:
Stalling e-mail five:
Stalling e-mail six:
Stalling e-mail seven (after which I requested a refund for a second time):
Stalling e-mail eight (still no refund):
All this time, I've complied with their requests for screenshots and stuff. So, after eight e-mails, it's easy to conclude that this is just a tactic.
I waited more than two weeks for them to comply with the refund. They haven't.
6. You go on XDA forums to warn other users not to use them, because this is the place where I found that site, which was probably plugged by the scammers themselves.
7. Find another reputable Unlock code provider.
Ultimately I did find a website, and they sent me a code which worked flawlessly. I'm not stating which one it is, so that this post doesn't seem like it's from someone trying to promote a website.
So, there you have it folks. I have an unlocked phone, but my back account is $26 lighter.
If you have $26 that is just itching to leave your bank account, donate it, or buy some random person some flowers. Do not use samsungsimunlock.com
I will update this post if I hear back from SamsungSimUnlock.com
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Why would flashing another carriers firmware do anything?
Did you put in a non T-Mobile mobile sim? If so were you prompted to enter an unlock code?
Hey peeps,
loaded the unlocked firmware onto the phone, so far so good, its now asking for an unlock code, which is what I want. Any recommendations for a reputable seller?
I've come from tmo where you're supposed to use the app, but if what Sheon849 says is correct, should be able to unlock with a code now...
Any suggestions welcome!
tf22 said:
Any chance you can PM me the URL of the site that worked for you?
I've been waiting 4 weeks now for a working code from samsungimunlock.com after also paying $26....
These guys are seriously scammy....
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i dont know how much they bribe the moderators, or some of the moderators own that site, that is why it is all over xda. stay away
gentlemann said:
i dont know how much they bribe the moderators, or some of the moderators own that site, that is why it is all over xda. stay away
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Umm none we at every chance try to shut them down There services are not allowed on Xda but normal members keep posting them back up

why hasn't a universal unlock code been 'revealed' yet for the J5(2016)?!

I've owned my J5 (SM-J510GN; globe-locked) for almost a year now. I've been keeping a close eye, both, on the unlock sites and the kiosks here in Manila and - still - no unlock code is available for this phone. Is it still 'too new?' When do these codes usually start to trickle out?
If anyone has one (that will work for my Globe lock), please PM me.
aydanmonty99 said:
Unfortunately, I don't think you're able to unlock it via code. Since it's a dual SIM model, it has two IMEIs, so pretty much any unlock code provider is unable to help you.
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Hmm....when i put in a non-Globe SIM, it asks for an unlock code. My experience tells me that if I had the code, it would unlock that IMEI.
Let's just say it wouldn't....how are dual SIM phones being unlocked then? I've yet to root it as it's still under warranty and there's no way (as of yet) to not flip the Knox value of this phone via root (hence, immediately ending warranty).
Thanks for the reply. Hope this thread becomes active and I find a sol'n.

