windows.devices.bluetooth dll/namespace - Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking

I do have a request to guys with interop-unlocked phones (of course if it's possible to browse \Windows): could you please check handset's assemblies for the windows.devices.bluetooth?

Actually it is not only possible to browse Windows, but also read any file there. Even with developer unlock.

Yes, you are right - I completelly forgot about GoodDayToDie's web server...
[Update] I found the dll with BLE & BT 4.0 support! It calls BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL, I've attached exports. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) API functions begins from BluetoothGATT* , well described here


Remote PDA Management Software

Hi all,
I joined the forum because I'm looking to design a PC application using Visual Studio 2005 that will connect to most phones and allow you to send/receive SMS, manage contacts, perhaps even use any onboard camera as a webcam.
I'm an experienced programmer, but know little about the architecture on the Andes, which is my testbed.
Basically, all I need to get started on the basics is how to communicate with the device using a serial connection (Not in debug mode though!), or the best way to accomplish this if not bluetooth.
Any/all help appreciated. I'm not looking for code just a procedure to establish a serial link that'll allow me to issue commands to the device whilst its in its usual turned on and usable state, or docked. However if you think it'll help please feel free.
Many thanks in advance! has examples and a free library which you can download
Many thanks! However from what I can see, I'd need the latest version, which is not free :S Any attempt to install the previous SDK's fail as I'm running VS2005...
Ok, to clarify, I'm looking for a framework for a windows application that will enable me to connect to a smartphone, and control it. From what I can tell from the above site, the Opennetcf libraries are for a device application... I've installed the free version of the libraries and they work find under the emulator, but that's not really what I'm after...

Handy Sniffer v2.0

Hi IT people,
Handy Sniffer v2.0 has been released! It is cardinally altered.
11 protocol parsers are included and now anybody can develop new packet analyzers (.dll).
Unregistered version has a little restrictions but has no trial period.
You can find the program and module sample on our site.
Good Luck!
Great Release
Congratulations Alex, you managed to make cellular trafic capture, it's great news! Sorry that i didn't replyed to you about 1.6 but I had some personal problems that time. Anyway when we might expect WM5/6 version?
HS2 is specially designed for WM2003, WM5, WM6 and maybe smartphones (not tested). If there are some artifacts, ect. write me about it. I have WM5 and WM6 devices and HS2 and EDh work well. Play it! It is very great If anybody makes some additional protocol parser. Any ideas? Maybe some Instant Messenger protocol?
One more sample module
This is a sample module that can process each packet captured by sniffer. It replaces the main program module ("modules\hs_ether.dll") and calculates some Rx statistics. Maybe its source can be interested for somebody.
The link not work, now!
I clicked the previous link and all is ok. Copy is here.
Greetings AlexB,
I downloaded your program which sounds great. I installed the SDK certs and tried to get hsniffer running but it fails with an error message:
"Cannot activate the driver!" and then quits.
I'm using a HTC Kaiser with the latest official WM6 ROM from HTC.
If I start the program a second time, it starts without this error and if I click File->Tools->Adapters I get my adapters listed. Trying to start a capture generates the following error message: "Cannot get adapters list!"
Any hints? Did I miss something?
Hi c0rnholio,
I do not know why on some devices the sniffer cannot load the driver module (Windows\hsdriver.dll). The error 2 happens (ActivateDeviceEx, GetLastError, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) and next you see "Cannot activate the driver!". After this message the program works (you can open sample files) but cannot perform sniffing functions those need driver functionality. I think after this message the main window was behind and after next run you simply bring program window to top.
If anybody knows what causes such driver loading error I will be grateful for help. The program and driver are signed with SDK privileged certificate and it unfortunately does not help... **** happens.
Fixed it. The problem was that a GPRS connection was already established. After closing the existing connection the driver could be loaded and everything is working fine.
It is VERY strange! OK, if anybody ask me why HS does not work I'll say ask c0rnholio how need to do...
i'm trying the new Handy sniffer into my TouchHD (Blackstone) but i can only get ARP packets (which are broadcasted). I also installed sdkcert as site advice, but nothing changes.
Alex, can you write down a list of devices which can capture in promiscuous mode?
In particular, how about Trinity and Blackstone?
sorry for my ignorance but what is the purpose of this? can i connect using gprs for free?
No, it's not for that purpose.
Handy Sniffer "Sniffs" (listen to) the traffic into a network. If working in "promiscuous mode" it can track down (and show to user) all the traffic (data in form of TCP packets) inside that network.
What's is supposed to?
There are many uses for this kind of tool, some legal and some ... "not legit".
While "sniffing" traffic of a given network, you can detect if someone is doing a unrightful use of the network, if an intrusion is being made, but also you can see passwords and other sensible data (like personal data).
It's like having a big hear cabable of listening network traffic. By itself, it can do nothing. It's up to the user to be capable of understanding packets of captured traffic.
So, forget a "stole the passwords" button. You'll not find it
woring with the HD2?
Hi, I have the HTC HD2, and I want to know if it was working with my phone?
I have actualy tried it, but the result was not good... (I only get ARP...).
thanks for any help
good for you guys, with my the HTC Kaiser I don't get do you do/set up the program

Services & DLL's - Descriptions/Functionality

Many threads say you can just disable/enable services but don't get into enough detail.
Figured I'd try to start a nice thread on services/DLL's that are on devices.
Feel free to help out.
*Even asking about other services found on your device will even help.
Required - The service is required for common core functionality.
May Be Required - Should not effect basic device functionality, but necessary in some cases.
Not Required - Wont have a significant impact on device functionality.
==== SERVICES ====
SqmUpload/sqmsvc.dll - System Quality Metrics, not required. Used by Customer Experience functionality to monitor feedback. (Can be deleted with SQM disabled)
credsvc/credsvc.dll - Credential Manager Service, required for ActiveSync to sync properly.
LASSD/lassd.dll - Local Authentication Subsystem, required (GWES or SERVICES relies on it???)
DTPT/dtpt_srv.dll - Desktop Pass-through, may be required for ActiveSync. Allows ethernet access when connected via ActiveSync.
BTHIDSVC/bthidsvc.dll - Bluetooth Human Interface Service, may be required for connecting inout devices over Bluetooth.
OBEX/OBEXSrVr.dll - Object Exchange Server, may be required for IrDA/Bluetooth file transfering.
SNApi/regextdev.dll - State and Notification API, may be required for some applications monitoring devices states. ex: Incoming Calls, etc.
CERTENROLL/enrollsvc.dll - Unknown (Socket Certificate Enroll?), may be required for EAP-TLS Authetication.
BTAGSVC/kwag.Dll - Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service, may be required to activate Bluetooth and Audio over Bluetooth. (Some devices claimed to stream audio without)
BthAsPlugin/BthASPlugIn.dll - Bluetooth ActiveSync Plugin, only required for Syncing over a Bluetooth connection.
==== PROCESSES ====
filsys.exe - Internal Filesystem, required for basic operation. Manages registry and filesystem.
cprog.exe - Default Cellular Handler, required for basic phone operation.
device.exe - Device Handler, required for basic operation. Hooks system drivers and basic system functionality.
gwes.exe - Graphical Windowing and Event Subsystem, required for basic operation. Basically draws windows and controls.
shell32.exe- Windows Mobile Shell, required for basic operation. Basically creates the "desktop" and window functionality.
connmgr.exe - Connection Manager Application, required for basic network operation. Maintains a list of connections and profiles.
NK.exe - ??? Kernel, required for basic operation. Initilizes device and maintains system kernel.
poutlook.exe - Pocket Outlook ?Monitor?, may be required for some operation. May maintain connection to e-mail server.
==== DRIVERS ====
coming later
Nobody finds this the least bit useful?
I do! Give people a chance to reply, you posted late in the evening for Europe!
Thanks for the info.
I do too Maybe BTAGSVC means bluetooth audio gateway service?
MCSchermer correct
BTHIDSVC/bthidsvc.dll - Bluetooth Human Interface Service, required for connecting human interface devices over bluetooth (mice, keyboards and such)
BTAGSVC/btagsvc.dll - Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service, required to transfer audio over bluetooth.
good work
Thanks Allot
as a Noob chef, I totally find this useful.. this isn't around anywere i've seen. Thanks allot sir!!
Thanks for the explaination. Should be a sticky thread IMO.
Very helpful. Thanks!
Tahnks a lot mate...A good effort. Share some more...
Very useful stuff
Great for building ROM's and speeding up the device by disabling some services.
You should post this on WIKI great info.
xplode said:
MCSchermer correct
BTHIDSVC/bthidsvc.dll - Bluetooth Human Interface Service, required for connecting human interface devices over bluetooth (mice, keyboards and such)
BTAGSVC/btagsvc.dll - Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service, required to transfer audio over bluetooth.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you very much sir.
I kept thinking...HID...HID...what would a mobile device use HIDs for?
Basically exactly what an HID is, rather stupid to have it enabled by default...but makes sense.
If anyone can find out if device hotkeys (like headsets, etc) work with BTHIDSVC disabled, that would be great.
*Also could use assistance in determining core nature of poutlook.exe
I found this lying around the internet. I don't have time to translate it, maybe someone does. I'll just post it here and hope You find it useful.
EDIT: Adding some keywords to make it googleable WM6 windows mobile Exe dll file description documentation
Dude, this is freakin' awesome! Thanks, bro
Thanks! Very useful information.
Nobody gonna help?
Nobody's gonna help until You very clearly state what is the problem. Currently You have one rhetorical question pending. Nobody has time to answer rhetorical questions.
Cool info
thanks for the info man.this will be a nice help for rom cookers.
btw, i'm not sure though, but is'nt poutlook.exe related to contacts or messaging for communicating to outlook on pc thru active sync?
I don't really know, I haven't flashed anything in my life except a router and CD-ROM Ant these were far more easy to flash than a PPC it seems.
Thanks, Great info..

[UNDER DEVELOPMENT]Windows Mobile 6 Bluetooth and Wiimote

I am currently trying to develop some software that allows to use a wiimote or a ps3 controller (ex. for fpsece).
all in
I currently discovered that I am unable to connect. I have already found a similar project that stopped because of the same problem!
I have read that the problem is the missing HID/S2CAP support of
The other software uses BlueTools so there may be the same problem!.
Does anyone know something that allows me to connect to my wiimote?! Maybe some SDK with HID/S2CAP support?!
You own an HD2 and another WinMob device and want to help? Take a look here:
Sorry, i cant help you but i will love control a wii with my HD...
I am speaking of the other way round , but I could also try that ^^.
I am talking about to control your HD with a Wiimote
It would be easy, if there is any idea how succesfull connect to the wiimote
I have found something here:
I will see if it helps
Mhh, to bad, I cannot find the source files I would need
They maybe in the "Windows CE 5 platform builder" But the Online Setup I was able to get doesn't work anymore
scilor said:
I am speaking of the other way round , but I could also try that ^^.
I am talking about to control your HD with a Wiimote
It would be easy, if there is any idea how succesfull connect to the wiimote
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Control your Wii with HD... It would be a great app.. if you can write it...
Thanks my Friend.
I was looking at doing this at one point. The HD2 with its Widcomm bluetooth stack supports BT HID, and the later WM6.5.X builds have Bth_HID in the SYS.
Pairing doesn't get you very far though. I found some C++ code for using the Wiimotes, but I haven't transfered it yet.
@l3v5y Why you have always the same ideas I do
The Bluetooth Stack of the HD2 seems to be a little bit buggy:
If I try to use a Bluetooth chat, it just works from my HD2 to my Kaiser, not the other way round. It is as my HD2 blocks all incoming Bluetooth connections
Any idea?
please setup a team , winmo need you
Ok, I have attached the Bluetooth Chat here.
It would be nice if other HD2 users could test it(You will need the HD2 and another WinMob Phone with a Widcomm Stack). Please always post the Roms of the devices, especailly the HD2's.
If it is only occurs on some ROMS, it would be fine, so I will do a Rom upgrade for further testing
My results where:
HD2 - T-Mobile ROM (70315) Ger
Kaiser - Custom Rom WinMob 6.5
Message HD2 to Kaiser: Works fine, but takes a second.
Message Kaiser to HD2: Connection error, no message!
I found following in the thread of WiiMöb:
"But it seems likely that any purely bluetooth work was a red herring, and we just need to tackle BTHHID.DLL and devise a P/Invoke library that will get us a Filehandle to the device through the HID stack."
Hi everybody,
I'm also looking for a solution for that.
As I had similar problems with my Notebook (Widcomm-BT-Stack), I could solve it with a different BT stack. But I don't want to part with the Widcomm on my HD2.
I think the main problem is that the OK softbutton is disabled as long as there is no passcode in the inputbox. It only gets enabled if you enter somthing, which would never match up with the empty passcode of the WiiMote (somthing <> nothing ;-).
If the OK softbutton was enabled even with empty passcode box, the codeless pairing might actually work.
Is there anybody capable of unlocking this OK button?
The problem is that the WM Devices misses a special HID driver . You may connect it with out a passcode with some tricks but this won't help because you cannot connect to the device
Look at this Symbian project - maybe that will help. I got the same problem like everybody - can't pair device :s
We cannot connect the WiMote low-level easily, that is the big problem. If we could it would be easy.
...I'm assuming this has been abandoned? :/
Until someone finds a way to get a stream, the development is stopped
There is a way to connect to the Wii Remote with a WM 6 device.
The driver you want to look for should come with WM 5 and 6 devices. It has the prefix "BHI" it is not meant for production use, and it somewhat bare-bones, however you can successfully connect to the Wii Remote with it.
The registry path for this driver is:
If you activate these drivers using the Win32 ActivateDeviceEx command (upon hard reset you don't have to do this), you should be able to open up a file stream to the driver.
HANDLE read_test = CreateFile(L"BHI0:", 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
unsigned __int64 wii_addr = 0x002659F4EEEDL; // BT_ADDR, 64 bits (8 bytes)
Then, I call the DeviceIoControl function to connect to the Wii Remote:
bool device_io_success = DeviceIoControl(read_test, 1, &wii_addr, sizeof(wii_addr), NULL, 0, NULL,NULL);
e = GetLastError();
Just replace the wii_addr with your Wii Remote's Bluetooth address.
The source code for this driver can be found by googling:
"bthhid.cxx source code" it should be the first link.
The set of APIs it provides is minimal, and I was not able to get any other function to work besides HIDConnect.
I'm still working on getting some sort of data from it.
Let me know if this works for you,
Could you send me a link to the source? I am finding any
I will take a look later, maybe we get it running
Unfortunately, I can't post the link due to spam restrictions (I just joined the forums recently). However, I have attached the folder that includes all the source files with this post.
This folder comes with Windows CE Platform Builder. It is located here (if you have Platform Builder installed):
If you navigate to the BASE folder, you will find bthid.cpp. This is the main source that contains the stream driver implementation.
The main section of this file to examine is around line 2500 on down. These are the functions that are exposed when you create a file handle to the driver.
Let me know how it works out,

Developping a bluetooth gateway on htc hd2 to interface blutooth keyboard BK600

sorry to post again, but it seems that i posted in a wrong place (htc hd2 forum), because this post adress a wm software development.
So, this is the problem : I'm stuck with my old BK600 (com one, but omiz and freedom kb rebranded)
There are new keyboard (expensive), news driver (not working), future drivers (never going to be released), so as i'm a software developper, i wasn't really glad to abandon and to buy another. The problem is that've never made a driver for windows mobile, and i'm not specialized on bluetooth, so be indulgent...
After searching internet and seeing some articles, i've been on broadcom site (they're doin' the bt stack, so it's normal to go on their site ... guess what ...
i've downloaded the bluetooth stack sdk)
As i develop under linux, but also under windows, i've a visual studio 2008 installed. I compiled the Spp (probably serial port) sample, and without any driver the keyboard paired, negociated a serial port and the monitor show byte received when typing on the keyboard.
So now, if someone know some place to find tutorials to write windows phone driver, i take.
I also would like to discuss about another approch.
What would you think to transcode the keyboard code received in a thread and to redirect them on standard input ? would it be possible ?
Anyway, my needs are very simple, just a bluetooth kb to type on it, no extra functions, ...
Regards, and thanks you for your answers and help.
Hi, it seems that there already is such a software, see:
It is stated that it also supports bluetooth keyboards and mouses.
HI radhoo,
they seems to have a problem to release the software (5-6 month they say they're going to), but nothing
on this page :
you click on this link
and you get on this broken page :
as you see on the xda-forums
we are a lot to wait for this software, but nothing.
that's why i'm trying to do a little piece of software (which i'll consolide after i think)
I'm taking the base of the broadcom/widcom stack, and my approach will be to transcode chars to stdin.
It seems that there is a C# wrapper, so it think that i'll recode in c#
thanks for answering and long life to xda-dev (very useful)
work status
- have found a c# wrapper of widcom dll (recompiled) : works bu ti'm rewritting some part of the wrapper as it seems to lacks some feature
- in parallel : working on c++ legacy broadcom sample (works perfectly now with my keyboard, bind with com port done, receiving "things"
now struggling with threads to pump messages and transcode.
If you have something that gets the basic keyboard working, I'd love to test it out.
if your driver is ready for testing, please send me a beta of it for testing on my htc hd2
I have a same problem .
CLS have u finish your program already? please
I would like to use BK600 on my htc hd mini too
hi, how far did you get?
still at it...?
lots of succes, vicenza

