xperia z3 concept - Xperia Z2 General

Here is probably my final phone concept, as i don't think i want anything more changed this is badly done in paint but you get the idea, for example the brushed steel texture is very miss aligned etc oh and theres no camera, i would actually give something to have a 3d render of this to see it come to life.
I would call it the xperia steel black limited edition, it would be very expensive about 1200$ and not possible to get off contract to make it as exclusive as possible, what i want changed in this picture is a different frame in black a silver sony logo at the bottom of the back, the specs would be snapdragon 805 same screen as the z2 if not better 4.7 inch, thicker battery and a extremely thin back plate to fit a thicker battery, the sony logo would light up in different colors and would be invisible when turned off both speakers would have rgb lighting.
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here is a silver version of the same concept i've shared earlier
many may not like it which is fine as this was made exactly after my own personal taste i think the back gives that signature sony feel but thats a personal opinion
i didn't exactly know where to post so i hope this is the right section
here is also a different back too it
and a more rounded one
my entire album of concepts
please note as i mentiond several times before these are of other peoples concepts i simply cut and pasted pikctures around and increased or decreased size of it something i did PURELY for fun
author of one of the concepts i based my concepts off
author of another concept i based my concepts off sanyaja kanishka

Lol i saw this at Sony support forum. Sorry but this is so out of proportions. And i dont like aluminium back.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

I like the small face area (high screen/face ratio). And I like a brushed metal back over glass. Both are the two physical things I'd like to see, personally.

Personal opinion here...
1. I don't like the edges... Too sharp very2 prone to scuffs and dings considering it's aluminum.
2. Aluminum body is fine but back side design looked like unfinished.
3. Too small bezels. Not very thumb friendly anymore specially when reaching those menu buttons.
Suggestions on the concept phone
1. Make the edges curvy and not sharp. That would be alot more comfortable to hold. Would help remind me that I'm holding a phone not a thin slab
2. Make the back matte. It would give a premium look and feel minus the fingerprints.
3. Well I'm not one of the bezel freak guys so I don't want thinker bezels. Thinking that the touchscreen is multitouch it would be pretty hard touching the sides of the phone while operating it with your other hand. And still I also don't like thick bezels. I just want an average one.

Riyal said:
Personal opinion here...
1. I don't like the edges... Too sharp very2 prone to scuffs and dings considering it's aluminum.
2. Aluminum body is fine but back side design looked like unfinished.
3. Too small bezels. Not very thumb friendly anymore specially when reaching those menu buttons.
Suggestions on the concept phone
1. Make the edges curvy and not sharp. That would be alot more comfortable to hold. Would help remind me that I'm holding a phone not a thin slab
2. Make the back matte. It would give a premium look and feel minus the fingerprints.
3. Well I'm not one of the bezel freak guys so I don't want thinker bezels. Thinking that the touchscreen is multitouch it would be pretty hard touching the sides of the phone while operating it with your other hand. And still I also don't like thick bezels. I just want an average one.
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here is an even older one i did
and offtopic htc with sony

you have stolen my concept (second picture) im sponse in esato.
you have stolen most of the concept and changed the edges of it, so if you want to say that it's yours atleast ask me for it or give credit.

[email protected] said:
you have stolen my concept (second picture) im sponse in esato.
you have stolen most of the concept and changed the edges of it, so if you want to say that it's yours atleast ask me for it or give credit.
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Lol I was looking at it and thinking if the same, I was like very similar to the one I did and sponses way back for honami haha.
Rmb this teaser I made and tricked phone arena? Lol
At least give some credits my friend.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

stolen i am not getting anything from this and i clearly stated they are concepts out of other peoples concepts i didn't know it was so serious as i don't even know who they belong to as i found them on google pictures
i am simply doing this for fun all i did was take pictures and cut and paste them around and change size in paint as i stated several times in my threads about it
if you want credits then sure i'll give you credits i just didn't know it was such a serious thing considering they are so heavily edited that the original picture is barely there any more but i apologize for stealing credit i just didn't know it was such a serious thing
these are the original source pictures i used
edit i had the xperia steel worked on a little again this time i had my friend drowsy sam help with photoshop work i DO NOT own the small speakers at the front they are taken from another concept
this time the idea is to have a tiny oled screen or negative watch screen at the top that can show everything from the sony logo to watch time to notifications
edit an even more polished version
and with brushed steel back


(WARNING) Mirror/Reflective Screen Covers

Hello all,
Just wanted to post up a warning about purchasing mirror/protective screen covers for your TP/Fuze/Diamond!
I purchased these:
the overall quality of them seems great, they have a protective covering on both sides for the application process (similar to "Screen Guards" brand covers).
but..... upon installation this is the result:
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As you can see, it makes the phone almost unusable due to the rainbow effect... what is odd is it doesn't have that effect if I look at the phone from an extreme angle, so if I look at it with the phone laying flat and my eyes right near the hardware keys, it doesn't look rainbowy.... bleh
Just an FYI! has anyone had similar experiences?
That seems to just be the way those mirror finish screen protectors are. I bought a cut to size proporta echo one for my samsung p2 mp3 player and its like a truck full of carebears exploded on my screen. My buddy also got one for his sprint touch pro, same result.
I don't have a white background screen, it's entirely black. Everything on my phone is black-themed so I don't have the distortion of colors as much. That may solve the problem. Either that, or get another screen protector.
for years now I have been using the Brando Screen protectors.
I've used them on all my pdas, media players and cell phones. The quality and clarity are unbeatable if you ask me.
I just cleaned my old SE W850 which my son now uses. the screen protector has been on the phone for 2 years now and it is still sitting fine! (no corner lift). Sure, the protector is a little scratched after 2 years of service but the phone underneath is as good as new!
lacrossev said:
That seems to just be the way those mirror finish screen protectors are. I bought a cut to size proporta echo one for my samsung p2 mp3 player and its like a truck full of carebears exploded on my screen. My buddy also got one for his sprint touch pro, same result.
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Greatest quote ever.
Hahah agreed on the carebears statement, pretty damn funny!
Anywho, I will say this much though, that seller who I bought these from on ebay has been really great as far as customer service is concerned. I emailed him letting him know about this issue and sent these pictures along. He couldn't believe that is what they looked like and was very angry at the factory for providing a product like this. He is sending me 3 clear and 3 anti-glare protectors to make up for this (which I think is very commendable). It would seem that the problem with these is related to the polarization used to cause the mirror effect and then let the light through when the light is on behind the cover.... what is odd is it clears up if I look down the phone holding it flat..... very intesting and annoying!
Just thought I would let everyone know!
I can't wait either.... I feel like I'm tripping on something every time I use my phone as it is now haha!!
Not sure exactly what seems to be causing this. As I did have similar mirror screen protectors on my Kaiser and never experienced this.
Perhaps these are simply a bad batch / brand.
I am still running on the stock smooth screen protector (using the tape cleaning method) however, once that peels off I will begin my search for either a mirror, privacy or anti-glare. I haven't found one that I really liked of any so far.
Looks a little like a moiré pattern. See what happens if you put the screen protector on at a 90 degree angle (yes, it will be only partially protected, but this is just a test). If it is less notable, it appears the LCD elements on the screen are lining up with the way the screen protector is cut. Same thing will happen on a digital photo copier. The way the CCD "sees" line art can sometimes do that if the original is a "screen" print (very very small tiny dots as opposed to a solid image). You can "simulate" the effect by taking a good quality pair of sunglasses, and hold it over something like a digital wristwatch with LCD screen, and rotate the sunglasses clock-counter clockwise until the image on the watch disappears.
Not much you can do but get a different brand of screen protector.
Seems to be polarized by the way I see my mirror screen protector. Mine does it too. I have polarized sunglasses and when I turn the phone 90' it goes black (almost, but close enough) so that's why I think it might be polarized.
Also, they scratch to easy for me.
I bought one along with 3 regular screen protectors...honestly the only complaint I have is fingerprints are much more apparent. The rainbow effect is very rare for me...only at a certain angle with enough light...just my 2 cents...
jasezero said:
I bought one along with 3 regular screen protectors...honestly the only complaint I have is fingerprints are much more apparent. The rainbow effect is very rare for me...only at a certain angle with enough light...just my 2 cents...
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Yea I dunno if this is just a bad batch or what... but there are definatelly some issues, this isn't rare or at certain angles... this is all over!

Hero paintjob project

Been thinking about making them for people.
front £12.55
back £4.59
Paint £5
labour £5
designs £10
and if you wanted a design I will be using a qualified fine artist. She is painting two cases now so will post them when she is done.
The front case doesn't come with a digitizer so the area around that will look fine.
I have owned the Hero since it came out on orange in the UK, but I hate the grey colour so I'm making it nicer.
I have 4 backs to the phone so all will be different designs. Also I will be using the black grill cover for call speaker, black volume/menu buttons from the T-mobile G2.
As I think black will suit the blue better.
All paints are car paints from Halfords.
I started on day one with sanding down the phone then applying a primer(base layer)
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Day two
I applied the blue colour
Day three
Went really well sanded down and put the primer on the other backs.
Applied the lacquer, so will be able to rebuild phone tommorow.
The yellow back is halford glow in the dark paint. I do not recommend playing with this(yes it glows like mad) it is really thin. It took 6 layers just to get what you see in the photo.
Day four rebuilding the phone.
Phone rebuild only had one little hic-up. when I put the black grill on the in call speaker didn't put it right so was very quite. Corrected now.
phone is working fine no dust under the screen. looks well smooth.
things I would change.
I would take the digitizer out fully not just use low tack tape.
put all casing on match sticks to get a smoother look on the corners.
apart from that I'm well impressed with my first try at painting. ( didn't even do art in school)
Lots of photos including the glow in the dark case.
Any questions post here or tweet me T- iammodo
Nice work Could you show us a picture of how the finished paint job looks?
wow looks cool
man, crazy idea but if it works it'd be amazing
updated the photos for day three
wont your screen and lcd be filled with loads of smudges and dust when you fix it up all back?cos thats what happened when i did a glass and digitiser swap on a iphone 3g..seems like it works the same way on the hero..dirt and grime is a turn off on the iphone 3g once screen is replaced,so thats why now im on a hero.anyways..nice job!!
screamsoflust said:
wont your screen and lcd be filled with loads of smudges and dust when you fix it up all back?cos thats what happened when i did a glass and digitiser swap on a iphone 3g..seems like it works the same way on the hero..dirt and grime is a turn off on the iphone 3g once screen is replaced,so thats why now im on a hero.anyways..nice job!!
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Low tack masking tape has been keep on the inside of the screen, and I will be using a cleaning cloth from htc for the screen.
So should be fine
iammodo said:
Low tack masking tape has been keep on the inside of the screen, and I will be using a cleaning cloth from htc for the screen.
So should be fine
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alrighty then...dust has always been a major problem for me whenever ive done sonething like that..anyways,gd job!wonder if you do a shot of the back cover glowing in the dark
updated day 4
Sorry to break it to you bro, but it looks fugly.
olafos said:
Sorry to break it to you bro, but it looks fugly.
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Very constructive comment thank you.
love it!!! wish i had the guts to break mine apart a paint it funky green like in your photo's
Haha, do you think you only get constructive comments?
It's not only the colors that are ugly... I mean, that's taste really. You have none, but that's not the point here. It looks really bad... I mean, the part between screen and case. The Hero is such a beautiful device and this just looks cheap after the paint job.
olafos said:
Haha, do you think you only get constructive comments?
It's not only the colors that are ugly... I mean, that's taste really. You have none, but that's not the point here. It looks really bad... I mean, the part between screen and case. The Hero is such a beautiful device and this just looks cheap after the paint job.
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See the part about the bit around the screen that's constructive well done.
This is why I said next time I will be taking the digitizer out fully.
I will be staining this area black on this case to make it look nicer.
Why would you say I have no taste that's just not very nice and the sort of thing that is bringing down internet forums. I love the colour blue as you can see it even matches my nail varnish.
olafos said:
Haha, do you think you only get constructive comments?
It's not only the colors that are ugly... I mean, that's taste really. You have none, but that's not the point here. It looks really bad... I mean, the part between screen and case. The Hero is such a beautiful device and this just looks cheap after the paint job.
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Comments like this are a violation of site policy. If you don't like what he did, keep it to yourself. Be respectful of other members, very simple.
not much of a fan of the colour choice,i thought the white of the primer was canny , but good work on the painting! did you wet and dry sand it in between?
Love the colour! Arden blue is the best! The back looks really well done but the front not so much, but probably - as you said - due to working with the digitizer still in; pop it in the oven for 7 minutes @ 60C and it'll come out no problem.
And I was wondering, where did you get the black volume rocker from? I recently swapped my white case for a black unbranded one, but it didnt include the volume rocker and having a really hard time finding one.
Well done for first attempt tho, if you can get the front looking as good as the back then your onto a winner!
I get all my parts from work, not a shop or website sorry.
I will be buying a new front case from work to get a smoother look.
Also maybe this week i will be repainting this case to look better.
sorry i agree with him.Paint job isnt particularly great, you can see alot of wonky bits.Way to ruin a $500 phone imho Great job
Constructive criticism and ideas:
- I don't like the color choices. Most Hero owners would prefer more conservative colors like black, silver, white, gunmetal (dark grey). Try it in these.
- Paint job is very sloppy. I didn't read the entire post but if you're putting tape on it or whatever you're doing while you paint it, do a better job so it looks cleaner/neater.
the glow in the dark back cover is cool..looks rather slimy from ghostbusters...hahaha...that i would put on my hero when bored..but i wouldnt paint the whole phone though..anyways,good job..

Backplates!!! UPDATE **1/14/2011** (Hardware development)

Attention all Vibrant owners who are sick and tired of the flimsy plasticity of their phone!
***UPDATE 1/12/2011***
We have taken your ideas into consideration and have decided that the following features WILL make it into the final model (these are subject to change)
-brushed aluminum build
-option for consumer to select soft touch accents, soft touch body or pure aluminum body
-ID/Personal engraving
-kickstand D)
-custom colors
The FOLLOWING features MAY make it into the final build but are not at this time top considerations
-external LED (for custom, bootleg flash and flashlight)
-custom prints (upon request)
Thanks for all your suggestions, keep talking! We're a week or two away from a prototype. Don't spring for those Vibrant 4gs just yet-- even though I know you're all chomping at the bit to get your hands on one ;]
A few colleagues and I are currently hard at work developing aluminum replacement backplates (not cases, backplates. The battery cover things. Like the two interchangeable ones that came with your vibrant out of the box) with a few designs featuring some soft-touch accents. No branding either. Sweet :]
They will be available for order as soon as they go into production. Details to follow.
The designs look pretty sexy. Stay tuned for production updates and pictures. If the project is dropped or something changes, you will know as soon as it happens.
Can't wait for this
Make them multi colored for sure you'll make a ton of money maybe some design on the back good work man can't wait to see them
My dream has been something made out of real carbon fiber for my phone. If you guys make a carbon fiber version, THAT would be sweet!
I'll be watching for this. Thank you!
EDIT: Gimme a starting price and we could work from there lol.
Awesome! i'll buy one! As far as any ideas.... How about making a backplate that supports an extended battery. Not like that other company (can't remember name) that makes one supporting an extended battery but it's huge. Make it different to where only the battery part sticks out, not the whole plate.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Moved of: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant Android Development
To: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant General
Honestly wish you luck.
My personal opinion is that the plastic covers had helped my phone from braking a couple of times.
Aluminum or any metal tends to not absorb but transfer impact to other components, when the plastic phone hits ground (it happens a lot to me) the plastic absorbs most of the impact. If i add metal there the metal with transfer the impact much more to the components of the phone. So with a metal case, I would have to add a rubber case to protect phone better.
Sometime we just think they do it just plastic because they are cheap, but that may not be the only reason......
That's my humble opinion..
I cant wait!
mmelo76 said:
Moved of: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant Android Development
To: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant General
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Would this not be better suited in the Accessories section instead of general?
Pretty sure you guys are already aware of this, but a full aluminum backplate could cause signal issues. You would have to design it so as to avoid these problems. Just want to make this known as Id hate for a great project to go away if something was overlooked.
thegreatcity said:
Pretty sure you guys are already aware of this, but a full aluminum backplate could cause signal issues. You would have to design it so as to avoid these problems. Just want to make this known as Id hate for a great project to go away if something was overlooked.
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Been looking into this issue, and it seems the only big gripe was with Macbook pro aluminum unibodies detracting from wi-fi signal reception. These problems were inconsistent at best, and were supposedly few and far between.
I know that wrapping a phone in aluminum foil will make for a no reception situation, though... will look into this further. Maybe will use some kind of brushed metal instead. Something a bit more benign. HTC G2, for example?
gagb1967 said:
Honestly wish you luck.
My personal opinion is that the plastic covers had helped my phone from braking a couple of times.
Aluminum or any metal tends to not absorb but transfer impact to other components, when the plastic phone hits ground (it happens a lot to me) the plastic absorbs most of the impact. If i add metal there the metal with transfer the impact much more to the components of the phone. So with a metal case, I would have to add a rubber case to protect phone better.
Sometime we just think they do it just plastic because they are cheap, but that may not be the only reason......
That's my humble opinion..
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Soft touch rubber accents, such as those found on the HTC Desire or HTC Droid Eris seem to be a logical solution, and would absorb impact much better than plastic
Something like this, where the user could have their own QR (for a lost and found) would be amazing:
For a backplate... I honestly wouldn't spend more than $12-15....
but with a custom QR code, $20ish.
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The g2 backplate certainly adds a large amount of weight to the phone. You should try carbon fiber or a carbon fiber synthetic. I would most def buy that.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
jamespwolpert said:
Been looking into this issue, and it seems the only big gripe was with Macbook pro aluminum unibodies detracting from wi-fi signal reception. These problems were inconsistent at best, and were supposedly few and far between.
I know that wrapping a phone in aluminum foil will make for a no reception situation, though... will look into this further. Maybe will use some kind of brushed metal instead. Something a bit more benign. HTC G2, for example?
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Do you have any ETA on when you possibly would start rolling this out? Or a planned release period? If not, no issue, thought i'd ask to make sure i have funds ready for when these are released. This should make the phone feel and look 100% better and fill like a better built product.
I would pay about 15 for an aluminum black soft touch backplate
this sounds really cool but im wondering will this affect the antenna in any way?
I would like the extra added weight. I figure a few dollars us is reasonable maybe 5 to 7 dollars? maybe im over doing it?
Carbon Fiber w/kickstand attached: $20 sounds pretty reasonable for it.
It'll be one of your best sellers, guaranteed.

Sony Xperia Z2 CyberShot Concept

(EDIT: seems picture embedding messed up so see attached thumbnails below)
To calm down from the asf mess on the z ultra, i decided to work on my concepts again as that always calms me down, please note a friend drowsy sam helped me with the photoshop editing he just did all the changes i asked for so these look less badly made, considering my last concepts got well some hate as people claimed i stole i thought i'd try again, this time the remaining bits of other concepts are removed
the only bit thats from another concept is the speaker lines and possibly the frame on one of my old concepts but i don't know who made this concept so whoever it is PLEASE tell me so i can give proper credit
anyway this new one is basically a camera phone without compromises the idea is a real retractable camera in a quite thin form factor basically a real camera phone with no compromises just being a little thicker
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This also shows most of my sony ui ideas, like for example replacing the home button with a menu button, i see no point to have a home button at the home screen, then an awkward menu button floating above, so my idea is to have it change to the home button when you press it, either by a simple fade effect or an animation similar to the way the play button changes to a pause button in the walkman app, these buttons should also be transparent so that they are lightly visible but not in the way same with the notification icons.
Next i got rid of the dots indicating homescreens as i think they should only show when you switch screen, then they should fade away.
Next theres my xperia dream phone concept
Basically the same as the camera one just different back, some of the ideas i have for this phone is virtual bezels and an oled screen that pretty much fills up the front all the way to where the speaker is, the idea with virtual bezels is that you can control how much deadspace you want i am not entirely fammilier with oled screens but from my understanding the screen is off when it shows black meaning you can control how big it is, so for virtual bezels it could be that when in potrait you get very thin bezels, but when you flip the phone in landscape you get virtual bezels that looks and feels like actual bezels, so you can hold the phone properly you could also adjust the bezels in potrait if you want very thin bezels, just increase the screen size if you want bigger bezels decrease it, the idea is that it should look and feel like theres no screen where the bezels are, this would also mean that you can do what you want with those bezels,
for example having the notification icons floating at the top meaning it would look like they aren't even part of the screen, or perhaps add your own softkeys so it looks and feels like actual keys that aren't part of the screen.
This also shows my light stripe idea an idea i had since well beginning of 2013, the idea with this is that it can show really amazing light effects like moving a color up and down perfect for music, or mixing various colors so that it's blue at the top then slooowly changes to a different color at the bottom, you would not be able to tell where the color changes basically a special type of color at the top, but as you move closer down it slowly changes to various other colors untill it gets to a new color, when the light is off it would be invisible i like lights on phones but i don't want it to ruin the design, so the idea is to have a invisible light that only shows when it's on, this light would be able to do very advanced effects like having red at the top sloowly going to a different color basically it would be able to have any color light move across the entire stripe you would be able to get kitts scanner effect for example.
And lastly my xperia steel concepts, which also show my old idea of having a clock at the top untill i found out you could get the same effect from an oled screen unless i am incorrect, they never really were finished thats why the camera does not fit very well.
wow thankyou to whoever rated a 10
heres also a closer look at the light and virtual bezel as you can see the icons are in the bezel aswell as softkeys as they are actually screen
this also shows the light idea that i couldn't explain before it was called color gradient
really great designs!
i would love to have any of those handsets!
hire this man sony!
asadkhanduhh said:
really great designs!
i would love to have any of those handsets!
hire this man sony!
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thankyou you have no idea what it means to me that some like these they started out so bad but i kept on doing them for months as it's so rewarding to see my dream phone
Design is not painting!
designer should think completely technical. why design like that and how another components will take place into frame.
x102x96x said:
Design is not painting!
designer should think completely technical. why design like that and how another components will take place into frame.
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i do these in my spare time for fun just for the rewarding experience of seeing my dream phone i know that most of these designs can't be done but if sony wanted to i am sure they could have done something similar
i also just got the qx10 camera attachment it was refurbished on sale i ADORE the black metal the camera is in so i want that on the back of a phone
though removing the rings around the lens and you'll have your big lens camera without optical zoom which could work too
infact thats a good idea BIG lens to combine both my concepts into one in a normally sized package
asadkhanduhh said:
really great designs!
i would love to have any of those handsets!
hire this man sony!
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nedywest71 said:
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this is the thinnest cybershot retractable camera i could find
so in theory a tad bit thicker than this would perhaps work not sure how practical that would be but a little thickness dosn't bother me as long as it's not too think or just ruins the design
though with sonys expertise i think they could make something like this quite thin
zzcool said:
this is the thinnest cybershot retractable camera i could find
so in theory a tad bit thicker than this would perhaps work not sure how practical that would be but a little thickness dosn't bother me as long as it's not too think or just ruins the design
though with sonys expertise i think they could make something like this quite thin
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I do not need a Optical Zoom capabilities, by the end of the day IT SHOULD BE A PHONE with better camera and not camera with phone capabilities.
The top pic concept is great for me.I just was looking for Bigger=Better lens and sensor=Better Pics and Vids.
nedywest71 said:
I do not need a Optical Zoom capabilities, by the end of the day IT SHOULD BE A PHONE with better camera and not camera with phone capabilities.
The top pic concept is great for me.I just was looking for Bigger=Better lens and sensor=Better Pics and Vids.
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i guess i fell in love with optical zoom it's so much fun pushing it in and out it also gives the phone a status to be epic unique and special in my eyes

Z3 Compact... Microscoped!

Le power button:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
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Part of le camera button:
The touch grid:
Screen off:
Speaker's waterproof mesh.
Magnetic charging port:
Headphone jack:
Gap between display glass and body.
Micro SD flap text?
Dat rear camera:
Zee LED Flash:
Front camera:
I immediately looked at my phone's bottom mic hole to look for debris.
Excellent photos. Thanks.
Thing is filthy, clean that damn thing ...
I won't eat spaghetti after watch these picture......
NRG1975 said:
Thing is filthy, clean that damn thing ...
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It looked pretty clean with the naked eye
The thing is that everything looks filthy under a microscope
That's awesome, thanks for sharing
Lol, pretty awesome (and disturbing ) pics!
I love how the cameras actually look like an eye to me
It is pretty cool, the center being so black that you just cannot see anything in it despite 8 super bright LED's
Very cool images. Was interesting to see from the perspective that the phone is waterproof and what they did to the material/design to make it so.
That freaking gap between the glass and body...
I just sent mine back because of it, hoping it was a fault and that the replacement will be better.
withoutwings said:
That freaking gap between the glass and body...
I just sent mine back because of it, hoping it was a fault and that the replacement will be better.
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That is actually the normal gap. The gaps are very small in reality and they are even on all sides of my phone, but look very large with the 200x magnification...
Some units do have an excessively large large gap either top or bottom, but that's not the case for mine.
degraaff said:
That is actually the normal gap. The gaps are very small in reality and they are even on all sides of my phone, but look very large with the 200x magnification...
Some units do have an excessively large large gap either top or bottom, but that's not the case for mine.
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Mine was worst around the corners, and one edge was worse than the other... so a bit uneven I guess. What annoyed me the most was the ease at which dust would settle in it.
Well, that gives me hope for at least some improvement!
withoutwings said:
Mine was worst around the corners, and one edge was worse than the other... so a bit uneven I guess. What annoyed me the most was the ease at which dust would settle in it.
Well, that gives me hope for at least some improvement!
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Mine has slightly larger gaps at some corners as well. I just have the impression that the outer parts on Sony's newer phones and tablets are fitted less tightly than their older devices. I do know they intentionally need to leave some gap, because removing the glass is the only way to get to the internals with these new unibody devices.
That may be a reason why the glass eventually breaks easier than on other devices though. Damage to the edges is very critical for hardened glass.
degraaff said:
Mine has slightly larger gaps at some corners as well. I just have the impression that the outer parts on Sony's newer phones and tablets are fitted less tightly than their older devices. I do know they intentionally need to leave some gap, because removing the glass is the only way to get to the internals with these new unibody devices.
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Couldn't they just prise the plastic corner edging off to get to it? On my Z1C there is almost no gap between the glass and that edging, so I find it hard to believe it's necessary now. No, it looks like loose manufacturing/quality controls to me, especially when the severity of it varies between devices...
withoutwings said:
Couldn't they just prise the plastic corner edging off to get to it? On my Z1C there is almost no gap between the glass and that edging, so I find it hard to believe it's necessary now. No, it looks like loose manufacturing/quality controls to me, especially when the severity of it varies between devices...
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It doesn't look like it's possible to remove the corners, you can't feel any separation between the corners and the sides, it's as if it's melted together or something.
By the way, the nylon corners don't sit directly against the glass, there is still the plastic rim front and back that goes all around the glass.
I can't see the pics anymore
Going back to the gaps, my top gap is annoying large is filling with sand and dust (pocket crud). Anyone have any pointers to removing this?
Sent from my D5833 using Tapatalk
nizarnoor said:
I can't see the pics anymore
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I will try to find an alternative to host the pictures, this thread made my photo bucket bandwidth usage skyrocket from 0 to exceeding 10 GB in a day, LOL.
Pictures are visible again.
