My phone sent out two text messages - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was going over my bill and I noticed two messages were sent out to this weird number that showed up as international: 0720001669
Verizon has no information on it, I asked them to investigate.
When I looked the number up online one of the things that popped up was an old 2012 thread from avast anti theft which I do use.
It's also the same time I was signing up for Isis mobile wallet.
The text messages were both on the same day but at different times.
The first was sent @ 12:15pm two minutes after I sent a text to my wife.
The second was sent @ 1:46pm the same time I sent a text to my wife.
It hasn't happened since, but I see no logs in my phone about it(though a lot of data is missing from that time period).
Wondering if anyone else has had something like this happen and if you ever found out the cause.

had the same issue
kudosmog said:
I was going over my bill and I noticed two messages were sent out to this weird number that showed up as international: 0720001669
Verizon has no information on it, I asked them to investigate.
When I looked the number up online one of the things that popped up was an old 2012 thread from avast anti theft which I do use.
It's also the same time I was signing up for Isis mobile wallet.
The text messages were both on the same day but at different times.
The first was sent @ 12:15pm two minutes after I sent a text to my wife.
The second was sent @ 1:46pm the same time I sent a text to my wife.
It hasn't happened since, but I see no logs in my phone about it(though a lot of data is missing from that time period).
Wondering if anyone else has had something like this happen and if you ever found out the cause.
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I use google voice number and I never gave out my real number. However I did find out text messages to strange numbers that i was charged for on my verizon number. After a lot of and a lot of investigation, i find out that a lot of messenger services do that ( whats app, facebook ... ) they do it as a verification. Every single app that takes your permission to send text messages can at any point send a verification message. SO i blocked all messages on my verizon number, I was tired of paying $ 1-2 a month just on verification.

jmichaels1982 said:
I use google voice number and I never gave out my real number. However I did find out text messages to strange numbers that i was charged for on my verizon number. After a lot of and a lot of investigation, i find out that a lot of messenger services do that ( whats app, facebook ... ) they do it as a verification. Every single app that takes your permission to send text messages can at any point send a verification message. SO i blocked all messages on my verizon number, I was tired of paying $ 1-2 a month just on verification.
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I think avast anti theft must be the culprit then. It's the only app I have that has access to send text messages.

I've been facing the same problem...
kudosmog said:
I was going over my bill and I noticed two messages were sent out to this weird number that showed up as international: 0720001669
Verizon has no information on it, I asked them to investigate.
When I looked the number up online one of the things that popped up was an old 2012 thread from avast anti theft which I do use.
It's also the same time I was signing up for Isis mobile wallet.
The text messages were both on the same day but at different times.
The first was sent @ 12:15pm two minutes after I sent a text to my wife.
The second was sent @ 1:46pm the same time I sent a text to my wife.
It hasn't happened since, but I see no logs in my phone about it(though a lot of data is missing from that time period).
Wondering if anyone else has had something like this happen and if you ever found out the cause.
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After I read this thread, I decided to uninstall the Avast Anti Theft, which I was using until then... Just hope it'll fix the problem, 'cause it's driving me crazy! :silly:
Either way, thank you for sharing the info!


who the heck is sending these messages???

almost every other day for about 1.5 weeks now i keep getting an SMS from some random 3 - 5 digit number containing what appears to be an email address
the last message was yesterday from 3510 and the email address in it is [email protected]/ /
anyone else get these messages? anyone know who is sending them? or how can i make them stop... i have unlimited messages but i dont like receiving them.
help please!
I dont think this goes in this forum, but ive gotten the message about 3 times since I got my G1, which was like a week ago and I wanna know what its from too.
Seems to be something relating to Verizon picture sharing and nothing to do with Dream.
Moved to Dream forum although as said above this isn't a dream issue.
The number is T-Mobile, that is how the forward emails to your phone. Try sending an email to *your phone number*
And again it sounds like a verizon wireless customer is trying to send you a picture... or you sent a picture to a verizon wireless customer and it was rejected.
If you want to stop this then you can block emails in there is an email area that allows you to block email messages.
i have a friend that sends me lots of pics and he has verizon so that makes sense.
since i didnt know it was related to verizon i figured i'd ask the guys/gals that have the same phone that i do... (dream)
thanx for clearing that issue up for me. and thanx to the devs on this site for doing great work for us who cant...
lol. heheh reminds me of when i used to do sms bombing and all the receiver would see was a four digit number + a random email i used and my message. i did it to my friends a few times but it got boing after a while. And Yes i know this is not your case.
Actually it is only a g1 problem, t mobile says it is working on a fix.
stats555 said:
Actually it is only a g1 problem, t mobile says it is working on a fix.
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I don't quite believe what is said in the story but do believe it may be specific to the G1... then again these can be coming from apps you installed, wasn't there one that signed your number up for some spam thing?
neoobs said:
I don't quite believe what is said in the story but do believe it may be specific to the G1... then again these can be coming from apps you installed, wasn't there one that signed your number up for some spam thing?
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No, its not related to any apps, because the day I bought my G1 and set it up, I recieved one of those messages before installing any apps.
Hmmm... that is weird. I haven't received anything unsolicited on my phone.... well besides texts from people I rather not speak to anymore LOL
A slightly different explanation is given here at message 8 of 10:
holy crap thats real bad. Thats some privacy issues out the window. You send it to one person and a few hundred thousand get it lol now thats a chain letter.

Hero and SMS

I've had two episodes where I sent a SMS to my dad, and the SMS shows up in the list of messages sendt to my sister -> My sister got the SMS.
Another example: I sent a SMS to my friend, and it shows up in the list of messages to my uncle. My friend answered the message.
Anyone else experienced something similar?
Is there a fix?
Can't say that I've ever had that happened unless I mistakeningly sent it to the wrong person. Human error rather than device error.
I'm sure you uncle must have enjoyed the message.
Have you thought that maybe your numbers are messed up?? Or maybe all your contacts are switching with each other to mess you up.
Yep, chedked the numbers. This is definately a device error.
I had this self same problem yesterday! I thought it was me.
I sent an SMS to a friend called 'Ross', it showed up as Ross in the 'To' field but when I went into my sent messages it had gone to a friend called Robert. This occurred twice - but hasn't with subsequent messages.
Weirdest thing isn't it?
Now, how do we go about fixing this?
z0nic said:
Weirdest thing isn't it?
Now, how do we go about fixing this?
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You need to email HTC support like with any issues / bugs you find or they will never know about them. Then hope they bring out a software fix. If we don't tell them, they will think its only a handful of people and not bother to do anything.
Also make sure your contacts' numbers are correct.
I have had the same problem, but the message hasn't actually been sent to the wrong person. It seems that it gets confused about who the person is. In my example the person I texted began with Dan and the second Theresa, so not next to each other in contacts. Theresa didn't say she had received something from me.
Same problem here
I did report this to HTC along with not getting sms and getting multiple of the same sms. All they suggested I do is a hard reset (already done) which did not change anything. Not very happy with them they didn't day it was a software fault or a fix was coming
They gave me the same response (although I only reported not getting all messages). If the hard reset didn't work they said to get the phone replaced. Its definitely a software fault so I am not replacing it, seeing as others have had issues with dead pixels etc...
It's only a display problem, you just close messages then reopen it, or go to the messages tab of the contact you sent the text to then click on the message and it'll correct the names.
I've had a similar issue once! Strange experience: I actually thought I had sent all kinds of SMS-es to the wrong person ;-)
In my case the names changed back automatically after about 30 bewildering seconds. Never had an issue since.
I have uninstalled Handcent SMS that caused several conflicts on my Hero, inclusing SMS-es not arriving at all. I might have had the 'wrong name' issue when I had Hancent installed. Don't really remember.

Any anti-stealing apps?

I'm wondering if there's any apps for HD2 that works like "mobile defense" for android that can track the cellphone via a computer and activate the stolen device's GPS to track it.
F-Secure Anti-Theft for Mobile
Here's a very recent freebie from F-Secure
(Anti-Theft for Mobile)
Remote Tracker - Antitheft Software
Here's another one;
Can any of this be activated or monitored by remote PC??? Cuz i actually have a block message service for my cell phone account.
Im using Lookout for mobile
"remotetracker" (no space is intentional)
this is the only anti theft that i managed to install. the other are all too compilcated.
will notify on sim change. sms command are case sensitive. locate command will always tell location unavailable even when google map locked on gps.
Zentury said:
Here's a very recent freebie from F-Secure
(Anti-Theft for Mobile)
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this one is better. no need to use second phone. can also locate using cell id and show it on google maps, like latitude. good to find lost phone with the screaming features.
did you use the anti virus and firewall?
Som30ne said:
Im using Lookout for mobile
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F-Secure sms to finland?
I've had F-secure anti-theft in my phone for a while now. The txt location service works great, and last month I tried changing the sim, and guess what, got a sms on my backup phone with the new sim's phone number, which is exactly what it is supposed to do.
However, i checked my itemized bill today, and see the program sent an sms to Finland immediately after texting me. The number was 358400112368 . Googled this number and only got two vague references to f-secure on a nokia. Why in the world would they need to txt their mothership about my sim? Anyone else using f-secure anti-theft? Please check your bill and let us know if it sent a txt to finland.
As far as using other similar programs:
Mylookout : never worked for me, website says searching, and times out.
remotetracker : Stay away from this program!! its txt request uses no password, so anyone who knows you have the program installed can secretly monitor you via sms. An intentional oversight from the developer perhaps? And pretty malicious at that too! Edit: got it, see post below.
ms myphone : free version can only check the daily sync log. I cannot initiate a location search unless i pay, or am I doing it wrong?
so, anyone with f-secure got the txt to 358400112368? I guess this post will be the only 3rd google search result for this number?
atlaswing said:
remotetracker : Stay away from this program!! its txt request uses no password, so anyone who knows you have the program installed can secretly monitor you via sms. An intentional oversight from the developer perhaps? And pretty malicious at that too!
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yes it does, if you dont set a password then yes, anyone can control it, , but set a password and it doesnt respond to control txts without it.
samsamuel said:
yes it does, if you dont set a password then yes, anyone can control it, , but set a password and it doesnt respond to control txts without it.
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my bad. thanks Samsamuel for the correction. i re-read the first whole page of that remoteTracker thread and the word "password" was never mentioned in his post or instructions.
as far as my original question regarding F-secure, anybody else see the outgoing text to finland when they change SIMs?
no worries.
i for one can't rate remotetracker highly enough. i cook my own rom, so its cooked in complete with settings, so its completely hard reset safe. only way to stop it working is by flashing.
that random text you mention sounds a little iffy, you tried emailing them? see what they have to say?
another vote for remotetracker.
It found my phone when left in a taxi
the F-Secure thing looks nice, i think im gonna try it this evening
lets see if it really sends a sms to finnland xD
I came across this thread, and just downloaded (didn't install yet) the f-secure app.
A couple things I don't understand.
I believe I have read posts here about needing a "backup mobile number", for the company to send SMS to, if something suspicious is happening with the phone.
But what if one only has one mobile number, no backup? Is the app then useless? (Couldn't there be an e-mail, or a call to the landline?)
Also, I see that besides giving this app away, F-Secure sells "mobile secuirty". (I guess that means anti-virus and such. Is that really necessary? I have never used an AV on my phone before, and never had a problem with that AFAIK.)
With the post about the SMS to Finland (probably company headquarters), it occurs to me, they may give away this anti-theft app, in order to get your phone #, and send you text messages advertising their AV app? I wouldn't want to get spammed with text messages. Has that happened to anyone using this?
remotetracker can send email
i've changed sim few time. fsecure only send sms to the assigned number (i know, i've itemized billing, and i can send sms internationally).
anyway, since it can never reply with correct location, and i've already figured out how to use remotetracker, i'm ditching it too. plus, fsecure will always pop up with it stupid checking for update while i'm using my phone. can't it check quietly?
atlaswing said:
I've had F-secure anti-theft in my phone for a while now. The txt location service works great, and last month I tried changing the sim, and guess what, got a sms on my backup phone with the new sim's phone number, which is exactly what it is supposed to do.
However, i checked my itemized bill today, and see the program sent an sms to Finland immediately after texting me. The number was 358400112368 . Googled this number and only got two vague references to f-secure on a nokia. Why in the world would they need to txt their mothership about my sim? Anyone else using f-secure anti-theft? Please check your bill and let us know if it sent a txt to finland.
As far as using other similar programs:
Mylookout : never worked for me, website says searching, and times out.
remotetracker : Stay away from this program!! its txt request uses no password, so anyone who knows you have the program installed can secretly monitor you via sms. An intentional oversight from the developer perhaps? And pretty malicious at that too! Edit: got it, see post below.
ms myphone : free version can only check the daily sync log. I cannot initiate a location search unless i pay, or am I doing it wrong?
so, anyone with f-secure got the txt to 358400112368? I guess this post will be the only 3rd google search result for this number?
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when was the last time you used mylookout? A few months ago, it couldn't find the phone for me, but in the last month, it is working.
rumpleforeskin said:
another vote for remotetracker.
It found my phone when left in a taxi
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Maybe I should try that one. Esp. for my son.
me said:
I came across this thread, and just downloaded (didn't install yet) the f-secure app.
A couple things I don't understand.
I believe I have read posts here about needing a "backup mobile number", for the company to send SMS to, if something suspicious is happening with the phone.
But what if one only has one mobile number, no backup? Is the app then useless? (Couldn't there be an e-mail, or a call to the landline?)
Also, I see that besides giving this app away, F-Secure sells "mobile secuirty". (I guess that means anti-virus and such. Is that really necessary? I have never used an AV on my phone before, and never had a problem with that AFAIK.)
With the post about the SMS to Finland (probably company headquarters), it occurs to me, they may give away this anti-theft app, in order to get your phone #, and send you text messages advertising their AV app? I wouldn't want to get spammed with text messages. Has that happened to anyone
using this?
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what about getting a google voice number? Then you could send it there.
badai said:
i've changed sim few time. fsecure only send sms to the assigned number (i know, i've itemized billing, and i can send sms internationally).
anyway, since it can never reply with correct location, and i've already figured out how to use remotetracker, i'm ditching it too. plus, fsecure will always pop up with it stupid checking for update while i'm using my phone. can't it check quietly?
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so fsecure you can't get a correct location?
nrfitchett4 said:
when was the last time you used mylookout? A few months ago, it couldn't find the phone for me, but in the last month, it is working.
Maybe I should try that one. Esp. for my son.
what about getting a google voice number? Then you could send it there.
so fsecure you can't get a correct location?
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see my previous post. it always say location not available.
I just tried lookout. I like it more than remotetracker because it's easier to use (the online "dashboard" makes it easy). The thing I hated the most about remotetracker (and other apps dealing with coded SMS) is that I would have to use an authorized phone and the proper codes to do whatever I need to do. At least with lookout, I can just go online and kill all my data and locate my phone.
I tested the "locate" feature. It found my phone in 2 minutes, but it was a little over one mile away from my phone!
The "scream" feature: It's a loud firetruck-type was a little bad because San Bruno, CA (one city away from me) had a horrible fireball accident a couple of days ago.
I guess it does its job. The locate feature is decent, but to think that it was off by 1-mile, it could make a difference in a big city.

[Q] Issue with txts going to the wrong person magically...?

When you have a text log with the original person? I have noticed it shows up in the notification tray under 1 name and then under the actual msg app its to the right person but it makes me scared at times who the last txt REALLY went too..
In the stock messaging app (all I use) Ill start a txt conversation with person x then down the line it'll send the next to person y... idk if it was a confusion between the linked fbook accounts but it almost got me in trouble so now for safety sake I dont have fbook linked to contacts...
Anyone notice this or is it just me?
Sorry to hear this. If its the same two contacts each time, I'd suspect your two contacts may have automatically linked or merged phone numbers. Inspect each one's details for the other's phone number. For example, I found that two contacts who shared the same email were merged, completely deleting one's name entirely.
I'm using Handcent myself so not sure if this would be related, but I've found that text messages received from one particular number (my bank's alerts) always appear as another contact (a friend) in the initial pop-up alert but then appear correctly in Handcent's actual message threads. I've since swapped and rebuilt the handset to no avail. This issue remains a mystery.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
not the same contact. Thats what I originally thought it was something merged weird but its random. so I am not too sure but it makes me whery what I send to certain ppl. For some reason im friends with enemies of the other friend so saying 1 thing starts a fight btwn the 2.. lol I cant win.
same problem, HTC EVO, seems like it goes to a random person, facebook contact or not.
This is a huge problem and is related to the Android platform, not just the Vibrant. You can find more information in the following two links:
The best thinking that we have on the problem so far is that it is in the file. But it would be great to get more eyes looking over the code to try to get this one licked.
Note: A 3rd party app may make the situation better, but will not resolve it. Best solution is that if you receive a text or e-mail message (or anything that plays with the notification bar or takes focus from what you're typing), quit your message and start over.
This scares the hell out of me. Is there any specific instance when this always happens?
Strange, never had this problem and I've been using Android since the G1. There must be something you are doing or a setting you have that specifically triggers it.
There's nothing related to Facebook - I don't have anything linked on my phone. And I never had this issue on my G1, but I also didn't start screwing with the Vibrant until recently, so it's not something I'm "doing" - it's happened within weeks of getting the Vibrant on launch day.
It can be quite scary. Luckily my friends getting msgs meant for my wife hasn't bit me in the ass yet. But if it ever gets mixed up going to a female friend, I could see this not working out in my best interests, ya know?
I've had the same problem on my vibrant and my g1. What I've noticed is that if I send a nescafe to person A then receive a message from person B and access that message by using the notification bar and answer person B, the message can go to person A (the last person I sent to.) I've found that if I remember to not use the notification bar and only access messaging by using the icon, I haven't had the problem. Not the best solution but at least it seems to work.
This could be bad
This could be bad especially if you have more than one girlfriend
Omg glad im not the only one. Had to couch it one night cuz of this issue. Now i only text my girl from my phone. Everyone else i text through gv lol.
I use the notification bar all the time and occasionally reply to the weekend person but that's just because I didn't press on the right notification...
yea i had this happen to me as well. luckily or unluckily a txt i was sending to a girl whom i was fooling around with got sent to a girl i had just met 3 days prior. after that needless to say she wouldnt talk to me waa waaa. it was prob a random bug introduced in earlier builds.. say around a month and a half ago. oh yea i had about 12 threads running around 50 a piece.. maybe that had something to do with that and maybe the random stuttering of the vibrant when too many programs are running. Havent had that happen again thankfully but one would have to say.. slow down on the texting sometimes lol
vinnydakid said:
This scares the hell out of me. Is there any specific instance when this always happens?
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The evidence seems to suggest that the problem is in the file, which means it is not SMS Client related. Said differently, using a 3rd party SMS client might reduce the likelihood of the problem but does not eliminate it.
Now, to answer your question. It seems like the problem happens when multiple threads or events happen when using SMS. For example, it might happen when you are editing a message and when you receive a SMS text message. (It is more likely if you use the notification bar to pull down the message rather than navigating to it in the SMS client.) The good news is that people are trying to reliably reproduce the problem so that we can troubleshoot and fix the problem. (See my earlier post in this thread for a link of those discussions).
kangxi said:
Strange, never had this problem and I've been using Android since the G1. There must be something you are doing or a setting you have that specifically triggers it.
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Based on the review of the code, one fix seems to have been made to the 2.2 code branch. However, people using 2.2 have indicated that they are still experiencing the problem. The problem is in the library. However, there is a very unique set of circumstances that have to occur before you see the problem. It's quite possible that people who haven't seen this problem yet just use the UI in such a way that the problem doesn't show up.
98classic said:
Omg glad im not the only one. Had to couch it one night cuz of this issue. Now i only text my girl from my phone. Everyone else i text through gv lol.
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i second that. this glitch can be nasty. hopefully it will be addressed soon. GV for the win.
I have the same issue here. It will show one name but have a conversation for another, or the name and the convo are right, but the picture is wrong.
I think I found a solution to the thing. Been getting it a LOT and pissed me off on more than a single occasion.
So. If you are talking to someone and SUDDENLY receive a text message from that person but when you open it, it changes the name of the contact to someone else or ....I guess everyone who has experienced it KNOWS what it looks like. So when you GET IT, open it, then CLOSE the whole messaging app. Then restart it and it should fix itself and be back to texting the right person. If it doesn't (or if you want to be on the safe side), kill the messaging app with a task killer or task manager and restart it.
This has fixed it recently for me. Had it happen a total of about 15 times, with me finding and using the trick about the latest 5 times and it worked every time.
Note that I AM running Bionix Fusion 1.0 with Voodoo if that makes any bit of a difference.

repeated text message spam

i keep getting rthe same message that friends send over and over. say they send
"hi bud"
then i get repeates of that text several times over several minutes
what gives?
bionix 1.3.1
You sir were text bombed. You can block this with a anti sms bomber or anti bomber donate. Search these up i dont remember how much they cost.
mm its not a bomb--they are friends but the messages they send are doubled or triple sent.
I've found that to happen on t-mo from time to time, seems to largely matter on geographical location. Is it every text you get, or just certain ones? Do you notice it does it more or less depending where you are (home vs. school for example)
hmm i havent thought aabout location. its like 30-40% of texts i get may repeat
This has happened to me before when my GF is texting me. I'm not sure if shes using stock MMS app or not. But for me, sometimes handcent says it couldnt send out the message and gives you an option to resend. It might be just that and the network is backed up or something which results in duplicate sent text. I recently switched back to stock MMS and havent had a hitch yet.
I've gotten this before, a few years ago... I called T-Mobile and the rep told me they were having network problems, and gave me 200 free text messages for the "inconvenience" (I was on a plan with 300 texts then, and wasn't really inconvenienced... just very curious).
Back then, though, I would get random double texts and texts recieved with wrong timestamps so my phone would get confused. It hasn't happened to me for years though.
This happens to me and to a friend of mine with a Droid X. I get doubles from him, from iFone users, from a lot of people. I think it's an Android thing. It happens to me on the stock SMS App and on Handcent.

