Adding reboot or soft reboot into quick settings - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anybody knows if it is possible ?

Anybody did this trick.?


[BUG] icon stays selected/highlighted in honeycombe menu

hey guys, not sure If this is a bug but i now always have an icon selected(white-highlight) in the start menu and i dont know how to fix or get rid of it. i have tried soft resetting but that doesnt work. can anyone please help. thanks.

Reboot into Recovery Problem.

For some reason, my phone will not reboot into Recovery anymore.. all it does, if lock up at the word HERO on power up.
Can anyone help ?
Fixed - Mods pls delete.. Thanks

Menu Buttons disappear after 3845#*800# / Device test ( RESOLVED)

Hi friends , in my search for a solution to fix the ghost touches on this phone, I wanted to take a look into all the LG hidden tests/Device test. Now i mess the central bottons of display. Anybody can help me revert this ?
I cant open again the hidden menu. . code not works
The issue still after a restore..
A Stock rom installation will works?
Anybody know how disable device test?
PD: I followed this instructions and the buttons come back. . .
Best Regards

How to remove startup pin

Every time i start up the phone i get a short boot animation , then have to input a pin number and after that the phone continues to boot.
I would like to remove this option, but cannot find anything on the phone to reset this, a search on the net also did not help.
If anyone knows how to remove this, thanks !
Magst64 said:
Every time i start up the phone i get a short boot animation , then have to input a pin number and after that the phone continues to boot.
I would like to remove this option, but cannot find anything on the phone to reset this, a search on the net also did not help.
If anyone knows how to remove this, thanks !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
when u setting up fingerprint and and pin or other security setting it will ask for encryption then click on no thanks or choose one
So i have to factory reset to get rid of the pin while starting the device ?
And thanks for your answer
Magst64 said:
So i have to factory reset to get rid of the pin while starting the device ?
And thanks for your answer
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You just have to remove your Pin in settings, and when you apply a Pin/lock again, you choose 'No' when the interface asks you again for the Startup Pin Hope this helps

Does anyone know where I can find guide for adding reboot recovery to power menu in l

Hey I would like to add to stock 7.0 rom a reboot recovery option to power menu
Only problem is I have searched everywhere
For a guide and I have found plenty
Just not for lg and not for 7.0
Can someone please direct me ib the right place
And please dont ask me to just use closed that's like cheating to me
Thanks in advance !!
