Sound Routing Issue - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

The sound from media and phone calls work only through headphones (phone calls will also work when tapping the speakerphone icon during a call). I've done a lot of Googling and it seems to be a known issue without a real fix (aside from installing an app called Soundabout). Does anyone know about this issue or what can be done? I have to believe there is a fix for this without a 3rd party app.
In addition, I recently installed Beanstalk and for some reason, the sound worked normally. After my first reboot, though, media and phone call sound only came from the headphones again. I did try formatting and re-installing, but it didn't help.
I know all of the hardware works, so there must be some kind of software fix. Any hard core Android developers willing to take this on?? Or anyone else know of a real fix?

Could be something in the headphone socket shorting it (e.g. moisture) try cleaning it out with Isopropyl alcohol. It might need to be replaced.

DrFredPhD said:
Could be something in the headphone socket shorting it (e.g. moisture) try cleaning it out with Isopropyl alcohol. It might need to be replaced.
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Thanks for the advice. I actually purchased and installed a brand new headphone jack, but the problem remains. Could it be a short on the motherboard?? I can dump log or bug files from my phone, but where would I go to have someone look and understand what the issue might be?


I-Mate speaker blown

The speaker on my I-mate appears to have "blown". Sound still comes out of it but it is a bit distorted and the volume is low. When using a plug in heatset the sound is fine; so I do not feel there is an electronic or software problem.
So.... How can I get this fixed? Are there replacement parts available?
Thanks for any help.
btw, I am in the U.S.
How to fix it...
I experimented sort of the same problem.
It turned out that it was the speaker connectors because they where not making solid contact with the motherboard. As you can see on the walthrough, the speaker is not soldered to the motherboard, instead HTC used a spring mechanism that conntects the speaker to the motherboard when assembled. Over time, some devices tend to loose this solid contact so the speaker starts to loose it's power and eventually fail. However, there is a way to fix it yourself if you already ran out of warranty and if you like to take things apart...
Here's my walkthrough:
Good luck!
Re: How to fix speaker problem
This is great Rayan !! I _will_ try it and let you know.
My speaker stopped working full stop a week ago. At least the vibrating mode is fully operational but, of course, this has nothing to do with the speaker's functionality.
A colleague suggested getting a bluetooth headset for operating the phone through it, in case there is no solution to the speaker problem.
I do not know whether anyone tried this alternative but if they have, I would like to know if it worked (just to get a feeling of whether there is a workaround solution too).
Thank you Rayan.
I did it ! Success

Help! Big problems with all audio!

First post here so please excuse any ignorance.
O2 XDA Exec - standard Rom from O2 website.
Problem started a few hours ago after using the audio out for listening to music via mediaplayer.
My unit was working fine while playing, but later after it had been disconnceted from the stereo I noted that there were no tap sounds.
I first checked the audio settings, all normal the way I always have them.
Next I tried the reset button on the back of the unit, no help there.
I tried plugging in the headphones in and there is perfectly normal audio over the headphone but once removed nothing at all.
Getting more extreme I tried a rom update/fresh start, no luck there either.
Getting even more hardcore I downloaded the assembly/disassembly pdf from this forum to check if there was a physical fault with the 3.5mm audio port. I checked to make sure all the tabs were springing back after an audio jack was removed all seem fine (although at this point I lack a comparision).
Then for a test I rang my own phone from my land line and it seems to ring fine but there is nothing from the mic or either of the earpieces during a call.
I am fast running out of ideas and the last test really perplexed me.
I am almost certain that it is a case of one of the contacts inside the audio port not springing back and therefore cutting out the external audio, giving the device the impression that there is still a headset connected.
I don't want to poke around inside too much as I have so far been able to keep security tabs intact, just in case I need to send it off.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get around this? Is it possible that it is software and not hardware?
Please help as phone is a bit useless sans headset, which I don't really want to be permanetly tied to.
keep plugging and unplugging the headset until it works or you get tired, if it works great, otherwise sent it in for repair.
Does nobody out there have a registry hack workaround for this problem?
When I receive calls its rings and any other sounds come through whilst the phone rings.
There must be a workaround here somewhere???
Had exactly the same problem. No sound but rings ok,
After the first time I plugged in the headphones, no sound. Its probably cause the headphone socket is so big in comparisson, that it gets dirty. Just spray some anti static cleaner on the headphone plug and keep plugging it in.
Worked perfectly for me!!
There is no registry hack because this is a hardware issue, not a software one.
The ringer will ring whether the earphones are plugged in or not, which is how you would expect a phone to function. The problem lies with the connectors in the headphone jack socket not recognising the headphones are unplugged. Resetting and even dare I say a hard reset will not sort it as the issue is not software related.
This has also been covered several times on the forum. The only way (short of taking the thing apart) is to keep plugging / unplugging the headphones until the sound reappears.
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!

Problem with microphone volume when calling

Since my Hermes fell off the table people keep complaining that they have problems hearing my voice while talking on the phone. They say the volume of my voice is too low. When using a headset everything's fine.
I've never had a problem like that, nevertheless I dismantled the Hermes to see if there was anything wrong with the microphone after the fall, but it seemed ok.
I also recorded my own voice using the voice recorder in WM6 to test the microphone and strangely enough my voice sounds pretty loud and clear to me.
After some googling I found that many people seem to have a problem with their voice barely being heard by other people on the phone.
Solutions I could not find and I do not understand why that problem has occurred after the Hermes fell down, as it seems to be software-related (otherwise my mic-test would have resulted in a low-volume recording, which it did not).
Has anyone here had that problem and found a solution?
Well, I've solved the problem, although not by the means I originally wanted to. I just did a recovery of a Backup from before the day the Hermes fell down and voila - everything works again as it should (although I still don't get it how the phone falling down can change the SOFTWARE, but hey, as long as it works).
Again we see the importance of regular backups.
I had this problem before. tried to fix it but didn't work. Flashed all sorts of roms, all didn't work. Even newly flashed roms still had this problem.
Headset is fine
but just speaking into the mic isn't.
Same as you, recording works fine too, but mic to phone just doesn't work. I am curious how did you dissasemble your phone though, do you have a manual or something?
I had this problem before. tried to fix it but didn't work. Flashed all sorts of roms, all didn't work. Even newly flashed roms still had this problem.
Headset is fine
but just speaking into the mic isn't.
Same as you, recording works fine too, but mic to phone just doesn't work. I am curious how did you dissasemble your phone though, do you have a manual or something?
Hi again,
Well, the problem's back again. Even after resetting the Hermes at first it worked fine, but later people complained again that my voice was too low. So it seems that the problem is first solved by resetting/backup recovery, but then reappears. Don't know how that is possible, but I fear that it is indeed hardware-related.
Has anyone any suggestions as to what I can do?
Am I right in assuming that the hole next to the one for resetting the phone is for the microphone? Because when I dismantled my Hermes the corresponding part did not look like a microphone at all. Here's a picture of what I am talking about:
Is the part where the black rubber-thingy (circled below) that easily falls off when dismantling is placed over the microphone?
As for the dismanteling, go there:
and search for "Hermes", there are some nice guides there.
I appreciate any hints that could lead to me solving this problem.
I've been searching for corresponding Registry Entries and so far have found these:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Phone
Changing "Vol" to 65535 increased the mic volume a little bit, but it was still too low for being acceptable (I have been testing the volume by placing my Hermes next to my PC speaker while playing an audiobook at a normal volume and calling my landline as to see how it sounds).
See also here for the thread where I found this info.
I also found these two threads:
My Values at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\AUDIOGAINx were originally at 18 and 19. I changed them first to AA and this did, or so it seemed, increase the volume more notably. Changing the Values to CC however changed little compared to AA (although this should make the mic even louder). I may be mistaken, but I even think that the quality was better with AA.
I am not familiar with the actual volume of the mic at the receiver's end, but in my opinion the volume was pretty ok. I will call a few of the people who have been complaining and see what they have to say about the volume.
I just called my brother and he said my voice was as low as before, so my modifications had no effect.
Next thing I will try is to totally disassemble my Hermes and put it back together so to check every connection that might have gone loose.
Update: Dismantled it totally (except for the screen part) - didn't help either.
Seems like there is no solution to this problem. Most likely I will have to get a replacement. This sucks.
Exactly the same problem here.
(No phone audio but Note recording & Headset works fine)
Only the phone was not dropped. Just happened !
Did a reset but did'nt wok either !
Phones in great condition.
Like you though it was a Software Issue
How much was a new mic ?
Can it be economically soldered on ?
Is there no solution whatsoever ?
Please keep me updated
Many Thanks
Hi Sampler,
In the end I found no solution to my problem. Got myself a Vario III and am using that one ever since.
Please let me know if you find anything that can solve this.
Some of these problems (I don't say all) may be caused by damage to the mini USB port and the fine wires inside it. The port has wiring related to sound both earpiece and Mic. As you know connecting a handsfree headset cuts off the Mic and earpiece, so you can see that damage to the port or bend pins inside it can cause Mic problems. This may be why sound recording is fine, but in phone mode the Mic is cut off.
I say this only to avoid the assumption that the Mic is damaged (it may be), but it can also be the port and associated wiring that causes the problem. If you are dismantling check the solder contacts around the USB port for cracks and also for bent pins in the socket.

[Q] Headphone jack disable?

I have a Problem with my Xperia X1.
The headphone jack is broken and the device will always return to the headset mode.
So I can not hear anyone during a conversation.
I would like to disable the headphone jack completely. Is there a program for that?
Are you sure it is broken?
Does it still deliver sound to a connected headphone?
Usually the detection of an inserted headphone plug is done via dis-connecting a contact in the socket where the plug is inserted (it re-connects when you pull out the plug). The same dis-connection will also happen if some dirt has accumulated at the place where this contact is, so it stays permanently dis-connected.
Over time dirt creeps into all holes of the devices and depending on your usage and storage style that may have happened now. Try to get that cleaned - maybe it helps.
I have however also seen devices where the connector of the socket to the PBA is simply ripped-off - no way to get that fixed afaik.
Luckily one of the wizards here (ultrashot) also has an X1 (as I remember) and he did a lot of true SW hacking to it, maybe he knows a way to intercept the driver or has a hint which driver to de-activate. Mind that he is very busy with really important stuff - so a simple hint may be the only thing you may get.
@ John Carter I have had the same problem for months now, at first it took a couple of mins for the headset icon to disappear after unplugged then it turned to hours and now days if I'm even lucky . I just found this today: HKLM/System/State/Hardware/Headset 0 .This disables the headset but for me it still does not play sound out the loud speaker like I hoped, in locksreen( I use S2u2) mode the headset icon is gone but when in the main interface the icon is still sitting on taskbar or topbar. It really sucks to have to use a mic headset connector to call and answer voice calls. I'm still searching for answer hopefully somethings comes up. Edit: It's a hardware problem not software.
First of all thank you for your answers.
@ tobbbie
The headphone jack is really broken = (
I've already tried to clean it but that dosent helped.
Thank you for your tip. I'm going to ask ultrashot maybe he can help me there.
@ Viper89
Are you sure it's not a software problem with you device?
For the headphone jack is not so important. I would unsolder him. But I do not know if that would still work.
I had also tried to play with the \status key in the registry with the same (non-) effects. I guess you have to intercept/kill the signal from the HW/driver that steers the other parts into what they do. Not sure where the HW signal enters the SW stack and if that could easily be altered (e.g. by dropping a device-driver). You could play with the HKLM\System\Drivers\builtin branch and then go for headset or alike. You may end up with a non-booting device, so take care to back up in case a hard-reset is needed.
If you are willing to play with soldering (and have some skills), try to solder the contacts of the socket new to the PBA. My guess is that the contacts have either come loose on top of the copper part of the PBA (then you can re-solder) or they have been ripped of the PBA including the copper. You then have to guess where the copper-lines went and re-solder. Worst you can un-solder all parts, but this is not easy to do without decent tools. You may bake the PBA around the socket and ruin the device fully in the end.
John_Carter said:
First of all thank you for your answers.
@ tobbbie
The headphone jack is really broken = (
I've already tried to clean it but that dosent helped.
Thank you for your tip. I'm going to ask ultrashot maybe he can help me there.
@ Viper89
Are you sure it's not a software problem with you device?
For the headphone jack is not so important. I would unsolder him. But I do not know if that would still work.
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No it's definitively a hardware problem. I have actually stopped using my phone for music now and instead my mp3 player. I haven't seen the headset icon for 3 days now so maybe I'm in the clear. I think every time I kept plugging in my headphones to listen to music it kept re-aggravating the headset jack so I figured if I stopped using it completely maybe it will stop messing up and so far it has worked .

Microphone not working on Galaxy S5

My microphone on my S5 is not working. When I make a call I can hear the person but they can not hear me I also tried recording my voice and it didn't work, so clearly I am assuming the microphone is broken. What part do I specifically need in order to replace the microphone and have it working?
Sounds like you didn't do a search and read the existing threads on this subject. Your assumption that the mic isn't working may not be correct. You should at least try turning off the noise cancelling settings first, speaking closer to the mic, et cetera. There is also a service menu setting for microphone gain. Failing all of those items, then a warranty claim or buying the part yourself, if out of warranty.
All of these are elaborated in more detail in existing threads.
fffft said:
Sounds like you didn't do a search and read the existing threads on this subject. Your assumption that the mic isn't working may not be correct. You should at least try turning off the noise cancelling settings first, speaking closer to the mic, et cetera. There is also a service menu setting for microphone gain. Failing all of those items, then a warranty claim or buying the part yourself, if out of warranty.
All of these are elaborated in more detail in existing threads.
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I have tried everything you have said before. If I could possibly know what specific part that is faulty so I can replace it because the warranty is expired
navpal said:
I have tried everything you have said before
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It would have been helpful if you had bothered to tell us up front that you had done so.
The primary microphone is part of the charging port assembly.
fffft said:
It would have been helpful if you had bothered to tell us up front that you had done so.
The primary microphone is part of the charging port assembly.
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Ok so replacing that part should fix the problem?
I was having mic problems. Remembered a friend having issues on his S3, he used a needle to clean rubbish out of the hole on bottom of the phone. So i did the same, very thin needle only pushed in a small amount, pulled a load of fluff out. Problem solved. Two mics on s5, bottom is for using phone normally, top is for when you use in speaker mode.
Might be worth a try.
navpal said:
My microphone on my S5 is not working. When I make a call I can hear the person but they can not hear me I also tried recording my voice and it didn't work, so clearly I am assuming the microphone is broken. What part do I specifically need in order to replace the microphone and have it working?
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Is your phone rooted?
If yes than are you using custom kernel?
If Yes than which kernel?
Sometimes it is due to kernel.
Such problems are more s 5 s
This is probably due to the waterproof cover
I have a rooted stock G 900 a mic doesn't work but speaker does. left touch button doesn't work or light up. the device is still under warranty so we sent it back to Samsung and they wanted almost $200 to fix it whereas I am going to pay $10 for that whole board and microphone I'm fix it myself I am hoping that this will fix the problems. I am 99% sure it is because of some water damage. just a small amount of water I believe got in the charger port. check out what. I will update on this too with results. maybe a video. I have replaced glass and motherboards on many s5 but this is a really advanced repair
navpal said:
My microphone on my S5 is not working. When I make a call I can hear the person but they can not hear me I also tried recording my voice and it didn't work, so clearly I am assuming the microphone is broken. What part do I specifically need in order to replace the microphone and have it working?
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Seems like my S5 is doing the same thing. It started doing this just in the last few weeks, and I haven't figured out how to address the problem.
I am having the same issue as navpal above
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this frustrating problem?
I also would appreciate if solution were posted. HEre are things I have tried with no success.
I cannot even slightly be heard on other line, except when in speakerphone mode. I can hear myself on my side, so I know that the sound is being recorded by at least one microphone.
clearing system cache
factory reset
clearing out microphone with pin
Hi there.
I have (not mine) Samsung S5 in my hands
Have tried:
Safe mode
battery out of the device and back on method
cannot do factory reset - still don`t want to disturb the client about that
Can you give me picture only of the MIC,not the whole board and others?
Maybe i can try clean it.
If i try to replace the old one will that be enough for me - i attach one photo ?
How is that done at all?
Thanks in advance
Hey Guys,
Im having the same issue. My phone went underwater without the USB flap cover and now the microphone does not work.
Should I replace all USB board? or replacing only the microphone piece would solve the problem?
Also, I wasn`t able to find more threats about it, if you guys have it, please help posting here the link.
You're about a smartass aren't you
This is an old thread, but I wanted to share my solution to this. My mic audio was very weak in speakerphone mode on Galaxy S5, but was OK in normal phone mode. The S5 has 2 microphones: bottom one is for normal mode, only top one is used in speakerphone mode. On mine the top mic hole was internally plugged with some debris. After cleaning it out by carefully inserting a broken-in-half toothpick (the blunt end) and twirling it while holding phone upside down to allow dirt to fall out, my speakerphone mic audio problem has been solved. If your mic audio is OK in speakerphone but weak in normal mode, it could be the mic hole along the bottom edge that needs cleaning. Using Voice Recorder in INTERVIEWEE mode will test only the upper microphone. Other modes of Voice Recorder enable both microphones so would be less conclusive. Cleanining out the mic holes completely solved my problem, while software fixes such as unchecking noise cancellation did not make any significant difference. Hope this is helpful.
sina_samand2002 said:
Such problems are more s 5 s
This is probably due to the waterproof cover
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My friend you saved me.!!!! i have tried a lot of things but the cover was the problem. Without it the mic in speakermode works great now.... I think even Samsung cannot explain this.!!!

