[Q] Front touch buttons? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a custom front touch buttons for my LG G2 including task switcher its kinda annoying if I need to hold down Home button
is there some .apk for that made ? witch does not require rooting so I don`t loose my guarantee.
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eelektro said:
Is there a custom front touch buttons for my LG G2 including task switcher its kinda annoying if I need to hold down Home button
is there some .apk for that made ? witch does not require rooting so I don`t loose my guarantee.
in this order
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There isn't. Sorry =/

Unfortunately, you will have to root in order to change those buttons.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk


[Q] Moving the software buttons to the left ?

I'm really enjoying my Nexus 10 but I'm annoyed by the software buttons being in the middle of the screen, as I would like to use them with my left hand while holding the tablet.
Is there a piece of software or tweak that would allow me to move the software buttons to the left (if possible without rooting, like lightflow does with the notification led). I don't want to install a custom launcher or mod, unrooted stock is fine, just wondering if such a software exists.
avara said:
I'm really enjoying my Nexus 10 but I'm annoyed by the software buttons being in the middle of the screen, as I would like to use them with my left hand while holding the tablet.
Is there a piece of software or tweak that would allow me to move the software buttons to the left (if possible without rooting, like lightflow does with the notification led). I don't want to install a custom launcher or mod, unrooted stock is fine, just wondering if such a software exists.
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On stock there is no way. The Paranoid Android Rom allows you to move the buttons.
How do I do this? I flashed to PA butbi can't find that option...
Sent from my SGH-I317M using xda app-developers app
ShadowVlican said:
How do I do this? I flashed to PA butbi can't find that option...
Sent from my SGH-I317M using xda app-developers app
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You'll have to change it to tablet mode. It should be under "Paranoid settings." I believe that is the only way to get the buttons on the left. I use the tablet UI and it works great. Much easier to hit those pesky buttons now.
Edit: It's under "Hybrid Properties"
Sent from my SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

Thoughts about HTC One hardware keys

I've just read/watched the Engadget review.
I'm sold on the device. My concern is around the hardware keys. I much prefer hardware keys to software keys because the SW keys eat up so much of the on-screen real estate, and they also push the keyboard higher and make it harder to reach.
That being said, it seems by dropping the menu key, HTC has taken a step backwards after they mapped the legacy menu key to the HW menu key in recent versions of the One X / X+ build in Sense 4+. From what I've read, the legacy menu is back.
This is *bad* and has me thinking about another direction (although there doesn't seem to be a great device like the One - don't think the S4 will be anything interesting unless they've been setting up a smokescreen!).
I run an alternative launcher because I dislike Sense (other than the Camera!), but it won't solve the missing HW key / legacy menu.
The two button layout doesn't bother me too much. I removed the soft keys on my Nexus 4 and use PIE so if I can function without any buttons, I'm sure I'll live with two. As for the legacy menu thing, that's an odd on HTC's part. Granted, apps should be updated to have proper menu button support, but it's something I can live with.
The removal of long press back remapping was/is probably a bug, I'm sure it will be back
idk about everyone else but i will root and flash my device just like every other phone ive had. with that we will be able to do almost what we want personalization wise. how long will we have to wait is the question.
eg1122 said:
The removal of long press back remapping was/is probably a bug, I'm sure it will be back
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Agreed. I heard about this early on but it's not being mentioned in reviews. If nothing else HTC will cave to peer pressure like in the HOX. Long press on back is a passable solution - particularly if we can also get the in-app menu button too.
Otherwise the other idea being thrown about (by non technical people) is if the kernel can be modded to recognise the HTC logo as a button - given that the touch panel should extend over that as well. No idea how possible this is and I presume it couldn't be done until kernel source is out.
Only two buttons doesn't bother me either, i only have one on my iphone!
I'm actually cool with just 2 button too. I rarely use my menu button on my mt4g. I do everything with just the home button and back button. Also rather have capacitive buttons instead of hard buttons.
Sent from my HTC myTouch 4g using xda premium
I use the multitasking and menu options quite a bit, thus my concern
I also use the menu button quite a bit.
I am sure once we get used to it, it will be like anything else and heck, we might even like it more. Who knows till we get to play withem...
Sent from a galaxy far away!
Is it possible to activate soft buttons by editing build.prop on HTC Sense roms ?
CreepyDroid said:
Is it possible to activate soft buttons by editing build.prop on HTC Sense roms ?
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I guess. It's possible on TouchWiz, so I guess you can add a line in the build.prop in Sense too.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
My main goal would be to deactivate the hardware buttons and go completely nexus wise.
| Back - Home - Recent (small menu button when needed) |
Are stock on screen buttons smart enough to activate the additional menu button when needed?
Also... can long press software home button activate google now?
mickliq said:
I use the multitasking and menu options quite a bit, thus my concern
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So do I but a long press of the button to bring up the multi tasking menu is hardly a dealbreaker for me. Could prove to be annoying though. Time will tell I guess!
Sent from my XT925 using xda premium
^ I don't mind long-press for multi-tasking (it's what I am using today); the issue is that you can't have home, multi-tasking, Google Now and Legacy menu all on one key! I've been seeing some comments about long-press back used but the legacy menu really needs to be a single-press.
Dun recall where i read it, but the home key on double tap brings up multi tasker and on long press can b configured for google now or menu key. Thats acceptable to me.
I do prefer the 3 keys on my hox, but i realize that htc had to make a compromise to accomodate the logo. The logo could not have been placed elsewhere on the front without adding to the height of the phone.
In the end, its not a big issie and we will get used to it. Moving from 4 keys on dhd to 3 on the hox wasnt pleasing to me in the beginning, but adapted soon.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
i think its great, i never used the other two buttons anyway.

[Q] Did the menu position change for Android for an update or something?

My menu position is at the top right now, where it used to be on the bottom. I liked it better at the bottom. I did switch phones, I came from an S III that had Paranoid Android 3.99RC2 on it, and now have a LG G2 with the most recent CM11 nightly on it. So, is the menu button a CM thing, or a Kit Kat thing? Or was the bottom menu a PA thing? I want to put it back at the bottom if there is a way to do that.
Also, another unrelated question, is there a way to make the home button also the 'most recent' button by holding it down?
For the second question, to deal with it for now, I just put the side menu button on at all times and put the recent activity button where I usually put the menu button, but I'd still like to have it back to the setup I am used to.
RCizzle65 said:
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can't you change it in setting, display, front touch buttons?
datechnerd said:
can't you change it in setting, display, front touch buttons?
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There is no front touch buttons in display. There is "buttons and layout" in interface, but I can't make it change to hold the home button to be a function.
RCizzle65 said:
There is no front touch buttons in display. There is "buttons and layout" in interface, but I can't make it change to hold the home button to be a function.
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well stock you could change it in settings
you could try xposed framework and get g2 xposed from the playstore, note sure it itll work on aosp roms
Yeah I don't think G2 Xposed works in AOSP, thanks though
RCizzle65 said:
Yeah I don't think G2 Xposed works in AOSP, thanks though
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You might want to double check the G2 Xposed thread. I'm 99% certain he's made it work with AOSP ROMs now.

Small questions before getting the phone

I am thinking about this phone and I currently have an LG G2.
1- I like soft buttons and hate hardware buttons, but this is a risk I'm willing to take to get a bigger screen and a Spen.
My question:
Is there is a way to change menu button function to "recent" button and add the built-in 3 dots soft menu button in apps? (like a G2, nexus, etc...)
(root, xposed, etc...)
2-Is the phone dpi friendly originally? I mean I saw it with my friend and fonts, spaces are just damn giant!
I would like to change the dpi, but how built-in apps will behave then?
3-Is there is a built-in screen mirroring function like in the G2, or I will need the "all share" dongle for it to connect on a samsung smart tv?!
4-Can I have native call recording (high quality on kernel/software level) and not just through MIC?
Thank you.
Life Engineer said:
I am thinking about this phone and I currently have an LG G2.
1- I like soft buttons and hate hardware buttons, but this is a risk I'm willing to take to get a bigger screen and a Spen.
My question:
Is there is a way to change menu button function to "recent" button and add the built-in 3 dots soft menu button in apps? (like a G2, nexus, etc...)
(root, xposed, etc...)
2-Is the phone dpi friendly originally? I mean I saw it with my friend and fonts, spaces are just damn giant!
I would like to change the dpi, but how built-in apps will behave then?
3-Is there is a built-in screen mirroring function like in the G2, or I will need the "all share" dongle for it to connect on a samsung smart tv?!
4-Can I have native call recording (high quality on kernel/software level) and not just through MIC?
Thank you.
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1- Yes there is, but don't remember which xposed module.
2- They will behave as all other apps
3- Yes, there is
4- Yes. I personally use CallRecorder and recording quality is very good.
vndnguyen said:
1- Yes there is, but don't remember which xposed module.
2- They will behave as all other apps
3- Yes, there is
4- Yes. I personally use CallRecorder and recording quality is very good.
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Thanks man for your feedback!
Is it N900 or N9005 you have?
Life Engineer said:
Thanks man for your feedback!
Is it N900 or N9005 you have?
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I have N9005 with CSC = XME (Malaysia)

Disable the capatitive to enable virtual on screen navigation keys

Hey guys,
I've been looking trough xda on the Zte Axon 7 but have'nt been able to find the answer i need.
the thing im struggling with is that the navigation bar on the Axon 7 doesnt have any backlight and its kinda annoying in the dark, i also thing the keys are too close to eachother. so the question is, how do i disable the stock non backlit keys (so i wont exidentally hit them), and enable the on screen virtual keys.
Daan_K said:
Hey guys,
I've been looking trough xda on the Zte Axon 7 but have'nt been able to find the answer i need.
the thing im struggling with is that the navigation bar on the Axon 7 doesnt have any backlight and its kinda annoying in the dark, i also thing the keys are too close to eachother. so the question is, how do i disable the stock non backlit keys (so i wont exidentally hit them), and enable the on screen virtual keys.
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I still don't get why you guys have trouble with the keys. at least in my case my finger goes automatically where it has to go, zero problems
You need to tell us more than that... What system are you on, whether you are rooted or not, whether you would root it if you aren't, if you have used ButtonDots
I disable them when gaming to prevent accidental presses. Using Xposed Edge and shortcut to Tasker
Sent from my ZTE Axon 7 using XDA Labs
The capacitive keys are one aspect of the phone that is a little annoying I'd actually prefer if they had a taller screen with dedicated space for virtual keys that could be configured with extended function.
I also find the capacitive keys too close together.
It's nit picking by the way, but yeah.
After having my Mate 7 with that excellent hiding navbar, capacitive keys are very old school lol.
Infy_AsiX said:
I disable them when gaming to prevent accidental presses. Using Xposed Edge and shortcut to Tasker
Sent from my ZTE Axon 7 using XDA Labs[/QUOTE
can u explain bit further how to disable them, i do have root and have xposed installed.
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First make sure you've the soft key navigation bar enabled. I guess you have that on your cn version? Otherwise flash the navigation bar df!nr.
Then, don't know if it works on this phone, never tested, go to system/user/keylayout and open generic.kl
Put a # in front of key 139 and 158 and save.
Btw, backup this file first

