Brick Challenge - Arkanoid and Breakout -style brick breaking game - General Marketing & SEO

A bit more challenging yet fun way to kill some time.
Lots to play for free, but you can support our development by buying the ad-free version.
h ttps:// (FREE), h ttps:// (0.89e, no ads)
- 100+ levels, lots to play
- Cool and helpful stuff to buy
Also check out and like us on Facebook
www facebook com /fennecgames


NEW NEXUS ON THE WAY! suggestions?!?!?!?

hey all,
so i ordered my nexus 7 on friday and have been anticipating having it in my hands ever since! any suggestions on what I should put on it, how to use it? or themes? lemme know what is up people! i dont want to waste time tinkering with this, I want to have it optimized after a few hours... obviously I am going to root it!!! im so stoaked!
It's hard to say. optimized for what exactly? Out of the box the device comes with enough built in apps to enjoy most common/basic tablet use
- gmail, web browsing, ebook, map, calendar, address book, music players, etc
- then next common things are games
- news and entertainment..
most people instal social networking apps for twitter, facebook, G+, web site readers. what not... without knowing what you want to do with your tablet, best people can suggest is bunch of popular/best of apps that you may or may not find useful. so... it all depends what you find interesting. it's a general purpose computer...
How exciting!
I would look at Beautiful Widgets, and check out background wallpapers. Also check out the thread for "how would you spend your $25 play store credit", to get ideas on which $$$ apps are good to buy. I think Plex was the first app I ever purchased, and tapatalk was the second. (This was a few months ago, before Nexus 7).
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Favorite Paid WP Apps

I recently jumped ship to Windows Phone from android and was able to participate in the Nokia World of Apps promotion for a free $20 app voucher and am trying to figure out what to spend it on.
I plan on getting Rayman Jungle Run, and maybe Civilization Revolution, but otherwise I'm not really seeing anything I want to buy.
What are your recommendations?
to get discounts check Store Deals, AppDeals and myAppFree... some popular games also sometimes go for free, only you need to wait, for example Angry Birds collection was 2 times free, now is most of Disney collection free)...
also check App Social from Nokia to get recommendations for popular apps... if you cant find it in store, install SysApp Pusher
also here few interesting pay apps with trial to check if you interested:
OneShot - good camera app
MoliPlayer Pro - video player with subtitle support...

Waypedia Review - How I increased my app's downloads

Hello Fellow developers, I hope you're all doing well
I had like 7 apps in google play but only 2 of them were getting organic downlaods,
the other apps they didnt have much downloads, because of the competition in the market, I had to figure out a way to increase my downloads for the other apps so I tried facebook ads to promote my apps it didn't work and it was too damn expensive.
I came across a beautiful website for buying Real 100% legit downloads for my apps, and it's so cheaper than the others!
US installs cost only $0.14 per install. and worldwide installs cost $0.12 per install.
I bought 1000 downloads for 3 apps of mine and they all ranked top 30 for my keywords, Now I am getting organic downloads everyday and making more money with Admob.
I wanted to share my experience with you here in this forum
The website where I bought the downloads from is :
you can Use this code: IRTK5 when you register and you will get 10% more funds in your first deposit.

Share you paid advertising experience

I've just published my game to Google Play Store and was thinking of purchasing some advertising or pay per install ads. Anyone has any experience using Facebook ads, Admob, appbrain or other ad networks? What would you recommend. I do not have a large budget, for a start I am planning to spend around USD100.
Digitally said:
I've just published my game to Google Play Store and was thinking of purchasing some advertising or pay per install ads. Anyone has any experience using Facebook ads, Admob, appbrain or other ad networks? What would you recommend. I do not have a large budget, for a start I am planning to spend around USD100.
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No experience with ads yet. I was recommended Facebook Lookalike Audience but we'll continue on our own up until 10k users. My fear would be to get a mass of users and disappoint them. Growing 100 at a time provides a good feedback loop to improve the app. Might use the Lookalike Audience then! Good luck!
Digitally said:
I've just published my game to Google Play Store and was thinking of purchasing some advertising or pay per install ads. Anyone has any experience using Facebook ads, Admob, appbrain or other ad networks? What would you recommend. I do not have a large budget, for a start I am planning to spend around USD100.
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I am also interested in this topic. I have a free app with a paid (no ads) counterpart. I was considering using any of the services that charge per install (CPI) on the paid app. If the cost per install is lower than 70% of the price of your app, then that investment would be risk-free.
Has anyone tried something like that? Would you recommend any service in particular? (Ideally, the ones that do not require SDKs to be added to the app, I don't want to add crapware to my app).
Digitally said:
I've just published my game to Google Play Store and was thinking of purchasing some advertising or pay per install ads. Anyone has any experience using Facebook ads, Admob, appbrain or other ad networks? What would you recommend. I do not have a large budget, for a start I am planning to spend around USD100.
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The budget normally starts from $10000. I don't think $100 generates significant data and downloads to help you make further decisions considering that average CPI is about $1.
Reply From A Guy That Knows The Data
Digitally said:
I've just published my game to Google Play Store and was thinking of purchasing some advertising or pay per install ads. Anyone has any experience using Facebook ads, Admob, appbrain or other ad networks? What would you recommend. I do not have a large budget, for a start I am planning to spend around USD100.
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Great question! While I cannot, and will not give you numbers or estimates in any shape or form, I can give you broad and general advice.
First off, I'll explain my background in a bit more detail. I worked in advertising sales for years at the top companies, and then moved into the mobile app space (I am also a secret coder by night.) I then spent two years working in the mobile app data space - providing performance data in the form of estimates for downloads/revenue. Our job was to sell our vast data sets (on every mobile app and publisher - ranked and un-ranked) which were centered around accurate estimates for downloads/revenue for any given app in every category/subcat, and country for iOS and GP. We worked with mid-market and top publishers to help them forecast how many installs they would need to purchase to reach top rank, how many organic installs they would receive at that rank, and how many installs they would have to purchase on an ongoing basis to maintain that rank.
Based on my experiences, truth be told, most publishers that are actual companies (not small indie or single shop guys)....they are buying downloads. This is not to say that strong marketing campaigns don't come with this (PR, promotions, social media, viral, cross-promotional ads to existing user base, etc.), but in some way or another, most of them will be buying ads. Here is the caveat - it is not a simple process, at all. They have analysts that know exactly how much money they make off of one download....for instance...they know that for every download on xyz game, they make $2.30, and their CPI is $1.95, thus, their actual net rev is $.35 per install. However, this is all also centered around growth potential as in many cases, they need to hit the top ranks for organic growth to generate higher profit margins, so they need accurate forecasting of exactly/roughly how many installs it's going to take to get there...and if they come up short, they don't make top charts and they either have to spend more money to climb up...or they're out of budget and they've lost $$$. Basically, if you want to buy need to set realistic goals, and understand what the value of your user is...from a financial standpoint. You must know your numbers cold before even considering putting a budget towards ads.
That being said, there are a ton of ways to buy ads out there, as I'm sure you and everyone knows. However, if you do get around to doing some solid analysis on what your users are worth, and want to run some testing with a low budget...nothing to break the bank...I would A) Go with a reputable company, even if the CPI/CPA is higher than you'd like....because you want to avoid fraudulent DL's....many ad networks will turn a blind eye to this for obvious financial reasons, and B) Try Facebook....honestly, I've spoken to many smaller developers that find a fair CPI/CPA, with pretty good ROI and retention.
Some interesting data we are gathering at, where we have the average CPI rates & Install Volumes of each network broken out by genre/platform/country. There are also contacts and minimum spends so should give you a good sense of what's out there.
A $100 budget is not too large, so it'd be hard to give you a definitive answer as to which network has basically no minimums (unless you want to work with a mobile self-serve DSP like PocketMath). Facebook would be a good place to start, although prices are at a premium due to high demand. I'd suggest really going all in on free methods like PR, reaching out to Bloggers, ASO, Social Fan Pages, Organic/Viral Installs, and Partnerships first.
My experience:
1) Social Networks advertising. I promoted it personally, it was tooooo long and without big results.
2) Youtube videos. Not bad, but you have to attract users to watch your videos and invite their friends to install your app.
3) Buying the marketing services in agencies. I have experience with several agencies, but App-Reviews has the best, I think.
4) Use different tools for advertising. I used AdMob, it had some success...
Digitally said:
I've just published my game to Google Play Store and was thinking of purchasing some advertising or pay per install ads. Anyone has any experience using Facebook ads, Admob, appbrain or other ad networks? What would you recommend. I do not have a large budget, for a start I am planning to spend around USD100.
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After advertising services you can try some low budget app promotion services too. My personal choice is AppRankPRO . why is because it gives the proof of each and every install of the genuine real user and free keyword analysis services too. I think you can have a look at AppRankPRO

[Q] How would you spend $100 to increase the user base of a free mobile app?

Let's say if you a small budget, $100 to be exact to promote your new android game. How would you use the budget?
It really depends on the app you have, and what you want to achieve with this.
- you could directly contact people with Instagram or Facebook accounts or Youtube channels related to your niche and ask to write about your app to their audience
- If you want some initial push and user base you could try non-incentivised CPI campaign from AppBrain - you could probably get ~300 - 400 users from tier 1 and tier 2 countries
- you could check out fiverr gigs, but you might not get any downloads this way (or you can get a lot of them probably, if you find the right deal)
- you could contact app review sites and ask for reviews, as most of them will ask for money
Buy a media contact database for one month, and then pitch as many journalists as possible to cover your app.
That's really not too much to do any paid means. If you were to do paid methods, I would probably do a burst of incent, to climb the charts and hopefully get some additional organic installs. Otherwise, with a budget that low, I'd focus on PR, Bloggers, Social Fan Pages, ASO, Organic Sharing/Inviting, etc..

