Finally fixed shooting video, sound quality and reboot problem - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'd like to share my experience solving some basic problems with my nexus 4 running cm11, and 10.2
I had problems with the video freezing when shooting video
I wanted to improve the sound quality because I stream google premium and couldn't find a solution until recently
And had a rebooting problem in the end which I solved.
My nexus 4 worked perfectly running cm until I did the 4.3 update in november. After that the video would freeze when I was shooting. wouldn't happen all the time but would happen sometimes. I did everything, factory resets, reinstalling gapps, restoring the camera app, wiping data. Nothing worked. Even updating to cm 11 did nothing to change the situation. After having to go back to stock because of another problem I ran into -- installed Franco kenrnel on cm 11 and they aren't compatible -- I discovered that the video camera was still freezing. So I discovered it had nothing to do with cyanogenmod roms. Someone suggested flashing the separate photosphere gapp package along with the full gapps package and funny enough that solved the problem.
I don't know if the recent updated photosphere gapp corrected a problem or what. But. Shooting Video now works.
I switched to omni rom because I wanted to use the franco kernel to adjust my sound settings, in my search for sound quality improvement but the omni rom was a real challenge and was plagued with bugs and wasn't for me. But stuck with it because of the franco kernel.
I then discovered that hells-core kernal did the same thing and works with cm11 so switched back to cm11 the stable snapshot version from last week and installed hells-core kernel. My phone started to reboot capriciously every 10 or 15 minutes and tried everything to correct that, eliminated data from apps, fixed permissions -- nothing worked, but finally decided to flash the latest cm nightly to see if the problem wasn't related to the version of the rom I was running .
When I flashed it, I wiped cache partition, delvik cache, and formated data , reflashed full gapp package plus the photosphere gapp. I didn't flash hells-core again. Maybe that was causing the reboots. I don't know. Everything now works perfectly. No more random reboots, the video camera seems to work fine, I discovered that the cm kernerl does have one volume gain adjustment and am now using viper4android effects equalizer that has gain control for both volume, bass and treble and everything is great. and my sound quality is probably as good as it will get on a nexus 4.
I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to resolve these problems so hope this is of some help to others.


[Q] 4.2.2 random reboot!

Mysterious AOKP 4.2.2 rom, Feb 22 build, faux 123 kernel, .33 radio, twrp. Took a pic, decided to take another one, hit the shutter, the phone froze, and then rebooted. downloaded some apps from the play store, rebooted on its own.
I haven't had any problems with stock 4.2.1 before, but then I wasn't really using the phone before and tinkering with it. Don't know if it was related to a wrong version of gapps or a dirty rom install or worst case scenario-hardware problems?
I followed the guide here. under TWRP there was an option to Format everything which i haven't tried.
gapps 4.2.2
I also noticed it came with some apps called Android tweaker free and Battery Guru. Could that be cause of it? Compatiblity issues? Should I go back to stock 4.2.1 or try a different rom?

No sound, and other issues.

After flashing a few roms I have noticed sound has stopped working, at first youtube videos wouldn't load up or start to play and on first device boot all gapps installed would be in notification bar with an error installing. This is on both cm 10.2 and even the original stock 4.3 touchwiz rom, have I broken my device for good?I never had this issue before when I went back to touchwiz, I have the android 4.3 with knox installed currently....Thanks
Similar Problem!
Hi, I'm having similar problems I have no sound at all coming from the device, I've read every thread that seas sound on the heading for I9505 and for many people flashing I9505XXUDMH8_I9505OXXDMHA_I9505XXUDMH8_HOME.tar resolved the problem but not in my case.
Last night I tried flashing I9505XXUEMI8_I9505OXAEMI8_I9505XXUEMI8 and after I changed the kernel I got some sound when turning the volume up and down but the phone was running very slow.
Today I tried flashing Omega rom v15 flashing the right modem for the new bootloader before flashing the zip and no sound, I tried changing the kernel, still nothing.
So now I'm in build number XXUEMJ9 and baseband MJ5.
There has to be a solution for this as it is a software issue!!
PD: I can't get any signal either, WiFi is working though.

[Q] Latest Mahdi Bluetooth Crashing

I'm not salty enough to post in the Dev threads, so here I am.
I'm usinging the vs980 on the latest Mahdi release in combination with the dorimanx kernel, and ART. So far everything seems stable except for Bluetooth. Streaming media works just fine, but when I pair it with my vehicle, which has phone and media, it goes into a pairing crash loop.
I've searched the forums and haven't found anything related to my problem. Someone mentioned disabling the hardware buttons, but that's not an option I have under settings->buttons.
Any other suggestions? I thought about making a backup and then do a clean install on the stock kernel using dalvik but I don't know why that effect BT.

LG G2 D02 CM 13 Problems

My boss rooted his LG G2-D02 and installing CM 12.1 in the process. Now, after knowing that CM 13 was already released, he downloaded a copy of it and immediately flashed it onto his phone. He got a problem with Gapps and DL-ed a problematic version which caused the notification,"Unfortunately, Setup Wizard has stopped" to pop up repeatedly. We had tried following a few advices from this website but to no avail.
1.) We already tried using Force Stop and Disable under Apps->(Show system apps)->Setup Wizard (CM). I had also tried giving it app permissions, but all app permissions were already available.
2.) The only option is to flash CM 12.1 back again but it can't be done. My boss set the default recovery app to Cyanogenmod's own recovery program, which had limited functions, so I can't
also use TWRP ATM.
3.) My boss also tried something on ADB but to no avail
4.) Factory reset didn't also solve the problems.
I'm almost running out of solutions... Perhaps, I can use a helping hand from brighter minds in this community.
I'm using cloudyg2 v3.3 because cm13 has got a lot of bug for example
-I can't proceeded to music
-systtem has stopped once a hour
-I can't close touching vibration
I can't remember now but cm13 has got really much bug (yeah my english is very bad,I know this)
Now system is stable and battery is very very good but still İ can't scretch to music

Nexus 6P camera is very dark

So i just woke up, opened my Snapchat, to realize my camera is really dark, and i mean really dark. Unless i point the camera at a light source i can't see anything, just black. The weird this is that it's the same story inside the camera app, and even the front facing camera. Both of the cameras are really dark, i've tried delting the cache, rebooting, wiping my phone, and installing Cyanogenmod again, only to see the same **** over and over again. Any tips on how i can fix this?
Facing the same issue. When in capture mode it's dark and video mode it's completely bright. I am using the 11/18 NitrogenOS with CameraNX4.1 Fix.
Same. On npf10c, started immediately after flashing the pixel navbar fix through FlashFire. Wiping cache didn't do anything.
I have the exact same problem. I'm on 11/18 nitrogen OS as well. It was perfectly fine when I first flashed the ROM but after a day it went dark. If anyone has a fix please let us know
So recording video is broken, it gets super BRIGHT, but for some reason taking a picture with flash on fixes the problem temporarily. Otherwise though this is persistent.
Just got this Nexus and the camera was working fine. I'm on preview with French fk.. last night it just went dark after working fine. Funny it started at the same time
I flashed the NDB91K vendor and it fixed my black camera issue. You get the security message on boot, but the camera is working fine for me
Having the same problem here. Already tried wiping cache, reflashing vendor and dirty flashing Nitrogen. I am on 11.18 Nitrogen release. So far nothing seems to fix it.
Identical problem. I JUST flashed the stock boot.img and it fixed the problem. Going to re-root and flash elementalx and will report back.
yeah flashing the previous vendor fixes the issue. Not sure why that caused the problem
God ****ing dammit I just realized why this may have been happening to me. Franco is not currently supported for 7.1.1. And a user on reddit I spoke to said he was using flash while on 7.1.1.
That's probably what's causing this issue.
Kill me.
Even with fk installed I was able to use the camera just fine.... I ran on it for a couple of weeks even on dp
Running the 11/18 build of Nitrogen OS with banks GApps and having the same issue. Clean flashed. Flashing the latest image fixed it.
ThatInsaneHobo said:
God ****ing dammit I just realized why this may have been happening to me. Franco is not currently supported for 7.1.1. And a user on reddit I spoke to said he was using flash while on 7.1.1.
That's probably what's causing this issue.
Kill me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Using Franco R37 with 7.1.1. No issues here :fingers-crossed:
Same here
Damn it. I just installed the pixel XL ROM and I'm getting dark camera and bright video. This is like way after the original poster too. How come no fix?
The problem still persists , i got the same issue and that too after opening snapchat , i really don't know what to do, any help , how can i get back to old kernel again?
Do you try flash other rom?
Does anyone have a link for the vendor image?
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