[Q] Latest Mahdi Bluetooth Crashing - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm not salty enough to post in the Dev threads, so here I am.
I'm usinging the vs980 on the latest Mahdi release in combination with the dorimanx kernel, and ART. So far everything seems stable except for Bluetooth. Streaming media works just fine, but when I pair it with my vehicle, which has phone and media, it goes into a pairing crash loop.
I've searched the forums and haven't found anything related to my problem. Someone mentioned disabling the hardware buttons, but that's not an option I have under settings->buttons.
Any other suggestions? I thought about making a backup and then do a clean install on the stock kernel using dalvik but I don't know why that effect BT.


CM --> MIUI --> CM Bluetooth Dies!

Hi folks,
I tried out the MIUI ROM and liked it, but for various reasons, I wanted to go back to CMod again. So, I restored my NAND backup of my CM6 install. When I did this, I noticed that Bluetooth was no longer working correctly, i.e. it would pair successfully with my radio, but it failed to connect to it.
When I restored my MIUI backup, bluetooth worked again.
I cleared every cache known to man and once more returned to my CM backup, but once again my Bluetooth failed to work.
In the end, the only thing that seemed to fix the problem was wipe all the settings (again) and flash the latest CM nightlies (very nice btw!). After this, all was well.
I am attaching a logcat file if anybody is interested in the Bluetooth output. My totally uniformed suspicion is that it had something to do with the way MIUI uses the Bluetooth stack to get the radio working, but I'm sure somebody out there knows better than I do.

[Q] Wifi won´t activate on stock 4.2.2/cm 10.1

Hi Guys,
I have a problem with my nexus 4. I wanted to use cyanogenmod instead of the stock rom, so i rooted my device yesterday and flashed the latest stable build of cm (10.1.2).
Everything worked fine, except for the wifi; it won´t turn on. It get´s stuck on the "turning on wifi"-page, wtih the button in off-position and saying "turning on wifi".
I´ve read some threads were people had the same problem, but nothing seems to fix it. I made a factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik, fixed permissions, but in didn´t work on cm 10.1.2.
So i tried a different build, cm 10.1.1 stable, but the problem persisted. I tried the same things I did on the 10.1.2, but it did not help. So I tried using the latest nightly, but that didn´t help either.
I thought i go back to the stock build to fix it, because it still worked after I rooted the device and still had the stock on it, but unfortunately that did not fix it. I made a factory reset, and wiped cache and dalvik again, but it just won´t work.
Long story short, i don´t know what to do now I rooted and flashed several devices before and never had a problem that did persist even nafter i tried multiple buidls of cm and wiping everything everytime; so if anybody has any idea where this problem comes from and how i could fix it that would be really great
Joharnis said:
Hi Guys,
I have a problem with my nexus 4. I wanted to use cyanogenmod instead of the stock rom, so i rooted my device yesterday and flashed the latest stable build of cm (10.1.2).
Everything worked fine, except for the wifi; it won´t turn on. It get´s stuck on the "turning on wifi"-page, wtih the button in off-position and saying "turning on wifi".
I´ve read some threads were people had the same problem, but nothing seems to fix it. I made a factory reset, wiped cache and dalvik, fixed permissions, but in didn´t work on cm 10.1.2.
So i tried a different build, cm 10.1.1 stable, but the problem persisted. I tried the same things I did on the 10.1.2, but it did not help. So I tried using the latest nightly, but that didn´t help either.
I thought i go back to the stock build to fix it, because it still worked after I rooted the device and still had the stock on it, but unfortunately that did not fix it. I made a factory reset, and wiped cache and dalvik again, but it just won´t work.
Long story short, i don´t know what to do now I rooted and flashed several devices before and never had a problem that did persist even nafter i tried multiple buidls of cm and wiping everything everytime; so if anybody has any idea where this problem comes from and how i could fix it that would be really great
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Im having a similar problem, i think we have to flash a different radio ?
Still nothing
Flash a different radio? What excactly does that mean? I must admit I have not heard of that :laugh:
By the way, I just unrooted my device and relocked the bootloader, but that didn´t fix the problem either.
Stock CM Kernel? If so, try flashing kernels with prima drivers. If the problem persists, I guess it may be hardware. On another note, do you have bluetooth or GPS on? Try turning those off and try connecting.
sigma392 said:
Stock CM Kernel? If so, try flashing kernels with prima drivers. If the problem persists, I guess it may be hardware. On another note, do you have bluetooth or GPS on? Try turning those off and try connecting.
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I just tried the franco R163 with prima drivers, that did not fix it. But, speaking of the bluetooth, i´ve just noticed that the same problems occurrs with that. I trie to turn it on an it stays at "turning on bluetooth" without actually turning on. Maybe that helps to know what the problem is.
What other kernel with prima drivers would you recommend?
I´ve read through a few threads on that bluetooth-issue, which apparently is more common than my wifi issue. I was wondering if my wifi-issue could have something to do with the bluetooth, because other users who have said bluetooth issue found their bluetooth temporarily on after reboot; then after a while the bluethooth issue appeared again.
In my case the bluetooth doesn´t appear to be on, but i was thinking that maybe it is, but the software fails to display that and that that is interfering with my wifi.
Could that be a possibility?
Out of the box my nexus 4 refused to connect to my TPLINK wr941ND router, wifi was set months ago, nexus 7 works as charm same with evo 3d and others. I thought wtf and turned on wifi on broadband modem, it showed up on nexus 4.... And suddenly network from router poped up as well. I switched off wifi on modem and nexus lost wifi from router. At this moment I went for a walk... When I come back done factory reset, reboot the router, no effect. Changed settings from WPA2/QSS to WPA without QSS - no change, then I changed channel from #13 (best in my location, all my neighbours using #1 and #6) to #1 and instantly nexus found network.... So it seems that sumthing is apparently with wifi, when I changed channel back to #13 it drops the connection and says that networtk is out of range. So finally I checked all the channels from 1st to 13th and it works from #1 to #10, 11 till 13 dunt work. Maybe this info will help sumone with simillar problems.

Finally fixed shooting video, sound quality and reboot problem

I'd like to share my experience solving some basic problems with my nexus 4 running cm11, and 10.2
I had problems with the video freezing when shooting video
I wanted to improve the sound quality because I stream google premium and couldn't find a solution until recently
And had a rebooting problem in the end which I solved.
My nexus 4 worked perfectly running cm until I did the 4.3 update in november. After that the video would freeze when I was shooting. wouldn't happen all the time but would happen sometimes. I did everything, factory resets, reinstalling gapps, restoring the camera app, wiping data. Nothing worked. Even updating to cm 11 did nothing to change the situation. After having to go back to stock because of another problem I ran into -- installed Franco kenrnel on cm 11 and they aren't compatible -- I discovered that the video camera was still freezing. So I discovered it had nothing to do with cyanogenmod roms. Someone suggested flashing the separate photosphere gapp package along with the full gapps package and funny enough that solved the problem.
I don't know if the recent updated photosphere gapp corrected a problem or what. But. Shooting Video now works.
I switched to omni rom because I wanted to use the franco kernel to adjust my sound settings, in my search for sound quality improvement but the omni rom was a real challenge and was plagued with bugs and wasn't for me. But stuck with it because of the franco kernel.
I then discovered that hells-core kernal did the same thing and works with cm11 so switched back to cm11 the stable snapshot version from last week and installed hells-core kernel. My phone started to reboot capriciously every 10 or 15 minutes and tried everything to correct that, eliminated data from apps, fixed permissions -- nothing worked, but finally decided to flash the latest cm nightly to see if the problem wasn't related to the version of the rom I was running .
When I flashed it, I wiped cache partition, delvik cache, and formated data , reflashed full gapp package plus the photosphere gapp. I didn't flash hells-core again. Maybe that was causing the reboots. I don't know. Everything now works perfectly. No more random reboots, the video camera seems to work fine, I discovered that the cm kernerl does have one volume gain adjustment and am now using viper4android effects equalizer that has gain control for both volume, bass and treble and everything is great. and my sound quality is probably as good as it will get on a nexus 4.
I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to resolve these problems so hope this is of some help to others.

Peculiar Issue with Bluetooth + Other Issues

I searched around and couldn't find anyone with a similar issue.
I'm running the most recent Bliss build on my G900T Tmobile S5 using the stock kernel. I've tried (and love) Boeffla's klte kernel for CM13 on both Bliss and stock CM13 (as per his recommendation). On both builds, I encounter the same issues after flashing Boeffla kernel, and I was just wondering if anyone could offer some advice. Both test flashes are completely clean. I've tried flashing the kernel with and without gApps on both ROMs.
When I flash the kernel, I lose all of my pull-down toggles (Wifi, Bluetooth, location, etc), as well at the "gear" icon in the status bar. Additionally, no incoming notifications are displayed in the notification bar from any app, although the notification sound still fires off. I dug through the settings and the options to restore them have disappeared as well.
I also lose Bluetooth functionality and root. I tried to grab a log file to see what was happening, but the Bluetooth Share FC's would not let me do anything in the ROM after a few minutes of being powered on. Bluetooth will work fine for about 30 seconds, then start producing errors from the Bluetooth Share apk. Eventually the seetings toggle itself freezes and only restarting the phone "fixes" it. I tried re-installing root with many different apps (Chainfire's, SuperSU, etc), but to no avail.
For now, I'm back on Bliss with the stock kernel, running smoothly.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! Boeffla Kernel is excellent, and I really miss intellidemand >.>
The Bluetooth issue is from the upstream cm13 code base it came about around 06/06 on the nightlies there are posts scattered throughout all of the builds based on cm13. So far haven't heard of a fix.
Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

Bluetooth won't stay turned on

Just upgraded to the latest snapshot of Cyanogen and noticed that the Bluetooth will work fine when first booting, but something causes it to turn off by itself and when this happens, it can't be turned back on until reboot. Anyone else having this problem? Is there a solution to it? I tried clearing the cache and it didn't help.
Edit: I'm running an i9505
Every ROM has some Bluetooth problems. I don't know if there is any solution for this particular problem, but you could try the Optimized CM13 ROM.
It had pretty stable Bluetooth.

