PLEASE Confirm! - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

For years I have used Poer Toggles widget on my Android phone but on the G2 it doesnt work properly ( I have tried 5 different ROMs), once the widget is on a homescreen one simply touches the icon and it activates the selected function, the problem I have is that normally the functions that are not active are white (my color selection) and active functions are blue but when I tap say the wifi icon the wifi is activated but the color does not change to blue, same thing when you tap other functions, they are activated but the icons do not change color...normally once installed the widget works ok for a while (hour or so) but then the color changes stop working, can anyone else confirm this, widget works fine on my HTC One which is in the drawer since I got the G2, thanks
this problem happens with other widgets too (WiFi Manager is another example where the widget does not reflect the activation/deactivation on the widget)

I have no problems with it on PA 3.99, works just fine as it should.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Makrilli said:
I have no problems with it on PA 3.99, works just fine as it should.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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thanks, have no idea why or what causes this issue with certain widgets... I'll try PA and see

No problems here.

and some other widgets get stuck on "loading" (BBC widget) and others are just blank (GReader)...? any ideas from the tech savvy guys as to what the issue could be?? thanks

wonder if its related to the screen itself? but am unsure

Works perfectly on any roms I used so far
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk

looks like it may be caused by a conflict of some sort between apps/widgets (if this is possible)?? did a factory reset and installed Power Toggles, and widget worked perfectly then few hrs later restored all my other apps with Titanium and immediately Power Toggles widget was 'broken' after first reboot...??


[Q] Startup

I'm running the EVO-NonSense ROM, and recently I've noticed that the 4g turns on every time I reboot my phone. Is there a way that I can disable this?
I'm also having skype start now too, I'd like to disable that as well.
That is usually caused by a 3rd party widget, be it SwitchPro or System Info Widget. Are you using either of those? In the past all I had to do was delete and reinstall and that problem went away.
I am not using either or those two or anything similar to my knowledge.
Well what widget are you using to turn on and off your 4G?
In the drag down of the notification bar, there is a 4g toggle. I use that to turn it off when it's turned on at startup.
Hmmm not sure then. Do you have beautiful widgets installed? Not sure if that has a 4G widget or not but thats the only other thing I can think of.
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benpfeil said:
In the drag down of the notification bar, there is a 4g toggle. I use that to turn it off when it's turned on at startup.
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I am having the same problem with the g4 only on start up too.but I am Running Sprint lovers Rom.

Tytung ICS 4.04 ROM with Lockscreen problems

I since some days using Tytungs ICS 4.04 ROM. It is great and it works well with the AD2SDX-Mod for internals memory.
But besides some smaller Problems, the lockscreen activation/deactivation button not work.
When I put Lockscreen off, sometimes often Lockscreen comes active not matter if active or deactive with widget picture.
Or I turn lockscreen active and little widget picture is "white", but when Screen go black and I pressing a button, homescreen I see and no lockscreen.
What I now will do?
Greetings Robsterboy
Hi there, no one any ideas?
sometimes the option working but then not. Restart seem sometimes working to help.
Please help
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Quick window bug(finding confirmation from others)

I realised that if I disable the stock music app, it's widget is automatically disabled and I lose the quick window widget too. That would be fine, only double tap to off no longer works on the clock widget, only the weather one.
Now if I disable the clock widget too, the weather widget's double tap to off disappears as well.
Anyone else has that prob too?
Enabling the music widget ONLY(in settings doing this also enables the music app) using TiBu solves the problem but leaves a useless and ugly music widget behind :/
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
Oh i've also thought of a few solutions
1. Use exposed to change the lock screen widget to simply pause/play and next and previous buttons that work with all apps
2. Modify the apk to do the same thing
3. Find the source of the bug?
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
I never noticed it before but I can confirm my VS980 on CleanROM behaves as you describe. I never use the knock on feature...

Weather problem on S-View

as the title, i'm using an s-view, everything works fine except the weather function. it's always show 0 F.
can someone help me out?
thanks a lot!
hand2leg said:
as the title, i'm using an s-view, everything works fine except the weather function. it's always show 0 F.
can someone help me out?
thanks a lot!
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what exactly is the point of this case? i guess getting info in the tiny window is cool and all, but i get info on the giant screen without the case. am i missing something? does the tiny window stay on constantly or something cool?
yeah, 'cause i can't use the phone all the time, the information in the sview is fine!
So you haven't frozen/turned off/delete "Weather Widget" app?
Add the Weather Widget to your homescreen and check if it updates or not? There is (if I remember right) also some settings for that widget, like update interval and so on.
Last, make sure you got WIFI/Data ON and that widget needs (I think S-View forecast is also taken using same widget) GPS turned ON, you can't manually set location.
Hope this helps
Spere said:
So you haven't frozen/turned off/delete "Weather Widget" app?
Add the Weather Widget to your homescreen and check if it updates or not? There is (if I remember right) also some settings for that widget, like update interval and so on.
Last, make sure you got WIFI/Data ON and that widget needs (I think S-View forecast is also taken using same widget) GPS turned ON, you can't manually set location.
Hope this helps
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i rechecked all of them and everything is ok. the widget on home screen works like a charm but the weather information on the sview's still stuck in 0 F
Same here
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Took a fresh stock rom on odin and the weather information works fine. Maybe 'cause i'm freezing some app using titanium backup.
Thanks for the help!
To bring up this old thread, does anyone know how to get the weather information in the S-View window working when you don't use Touchwiz as the default launcher? I temporarily set Touchwiz as default to access the weather widget and changed it from F to C (which worked in the S-View window), but it doesn't seem to update if you then go back to a non-stock launcher, regardless of what you set the update interval to. Mine still thinks it's 13 degrees and the icon is a night time one.
Mine is stuck too at 13 degrees C, but shows day not night.
I think this happened after the last OTA update.
Stock N9005
Baseband: N9005XXUGNG1
Kernal: 3.4.0-1955971 Monday July 28, 2014
Using 1Weather.
I've also notice the GPS is replaced by Location in settings.
I can't tell if this automatically puts GPS on. I normally have it off.

Widgets Not Updating

Has anyone had a problem where widgets will not update (for example, weather widgets don't refresh and switch widgets don't show a change in state)? I had thought I traced my issue to Be weather, and switched to Beautiful Widgets and after working fine for a day or two it has started to cease updating every few hours and require me to restart the launcher. I noticed this on Apex and Go Launcher.
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Rlin5741 said:
Has anyone had a problem where widgets will not update (for example, weather widgets don't refresh and switch widgets don't show a change in state)? I had thought I traced my issue to Be weather, and switched to Beautiful Widgets and after working fine for a day or two it has started to cease updating every few hours and require me to restart the launcher. I noticed this on Apex and Go Launcher.
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
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Some Samsung specific widgets will not update if you are using a different launcher
fillyo said:
Some Samsung specific widgets will not update if you are using a different launcher
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The widgets I am referring to are third party - BeWeather and Beautiful Widgets appear to potentially "cause" an issue, but once the issue occurs, all widgets are impacted.
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
Lodaserves said:
Turn on your wifi maybe you dont have internet access.
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My internet access works fine (I still get emails) - and once I restart the launcher it automatically updates. Plus I have played with the network optimizer function (new feature that will go on and off WiFi depending on the ability to get on the internet) on and off and the same thing happens.
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
Lodaserves said:
Try to re update again.
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The re-update switch in the widgets doesn't work. Updating launchers and widgets to latest versions does not work. All widgets just become unresponsive including switch widgets (I use switchpro). They will perform the function (I.e. on a weather widget the update happens in the background and the switch will perform whatever function its tied to) but it will not display (I.e. the switch widget will not show the change in state and weather widgets will not show the updated weather).
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Lodaserves said:
Have you asked some of your friend if they have the same problem like yours.
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Lol - I hang out with all apple guys. I do know one person with an S5, uses Go Launcher and has this issue with the Accuweather widget and the stock weather widget (which I believe was also powered by accuweather on the back end). I noticed that, regardless of the widget I was using, I still show BeWeather as an active process, so I went ahead and uninstalled it. I still have the issue however.
PS - I have no issues with my Nexus 7 (2012) which runs Kitkat as well.
Interestingly enough, the problem seems to have fixed itself. There were updates to Apex in the meantime, perhaps its that.
My friend with Go Launcher is also seeing the same impact - the issue is gone.
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app
Calendar widget quit updating
Just today, my calendar widget stopped updating. Just says "No upcoming calendar events." I've tried the stock and Agenda Widgets - nothing. I'm running Google Now launcher, but they don't work in Touchwiz Launcher either. I noticed yesterday that the number of items on the widget began to dwindle.
Any fix for this?
Well, trust me I did everything for my Xperia L when I encountered this problem.
What I did for my device
Look two three posts before it for more information!
What fixed it was taking battery out for few minutes and putting it back again!
Hey guys, if you stop the cashed process for touchwiz home, the widgets immediately start updating. I'm using a verizon Samsung galaxy s5 4.4.4 kitkat. Just thought I'd throw that in...

