Zooming Issue in Gallery - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

Hi folks! I am currently experiencing this problem for about 1 year. Whenever I am zooming my pics, it became blurry. Although it came from a DSLR Camera shot. I've tried many tweaks but still, the same. Anyone help?
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for testing make sure you are on stock rom so you know its not a rom bug
use quickpic (playstore) - I have no problems with zooming

marcussmith2626 said:
for testing make sure you are on stock rom so you know its not a rom bug
use quickpic (playstore) - I have no problems with zooming
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I have quickpic also but the same

Mabye its the 240x320 resolution screen or maybe it takes longer to render the picture
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app


Blurry pics

For some reason my pictures are blurry landscape I have to zoom in a tad for them to clear up.... anyone know why this happens?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Mine too
Blury and I think that my Flash is not timed well, because all my pictures come out Really white from the Flash? im Using Fresh Rom with the Stock Kernel HTC
+1 very annoying if you ask me
Yea I have that issue as well. Pic is blurry until u zoom in just a bit then its fine
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Same issue here. I noticed it last week but didnt think much of it
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Ummm bump any devs know why?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Pretty sure my Hero did this crap too.. ANNOYING!
I've noticed this too. And any ideas on the flash issue? Renders night time pics useless
your best bet is to adjust the iso to around the 200 range. if anything is causing this its the auto iso
I turned my brightness down to anywhere between 2.6-4.0 and night time pics are beautiful, not that ultra bright ridiculousness and as far as the blur, I haven't had that issue
drksilenc said:
your best bet is to adjust the iso to around the 200 range. if anything is causing this its the auto iso
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Def didnt help i took 5 pics just now and it didnt change its gotta be a software issue it works fine vertical but once you flip it landscape it gets blurry just dosent make any sence someone help please
It's just the software... My Hero did the same thing.
Usually a different image viewer fixes this, but we shouldn't have to install other software to fix these things...
Any dev think they can fix this?? This is insane seriously
i have the same issue.. have to zoom the pic in a tad to clear it up!

Photo gallery focus

how come when I open photo gallery and open the pics they are blurry until u resize them? It isn't blurry where u can't see it but u can definitely see a clearing up and sharpening of the image if u resize it. This is really annoying me for some reason.
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
I have that same issue. I have had it with rooted and unrooted EVOs both on the 003 and 004 versions of hardware. It seems to happen on pretty much all sense roms too. guess its a small sense issue, but it is annoying.
Its just the app fully loading the full resolution of the image. An 8MP picture has a lot of data, and in order to speed the app up, it renders a lower res file first, then completes it a second or so later.
Is there a way to have it load it all to begin with.
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
Nope, as it states above, if the app loaded them fully before displaying the usability of the app would take a nose dive.
I suppose you could look for a different gallery app in the market, but I am sure they all follow the same principle.
sand1303 said:
Is there a way to have it load it all to begin with.
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
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so you just want a big hourglass rotating around while the picture loads?
tangstang said:
so you just want a big hourglass rotating around while the picture loads?
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Its just a question. Dont get testy.

Gallery not smooth from pic to pic

first of all sorry for my english =)
i have a problem with my sgs2, but only when i open the gallery and watch pictures in fullscreen. when i slide left or right, the slide itself is not smooth..
i have VILLAINROM 2.1.0
with Black theme
perhaps someone can help me please ?!
thank you
Use Quickpic. Solves EVERYTHING.
i think is because of the apple's gallery patent infringement ))))))))
TimmehPS3 said:
Use Quickpic. Solves EVERYTHING.
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thanks, its nice indeed
Possibly a problem with the ROM? Because it has always worked fine for me on both the stock ROM and TOUCH X ROM.
But then again... Quickpic pretty much solves everything
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Stock gs2 gallery app is fast but isn't smooth

As far as I know I haven't seen anyone post anything concerning this. I used the nexus one before coming to gs2 and it's gallery was smooth. Is there anyway to fix this? Or is it just me.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
My gallery works great. You might try going to settings, applications, all, gallery, then clear data. This should just clear the thumbnails. The OS should rebuild the database for the gallery the next time you use it, but after that it should be smooth.
I would recommend backing up all of your photos first, just in case this deletes all of your photos instead of just the thumbnails
Use quickpic
Don't worry, it's due to get replaced soon
It can be ROM problem,for example in Skarbnic ROM the thumbnails are blurred a bit.
Lagu said:
Don't worry, it's due to get replaced soon
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Great to here that.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
DobermanS said:
It can be ROM problem,for example in Skarbnic ROM the thumbnails are blurred a bit.
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I'm still using stocked rom. Waiting for cyanogenmod.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Nurra said:
I'm still using stocked rom. Waiting for cyanogenmod.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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same here come on CM
Been on different ROMS too , and all the same probleme , gallery could be smoother if I can say ^^ .
Hope it would be fixed in next releases .
But one can use alternative viewer from the market while waiting for a fix ^^
xeq544 said:
Use quickpic
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It's so much better! (reminds me of my i...)
Thank you!

FX Camera takes glitch-free pictures on ics

I've found that FX Camera takes glitch-free pictures on ics roms. The resolution isn't amazingly high but seems to be the best option so far for me... you can also create a shortcut to the normal mode on ya home screen.
Hope this helps some people!
privatetrousers said:
I've found that FX Camera takes glitch-free pictures on ics roms. The resolution isn't amazingly high but seems to be the best option so far for me... you can also create a shortcut to the normal mode on ya home screen.
Hope this helps some people!
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Noooo... I still get glitches on tooop!
Anyway, hanks for sharing
Which rom are you on? Works fine every time for me on Quattro...
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
privatetrousers said:
Which rom are you on? Works fine every time for me on Quattro...
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
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ICS MIUI based on Lord's work
I've been trying some shots, and sometimes there are glitches, and sometimes there are not... anyway it does improve what i had before (glitches ALWAYS)
When using flash, pictures are always o.k., when flash is not used, sometimes I get that blurred portion on top...
privatetrousers said:
I've found that FX Camera takes glitch-free pictures on ics roms. The resolution isn't amazingly high but seems to be the best option so far for me... you can also create a shortcut to the normal mode on ya home screen.
Hope this helps some people!
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Thanks for this!
Not the best camera app around but good temp solution til we get the stock one working.
Thank you, work here for the moment...
FX camera is the app for photos
but what app is the best for recording video?
the camera glitches is the only thing keeping me from using ICS virtuos quattro.
Unfortunately you can't record video at all on any of the ics roms (yet...)
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
I'm using IceColdSandwich 4.0.3 - 1.2.0 and pictures are fine(I'm not too demanding with a camera's phone) but again I can't record any video
