SGH-1337m Bluetooth Tether? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

I've done a little digging and I haven't come up with anything. Here's my problem.
I am a Rogers Wireless subscriber here in Canada. I have the Galaxy S4 and a Galaxy Gear. I have messed with rooting and modding my Gear, however when it came to getting some apps and fun toys on it, I wasn't able to use bluetooth tethering as my phone doesn't support it. I'm not sure if it's supposed to work ... but I don't even have the option.
Is there any way to get this to work ... or am i basically SOL? Is there anything that can be added via an APK?

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help! my SG P6800 wifi malfunctions

hello xdadev,
i really need your help. I am a newbie in android world [just purchased my first android device] last month [samsung galaxy tab p6800]. since then, i was really excited to explore android world and its features where I was led to this site.
now, heres my problem: just this afternoon, at first, i used my wifi to access a shopping mall internet connection. but minutes after turning my wifi off, when i turned it on again to connect to another network, i was surprised that it wont start and when i open the settings menu, under it says error. im really worried.
had my unit restored to factory settings but still no changes. Rooted my galaxy tab but today, i unrooted it thinking that the rooting caused the trouble.
im also hoping to update my tab to ICS but with this problem, im really stuck! i dont know how to access my apps in the appstore.
is this a firmware error or a hardware problem? please help me. my tab helps me a lot.
thanks in advance. im willing to add some details if you could help me.:crying:
Get help at your forum.
This is Galaxy Tab P-1000 forum.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Problem with bluetooth tethering on Galaxy Note 3 JB

I'm posting this to the newb thread because I've read 300 pages of posts on the NULL thread and found no answer, mostly because I believe I am missing a setting or something on the ROM? Would post to the Jellybean thread but im a rookie. ANYWAYS...
I have tried just about every Verizon ROM for the Galaxy Note 3 in an attempt to tether my galaxy gear over wifi with the GN3. Everything works fine when the phone isn't on WiFi, but soon as I connect the phone to wifi I get a "Tethering Disabled. WiFi is connected"
I've read about PDAnet and available apps but after reading the forums it becomes apparent that they cause other problems.
Users on Sprint, T-mobil, and other carriers have no problem with this, and since it's wifi and not vise-versa I have a hard time believing it's my carrier(and not the rom) I do pay for the tethering option through Verizon. Any help would be very much appreciated, as I have wifi everywhere and don't have great signal from the tower at work.

Cricket Samsung S5 - Any way to bring back the missing WIFI / US Tethering Option?

I am using a rooted Cricket Samsung S5. The WIFI and USB tethering are completely missing in the stock rom. I dont want to flash a new ROM mainly because none of the roms claim to be compatibe with Cricket anyway.
I was wondering, is there any way to bring back the missing WIFI / US Tethering Option? Any advise if greatly appreciated!
I am sure the tethering piece of software is still in the Rom and the shortcuts have been removed, so I installed Master Shortcut from Google Play but I dont know what to do next or even if I am on the right track.
brooklynite said:
I am using a rooted Cricket Samsung S5. The WIFI and USB tethering are completely missing in the stock rom. I dont want to flash a new ROM mainly because none of the roms claim to be compatibe with Cricket anyway.
I was wondering, is there any way to bring back the missing WIFI / US Tethering Option? Any advise if greatly appreciated!
I am sure the tethering piece of software is still in the Rom and the shortcuts have been removed, so I installed Master Shortcut from Google Play but I dont know what to do next or even if I am on the right track.
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Sorry to resurrect the slightly older thread, but I wanted to see if you go this all sorted out? I think your best bet is to find an APK from one of the ROMS that has it and install it. Then see if it works.

[Q] SPH-L720 Hotspot

I often find myself in my car pretending my phone is a laptop while my laptop sits right next to me in a brief case. I thought well wouldnt it be nice if I could use my laptop to do work in my car rather than my cellphone.
In my city I have 4G all the time with this sprint service, which would be great if I could just get my laptop connected to it. My phone is rooted and I have a screen shot of the "about device" section under the more tab in settings. It also runs a .odex file system which a google search on another site said was important.
Could someone tell me how I could connect my computer to my SG4S to utilize the 4G internet. All my google searches have lead me to this forum for expert advice.
Many Thanks.
Have a look at this thread. Download the app and follow direction. This app works on our GS4 though it's in the Note 3 section.
I do see you're on the MF9 firmware. You may need to be on the current NG2 4.4.2 for this to work.

How to enable wi-fi tethering in Lollipop?

Disclaimer: since this thread is regarding tips/tricks and isn't about troubleshooting a problem or anything to do with a specific ROM/kernel, then I feel this forum (General) is the appropriate place for it.
So kit-kat ruined tethering, everyone knows that. But I remember being able to adjust some settings and using root to tweak a configuration file or something like that to get it working again (T-Mobile). It's probably irrelevant to note that I'm using Lollipop currently, but I'm wondering what people have had success doing to get tether functioning again? For reference, I'm using the Tmo $30 plan.
1. I made this thread because a search for tether or tethering basically listed every single thread across all forums, which didn't really help at all.
2. I guess a discussion about this may prove useful for people, and for searches in the future, but for my purposes I just tested it without any tweaking and it seems to be working great as is (CM12). Hooray!
