[Q] No network available on unrooted s4 - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I bought a second hand samsung s4(a few days old) from my friend...after inserting my sim in it, it isn't showing any network signals...when i looke in settings for network operators and selected automatically choose preferred networks, it shows "Can't connect to this network right now please try again later"...have removed and reinserted my sim in it but still no benifit...Have searched about my problem and found a related problem with another devices (s3) and it told them to place an EFS folder in root if you have backup but it was for a rooted phone and mine is not...So, Please help me


[MYSTERY] Unlocked SGS can't make calls

I recently bought a second-hand SGS, supposedly locked to 3. The firmware was from 3 UK, but when I punched in *#7465625# it showed all locks are OFF.
Hot for tasty Froyo, first thing i did was to upgrade from the branded Eclair ROM the phone came with to an unbranded stock Froyo ROM. Kies gave me a hard time so I used ODIN. Then I inserted my SIM and realized I could not make calls or even register on my GSM network. (Had not tried the SIM before, so I don't know if the flash caused this)
I found out that the flash had changed my Product Code to KOR, but I managed to change it using THIS GUIDE. However, the step "rm -rf /efs/nv_data.bin.md5" did not work as it was write/read protected. After reboot, the SIM didn't work so I did the "busybox chown 1001:1001 /efs/nv_data.bin". The procedure changed the Pcode to H3G, which I think is the original code, although I was going for XEE.
IMEI has not changed (*#06# gets same no. as is printed below battery)
I live in Sweden, my present CSC is XEE, Product Code is H3G. Network Control Key is 00000000, could this be related?
I considering doing the Product Code change procedure again and see if I can change it too XEE hoping that will fix it, but I'm not even sure this is related to my problem.
Other than that, I'm running out of ideas. However, I'm new to the SGS scene. I'm reaching out for someone with more experience to give me some new ideas.
I've spent hours and hours at this and I've googled like possessed. If I'm being a noob or have overlooked something, let me know - just tell me what I should do to fix this phone.
Go into Settings > Wireless and Network > Mobile Networks and check that Network Mode reads as auto mode. Then open Access Points Names and check that APNs are listed that suit your carrier.
If all of that checks out, go into an app like SGS Tools and use the secret code to check Band Selection.
Thanks for your reply!
I have inserted APN for data. Though, is this really necessary just for 2G calls and SMS?
When I choose "Select Automatically" in Settings/Wireless and network/Mobile Networks/Network Operators then I sometimes get "Registered on network". Then, when trying to call, I get "Data network not available". Band Selection (from SGS Tools secret codes) show:
[3] GSM BAND []
When I select the network operator manually, I get "Unable to select network. Select automatically".
An alternative Go to Rom Kitchen build a rom with
XWJS8 > Hardcore Kernel >CSC CPW > Modem JPY and whatever else you require that should give all UK main networks .
losdrivare said:
Thanks for your reply!
I have inserted APN for data. Though, is this really necessary just for 2G calls and SMS?
When I choose "Select Automatically" in Settings/Wireless and network/Mobile Networks/Network Operators then I sometimes get "Registered on network". Then, when trying to call, I get "Data network not available". Band Selection (from SGS Tools secret codes) show:
[3] GSM BAND []
When I select the network operator manually, I get "Unable to select network. Select automatically".
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I got Data Network not available when I was investigating my phone (that is, messing about) and changed my Network Mode. Go to Settings > Wireless and Network > Network Mode and choose GSM/WCDMA Auto mode. If you don't have connection, then try first GSM Only, then WCDMA Only...then back to both.
And yes, you need to have a data network connection to make calls. Not sure why. Must be something to do with billing.
I would hate to be right but are you sure, as you've bought it second hand, that it hasn't been registered as stolen? Do you know any history of the phone?
Product code should be GT-I9000HKDXXX, where XXX should be your CSC which is XEE that makes it: GT-I9000HKDXEE, you should not use H3G at all.
double post...sorry
JJEgan said:
An alternative Go to Rom Kitchen build a rom with
XWJS8 > Hardcore Kernel >CSC CPW > Modem JPY and whatever else you require that should give all UK main networks .
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Thanks, but I would need the Swedish networks. The phone is from UK whereas I live in Sweden and have a Swedish operator (halebop).
rschenck said:
I got Data Network not available when I was investigating my phone (that is, messing about) and changed my Network Mode. Go to Settings > Wireless and Network > Network Mode and choose GSM/WCDMA Auto mode. If you don't have connection, then try first GSM Only, then WCDMA Only...then back to both.
And yes, you need to have a data network connection to make calls. Not sure why. Must be something to do with billing.
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Weird, I was sure APN is only required for MMS and Internet, not for calls and SMS. Anyway, I have APN so that's not it.
ross_ctr said:
I would hate to be right but are you sure, as you've bought it second hand, that it hasn't been registered as stolen? Do you know any history of the phone?
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No, I don't and I can't be 100% sure it's not stolen. However, I have a bill of sale with all his information and I know where he lives so if that's the case, it can be sorted.
[Ramad] said:
Product code should be GT-I9000HKDXXX, where XXX should be your CSC which is XEE that makes it: GT-I9000HKDXEE, you should not use H3G at all.
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I think you are right, and I managed to change it so now both CSC and Product Code reads XEE, which should be correct for Sweden. However, the problem remains the same.
There is a possible solution from HERE, however it seems rather ...old. Having no other ideas I'll try it unless someone comes up with a better idea:
Richthofen said:
Possible problems (I had them all due trying different thing to solve it):
No service.
There is no service even a functional SIM card is inserted.
You cannot receive or make calls, receive or send sms, etc (obviously).
Freeze / lock-down.
The phone will not react to anything besides pressing power key.
You cannot unlock the display to enter PIN code.
Wrong PIN code.
The phone will not accept any PIN code on any SIM (even the correct one ).
Phone displays "wrong PIN code" message even the try counter (three strikes you know) does not change.
Product code changed to KOR.
= Blocked Kies updates (without a registry "hack")
Here is how to fix any or all of them:
Downgrade to I9000XWJM9 firmware with Odin (as usual).
Remove SIM card from the phone (to be able to boot in first place) and start the phone.
Gain root access and install "Root Explorer" (or similar), ADB works too.
Open Root Explorer and go to the "EFS" folder in the root.
Check the date on .nv_data.bak and .nv_data.bak.md5 files.
If it is earlier than 08/26/2010 you´re clear, if it is later then you may stop reading.
Once the date has been checked, select files nv_data.bin and nv_data.bin.md5 simultaneously and delete (yes, delete) them. Reboot the phone.
Now your phone is in the same condition (atleast permanent memory wise) as it was prior I9000XXJPC update.
There is a safety feature I would call "a dead mans switch".
If the current nv_data files are deleted, the phone will make new nv_data files from the .bak (backup) files (if they excist). The new nv_data files will be signed automatically so they pass the checks (none of the errors listed above will occur). However if they do not excist, the phone will just write an empty / test file (= IMEI corrupted, no service, etc). Also if you just rename .bak files they will have wrong signatures and the same problems will occur.
There is no bootloaders included, so it is safe to flash for everyone.
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Have you tried doing a factory reset? May not work but may be worth a try.
Could only be either apn related (doubtful), faulty sim or stolen/lost phone. Unless hardware related.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
losdrivare said:
Thanks, but I would need the Swedish networks. The phone is from UK whereas I live in Sweden and have a Swedish operator (halebop).
XEE-JS1 Nordic (default XWJS7) CSC then .
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JJEgan said:
losdrivare said:
Thanks, but I would need the Swedish networks. The phone is from UK whereas I live in Sweden and have a Swedish operator (halebop).
XEE-JS1 Nordic (default XWJS7) CSC then .
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Thanks, it seems a long shot but I will try it tomorrow.
I've already flashed the phone to XWJM9 with correct CSC folllowing the guide in my previous post. Restoring nv_data.bin and nv_data.bin.md5 from the .bak files didn't help, the .bak files were just three days old so the data there might have been contaminated.
As far as I can tell there's either a hardware fault, the phone is stolen, or I've messed up the precious data in /EFS by my first ODIN flash, before I did the back-up. Every guide should have that backup procedure as first step, mine didn't. :'(
I've mailed my operator so hopefully I'll get an answer tomorrow to whether the IMEI is blocked.
"No service" sucks...
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Unable to send SMS

I have a unrooted absolutely Stock Nexus S T-MOBILE version which I manually updated to Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 using the official update file.
The problem I'm facing is that ever since I upgraded to ICS I'm unable to send SMSs but I can receive SMSs just fine. I did some searches and realized that the SMSC should be a valid number where as mine is showing 00. I tried to edit this by going to *#*#4636#*#* > Phone Information > SMSC update. But every time I try to update it, it says update error.
I'm using the phone in India Mumbai and the SMSC should be +919820005444 (verified on my friend's Android Device.
I also read that this could be an error due to a faulty SIM card but when I used the same SIM card in another device it works perfectly. I also tried other SIM cards in my phone, all of them are unable to send SMSs.
Please help!
Use this guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=979564
I was unable to send/recive mms on ICS if i were on 2g/3g, but wifi worked.
Finally found out how to fix it today (at least my issue).
I wrote down whatever info i had in the APN-settings for wap and mms on my phone and merged them, putting all the mms info in the wap-apn, where none existed and added an extra ",mms" to the apn type-field.
Mine dont work too i am in uk called cs told me tobcheck apn still nothing
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

Solution to SIM card causing bootloop

This thread is applicable only to those whose cell works perfectly fine without sim card inserted but goes into a bootloop with sim card.
I'm therefore assuming that the bootloop is due to sim card itself and not any other reason.
I'm only sharing the info I got from another forum back when I originally had the issue.This issue was officially recognized in the HTC Rezound. However, the fix applies for our Willy also! The original post/threads are here:
The procedure to resolve bootloop is very easy and has worked EVERY SINGLE TIME for me ( on GB, ICS and JB as well):
1.Boot without SIM card (like I said earlier, this fix applies only to those who can boot perfectly fine without sim)
2.**For GB users only**Go to settings > wireless and networks > mobile networks > network preferences > select auto mode (this setting MIGHT previously be on GSM/WCDA(WCDMA preferred))
3.Go to settings > wireless and networks > mobile networks > network operators > select automatically (make sure that you get a popup saying 'registered successfully')
4.Reboot with SIM and you're good to go !
I usually experience this on first boot after flashing any rom. After this, all reboots are normal.
I'm absolutely no developer but I'll try my best to help......cheers !

[Q] G900F HOSTS FILE is normal but couldn't add a Google account

Dear All,
Ok, the problem is very famous i.e. i factory reset my device and when powered one like a fresh piece, i cannot add google account on my G900F (can't establish a reliable connection to the server).
i have searched a lot over the internet. Read about the HOSTS files description as well. All i found was the modification of the "etc/hosts" with the clients.google.... following "#" so that localhost is only the operational entity.
My device is un-rooted and just for the confirmation of the above mentioned, i opened the hosts file via HTML Viewer (just readonly) and found that the etc/hosts file on my S5 has localhost only and no any other information, which i think should be available for your device to work normal and google accounts can be added. See attached screenshot.
Need your kind help in resolving my issue please.
Try clearing caches from recovery
Still same issue...
Might be worth factory resetting again
How did you access the HOSTS files without being rooted?
did the factory reset 3 times but nothing, issue stands unresolved.
i opened the HOSTS file through RARLAB. Actually it allows you to view the root folder and all of its contents even if your phone is un-rooted.
Could try removing the device from Google Play
Create a new Google account as a test to see if the issue is the phone or the account
If that doesn't help, Id flash a stock ROM through ODIN, this will NOT trip KNOX if you are still 0x0
Are you sure all your data connections are working properly, WiFi/3/4G ?
*Detection* said:
Could try removing the device from Google Play
Create a new Google account as a test to see if the issue is the phone or the account
If that doesn't help, Id flash a stock ROM through ODIN, this will NOT trip KNOX if you are still 0x0
Are you sure all your data connections are working properly, WiFi/3/4G ?
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ok here are some interesting occurrences:
Worth mentioning that i was operating over Wi-Fi.
1) - i flashed a stock Kitkat ANG2 ROM via odin and the problem still persists.
2) - Then i flashed stock Lollipop BOB7 and still the same.
3) - Then i created a new account via the first sign in page on the phone (after flashing the new ROM), and i was able make a new account(through my phone) but still it was unable to login on the phone.
4) - Then i installed a Proxy/VPN betternet and then i was able add an account successfully and also Play store is working fine.
5) - Means there is some issue with my wi-fi adapter routing (may be inside the phone or the carrier) etc.
6) - Then i switched off the wi-fi and enabled LTE (of my SIM card provider) and connected my phone through it, say what! its working fine.
7) - again i tried over the wi-fi and the issue started to happen again
Well, one important thing, i am using wi-fi which is also a LTE carrier (having the google issues) and the second LTE (which worked fine) is by the SIM card operator.
So , is there any problem with my wi-fi (inside the phone) or may be with the operator from which i am getting my services??
its quite confusing at the moment. well i am going to try the whole thing over the Wi-Fi of another operator and will feedback the results.
Mean while any suggestions ??
Reboot the router you are connected to WiFi from?
Doesn't sound like the phones fault, unless you have a proxy enabled in WiFI settings or something, sounds like the issue is with your ISP/Router

Verizon Razr M on T-Mobile

Let me start off by saying I am a noob with these things. I also have searched a few of these forums and found steps by "cellzealot" on how to edit the NV Decimal settings to allow this phone to work on other carriers. I followed these steps and everything went through without any errors but the same issue is happening when I then try to get the phone to work on T-Mobile network. What happens is (after the above mentioned tutorial) I restart the phone, put my T-Mobile sim card in the phone. The phone then states "This SIM card is from an unknown source". In my settings menu under mobile networks In "preffered network type" I can choose Global, LTE/CDMA, or GSM/UMTS and nothing makes a difference. I dont know if it is in-fact unlocked and working and maybe this phone is malfunctioning or maybe I am just missing a step? Some additional info under settings:
About phone>Status>Network = "Unknown", Network type and strength = "No service", Mobile network state = "disconnected", my phone number = "unknown".
System Version: 183.46.15.XT907.Verizon.en.US
Android Version: 4.4.2
Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance, you guys are awesome for your work here.
