Lockscreen animation bug - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
I have this minor problem where the lockscreen to homescreen animation (not the CRT animation) went missing after you you open the camera app from the lockscreen (swiping to the right). This is present since 4.3. Not sure about 4.2 though.
Any idea to fix it? or is there anyone that can upload a framework-res.apk that fixes this minor issue?
I'm in odexed N4 Kit Kat. Only modification done to the phone was editing framework-res.apk to make the navbar and status bar transparent in the lockscreen.

Just want to confirm, am I the only with this issue?

TheDemon7x said:
Just want to confirm, am I the only with this issue?
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I had never noticed it before but after trying it seems I can consistently reproduce this. I'm on 4.3.
The animation remains broken until I reboot it again.

fredericve said:
I had never noticed it before but after trying it seems I can consistently reproduce this. I'm on 4.3.
The animation remains broken until I reboot it again.
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Thanks for the feedback, I reported it to Google before but it seems that they only read codes rather than complaints. Anyone know how to express this issue in logcat maybe?

Can you post the link to the Google issue?

fredericve said:
Can you post the link to the Google issue?
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Here ya go, no replies at all. Maybe no one notice it at all.


Help! Device freezes after changing lockscreen wallpaper due to PocketShield?

I just noticed this recently as I don't normally change my lockscreen wallpaper. But now, everytime I do so, the device freezes and the only way out is to remove the battery
I'm not sure when this happened but the only thing I can think of that might led to this is that I installed and then uninstalled PocketShield. Anybody else has this issue? Or, anybody knows how to resolve this? Any suggestions?
Thanks for any help.
Ive had this happen to me more than a couple times, with many different roms.
Bottom line is that it's a bug in Windows Mobile.
glcK23 said:
Ive had this happen to me more than a couple times, with many different roms.
Bottom line is that it's a bug in Windows Mobile.
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But it did not happen before. I used to change the lockscreen wallpaper a lot and never had the freezing. It's only now and I'm suspecting that Pocketshield is the culprit as it has something to do with lockscreen. But thanks for the feedback.
If it's a bug, that means no solution at all?


NOTE: Do Not Apply this mod for Alpha 3, it screws up the status bar. You have been warned. I will see if i can recompile it for Alpha 3, makes it tougher without sources.
Initially i did this mod for my I9000 which was running CM7.1 and i was only seeing carrier numbers instead of names. I have ported this to CM7.1 for HP touchpad. Flash this file in cwm recovery.
When booted up you should see an additional setting in cyanogenmod settings called CustomSettings, tap that to open custom carrier text, tap that and enter whatever you want to show on the lockscreen and notification bar. Press done.
Install the attached notificationrestart.apk and open it, give it root access, press restart and wait for the notification bar to restart. This is to avoid restart of the tablet before you see the new settings apply. Voila, you should see what you put in the custom name. Have fun and hit the thanks button if you like it. Cheers.
If for some reason your status bar looks wonky after a while use this to get back to original stuff. I changed the dpi to 182 using nitrality app and the wonkiness seems to be gone. I am using iKandee theme from market.
Original Mod for I9000 credits
doixanh ( for his ginger DX settings)
ngiordano ( for his helping hand with androiding)
Screenshots of what settings should look like.
I'll give this a shot. Is there an option (perhaps in the future) to place a .png file where the carrier text is? Similar to MIUI? Just curious.
Ok. dl'ing now. I'll report back.
EDIT: It works! My only issues
A) The notificationrestart.apk installed, but didn't seem to do anything. I didn't notice the change until after I rebooted the device.
B) I'm now seeing the 3G bar in the corner (see the image). Is there a way to keep the custom text, but not show the signal bars?
jpmi23 said:
I'll give this a shot. Is there an option (perhaps in the future) to place a .png file where the carrier text is? Similar to MIUI? Just curious.
Ok. dl'ing now. I'll report back.
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May be. I will look into it at a later time, no promises. If the status bar gets wonky, set dpi to 182 and see if it happens. For me its perfect at 182 (which is what my phone is it)
Sent from my HP Touchpad using Tapatalk
jpmi23 said:
I'll give this a shot. Is there an option (perhaps in the future) to place a .png file where the carrier text is? Similar to MIUI? Just curious.
Ok. dl'ing now. I'll report back.
EDIT: It works! My only issues
A) The notificationrestart.apk installed, but didn't seem to do anything. I didn't notice the change until after I rebooted the device.
B) I'm now seeing the 3G bar in the corner (see the image). Is there a way to keep the custom text, but not show the signal bars?
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For now no. once cm team publishes source I will recompile with that.that well solve these issues. Did you run the notification restart app? I had to wipe data of that apk using titanium backup and it worked fine after that. 182 dpi works fine. Anything less than that status bar gets wonky.
Sent from my HP Touchpad
krarvind said:
For now no. once cm team publishes source I will recompile with that.that well solve these issues. Did you run the notification restart app? I had to wipe data of that apk using titanium backup and it worked fine after that. 182 dpi works fine. Anything less than that status bar gets wonky.
Sent from my HP Touchpad
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I attempted, but it did not run. Did not ask for root privileges either. I simply rebooted and it showed the text change.
jpmi23 said:
I attempted, but it did not run. Did not ask for root privileges either. I simply rebooted and it showed the text change.
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Ya, once you wipe data using titanium back up it will ask for root privileges. Not sure why. 182 and higher dpi works fine.
Sent from my HP Touchpad
jpmi23 said:
I'll give this a shot. Is there an option (perhaps in the future) to place a .png file where the carrier text is? Similar to MIUI? Just curious.
Ok. dl'ing now. I'll report back.
EDIT: It works! My only issues
A) The notificationrestart.apk installed, but didn't seem to do anything. I didn't notice the change until after I rebooted the device.
B) I'm now seeing the 3G bar in the corner (see the image). Is there a way to keep the custom text, but not show the signal bars?
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is that screen shot from your touchpad? if so what theme is that is looks nice!
Your theme looks great, I also would like to know what it is ?
ks2hot4u said:
Your theme looks great, I also would like to know what it is ?
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screen shots are from my phone which runs Insanity Rom and its theme.
The screenshot that I posted is in fact my TP. I'm using the Transformer theme from HERE. It ties in with CM's ThemeChanger. It'll notify you that it's not meant for your device, just do it. As you can see it works fine.
jpmi23 said:
The screenshot that I posted is in fact my TP. I'm using the Transformer theme from HERE. It ties in with CM's ThemeChanger. It'll notify you that it's not meant for your device, just do it. As you can see it works fine.
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thank u sir!
thanks for this! no issues on my TP so far.
as a little test i flashed this to my T-MoUS HD2 Leo since i could never find a way to set a custom carrier label.
it works great on there as well - with one side effect on the lockscreen. any chance this can be fixed? i just did it on a whim since it's cm7 i figured it couldn't do to much damage. no problems on the status bar, just the lock screen.
i know it wasn't built for this device so don't answer if you don't want to
the top near my label shows a graphic from i don't know where.
pxldtz said:
thanks for this! no issues on my TP so far.
as a little test i flashed this to my T-MoUS HD2 Leo since i could never find a way to set a custom carrier label.
it works great on there as well - with one side effect on the lockscreen. any chance this can be fixed? i just did it on a whim since it's cm7 i figured it couldn't do to much damage. no problems on the status bar, just the lock screen.
i know it wasn't built for this device so don't answer if you don't want to
the top near my label shows a graphic from i don't know where.
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I have no idea where that comes from and i don't have your device, so i can't really fix it i think. if you want to roll back, all you need to do is open up my zip files and replace the app and framework files with the ones from the rom for your phone ( not from your phone as it has mine now).
For some reason whenever i try to boot a custom carrier label my Touchpad never boots up... it just hangs on the cyanogen mod boot animation and requires a hard reset... followed the instructions perfectly. anyone have the same issue?
after some messing around i got it to boot up for me. then the notification bar went "wonky" used the nitrality app to adjust the dpi. works fine. what is the default dpi again?....
KingKwentyne said:
For some reason whenever i try to boot a custom carrier label my Touchpad never boots up... it just hangs on the cyanogen mod boot animation and requires a hard reset... followed the instructions perfectly. anyone have the same issue?
after some messing around i got it to boot up for me. then the notification bar went "wonky" used the nitrality app to adjust the dpi. works fine. what is the default dpi again?....
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No idea why you have these issues. dpi is 182. Anything above that works fine. Remember I don't have the sources to compile it for touchpad, so I did my best to get it
Sent from my HP Touchpad using xda premium
Screwed up my notification bar, the resolution is way off and battery percentage is gone. Cyanogenmod won't let me add it either?? The OriginalLabel.zip doesn't have battery percentage either for some reason. Guess I'll do a restore in Recovery. Thanks for trying though.

Low DPI landscape nav bar replacement?

I like to run Exodus ROM at 420 DPI but that leaves me with no landscape navigation bar. Do any of you guys use an alternate nav bar app? Maybe there is a fix I don't see? I've google but only found some patches for Lollipop... Thanks!
i never meet this problem··
I still have the black bar but my buttons disappear and I can't interact with it.
vermiciouskanid666 said:
I still have the black bar but my buttons disappear and I can't interact with it.
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I had the exact same problem, I've already reported it and found out it was related to the Dpi. If you set it lower than 510, the buttons will disappear.
Techno Peter said:
I had the exact same problem, I've already reported it and found out it was related to the Dpi. If you set it lower than 510, the buttons will disappear.
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Yeah, that's what I figured out. I reported it in the bug tracker here. Did they say if they were going to work on it?
vermiciouskanid666 said:
Yeah, that's what I figured out. I reported it in the bug tracker here. Did they say if they were going to work on it?
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Yes, they said they will look into it but that was a month ago.

Weird notification Issue

Hey, i got a weird notification issue. The animation seems to be off but I have no idea what app causes it. It seems that the status bar icons overlap over the notification. Currently on the t-mobile v20. it happens randomly.. I had gmail, sms and hop spot on before this happen. also had random game notifications. anybody seeing this?? You can see it more on landscape mode.
bumping this if anybody else seeing this??
bumping this if anybody else seeing this??
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Mine does stuff like this every now and then. A reboot fixes it, don't know the cause though. Doesn't happen enough to care.

Navigation buttons shifting closer together?

Hello, is anyone else experiencing their navigation bar buttons shifting closer together? If so, please let me know the necessary steps to prevent it from happening. Please note, a restart does nothing. Only by going into settings and changing the navigation bar arrangement but i do not want to keep doing that. Thanks.
It's to prevent 'Screen burn-in'.
AlexBrookes said:
It's to prevent 'Screen burn-in'.
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Ok, but isnt it supposed to go back after a certain amount of time? Because it does not go back to its original spot.
That's very odd, I've never seen this before. Do you have any statusbar mods installed?
AlexBrookes said:
That's very odd, I've never seen this before. Do you have any statusbar mods installed?
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No i do not have any mods on the navigation or status bar. I am using a different launcher (Lawnchair). Ill try and use touchwiz for a few days and see if i can replicate the problem.
