[Q] Standard Boot Animation for Jellybean - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Guys,
I just tried 'Sideload' installing the Kitkat update for my 2012 Nexus 7 only for it to throw up an error telling my my Boot Animation was incorrect or summut!.
In the deep distant past I update the Boot Animation to the 4 Coloured Balls Google Animation.
I DID keep the original .zip file, but I can't find it!
Does anyone have the original Bootanimation.zip file for the 2012 Nexus 7 (and Nexus 4 as I've done the same there)...
On a side note!... If I wait for the OTA, would that have the same error or would it install without any problems!? (the 4.3 update installed no problems!!!)

here http://db.tt/I0eFlv9n


[Q] cm10 build not booking on N7

ive benn doing my own builds of cm 10 for my i9300 for about 3 weeks and haven't hag any problems with it, i purchased a N7 at the weekend and thought i would do my own build for this device too, i got the proprietary files from github.com/themuppets and placed the in the vendor folder just like i had done with my i9300. my build finishes with no errors, but when i've flashed it and try to boot i get the google logo then it flashes and doesn't get any futher (no boot animation). any advice would be appreciated.

[q] nexus 7 not booting

Hi All
I've been trying to update to JB 4.2, I used the auto update feature in the nexus but it kept failing to install! I then resorted to using ADB/SDK (only started using it yesterday so an extreme novice) to try and flash to JB 4.2, still it did not work.
Something went wrong when trying to flash as my nexus gets stuck on GOOGLE writing when booting up!! I'm using adb sideload with a factory image.tgz but it loads sideload to 100% in the command window (my nexus is in adb mode at this point) my nexus receives the files then says it's verifying update package, then says installation aborted!!!
Not sure what to do, really stuck, any help appreciated...:crying:

[Q] Paranoid 2.99 Stuck on Boot Screen

ive recently installed the paranoid ROM and gapps 4.2 onto my nexus 7 and its been stuck on the boot screen for a really long time, is there a fix for this or will i have to restore my device again?
thanks in advance

[Q] Nexus 4 has a Nexus 7 v2 build number and can't unroot. NEED HELP GETTING STOCK

My nexus 4 was rooted a while back before I got the OTA 4.3 android update via system update. Everything went fine then with that download. I was a bit anxious to get the 4.4 kit kat release and having seen it appear in system update 2 days ago I decided I was gonna download it yesterday and I did. After it finished the phone restarted and then was stuck in an infinite loop. I had no backup and so I decided to wipe; after which I had no operating system. I downloaded the
factory rom image of 4.4 (stock_mako_KRT16S.zip),
radio (cwm-radio-mako-m9615a-cefwmazm-2.0.1700.97.zip)
and bootloader (KK_4-4_BOOTLOADER.zip)
I flashed the radio first then then bootloader and both fine, then when it was turn for the factory rom it said error extracting file.. the dreaded status 7 error.
Anyways, I figured since it wasn't working I'd just go for a custom rom and I had rasbeanjelly on my phone from back when I rooted but never got around to flashing. So I thought I would try it and it flashed along with the gapps 4.3 but I've had several huge glitches such as the phone moving slowly and missing important google apps such as camera and such.
So I was up all night trying to figure out how to go back to stock rom and do a recovery and everything I tried was no luck. Kept running into the status 7 error. Watched a few videos that suggested I get Wug's Nexus Root Toolkit to unroot and then lock my bootloader and then flash a stock recovery. It didn't work because I realised one severe difference.
MY NEXUS 4 HAS A NEXUS 7 BUILD NUMBER.. I googled the internet and nothing..
Anyways. Says android 4.3
Build: JSS15Q
rasbeanjelly build: fri aug 23 2013 (probably old)
I just wanna know how I can get back to stock.
And I lost my root privileges as well when I flashed rasbean.
Any other information can be provided. THANKS MUCH.

OTA update to Kit Kat (CMW and a keep root app installed) stuck in boot sequence

About a month ago I tried to update to Kit Kat OTA and my 2012 Nexus 7 seemed to update, but then got stuck in the new Google boot image with swirling circles.
I know I've been OTA updating every time it asked since I got it. I don't know which version or image is currently on there. I can't get past the swirling circles.
I know I have CM on there, but otherwise no mods, and other than a program (whose name I can't remember) that keeps root after an update, nothing else strange.
I tried using something called Nexus Root Toolkit as per a user in another forum, but that didn't go anywhere because after I installed the drivers, it says I don't have ADB or whatever. I have no idea what to do.
I never should have installed CM or rooted. So stupid
If anyone can help me get my Nexus 7 working again, it'd be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

