Well as I found out when my SD card died it also took out my GPS, nothing will make it work again. So I put the phone back to stock, got the ED03 Froyo OTA update and took it into my verizon store, long story short I'm getting another phone tomorrow. I've been rocking on the stock froyo for a few days now and its kinda wierd since I've basically been rooted from day one. For one battery life is horrible with anything turned on, however with everything toggled off my battery life is alot better than any custom ROM or undervolted kernel. I didnt expect that. Phone isnt as laggy and i expected either. Whats really bizarre is when your stock the Market actually WORKS! No matter what I flashed my Market was always laggy, sometimes never worked at all. I usually have to start a download two or three times. This was for any ROM or kernel I tried, I assumed it was normal. Well on stock Froyo, the Market loads immediately, when I click to dowload it downloads and installs immediately. WOW! Now when I get my new phone I'm gona root it , is there anyway to get this good Market performance?
I don't have any market issues on comrom 1.3
My phone performs much better on stock ED03 than Community ROM v1.3. Is there a lot more broken with that ROM than the kernel & status bar?
For the past few days I've also been running stock ED03 with the basic bloat removed and minimal apps installed. Battery life is a bit better, but it's still not great. The phone is typically dead (or screaming for a charger) by the end of the day with normal use.
Everything seems to work with the exception of bluetooth calling (after I hang up) in my car. At first I thought it was those custom kernels causing the issue, but even the stock kernel/ROM does it.
After I hang up a call via bluetooth in my car, the phone crashes and bluetooth crashes which makes the phone hang for a minute or two. I can turn bluetooth off then on to get it to re-connect to the car, but it'll just crash again after the next call is done. Through some reading, I found that Samsung is real shady with their implementation of bluetooth. I can believe it based on our GPS issues, jacked up RIL code, weak wi-fi signal and a lower overall cell signal than other phones.
It's **** like this that keeps me from wanting the SGS II.
I'm out of the loop but it seems as it stands LG is the way to go
AuroEdge said:
I'm out of the loop but it seems as it stands LG is the way to go
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I don't know I just played with a htc thunderbolt yesterday at a verizon store and that thing is bad ass even without 4g. If us cellular got that phone id be all over it. But from what I hear we getting the moto atrix which I'm not a huge fan that moto xoom tablet on the other hand...if verizon wasn't so damn expensive.... My $.02 haha
As for the stock experience I just flashed back from cm7 to stock and all I got was pissed off haha
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
ive had issues with the market in custom roms too. sometimes when i download an app instead of installing it just disappears, and i have to redownload it sometimes more than once to get it to install. but that wont make me go back to stock. custom roms/kernels are waaay better than stock and theres bound to be some issues here and there
AuroEdge said:
I'm out of the loop but it seems as it stands LG is the way to go
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I had the LG G2x for a little over a week and it wasn't too bad. There were very minor annoying things (which I cannot remember) that reminded me of Samsung, but it wasn't as bad. It was supposed to be stock Android, but a developer soon discovered that it wasn't. It was just themed to appear stock, so I don't think the G2x currently performs as good as say a Cyanogen ROM.
Also, that phone was plagued with that reboot bug. Outside of the reboot bug and the LCD screen, it's not a bad phone. I couldn't keep it because A) the software bugs reminded me of why I don't want another Samsung. I'm not going to buy a phone and put up with that BS again - although, that phone should get heavy dev support soon; B) Maybe it was the 4" screen or the bottom heavy bezel or the bleeding LCD screen, but I felt the phone was too much of a lateral step rather than a step up from the SGS series of phones. I needed more to keep myself satisfied.
LG has the potential to do good, but so far... they're on shaky ground to me. Just like Samsung. They need to fix the reboot issues and stop copying Samsung.
As it stands I will stick it out with my Fascinate till I see a Verizon phone I really like. Which sucks because I don't see any on the horizon that look promising except for maybe the Motorola Targa. When it comes to community efforts there are two reasons I look to them from time to time -- stability and believe it or not BLN
Beware of the LG Revolution when it drops. It's not going to be a "With Google" device, meaning Verizon is probably going to beat and rape it until it's a mere shadow of it's original self.
Running stock ED03, rooted, modified to support cwr, de-binged, de-bloated, and deodexed. I did this all myself, a lot of reading of how to's. Next up I found something on converting rfs to ext4 I hope it easy enough and works well. So far its great, with the prospect of awesome, if file extention Change is doable and improves phone as much as I read about.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
I have been using Android since cupcake and it's going to end with my Nexus One. Reasons:
These are problems I've had with various roms, most stock roms, some MIUI:
- The Camera, no matter which ROMS I get when I try and take a picture it reboots the phone after freezing. I cannot use my 5MP camera at all because of this.
- After leaving the phone charging for awhile then going back to it when I push one spot on the screen it thinks I've pushed a completely different spot. I require a full reboot to fix this.
- My keyboard, stock keyboard, sometimes turns all white. You then cannot see what you're typing and there's just this big white bar.
- To fix the above I got Better Keyboard. It force closes often, and sometimes when I try to type with it what I'm typing doesn't get inserted into the selected input box.
- I got five hours of STANDBY (not using phone at all) battery life on Gingerbread. I had to downgrade back to froyo to get normal battery life back.
- After ten seconds or so if you don't use your screen it's supposed to DIM. Regardless of whether or not I'm using my phone it still dims after ten seconds.
So as far as Android goes come October when my three year Bell contract expires I'll be selecting an iPhone. I am done with Android problems of all kinds. That's not to say there's not a lot of things I like about Android but I can't just keep on going with it whilst experiencing these annoying problems, when I've never experienced any problems of any sort on my jailbroken iPad.
Did you ever try using your warranty? Really sounds like you had a dodgy handset.
Sounds like your phone is a lemon. I experience none of that....don't think anything you mentioned is a problem of android itself, you just got unlucky with your phone
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Sounds like some bad flashing you been doing to your phone
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
You must be holding it wrong, those are some crazy problems you are experiencing ... I've never had any of those.
Macmee said:
- The Camera, no matter which ROMS I get when I try and take a picture it reboots the phone after freezing. I cannot use my 5MP camera at all because of this.
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Not related to Android in the slightest. You're having a HARDWARE problem.
- After leaving the phone charging for awhile then going back to it when I push one spot on the screen it thinks I've pushed a completely different spot. I require a full reboot to fix this.
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Not related to Android in the slightest. You're having a HARDWARE problem.
My keyboard, stock keyboard, sometimes turns all white. You then cannot see what you're typing and there's just this big white bar.
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In all of my time with Android, on multiple devices, I have NEVER once seen this issue. Something is wrong with the custom rom you're running... which btw, YOU flashed on your phone.
To fix the above I got Better Keyboard. It force closes often, and sometimes when I try to type with it what I'm typing doesn't get inserted into the selected input box.
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So some janky app YOU installed is causing a problem? Uninstall it and find something better.
I got five hours of STANDBY (not using phone at all) battery life on Gingerbread. I had to downgrade back to froyo to get normal battery life back.
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Did you try and diagnose this at all? Were you having a wake lock issue? Was some app freezing?
I go all day on Gingerbread, especially if I don't even use it...
After ten seconds or so if you don't use your screen it's supposed to DIM. Regardless of whether or not I'm using my phone it still dims after ten seconds.
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Again, this sounds like either something wrong with your rom or a hardware issue. I have never seen this issue.
Yeah, you're an idiot. Sorry, but you're blaming problems that either you have created or hardware problems on Android, the operating system.
But go ahead and leave Android. It sounds like you're not really technology capable of much more than an iPhone (and really, this is probably going to be pushing your technological limits it seems), so that is probably what you should stick to.
I won't be as harsh as the others
The only problem you mentioned that is N1 related is the screen, rest are probably rom related. If your flahsing all those roms you already know they are not guaranteed to work on all phones.
If you want to try another phone, try the new Sensation or equivalent. Android is still much better than Apple. IMHO. That said, my son and his wife have been Apple users for 20 years or as long as I can remember. They have used nothing else. So, I think the iphone is a good phone, just not for everyone. As android is not for everyone. I once thought Blackberry was unbeatable, I was wrong bigtime. When I first started using them, they may have been. But, not any more.
You are probably like me and get an itch to try something different. I am currently running RCADSmix Sense rom with a number of issues. But, I like it so much, I will put up with the issues. Probably means my next phone will be the Sensation or it's future quadcore brother.
Enjoy whatever you get, I still remember when a six transistor am radio was an upgrade. These are great tech times--
If you really can't realize that the problems you are experiencing are hardware's probably better you get an iphone. Bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out
So as far as Android goes come October when my three year Bell contract expires I'll be selecting an iPhone. I am done with Android problems of all kinds. That's not to say there's not a lot of things I like about Android but I can't just keep on going with it whilst experiencing these annoying problems, when I've never experienced any problems of any sort on my jailbroken iPad.
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Im just guessing here but your in Canada with bell? bell doesn't offer the nexus one. how are you on a contract? Ill also agree with everyone else your problems are not android related. Sounds like a hardware issue. Good luck with the iPhone my brother loves his. I like the design but that's it.
Just flashed cyanogen latest version. New problems:
1. Sometimes when turning on the phone the lock screen doesn't show up, just my background displays and nothing else. Reboot required by pulling battery out in order to fix.
2. Display menus don't show up sometimes.
3. Already experienced this one, but the keyboard is yet again going completely white.
Anyone want to point me towards an actual working rom without any problems or does such a thing exist
wsrider said:
Im just guessing here but your in Canada with bell? bell doesn't offer the nexus one. how are you on a contract? Ill also agree with everyone else your problems are not android related. Sounds like a hardware issue. Good luck with the iPhone my brother loves his. I like the design but that's it.
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I bought it outright two years into my contract when I had a vogue.
Babydoll25 said:
If you really can't realize that the problems you are experiencing are hardware's probably better you get an iphone. Bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out
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Because not all of these problems are with the hardware and you, or myself are incapable of diagnosing them without more extensive investigation to the handset.
Roms work fine. Your phone doesn't
Most people have no or little problems with these roms
Most if not all issues are improper flashing or incomplete wipes--like not wiping system and data and caches multiple times
Check md5s
Or, not properly partitioning sdcard
If still issues then the phone has too many bad blocks for the rom and kernal
After reading your first post again, I think it is your phone and not common issues. I have never had a bad camera unless specifically noted on the OP page of an alpha type rom.
I can tell you how I do my sdcard and prepare for a new rom if you like. If my procedure doesn't work you will never have any better luck flashing with that particular phone.
I'm with Telus on my N1 and i've never ever seen any of the problems you mentioned. I've also flashed alot of different roms/kernels/apps/etc and nothing like you had mentioned.
I did however have an issue that resembles your camera issue. Mine was the GPS causing my phone to reboot every time i used it. I didn't really notice it much until i started using it for GPS nav and such. Tried flashing different roms, going back to stock and issue still came up. Called HTC and sent my phone back under warranty. They told me they replaced the board and i have not seen the problem ever since.
I strongly recommend giving HTC a call and see if you can send your phone in for repairs.
That's what iPhone is for. To protect incompetents like yourself from themselves.
You should be nowhere near a rooted phone.
I have the exact same camera issue. The reason is a date of my beloved Nexus and my washing mashine. So it might be a hardware problem for you as well. Sometimes with some roms the camera seems to work 1 out of 10 times.
Bluetooth, fm radio died as well but everthing else is just fine. Some roms seem to check/use camera, radio or bluetooth during a reboot. Then the rom won't start at all or it makes random problems.
This phone is a beast. 20 minutes in the washing mashine at 60°C couldn't really destroy it. Even between screen and digitizer there was water and I had to disamble the phone three times and dry the parts for one week in a rice bowl to get it to work again.
xManMythLegend said:
That's what iPhone is for. To protect incompetents like yourself from themselves.
You should be nowhere near a rooted phone.
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sent from SGS Captivate 2.3.4 with CM7 or MIUI using Escapist or TKglitch
- The Camera, no matter which ROMS I get when I try and take a picture it reboots the phone after freezing. I cannot use my 5MP camera at all because of this.
- After leaving the phone charging for awhile then going back to it when I push one spot on the screen it thinks I've pushed a completely different spot. I require a full reboot to fix this.
- My keyboard, stock keyboard, sometimes turns all white. You then cannot see what you're typing and there's just this big white bar.
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Got this also, annoying but I'm quite sure it goes along with flashes. Pretty sure it will be normal on stock rom.
Actually mate I think you should upgrade your radio...
I used to have this issue with the camera before, get the latest radio and ur camera issue will be solved.
and the battery as well i guess
as for the keyboard and all the other problems just go to rom manager and flash cm 7.1 rc1 from there, make sure you wipe cache, and dalvik cache
it should solve ur issues
Android is a more technical platform, it is by default that the user likes going technical before getting an android
With all due respect to the great developers we have here, the Epic 4g, just as stock, not even rooted, with either launcherpro or my current favorite: go launcher ex, plus whatever apps you want is a very good phone.
If I hadn't rooted my phone, the main difference is that I wouldn't be able to use titaniumbackup to make sure if my phone crashes, I can get my app, calls and messages back. I also restart faster because of my root restart button, but that's both minor and almost the full extent of what my phone can do that the next person on stock cannot do.
Oh, I have a bunch of battery and performance tweaks that I don't even understand in my rom. So my phone probably runs smoother and longer for a given intensity of usage than it did out of the box.
But while I am very thankful to the developers for making this phone much better, I'm also thankful to Samsung and Sprint for giving the developers a lot to work with.
If a person around me pulls out an iphone 4s, it has a smaller, duller, more fragile screen, no keyboard, not as good sound since I have voodoo (that too). For me, my phone that came out a year earlier is just better. In fact, I pretty much have the best phone available with a keyboard. Other than its newer clone on Verizon.
I also think 4" may be the optimal screen size for a phone for me. I'm not excited about my next phone two or so years from now having a 4.5" or bigger screen.
On top of that, not everyone does, but I have my phone on Boost mobile (thanks developers here) and pay $45 a month for unlimited 3g, talk and messages. I'm in cell-phone nirvana by 2011 standards.
Sprint and Samsung got me 75% there and the developers at xda brought me the rest of the way home.
Not incorrect on many counts. I was stock until after Froyo except my 1 month test of DK28. Mainly, I'm in agreement that rooting allows you to tidy up the place and put in fresher decorations.
The Root said:
Not incorrect on many counts. I was stock until after Froyo except my 1 month test of DK28. Mainly, I'm in agreement that rooting allows you to tidy up the place and put in fresher decorations.
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Being I came from WinMo to the Epic, it was nice to see that you didn't have to run a custom rom just to have the phone work.
shane6374 said:
Being I came from WinMo to the Epic, it was nice to see that you didn't have to run a custom rom just to have the phone work.
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Exactly !!! I came from TP2 Windows straight to epic and i loved stock, but with the great developers on here i love all the hacks and mods and roms they do!!!
I still don't have a compelling enough reason to switch from rooted stock EC05, although I've tweaked it plenty. I'm sure many roms are great but there's no killer look or feature that's lured me. The phone will be even better once stock GB hits.
I switched back to stock a few weeks back. A few observations:
Battery life is better than it was with any of the ROMs I was running, particularly the ROMs that weren't SRF 1.2. Signal strength is also better than it was with most of the ROMs.
On the other hand, I've noticed an odd issue where my Epic randomly vibrates (like, two quick pulses) and then either crashes or restarts the launcher. Dunno what this is about or why it happens but it's pretty annoying.
I just recently made the switch back to stock as well.. Sometimes you just miss it.
dead78 said:
I switched back to stock a few weeks back. A few observations:
Battery life is better than it was with any of the ROMs I was running, particularly the ROMs that weren't SRF 1.2. Signal strength is also better than it was with most of the ROMs.
On the other hand, I've noticed an odd issue where my Epic randomly vibrates (like, two quick pulses) and then either crashes or restarts the launcher. Dunno what this is about or why it happens but it's pretty annoying.
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Mine would do that without crashing sometimes on stock.
dead78 said:
On the other hand, I've noticed an odd issue where my Epic randomly vibrates (like, two quick pulses) and then either crashes or restarts the launcher. Dunno what this is about or why it happens but it's pretty annoying.
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i get this on stock and custom. i think it may be related to the sd card?
The Root said:
Mine would do that without crashing sometimes on stock.
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enter260 said:
i get this on stock and custom. i think it may be related to the sd card?
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I don't really recall this happening while rooted. Also, this is a problem that's started happening relatively recently. I was initially running stock for at least six months before ever rooting and I don't recall the Epic ever crashing. I got a bit tired of some of the other issues with ROMs and went back to stock again last month. Maybe I'll get the thing checked out at a Sprint store.
Yes, the Epic is a great phone stock, but a large percentage of your reasoning still great came from modified content.
What I took from your post was was: the stock Epic is a great phone, and the devs at XDA provide the few needed tweaks to fix anything that isn't already perfect with it. That's my opinion as well.
dead78 said:
I don't really recall this happening while rooted. Also, this is a problem that's started happening relatively recently. I was initially running stock for at least six months before ever rooting and I don't recall the Epic ever crashing. I got a bit tired of some of the other issues with ROMs and went back to stock again last month. Maybe I'll get the thing checked out at a Sprint store.
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make sure you take it to the one that "accidently" loads Gingerbread on it
So I would like to have a list of all the problems that can be on the Nexus 4 phone. For example, buzzing in the earpiece, or washed out color, etc.
1. Washed out colors - Can be fixed with a custom kernel and screen calibration
2. Buzzing ear piece? - I don't have this personally, can't comment
3. Phone slides on surfaces so don't put it on edge of tables/desks
4. Max volume kinda low - Audio mod makes it slightly higher
5. Do not Overclock - some users here have had issues when using 1.8Ghz, it's not stable/safe
6. Phone gets warm - every device does
7. Camera focus can be dodgy sometimes (for me at least)
8. If you shake the N4 you can hear a rattle - not a problem, the rattle is the Autofocus sensor thingy
- battery isn't fantastic (can be fixed with custom kernel. Recommend Franco)
- speaker gets seriously muffled if you put the phone face up
- weak vibration (can be fixed if rooted or flashed custom kernel)
That's some extra problems I'm having with this phone but overall, best phone I've ever owned!!!
Sent from my Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk HD
Thanks guys. I thought about custom roms, and I really want to use some of them to make my nexus-experience even better, but then I would lose the warranty... Maybe I will do it when the warranty ends.
dima.rudeshko said:
Thanks guys. I thought about custom roms, and I really want to use some of them to make my nexus-experience even better, but then I would lose the warranty... Maybe I will do it when the warranty ends.
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You can easily unroot at any time. You will only worsen your experience with stock because of issues with stock, such as poor battery life and the stock kernel is garbage. Though the phone is new so things will only improve with time I suppose.
Ace42 said:
You can easily unroot at any time. You will only worsen your experience with stock because of issues with stock, such as poor battery life and the stock kernel is garbage. Though the phone is new so things will only improve with time I suppose.
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I didn't know you can unroot it. I mean it makes sense that it's only admin's permissions that can be changed, but I never heard of that(I am new to android). Why do people always say that once you unroot your device, you lose the warranty if it is reversable?
kyokeun1234 said:
- battery isn't fantastic (can be fixed with custom kernel. Recommend Franco)
- speaker gets seriously muffled if you put the phone face up
- weak vibration (can be fixed if rooted or flashed custom kernel)
That's some extra problems I'm having with this phone but overall, best phone I've ever owned!!!
Sent from my Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk HD
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I get >16hrs/day on stock
dima.rudeshko said:
I didn't know you can unroot it. I mean it makes sense that it's only admin's permissions that can be changed, but I never heard of that(I am new to android). Why do people always say that once you unroot your device, you lose the warranty if it is reversable?
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On Nexus devices, even if you root and then unroot, there isn't any evidence that proves that
you were rooted. One of the perks of nexus
patrickjaden said:
I get >16hrs/day on stock
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Compared to the size of the battery and other devices with the same battery capacity, nexus 4 isn't great at all. Especially when using with 4g. This is mainly due to terrible wake lock of android 4.2. Should be fixed in later version though I hope.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
dima.rudeshko said:
Thanks guys. I thought about custom roms, and I really want to use some of them to make my nexus-experience even better, but then I would lose the warranty... Maybe I will do it when the warranty ends.
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dude ... warranty. this is a nexus, you dont need to hack or exploit it, it is open by design. if you dont do anything stupid its virtually impossible to brick and you can always go back to stock. you dont need to root or carry out complicated tasks. unlock, flash recovery, install rom. done. roms on nexus are the cleanest and most stable that you can find. they're all basing on pure google aosp. no need to hack ril, hwcomposer, leaked kernels, etc. all this stuff has been cared for by google. IF you consider flashing, do it here man. :cyclops:
As the title states. Nexus 4 random power offs. Has anyone seen anything like this?
Here is the background info:
My parents have Nexus 4 phones as do I. All of our phones were ordered at the same time about 2 months or so ago when they became available again. All phones are the 16GB version. All phones bone stock with just OTA updates, not unlocked or rooted other than how they are shipped. All using T-Mobile prepaid plans.
My phone and my father's seem fine. My mom's however seems to shutdown on its own. It is random. Initially I thought that it may be an issue where she isn't used to a smart phone and isn't charging it enough. It happens though at times while it is connected to the charger. It also has happened while carrying it off the charger.
One odd thing is that when they got the phone they brought them to my house and dropped them off to have me set them up. One had the plastic screen protector with the printing on it from the factory the other didn't. I don't know which is which though now. It is a 50/50 shot if this is the one.
I have been around android since the G1 days and run the same phone. I can't think of a setting on the phone that would power it down at a certain time or period of time. She really doesn't have much for apps and is a very light user.
Not sure what to try but I was thinking about doing a wipe of the phone to see if it helps.
Anyone else have any ideas? If the wipe doesn't help the only other thing I can think of is that there is a physical issue with the phone.
I haven't seen this on my phone but there was a period of time where HD Widgets on my N7 would cause a reboot. That was fixed with an app update. This isn't a case where the device reboots. It is a complete shutdown which I find odd. So I have seen an app cause issues kind of like this. For the most part the apps that she has on her phone, I also have on mine. Well I have way more but there really isn't anything on her phone that I am not also running.
I should add that she has the phone in a TPU case. As we all do. My case design is a little different than theirs but they have cutouts for the buttons. So it isn't a case where the case is pressing on the power button. That could be an issue with my case as it covers the power button but I haven't had that issue.
Sounds like it might be a defective battery...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
BigDig said:
Sounds like it might be a defective battery...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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That is what I am kind of thinking. Either the battery or the smart battery chips. I think I will try a wipe first but like I said but it is odd.
sennister said:
One odd thing is that when they got the phone they brought them to my house and dropped them off to have me set them up. One had the plastic screen protector with the printing on it from the factory the other didn't. I don't know which is which though now. It is a 50/50 shot if this is the one.
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That sounds kind of questionable (fishy) to me... I also have the 16GB version, and I also did the OTA when I got it. But to be honest the stock OS lasted only about an hour before I rooted and started trying out custom ROMs I have not had the issue you're describing though. How are the results from your factory reset?
Also, would you consider putting on a stock-based custom ROM (such as rasbean vanilla) for your mother's phone? If the problem is software based then a reset or a new ROM might yield different results. But if the problem persists it might be hardware and I'd suggest you contact Google about servicing.
amartolos said:
That sounds kind of questionable (fishy) to me... I also have the 16GB version, and I also did the OTA when I got it. But to be honest the stock OS lasted only about an hour before I rooted and started trying out custom ROMs I have not had the issue you're describing though. How are the results from your factory reset?
Also, would you consider putting on a stock-based custom ROM (such as rasbean vanilla) for your mother's phone? If the problem is software based then a reset or a new ROM might yield different results. But if the problem persists it might be hardware and I'd suggest you contact Google about servicing.
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I don't want to root and have my mom run a modified ROM. They live about a half hour from me so I haven't tried a wipe of the phone yet and because of the distance I don't want to deal with the issues that sometimes come up when you go with modified ROMs when I am not there. She is a very basic user and this is the first smartphone for my father and mother. Keep in mind they are in their early 70s and not really that strong on the tech side of things. I have to get some time to run over there and take a look at it. Maybe later next week.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I think if a wipe doesn't help I will talk to Google. A search really didn't show much other than some people that were seeing a random reboot issue. I have seen apps doing that.
I have been through their warranty replacement process and it is a bit of a PITA. I am on my 3rd Nexus 7 due to hardware issues with the first 2. My N4 and my fathers have been rock solid.
While I have run custom ROMs in the past, I usually run stock until I find a need that requires me to root. Eventually I will probably root and go with a custom ROM on my N4 but
sennister said:
She is a very basic user and this is the first smartphone for my father and mother. Keep in mind they are in their early 70s and not really that strong on the tech side of things.
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Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm giving my parents my old LG P990 phone and I just put an AOKP rom on it. I also installed Nova Launcher for them and configured it so there's just one texting app and one calling app the one and only one homescreen. No dock either, just in case they click something by accident or get lost in the app drawer
Since you have the same phone as your mom, a self-less workaround would just be to give her yours (pre-configured), and then you can fiddle around with the problematic one until you find a decent solution. :good:
amartolos said:
That sounds kind of questionable (fishy) to me... I also have the 16GB version, and I also did the OTA when I got it. But to be honest the stock OS lasted only about an hour before I rooted and started trying out custom ROMs I have not had the issue you're describing though. How are the results from your factory reset?
Also, would you consider putting on a stock-based custom ROM (such as rasbean vanilla) for your mother's phone? If the problem is software based then a reset or a new ROM might yield different results. But if the problem persists it might be hardware and I'd suggest you contact Google about servicing.
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amartolos said:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm giving my parents my old LG P990 phone and I just put an AOKP rom on it. I also installed Nova Launcher for them and configured it so there's just one texting app and one calling app the one and only one homescreen. No dock either, just in case they click something by accident or get lost in the app drawer
Since you have the same phone as your mom, a self-less workaround would just be to give her yours (pre-configured), and then you can fiddle around with the problematic one until you find a decent solution. :good:
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Hmm. That is a good idea. The PITA part would be to get everything loaded from my phone to hers. I really wish I could run Titanium backup without root as it would make it super easy to move the apps over. Though I don't have that much loaded on my phone. Things that are a pain to set up have configuration export methods like Tasker. It would rule out the end user being the source of the issue. I don't think that is it though. If we swap and it goes away, then I can consider the wipe as the solution. If the problem moves to me then it is a physical issue and call Google. If the problem persists with her, I load all her apps on the phone I carry as well to see if I start to have the issue or it becomes a training issue. The thing I like about this the most is that it is a clear process to rule out several things. I can go over there and sit with the phone but if it doesn't power off when I am there I don't gain much other than spending some time with my parents.
I don't think this is an issue but I did have to provide my IMEI# when doing the activations. In the past though on T-Mobile I have handed phones down to others and all we did was a SIM swap. I would imagine that is the case here.
Oh and one thing I did leave out. They were using their old cell phone chargers on the N4 phones. I told them to swap chargers and use the ones that came with the phone. The old ones may not put out enough power and the phone could in theory run down to the point where it shuts off and slowly charge from that point and I don't think it would turn back on. Keep in mind a retired user who just had a knee replacement so she is at home more often than not.
Did you find out the cause? I have the same issue happened twice today
The random shut off either charging or not happens to me but as mentioned before in a related thread, a lot of the times it also happens on Wi-Fi, and having WiFi optimization on.. purple were turning that off and some fixed the issues. This is my second nexus 4, so I right id give it a try and not use wifi and hasn't happen since I received mines on the 4th of may
Sent from my Nexus 4
noodles2224 said:
The random shut off either charging or not happens to me but as mentioned before in a related thread, a lot of the times it also happens on Wi-Fi, and having WiFi optimization on.. purple were turning that off and some fixed the issues. This is my second nexus 4, so I right id give it a try and not use wifi and hasn't happen since I received mines on the 4th of may
Sent from my Nexus 4
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So you're saying it's a software issue?
Looks like it.. Turning off optimization or not even using WiFi at all worked..
Sent from my Nexus 4