[Q] Screen off randomly - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all.
I'm facing a strange issue: my screen turns off randomly, everything else works (led, soft buttons,...) and when pressing the lock button i even hear the noise of the phone locking.
Normally when i unlock the phone the screen turns on ok, sometimes i need to repeat 2 times to get screen on, and while using the phone again the screen might turn off in 3 seconds or it might work of for several hours.
I'm attaching a log where a random screen of happens just two-three seconds after a random screen off and i would kindly request any dev to look at it and try to answer if it's a hard or ROM/kernel issue (actually i'm with crdroid rom and chronic kernel).
If it were a hard issue i've bootloader & knox ok for being able to reflash to any official rom but i'm a little scared about having a random screen off while flashing: i've no idea of how i should act if i fall in this situation.
Hope anybody might see the log and give me some light!!
Cheers all!!


Screen blank on power on

I've had a problem with my E900 since I got it with regards to the screen. I was hoping Mango might fix it but it doesn't seem to have.
Sometimes if I press the power button the screen backlight comes on (i.e. screen goes from off state to powered) but there is nothing on the screen. No amount of button pressing will cause the screen to show anything.
If this happens I have to turn the device off again (backlight then goes off) and try again. Sometimes it can take 2-3 times before it turns on successfully with the lock screen.
I also have this if an incoming call attempts to wake the phone and also alarms too.
Does anyone else have this issue?
I confirm this one popping sometimes. Not that often that it becomes annoying, but nevertheless.
Did you find a solution to this problem? I am experiencing it too and it is very annoying!
I've recently inherited one as well (E900 that is).
The one I have has been dropped, the backlight powers, but no drawing on the screen.
I've disassembled and re plugged everything (bugger stripping down!) but still no luck. I've done a VolUp+Down+Cam+power hard reset, and when I plug into PC Zune says setup needs completing (so it has reformatted) but still no luck.
I cant see anything fried, and no damaged ribbons as far as I can see, any ideas?
I sold the phone a while ago, and never solved the problem. I think it's a firmware issue.
PaulMdx said:
I've had a problem with my E900 since I got it with regards to the screen. I was hoping Mango might fix it but it doesn't seem to have.
Sometimes if I press the power button the screen backlight comes on (i.e. screen goes from off state to powered) but there is nothing on the screen. No amount of button pressing will cause the screen to show anything.
If this happens I have to turn the device off again (backlight then goes off) and try again. Sometimes it can take 2-3 times before it turns on successfully with the lock screen.
I also have this if an incoming call attempts to wake the phone and also alarms too.
Does anyone else have this issue?
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What do you mean "somethimes if I press power button"?
Is it pressed with purpose to lock the phone, press it to turn off phone (background slider shows to power off - on Mango and beyond version) or press it accidentally?
So, I did a phone reset. Unfortunately the issue is still present!
Sometimes when I press the power button to unlock the phone the screen is lit, but stays blank i.e. no lockscreen wallpaper, no nothing. The same happens sometimes when I get a phone call - the phone rings and vibrates, the screen is lit but stays blank.
When this happens I have to press the power button to put the phone into sleep mode and press it again to wake it up.
What I found is, when the issue occurs the screen is actually responsive. For example I can slid up and unlock the phone then I hear the unlock "pop" sound. It's just that nothing is drawn on it!
I was wondering if anyone else experienced the same behavior and found a resolution. Also I am not sure if this is a software or a hardware problem. If I could confirm it was a hardware problem I would call LG and have the phone repaired or replaced.
i have exactly the same issue as you, it gets really annoying.
i heard from someone online that the only way to resolve it is to replace the motherboard
billybrown said:
i have exactly the same issue as you, it gets really annoying.
i heard from someone online that the only way to resolve it is to replace the motherboard
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I am pretty certain this is a hardware issue. I am calling LG tomorrow and hopefully they'll take the phone for repair/replacement.
I sent my phone for repair. Today I got it back, and guess what?!
The issue is still present! It seems, they "couldn't reproduce" or something.
What should I do now?
EDIT: If anyone is interested, here is a video I just captured which clearly demonstrates the problem. http://youtu.be/38kF9RYs_bU
I'm sending the phone back for repair tomorrow with this video attached.
Hey, might not be an issue at all, but in the video, I saw that the two times you were able to get it to go blank you had your finger on or near the proximity sensor. I wonder if there is something that could be the trigger.
Just wondering if you can duplicated it or cause it only when you have the proximity sensor blocked, or if it truely is random.
You are right, it might has something to do with the proximity/light sensor.
On the other hand, this issue occurs even on incoming calls when the phone is placed on a table, screen up and nothing around the sensor.
Today, I visited my local carrier shop and left the phone for repair again. They told me, since this is a second claim they'll run it through the process faster, so I expect to get it back next week.
Will post an update.
UPDATE: My phone was replaced. Yesterday I got a brand new unit, yeah! It was stock wp 7.0. I plugged in my sim and used the phone the whole day, no sign of blank screen issues. Last nigh I installed all the updates (total 5 I think) up to OS 7.10.8107.79, FW Guess what?! Same issue!
I am crushed

[Q] "black screen of death" and first step to solution

Hi there,
Many of you know that nexus 4 is experiencing random "black screen of death". What happens is that the phone freezes while in sleep (stand-by) for long time, for example over night. It is not a complete freeze, as the notification light keep blinking (if there are notifications); when you call the phone the caller hears a proper "ringing" tone (so the phone is not off), but the nexus 4 itself doesn't make any sounds. Alarms also don't sound, which makes Nexus 4 a horribly unreliable alarm clock.
The only way out of the freeze is holding the on/off button for 10 sec, which turns off the phone, and then holding it again for usual 1-2 sec to turn the phone back on.
What I discovered is that these freezes happen 1-3 times a week, but only if I have pattern password on lock screen. When I turn password off (so I have the "slide to unlock"), freezes are gone. Maybe this information will help others, or provide some insight to a complete solution to the problem? Does anybody have other experiences with black screen of death on their nexus 4?
Just a note, I have stock but rooted nexus 4. Internet reports that these problems happen on stock unrooted, stock rooted, custom roms, even on phones freshly out of factory reset with no apps installed.
Here are some threads talking about the problem:
Google Product forum
AndroidCentral Forums
I've always been on SlideToUnlock and mine has been doing that for some time since I started playing with custom roms (w/root)
What fixed it for me was to disable the PlayStore "Auto Update Apps".

Screen freezes after lock

Hi guys,
I've been experiencing a very annoying problem with my G2 recently. My screen freezes (every thing keep working) every time I lock it then unlock it quickly after (from 1 to 5 secondes). Oddly enough when I unlock the screen after it's been locked for more than 10 seconds everything 's fine. That' s very annoying when I'm making a call. As you know the screen locks itself when you bring your phone close to your ears so when I have to press a number or want to do something else while calling it's just impossible. Anyone has eencountered the same problem?

Screen keeps turning off and on + sets brightness to 100

Hey guys,
i have a serious problem, which happens really often lately. like 10 times a day. The screen just turns off sometimes. The touch-functionality is still working. I can feel the fingersensor "unlock" the Zuk Z1, but the screen just stays off. Then i try to press all the buttons and sometimes the screen turns on again. But sometimes it just turns on after some seconds even though I didn't touch it at all.
First I thought that this is a hardware issue, maybe a loose contact. But recently a new problem showed up. The screen brightness just goes up to 100%. I turned off auto-brightness and move the slider. Nothing happens. Restarting always fixes it. But mostly after 1-60 seconds it goes back to normal.
Any ideas what might be the problem? Or what I could try?
I haven't rooted the phone and its the newest CyOS version.
Cheers, Oliver
Perhaps you are using the flipcover with magnetic auto switch off when you close the case?
OlivBlum said:
Hey guys,
i have a serious problem, which happens really often lately. like 10 times a day. The screen just turns off sometimes. The touch-functionality is still working. I can feel the fingersensor "unlock" the Zuk Z1, but the screen just stays off. Then i try to press all the buttons and sometimes the screen turns on again. But sometimes it just turns on after some seconds even though I didn't touch it at all.
First I thought that this is a hardware issue, maybe a loose contact. But recently a new problem showed up. The screen brightness just goes up to 100%. I turned off auto-brightness and move the slider. Nothing happens. Restarting always fixes it. But mostly after 1-60 seconds it goes back to normal.
Any ideas what might be the problem? Or what I could try?
I haven't rooted the phone and its the newest CyOS version.
Cheers, Oliver
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Thanks for the reply,
I havent thought of that before but it is not the cause of the problem.
1. I have a leather case
2. When I take the phone out of the case the displays stays dark
I just did a factory reset today in the morning and the problem already showed up again. So! annoying!!!! Will send back the device I guess
i have lenovo zuk z1 . actually i am getting a problem in this phone . after locking the phone at every seconds light turn on and get turn off on the display. i saw so much on the setting but i didnt get any setting .
The same problem is being arrising with me..please someone help. what should i do..

Sometimes screen freezes then phone reboots (¿battery problem?)

Hi, first of all this is my first thread, i hope you guys can help me. Sorry for bad english
I own a S5 G-900F. The phone was working fine until the screen started sometimes, ramdomly to turn black (with ramdom pixels in colours inside) like 5 seconds, then turns off and the phone restarts. This can happen 1-2 times a day while im browsing or doing anything, or even when i turn the screen on to unlock the phone, it turns on and this happens.
I think its a battery problem, it has 2 years and it might be giving low voltage (i have no idea), or maybe a motherboard problem? some water entered inside the case but im not sure.
Another thing i have to say, the "back" button works, as the menu button, but the "back" button has no light. This is weird and i think its related to the water problem. Both buttons work good, but the back button sometimes doesnt light up.
Thank you for the help

