How to get your Nook to work with a USB keyboard... - Nook Touch General

Theres a great article here about how to get your Nook Simple Touch working with a USB keyboard:
It's windows based of course but I've worked out how to get it all going using Linux via Nook Manager.
Heres what to do for Linux:
I'm assuming you already rooted your nook using Nook Manager too if not you need to start with that.
Start up Nook Manager and start the ssh.
This will give you an ip address.
From your main computer type:
Sudo ssh [the ip address that Nook Manager gave you]
You will need to give a password for the sudo on your computer and then you will need to give the password for the Nook which in this case is root.
Now type:
mount -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /boot
which is the magic. To check it worked:
cd /boot
which should show a bunch of files including uImage.
Next you need to copy what are basically the kernel and root images to the nook.
These are the files uImage and uRamdisk that are in the zip file:
You need to unzip this and get the files out of there.
Now type
into the ssh session.
We now use secure copy to get the files across:
sudo scp /home/freya/Downloads/TouchK/uImage [email protected]:/boot
sudo scp /home/freya/Downloads/TouchK/uRamdisk [email protected]:/boot
obviously the ip address needs to be the one that Nook Touch Manager gave you and not the daft one I just made up!
You also probably wont have a home folder called freya etc. This obviously need to point to where you unzipped those files.
I'm hoping you can work out what I mean here.
Anyway the 2 files should copy over and then you can go to Nook Manager and restart the Nook.
It should now be using the new kernel and you then just need to install the usb .apk etc as in the other article but you are already most of the way there.
Hope this helps other people, it's taken me a few weeks to assemble all the info to get this working, but now it works great. Oh and I'm using the latest nook 1.2.1 or whatever it is and it works great for me, so it might be a bit of a myth about needing an early version of the firmware.

Also wanted to add a HUGE thankyou to Jeff who created the Nook Manager (which actually works and makes everything soooo much easier) but also I want to thank him for coming to my rescue, and saving me even more weeks of banging my head against a wall.
Thanks Jeff!


Guide to install LXDE on samsung galaxy s

So 3 days of trying to install ubuntu on chroot and a little knowledge of linux and terminal, i was rather surprised to log into it and there i was, faced with an LXDE interface.
I want to thank coralic, burningbroccoli, lifehacker, josh_axeY and backfireNL for supplying the information i needed to make this possible.
So a brief overview of whats going to be done. First we will need to root our galaxy s in order to access terminal. An ubuntu image will be created and used in chroot environment by mounting (loading) it. Finally a vnc server will be setup and will be logged in using androidVNC.
So for the guide i suppose!
First your going to need to root your phone. This is to access terminal and enter the commands required. This is taken from backfireNl's easy way to root your phone.
1. Download: 2.1 Update .zip
2. Put to root of /sdcard (not /sdcard/sd) (not on the physical SD card but the Internal SD card/Phone Memory)
3. Turn off phone
4. Hold down volume up + home button + power (tip: release the power button for half a second when you see the samsung logo)
5. Phone will reboot into recovery mode
6. Wait until you see the Recovery Screen and then release the buttons
7. With the volume down key go to the option: "apply: /sdcard/"
8. Press the home button
9. Phone will start updating
10. Phone reboots... and there you go! your phone is rooted!
So that wasnt too hard was it? Although once you have done this, you will need to download a couple of programs from the market. Goto market and download the following programs:
-Terminal Emulator
Ensure all of these are installed as this is what you shall need in order to successfully run LXDE on your phone.
Next is the image for the install! i will post up an image file for download although for the sake of people wanting the whole info on how-to here it is.
1) login on your ubuntu machine and fire up terminal.
2) login as the super user by entering "sudo su"
3) you will be required to enter your su password, enter this and you will be logged in as root
4) In terminal enter "apt-get install rootstock"
5) One this package is all installed, enter the following code into the computer terminal:
sudo rootstock -f localhost --login ubuntu --password ubuntu --imagesize 1G --notarball --dist lucid --seed ssh,tightvncserver,lxde,expect
6)The image will be stored in the home folder. The image will need to be a .img file or it wont work. So extract the file if necessesary and rename the file so it reads "ubuntu.img"
7)Now you will need to put the ubuntu.img on the phone. The directory which it needs to be installed into is "/sdcard/ubuntu/"
8) All done for this step!
Ok so you have everything setup and ready to do the fun part! so lets get everything mounted and configured!
1)Open up terminal emulator on your phone
2)enter "su". this logs you in as superuser
3)I found you will need to make the following directories in order to work, so in terminal emulator enter:
mkdir /data/local/mnt
mkdir /data/local/mnt/proc
mkdir /data/local/mnt/dev
mkdir /data/local/mnt/dev/pts
4)enter "cd sdcard" then "cd ubuntu"
5)You will then be in the folder with the image. Type into terminal:
export HOME=/root
export USER=root
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:$PATH
busybox mount -t ext3 ubuntu.img /data/local/mnt
busybox mount -t proc proc /data/local/mnt/proc
busybox mount -t devpts devpts /data/local/mnt/dev/pts
busybox chroot /data/local/mnt /bin/bash
/etc/init.d/ssh start
6) Although it doesnt seem it, your now into your distro!
Okay so your into your distro but it looks all horrid and "text based". wouldnt it be lovely to see a proper desktop? so lets go!
1) enter into terminal "apt-get install x11vnc" this installs x11vnc to your phone. This may take a while depending on how your connected to the net
2) once x11vnc is installed, type "x11vnc -storepasswd" and enter a password. It will ask to verify the password so enter it again, then enter "y" to setup a password for it
3) first enter "vncserver" to initiate the server on your distro. For some reason without this, androidVNC will start to connect then crash
4)finally enter "x11vnc -usepw -find"
now your x11vnc is setup using a password hooray! last step in this guide and you will be away in no time! So is everyone ready?
1)hit the button on the bottom to return to the desktop but keep terminal emulator running
2)goto androidVNC and enter the following:
Nickname: root
Password: (whatever password you setup in x11vnc)
address: localhost
Port: 5900
color format can be anything, i set it to 4 bpp and use local mouse pointer
3)Simply click "connect" and viola! welcome to your impressive lxde environment!
This has been done before although i tried to do every step, base it around the phone as much as possible so no connecting to the computer.
any questions or problems i will try my best to help you guys, and thanks for the guys who helped me on this voyage.
i will write a bash script soon to try and incorporate as much of the manual typing in as possible
good luck!
Things which need to be done:
Upload image: Completed! -
Bash script for terminal emulator: Completed, needs to be uploaded
Bash script for setup process of terminal emulator: Not completed
Startup script for image: Not completed
Youtube video: Not completed
Include internet browser and x11vnc in image file: Not completed
If anyone has any recommendations on how to make the process easier please let me know and i will try my best
Good to see the info consolidated into one post!
Cheers for the shoutout.
no probs your information helped me soo much, i just thought it would be good for someone to goto a post and go "oh yeah thats how to do it" instead of going to loadsa websites
i will try it very soon, thank you.
When will you post your img file? I'll have a try.
I have no ubuntu installed, I'm using ArchLinux.
okay ive written a bash script to automate most of the process although there are a few things i could tweak before im fully happy
i have also posted a youtube video to demonstrate how easy it is! the first post will be updated with the link.
people ask me the reason for doing this and i have 2 replies:
1)to show the true potential of this phone (and working in a phone shop it really works)
2)for development purposes. Things like this are the next step in unlocking the true potential of the phone
lijgame: Im just uploading it now for you
Good work, will give it a try. And what about any browser ? Like firefox ?
okay so this is installing ubuntu into a chrooted environment and vnc'ing to it.
does anyone know if it is possible to blow away android and install pure debian on it? does anyone know of a hardware list on the sbc in this thing and what sort of support one might need to hack in to get a such a thing to work?
I will apologise now for the delay in image upload, the image file is 1gb and im having trouble finding a place to upload it.
In terms of installing a clean debian would need more than just a straightforward port. You would be looking at making an environment which supports the arm architecture, porting all of the drivers over, creating an option to support telephony, messages and gps too. If you wanted a debian environment it would probably be best to either run it like how the n900 does or getting a distro of it which is specifically made towards mobiles and modifying it.
Although you have an extremely good point there! Tell you what, once ive got everything running on here i will have a look and see what i can do in terms of atleast getting a debian shell running or a limo version
.kiz said:
I will apologise now for the delay in image upload, the image file is 1gb and im having trouble finding a place to upload it.
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Just create zip/tar-ball of img file and it will become around 300MB. Then you can upload it on multiupload (or megaupload/rapidshare/mediafire).
I just created that image too and will be testing on my Galaxy S soon, so if its working for me then I will upload my image too.
Thanks for your good work
haha i shouldve really thought about compressing the file really
this will be a pre-image im just working on getting a better image with optimization, x11vnc and firefox
okay guys the first post is edited with the image for the install.
I am currently in the process of playing about with images to include everything you need, so soon enough i will have an image with everything you need to get started
Tnx for the credit!
Ubuntu image is uploaded and ready to go, im currently working on a better image so when ive finished that, it shall be released.
Also i have recently installed an internet browser and it is functioning properly. I will post screenshots soon
.kiz said:
okay guys the first post is edited with the image for the install.
I am currently in the process of playing about with images to include everything you need, so soon enough i will have an image with everything you need to get started
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The image is only 11MB and is corrupted
Moreover, I tried to mount my ubuntu.img to /data/local/mnt but it is giving error (sort of -> loop back device can't be mounted: No such file or directory) although I created and checked /data/local/mnt directory which exists
Try creating a second loop device with: mknod /dev/loop2 b 7 0
fslateef said:
The image is only 11MB and is corrupted
Moreover, I tried to mount my ubuntu.img to /data/local/mnt but it is giving error (sort of -> loop back device can't be mounted: No such file or directory) although I created and checked /data/local/mnt directory which exists
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im guessing because the image is corrupt, your unable to mount it.
I have just uploaded my bash script making it easier to mount each time.
bash script:
Image file:
ensure you have made the directories explained in my first post.
pop the file inside /sdcard/ubuntu (along with your image)
then fire up terminal emulator and type:
cd sdcard
cd ubuntu
This mounts everything for you and logs you into LXDE, all you need to do after is type in:
/etc/init.d/ssh start
x11vnc -find
Then log in using androidVNC
i will attempt to upload the file to another location and i will test the image file to ensure its not a compression error
i apologise, ive just looked at the zip file and it is corrupt.
just compressing a new one and i will upload it
.kiz said:
im guessing because the image is corrupt, your unable to mount it.
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Nops, I am using my own created ubuntu.img file according to your command which is 1GB in size .....
fslateef said:
Nops, I am using my own created ubuntu.img file according to your command which is 1GB in size .....
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I found the problem. As mentioned by ArminC, I found that there isn't any loop device node in my mobile hence I created one and its mounted
Great ... Now going ahead .....

[Q] Rooting Nook Classic (Nook First Edition)

I know that this is for second edition but I don't seen a forum for the first edition so this seems to be the closest match. Anyway I am trying to root my Nook Classic (the one with a E-ink display on the top and color touch screen on the bottom). I am following the instructions on nookdevs for rooting the Nook Classic on all hardware and firmware versions (I can't post the link here as I am new but PM me and I can pass it that way if you need). The method is that sometimes when the web browser browses a certain type of website it crashes and sometimes starts adbd and you can connect adb at that point.
I have managed to get adb to connect, pull the init.rc file, make the needed change, but when I try to push the ratc.bin file adb says it goes though but then the second command $ cd /sqlite_stmt_journals (after starting adb shell) says it is not found. So I can't go any further. ratc.bin is what gives root access long enough to push the init.rc back and without being able to run that, well I am up a creek.
Any ideas?
dob43 said:
I know that this is for second edition but I don't seen a forum for the first edition so this seems to be the closest match. Anyway I am trying to root my Nook Classic (the one with a E-ink display on the top and color touch screen on the bottom). I am following the instructions on nookdevs for rooting the Nook Classic on all hardware and firmware versions (I can't post the link here as I am new but PM me and I can pass it that way if you need). The method is that sometimes when the web browser browses a certain type of website it crashes and sometimes starts adbd and you can connect adb at that point.
I have managed to get adb to connect, pull the init.rc file, make the needed change, but when I try to push the ratc.bin file adb says it goes though but then the second command $ cd /sqlite_stmt_journals (after starting adb shell) says it is not found. So I can't go any further. ratc.bin is what gives root access long enough to push the init.rc back and without being able to run that, well I am up a creek.
Any ideas?
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Thanks osowiecki, I did find a thread on Mobile read shortly after I posted this. The other is non-english I am afraid, and sadly I only speak english.
Anyway I did mange to root my nook today. And I am posting here as I hope it will help someone in the future:
Yessssssssssssssss! I finally hacked my Nook Classic (Nook First Edition called by some)! I followed most of the instructions at
I only tweeked in a few places. Here is a general list of what I did:
1. Look at the site above and grab the linked file (ratc.bin). Then go to this thread and at the top there grab the adb + fasboot + The reason I used this is because it is much smaller than the full Andriod SDK (which is over 500mb btw) and I figured this would work since it works for Nook Tablets. I didn't install the drivers or anything though. Just used adb.
2. Went with nook browser to to crash the browser. If this should ever be down I see on the nookdevs page there is a discussion with the code that is on the crash page so you can put it on any web server and still do this procedure.
3. Once it crashed I went to cmd (comand prompt) and navigated to the folder that had the adb package I downloaded and decompressed earlier. I suggest putting this folder on your desktop for easy use. I gave the command
adb connect yournookip:5555 please note that the nookdevs instructions are not specific in that you NEED the :5555 after the IP. If it doesn't connect, keep crashing the browser by going to that page until it connect.
4. extracted the init.rc file with the command
adb pull /init.rc then edited as per the instructions on nookdevs
5. Now here is where things are different. I tried to push the ratc.bin file and while that seemed to work the commands after it didn't. It would keep saying the file wasn't there. I was cut and pasting the commands direct from the website so I don't think that was the issue. So what I did was grab the bat file at by Jackr and edit it slightly removing the bit about location of adb and placed the bat in the same folder as adb on my desktop and ran it.
6. This actually worked and the bat prompted me to crash the browser again. I kept trying it took a while but as soon as I did it pushed the modifyed init.rc to the nook. The another reason why I think the bat/script is important as my nook totally froze a second after I crashed it. I think that if I was trying to paste that command manually after connecting I would still be trying lol.
7. After reboot I was fully rooted and I installed a bunch of apps from nookdevs using adb. Just make sure the apk (app file) is in the same directory as adb and use the command install nameofapp.apk
8. If you want to use nookmarket app to install files by itself then you need to:
adb connect nookIP:5555
adb shell
then type this after the #
/system/xbin/sqlite3 /data/data/ "update secure set value=1 where name='install_non_market_apps'"
It will allow nookmarket to install apps on the fly over the net. If you ever want to turn it back off just change the value=1 to value=0 in the above command. Of course you can always use adb, but it can be handy.
Of all the apps I would definitely suggest Nooklibary and wifilocker along with Nooksync. There are several other good nook apps such as trook. Oh I should also mention that Nook Browser still works fine. I think using the batfile/script helped with that situation.
I hope this helps someone who is thinking of taking the plunge (and trying to find out HOW). I wouldn't have bothered if B&N actually continued to update the Nook Classic and add the features that we BEGGED for (and are in NookLibrary). Instead of spending time adding things we didn't like games.
I've tried a thousand times, but always get "failed to copy 'init.rc' to '//init.rc': Permission denied" so RATC must not be working. And I'm on mac, so no bat. Any ideas?
lolbutts said:
I've tried a thousand times, but always get "failed to copy 'init.rc' to '//init.rc': Permission denied" so RATC must not be working. And I'm on mac, so no bat. Any ideas?
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I would suggest looking at the bat, and creating the equivalent in apple script. If I remember right Mac's still have that option. Another option would be to run say WinXP in emulation (with virtual box for example) and do it that way.
How to root the original Nook tablet (model number: BNRZ100)
dob43 said:
Yessssssssssssssss! I finally hacked my Nook Classic (Nook First Edition called by some)! I followed most of the instructions at
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Okay, since has apparently been down for sometime now, I was checking out the link that was shared above and found out the info that I have been searching for to find out how to root the Nook. Be forewarned that I have not tried this yet, but I am about to, and afterwards I will post the results, I am just posting it as sort-of a guide for myself and anyone interested at this point. I will edit this post accordingly once I am successfully rooted.. Please see below for links / details.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage that is done by you to your Nook, either physically or otherwise. I am just showing you what I have researched and if you choose to follow these directions it is at your own risk.
Which Nook Device Do You Have?
click here to find out:
Remember, this is for the first generation only (model number: BNRZ100)
Here is a visual aid that will help you find the SD card that you need to look for once you get the Nook opened up (yes, you will need to open your Nook and access the motherboard):
How to open the Nook up:
Hint: you don't need to take to front panel / bezel off, just the back section because all we need is access to the motherboard to be able to remove the internal SD card, which contains the file that we will be editing.
Finally, the info that you need to root the device (also posted below the link for quick reference, and just in case the link gets broken):
How to root the Nook, after you figute out how to open it up:
Just you need a microSD Card reader + Linux (any linux ) !
just you should remove the System file MicroSD ( which is inside the Nook )
put it in your PC , change the "init" file with Any txt editor !
just find "service adbd /sbin/adbd" and change the "disable" to "enable" ...
you are done !
Wow I had no idea that Nookdevs went down. Thankfully I did archive all the information on that page. While the method you mentioned is great, and the best, only the earliest nook classic's had removable system SD cards. After the first batch they were soldered chips instead.
With that in mind I am posting what was contained in the link I posted before on NookDevs since it is not available on the internet archive.
This method of rooting is known to work on B&N firmware revisions 1.4-1.7, on all hardware versions. Unlike the other rooting methods, this one involves an element of luck -- it takes advantage of a memory-corrupting bug in the web browser, and its success depends on the current contents of the memory which depends on more variables than we can control. As such, the method requires a little bit of (or more) patience. Warning: After this root is completed, the web browser will be irreversibly damaged.
1 Preparation
2 Enable adbd on the Nook
3 Pull and modify /init.rc
4 Getting root access
4.1 Keeping root access
5 Your rooted Nook
6 Notes
Install Google's Android platform tools from developerdotandroiddotcom. These include many useful utilities, such as the ADB control software.
Open up a terminal to use ADB
Open a command prompt
Navigate to the directory that you installed, then go into the platform-tools subdirectory. This is where the adb executable lives.
Connect your nook to the same WiFi that your computer is on. You need direct (non-firewalled) access to the Nook's IP address to connect via ADB.
Find your Nook's IP address (How to find our your nook's IP address)
Write it down somewhere.
Enable adbd on the Nook
This is the luck portion of the root. adbd is the other half of ADB: ADB runs on your computer, and tries to connect with adbd on the nook. Once connected, you can issue commands, shuffle files, and install applications. Our final goal is to be able to start and stop adbd at will[1].
Open the Nook's web browser and navigate to the web site You may want to bookmark the page for a quicker access.
When you load this web page, the browser will crash. (It may automatically reload itself a few times first.) After it crashes, it might enable adbd.
Go back to the command prompt on your computer, and type:
adb connect <nook's IP>
One of two things will happen:
You will get the message unable to connect to <ip address>:5555.
In this case, restart your web browser and load the web page again (from the history or the bookmark). You may have to do this a dozen times or more, so keep at it!
You will get the message connected to <ip address>:5555.
At this point you have (temporarily) access the nook via ADB, can now enter commands on your PC for the Nook, and can move files back and forth. If you reboot the nook, adbd (the nook companion to ADB) will not be running.
Pull and modify /init.rc
If this isn't your first time through, and you have a modified copy of init.rc, skip this step.
Now that you can connect into the Nook, you will want to pull and edit the /init.rc file. This file is run when the nook turns on, and includes an option to enable adbd (disabled by default). Download the file to your PC with:
adb pull /init.rc
Open this file with Notepad (or a different plain text editor), and find the part the lines:
service adbd /sbin/adbd
Change 'disabled' to 'enabled' and save the file.
Getting root access
You got the web browser to launch adbd, but you only have the privilege level of the web browser's user - system. To install software and to start adbd when the Nook reboots, you need root access. Rage Against the Cage will give you root access. Next, you'll restart adbd, and push the modified init.rc back to the nook. After that, reboot the nook and you're done!
Download [].
Extract it to the same directory that adb is stored in, then go back to the command prompt:
adb push ratc.bin /sqlite_stmt_journals
adb shell
$ cd /sqlite_stmt_journals
$ /system/bin/chmod 777 ./ratc.bin
$ ./ratc.bin
(several lines of output follow -- don't do anything, a few seconds later adb will disconnect you.)
Keeping root access
If everything went well, you should have root access on the Nook. However, the Nook is now relatively unstable and may stop working at any point, so work quickly!
The nook may crash - just reboot, then restart the process from scratch. (Remember, you don't need to pull init.rc again.)
First, you need to stop your PC's ADB server. It still thinks that it's connected to the nook.
adb kill-server
Second, you need to re-establish the connection with adbd on the nook and then push init.rc file. You can do this by typing these commands[2]:
adb connect <nook IP>
adb push init.rc /
Perform the browser crash procedure again. After each attempt, check if the computer successfully transferred init.rc. If it did, you're done!
If the nook crashes before the transfer completes (so you are not able to connect to your nook), go back to "Enabling adbd on the Nook". You can skip "Pull and modify /init.rc", but do the other steps.
If the adb push gives a permission denied error, redo the "Getting root access", and try again. You may have to do this quite a few times until the whole process succeeds.
Your rooted Nook
Assuming everything worked, you now have a rooted Nook with adbd running on reboot, with root access. You should be able to establish the connection with adbd on the nook without jumping through any other hoops.
What's next? Browse the applications, and install to your heart's content.
Suggestions: Launcher A polished replacement launcher. You must replace the launcher to access additional applications with the nook.
Trook A RSS feed reader for the nook, and much more! It can install applications, too. Just go into the nookdevs feed.
NookLibrary A replacement library for the nook. If unifies sideloaded books with Barnes & Noble content, and offers other improvements.
NookMarket A program that allows you to easily install everything on nookdevs. Trook offers more functionality (imho)
Games There are a few games on the applications page.
↑ There's also a Python script to automate the process: root-nook-eink.tar.xz (Updated Jun 6 , 2011)
↑ You may want to run a script that automatically issues the following commands, reducing the chances of the nook crashing before init.rc has been pushed to it. In this case, extract this [batch file] to the same directory as ADB. Run it by typing:
It will prompt you for your nook's IP address, then try connecting. Every few seconds, ADB will complain that it can't connect to the nook. Let's fix that.
The above is from and I did not write it I am only posting it here as the site has went down.
I am also posting the html file that is needed to do this (although here it is in txt format). If the the site listed above ever dies you can put this on a website somewhere to use it. And the ratc.bin file needed.
And finally I am adding the apps that make rooting the nook classic worth while. The improved library definitely. Which btw are two parts, the library app and the nooksync which enables you to download from B&N directly. Otherwise you need to use the normal nook library app to download then you can read with the nookdev version. I am not sure which version of the library works best, been a while since I installed it so I included both.
Also wifilocker is great to turn wifi on/off not to mention lock it and keep the nook from going to sleep while you are connected to adb. I definitely suggest installing that as well. The others are handy. Trook can connect to calibre and download books from your desktop. The nook browser is a improved web browser for nook classic, although I never really bothered with it.
Nook notes is good for quick little notes when you don't have any other device handy. Txt reader reads txt files, not the best but it is handy. Personally I just make epubs of anything with calibre. But if you don't want to bother making a epub first, this is handy.
Hope this helps someone!
I downloaded files and rat.bin has malware in it.
I also have hard time understanding the ones that are explained above. Is there any easier way to do it? Does anybody have a good tutorial video or "fool-proof" instruction on this? I have Nook classic wifi version.
I would like to read kindle books on nook as well as the nook books. Is this even possible on this model?
Thanks for the help
kidollt said:
I downloaded files and rat.bin has malware in it.
I also have hard time understanding the ones that are explained above. Is there any easier way to do it? Does anybody have a good tutorial video or "fool-proof" instruction on this? I have Nook classic wifi version.
I would like to read kindle books on nook as well as the nook books. Is this even possible on this model?
Thanks for the help
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Er of course rat.bin would be flagged as malware, because technically it is. You are hacking a system that is designed not to let you in. But in this case all rat.bin will do is let you in so you can get root of your own device, nothing else. No back doors for anyone else or making your device do odd things.
The problem you are having is not using rat.bin, without that you might as well not try. I also only managed to do it with a BAT file so that it would keep trying to push the init.rc RIGHT AFTER the rat.bin was used. Generally you can't type fast enough to do the push. The window of opportunity is very very small.
This does work but is tricky as the window of opportunity is very small. I tried for hours trying to get it to work, then I used the BAT file to make the push automatic and on the second try it worked. Rooting the Nook Classic is the toughest device to root that B&N made. If you have one of the really early models that has a removable internal SD card then you can pull that, made modifications (install a old version of the ROM, make a modification to init.rc), and reinstall the SD card. I forget the serial numbers of the models that this worked with, but I do know it was the first batch of Nooks B&N made. If you got yours after the first Christmas, then it is likely it doesn't have a internal SD card that you can remove. Later on they soldered them to the board.
As for reading kindle books, no. There isn't a mobi reading app that I have found, let alone kindle books with DRM. The better bet is to use Calibre to convert your kindle books to epub. But they can't be encrypted/DRM. If they are, then you have to remove that. There are scripts for Calibre that can do it for nook and kindle. I use calibre to convert my mobi/kindle books to epub then side load them. Another benefit of rooting a nook classic, you can then browse and download wireless from your calibre library with the took app. Although I never bothered and just did the transfers via USB.
I would like to ask for help in this case:
I followed all the instructions here, however for some reasons I wanted to install this app first using the command "adb push Home.apk /system/app" pushing the app found here: Github
Now it turns on/off, shows "Home", batter and time at the top bar, but everything else is black both the Eink screen and the touchscreen as well.
It does not connect to wifi automatically so I can't connect via ADB to switch back to the original Home apk
Please help me, what should I do?
Is 1.7 software not rootable?
I can't get adb to come on, no matter how many browser crashes I do. Even wrote a script for it:
@echo off & setlocal
set IP=
set loopcount=0
set s
set /a loopcount=loopcount+1
echo Connecting %loopcount% time...
adb connect %IP% | find /i "connected to" > %s
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Not successful + %ERRORLEVEL% + %s%
goto loop
) else (
echo Successful + %ERRORLEVEL% + %s%
adb shell
goto exitloop
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Is OTA rooting (by redirect on not possible any longer as well?
Sorry for the late response, for some reason the email telling me there was a post here just arrived TODAY lol.
It should be, I did it with 1.7. The script I have I modded a little from another one I found online here is mine:
@echo off
echo The website hack seems to work on the round right after it has an instant crash.
adb kill-server
adb start-server
set /p ip=Enter the IP here.
echo Crash the browser.
adb connect %ip%
for /f "tokens=2" %%A in ('adb devices') Do (Set dev=%%A)
if %dev%==device goto INT
goto CON
if exist ratc.bin (set f1=1) else (set f1=0)
if exist init.rc (set f2=1) else (set f2=0)
if %f1%==%f2% (if %f1%==1 (goto RTT) else (goto 2fi)) else (goto 2fi)
if %f1%==0 (echo "The ratc.bin file is not in the %cd% directory.") else (echo Ratc.bin file present.)
if %f2%==0 (echo "The init.rc file has not been pulled from the device to the %cd% directory, pulling now.") else (echo Init.rc file present.)
if %f2%==0 adb pull /init.rc
echo Please add the required files and restart this batch. If init.rc was just pulled, you will need to modify the file.
adb push ratc.bin /sqlite_stmt_journals
adb shell cd /sqlite_stmt_journals
adb shell /system/bin/chmod 0777 /sqlite_stmt_journals/ratc.bin
adb shell /sqlite_stmt_journals/ratc.bin
adb kill-server
adb start-server
goto CO2
echo Re-crash the browser.
adb connect %ip%
for /f "tokens=2" %%A in ('adb devices') Do (Set dev=%%A)
if %dev%==device goto PSH
goto CO2
adb push init.rc /
adb shell reboot
echo Congrats! The device is now rooted.
It is RANDOM on the browser crashes. Sometimes it happens fast, another time it look me a hour or two to get a good crash and root the nook. Also if it doesn't seem to be doing it for a long time, try rebooting the nook (hold down the power until the screen blanks then press the button again to restart it). In my opinion, this is the toughest Nook to root, but definitely worth it. Especially now that B&N ended support some time ago. Also make sure the ADB, this script, and the ratc.bin is in the same folder. I used a folder on the desktop as it made it much easier/faster to get to. Also after you get the init.rc and modded, that should be in the same folder as well.
As for OTA rooting, I have no idea if it will work or not. I never used that method. But if it depended on any sort of connection from B&N, I doubt it will work now since they have abandoned the Nook classic.
If you need any of the nook apps that were on the nook developer site let me know. I downloaded all the apps before the site went down.
dob43 said:
Sorry for the late response, for some reason the email telling me there was a post here just arrived TODAY lol.
It should be, I did it with 1.7. The script I have I modded a little from another one I found online here is mine:
@echo off
echo The website hack seems to work on the round right after it has an instant crash.
adb kill-server
adb start-server
set /p ip=Enter the IP here.
echo Crash the browser.
adb connect %ip%
for /f "tokens=2" %%A in ('adb devices') Do (Set dev=%%A)
if %dev%==device goto INT
goto CON
if exist ratc.bin (set f1=1) else (set f1=0)
if exist init.rc (set f2=1) else (set f2=0)
if %f1%==%f2% (if %f1%==1 (goto RTT) else (goto 2fi)) else (goto 2fi)
if %f1%==0 (echo "The ratc.bin file is not in the %cd% directory.") else (echo Ratc.bin file present.)
if %f2%==0 (echo "The init.rc file has not been pulled from the device to the %cd% directory, pulling now.") else (echo Init.rc file present.)
if %f2%==0 adb pull /init.rc
echo Please add the required files and restart this batch. If init.rc was just pulled, you will need to modify the file.
adb push ratc.bin /sqlite_stmt_journals
adb shell cd /sqlite_stmt_journals
adb shell /system/bin/chmod 0777 /sqlite_stmt_journals/ratc.bin
adb shell /sqlite_stmt_journals/ratc.bin
adb kill-server
adb start-server
goto CO2
echo Re-crash the browser.
adb connect %ip%
for /f "tokens=2" %%A in ('adb devices') Do (Set dev=%%A)
if %dev%==device goto PSH
goto CO2
adb push init.rc /
adb shell reboot
echo Congrats! The device is now rooted.
It is RANDOM on the browser crashes. Sometimes it happens fast, another time it look me a hour or two to get a good crash and root the nook. Also if it doesn't seem to be doing it for a long time, try rebooting the nook (hold down the power until the screen blanks then press the button again to restart it). In my opinion, this is the toughest Nook to root, but definitely worth it. Especially now that B&N ended support some time ago. Also make sure the ADB, this script, and the ratc.bin is in the same folder. I used a folder on the desktop as it made it much easier/faster to get to. Also after you get the init.rc and modded, that should be in the same folder as well.
As for OTA rooting, I have no idea if it will work or not. I never used that method. But if it depended on any sort of connection from B&N, I doubt it will work now since they have abandoned the Nook classic.
If you need any of the nook apps that were on the nook developer site let me know. I downloaded all the apps before the site went down.
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Does this still work? I recently dug up my old nook 1st edition, I tried the website and it didn't crash my browser, it just sat there forever loading.. I looked at the site, now it's using TLS 1.3, but old nook 1st edition is stuck with TLS 1.2... I tried for many hours just couldn't "crash" the web browser at all...

[Q] Getting USB-enabled ADB working

Hey all,
I've been working at getting USB-enabled adb working for my Nook Simple Touch. I've got adb working on my Linux laptop, and I've got an adbwireless app working on my nook. (It was part of the app bundle when I rooted and flashed the Nook with extras.)
So I can connect via adbwireless, but not via USB. My main desire to get USB working is in the eventuality that my nook gets locked. (Getting jostled in my bag can activate the PIN and cause a lockout if it happens often enough.) But I'm also taking this as an exercise in learning more about ADB.
To be clear, I've got adb installed already on the laptop, I just want to be able to detect the nook when it's plugged in.
jasonmehmel said:
So I can connect via adbwireless, but not via USB.
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As I understand it, you have a choice with the Nook Simple Touch, you can have ADB over wireless, or USB, but not both. It is based on a setting in init.rc (which is contained inside uRamdisk)
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
If this line is present, it sets the TCP port for ADB, and your NST will connect via wireless. If you comment it out (place a "#" at the beginning of the line), your NST will connect via USB.
I see that Renate gave full instructions for you on this in another thread, you should check there.
MildBill said:
I see that Renate gave full instructions for you on this in another thread, you should check there.
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Yeah, I posted this before I saw their reply. That said... I'm having a hard time following Renate's instructions clearly; I feel like I'm too new at this to fully understand each point though I am researching the questions as I have them.
So, uRamdisk and init.rc... if I've got the ES File Explorer on the nook, would I be able to track down that file and open it that way? I'm assuming uRamdisk is part of what I've used to root the nook?
(I followed instructions online to root the nook and partially understood them, but I'm still fuzzy or non-expert on a lot of what I'm using.)
jasonmehmel said:
I'm assuming uRamdisk is part of what I've used to root the nook?
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uRamdisk is used to boot the nook, it is actually an archive of many files, and is the actual filesystem used in booting the Nook. There were longer, more complete instructions I have seen, and followed myself, in another of Renates posts. it can be found here:
You would not need to do anything with with the default.prop file, as NookManager will already have done what is needed. But, you can either use noogie.img as suggested, or use ADB pull via your wireless connection to get the current uRamdisk, then follow the instructions to extract init.rc from it, modify the one line in the file, then insert the new copy back into uRamdisk and use ADB push to replace the copy of uRamdisk on your device.
NOTE that once you do this, and reboot your NST that ADB over WiFi will no longer work, you will be using ADB via USB.
There is a utility that you will need to download from Renates page (Click on her signature block, it will take you there) to extract and reinsert the init.rc from uRamdisk. Otherwise, the instructions in that post should be all you need to do the job. Read them over, be sure you have everything ready to go and that you have a basic understandng of what you are doing before you actually try it.
One more suggestion, you may want to keep 2 copies of uRamdisk on your computer, one set up for ADB WiFi (a copy of the file you will be starting with!) and one for ADB by USB (The one you will create after you modify init.rc). That way all you will need to do in the future to change over is an ADB push of the appropriate file to your device, then reboot it.
Hope this helps,
If you have ADB working over wifi and all you want is to enable it to work over USB on Linux you can probably forget about uRamdisk. You're fine, you don't need to change anything on Nook's side, all you need are a few changes on Linux. Specifically:
1. Enable permissions for Nook's device in udev. In order to do that, create a file (or edit an existing one) /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules, and add a line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2080", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="0666", OWNER="<your_username>"
2080:0003 is Nook's USB ID, and <your_username> is (surprise!) your username on Linux. Reboot to force the changes to takes effect.
2. Create a file (or edit an existing one) ~/.android/adb_usb.ini and add a line with Nook's vendor ID:
3. Connect the USB cable to your Nook. At that point, Linux will probably detect your Nook as two USB drives. Eject those drives.
4. Start the ADB server:
adb start-server
5. Check that ADB sees your Nook:
adb devices
If you get back something like "<big_number> device", you're good to go, you can run ADB commands. Otherwise kill the server and start it again:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
lcd047 said:
2080:0003 is Nook's USB ID
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... and the new white Nook is 2080:0007
lcd047 said:
~/.android/adb_usb.ini and add a line with Nook's vendor ID:
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The latest ADB version has B&N in the list of known manufacturers.
This will not be necessary if your copy is new enough.
Sorry, there's one more thing needed before ADB can work over USB: enable USB debugging. Get NookColorTools, run it, and go to "All Settings" > "Development" and check "USB debugging". After that the ADB server should be able to see your Nook.
lcd047 said:
Sorry, there's one more thing needed before ADB can work over USB: enable USB debugging. Get NookColorTools, run it, and go to "All Settings" > "Development" and check "USB debugging". After that the ADB server should be able to see your Nook.
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Odd, I used Renate's instructions from and ADB works fine either over USB or WiFi (either/or, both will not work at one time, depending on whether or not you define the port with
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
I never had to do anything other than that to get ADB root access, but then, I don't want all the junk that the leading root managers want to add to my Nook.
MildBill said:
Odd, I used Renate's instructions from and ADB works fine either over USB or WiFi (either/or, both will not work at one time, depending on whether or not you define the port with
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
I never had to do anything other than that to get ADB root access, but then, I don't want all the junk that the leading root managers want to add to my Nook.
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I just flashed my Nook to factory and went through all this from scratch, and the setprop above was not enough. Whether USB debugging actually does anything on Nook is still subject to debate among the supposedly knowledgeable people, but it was needed for me to enable the ADB server to see my Nook over USB. It was also required on all other (newer) Android devices I used, so it makes at least some sense. Still, It might have to do with the version of ADB.
As for not being able to use both TCP and USB at the same time, that's a limitation of the server (it can't talk to more than one device at a time), which is why you have to kill it before switching. But you don't need to do anything on Nook to switch from one to the other (at least that's how it works for me).
lcd047 said:
I just flashed my Nook to factory and went through all this from scratch, and the setprop above was not enough.
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No, by itself it is not. But, if you read the post I linked, you make changes to both init.rc and default.prop, both contained in the uRamdisk filesystem archive, and that is all it takes to achieve root shell access via ADB on the Nook ST v1.2.1, or, at least, that is all it took for me to achieve it.
Keep in mind that the setprop as listed forces WiFi access to ADB, for USB access to it, you must leave that line commented out, again as shown in the linked post.

[Q] How to change Boot/Power Off screen for NSTG with firmware 1.2.1 ?

How do you change the Boot/Power Off screen for a NSTG (Nook Simple Touch Glowlight) with firmware 1.2.1 ?
It's rooted etc, and I've read existing threads about doing this, but they relate to earlier firmware versions.
This one is for firmware up to 1.0.1, so I'm reluctant to try the old replacement .jar file .
and this one, although simpler, does not seem to work as I could not find the appropriate image in the framework-res.apk file
antboy9 said:
How do you change the Boot/Power Off screen for a NSTG (Nook Simple Touch Glowlight) with firmware 1.2.1 ?
It's rooted etc, and I've read existing threads about doing this, but they relate to earlier firmware versions.
This one is for firmware up to 1.0.1, so I'm reluctant to try the old replacement .jar file .
and this one, although simpler, does not seem to work as I could not find the appropriate image in the framework-res.apk file
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It's actually very easy - no modified .jars or anything are necessary. Here's a quick key:
• The "Your Nook is completely off" images are located in /system/assets/shutdown_images. They are all easily edited .png files which can be copied and replaced at will. :good:
• The "black/white dots" animation images are located in /system/assets/boot_images, and they are also easily edited .png files which can be copied and replaced at will.
• The "Read Forever" screen is a bit harder - it is located in /boot (accessible via mounting or via booting Noogie) and is named booting.pgm. It is a .pgm file, which is only editable by converting it to .png and then converting it back when the editing is complete.
Hope this helps you out, and be sure to post again if you have any more questions!
ИΘΘK¡€ said:
• The "Your Nook is completely off" images are located in /system/assets/shutdown_images. They are all easily edited .png files which can be copied and replaced at will.
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Thanks a lot, yes it was easy, at least it was easy using adb.
In case others find it useful:
adb connect <ip address>:5555
adb pull /system/assets/shutdown_images/cold_boot_screen.png
backup that file from the directory and put the new one in its place, locally
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push cold_boot_screen.png /system/assets/shutdown_images
adb reboot
antboy9 said:
Thanks a lot, yes it was easy, at least it was easy using adb.
In case others find it useful:
adb connect <ip address>:5555
adb pull /system/assets/shutdown_images/cold_boot_screen.png
backup that file from the directory and put the new one in its place, locally
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push cold_boot_screen.png /system/assets/shutdown_images
adb reboot
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Another way to do it (the way I normally do it) is to use SwiFTP, which is an FTP server which is hosted on your Nook that is accessible from the PC. You don't even have to push/pull anything; you can just copy the image file you want to edit to your hard drive from the server, edit it, and then just paste it right back into the server. It works perfectly.
Post again to let me know if you'd like the .apk for the FTP server app!
ИΘΘK¡€ said:
Another way to do it (the way I normally do it) is to use SwiFTP, which is an FTP server which is hosted on your Nook that is accessible from the PC. You don't even have to push/pull anything; you can just copy the image file you want to edit to your hard drive from the server, edit it, and then just paste it right back into the server. It works perfectly.
Post again to let me know if you'd like the .apk for the FTP server app!
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Hi, thanks. Yes I would like the .apk for the FTP server app.
Does it get around the read-only issue?
antboy9 said:
Hi, thanks. Yes I would like the .apk for the FTP server app.
Does it get around the read-only issue?
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Here it is.
And yes, it does get around the read-only issue. However, you do have to change the directory in [FTP server app]/Advanced Settings.../Stay in folder (which is originally /sdcard) to /, or else you will get a "Permission denied" on the PC.
Enjoy! :good:
There are any number of graphic programs that can convert to/from the PGM graphic file format used in the boot partition.
There is also my Windows command line utility nookbits.exe available in the signature.

How to Root and set up a new Nook Glowlight 3

I got tired of having to jump between a bunch of threads when setting up my Glowlight 3. So I'm consolidating directions into one post in the hopes that it'll save others time and trouble. Credit for instructions should go to the people who actually wrote them: arnchav of mobileread; RyogoNA, Silent eInk, cazar and Renate NST here on xda; and everyone who figured out the root exploit, sideloading, the devs behind Relaunch, RelaunchX and F-Droid. Material lifted from their original posts (linked at the bottom).
Now, this is going to walk you through doing a few things:
A) Setting up a progam called ADB on your computer so that it can talk to your NG3
B) Adding a "Launcher" app to your nook so that you can access other apps you sideload later
C) Root theNook so that you can do more stuff with the settings, including the ability to...
D) Fix a bug that, after installing a launcher, causes the NG3 to get stuck on the loading screen after rebooting
Before you start, you need to set up ADB on your computer. Follow the instructions linked here. The rest of this post will assume you're using Windows, but won't be hugely different from other OSs.
Here we go:
To set up ADB on your nook:
1. On your Nook, go to Settings>About. You should see the serial number, app version, etc. At the top of that page, there is a nook icon. Tap that icon rapidly until the developer menu opens.
2. Tap "Android Development Settings" and check the box for "USB debugging".
3. At the Developer options screen you are on (where you checked the box), hit the back arrow at the top-left of the screen to go back. But do not exit the developer menu.
4. On your computer, open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where you put adb (in my case I typed in "cd adb/platform-tools")
5. Plug the USB in to the nook. When the nook prompts you to turn on USB mode, do so. At the adb command prompt, type adb devices. ADB should recognize the nook, but say that it is unauthorized.
6. From windows, eject the nook to disconnect nook's file sharing. Once the nook's USB file sharing screen goes away, you should be able to see the developer menu again. Tap "Allow Debugging" one time! There will be no confirmation, just do it one time.
6. Unplug the USB, plug it back in, turn on USB mode when prompted. Back in the command prompt, type adb devices again. This time it should see the device and simply say "device" where it used to say "unauthorized". Congratulations! You can now install a launcher.
To install a launcher, like RelaunchX
1. Download your launcher apk of choice. If you don't know what to pick, try RelaunchX, and download the latest version from plusz's thread here: (n.b. To make things easy, ignore his suggestion to get it through F-Droid as you'll need a new launcher to use F-Droid in the first place. Just download the apk).
2. In Command prompt, type adb install <filelocation>, where filelocation is the complete address of the apk. If you have file explorer open, you can just type adb install then a space, then drag the file in to the terminal and it will copy the location for you. (Make sure again that there is a space between "install" and the path or it won't work).
3. ADB should do it's thing and you will get a "success" message in Terminal.
4. Eject the nook from the PC. Shortly after the connection is cut, a window should open on the nook allowing you to select either the nook launcher or your new launcher. If you use RelaunchX, you may get a warning that it wasn't built with this device in mind. You can ignore it, it works great on this device.
This is all great, except there's a bug in how B&N set up the device that only shows up if you install a new launcher. If you reboot the device, you'll be stuck on the boot animation until you do weird things like hold down the power button for a long time to pull up the reboot/power off options (only seems to sometimes work). To fix that, we actually have to disable, remove, or replace the boot animation file itself.
To root:
1. Download the modified Glowlight Plus script attached here ("" - almost identical to cazar's rooGLP-3 script package, but with one line changing the model number from 510 to 520)
1. Enable USB debugging in Developer options
2. Connect USB cable and make sure your nook is showing up in 'adb devices'
3. Extract and run rootnook.cmd (or on linux)
To fix (read: disable) the buggy boot animation:
1. Connect your nook to the computer again
2. (windows) open a command prompt and and navigate to the folder that adb is in.
3. Enter the following commands, in order:
adb shell
mount -o remount, rw /system
mv /system/bin/bootanimation /system/bin/bootanimation.bak
OPTIONAL: To restore a working boot animation (steps above will replace broken boot animation with a black screen that goes away after a few seconds)
1. Download the attached zip
2. If it's not still connected, connect the Nook to the computer again and tap the button on the nook to turn on USB mode when prompted,
3. On your computer, open up the Nook in Explorer(/Finder/your file manager of choice). Open up the NOOK Folder if you see one.
4. Copy the file inside the zip (bootanimation) to that folder on the Nook.
5. Eject the nook (as in, in windows, click the option to safely remove it as a device) but keep it physically connected
6. Open a command prompt(/terminal/whatever you use for adb) and navigate to the folder that adb is in.
7. Enter the following commands:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
cp /storage/spsd/NOOK/bootanimation /system/bin/bootanimation
cd /system/bin
chmod 755 bootanimation
You now have a rooted Nook Glowlight 3 that'll boot into a launcher of your choice! You can now sideload apks of your choice using adb the same way you installed RelaunchX.
Have fun!
Sources for these instructions: (how to sideload onto nook 3) (same as above, diff user) (to get RelaunchX) (for nook GLP rooting script) (to fix boot animation loop)
Don't worry, this is fixable. What's happened is that Barnes and Noble pushed out a system update that undid almost everything except that part that breaks the boot animation thing (specifically it overwrites the directory with everything that gives you root access and a working boot animation, but left your custom launcher in place).
All you have to do is re-do most of the steps above. Start from the "to root" step - even if the device is stuck on a boot animation, you should still be able to use adb. After redoing the steps, your GL3 should work normally again.
Unfortunately it looks like this is going to happen every time B&N pushes a system update, but that's not that often.
If someone knows a step-by-step way to replace the stock bootanimation with the 4.6 bootanimation file (zipped up and attached here, thanks to RyogoNA), let me know and I'll update the OP. I tried used adb shell to copy it to /system/bin/bootanimation, but I still just get a black screen on startup in its place.
jptiger said:
I still just get a black screen...
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Mmm, did the copy of bootanimation work?
Did you:
/system/bin # chmod 755 bootanimation
Tried that, but I got an error about a Read-only file system, even after using su. What's the basic thing I'm missing?
jptiger said:
Tried that, but I got an error about a Read-only file system, even after using su. What's the basic thing I'm missing?
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Got a private message pointing me to the command I was missing, apparently from a how-to page in Russian. For anyone else trying to do this, try:
mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
cd /system/bin
chmod 755 bootanimation
Can't get adb devices to give autorhized access to ng3 w os
First off thank you for doing this work, and I am excited to root my ng3!
In trying to follow your directions on rooting, I am hitting a snag. The os is not operating in the anticipated manner. When I do the usb unplug and replug and hit the usb debugging checkbox I can not get authorization.
Please help!
Thanks in advance!
Trouble with root
Thanks for putting this all together. However, I'm having trouble with the root step.
You'll have to put the link together because as a new poster I can't post links.
Any help would be appreciated!
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xelcho said:
First off thank you for doing this work, and I am excited to root my ng3!
In trying to follow your directions on rooting, I am hitting a snag. The os is not operating in the anticipated manner. When I do the usb unplug and replug and hit the usb debugging checkbox I can not get authorization.
Please help!
Thanks in advance!
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Hmm. Did you get authorization after following the directions under "To Set up ADB on your Nook"?
L3R0k2b2 said:
Thanks for putting this all together. However, I'm having trouble with the root step.
You'll have to put the link together because as a new poster I can't post links.
Any help would be appreciated!
imgur . com
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Ooh, that's exotic. I've never seen that before. Just going off the error text, you might need to find a newer version of adb somewhere online. Try that or try a different computer?
Adb is super stable for many years now, although it can fail to connect to your device properly for many reasons.
Can you reach developer menu navigating with nooks keys? I sometimes enable /disable /enable usb Debug, followed or preceded by revoking all PC's permissions. These are all standard options in android phones s system. menus. Rebooting nook may help too, and numerous times I've seen bad cables get in my way. Tip, just because a cable works with one device is not a guarantee it's working everywhere.
RE: STEP 6. "From windows, eject the nook to disconnect nook's file sharing."
1. The location of the eject menu is where you typically see "Safely remove hardware and eject media" in the windows taskbar.
2. After attempting to eject your Nook GLP, you may get a window that pops up that says "Windows can't stop [your device]" because a process is using it -- and you may not be able to track down which process is using it (for me, closing all windows and apps didn't help). If this is the case, hit "WINDOWS+X >> Shut down or Sign Out >> Sign out" -- then log back in. This *should* stop all processes and allow you to proceed to the next step (it did for me).
*My Nook GLP recently updated and I lost root. This also caused the startup animation to continue non-stop (but holding the power button and then selecting cancel from the options allowed me to select which launcher I wanted to use).
** Additionally, I had one other issue. My (windows) laptop wouldn't recognize my nook at all. Turns out it was the USB cable. So if you have that issue, try using a different USB cable -- preferably the one that came with your nook.
Missing epubs
So I followed the instructions, everything comes up great. I can sideload apps, I have a new launcher etc. But if I copy a file (epub or otherwise) into the NOOK folder on my PC and then browse to the NOOK folder using the file manager on the Nook reader, its empty. At first I thought it was an issue with the file manager, so I installed another one. Same thing.
When I load epubs into the NOOK folder and open the B&N launcher, it sees the books and adds them to my library. But for whatever reason I can not find where the epubs are using a file manager. I even tried using grep to search for the file I copied in adb shell but it doesn't come up with anything. Anyone know whats going on and how to fix it?
Never mind its under /storage/spsd/
mount: Operation not permitted
I get this error after typing in the mount -o ... command.
Any help apprecidated!
root file missing
Hey, @jptiger In the setup instructions the file is missing a link now... Does anyone have an active link to this file, or another working root process? I couldnt find one by searching online..
Misssing files
I rebooted my nook recently and it comes back up but when I got /storage/spsd/ its empty. When I attach my nook to my pc, I can see all my books. So I did the following:
adb shell
busybox find / -name "*.epub"
The only files that it shows are the sample epubs that come with the Nook. I am kind of stumped as to how the files show up when I browse the nook as a usb drive. But will not show up when browsing for them via the nook itself or adb. Any thoughts?
Heretic09 said:
I rebooted my nook recently and it comes back up but when I got /storage/spsd/ its empty. When I attach my nook to my pc, I can see all my books. So I did the following:
adb shell
busybox find / -name "*.epub"
The only files that it shows are the sample epubs that come with the Nook. I am kind of stumped as to how the files show up when I browse the nook as a usb drive. But will not show up when browsing for them via the nook itself or adb. Any thoughts?
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It looks like the flash memory on the Nook maybe going bad. There was a bunch of .chk files in the hidden LOST folder. Reformatting it and copying the books back to the nook seems to have fixed the problem for now. I may have to invest in the Kobo Clara HD in the future.
andjosgra said:
Hey, @jptiger In the setup instructions the file is missing a link now... Does anyone have an active link to this file, or another working root process? I couldnt find one by searching online..
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That's weird. I don't know why they took down the original attachment. I can't find it, but I've gotten the on from the NGP+ and modified it the way they did with the originals. It's attached to this post, give it a shot.
EDIT: I uploaded the version attached here to the OP, but with the original name. The two zips have the same contents.
Heretic09 said:
So I followed the instructions, everything comes up great. I can sideload apps, I have a new launcher etc. But if I copy a file (epub or otherwise) into the NOOK folder on my PC and then browse to the NOOK folder using the file manager on the Nook reader, its empty. At first I thought it was an issue with the file manager, so I installed another one. Same thing.
When I load epubs into the NOOK folder and open the B&N launcher, it sees the books and adds them to my library. But for whatever reason I can not find where the epubs are using a file manager. I even tried using grep to search for the file I copied in adb shell but it doesn't come up with anything. Anyone know whats going on and how to fix it?
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adb can't access NOOK storage when it's still connected to PC. Eject the device under BNRV520 (should say "NOOK: (F" or similar), but do not disconnect. Then you can find files in both adb and later NOOK's file manager when you disconnect. (should be under /storage/spsd/)
Guide is great though. Thank you all so much! Fast and easy! (unlike making a B&N account)
btw, I had to run "adb shell su" instead of 'adb shell' -> 'su' to get su priviledge, so maybe try that.
what is the adb command to manually launch relaunchx? the launcher option stopped working, and i can't get it to run at all.
Happy to report that the excellent instructions work great on the new 7.8" Glowlight Plus that got released yesterday. Change the model number to BNRV700 in the rootnook.cmd file and you're good to go!

