Restoring apps after flashing a new rom - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This is a general question to all rom flashers. How do you restore apps after a clean install? I know you can use TB and other tools but for me they take too long.
I tried creating a cwm flashable zip afyer some research and it flashed fine. But some of my apps now are force closing. Some are working fine.
I dont care about apo data/settings.
I just want to install all my apps in 1 go. Any inputs will be highly appreciated.
I know that TB paid version has this feature but I am sure there should be a way to manually do it as well. Any alternate method?
Thanks in advance!!
Sent from my S4.
Hit thanks if I helped you!!

I use TB Pro and restore first the App and then the Data separately and i think its the best and fastest method to restore Apps after flashing an new Rom.
And it tooks less then 10 minutes and you are done .
A methode whithout TB i dont know but i maybe whit a script ?

XdaRaVen said:
I use TB Pro and restore first the App and then the Data separately and i think its the best and fastest method to restore Apps after flashing an new Rom.
And it tooks less then 10 minutes and you are done .
A methode whithout TB i dont know but i maybe whit a script ?
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Yeah I know about TB paid version. I think I ought to try it.
I used apk_mass installer tool previously but it doesnt work on the 9500.
I am sure there is a manual way to do it, lets hope someone points in the right direction.
Sent from my S4.
Hit thanks if I helped you!!

shamps said:
Yeah I know about TB paid version. I think I ought to try it.
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I don't like paying for apps, either. But some of them are way worth it. TB Pro is for sure one that falls into the way worth it category for me.

Found this tool. Version 1.5a worked fine.
Sent from my S4.
Hit thanks if I helped you!!


Someone please answer this, it's been a big problem...

This has been a real concern since the first day I got my phone, someone please answer this. If I want to switch from a non sense build to a sense build is there anyway I can backup or restore all my application data? Because I did so much I don't wanna lose it...
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
dajakil said:
This has been a real concern since the first day I got my phone, someone please answer this. If I want to switch from a non sense build to a sense build is there anyway I can backup or restore all my application data? Because I did so much I don't wanna lose it...
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
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Would have made more sense if you had titled your topic with the question really. Titles are meant to be descriptive and makes searching topic titles better for people who are trying to aks same question as it narrows down search results.
It depends on if you are using a SD or a NAND build.
If its a SD build then you simply copy your data.img file over to new build. If its NAND then you still have thsi option if its one that uses a data.img but you can also use a app like Titanium Backup or MyBackup Pro etc or maybe clockwork recovery I think, not sure about last as I haven't tried it yet.
well i think it is kind of impossible to change from a nonesense to sense but if you want to back up your applications mybackup pro does it for you
but there is a little problem that every time i tried this i got the eror "cannot unzip the package"
otherwise it should work
Titanium backup is the most advanced backup app in my opinion, and it's from XDA memeber. Be careful about what you restore nonetheless, since system apps must not be replaced by those from other builds whose version is different.
TheATHEiST said:
If its a SD build then you simply copy your data.img file over to new build.
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This is incorrect. They will not work going from non sense to sense, and usually won't work going from builds by different chefs, sense or not. Titanium backup is the best way to go regardless of build type
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
As above 2 posts...
Titanium Backup is great, but one word of advice...
It's worth the pennies for the paid version. Why? With the free version, when you do a restore of your apps you have to confirm every installation with a button click, and then again when it's done. That can be VERY boring! (Obviously depends how many apps you're restoring.)
With the paid version you can just click "restore apps & data" and it does it all for you, with no further intervention needed.
Alright, cool. I think i got the info i needed. Thanks guys

Switching Roms?

So I'm fairly new at this. I have been running the same time for a few months and I think I want to try a new one. How do I go about doing that without loosing my apps ,contacts etc. Thanks.
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bnd10706 said:
So I'm fairly new at this. I have been running the same time for a few months and I think I want to try a new one. How do I go about doing that without loosing my apps ,contacts etc. Thanks.
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Titanium backup
Is that an app?
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bnd10706 said:
Is that an app?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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yeah, there is a free version on the market or a paid version up to you
So I just want to make sure that I understand this as i really dont want to loose all the things i have accomplished since I got android.
I use this backup.
Then just reflash the new rom.
Then how do i recall the apps etc? Thank again!
bnd10706 said:
So I just want to make sure that I understand this as i really dont want to loose all the things i have accomplished since I got android.
I use this backup.
Then just reflash the new rom.
Then how do i recall the apps etc? Thank again!
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got a better way.
do a nandroid backup via clockwork and clear all data things ,flash the new ROM and restore only the SD-Ext
bnd10706 said:
So I just want to make sure that I understand this as i really dont want to loose all the things i have accomplished since I got android.
I use this backup.
Then just reflash the new rom.
Then how do i recall the apps etc? Thank again!
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copy your sd card files over to pc which includes all your backup of titanium onit, once you have flashed rom, formatted sd etc and new rom is installed get titanium backup back off the market copy your sd files back and then restore but if you are changing roms completely and not doing an update id recommend just doing a back up of your apps because if you restore over your existing settings it may corrupt the rom (NOT TO SURE NOT TRIED IT MYSELF)
Very thanks for all good roms & answers.can you help me too:
Well I want to try a CM7 rom over the sense I've been using. I guess I'll just try the backup and see what happens. Should I use titanium or nandroid?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
bnd10706 said:
Well I want to try a CM7 rom over the sense I've been using. I guess I'll just try the backup and see what happens. Should I use titanium or nandroid?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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which ever one you prefer

I Need some good advice for my Wildfire

Hello guys, I own a wildfire and I'm having a bad time with it.
I use Launcher pro, lot of widgets installed, 2gb card that has very few free space and my problem is that it is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.
Slow as hell.
I just cant stand it anymore.
I have stock rom, not even rooted, all stock except launcher and widgets.
I need advice on what steps should I do to make it run smoothly, cuz I'm half step from throwing it out of the window.
Give some advice on the steps I sould do, root, custom rom, oveclock, anything that might work.
Also, if you can post me the threads for the steps I should do, I would be grateful.
I definetely would root it and use setCPU and overclock it.
And put your apps on the SD card instead of internal memory.
That would help I suppose.
But for sure there are other real experts that can help you
Good luck
Voliminal_8 said:
Hello guys, I own a wildfire and I'm having a bad time with it.
I use Launcher pro, lot of widgets installed, 2gb card that has very few free space and my problem is that it is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.
Slow as hell.
I just cant stand it anymore.
I have stock rom, not even rooted, all stock except launcher and widgets.
I need advice on what steps should I do to make it run smoothly, cuz I'm half step from throwing it out of the window.
Give some advice on the steps I sould do, root, custom rom, oveclock, anything that might work.
Also, if you can post me the threads for the steps I should do, I would be grateful.
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Hi I suggest you take a look in the wildfire buzz ''dev'' section. I would root and try some roms. CyanogenMod 7 I use with overclock and its alot faster/ smoother. Also got some tweaks to improve it more. I hope this helps you.
Henkdrenth said:
I definetely would root it and use setCPU and overclock it.
And put your apps on the SD card instead of internal memory.
That would help I suppose.
But for sure there are other real experts that can help you
Good luck
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I already have moved movable apps, I have to root it now hmmm
apollopayne said:
Hi I suggest you take a look in the wildfire buzz ''dev'' section. I would root and try some roms. CyanogenMod 7 I use with overclock and its alot faster/ smoother. Also got some tweaks to improve it more. I hope this helps you.
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When you say tweaks?
I've seen stuff for the CM7, and it seems pretty cool, does this version works corectly? everytin?
Should I follow this guide:
Why downgrading hboot?
Voliminal_8 said:
Hello guys, I own a wildfire and I'm having a bad time with it.
I use Launcher pro, lot of widgets installed, 2gb card that has very few free space and my problem is that it is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.
Slow as hell.
I just cant stand it anymore.
I have stock rom, not even rooted, all stock except launcher and widgets.
I need advice on what steps should I do to make it run smoothly, cuz I'm half step from throwing it out of the window.
Give some advice on the steps I sould do, root, custom rom, oveclock, anything that might work.
Also, if you can post me the threads for the steps I should do, I would be grateful.
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buy a galaxy gio 120 euros and you have one or a other mobile because the wildfire would be forever slow im happy thats mine wildfire is broken.
tweaks are for cm7 and can be used on other roms. Depends on what you need. Also cm7 has its own tweaking in settings. As for downgrading, if you are on hboot 1.01.0002 then you need to downgrade to 1.01.0001. Or if you on 80.00002(something like that can't remember exact number), i would upgrade to 1.01.0001. Revolutionary only at present works with 1.01.0001 as far as I'm aware. But honestly I think you will like the difference once done.
Bro, I even start to type and the whole phone lags, when I open handcent sms, it takes A CENTURY to open....
I hope the difference will be noticable.
Is CM7 the most stable?
Can I have a backup to my current state? So in case something goes bad I can recover?
just go for cyanogenmod stable, that should do the trick for you. will be faster and smoother and with decent app2sd. and yes you can do a backup, its called a nandroid back up and you perform it from your custom recovery( dont worry you`ll get one during the process of rooting ect). a nandroid back up is and exact copy of how your phone is now. rom/apps/appinfo everything. so if **** hits the fan you can always go backto your nandroid backup. also if all else fails you can use a htc program called a ruu which will completely revert the phone back to stock. hboot recovery rom all of it
I just rooted and installed CM7. I have a problem, I followed this guide here:
And I used the backup at the step 31, with the revolutionary thing.
Well before the wipe, I backed up a lot of things, except my contacts. Is there any way I can find them inside this backup that was made during step 31?
Well the phone runs a little bit more faster but not that fast.
I'll try OC and we'll see.
kaassaus said:
buy a galaxy gio 120 euros and you have one or a other mobile because the wildfire would be forever slow im happy thats mine wildfire is broken.
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And so are we!
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kaassaus said:
buy a galaxy gio 120 euros and you have one or a other mobile because the wildfire would be forever slow im happy thats mine wildfire is broken.
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I'm glad your wildfire is broken leave this forum to people who care about theirs and go cook some Roms for the gio.
You pissed me right off.
Voliminal_8 said:
I just rooted and installed CM7. I have a problem, I followed this guide here:
And I used the backup at the step 31, with the revolutionary thing.
Well before the wipe, I backed up a lot of things, except my contacts. Is there any way I can find them inside this backup that was made during step 31?
Well the phone runs a little bit more faster but not that fast.
I'll try OC and we'll see.
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Are your contacts on your sim card? Try and import from your sim.
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doubleon said:
Are your contacts on your sim card? Try and import from your sim.
Sent using my phone.
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If it was that simple I wouldnt bother to ask, so no
From market download appextractor and u can recover ur contacts from nandroid backup
procyon-1 said:
From market download appextractor and u can recover ur contacts from nandroid backup
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or make a nandroid backup, then restore your previous backup, download an app called contact2sim and copy all of your contacts over to your sim. and then reflash your nandroid. or i think the stock contacts app has the ability to export all your contacts to your sdcard as a .xml file, take that and then you can out them on your other nandroid and on your pc for safe keeping
kaassaus said:
buy a galaxy gio 120 euros and you have one or a other mobile because the wildfire would be forever slow im happy thats mine wildfire is broken.
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After spending alot on the wildfire. It seems stupid to buy a second smartphone. Mine runs buttery smooth on a custom rom. Without overclock.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
slymobi said:
I'm glad your wildfire is broken leave this forum to people who care about theirs and go cook some Roms for the gio.
You pissed me right off.
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+1 to that!!
Boot your phone and try some other roms, always work when my phone get a delay

[Q] Rooted my S4, wondering what now?

Here's what i want to do now:
1) I know i would like to remove some of the apps i do not use (bacon reader, flipbook, etc...)
2) Install a sweet custom rom
3) anything else i should know about??
How do i do it? sorry for the noob-ness....
If you just want to get rid of bloatware install any type of root explorer (many would suggest titanium backup) and delete the app from your system app folder.
As for a custom rom there are plenty to choose from just make sure you have a custom recovery and make a back up then flash away.
Oh and also I believe this should be in Q&A
Cleanser2012 said:
If you just want to get rid of bloatware install any type of root explorer (many would suggest titanium backup) and delete the app from your system app folder.
As for a custom rom there are plenty to choose from just make sure you have a custom recovery and make a back up then flash away.
Oh and also I believe this should be in Q&A
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I have downloaded "Explorer+ File Manager". I just cannot find the apps i want to uninstall.
I have also installed rom manager, but how do i find roms??
Just start here
Download titanium backup & make a backup first of all ur files before u start deleting them through titanium backup so incase u deleted a wrong app u can easily restore it back. When u want to delete thru titanium backup go to the back/restore and click on app to delete or freeze.
Sent from my GT-I9500 Rooted by Great Chainfire.
Rooting your phone means everything and anything you want to do with it you can do. From tweaks to themes. Make your phone look and do exactly how you want it to .
Throw it out a window and buy yourself another one. Repeat the process.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
jlandry287 said:
Here's what i want to do now:
1) I know i would like to remove some of the apps i do not use (bacon reader, flipbook, etc...)
2) Install a sweet custom rom
3) anything else i should know about??
How do i do it? sorry for the noob-ness....
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Be brave, but remember to be smart! Nandroids are awesome, Save your a$$, and only take a few minutes... I recommend trying out several roms in a row, starting fresh on all of them knowing you can go straight back to where you are now with a Nandroid backup from recovery. You'll find something you like and it'll be all yours! Have fun and good luck oh yeah, after you find a rom you like, experiment with custom kernels... I like ktoonsez a lot, but some swear by faux. U gotta try and find ones you like.
Edit: one more thing, when you're flashing a rom, sometimes it takes longer than you expected... And it's hard to be patient... But things will always be OK if you're patient enough. Worst case scenario if something happens, which it rarely does, you simply Odin back to stock and start over again
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
jlandry287 said:
Here's what i want to do now:
1) I know i would like to remove some of the apps i do not use (bacon reader, flipbook, etc...)
2) Install a sweet custom rom
3) anything else i should know about??
How do i do it? sorry for the noob-ness....
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I've found that stock rom rooted is perfect. Download rom toolbox by jrummy and freeze stuff you don't want. Deleting it outright is dangerous. My only reason for rooting was an ad blocker. Have fun!
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
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is there a way to instantly backup and restore data when flashing new rom.?

Hello guys
I am using custom rom whose developer recommends clean update every time and sometimes I just like to flash new roms to try them out.
Is there a way to restore my apps without downloading them from play store every single time? Without bugs ofc.
I am using only 7.1.1 android if it helps
batman1950 said:
Hello guys
I am using custom rom whose developer recommends clean update every time and sometimes I just like to flash new roms to try them out.
Is there a way to restore my apps without downloading them from play store every single time? Without bugs ofc.
I am using only 7.1.1 android if it helps
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Use You can download it from playstore.
anand230999 said:
Use You can download it from playstore.
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Thanks you
Use titanium backup
alok pupun said:
Use titanium backup
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can free version create update zips ? how does it work ?
batman1950 said:
Hello guys
I am using custom rom whose developer recommends clean update every time and sometimes I just like to flash new roms to try them out.
Is there a way to restore my apps without downloading them from play store every single time? Without bugs ofc.
I am using only 7.1.1 android if it helps
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Use Super backup to backup your apps,contacts, messages...Etc. if your rom is rooted
sarath67 said:
Use Super backup to backup your apps,contacts, messages...Etc. if your rom is rooted
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does it offer flashable zip restoration?
batman1950 said:
does it offer flashable zip restoration?
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It does not offer flashable zip restoration but,
While in one rom just backup your apps , contacts using super will create a directory in root and save your apps,message etc.
Just install super backup apk after installing new rom. If you have not wiped entire internal memory you can restore apps,contacts, messages . Search for pro version in onhax , you can try and buy if you are happy with app.
