[Q] ViperFX + AOSP JB ROM - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Hi, is it possible to run ViPER4Android on AOSP roms? I've switched from TouchWiz months back and would love to use this mod. Thank you

TheGoodFellas said:
Hi, is it possible to run ViPER4Android on AOSP roms? I've switched from TouchWiz months back and would love to use this mod. Thank you
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look in the op for the mod and it will tell you if it is compatable with AOSP.


[Q] IR Blaster on custom ROMs?

Noob question:
Is there any ROMs, not based on Stock that have the drivers to handle the IR Blaster on the S4?
Is it or will it be possible to install a ROM like CM10.1 and be able to use the IR through differents apps?
I know the kernel source code is released by Samsung, does that mean that the drivers can be implemented to any ROMs?
TW roms like GOLDENEYE and MDOB it works fine
Slade8525 said:
TW roms like GOLDENEYE and MDOB it works fine
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Yeah but they are based on the Stock Samsung ROM.
Will CM or AOKP ROM will have this driver?
guiv1 said:
Yeah but they are based on the Stock Samsung ROM.
Will CM or AOKP ROM will have this driver?
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If it never gets open source, then no. Or if someone builds their own.

[Q] custom rom recommendations

I am a newbie to custom ROMs, I am looking for a ROM which will increase battery life and also let me remove bloatware, a new UI will be a bonus but so many of the custom ROMs I have come across have so many unnecessary bonus features. I am looking for any recommendations for a ROM?
stock or aosp?
if stock, i truly recommend bruce2728 or cloudystock..
as per aosp, highly recommend aicp or alegen rom :good:
zekurosu said:
stock or aosp?
if stock, i truly recommend bruce2728 or cloudystock..
as per aosp, highly recommend aicp or alegen rom :good:
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Sorry yes I am running stock currently and thank you for the advice
i havent got idea
I an using cm 11. Cm 11 is very good
But i dont like cm keyboard
I like optimus g3 keyboard
Can I use g3 keyboard on cm 11.
This is g3 keyboard port link
Can I use port keyboard on cm 11??
I am Turkish. I speak little English.
leave stock
zekurosu said:
stock or aosp?
if stock, i truly recommend bruce2728 or cloudystock..
as per aosp, highly recommend aicp or alegen rom :good:
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stock. do not modify stock ,and you got the battery best life. Any custom rom eat battery

[Q] any lollipop TW rom that supports viper audio?

quick question, any TW lollipop ROM that supports Viper audio?
call me a retard, but i love TW ROMs.
tukull said:
quick question, any TW lollipop ROM that supports Viper audio?
call me a retard, but i love TW ROMs.
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Viper isn't supported yet, that goes for any of the Note 3 Lollipop roms as they are based on the same source. We're going have to wait until there's a fix or a custom kernel is introduced.
i got it working but only with AOSP ROMs.
pic attached.
tukull said:
i got it working but only with AOSP ROMs.
pic attached.
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Looks like g00h might have done it. Check this out - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=58163891&postcount=736

Which is your favourite g900f ROM

Hello guys, which is your favourite rom for our devices? I know that there is no such thing as "best rom" and i want to know what is your choise There is no matter AOSP, CM or Touchwiz roms
(sorry for bad English)
I am currently using the Resurrection Remix v5.5.5 ROM with the default Black and Red colour scheme. It is a compilation of all the other roms best features. I have indtalled it on most of my devices (s5, s2, tabS10.5). I am even learning about Ubuntu and Git with a goal of making my own build for my P3110 tab2 7". Love this rom.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Sixperience v7
Official CyanogenMod 12.1 klite.
Up up
I tried CM 12.1, OmegaRom and Miui v7.
For me, the best rom is Miui V7 but each of them have their pros and cons.
beblioy said:
Hello guys, which is your favourite rom for our devices? I know that there is no such thing as "best rom" and i want to know what is your choise There is no matter AOSP, CM or Touchwiz roms
(sorry for bad English)
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I join the ranks of rommy667
Very satisfied by :laugh:
rom cyanogenmod 12.1 klte+ xposed framework
+ kernel lord boeffla + recovery twrp
I like BlissPop, and that's why I stick to it.
andacro said:
I like BlissPop, and that's why I stick to it.
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hi there buddy is blisspop supports the doubletap2wake function? I want to switch there but I want the feature of the doubletap2wake.
Hi ginofakes. Can't remember I saw that option. Running Neatrom now because in 5.1.1 Tidal was unable to find my extsd, and therefore I was unable to save music for offline use.
andacro said:
I like BlissPop, and that's why I stick to it.
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andacro said:
Hi ginofakes. Can't remember I saw that option. Running Neatrom now because in 5.1.1 Tidal was unable to find my extsd, and therefore I was unable to save music for offline use.
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I see thank you May I have the link of that ROM? Thank you
I must stop posting right after waking up. :laugh:
Installed XtreStoLite. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2732110
xposed-v71-sdk21-arm-arter97-V6-snapdragon works fine with that rom.
andacro said:
I must stop posting right after waking up. :laugh:
Installed XtreStoLite. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2732110
xposed-v71-sdk21-arm-arter97-V6-snapdragon works fine with that rom.
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you're so great. Thank you buddy will try it. since sixperience thread was been closed for about weeks
how about compatible kernels for this ROM?
Thank you so much buddy. During setup one can choose between stock or KToonsez. Don't know if others are compatible. I'm running it with KToonsez.
andacro said:
I must stop posting right after waking up. :laugh:
Installed XtreStoLite. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2732110
xposed-v71-sdk21-arm-arter97-V6-snapdragon works fine with that rom.
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andacro said:
Thank you so much buddy. During setup one can choose between stock or KToonsez. Don't know if others are compatible. I'm running it with KToonsez.
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does Ktoonz have a doubletap2wake function?
Not as I know of no. :/
And what is your opinion about stock rom with custom kernel ?
beblioy said:
And what is your opinion about stock rom with custom kernel ?
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I guess it works perfectly. Based on the boeffla's thread if I am not mistaken.

[Q] Rom more stable.

hi guys, I sold my note 4 to go to note 8, but before delivering the phone I would like to put the most stable rom for the client, currently I'm on the batman but it's very buggy, which rom do you recommend?
I'm personally using stock odex rom, debloated & rooted. haven't found a stable, secure rom worth going to
li0nh3art3d said:
I'm personally using stock odex rom, debloated & rooted. haven't found a stable, secure rom worth going to
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Stock ROM is the way to go on the Note 4. I personally use TWIZtd ROM N7 port and it seems stable, but there are sliiiiiiight bugs there that could be a deal breaker for some. For me, not really I love this ROM
babak said:
hi guys, I sold my note 4 to go to note 8, but before delivering the phone I would like to put the most stable rom for the client, currently I'm on the batman but it's very buggy, which rom do you recommend?
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I personally love stock+custom permissive kernel+root+xposed+high sound volume mod+dolby atmos+bloatware removed.
Trex888 said:
I personally love stock+custom permissive kernel+root+xposed+high sound volume mod+dolby atmos+bloatware removed.
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Can i ask you the link of your rom please?
babak said:
Can i ask you the link of your rom please?
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No this is not a rom this setup i made manually with stock firmware other tweaks.
