[Q] Battery Problem - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

As per title my nexus battery seems to have died on me. I have tried all the listed fixes, factory re set, pulled the battery etc. Basically I have tried all the known fixes but it seems my battery is kaput. Now I have searched for a replacement battery (I am in the UK) but they dont seem readily available anywhere. Most annoying thing is that my device is just out of its 1 year warrantry from Asus/Google
So 2 questions:- 1 has anyone sourced a new battery in the uk if so where did you get it from?
and 2:- Do you think I would be better off buying a 2nd hand unit as they are cheap now as the 2013 version is out or buy a Spares/repair unit and use the battery from that? I know it depends on the price etc and that I could potentially be buying a unit that could soon develop the same or other problems.
So what would you do?
all advice will be gratefully recieved


What replacement battery would you recommend for HTC Universal

Hi All,
Firstly, this is my first post, so please be gentle with me. (correction, I mean the first thread i have started)
I scoured the forum and have found lots of comments on the ilk of "my battery has failed at x%", but no-one seems to have made any comments on a replacement battery that they recommend or a web link that you could use to purchase one.
So, of you guys and girls that have bought a replacement, can you please give us the benefit of your experience regarding what you feel is great or what to avoid like the plague?
Thanks one and all!
Your first post?
It says you have posted 17 times
Always buying the original battery is my recommendation
There is a member called Duke Nukem, he sells the originals and he´s reliable
Akku Polarcell
I bought a new battery and everything works fine. I can use my universal with activated wlan till 0%. Also the charging-time decreased enormous. The battery comes from ebay (Germany).
Label: Akku Polarcell, For Qtek 9000, 3.7V Li-Polymer Battery, 1650mAh
Price: 14,90€
Seller: wannsee-electronic
I bought my battery from eBay - the cheapest one I could find. It works ok, but not as good as the original. I think others have had bad experiences and it seems really hit and miss on eBay, so I would only go on recommendation from someone else. The original was so expensive, I really couldn't justify spending that much!
I think you mean this is the first thread you have opened I've seen you about. That name of yours kind of sticks in the memory. (Dont explain. we dont want to know)
I got a new battery off a UK seller on Ebay 7-8 weeks ago for £5 plus P&P. He said it was genuine and it looked like the genuine article. It shorted out after 4 weeks but he sent me another. so far so good. What do you get for under a tenner?

Spare Battery - UK

Has anyone come across a UK or European supply for spare batteries?
I do a bit of geocaching so a spare battery always comes in handy.
I have not found any suppliers in the UK selling the battery yet. Even though Defy has a good battery life I still like to carry a spare battery with me as well.
I'm also after a spare battery, always useful to have.
I've raised a support request with Motorola UK asking them where / when they will be available. They should be available in their own online store at least.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the popularity of the DEFY might be taking them by surprise.
I did a little bit of research lastnight and the only official accessories is available for Motorola Defy is the battery door/cover going for $9.99.
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It appears the battery door is sold by amazon (at checkout time) but when I visited amazon.com (US) I could not find it. Nonetheless, this is rather a good news that it is possible to replace the battery door in case it wears off or damaged.
doesn't any other motorola phone use the same battery?
the milestone 2 uses a 1540mah battery, can anyone confirm whether they are the same.
pinkllama said:
doesn't any other motorola phone use the same battery?
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The Bravo uses the same battery but that is a US only device.
Defy Batteries availalble in UK
Aftermarket batteries have shown up now. Anyone got any experience with any of these companies?
I am thinking best to wait for a Moto official battery.
I would prefer an official Motorola one, but if nothing is forthcoming in the next couple of weeks I'll buy a 3rd party battery.
Northing back from my Motorola support request as of yet.
I have just ordered this one.
Lets see how it works.
Defy battery now available on the motorola site $40 just seen it.
Well, i just recieved to emails: One with the notification "payment recieved" and the other a little bit later from paypal, saying that my payment has been paid back - my order is canceled.
I dont think those shops got any Defy Batteries stock.
Well, got a couple of garbled emails back from Motorola - god I hope I don't need any real support with this phone
One email in broken English suggested to contact expansys, who don't yet list the BF5X (in fact, they misleadingly list the MILESTONE battery as an accessory for the DEFY, when in fact it is physically the wrong shape).
The next email that arrived a day later told me they would be in touch when they knew where and when they would be selling any batteries!
It's quite funny but I also pointed out that their sites for online registration don't list the DEFY in the models dropdown. So they directed me to another Moto UK site that doesn't list the DEFY!
I've found this place in the US that have them in stock, take PayPal and ship internationally:
So have ordered one as I can't be arsed waiting for Motorola UK to work out where they are and what they're doing.
Any news on actually avaible third party spare batterys?
13 USD for 2 batteries =) + Charger and Micro USB Cable
yeah i bought this a few days ago.. will report back if any good. i'm doubting it but for an emergency I guess it will be ok.
anyone got a working battery?
trickyhenry said:
yeah i bought this a few days ago.. will report back if any good. i'm doubting it but for an emergency I guess it will be ok.
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Yeah I got that one too. And you're right, only good for emergency power.
It is working fine! I'm suprissed these batteries feels good. Not as good as the original, but for this price...
Not so much looking for a spare battery as much as an higher capacity battery. Any word on something like that?
Just been browsing ebay UK & found the following - 3.7v 1800mah. Can't post a link due to being a newbie but it's on ebay.co .uk & the item number is 200569859076.
Is very cheap in price so I'm wondering what it would be like in reality - too cheap to be any good?

[Q] new battery questions

hello guys. i have my nexus for 2 years now and i think it's time to replace the battery as i have no plans to upgrade in the next months.
so a few questions arises:
1. i read somewhere that if the battery is not used once in a while, it's life decreases. in that in mind does anybody knows what is the latest replacment battery production date for our phone?
2. do you know any eshop that sells original battery for our phone not from 2012? ebay sellers are not the most trustworthy bunch from my past experience so if you bought from a seller and is an original battery that wouls be great information.
3. if you have any 3d party batteries that you tested and are good feel free to suggest it.
thank you in advance
ttheodorou said:
hello guys. i have my nexus for 2 years now and i think it's time to replace the battery as i have no plans to upgrade in the next months.
so a few questions arises:
1. i read somewhere that if the battery is not used once in a while, it's life decreases. in that in mind does anybody knows what is the latest replacment battery production date for our phone?
2. do you know any eshop that sells original battery for our phone not from 2012? ebay sellers are not the most trustworthy bunch from my past experience so if you bought from a seller and is an original battery that wouls be great information.
3. if you have any 3d party batteries that you tested and are good feel free to suggest it.
thank you in advance
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There is a battery thread in the accessories sub-forum.. I chose a battery based on peoples reports.

Which battery???

I see many batteries at Amazon for our N10:
Are there any suggestions regarding if any one is better than the other?
The price range is off the chart from $20 to $60...
...any help deciding what to get?
ridingduo said:
I see many batteries at Amazon for our N10:
Are there any suggestions regarding if any one is better than the other?
The price range is off the chart from $20 to $60...
...any help deciding what to get?
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I picked up this one just to see if it worked.
It was the same Samsung part as the original. Had it for a few months now, works well.
Did you get one yet? I got this one off ebay last year, no complaints. I think there are only two options this style with the yellow trim and another that claims to be genuine samsung (but is probably fake) with orange/brown trim.
Installed NewPower99 about two years ago: Still going strong
The original battery started dropping fast below 40% charge one day, so I decided to get a replacement before those would be hard to come by.
I am quite astonished that they are still around in large numbers.
No issue having it shipped to Germany, either, because amazon.de won't carry anything alike.
Which Battery?
I replaced my phone battery and now it's not working well. It has also effected the phone speed. So, try to get only original battery.
I bought this one on amazon for more than 1 and half years. Still works fine. KingSener 9000mAh 3.75V SP3496A8H Battery For Samsung Google Nexus 10
I cannot post the link since I am a rookie here.

Best replacement battery

Hey all,
Since my battery starts to die I would like to get a replacement. Which brand has the best replacement batteries? I found on Amazon bluestar does anyone have experience with them? Idk if my battery will live several months from now so idk if I should risk it and get one from aliexpress. Would appreciate any help.
