[Q] Nexus 7 seems to have completly died - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have searched everywhere on xda and all over the web but I just can't find a solution. This is my brothers tablet and he just can't fix it. He bought it new from Comet and used it for a few months and then rooted it. Then a few months later it wouldn't upgrade the android version. It downloaded it OTA and when it tried to install it said error. I ended up flashing the latest version which ended up unlocking the bootloader. All was fine for a while until the stock usb cable had broken, charging worked very slowly when it was in a certain position. So I tried using some other usb cables and it said it was charging but it was ridiculously slow. After several hours it only went up a few %. Then the problem got worse, the tablet said it was charging but it never seemed to go up in battery. I bought a new usb hoping it would work and nothing seemed to have changed. He kept playing on it untill the battery was so low it powered off. Then we tried charging it without powering on and it looked like it was working (black screen with a charging icon). When we tried powering on the battery icon was empty and it went back to square one in a sort of loop. I had looked everywhere and some said we had to hold power down for 30 seconds but it just did this loop over again. Holding power and volume down did nothing, so we were at this one point and it was charging for ages and I gave it another go. Still nothing and after a few attempts it just went completely black and nothing appears on the screen at all. I opened the back without tampering anything at all to see if the battery had come loose and evrything looks ok. I know the warranty has been voided by rooting, unlocking bootloader and opening the back so returning it wont help, and comet shut down a while ago so they cant help. It was quite expensive for us so I don't want to give up just yet. I hope the xda community can help

Sounds like a bad USB port.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

So you don't think the battery has any problems? If not how can I solve this problem? Can i replace the USB port or can i buy any docks?


[Q] Didn't even flash or root yet and my 32 grey GT died last night...

Didn't even flash or root yet and my 32 grey GT died last night. It had been working great and was getting ready to flash pershoots kernel this weekend. Last night I plugged in after shutting it down like I do every night. Today when I went to turn it on nothing. I tried holding down the power button for a while and still nothing. I tried holding down volume buttons with power for extended period still nothing. I even tried plugging into different outlet to see if something happened with outlet and maybe drained the battery overnight. Luckily I got it from Fry's two weeks ago on Friday right when they came out and Fry's has a 15 day return policy but this makes me a little concerned... and that's cutting it a little too close.
Has anyone heard of things like this happening with the GT? I'm thinking I may need to see if they'll still sell me the extended warranty. I babied this thing and hadn't even flashed anything on it yet. I'm a little concerned about the reliability of the hardware... I'm not usually the one with the needle in the haystack device that goes bad but who knows... I'm already in withdrawal without it.
Is there anything else I can try before I take it back? Maybe try plugging it into the computer instead to see what happens? I can't really see what else I could do since this thing doesn't have a removable battery. If it won't power on I can't imagine there's much I can test with the SDK dev tools from the PC using the usb cable?
plugged it in with usb...
I do hear the sound of a device being plugged in on win7 when I plugged GT in and got the driver message in tray. GT still won't turn on. When I hold down the power button every about 6 seconds my windows machine machine makes the same sound you get when plugging in a usb device in addition to an extra sound at the end.
[email protected] well I guess it's going back tomorrow.
You got the sleep of death. This is a honeycomb bug that i have personally experienced in the xoom, transformer, and the GT. The way to fix it is to unplug the GT, press the power button down by itself and hold it until the you see the screen turn on and startto boot up. It may take 15 seconds or more.
If that doesnt work, plug it into the wall outlet and try the process again. If that fails also, unplug it again and try the process once more.
That combination seems to work for everyone. The only exception would be if the battery is completely drained. You would need to plug it into a wall charger for a few hours and let the battery charge, and then try the process again.
I dont know why this hasnt been fixed by google yet, its really annoying. I thought 3.1 would fix it but it didnt.
you should have post this on the general thread, but why dont you return it for a different one? problem solve...
Android Development is not for your Questions or Problems Please post in the correct forums
Moving to General
I think you got the battery drained .. for some odd reasons the android has leaky power consumption even when shutdown on occasions ..
Charge it up for a while .. wait .. correction LONG while ..
Hope that is the problem
Exactly the same problem, I have tried the hold power button but it is not working... any other work around?
Please Help
I chatted with a rep from Samsung last knight and he told me that I needed to leave the Tab charging for at least 6 hours and then try again... so I'll let you know if that did the trick... hope it does...
I've actually had this happen on two different 32GB Galaxy Tabs (the original one I purchased and its replacement). After powering the device down it would not boot up.
In both cases it happened about 3 days after receiving the tablet and with 80-90% battery charge remaining. I tried additional charging, holding the power button down for an extended period of time, and attempting to boot into download mode - everything failed to bring it back to life.
I'm not sure what triggers this condition my only suspicion was that it may have something to do with enabling encryption on the device. On the second tablet I didn't have time to do much customization or install many apps but it ended up dying shortly after enabling encryption.
Wow. This happened to me yesterday with my 16gb from Sprint. Had come unlocked,yesterday 3 days in, died. I tried all the suggestions above to no avail.
Took it to corporate today. Now waiting on replacement.
Hope next one is unlocked
Edit**** worked. Lol. Guess I didn't try it again today after I tried charging it last night.
About 15 to 20 seconds and she's back!!! Excellent! ! Thank you so much.
Not sure now whether to replace it.
With another.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

[Q] Nexus 4 not turning on - red light of death?

I know, there are several threads about this issue, and I checked them all, tried all what they wrote, still nothing changed.
Yesterday I've installed KitKat on my mobile. I've tested it for an hour than installed CM 10.1.3 back. At first, I had no Wi-fi, neither for second try. I read that I need to flash a modem.zip to fix that. So I did that, reinstalled CM again and on system reboot, my phone didn't turn back on.
I doubt its battery issue cause it was on charger and was around 74% (after I couldn't do anything, I left my Nexus on charge whole night, but nothing changed).
The red light appears when the phone is plugged and I press the buttons for 15/60 secs, than fades after few seconds.
Have you got any idea? I can't enter recovery, nothing at all.
After trying every solution - and when I say every, I mean that all possibilities found over the whole internet - the only thing I could do is giving a call Google support. Since I bought my phone in SF, my warranty is up only there (and I live in Hungary).
Luckily, they send me a new one, but only to an US address, else I should call LG for help.
About the issue:
the red light - also called as the red light of death - is a known Android bug. The OS it self lowers the battery's strength, so the phone gets a very few energy which causes that you are not able to turn on the device. When I mentioned this red light thingy to the support, she only said "ahh, that..." and asked me if I want a new Nexus 4 or I want my money back.
Sounds like your phone is bricked.
Generally Google/LG is fine with rooted phones, at least in my case. I'd give It back and get a new phone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
So what you say is that after you flashed the Modem fix zip your phone went into red light mode?
Maybe you flashed a wrong zip file, which bricked your device? What zip file did you flash?
I fixed mine. You must be plugged in to a charger. Turn off. Which it should be already. Then press power button for long enough go the red light to turn green. Then yank off the USB. The phone thinks its out of juice. It is and does happen. But I got mine working this way. Timing is key.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
leave it on the charger for a while.
but, the only 100% method to get your phone back is to take the back off, remove the battery, then plug the battery back in. the "resets" your battery. this would be a normal battery pull for a device with a removable battery, but since the n4 doesnt have a removable battery..
Guys, I've tried all these and nothing helped. It happened a week ago, so the battery had time to go on 0%, I've charged it and still no life signals... I even removed the battery - nothing.
Meanwhile, Google decided to screw me up, so we keep trying to resurrect the phone...
About the modem.zip: doubt it was a bad zip, cause others used it before me also. I had a bad luck, happens...

[Q] LG G2 D800 Help needed. possibly bricked. yes really..bricked

So yesterday my phone worked great. I work outside for the most part. It rained its ass off. Phone did not get wet that im aware of. no water drops or anything on it. Had it inside my waterproof jacket. This was early morning..10am or so. I get home from work around 7pm. Phone still works. battery is getting very low though. At 8pm phone reboots..which it randomly does sometimes. I set it down, come back to it awhile later and realize it never came back on. Figured the battery was completely drained past 5%. plugged it into stock charger (not stock cable though but a highend cable still). Phone wouldnt boot up or power on or even show any signs of life. Tried other cables, charges, USB ports on computer, even car charger. Nothing. Set it on charge over night. Still not even a LED blink. Set it on car charger all day while at work. Not even a blink. I took it apart (taken many phones apart in my time haha) disconnected battery and plugged it in...nothing. tried power/volume down, power/volume up, all 3 buttons. held all button combos for over a minute. Still nothing at all. I have a new battery on order that I can slap in there and see if the battery is just completely shot but does anyone else have any ideas on what i can do to get it up and running again? Already had to buy a new phone G3! because i HAVe to have one for work. So i want to get this one working again so i have a backup in case this ever happens again.
Thanks for any and all help
Have you tried to enter download mode?
souldreamer2014 said:
Have you tried to enter download mode?
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tried to enter download mode, recovery mode, every mode i know of. with no luck.
and forgot to mention. when plugged into computer the computer does not notice anything has been plugged in at all. no sound at all. nothing under device manager
well i got the new battery in. didnt work. still no power at all. anyone else know of something i can try? i know the screen isnt dead because it would still give out sound when turned on or vibrate. but that doesnt happen either. is there some other thing i could test? how would i test the motherboard? power button?
This sounds like exactly what happened to my phone about two weeks ago. Phone was randomly rebooting one morning in strange intervals. Once or twice an hour at first, then more often as the day progressed. By the end of the day the phone wouldn't even turn on anymore. I had thought it was the battery as well but after bringing in to an electronics repair shop, it was diagnosed as a bad motherboard and the guy quoted me $130 to replace it. Considering you can buy the D800 off contract brand new for about $220 off the internet, I declined. I'm still really upset about it. I had already had it replaced by AT&T while it was under warranty. However, now my warranty has expired. I really liked the phone overall but now I'm not so sure I trust LG's hardware.
I'm using my brother's old iphone 4 now and it drives me flippin' crazy. I want to get a new phone as soon as possible but I don't know what to get. I'm so torn on the whole issue. Was thinking about the S6 but I've had bad luck with samsung in the past as well. I'd get a newer iphone but ios is so lame compared to Android. I hope you find a better solution than I did. :crying:
Download mode and rom flash?
Sent from my GT-I9190 using XDA Free mobile app

Nexus 7 won't charge/power on/can't access fastboot or bootloader

Hi guys,
My Nexus 7 (2012) turned off(not properly) when the battery level was low and won't power on. I tried a battery from a working tablet and tested my battery in another tablet. It seems like the issue is somewhere else.
These are the things I tried:
- leave it for a couple of hours charging (no battery sign at all)
- hold the power button with/without the volume levels while it being both connected and disconnected.
- tested my battery in another tabled and put a fully charged battery from another tablet
- made sure that the battery is connected
There was one more thing I tried - to press the Power button with no battery inside but the tablet being connected to a laptop via the USB cable. One could hear something like a boot noise coming from the tablet (doesn't happen when the battery is inside)
In December, 2015 I installed a Custom ROM with android 5.1.1 which I found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-7/development/android-6-aosp-grouper-t3268172/ (the thread was renamed and is now about the Android 6 update) The tablet worked fine for these 3 months but one day when I was checking my email it went off and won't respond to any actions.
Could you please help me to fix it? I'm just not ready to give up on this tablet. Thanks!
Both you and i, same model, essentially, the same circumstances. I also tried every method you mentioned as well. Even down to the flashing of a rom. Same results. I even tried "jump starting" the battery. Not wanting to give up on it. It sits in my closet like that boy in A.I at the bottom of the ocean, waiting... I know that is not the reply or help you were looking for. Just so you know, you are not alone..
Sent from my LG-H345 using Tapatalk
ge1026 said:
Both you and i, same model, essentially, the same circumstances. I also tried every method you mentioned as well. Even down to the flashing of a rom. Same results. I even tried "jump starting" the battery. Not wanting to give up on it. It sits in my closet like that boy in A.I at the bottom of the ocean, waiting... I know that is not the reply or help you were looking for. Just so you know, you are not alone..
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Well, that's a good start, at least I am not the only one!
Have you tried to connect your device via USB? My laptop can see a connected device but it can't recognize it and I hear some sounds coming from the tablet when I try to hold the `power` button. This made me think that it can be a display/screen related, so the device works but we can't see it due to the broken screen/display. Don't know how to check that though.
Same here, stock Nexus 7, won't turn on, just switched off one day and won't come back on, have tried everything as suggested above, can't get it to flicker, doesn't even register the power connection with a green light or anything
topmuffinsecret said:
Well, that's a good start, at least I am not the only one!
Have you tried to connect your device via USB? My laptop can see a connected device but it can't recognize it and I hear some sounds coming from the tablet when I try to hold the `power` button. This made me think that it can be a display/screen related, so the device works but we can't see it due to the broken screen/display. Don't know how to check that though.
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Try replacing the screen, just to check. If that doesn't fix it, at least you have a brand new screen!
I'm currently having the same issue, haven't used it in 6 months and when I tried to turn it on, nothing happens
---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------
Planters76 said:
I'm currently having the same issue, haven't used it in 6 months and when I tried to turn it on, nothing happens
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I fix mine,
let it sit on the charger for a hour, then hold down the button for 20 sec
same issue here as well ive had it for about a year and im not able to access anything via my pc google help forums had no answer either, looks like we may be screwed..........
Hi, I just had same issue with my tablet only thing is that I was using it with ~20% of battery, nothing special - browsing the web using chrome, then the screen lit gray and shut off. After that no response either from charger, holding power button for 60+ seconds didn't work either, tried re-connecting the battery, still with no signs.
And then, I tried to plug in the charger and then pressing VolumeDown+Power immediately after connecting the charger. Suddenly got some response, that battery charging icon appeared, and it shows my battery charging, but from 0%. Still waiting to charge a bit until I can try to boot it.
I'll update this post with any news.
EDIT: When I connected my tablet to the charger it had that hissing sound, but after few minutes it stopped.
After 15 minutes of charging I managed to boot my Nexus7 with 7% of charge in it a that moment, It seems to work for now.
Summarry of what I did to solve my problem:
1. Opened the back of the N7 (I used a guitar pick for this) and re-connect the battery.
2. Then plugged in the charger and at the same time pressed VolumeDown+Power, battery icon lit up but went out, repeated step 1, and then step 2 again gave me animated battery charging animation which showed up for like 10 seconds
3. Waited for 10-15 minutes and tried to boot normally. And it works now
MrBratka said:
Hi, I just had same issue with my tablet only thing is that I was using it with ~20% of battery, nothing special - browsing the web using chrome, then the screen lit gray and shut off. After that no response either from charger, holding power button for 60+ seconds didn't work either, tried re-connecting the battery, still with no signs.
And then, I tried to plug in the charger and then pressing VolumeDown+Power immediately after connecting the charger. Suddenly got some response, that battery charging icon appeared, and it shows my battery charging, but from 0%. Still waiting to charge a bit until I can try to boot it.
I'll update this post with any news.
EDIT: When I connected my tablet to the charger it had that hissing sound, but after few minutes it stopped.
After 15 minutes of charging I managed to boot my Nexus7 with 7% of charge in it a that moment, It seems to work for now.
Summarry of what I did to solve my problem:
1. Opened the back of the N7 (I used a guitar pick for this) and re-connect the battery.
2. Then plugged in the charger and at the same time pressed VolumeDown+Power, battery icon lit up but went out, repeated step 1, and then step 2 again gave me animated battery charging animation which showed up for like 10 seconds
3. Waited for 10-15 minutes and tried to boot normally. And it works now
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Thanks mine was taking forever to charge so I unplugged the battery waited a few minutes and then it worked it charged faster
Sent from my SM-N920V using XDA-Developers mobile app
MrBratka said:
Hi, I just had same issue with my tablet only thing is that I was using it with ~20% of battery, nothing special - browsing the web using chrome, then the screen lit gray and shut off. After that no response either from charger, holding power button for 60+ seconds didn't work either, tried re-connecting the battery, still with no signs.
And then, I tried to plug in the charger and then pressing VolumeDown+Power immediately after connecting the charger. Suddenly got some response, that battery charging icon appeared, and it shows my battery charging, but from 0%. Still waiting to charge a bit until I can try to boot it.
I'll update this post with any news.
EDIT: When I connected my tablet to the charger it had that hissing sound, but after few minutes it stopped.
After 15 minutes of charging I managed to boot my Nexus7 with 7% of charge in it a that moment, It seems to work for now.
Summarry of what I did to solve my problem:
1. Opened the back of the N7 (I used a guitar pick for this) and re-connect the battery.
2. Then plugged in the charger and at the same time pressed VolumeDown+Power, battery icon lit up but went out, repeated step 1, and then step 2 again gave me animated battery charging animation which showed up for like 10 seconds
3. Waited for 10-15 minutes and tried to boot normally. And it works now
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This helped me get my N7 2012 back up and running, too. Thank you so much!
We are not alone
topmuffinsecret said:
Hi guys,
My Nexus 7 (2012) turned off(not properly) when the battery level was low and won't power on. I tried a battery from a working tablet and tested my battery in another tablet. It seems like the issue is somewhere else.
These are the things I tried:
- leave it for a couple of hours charging (no battery sign at all)
- hold the power button with/without the volume levels while it being both connected and disconnected.
- tested my battery in another tabled and put a fully charged battery from another tablet
- made sure that the battery is connected
There was one more thing I tried - to press the Power button with no battery inside but the tablet being connected to a laptop via the USB cable. One could hear something like a boot noise coming from the tablet (doesn't happen when the battery is inside)
In December, 2015 I installed a Custom ROM with android 5.1.1 which I found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-7/development/android-6-aosp-grouper-t3268172/ (the thread was renamed and is now about the Android 6 update) The tablet worked fine for these 3 months but one day when I was checking my email it went off and won't respond to any actions.
Could you please help me to fix it? I'm just not ready to give up on this tablet. Thanks!
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I have done same, Mine is , My son had it and ran it to 0%, charging port was iffy, put new one charging port in this morning, nothing, not even battery DEAD sign, nothing tried power, button / volume trick , I did notice on the power/volume button, there is a 4th, anyone have a clue, cannot find what im looking for to answer that.
I have a smart young co-worker looking at it for me right now.
cdb2643 said:
I have done same, Mine is , My son had it and ran it to 0%, charging port was iffy, put new one charging port in this morning, nothing, not even battery DEAD sign, nothing tried power, button / volume trick , I did notice on the power/volume button, there is a 4th, anyone have a clue, cannot find what im looking for to answer that.
I have a smart young co-worker looking at it for me right now.
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Probably this post can give you some ideas how to recover your device.
AndDiSa said:
Probably this post can give you some ideas how to recover your device.
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Honestly, I do not think it is the battery, I can see the Charge signal, and the Battery is showing 1,784 VDC tested unplugged and disconnected, my smart young co-worker seems to think POST is failing, I still never see a "Charging" indication.
Does anyone know , Is there a fail safe, say the battery is disconnected, and usb charger is plugged in, will i just see all 5VDC at the sub port, ?
I never see a screen flicker, DEAD battery sign, nothing.
co-worker, tried some things that made sense when he explained what he did, I would have to agree with him.
Now it is rooted, 4.x something I forget, Never went to 5.x did once early and did not like it, Back stock, ran 2 days no issues, Rooted again, 4.x still do not remember, worked great 3-4 months, Sons ran it to DEaD and that was it, put it up for 90 days or so, wife got new tablet, kids have Fire each, and here i am tabletless, CRAP, did not want to throw to much $$$$ at this thing, nor did I want to buy a new one.
Samsung Tablet here we come.
any body want this Nexus 7, it is a 2012 model.
cdb2643 said:
Honestly, I do not think it is the battery, I can see the Charge signal, and the Battery is showing 1,784 VDC tested unplugged and disconnected, my smart young co-worker seems to think POST is failing, I still never see a "Charging" indication.
Does anyone know , Is there a fail safe, say the battery is disconnected, and usb charger is plugged in, will i just see all 5VDC at the sub port, ?
I never see a screen flicker, DEAD battery sign, nothing.
co-worker, tried some things that made sense when he explained what he did, I would have to agree with him.
Now it is rooted, 4.x something I forget, Never went to 5.x did once early and did not like it, Back stock, ran 2 days no issues, Rooted again, 4.x still do not remember, worked great 3-4 months, Sons ran it to DEaD and that was it, put it up for 90 days or so, wife got new tablet, kids have Fire each, and here i am tabletless, CRAP, did not want to throw to much $$$$ at this thing, nor did I want to buy a new one.
Samsung Tablet here we come.
any body want this Nexus 7, it is a 2012 model.
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I would be more than happy to take it off of your hands mate. Probably gonna use it for parts to keep mine running.

Phone Just Died

So earlier this week, I was using my phone with Google Maps like usual. I plugged in my vehicle USB port to the phone to save battery. I had +50% on the phone and 1A USB port. So after like 5 minutes of it being plugged in, my phone just turned off. I tried turning it back on and all I get is the boot screen, then AXON shows, and puff... Phone off again. I tried booting into recovery but phone turns off before TWRP finishes loading. Phone doesn't seem to be charging. Tried different cables and charger to charge phone but nothing. No charge light. Seems like battery is dead because the phone turns off during boot and battery not charging.
Nothing seems shorted. Phone been working great for weeks before this. BL unlocked, Debloated stock, TWRP. Any ideas other than sending back for warranty? Luckily I still have my S7 as primary but I had my Axon for primary for my trip for real world daily use. Needles to say, photos and videos are wanted off the phone.
RoninBlackSoul said:
So earlier this week, I was using my phone with Google Maps like usual. I plugged in my vehicle USB port to the phone to save battery. I had +50% on the phone and 1A USB port. So after like 5 minutes of it being plugged in, my phone just turned off. I tried turning it back on and all I get is the boot screen, then AXON shows, and puff... Phone off again. I tried booting into recovery but phone turns off before TWRP finishes loading. Phone doesn't seem to be charging. Tried different cables and charger to charge phone but nothing. No charge light. Seems like battery is dead because the phone turns off during boot and battery not charging.
Nothing seems shorted. Phone been working great for weeks before this. BL unlocked, Debloated stock, TWRP. Any ideas other than sending back for warranty? Luckily I still have my S7 as primary but I had my Axon for primary for my trip for real world daily use. Needles to say, photos and videos are wanted off the phone.
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Have you tried going to bootloader mode by holding power and volume down
If the battery has died, then the phone wouldn't turn on is my thinking as everyone you then it on it eats some vattwry
You didn't mention specifically, but have you tried using the factory wall charger & cable and leave charge for like an hour?
Steve - O said:
You didn't mention specifically, but have you tried using the factory wall charger & cable and leave charge for like an hour?
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Original charger but with certified Micro-b/USB-C cable I've been using for weeks between my S7 and the Axon.
So I left the phone alone for the last few days as I was busy at work and Just didn't feel like messing with it when I got home. I tried to turn the phone on but battery was dead. The quick flash of red led was the indicator trying to power it up. So I used my Samsung charger as it was right there and the original ZTE cable. Phone lights up charging and so I left it as is to go to work. I get home, the green led is lit, so I'm hoping my phone will power up now. Nope, right back to my original issue. Power on phone, gets to Axon logo then eventually turns off or goes black screen. I tried booting into recovery but turns off before fully loading. I try to charge phone again but no led indicator.
So later today, I'm going to try to boot into fastboot and try the new TWRP recovery. Maybe it was enabling r/w on system that caused this. I had downgraded to unlock bootloader and then installed ZADmix. I've been usuing it nonstop for 2 weeks with no issues. I have xposed installed so I know rebooted a few times to get everything working and it never turned off since then.
Really frustrating as that's the phone that had my pictures on it.
Hi @RoninBlackSoul, so what did you end up do ? Have you found any way to bring back the Axon from the dead or sent it back to ZTE for repair / replacement ? Same thing just happened to me, and for me Axon 7 is my primary phone ... if the phone is really dead ... will neve buy another ZTE phone ever !!!
dr3am_r said:
Hi @RoninBlackSoul, so what did you end up do ? Have you found any way to bring back the Axon from the dead or sent it back to ZTE for repair / replacement ? Same thing just happened to me, and for me Axon 7 is my primary phone ... if the phone is really dead ... will neve buy another ZTE phone ever !!!
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Honestly not sure what did it. After battery drained, plugged it in to charge for 2 or 3 days. Then remembered some note about enabling write access in TWRP (something like that) would cause bootloops. Which is weird, rebooted the phone a few times when it was working.
Any case, I reflahed the recovery/bootstack in EDL and got my phone back. Been working great 5 months now
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
@RoninBlackSoul, thanks for the feedback.
Got mine working also, my phone was not charging at all. After suddenly rebooting and battery went dead fast, phone was not able to charge for about two days. After which, suddenly started working again, was able to charge and works normally now. This is weird. From my point of view this could be: 1. some sort of auto-protection perhaps or 2. an actual hardware design issue that manifests at random (for some after few weeks or months after purchase). For the 1 point: I was using a non original cable using the original charger, and the USB type c plug was hot at the time the issue occurred. Perhaps due to that heat some protection mechanism manifested that got reset after phone was completely out of juice. Will use only original cable with the Original Fast Charger from now on, as the usb-c plug of the 3rd party cable was fine with a normal charger (non QC3). Hope issue will not manifest again or, Axon 7 will be my last ZTE device ...
dr3am_r said:
@RoninBlackSoul, thanks for the feedback.
Got mine working also, my phone was not charging at all. After suddenly rebooting and battery went dead fast, phone was not able to charge for about two days. After which, suddenly started working again, was able to charge and works normally now. This is weird. From my point of view this could be: 1. some sort of auto-protection perhaps or 2. an actual hardware design issue that manifests at random (for some after few weeks or months after purchase). For the 1 point: I was using a non original cable using the original charger, and the USB type c plug was hot at the time the issue occurred. Perhaps due to that heat some protection mechanism manifested that got reset after phone was completely out of juice. Will use only original cable with the Original Fast Charger from now on, as the usb-c plug of the 3rd party cable was fine with a normal charger (non QC3). Hope issue will not manifest again or, Axon 7 will be my last ZTE device ...
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I only use good chargers rated for QC or 2/2.4 amps like samsung, anker, aukey. Haven't had issues since. Plus certified type-c cables at all times
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
