[Guide] Tips and tricks that work on any ROM -- faster, smoother, better looking - Wildfire General

Alright so besides all the guides we have about using scripts like supercharger and all those stats stuff/scripts that we all have our preferences, i think most of us underestimage the power of customisation that our Willy is comfortable or not with.
The steps that i take on every rom i install so far are simple, and i managed to make even the new CM10 rom a little bit faster, (talking about CM9 speeds on CM10 ROM)
1. First of all i use Launcher Pro. I know it doesnt look as good as holo or any other ICS launcher, but it speeds up the whole device a lot. The main reason I use it is in the second step tho.
2. Download LCD Density Modder. This app will help you increase your screen resolution (also known as resolution hack). Our device uses 120 by default. I recommend 110, 105 if you really want that kick.
What does this do? -- It's simple. Ever saw a friend with say... a samsung galaxy S2? When that guy opens the app draw, half of his installed apps are on that display. By increasing your resolution this helps you get a similar result, by only sacrificing a little bit of the font. Going under 105 will make the font too small, but if you're fine with that, go ahead.
Do NOT use LCD Density Modder if you have Holo Launcher AT ALL. Holo launcher will crash as soon as you will change the density, and after the reboot it will end up in an open/crash loop. Feel free to try LCD Density with any other launcher, but when you do so, DON'T set a default launcher, so when u press your Home button, you can choose Launcher Pro(you should install it as a failsafe measure).
If you used LCD Density Modder with holo launcher anyway then consider yourself slapped by me. Now you have to reinstall your ROM, because there's no other way you get another launcher without Holo working (at least not that I'm aware of).
3. Assuming you singed in on your google account, downloaded any app you want and finished sync'ing your phone with the account data, i strongly recommend disabling background data (Menu->Settings->Accounts & sync settings). Whenever you want to use the Play Store, you enable it. Or perhaps after you've added new contacts and similar situations. Otherwise, it will just drain your battery and slow down your device.
4. This is something that I rarely do because after finishing the steps above, i feel the phone is good to go. Unused Widgets. Remove any widgets you don't use or need.
Any working recommendations will be added giving credits to those that came up with it. Also please post only tweaks and tricks recommendations unrelated to scripts/services or stuff like that, since i feel this should be a noobs(like me) comfortable thread.
The print screen is made with the 100 setting , 20 lower than the default. If the font bothers you, go for 110.

Tips hmmm, i dnt know why we need going for ics or jb then searching tips to fast to speed up, anyhow below are the tips:
A) Stay to ginger bread cm7 basesd roms. cm7 takes small system space using mtd so more internal memory for cache can be on internal memory.
[GUIDE][ICS][JB] Make CyanogenMod Faster & Smoother + Battery Tips [NEW ULTRA MOD]
B) check running sevices see what u not need turn them off, have app "autostart" that is vey helpful.
C) root the htc, freeze the system apps u may not need, i have freezed news n weather, cm stats, dsp manager, fota, cm update notification, and play sevices too.
D) and mods are must v6supercharge, and crossbreeder.
I m sure we all like to enjoy a smooth htc wildfire.
Why off background data as alot of emails will be missed, when the phone is already fast.
Vdo of my settings with 50+ apps:
General Tips & Tricks & Recommendations
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2

thx for the tips its very good

iSharp said:
Alright so besides all the guides we have about using scripts like supercharger and all those stats stuff/scripts that we all have our preferences, i think most of us underestimage the power of customisation that our Willy is comfortable or not with.
The steps that i take on every rom i install so far are simple, and i managed to make even the new CM10 rom a little bit faster, (talking about CM9 speeds on CM10 ROM)
1. First of all i use Launcher Pro. I know it doesnt look as good as holo or any other ICS launcher, but it speeds up the whole device a lot. The main reason I use it is in the second step tho.
2. Download LCD Density Modder. This app will help you increase your screen resolution (also known as resolution hack). Our device uses 120 by default. I recommend 110, 105 if you really want that kick.
What does this do? -- It's simple. Ever saw a friend with say... a samsung galaxy S2? When that guy opens the app draw, half of his installed apps are on that display. By increasing your resolution this helps you get a similar result, by only sacrificing a little bit of the font. Going under 105 will make the font too small, but if you're fine with that, go ahead.
Do NOT use LCD Density Modder if you have Holo Launcher AT ALL. Holo launcher will crash as soon as you will change the density, and after the reboot it will end up in an open/crash loop. Feel free to try LCD Density with any other launcher, but when you do so, DON'T set a default launcher, so when u press your Home button, you can choose Launcher Pro(you should install it as a failsafe measure).
If you used LCD Density Modder with holo launcher anyway then consider yourself slapped by me. Now you have to reinstall your ROM, because there's no other way you get another launcher without Holo working (at least not that I'm aware of).
3. Assuming you singed in on your google account, downloaded any app you want and finished sync'ing your phone with the account data, i strongly recommend disabling background data (Menu->Settings->Accounts & sync settings). Whenever you want to use the Play Store, you enable it. Or perhaps after you've added new contacts and similar situations. Otherwise, it will just drain your battery and slow down your device.
4. This is something that I rarely do because after finishing the steps above, i feel the phone is good to go. Unused Widgets. Remove any widgets you don't use or need.
Any working recommendations will be added giving credits to those that came up with it. Also please post only tweaks and tricks recommendations unrelated to scripts/services or stuff like that, since i feel this should be a noobs(like me) comfortable thread.
The print screen is made with the 100 setting , 20 lower than the default. If the font bothers you, go for 110.
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This rom is cm7 ^^
You are using my rom , thanks.
So if you want tip, use crossbreader, or seeder to make it faster.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium

You can use my ROM it's in development
UltraBeam GB V.04
This is a ROM you guys maybe intrested in
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium

Stone. Cold said:
You can use my ROM it's in development
UltraBeam GB V.04
This is a ROM you guys maybe intrested in
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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Yeah, great ROM, thank's stone!!!
And also thank you all for the tips!

znikosz said:
Yeah, great ROM, thank's stone!!!
And also thank you all for the tips!
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Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium


V6 SuperCharger for a laggy phone

I just want to know if anyone else is running this script. I refused to believe my Nexus S was not behaving, after all, it's a Nexus S! But, eventually even I had to get real. Truth is, lately, no matter what ROM I'm running after a few days things would slow down way too much. Lag, Launcher redraws, FCs due to lag. Things were too slow.
Anyway, I used the V6 SuperCharger script and it really has changed things. I used the MegaRAM option for 512 MB phones and I swear it has been a revelation. Even overclocking couldn't bring about this change. Currently, I'm on MIUI which most people consider to be a bit heavy and clunky. However, after supercharging with the MegaRAM option and Bulletproofing the launcher it's unstoppable! Highly recommended for those of you experiencing phone lag. Make sure to follow the Dev's instructions for using his script. All credit to user: zeppelinrox. Amazing stuff!
Which MegaRAM option did you select? I picked the second option, but I don't know which is better for Nexus S. So far I noticed browser is much much smoother now, other things has always been smooth for me, so I can't really tell the difference.
I used the 2nd MegaRAM option as well. But, I'm going to test out the first option. As I understand it, the more memory you want free in the 3rd slot the less multi tasking you can do (as this is where the secondary apps will be places)...I THINK!
As per that thread if 25 MB is good enough on a Milestone, a Nexus S should do well with 40 MB.
THIS from the thread:
zeppelinrox said:
Additional Info: You can find each app's priority and OOM.
....................... In AMM, Press Menu > Running Processes > Group by OOM grouping.
....................... Expand each group and see what apps are included and each app's priority level. (Higher numbers get killed first!)
....................... If you tap on an app, you can get additional info. Tip: Check and see what's included with android.process.acore
The default minfree values ("kill thresholds") for each OOM group are, as far as I can tell: 6, 8, 16, 20, 22 and 24 mb. (CyanogenMod 6.1.2)
This means that: when free memory lowers to 24 mb, EMPTY_APPS get killed; at 22 mb free ram, CONTENT_PROVIDER apps get killed; and so on...
Now, because the Milestone has only 256 mb of memory, I found these numbers too low, especially the 3rd one.
Basically, with those settings, you will usually be sitting with only 20 - 25 mb of ram.
Possibly less. Basically, it's the 3rd number (16) + 5. That's your free memory.
And my phone just chokes when it has that little ram available. Lag, home screen redrawing, the launcher getting killed.... ugh....
After extensive fiddling around, I've come to the conclusion that setting the third slot to about 25mb works great.
No home screen redraws while not being too aggressive on secondary/background apps while having about 30-35mb free all the time
BTW, free ram is not wasted. Android will use that memory to cache the file system and this speeds things up. See this informative post.
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Si_NZ said:
Which MegaRAM option did you select? I picked the second option, but I don't know which is better for Nexus S. So far I noticed browser is much much smoother now, other things has always been smooth for me, so I can't really tell the difference.
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Just tested the 1st MegaRAM option and things are quite smooth. Launcher is not as buttery as with the 2nd option but, it's still great. The browser does quite well too, pinch to zoom is smooth but, scrolling is a little stuttery on a heavy page like Engadget's.
Just wanted to tell - if you are on my MIUI ROM, don't use it because I have my own RAM Optimization script integrated.
never heard of this till this morning, thanks for bringing it up
trying it out now
brainmaster said:
Just wanted to tell - if you are on my MIUI ROM, don't use it because I have my own RAM Optimization script integrated.
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I love it when a tweaker tells tweakers not to tweak.
zeppelinrox said:
I love it when a tweaker tells tweakers not to tweak.
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you should know that two scripts running can cause issues......
zeppelinrox said:
I love it when a tweaker tells tweakers not to tweak.
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I didn't said anything against your script, just told the users to not use it on my custom ROM. A think that as maker of your script you should know - two RAM scripts on same ROM are doing only damage.
They don't stay running.
They execute and end.
Whichever one runs last is the one that sticks.
Many people were using juwe's script with the V6 script and things ran fine so it's not a big deal.
Of course, if somebody wanted to, they can delete the minfrees in any of their custom roms and plug them into supercharger...
Why do you guys like scaring the crap out of people for nothing? lol
brainmaster said:
Just wanted to tell - if you are on my MIUI ROM, don't use it because I have my own RAM Optimization script integrated.
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Great to hear from you. Haha. Just about to ask you
does it work well with cm7?
mohsin125 said:
does it work well with cm7?
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I'm running it on cm7, and my phone seemed to be a bit snappier
time will tell though
Can someone put this in a stock rom? Sounds too complicated
. Interested in more speed but stock on matrix rom is pretty fast
rican408 said:
Can someone put this in a stock rom? Sounds too complicated
. Interested in more speed but stock on matrix rom is pretty fast
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use this guide, and it will be easier than you could imagine
I tried this and for some reason it derped my sim card, said it was locked (couldnt unlock it when booted as it just went passed the pin screen and onto home screen) and the home button wouldnt work. Anyone got any ideas?
Haizum74 said:
I tried this and for some reason it derped my sim card, said it was locked (couldnt unlock it when booted as it just went passed the pin screen and onto home screen) and the home button wouldnt work. Anyone got any ideas?
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I've seen this problem with the SIM/PIN lock on other ROMs. You might want to try disabling and re-enabling the SIM/PIN lock from settings. It should immediately ask for the PIN and reenable you Home key. What settings did you apply? Maybe they killed off your system guard.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
Just an update on my settings. The MegaRAM seem to really speed everything up but, I find that they weren't being nice to my Whatsapp (I was missing messages now and then) I think Whatsapp would receive the message but get immediately killed before it could broadcast the notification. Once it even seemed to exit in app for no reason at all. So I switched to Balanced Settings 3 and so far Whatsapp as well as the launcher and phone in general has been very responsive.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
deejaylobo said:
I've seen this problem with the SIM/PIN lock on other ROMs. You might want to try disabling and re-enabling the SIM/PIN lock from settings. It should immediately ask for the PIN and reenable you Home key. What settings did you apply? Maybe they killed off your system guard.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App
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I went for Megaram option 1 (I think). I disabled password and it then worked but by this time I had uninstalled the script. Any particular option you suggest? Cheers for the reply too.
It depends on your usage. I would suggest starting out with Balanced settings 3 and moving up or down the menu depending on whether you want more(down) or less speed(up). I've found that the trade off is speed vs multitasking. Though, I think zeppelinrox could confirm whether I'm right.

[Q] How to get the most performance?

I am eagerly awaiting my a500, which is being shipped right now.
In the mean time, I'd like to know what kind of optimizations you would suggest to get the best performance and utility from the tablet, so that when I do get it i'm all ready to go.
I have an android phone, and I know a big thing for it, was replacing the launcher with ADW, Launcher Pro, or Zeam. How is the default launcher on the a500? Is there a better alternative?
Secondly, do the available roms provide noticeably better performance? I'll probably be rooting for CIFS support if DLNA doesn't work out anyways, so it'd be nice to know if the roms are worth it.
Are there any settings I should change from default that would make the performance better? Or anything else you suggest?
Thanks for all your help
Some of the roms do offer performance improvements.. Thou usually break something.. unless they are the near stock rooted themed ones..
same with overclocking each kernel offers different features you will have to find what suits your needs..
the biggest issue with custom roms kernels is trade off there is always something you will be trading.. WITH Many of them its battery life and app compatibility.Th biggest two most important things for me . well 3 really.. all require you to root your tablet
1 ad-hoc network support (just a single file to replace to allow this)
2 GPS.. There is a gps fix that allows much better sat locks.
3 Backup... Titanium backup needs root not to mention full backup thru CWM RECOVERY.. aCER Recovery installer from market can do this for you .
So other than rooting the device, you don't do anything else for performance gains?
you can put a custom kernel, the one i use allows overclocking up to 1.64GHz
That looks pretty awesome to me, bwassef.
I'd definitely use it just for the CIFS support, but its good to know OC is supported if I feel the need.
Are there any other things I could do, or that are necessary besides kernels & roms?
mswirski said:
That looks pretty awesome to me, bwassef.
I'd definitely use it just for the CIFS support, but its good to know OC is supported if I feel the need.
Are there any other things I could do, or that are necessary besides kernels & roms?
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DON'T CHANGE A THING , not for several weeks. erica_renee gave that advice before and it's the best you can follow. You need to see how it's suppose to work and get a baseline so you know how it should work. Get all your applications running and working first then see what you'd like to change that it doesn't allow you to do. Then look at other ROM's.
timmyDean said:
DON'T CHANGE A THING , not for several weeks. erica_renee gave that advice before and it's the best you can follow. You need to see how it's suppose to work and get a baseline so you know how it should work. Get all your applications running and working first then see what you'd like to change that it doesn't allow you to do. Then look at other ROM's.
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The not changing a thing of course goes without saying. even thou yes i guess it does need to be spoken always.. If its not broken dont fix . Root and modify your device only if it does not suit your needs stock..
im Blonde i cant remember to type everything.. Giggles.
Of course, if I can get along just fine on 100% stock, I'll do that. However chances are I will need to route for CIFS support if the DLNA app doesn't work well enough.
I was actually hoping for more suggestions that don't require rooting. Like alternative launchers, or settings on the device.
mswirski said:
Of course, if I can get along just fine on 100% stock, I'll do that. However chances are I will need to route for CIFS support if the DLNA app doesn't work well enough.
I was actually hoping for more suggestions that don't require rooting. Like alternative launchers, or settings on the device.
List of my favorite apps.
1 .Thumbs keyboard
2.Titanium backup. (Need root)
3.autodesk sketchpad.
4.co-pilot. GPS app that does not need data service area.
5.Paltalk video program..(social video chat)
6.office program. I have Polaris .quicknoffice and a couple otherness.
7.splashtop HD. (To acess my desktop from anywhere)
8.root explorer. (Does not have to have root but recommended)
Also astro. And file manager he. Es file manager are nice.
9.Yahoo messenger and the video plugin.
10. Google voice. Awesome so I dont have to give out my real phone number.
11.beautiful Widgets. I love there clock and weather add ons.
I could go on but will stop here
One more I use alot is andcad. Awesome cad drawings app.
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I can tell you that in regards to a home launcher, ADW Launcher is great, and has awesome honeycomb integration. some (including me) notice a lag in the stock launcher and ADW takes care of that
NonRoot Performace Tweaks / Apps:
- Disable animations. (Settings/Screen/Animation).
- Set wifi to turn off when screen is off. (Settings/Wireless & Networks/Wifi Settings/Advanced)
- Turn off all unnecessary radios. (Bluetooth, GPS, Wifi)
- Set screen brightness to as low as you can or use auto broghtness.
- Use Opera Mobile instead of the stock browser. You may find one you like better, but this is the fastest one that I've found. Also, make sure to turn off Opera Turbo.
- Use File Manager HD as you as your file manager.
- MX Video player for video playback.
- Thumb Keyboard to replace the stock one.
- Stock launcher isn't bad, but I like to customize everything so I use ADW EX.
If I think of anymore I'll post em .
Thanks guys, these were the kind of tips I was hoping for.
Especially that there is value using ADW as an alternative launcher, and that there may be slight lag in using the stock launcher.
Has anyone tried the tablet loaded with widgets versus bare? Is it possible to run it with a lot of widgets without it slowing down a lot? I was also thinking of using some more minimal looking text widgets to displayed weather etc. instead of the fancy graphical ones. I'm assuming these will be lighter on resources?
mswirski said:
Thanks guys, these were the kind of tips I was hoping for.
Especially that there is value using ADW as an alternative launcher, and that there may be slight lag in using the stock launcher.
Has anyone tried the tablet loaded with widgets versus bare? Is it possible to run it with a lot of widgets without it slowing down a lot? I was also thinking of using some more minimal looking text widgets to displayed weather etc. instead of the fancy graphical ones. I'm assuming these will be lighter on resources?
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I've got about 10 widgets plus a LWP and im still able to play games etc. with out any lag. But I'm also rooted with many different mods and tweaks I've done, so I'm not sure how it would be on a stock OS.

[Q] Newbie! Few questions:

I recently got my Nexus 7, rooted it, but I'm not a Android PRO, so I have few questions:
1. How many RAM are widgets taking? For example, bookmarks widget, from Google Chrome.
2. How many RAM I need to have free for to do every task fast? Currently I have only 419mb, without any apps running (expect AccuWeather, Battery Widget, TouchPal, Maps, Powe Toggles).
3. Any way to stop apps running in background ( without any task killer)? I know that some apps need to do that, but how to stop games like "Pou"? It's constantly running!
Sorry for my bad English
1 - We can't tell you that, it depends on how many Widgets you use. The only way to really find out is check your RAM usage, add a widget and Check again, the difference is the amount of RAM that widget is taking.
2 - Not much RAM is used for each app, and when you minimise an App it is paused, effectivly not running, and then unpauses when you go into your app again.
3 - Easiest way is to go "Settings -> Apps -> Find "Pou" -> Force Close
These are very strange questions to be asking
Wilks3y said:
1 - We can't tell you that, it depends on how many Widgets you use. The only way to really find out is check your RAM usage, add a widget and Check again, the difference is the amount of RAM that widget is taking.
2 - Not much RAM is used for each app, and when you minimise an App it is paused, effectivly not running, and then unpauses when you go into your app again.
3 - Easiest way is to go "Settings -> Apps -> Find "Pou" -> Force Close
These are very strange questions to be asking
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Thanks, now I have 1 more question.
I want full tablet UI, but when I change dpi (or.ppi, i forgot) in build.prop, nothing happens, but icons are smaller and everything is totally strange :\
Yeah DPI isn't a very good alternate to getting a Tablet UI, used to be but not the best.
169 is the DPI I'm sure was used for Tablet UI.
Anyway, EASIEST I can suggest you try, which I personally use and love it.
Download: Apex Launcher from Google Play
Go to Apex settings, and look for "Tablet UI"
Thats sorted me out since I had the tab!
If you really want a great Tablet UI I'd suggest looking at - Paranoid Android ROM, however you need to be rooted and install it as its a custom ROM.
Wilks3y said:
Yeah DPI isn't a very good alternate to getting a Tablet UI, used to be but not the best.
169 is the DPI I'm sure was used for Tablet UI.
Anyway, EASIEST I can suggest you try, which I personally use and love it.
Download: Apex Launcher from Google Play
Go to Apex settings, and look for "Tablet UI"
Thats sorted me out since I had the tab!
If you really want a great Tablet UI I'd suggest looking at - Paranoid Android ROM, however you need to be rooted and install it as its a custom ROM.
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I changed it to 169, and again nothing . It's because of 4.2.2 update, Google removed that. Thanks, anyway.
bokisis said:
I changed it to 169, and again nothing . It's because of 4.2.2 update, Google removed that. Thanks, anyway.
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It is 160, not 169

[how to] have a lighter and faster stock rom!!!

First of all, please allow me to express that this method is not taken from somewhere else or not required any expertise to implement. This is just based on to remove heavy TW applications, and find better replacements for them. Mainly, this is not a mod at all
I am sharing this method because it is tried by lots of people and they conveyed their appreciation for overall performance and battery life increase.
As a start, either Flash a fully Stock odexed Rom or flash a TW based Custom Rom.
Then root it, and flash a performance kernel. Preferably H.O.C Hello World Kernel v1.3.7b.
Make a Full Nandroid Backup including /preload partition. I bear no responsibility for any lost info or broken device. (Actually it is impossible to break the phone by implementing this method but who knows
Then install Titanium Backup. Backup all user and system apps.
These are all kind of prerequisites. There we start now
First thing to be done is to get rid of TW Launcher. IT is hell of a burden for whole system. Best replacement for me is Nova Launcher. You choose your own. After you settle with new launcher and rest assured that it is OK, freeze TW via TB. Thanks to this step we have gained more than 50 mb of RAM
Second thing is to get rid of is Gallery. Due to Facebook, Picasa, G+, etc. integration Gallery is always working background and pushes system very hard. Best and fastest replacement is stock Android/Google Camera and Gallery. Here is the link: http://db.tt/L1ip1Inp Flash it via Recovery. This will install system folder. You can find preload variations on the net.
After you install the zip, set video recording resolution to 480p. Otherwise it gets stuck. When you confirm that media scanner is completed and Camera is working including whole features, then you can freeze and/or delete stock gallery and camera apps.
The other wise thing to do to lighten the rom would be deleting some bloatware, actually all bloatwares . Start with ad apps, and continue with live wallpapers and live wallpaper chooser. After that, you can delete Samsung scloud agents. If you are not using them, it will be wise.
Other apps to be deleted could be FM Radio, Google Play Music, etc. The ones you are sure that you are not using. Actually to give a complete and proper list is unfortunately impossible. Cause it is dependent to tastes and choices. For example, I don’t use All Share and Group Play, so I even deleted them. On the other hand, you may be using them. So even if I tell you what I have deleted, it may not work for you.
You can also delete some widget apps like Favorite Apps, contacts, etc. They consume RAM. Get rid of them. If you are not using stock keyboard, then get rid of Samsung IME, swype. Also you can delete street view, double clock, digital clock, etc. You decide it. There are lists floating around in which you can find the app safe to remove.
Any app not essential for system can be deleted. If you are hesitant whether an app is obligatory for system working or not, then just freeze it So that you can defreeze it later on if you face any problems.
I would strongly advise you to get rid of Play Store, Hangout, Play Music, Play Services. If you need GTalk, here it is: http://db.tt/6NKHZMvV (Replace it with Hangout apk (don’t know the name) and set the permissions. If you cannot find a replacement for Play Market, try 1Mobile. It is free. No warez either. Afterwards you won’t need Play Services. System will be free of another heavy duty as well
Now, we set our Rom according to your taste and needs. System is a lot lighter now. It is time to implement some mods.
Search for Direct Injection tweak on xda. Flash it via CWM right away. Let the phone boot.
Then, install Seeder from xda also. Choose all 3 options, set it to moderate and Turn it ON. Reboot the phone again.
After, install No Frills CPU from 1Mobile (we deleted Play Store ). Set governor as HYPER, and scheduler as row. Max Freq: 1,2GHZ; Min:200 MHZ. Tick applying settings on boot. Then activate your Battery Saving Mode.
Finally, go to recovery. Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache. Let the phone reboot and settle for 30 minutes.
Enjoy the fastest Rom ever
Please do not report battery life before 3 full cycle.
Nice guide. Cause you did more than me. But for the launcher, if you don't use widgets and just want ultimate simplicity get Sicksky launcher https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sicksky its the next generation zeam launcher. For me nova launcher still takes up a lot of space due to its number of features. So after reading the whole thread I realised that stock android is the best.
Juhan Jufri said:
Nice guide. Cause you did more than me. But for the launcher, if you don't use widgets and just want ultimate simplicity get Sicksky launcher https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sicksky its the next generation zeam launcher. For me nova launcher still takes up a lot of space due to its number of features. So after reading the whole thread I realised that stock android is the best.
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Thanks for reply and advise.
Though I need weather, mail and calender widgets. I dont know if I can use thim with SickSky but if they dont work with it, then sorry
Actually my RAM usage is around 550-650. Itmeans there is a lot of room for Nova Even if you limit background processes via Developer Options by three or two, you will se a noticable RAM usage decrease. Try it now
But still, there may be lots of additions to this. So whoever comes up with a new advise is more than welcomed
This should be a contribution thread, I hope.
I actually love TW starter but will try other things you said.
nice guide though:good:
TW Launcher is the best, I tried almost all launchers but the satisfaction and ease I get with TWL none can provide even if its a little heavy on ram but really not that heavy to make your system laggy.
Overall your motto to keep the rom lite and fast looks good to me but removing Play Store is a crime don't do that. lol
v4uluv2004 said:
TW Launcher is the best, I tried almost all launchers but the satisfaction and ease I get with TWL none can provide even if its a little heavy on ram but really not that heavy to make your system laggy.
Overall your motto to keep the rom lite and fast looks good to me but removing Play Store is a crime don't do that. lol
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It is not working where I live
Google doesn't allow us to use it unfortunately.
Are you saying google is commiting a crime
I think rather than cut down every feature on your phone easier to pick up a nice Nokia 3600 or something like that going back to 20th. century.
straycat said:
I think rather than cut down every feature on your phone easier to pick up a nice Nokia 3600 or something like that going back to 20th. century.
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I don't cut here, just replace.
I mean, there is nothing missing here for me as a smart phone. And whenever i need, lets say all share, i can defreeze and use it.
Nothing is missing on my end.

[Q] Regarding Rooting, Memory Management, and Launcher

I regret not rooting right away. I don't want a custom rom because I hate wiping, but I do want root access. What's the easiest way to back everything up and restore after root for a minimum of headache?
[Memory Management]
I gave my iPad to a family member because I wanted to keep the Nexus 10, and I used both with the browser open and on "reader" mode often. For some reason it seems to me the iPad kept my current page in memory for much longer. I often read long pages of lots of text so it's annoying to open firefox or dolphin again and have the tablet re-load my page and start me at the top again. This usually doesn't happen if I've only gone and used 1 or 2 other apps, usually it opens to the middle of the page where I had it before, but if I do too many other apps when I switch back to my browser it has to reload my page. Am I correct in assuming this is a memory management problem? Best fix? (and I'm assuming it'll be easier to fix with root?)
I love the features of Apex/Nova launchers, but both of them are resizing my icons to a standard size. This is most obvious with the "KickassTorrents" app icon, but since not everyone will have that, go look at the Pulse app icon in both vanilla launcher, as compared to Apex or Nova. You will notice the default launcher leaves a ring of transparent space around the icon, whereas Nova/Apex seem to ignore the transparent space and stretch the icon to fill up the whole of a grid box. Of course on such a high ppi screen that looks awful. Any known fix?
rievna said:
I regret not rooting right away. I don't want a custom rom because I hate wiping, but I do want root access. What's the easiest way to back everything up and restore after root for a minimum of headache?
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You can use adb backup for it. There is already out this great guide ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1420351) , so you can follow it . Any questions just post here.
rievna said:
[Memory Management]
I gave my iPad to a family member because I wanted to keep the Nexus 10, and I used both with the browser open and on "reader" mode often. For some reason it seems to me the iPad kept my current page in memory for much longer. I often read long pages of lots of text so it's annoying to open firefox or dolphin again and have the tablet re-load my page and start me at the top again. This usually doesn't happen if I've only gone and used 1 or 2 other apps, usually it opens to the middle of the page where I had it before, but if I do too many other apps when I switch back to my browser it has to reload my page. Am I correct in assuming this is a memory management problem? Best fix? (and I'm assuming it'll be easier to fix with root?)
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I usually don't mind it, but you may want to find a browser that saves the page (offline mode) or install an app like Advanced Task Killer (I usually don't recommend, but in your case I think it may do the job) and then change the settings to don't kill your browser . Good luck with this!! If I find more info I'll give to you.
rievna said:
I love the features of Apex/Nova launchers, but both of them are resizing my icons to a standard size. This is most obvious with the "KickassTorrents" app icon, but since not everyone will have that, go look at the Pulse app icon in both vanilla launcher, as compared to Apex or Nova. You will notice the default launcher leaves a ring of transparent space around the icon, whereas Nova/Apex seem to ignore the transparent space and stretch the icon to fill up the whole of a grid box. Of course on such a high ppi screen that looks awful. Any known fix?
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Maybe you can find something in settings, I use NOVA in my Xoom and S4, however in Nexus 10 I still didn't configure enough to be good for me, so I'm still stick with the normal launcher. AFAIK there are settings in NOVA to change the icon size, I edited mine on Xoom and looked really good, I'll find it and send a new reply for you later.
Hope this covers up enough for you .
"We think so supersonic and we make our bombs atomic" - Eagle Fly Free (Helloween)
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