[Q] Update CyanogenMod 7 to 10 - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Someone previously customized my HD2 to dual boot Windows 7 and CyanogenMod 7 several years ago.
I've recently started using the phone again, but am unable to purchase apps (all apps are outdated) from either marketplace.
I'd like to try updating CM7 to CM10, but am not sure if this is do-able, as this phone is not listed as a compatible device on the CM site.
This would personally be my first time trying anything like this on a non-iOS device - any help is appreciated!
Has anyone had any luck with this?

Hi i will help as much as i can. But you posted in windows thread you should have asked in the android thread.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium

Receptionitis said:
Someone previously customized my HD2 to dual boot Windows 7 and CyanogenMod 7 several years ago.
I've recently started using the phone again, but am unable to purchase apps (all apps are outdated) from either marketplace.
I'd like to try updating CM7 to CM10, but am not sure if this is do-able, as this phone is not listed as a compatible device on the CM site.
This would personally be my first time trying anything like this on a non-iOS device - any help is appreciated!
Has anyone had any luck with this?
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in my understanding what u had in your device is WP7 in u'r NAND and CM 7 in your SD card,please refer to sub xda sub forum of android SD you will find what you looking for,and please rememmber that there's no official CM ROM for HD2 at cyanogen sites,but if u search more further here,u will find alot of 'em.thanks.plese bear that he's new here,like we all does couple times ago.


pointlees thread not being used just drops to the bottom please lock or delete

Ok so I doing this off my own back because it would be nice if this section could stay clean for a while so people can actually find what they are looking for and get answers and not make it a frigging mess with stupid pointless posts which are so annoying when you wanna check out the latest things happening so here are some threads with answers to all you're questions and what not, would rather if you just posted links so I can update the first post with answers and what not
First of all the Stickies check here first!!!
The Definitve Guide To Android On HTC HD2
Blinking LED constantly while using Android
Android Gaming thread
Demaxmeister's LEODROID - Mega Icon & Wallpaper Pack
Robotic voice - ongoing discussion
Problems in Winmo after testing Android
Jmz Android Dual-Boot for HD2
Android Loader App for HD2
OS Easy Launcher
Android Internet settings - Would be nice if you could all post so we can have them all in one place
Save Battery Life
Music speeding up in android - ongoing Discussion
The Answer to why so little RAM
Activate Sound on Android
So far you can NOT run Android from the NAND, there is a few ROM's that are built very very light and will allow you to boot straight to Android such as NRGZ |LEO|Android ROM|, there is also XTarantula Android: EClair (senseless) and then you have darkstone HD2Froyo v1, which is just the android files you place on you're sd card, so far personally the best version I have used, and finally my personal faveourite as this rom allows you to change your'e android build ChuckyDroidROM 23128 works very well woth darkstone HD2Froyo v1
Ok so this is all I could find at the min, but i'll keep it updated
Also if you could change youre thread to [solved] it can drop down to the bottom and we can link it in here so we are a bit more organised
Nice thread got a question..
Has anyone gotten their hd2 bricked yet?
If so which rom/build?
Asking this because I don't have hspl lmao.. Kinda stupid if you ask me but I currently don't have internet connection on my pc..
Read the problems in android to winmo thread and that's the darkstone froyo rom. Besides that any other builds?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
angelo.asinas said:
Nice thread got a question..
Has anyone gotten their hd2 bricked yet?
If so which rom/build?
Asking this because I don't have hspl lmao.. Kinda stupid if you ask me but I currently don't have internet connection on my pc..
Read the problems in android to winmo thread and that's the darkstone froyo rom. Besides that any other builds?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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why would you want it bricked do you know what that term actually means???
I'm guessing you mean ROOTED!!! and yes it can be done
Demon_man said:
why would you want it bricked do you know what that term actually means???
I'm guessing you mean ROOTED!!! and yes it can be done
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Nooo I dont want it bricked >.< I know what it means and I'm actually wondering if any one got their phone broken by installing any build/rom lol because I don't have hspl and if by any chance my phone does get bricked I'm screwed.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
angelo.asinas said:
Nooo I dont want it bricked >.< I know what it means and I'm actually wondering if any one got their phone broken by installing any build/rom lol because I don't have hspl and if by any chance my phone does get bricked I'm screwed.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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you cant brick it using android it runs from haret, all the files ar eon ur sd card, but 99% of the time u do need to change ur radio, and from what I have read custom roms are the way forward to using Android hope this helps
Demon_man said:
you cant brick it using android it runs from haret, all the files ar eon ur sd card, but 99% of the time u do need to change ur radio, and from what I have read custom roms are the way forward to using Android hope this helps
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Thanks because from reading the android development thread dcordes mentioned something about a chance bricking your phone. Helps a lot though now I understand!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
well this worked out well didnt it GGRRRR is there much point in me keeping this upto date??
Demon_man said:
well this worked out well didnt it GGRRRR is there much point in me keeping this upto date??
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Demon, just keep it up to date.
Im referring every single thread with a - why didn;t you post it here - comment (tot the Q&A topic) while when things get fixed we can still post a quick link here.
ok just a quick bump and message to let yo no this will be upto date in a few hours regarding everything in this thread
Good work demon-man I understand you're frustrations when everyone is just throwing up posts willy nilly and don't use the search function. Good luck m8.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
It wasnt pointless.Too many people cant follow directions.
small bugs in FroyoStone Series - Version 1 (07-Aug-2010)
angelo.asinas said:
Nice thread got a question..
Has anyone gotten their hd2 bricked yet?
If so which rom/build?
Asking this because I don't have hspl lmao.. Kinda stupid if you ask me but I currently don't have internet connection on my pc..
Read the problems in android to winmo thread and that's the darkstone froyo rom. Besides that any other builds?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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yep i fully bricked my hd2 and couldnt turn it on at all. i had the stock rom and build at the time, and accidentally flashed an international rom to a us tmobile device. i learned not to flash anything below 2.08 spl or its considered international and will brick ur device.

which android for my htc hd2?

i recently purchased HTC HD2 phone that comes with windows mobile 6.5.
I don't have a problem with it but some friends praised Android. I tried froyo on my sd card but it didn't work very well. it crashed and didn't load properly. Then someone told me that i've to remove windows mobile and install android fresh.
Can anyone suggest if android runs well on htc hd2? will i be able to use camera, phone, wifi, data, gps with android? But primarily it should work like any phone out there, after all its a phone.
Go to the HD2 Android Dev forum. There should be AmeriCanDroid.
That's a good stable build that I'm using.
SD base.
As far as I remember, AmeriCanDroid is for US T-Mobile users. If you use european version then I would suggest trying ROMs by Rafdroid (it's of course only my suggestion, but his ROMs are most stable for me.)
go to android NAND development and search for the stickies. there is a link which show a lot of android builds.
you can choose by yourself what kind of android you prefer (sense builds, stock froyo, gingerbread etc.) just give it a try
I´m personally on typhoons cm7 which runs really great.
but do i have to remove my existing windows mobile on my htc hd2?
will i be able to sync all my contacts, text messages with android?
Android works with google, so you can put the contacts in your gmail and it will sync with android on the telephone. Text messages wont work as far as I know
Just like the other people say, take a look in the android nand section and read the sticky's, they tell you everything you need to know.
I'm on the HyperDroid and works great
read thist thread, it will help you to decide.
ps: mods, this thread should be stick. its very helpfull to noods and more advanced users
adecostres said:
As far as I remember, AmeriCanDroid is for US T-Mobile users.
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Actually, they post US and ex-US builds each time a new build is released. Many ex-US users post there, but far too many US and ex-US ask the same tired questions over and over. Read the FAQ, and enjoy a good build.
id go for this thread HERE, which should help you get started.
naturesbless said:
Go to the HD2 Android Dev forum. There should be AmeriCanDroid.
That's a good stable build that I'm using.
SD base.
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Me too. It is stable and has low battery usage.
Development is in progress, the remaining issues should be fixed soon.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I followed the steps provided at thread provided by gizmolisa2006.
After step 3 was done, which was to install MAGLDR 1.13 and it flashed (if thats the correct word) ROM to by running ROMUpdateUtility.exe.
after that i pressed the power key and it doesn't go into bootloader or the magldr menu doesn't come up. i did what it said in that video as well. but no luck.
now my hd2 is stuck on white background with pink "Stick Together" logo.
Can anyone please help?
Did you flash HSPL first?
my bad, i was suppossed to install 2.08.hspl instead of 3.03.
its working fine now.
I installed gingerbread i guess.
Hortz said:
Android works with google, so you can put the contacts in your gmail and it will sync with android on the telephone. Text messages wont work as far as I know
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search "migrate" on google... it saves everything from winmo to droid
aryob said:
my bad, i was suppossed to install 2.08.hspl instead of 3.03.
its working fine now.
I installed gingerbread i guess.
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what if hspl is 3.03? by downgrading it to 2.08, will it be reversable?
Nexus HD2 - Gingerbread V2.4 NAND
try it i like it a lot
help... i don't really know what type HTC HD2 i m using.. i m confused by so many types in the market, leoxxxx...t-mobile, htc sense?
i suggest hyperdroidgbx cm7 v1.0.3 runs great super fast and stable as all hell for me...only froze on me once so far and it was while i was streaming videos using flash...
great build
The most important thing is to get proficient at flashing your hd2 so that you can try out a few builds. Once you get hspl and magloader on your phone, I recommend coredroid simply because the instructions for getting clockwork recovery on your phone and installing coredroid are laid out fairly clear in a file with the download. From there you can try flashing other builds if coredroid doesn't suit your needs. I'm currently using hyperdroid and it's great for me.

[Q] HTC HD2 Android

Iv'e been searching a lot of all the ways to run android on my HTC HD2. And I think it's a bit messy with all the ways to do this.
When I tried to make this work I hade about 10 internet tabs open to download and read how to make this work. Yet still no success
Iv'e also tried installed it with flashing rom, running haret etc. but not gettin it to work. Iv'e installed froyos version of android.
Can someone please make a step by step list with all alternatives and programs I need to make this work.
Thanks and hope someone want to help me
P.S. for the guy above just get into the forum and start to read and learn..
From london where the phone is essential when u are stuck in the tube or train..
Yeah reading does wonders! Read Read Read.
but i see where you're coming from.
Have you flashed HSPL? Radio?
yes i have flashed the rom and the radio....trust me guys, i have been reading...when im going to get something to work im sitting for several days trying :/
Do u have a T-Mobile hd2 or EU hd2
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
I have EU HD2
I have EU HD2
Here's a run down on what you need to do...
Flash 2.08.HSPL
Flash radio
Flash CWM
Flash your ROM.
What do you need help doing?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
What version Android are you planning on flashing?
Its all in here,
it helped me ...
thats if you go the sd card route which is the simplest i would say
Good luck
I planned flashing to froyos version if that's what you mean !? I also want to choose which OS I want to load when I start my phone.
doesnt the rom that you want specifiy the steps required?
Check out my signature. I have some instructions in my signature that might help. Also you might want to check out CoreDroid here. I find that it´s stable and fast, with some nice eye candy.
partyfreak69 said:
Iv'e been searching a lot of all the ways to run android on my HTC HD2. And I think it's a bit messy with all the ways to do this.
When I tried to make this work I hade about 10 internet tabs open to download and read how to make this work. Yet still no success
Iv'e also tried installed it with flashing rom, running haret etc. but not gettin it to work. Iv'e installed froyos version of android.
Can someone please make a step by step list with all alternatives and programs I need to make this work.
Thanks and hope someone want to help me
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I'm planning flash froyos version of Android if that's what you mean?!
i'm gonna try coredroid...i find it interesting thanks to all of you who where willing to help me!
partyfreak69 said:
i'm gonna try coredroid...i find it interesting thanks to all of you who where willing to help me!
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Good choice! If you need help, let me know..
does windows mobile 6.5 disappear when I install coredroid?? I would like to have both OS..
Then you need to boot android from SD. Go to the android SD sub forum
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
yes but can I have both wm and coredroid installed? I did a flash but then wm was gone.

[Q] Restore to factory WM stock after Andriod installed

Too many things are not working. And the phone is super slow.
How do I restore a HD2 with android installed back to Windows Mobile stock version? Can you please point me to Wiki, I am looking but I cannot find it.
Download your stock ROM and flash it via SD card - this way, everything will be back to factory status.
Just check the stickies in the WinMo thread, you´ll quickly find what you need.
If this is done will HTC know it has been using Android NAND? So could a phone be sent for repair if this is done?
jim.od2001 said:
If this is done will HTC know it has been using Android NAND? So could a phone be sent for repair if this is done?
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Yes... you can send it back to HTC is you flash it as above with WM from sd card.
Good luck
baboog said:
Too many things are not working. And the phone is super slow.
How do I restore a HD2 with android installed back to Windows Mobile stock version? Can you please point me to Wiki, I am looking but I cannot find it.
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Well first of all which Android rom did you use?
Did you try others?
Did you read the roms thread for tweaks/fixes?
Some roms can make your device run faster and better then Windows Mobile, You have obviously not tried variosu roms and just gave up after 5 minutes.
You should take your time and try some of the lighter Android roms like NexusHD2 or maybe a CM7 based rom. What you ahve probably tried is a full on DHD sense rom which (at first) will be laggy until OS has had time to settle down and also a few reboots.
I have been using Android since I had my HD1 and more or less since day1 on my HD2, Ive used many roms (thats teh fun part) and have not had a problem overall of slow or too many things not working, It all depends on the rom you use and if you tweak/fix or not.
HTC HD2 Miui 1.7.8
[email protected]

best / most popular w7 rom

Hi, I've not tried windows on my phone yet but I'm tempted too. What is the best / most popular rom?
I guess then can be booted from SD cards like I currently do with american android?
Umm, first of all, Windows "Phone" 7 cannot be booted from sd card.
And the best ROM is "Back to the Future" (like we haven any others :/ )
Thanks. How do you go about running it then if not from sd?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
It must be run from the NAND memory. However, you will need to have an sd-card pre-installed.
Cheers mate, is that simple enough to do?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
I didn't really use any guides when I installed my B2TF ROM and upgraded it to Mango.
But from the title, I can tell that this thread should help you out:
[Install Guide] Back to the Future [XBmod-Yuki] [7720 ready]
And you're welcome
just be advised that it has lots of gaps, no multitouc, no wifi thetering, and there seems to be no dev around to help, so if your not in love with wp7, stay with android
That said WP7 is lovely to use and very fast.
You will need to call Microsoft to get an activation code to use any of the online services. They seem quite happy to give out the codes just have a read of the WP7 forum for details.
