Samsung/Android Email MADNESS!! - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Why oh why can't I see unread counts in sub folders on my active sync account? This is utter madness!!! Phone ending madness (no I don't want to pay for a separate app, it should be a standard function in the stock email app)
Why Google/Android are you forcing me to get an iPhone for work!!!
Anyone have a non rooted stock ROM work around? This really is the most annoying bug I have found with any phone!!!

THEsirloin said:
Why oh why can't I see unread counts in sub folders on my active sync account? This is utter madness!!! Phone ending madness (no I don't want to pay for a separate app, it should be a standard function in the stock email app)
Why Google/Android are you forcing me to get an iPhone for work!!!
Anyone have a non rooted stock ROM work around? This really is the most annoying bug I have found with any phone!!!
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I`d rather buy a email app then an iPhone, much cheaper (and better)
Quote: Thanks, but this has not helped.
A: Getting another email app because it misses one option makes makes more sense than changing to another OS imho.

gee2012 said:
I`d rather buy a email app then an iPhone, much cheaper (and better)
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Thanks, but this has not helped.I have owned an Android handset since the S2 so there's no need to troll
Simply put, how can they have possibly missed this utterly basic feature


Extract exchange support from HTC SENSE?

Is there any possibility that you smart guys could extract only the exchange capabilities from HTC's SENSE?
edit sorry guys
1. Wrong section
2. Search Button
3. ... all I am going to say.
There you go. Give it a try.
More politely put no it is not possible but you can use senseui with the normal launcher and have your exchange support.
Or just use touchdown OR motogal and motocal
My problem is that I LOVE the widgets. the Calender Widget to be specific. I wish the Android calender would merge Exchange and Google calender information and present it out on a unified calender like HTC does. And I used Modaco's kitchen to dump the Sense UI but that also leaves me without the calendar and mail widgets :-(
Not working
Talderon - I have searched but didn't get a satisfying answer.
InGeNeTiCs - Tried it (adb push), but I don't see any new app..
genibus - If I get you correct, you are saying that the only possible way is using HTC Desire's ROM?
richardrahl said:
My problem is that I LOVE the widgets. the Calender Widget to be specific. I wish the Android calender would merge Exchange and Google calender information and present it out on a unified calender like HTC does. And I used Modaco's kitchen to dump the Sense UI but that also leaves me without the calendar and mail widgets :-(
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calwidget merges google and motorola, works like a charm.
itaysk said:
Talderon - I have searched but didn't get a satisfying answer.
InGeNeTiCs - Tried it (adb push), but I don't see any new app..
genibus - If I get you correct, you are saying that the only possible way is using HTC Desire's ROM?
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What functionality do you not want to lose from Stock Android?
Paul22000 said:
What functionality do you not want to lose from Stock Android?
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I need to overlay google cal and exchange cal. I am using calwidget which is nice, but I need a full calendar app. (i.e - pick a specific date, and see whats happening in both calendars)
I need to accept calendar invitations from exchange (Push) - motocal can do it only if I happen to navigate to the date and see the event invitation there. there's no way to know you received an invitation, and there's no centralized place where I can see my invitations.
I need to be able to search GAL from the email application. I have motogal, but it's not what i'm looking for. let's say someone sent me an email, I want to forward it to someone in the company. I dont want to go to motogal, search, copy, paste... I want to have the search in the TO field of the wmail app.
I need to search email and calendar..
These are the main problems...
Thanks for the help
Why do people seem to believe that everything can be ported, or "extracted" from everything. Not everything (as sad as this may be to some) can be ported to every single 'thing'. People seem to constantly ask for things from HTC Sense here, but they do not seem to comprehend that HTC Sense requires a specific framework, without Rosie we cannot simply port every minor detail over to the standard Vanilla Android. (From MY understanding, I could be wrong, but this is what I was taught).
Get the Desire ROM, or a imitation, and stop requesting..
This was not directed to the thread creator specifically, though it was to people who are requesting widgets. I really wish people could become a little more educated.. unless me myself is wrong.
itaysk said:
I need to overlay google cal and exchange cal. I am using calwidget which is nice, but I need a full calendar app. (i.e - pick a specific date, and see whats happening in both calendars)
I need to accept calendar invitations from exchange (Push) - motocal can do it only if I happen to navigate to the date and see the event invitation there. there's no way to know you received an invitation, and there's no centralized place where I can see my invitations.
I need to be able to search GAL from the email application. I have motogal, but it's not what i'm looking for. let's say someone sent me an email, I want to forward it to someone in the company. I dont want to go to motogal, search, copy, paste... I want to have the search in the TO field of the wmail app.
I need to search email and calendar..
These are the main problems...
Thanks for the help
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You can do all this already, or this is what you want to do?
Let me rephrase my earlier question, I think you misunderstood: What can you currently do that you will LOSE by going to the Desire ROM?
Eclair~ said:
Why do people seem to believe that everything can be ported, or "extracted" from everything. Not everything (as sad as this may be to some) can be ported to every single 'thing'. People seem to constantly ask for things from HTC Sense here, but they do not seem to comprehend that HTC Sense requires a specific framework, without Rosie we cannot simply port every minor detail over to the standard Vanilla Android. (From MY understanding, I could be wrong, but this is what I was taught).
Get the Desire ROM, or a imitation, and stop requesting..
This was not directed to the thread creator specifically, though it was to people who are requesting widgets. I really wish people could become a little more educated.. unless me myself is wrong.
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Because that's the idea behind the android OS? That everything is modular. Except that in this case HTC sense is a module for home, and not individual modules.
To the OP: If you want corporate usage, I believe it was pulled from the droid rom successfully. I've seen a few posts allude to it around here somewhere.
muncheese said:
Because that's the idea behind the android OS? That everything is modular. Except that in this case HTC sense is a module for home, and not individual modules.
To the OP: If you want corporate usage, I believe it was pulled from the droid rom successfully. I've seen a few posts allude to it around here somewhere.
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Well yes, I know that's the idea behind the Android OS, but not everything can be backported, extracted or whatever as easily as people seem to wish or think..
Paul22000 said:
You can do all this already, or this is what you want to do?
Let me rephrase my earlier question, I think you misunderstood: What can you currently do that you will LOSE by going to the Desire ROM?
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OHHH sorry I thought you asked a different question.
Actually, I wouldn't mind having a complete sense experience - That would be even better.
But I'm a little afraid to flash the entire Desire ROM because it's still experimental.. isn't it?
I'm currently with Cyanogen so it's not the idea of flashing that bothers me, it's just that specific ROM.
Thanks for your reply.
itaysk said:
OHHH sorry I thought you asked a different question.
Actually, I wouldn't mind having a complete sense experience - That would be even better.
But I'm a little afraid to flash the entire Desire ROM because it's still experimental.. isn't it?
I'm currently with Cyanogen so it's not the idea of flashing that bothers me, it's just that specific ROM.
Thanks for your reply.
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I'm guessing you are not familiar with the Nand Backup/Restore feature then?
Paul22000 said:
I'm guessing you are not familiar with the Nand Backup/Restore feature then?
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OK.. Ill give it a shot..
I was just trying to find out if there's a possibility that I wouldn't have to go through this, because all I need is proper exchange support.
Without a Rooted Incredible I assume I can't install the sensemail.apk on the incredible?
I tried and the app won't install although both are HTC Sense UI's?
Verizon seemed to have downgraded the HTC Mail to only one screen option. I wanted the screen widget that showed the messages in a list not by individual pages where you flip through them to read the headers(single page).
I also tried the extracted widget from the HTC Desire ROM and it didn't want to install. said it was an application error.
Any hints? or just wait for the root?

Who should I blame for this contacts bug?

If I create a contacts group in it never appears in my phone (even after sync, course). But if I try to add the same group name in the phone it tells me the group exists so I can't create it. Oh Ye?!?! So where is it you stupid SGS? Show it to me. Nada!
If I create a group in my phone it never shows up in I can even go there and create a group with the same name.
Is this by design? Who belongs this bug? Android or Samsung? Do you have this problem with SGS or other phones.
Blame Samsung. They replaced the stock Android Contacts app with their own. There are many complaints about it in the forums.
Lol thanks. Is there an easy or not so easy way of reverting that crap samsung contact app?
format said:
Lol thanks. Is there an easy or not so easy way of reverting that crap samsung contact app?
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You cannot uninstall the Samsung Contacts app, which is what syncs with Google. But you can install another third-party app and use that as your interface instead.
(Actually, I think the Samsung app does download the Google groups data element when it syncs, but just fails to display it.)
I have tried a free Market app called Contacts Evolved, which does display the contacts, by Gmail group, in separate tabs. A little buggy, though, with some force-close issues.
The more I try to use the really usefull features the more problems. I have the SGS almost a month and now can properly say (since this is stuff from other galaxy):
"Oh my god, it's full of BUGS"
I've created a calendar in Google calendar and it showed up in SGS. Great! This is rocket science.
Then I deleted that calendar. Vanished from the phne. OOooohhhoo!! Great.
Now I create another calendar. Nada. Zero. No way to make the calendar appear. Did I consumed my one calendar limit ?
Oh boy. This is so bad. Consumes a lot of time.
FM radio is mono. GPS is a joke. Contacts and Calendar have more bugs that entries. You get the strange sensation that when you peek under the hood it's a great hardware in the hands of the wrong guys. Just put vanilla FROYO please. It's easier and you can fire a lot of incompetent engineers.
I have 5 calendars in google calendar. Why this crazy phone only shows me 3? And what can I do besides selling it?
Sync and reboot are useless.
I installed Gemini Calendar just to see if I can overcome the problem and with that app I can see all the calendars. I choose them, but the events I have in the ones missing from the stock SAMSUNG cal app, don't appear also. So one step closer to nothing.
just a question, did you enable viewing google contacts from the display option in the contacts app?
In the JP# Froyo builds, Google contact groups are listed (because this annoyed me too), so expect it in the official Froyo release when released
xfox said:
just a question, did you enable viewing google contacts from the display option in the contacts app?
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Yep! But the problem is with the groups not showing up.
andrewluecke said:
In the JP# Froyo builds, Google contact groups are listed (because this annoyed me too), so expect it in the official Froyo release when released
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Ok, let's hope. But there is already too much stuff sliding to froyo. It's gonna be the SGS mother of all fixes... not good, not good.
And now this calendar bug. This is starting to annoy me.
I actually used groupy a free app to overcome the stupid contacts apps from Samsung...shows all the groups perfectly from my mail contacts
I'll try that one also. Thanks
"Contacts GroupU" also does the trick. Good to group the google contacts on the phone, which did not work for me before.
I create the groups in the Samsung UI, fill them in the GroupU App. Thereafter all the stuff syncronizes correctly with my google account.
What doesn´t work for me, is vice versa.
Will Froyo fix all these problems? The answer is in September...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Suuuuuuure it will (not). Froyo will be the mother of all fixes... Oh boy. You have to work in some other business to believe Froyo will solve all these bugs.
It will solve some, and bring different ones. That's a fact of life.
format said:
Suuuuuuure it will (not). Froyo will be the mother of all fixes... Oh boy. You have to work in some other business to believe Froyo will solve all these bugs. It will solve some, and bring different ones. That's a fact of life.
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But then again, Samsung are focusing on fixing the major, most common bugs, so it will possibly fix all the major ones.. Also, Froyo is a refined version of Eclair (and a lot of Froyo stuff like highmem is already integrated in eclair builds). Google has probably fixed a lot too.
But nobody knows. That's the reality. We all have different beliefs, but they are simply that. Nobody has proof!
yeah i went form iPhone to SGS and I'm pissed that the really essential stuff doesn't work.
But i have some hope that it will be fixed soon because there is really a lot of these phones around,maybe they will fix the lag to.
Love the open system but then my iPhone was to open (jailbroken).
ylchong said:
Will Froyo fix all these problems? The answer is in September...
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The Samsung Contacts app is part of Samsung's firmware, not Google's Froyo OS. Now, Samsung may bundle a firmware fix along with Froyo, but that is a different matter.

Contact Displays

I liked to have my contacts ordered by last name, but I can't find that option on the Fasinate. On the Captivate for ATT it was in menu option at the contacts by pressing "MENU" then "MORE" and then "SETTINGS", and there you can change the "order of display name" to either "First Name Last Name" or "Last Name First Name"....
Like I said I like the Last Name First Name order, but can't find that option at all on the Fasinate....anybody know where it is at, if it's possible? And if it's not possible, what type of phone won't let you order contacts by the last name?!
anyone else having issues with facebook sync and contacts, my buddy said the ppl's FB pics are not syncing..
I believe that contacts sorting is a feature introduced in froyo 2.2
I don't see a sorting feature either, but for the record, my Facebook contact photos are syncing just fine. Note that I'm using the built-in Facebook sync option for that, not the Facebook app itself. I do have the Facebook app installed, but it's not configured to sync contacts.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
BTownTKD said:
I believe that contacts sorting is a feature introduced in froyo 2.2
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i have the captivate and i am able to sort contacts on 2.1.
clueless captivate said:
i have the captivate and i am able to sort contacts on 2.1.
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Yea I had the Captivate before switching to Verizon and getting the Fascinate and it was there......argh.
Im learing the Fascinate is very cut down compared to the Captivate it seems. The only thing it has going for it to me off the bat is the ability to load non-market apps, but thats SUPER easy to enable on the Captivate, and I suppose you could count the camera flash. Other than that, Im not sure. Looks like I might be moving to the Vibrant now to see what it has to offer, haha.
Just a suggestion, but you might wanna try installing Dialer One, a free dialer app, the best one in my opinion. It has just about all the features you'd ever want in a dialer (including sorting by last name), and then some. Looks a whole lot nicer too, none of that kindergarten color scheme stuff.
Thanks, I hate first name sorting. I'll give that a shot.
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ivorycruncher said:
Just a suggestion, but you might wanna try installing Dialer One, a free dialer app, the best one in my opinion. It has just about all the features you'd ever want in a dialer (including sorting by last name), and then some. Looks a whole lot nicer too, none of that kindergarten color scheme stuff.
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While at the Verizon store tonight playing with the Fascinate and Droid X trying to find the phone for me, we downloaded this app as it would be necessary for me as I use my phone for business and have over 1500 contacts in the address book. Great app but how do you make it the default dialer on the Fascinate? We were able to make it default on the Droid X but not the Samsung. Any help here as this would be a deal breaker on my choice.

advice for tab please?

Just bought the tab 10.1 after a near endless debate. Im not very happy with the stock camera on it, after using my HTC sensation camera , ( I like the instant photo). Camera is a huge thing for me because of the amount of photos that I take. I would prefer to stay away from action snap since it doesnt work the same as I want, Im looking for something like the sensation stock.
Also not sure, is it worth Rooting the tab. There really isnt a lot of junk on there that I would remove.
And is there a way to not have GMAIL app do your email for you. Its a family use tablet and I would like to prevent any kid access to my emails.
You're better take pics with phone. First of all, root then custom Rom
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Sorry to confirm you really shoudnt have bought a GTab101 if camera is a huge thing for you!!
I am not aware of any replacement app that is worth it. Wouldnt help much anyway.
There is no point rooting the tab as long as you dont need it.
If you dont know/would ask what to do with it anyway, why would you even WANT to root it?
As for the GMAIL app, it is imperative that an Android User (read gmail account) is linked to the device because all Google services are linked to that account.
.. Why dont you put a dummy/family account on it? Then access your personnal account using an app that asks for password everytime or use web interface.
i know how to do root, last three phones have been done nicely. Just not sure if there is a reason since most functionality is at home on wifi. I would throw in the family account, but, then i could not access my paid for apps.
realism51 said:
Just bought the tab 10.1 after a near endless debate. Im not very happy with the stock camera on it, after using my HTC sensation camera , ( I like the instant photo). Camera is a huge thing for me because of the amount of photos that I take. I would prefer to stay away from action snap since it doesnt work the same as I want, Im looking for something like the sensation stock.
Also not sure, is it worth Rooting the tab. There really isnt a lot of junk on there that I would remove.
And is there a way to not have GMAIL app do your email for you. Its a family use tablet and I would like to prevent any kid access to my emails.
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For your gmail issue you could try this:
Go under settings - accounts and synch - disable gmail synch. Then go under apps and clear cache and data on the gmail app.
This way all data already in should be cleared and new data shouldn't synch. If you want it completely disabled, you could also root your tabled and simply remove the gmail application.
You could also try to use an application like Android Protector ( Haven't used it myself, but I've heard about it a few times, supposedly you can password protect any application ... might be worth a shot.

Best way to migrate iOS text messages to SGS3?

So I'm finally getting an android phone and I'd like to keep my iphone text messages if possible. I've found some paid apps through web searches but I'm wondering if there's any good free way (preferably without losing imessages being associated with a phone number) or at least some feedback from actual users on which paid app is best/worth it.
I read online that samsung kies will do this, but Im not positive as I dont have my S3 yet. I have a 4S atm.
There are also ways online that show how to extract items from your most recent backup.
Hopefully there is an easier way.
Im interested in moving my calendar over as well as I have already updated my contacts at
I think I saw that comment about Samsung Kies but I actually have no idea what Kies is and the only thing on the S3 about kies is Kies Air which starts looking for compatible devices. Guess I'll have to check it out.
Samsung Kies is an app for your PC/Mac. Kies Air is an app for your device. Make sure your are looking at the right application.
Well Kies did transfer the messages to my S3. It took freaking FOREVER, like 2 hours for 5500 text messages and it lost a little bit (MMS images were lost and it seems like some imessages came through fine but I'm fairly positive some were lost, no idea what was the determining factor but the majority seemed to work or at least well enough).
The guy at the ATT store told me he could do it, i don't know what they actually use but i said id just do everything myself.
Mherder said:
The guy at the ATT store told me he could do it, i don't know what they actually use but i said id just do everything myself.
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They use a Cellbrite machine, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Personally I like to remove my texts from my phone but I have them back up to my gmail with SMS Backup+
Looks like your problem has been solved by an app, also brings over itunes:
johnnyutah22 said:
Looks like your problem has been solved by an app, also brings over itunes:
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Which apparently isn't available for the AT&T S3. I freaking hate AT&T sometimes.
You can just sideload the apk
johnnyutah22 said:
You can just sideload the apk
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Anyone have a downloadable APK for this?
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