[Q] Proper ROM Installation and Concerns - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everybody, I am a proud Nexus 4 user and android user since February of 2013. I'm currently contemplating the use of custom ROMs and have decided on MIUI because it has amazing aesthetics and it really seems like a good ROM for me to use. I have several questions concerning using custom ROMs however:
1. I currently have root access on 4.2.2 and CWM Touch Recovery on my Nexus 4. How should I go about keeping my apps, contacts, information, etc., on my phone, but installing the new custom ROM? Is this even possible/ recommended?
2. I have many apps I rely on through my everyday uses of my phone, and I'm wondering if normal play store APK files will still be able to be used and installed on custom ROMs such as MIUI.
3. Are there any other small things I should note when installing custom ROMs?
4. Will I lose all my data if I install a custom ROM?
5. Is MIUI v5 recommended?
Thank you in advance.

nelsonlee96 said:
Hello everybody, I am a proud Nexus 4 user and android user since February of 2013. I'm currently contemplating the use of custom ROMs and have decided on MIUI because it has amazing aesthetics and it really seems like a good ROM for me to use. I have several questions concerning using custom ROMs however:
1. I currently have root access on 4.2.2 and CWM Touch Recovery on my Nexus 4. How should I go about keeping my apps, contacts, information, etc., on my phone, but installing the new custom ROM? Is this even possible/ recommended?
2. I have many apps I rely on through my everyday uses of my phone, and I'm wondering if normal play store APK files will still be able to be used and installed on custom ROMs such as MIUI.
3. Are there any other small things I should note when installing custom ROMs?
4. Will I lose all my data if I install a custom ROM?
5. Is MIUI v5 recommended?
Thank you in advance.
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1. Contacts -> Sync to google. Apps -> Helium / Titanium Backup.
Factory reset is recommended for switching ROM base. For same ROM base is generally not required unless you're told. Always make backups. Bootloop? Factory reset, restore afterwards.
2. Some apps may not working 100%, FC, etc.
3. Remember to install gapps?
4. Flashing the custom ROM will NOT wipe your app/data, but if factory reset is required, you would lose apps and data. However /sdcard will remain. Backup, backup, backup.
5. Nice UI, very iPhone-ish, may lag heavily sometimes, all operations just feel slower, some apps may not be working 100%.

ksilver89 said:
1. Contacts -> Sync to google. Apps -> Helium / Titanium Backup.
Factory reset is recommended for switching ROM base. For same ROM base is generally not required unless you're told. Always make backups. Bootloop? Factory reset, restore afterwards.
2. Some apps may not working 100%, FC, etc.
3. Remember to install gapps?
4. Flashing the custom ROM will NOT wipe your app/data, but if factory reset is required, you would lose apps and data. However /sdcard will remain. Backup, backup, backup.
5. Nice UI, very iPhone-ish, may lag heavily sometimes, all operations just feel slower, some apps may not be working 100%.
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Thank you very much for the quick response, this information has helped me greatly!

1-to save your info you can use titanium backup from the play store i dont have it myself so check out exactly what it backs up as for contacts those should be tied to your gmail account so no need to back those up also the internal storage is not wiped so you wouldn't need to backup pics/music but you can if you want to be safe
2- when i used miui i never had any issues using play store apks
3-as always have a backup also i dont know if this was just me but miui has a different file structure so not all of my pics in the albums app were showing up also my music was not showing as well
4- depends on what data you mean any installed apps will be erased but pics and music will still be there
5- I am personally more of a stock/ cym guy myself but if you like miui then by all means use it that's the fun of having a rooted device experiment!

Speaking of MIUI, if you just want to find out, or for fun, you can try my suggestion below:
1. Backup all user apps in Helium / Titanium Backup. Boot into recovery.
2. Do a Nandroid backup in CWM. ( This is important! )
3. Factory reset in CWM, flash MIUI and included gapps, fixes, mod, and whatever.
4. Reboot into MIUI, install Helium / Titanium Backup from Play store, restore your user apps.
Try it for a few days.
Like it? Keep it.
Don't like it? Restore Nandroid backup made earlier in CWM

@truth1675 hmm it seems like titanium backup is surely the way to go, I'll figure myself out through the app then! Thanks for the suggestion!
I think I have read somewhere about media such as music and pictures needing some mod to properly be displayed.
@ksilver89 ooh that looks like a very safe way to go! Thanks I'll surely follow it when I flash MIUI. I recently discovered how amazing nandroid recoveries are, they restore everything to what they used to be, it's awesome


How can u keep installing new mods?

Hi, I read a lot about mods and I will get into one or the other soon.
What makes me wonder is - how to people keep installing new mods? Don't they need to reconfigure everything all the time?
Replacing a kernel may be harmless but to my knowledge a mod should reset everything.
Is a titanium backup sufficient to get everything up and running again? What about email account settings, bookmarks etc.
So how do I have least possible fix-up time after I install a mod?
If your into Cyanogen nightlys these can be flashed over each other. Just backup SMS' before you flash.
Titanium backup should be enough, I'm sure as of android 2.1/2 bookmarks are auto synced with google. Remember that in SOME cases ROM's from the same people won't require a wipe unless they specify. Ex. CM 4.2 to CM 4.2.1 shouldn't require a wipe.

[Q] Epic Adventure, Noob 101?

I'm still pretty new to Android, I want to get into customizing my epic, specifically learning how to load custom roms.
I'm looking for some good how to resources, I've done some preliminary forum searches with some success.
So far I've updated to 2.2, and had the gps problem. Searched for a solution, found multiple threads for the fix, most involve using Oden, I've had zero success with getting oden to see my phone.
So I searched for alternative methods,
I finally fixed the gps problem, by doing one click root > made a clockwork back up > flashed back to DI18 > stepped outside, got gps lock > Flashed to the DK28 > Then Restored my clockwork back up. After that the gps has been super fast to lock, usually under 5 sec.
But I'm still chasing the dragon, I want the AOSP Lockscreen, I've tried clockwork installing different versions from the popular thread about the AOSP Lockscreen, to no success.
But now I get an occasional black out screen, the phone is still on, it if I leave it alone, the stock tw lockscreen comes back.
Now frustrated that I've come across another quirk, I want to try one of the 2.2 based roms, particularly the Nebula.
One problem, I can't find instructions on how to install it.
I do see instructions for other roms, I'm assuming that it's a similar procedure.
The Epic experience says oden to a stock 2.2, then in clockwork "wipe data/factory reset" before flashing the rom.
One question, when I do an oden flash to 2.2 and "wipe data/factory reset" will it delete my clockwork back up?
Current mission.
1. Have a backup of my data and apps.
2. Install a custom rom
3. Restore my data from backup.
1. Anyway to use a custom rom with out Oden?
2. Is it completely necessary to do a factory reset?
3. Factory reset, will this effect my phone account information, such as being associated with my phone number and sprint account?
Any information is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
I'm a linux user, I've never used odin and I'm running the current rom of mammons.
When using clockworkmod to do the resets for factory and cache, it will not wipe anything stored on the sd card. So as long as your clockworkmod backup is on your sd card, and it should be, you won't lose it.
Factory reset and deleting cache its required. Do it 3 times to make sure its done before flashing the me rom.
It will not mess with your phone number our account info.
I recommend downloading titanium backup and backing up all app data and user system info.
If you have more questions that you couldn't find on the forums, our need clarification, ask away.
Sent from my shoe, I mean....Epic shoe... I mean Samsung Epic! http://mobilehighway.blogspot.com/
Thanks mxcoldhit, I'm now running my 1st rom, Nebula, so far so good.
A few notes from my experience:
From my previous clockwork back up, restored that, installed titanium, backed up my most used apps & info, exported my contact info from the contacts app.
Went ahead and wiped 3 times, loaded my rom, installed titanium, restored all my apps and info that I've had since day one.
Things of note to noobs like me, clockwork is awesome, back ups seem to work like ghost images, whole frozen snapshots of the os with all data & apps.
Titanium and clockwork both store the backup data on your micro-sd card.
So you can play with different setups and if you want to go back, just restore the back up file, they don't get wiped when you wipe the phone.
Titanium works in much the same fashion, install it on your system and you can make back ups of apps and phone data, when you load a new rom, just go ahead and install Titanium if it's not already there, and you can restore your favorite apps and data.
One thing that confused me before realizing what i was doing wrong, was that after I flashed the custom rom, I restored my backup thinking that it would just add my data and apps back, well it does that and the os also, so just keep that in mind.

[Q] Difference between back up and installing from play store

Sorry for noob question I'm changing roms often and wiping everything every time and installing all my apps from play store again and again. I know nandroid backups but if I back up my installed apps with a program like go back up, there would be any issues with my apps? Or should I do clean install every time I change a rom?
Most roms on the nexus 4 should be okay dirty flashing. Then if there are problems you can wipe everything.
If you backup your apps you should be able to reinstall them on the new rom no problems.
I always backup and restore my apps and data with Titanium Backup, without issue, I highly recommend the pro version as its a very useful app to have.

apps crashing in my backup (kitkat) after upgrade to Cyanogenmod 12 (lollipop)

Hi guys, so basically I made a backup of my STOCK rom and then I installed CYANOGEN mod 12 on the phone... Realizing I totally forgot about my contacts I then backed it up and "restored" my old backup of the stock rom which is kitkat. to find that EVERYTHING "stops working" so I cant get to my contacts.
Now heres where I believe I went wrong. I used philz touchwiz and upon my process to flash the phone I did the system/factory reset option or something like that and it asks if you'd like to wipe the phone to install a new rom. I selected yes so I thought that I was good to go and did not go further into the other stuff... I flashed cyanogen mod on the phone and then it said it was "upgrading my apps" ok well thats fine, and it ran great and no issues.... So going back to my STOCK backup after that, all the apps just crash, which I assume is due to still having the old apps which are "upgraded" to lollipop but the apps of course crash on "kitkat"
So, I've read that in a backup it saves all your apps and stuff.. It should return your phone back to exactly where it was when you made the backup. so why is it i'm having the app issues? I guess I need to delete them right?
So what is the options i need to do to get rid of the apps and do a proper phone wiping prior to a backup so that when I load my kitkat backup that It runs fine as it should? Wipe cache? dalvik? /data?, etc etc.... will it erase the main phones memory as a hole or no?
let me know how to correct this, I greatly appreciate it. I've tried googling to no prevail so far.
If I'm understanding correctly, you're trying to restore your KitKat apps onto cm12.
If that is the case, it will keep force closing apps. When upgrading and moving from touchwiz based Roms to AOSP based Roms you can't just restore from backups, the environment is different.
So to carry your contacts, I suggest recreating the same KitKat environment by clean installing whatever ROM you had, let google play store install the apps, then restore your app data only using philz advanced restore option (make sure all other options besides app data or data are unchecked)
Once all are restored, make a backup of your contacts and SMS using call log back up and SMS backup apps from playstore.
Back up any app progress using adb like
#adb -backup -f appname.ab -obb -noapk com.android....
And then do a clean cm12 install, let play store install all apps and start restoring call log, SMS, and your app data.
This takes a while, but it is worth it!

Restore apps previously installed from GPlay after factory reset or flashing custROM

Hi, first of all: i'm kind of a flashaholic.
Depending on certain ROMs, custom, on first boot, google is proposing me to restore my apps from my previous devices. But NOT for all custom ROMs.
Does anyone know what it depends off? Is it related to the ROM? To the gapps? To the the device ID? To first time init? to the Backup transport?
Restoring apps is very important to my coz I bought many apps and I can't re-install them one by one.
I've searched in the treads about restoring/backing-up, I google it, but didn't find anything.
The backing-up is active in the Settings menu. I'm not interested in using TiBck, since I'm using it ONLY for restoring data (migrating apps from ROM to ROM, with TiBckup is dangerous/buggy).
Do you have some information about that? what are the solutions? Can I force, on the first boot, or even after, the ROM to reinstall/restore apps previously installed?
Hope I was clear enough.
Thanks and
Best regards.
1. It depends on what firmware and device model you have. Apps that designed for TW won't be listed on list of apps to be imported/restored if you installed CyanogenMod. Same thing will happen on apps that designed for CyanogenMod if you installed TW.
2. Unfortunately, AFAIK, you can't. You need some third party apps like Titanium Backup (are you mention it as TiBckup?), or backup feature of Clean Master and ES File Explorer (requires root and only main apk will be copied). If you want to restore apps will all data from previous ROM, the only way is to use Titanium Backup. You can also just format /system, but it's far way not recommended as it would cause more problems.
PS Edit: If you've installed some paid apps, the best way is to re-download them as they will detect your device ID and found it was mismatch, then will immediately block access unless the apps are reinstalled with the same Google Account as you bought these apps.
Sent from my GT-I9500
I was not talking about third part apps (yes TiBckup stands for Titanium Backup), but of Google's function when you first boot after a flash or after a factory reset.
Well, it depends on the android version only, the model does not matter (it is not HW related). It already happened to my to have the option reinstall apps from AOSP (Resurrection ROM) on a new, fresh and clean TW FW (Imperium); and vice versa.
I know there is always the option to manually install apps from Gplay, but it is not what I want, neither the option I'm looking for.
If I flash Resurrection ROM v5.6.2, on Lollipop 5.1.1, then there is the option to restore the apps from previous phones
If I flash Resurrection ROM v6.0.1, on MM, there is not such option/pop-up/choice...
Still thanks for your replay.

