Code ASAP!! - Java for Android App Development

I am an android developer and a college student, wants to work on some apps and will surely make them a better one.
As I am new to this field and I have to work on few published apps because I have got a project to modify 25 different apps which will provide me credits in my result.
Could you guys please provide me the source code? I ensure that I will not cross your privacy and policies and no duplicacy will be found. Looking forward for a positive reply.
Ashish Agrawal

You can find a list of open source apps here:
But please change the thread title to a short explanation of what you want (not just "Help ASAP!!"). Normally, I do not look at threads with a title like "help me", "help needed" or "Help ASAP!!".


Help me

Iam new to htc touch please help me how to install themes , games and softwares to my mobile.
Thanks in Advance.
Welcome to the forum, I see that you have just joined us. You will find that there is much you can do with your device thanks to this site; however, asking for help they way you have will not get you any responses. What you are asking is relatively easy once you learn so I will provide you with links to learn for yourself. It is very important that you read the forum rules found here
and determine which device you have specifically - "Note: you should mention which device you have and which ROM and any other important information when posting questions asking for help
See here to determine which device you have specifically
Find your device based on it's spec's
You did not do a bad thing by posting in the Elf Forum; however, take note that there is also a Q&A forum found here
Elf Specific forums found here
Upgrading forums found here
Development and hacking found here (many cool apps and programs found in this forum
and don't forget to search for things yourself using the search link found in the top toolbar or by following this link
Happy hunting

Chips within the Adam

I did try to post as a reply to the Ubuntu on Adam thread.
I did try to post a new thread under rom development.
I am a veteran developer with my own Adroid apps. (wont shamelessly plug)
So here it is and I hope someone moves this to the right place.
The chips inside the Adam with information. This is critical to the devs so they know what they are working with/on. This will help the Ubuntu on Adam devs so they can get a native kernel on the NI platform.
This user on tabletroms has produced the information on the chips within an Adam. While I could copy and paste his text I believe in giving credit to where it is due and on the forum on which it is found. I am fond of XDA and Tabletroms both so no haters please
P.S. Can I get some more access please? I do have good contributions and answers to post but no access to do so.

B7610 community

Hi to everybody, i'm an italian (so sorry for grammatical mistakes) owner of a Samsung B7610.
I start this new topic with the purpose of creating a "community" for this device.
This community is divided in various session, with different purposes.
I hope this project will help me and lot of people in developing and loving this device.
After this short introduction let me introduce you the "B7160 Community":
Do you want to install android on your device?
Check Here!!!
Do you have a problem with your device?
Check Here
Do you want a list of "Must Have" cabs for B7610?
Check here!!!!
Of course the community it's an eternal work in progress so feel free to add some stuff, suggest new ideas or sections, say your opinion or your complainings (i hope not ;-) )
What do you think about this project?
Could it be useful?
For the italian users, i can give by pm the link to this same discussion but in italian (or i put in this thread if the modaco rules allowes it)
Sorry once again for my mistakes with the languages.
WOW! Tanks a lot!!! Me also are Italian!!!
You can do something for the Wifi/Bluetooth on Android? Thank you!
I will follow you for future updates, thanks again, Leon_84.
Excuse my bad English ...
Hey leon thanks for the very fast answer.
Well, for the wifi on android i will try to do something but i'm not very skilled in porting...anyway i will look for slutions and i will sure let you know if there are some news!!!
it seems that this community isn't having much success...i hope things will change soon...

[Q] Need some Tutorial for Geolocation

First of all, I am sorry if I am not allowed to post this here. I selected this is a question and got the popup that questions are not allowed here but only in Q&A threads but at the same time there are plenty of [Q] topics here and the mother thread says it is Coding Discussion, Q&A,.......
Now to my question, I am relative new to Android programming and just know some basics so far. I have an app that I want to make and for that I need to use geolocation. I searched on Google for Tutorials regarding this but all I found was from StackMob and their download links are not working anymore. If anyone could point me towards a working tutorial for geolocation I would appreciate it greatly. Thank you very much.
You should use the the Location Services API in the Google Play Services library. The official documentation provides an in-depth look and a step-by-step tutorial on how to retrieve the current location, search for "Retrieving the Current Location" on the official Android dev site, and check the first training. (sorry, I can't post links yet)

Building the SM-G530W gprimelte from source - Needing Help

Hello all,
So I'm trying to get myself into building from source, and I have this wonderful gprimelte that I figured would be a great way to try and figure out how this works. My only other option is a SGS4 (jfltecan branded jfltexx) that doesn't have a working SIM card tray, so that throws that idea out.
So I went and found a guide in the basic Android Q&A forum on how to get the source, and I have done my repo sync for the basic source. My only problem now is getting the specifics for this device. I know not how to reproduce the correct bits to add the gprimelte specifics into my tree. @vince2678 has a repo that has all of his working sources, but I don't know how to integrate the specific sources I need for this device into my local_manifests.xml file.
Anyone willing to help a newbie learn ?
Thread closed by request of the OP

