Anyway to stop Google play music running? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Google play music is constantly running in the background but I never use it, anyway options to stop this? I'm unrooted
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium

You can disable this s... application from apps manager. No root needed. BTW maybe someone will explain why such a piece of junk is packed to os and allowed to start on it's own while doing nothing useful.

settings /more/application manager
Sent from my GT-I9500

As others mention, either disable it or delete the APK file in system/apps using a file explorer

Thanks people
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium


Problem with preinstalled apps

Hi everyone. I have a little but frustrating Problem with my galaxy. My phone came with some preinstalled apps like adiko ebook,layar, google maps...
To keep them updated I reinstalled them using the market. They were all recognized (a message warned me that the market version would subsitute the preinstalled one), but google voice search. Now I have two separate voice search installations running. One is version 1.4.0 and the other is 1.4.6 (it's fiom the market). Is there a way to resolve this issue? Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Another question would be how can i update it?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
just uninstall the one that you don't want
or uninstall both, then only install the version that you want
some ROM apps, can only be removed after you Root the phone
I think that this is the case, cause I can remore only the one I installed from the market. The preinstalled one it's not even listed in apps management.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
So is there anything I can do? Should I post in usa galaxy forums also?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
And if I root my phone will I be able to remove the preinstalled one and then unroot it to get ufficial updates and warranty? Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Edit: sorry for being a noob. I found that app in the list of the app manager changing the filter. But still can't uninstall it. Thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

Removing car panel SOLVED

My dhd is rooted with s off.
I really want to uninstall the car panel app but can't find it in root manager or root explorer or adb list. Does anyone know the apk name and any other linked apk that works with it?
I'd really appreciate the help.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Anyone's help would be great. Thanks
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
You should go into root explorer, go to the system/app/, folder and it should be in there.
All the apps are there but I can't find the car panel apk. They might have named it something not obvious. Do you know the name of the apk? Thanks for getting back to me by the way.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Try to look for the apk that says panel
Nope, nothing there
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Still no one who found it? I'm looking to get ridt of it too..
It is part of the locations app. If you want to get rid of it you must delete the entire locations suite.
If this is really what you want, delete all the files containing either "locations" or "laputa" in the file name from /system/app using root explorer.
Sent from my performance enhanced Desire HD.
Thanks for your help. Really appreciate it.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

s4 samsung apps different to s2 samsung app?

For some reason i cant seem to have my purchased apps listed on the samsung app store on the s4 but it is listed on the s2.
Any ideas?
Clear data on S4 and sign in again... If doesn't work,use backup-restore app to generate apk in new folder, then send apk via Bluetooth wherever you want.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
Omessy7 said:
Clear data on S4 and sign in again... If doesn't work,use backup-restore app to generate apk in new folder, then send apk via Bluetooth wherever you want.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks for your advice but it doesnt seem to work. The app i need checks for licenses of the app so i cant copy the apk
If you are root user, u can remove license verification, or install cracked play store to verify all apps... If you are not,contact Google.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
You can't have it unless it is set to be compatible for S4. I can't find Polaris Office there too.
My answers were based on "compatible with both devices apps" if it is with one and not the other... Of course you won't find it -___-
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium

Any need for anti virus?

First time android user and I'm curious if there's a need for it...I am just exploring the apps and came across avg and figured you guys could help me out ha ha..thanks in advance!
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using xda app-developers app
Just be careful what and where you download apps and you should be fine. Also watch the permissions you allow for every app. For example a flashlight app doesn't need access to your contacts, storage or internet. These kind of apps you should stay away from.
Sent from my SM-N900T now Free
Follow me: @Bash_Array
No. Ppl get viruses from installing apk from Internet from unknown users. App store is fine just some apps quality sucks. So as long as you stick to dl apps from playstore and you don't dl unknown stuff from unknown sources you'll be fine
Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Help stop Package and Activity notifications

HI every one
I am using International version SM N-9005 with stock ROM-N9005XXUBMJI
I did a factory reset and whoa now I get a black notification everytime I move from one app to another and evertime I initiate an activity within the same app.
I have also attached a screenshot for the same-the black box towards the bottom
Requesting any one for help
Thanking you in anticipaition
DR MK Pillai
Looks like you downloaded the mobie genie .apk - find it and uninstall it
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hi there
Thanks for your prompt response
Checked the system/app folder no sick app installed
And searched entire system nothing with that name
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
It's Dolphin browser it seems. Uninstall it and use stock or chrome or Firefox
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thanks again
No ,what you see is because I had opened dolphin browser while taking the snap shot
Anyway I tried to do that u installed dolphin does not work
Possibly done notification setting could be the culprit let me uninstall wannam
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
My bad (note to self stop posting half asleep) It'll be toast notificatons set to on everytime an app runs, seen someone else post about it before, it could be wanam yes
Thanks for your interest
The culprit was All apps in play store -one of the xposed modules.
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