Is it possible to use the portable hotspot feature on the nexus 4 to create a LAN? ie. Chromecast without a wifi network. The idea being that you set up a LAN on the N4, which Chromecast connects to, without needing a wifi network.
I often used to connect my laptop to my Windows Mobile via Bluetooth PAN in order that I could get internet access on the laptop whilst in a remote location. Is there anyway to do this on an Android HTC Desire, or any other kind of wireless tethering?
Sorry, just seen the Portable WiFi Hotspot feature in the Wireless and Network settings. I'm guessing I can achieve the same thing ia this method rather than bluetooth
When i create a wifi network, all my other devices, i.e iPad, iPod, Galaxy Ace find and connect to this virtual network, except the Nexus 7?
Is there a setting that needs adjusting or do I need to root in order to connect to virtual networks like Barnacle wifi creates?
Also is there a way to sync notes and contacts with Outlook, free hopefully?
It's been a while since I've used Barnacle, but if I remember correctly, the wifi network it creates is an ad hoc network, which I believe the Nexus 7 can't connect to (I haven't tried it myself but I think I've read about it). You'll need some kind of wifi tethering solution that can create an infrastructure network.
I can do it over wi-fi with samba or DLNA but I'm wondering if doing it via hotspot will consume data. I doubt it but I'm not sure. With the Inspire I could turn off mobile internet and still use hotspot, with the sgs4 I must connect to the Internet to use the hotspot.
Hi guys. This might be a silly question, but here goes.
I am currently staying in a hotel with my family abroad. Each room gets only one username and password for their Wi-Fi network. Once used, no other device can use that username and password. The problem is that there are 3 devices in the room.
I was wondering if I could use that connection on my note 3 and wirelessly tether the connection to everyone else.
I have managed to do this through Bluetooth tethering to a note tablet, but the third device is my dad's iPad so I don't think that's gonna work. My best bet is Wi-Fi tethering to him.
Wireless tethering is disabled when I'm connected to the Wi-Fi network, so I guess my best bet is an app.
Is this possible, and how?
You can use wifi hot spot on your device if iirc, then run the other devices via the Note.
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If you have a laptop, you could connect to the wifi through your phone, and then tether your phone to the laptop via USB. Then install a hotspot program on the laptop to enable other devices to connect to the laptop, as if it were a router.
I was curious if it was possible to use the Nexus Player as a wifi router.
I imagine there is some way to have the nexus player connect directly to a cable modem via USB ethernet adapter and use the Nexus Player as an 802.11ac router for my other devices, but I am unsure how to implement this.
Ideally, the Nexus Player would retain it's original functionality.
If instead I were to install a custom ROM [like Lollirock] would I be able to access the standard settings for "Tethering & portable hotspot" and enable the Nexus Player as a W-Fi hotspot, and if so, would it be at 802.11ac speeds?
This would enable me to forego buying a newer router to take advantage of the 802.11ac speeds of my devices, and save me like $100.
Anybody wanna chime in here?
I have a feeling this wouldn't work as android doesn't tether wifi - it tethers lte data. My tether disables wifi when I'm tethering on my phone. Also I can't imagine it would have a very strong signal output as it wasn't designed to act as a router