Google USB Drivers not working with Nexus 4 - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I can no longer connect my nexus 4 to the pc anymore as Google arent driver supporting the Nexus 4 anymore.

aharnick2013 said:
I can no longer connect my nexus 4 to the pc anymore as Google arent driver supporting the Nexus 4 anymore.
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Try re-installing the drivers.
If you don't have proper drivers for USB, try any one of these:-
1. PdaNet
2. Universal Naked Drivers
3. MTP Drivers.
This might solve your problem.


Not connecting in Windows 7

Windows cant find a driver for the phone, how do you use this on Windows?
You can install the drivers as part of the Android SDK, or you could search this forum for drivers, or you could goto the Development section and download mskip's Galaxy Nexus 4 Toolkit and install the drivers from there.
uberNoobZA said:
You can install the drivers as part of the Android SDK, or you could search this forum for drivers, or you could goto the Development section and download mskip's Galaxy Nexus 4 Toolkit and install the drivers from there.
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installed the drivers and Windows sees it as an Android ADB device but it doesnt mount anything. How do I transfer files over USB?
I extracted the drivers from the Android SDK and posted it up. Check my sig for the link.
tried those too and its still not mounting anything
Windows 7 detected my phone without any drivers installed and I was able to mount the internal storage. The only thing the sdk drivers allow for are adb and fastboot interfacing, so they shouldn't be needed if all you are trying to do is mount the device.
try different usb port my pc did that at first.
I'm not sure why, but it worked for me on windows 7 and automatically updated the drivers. The weird thing is that adb recognizes the nexus 4 as a Samsung phone
idividebyzero said:
Windows cant find a driver for the phone, how do you use this on Windows?
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Same issue here until I switched to the cable that came with the phone and it worked. Maybe just a fluke, not sure.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
idividebyzero said:
tried those too and its still not mounting anything
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Sorry, misread your post. Try restarting, try a different USB port, try a different cable. Also, make sure MTP mode is enabled on your phone (Settings > Storage > Menu > then check Media Device).
idividebyzero said:
installed the drivers and Windows sees it as an Android ADB device but it doesnt mount anything. How do I transfer files over USB?
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Have you found a solution yet? To transfer files from my PC to the phone, I have to make sure debugging is turned off and connect with MTP mode. But if I want to use ADB, I need to turn debugging on which loses the PC's ability to see the phone at all unless I connect in PTP mode. All a bit weird but at least it works. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers?
Phone mounts fine on 2 different computers, its something with my computer.
Its not the USB cable, tried different ports, I tried USB debugging on and off, camera mode and MTP. Device manager sees it as a Nexus 4 but says the drivers didnt install.
So my next question is why isnt Windows installing the drivers properly?
i have got two nexus 4
and with one of them i am not able to connect it to my main computer (with a second computer it works).
With the other nexus 4 i have no problems on any computer...
os is alway win 7.
just linking and sharing a similar thread [Q]Computer won't recognize phone? which covers same/similar issue and resolution.

[Q] Nexus 7 MTP

Weird problem I'm having with Nexus 7 and MTP. So my girlfriend and I both have nexus 7. I recently Flashed my Nexus with AOKP and everything went smooth. Can connect my nexus 7 to my windows 7 ultimate 32 bit OS and it gets picked up and I can easily transfer files to and from. Last night I went to connect my girlfriends nexus 7 to same PC to transfer some movies for her and it would not pickup as MTP device. I switched from MTP to PTP. It gets picked up as PTP but I can't transfer movies to it, just pictures. So i changed it back to MTP and nada. In MTP mode the nexus gets picked up i see it in device manager as ADB device, nexus is charging while plugged in but does not show up in windows explorer. So i disconnected plugged in my nexus 7 and comes up just fine as MTP device. Switched back to hers and still nothing. So i thought it was her nexus. I decided to connect it to my mac and download the android file transfer app. That worked fine and I was able to transfer movies to it. connected it back to the windows machine and still nothing. I want to do a factory wipe on it and flash it but i really want to resolve this problem. I thought about just doing a factory reset to see if that fixes it but there has to be something else i can do. Also the only was I can get nexus root tool kit to pick it up to root and flash is to have it in PTP mode. any ideas? any help is greatly appreciated, thanks for listening!
Having a hard time thinking its a driver issue since my nexus gets picked up fine. wanted to add that I rebooted the pc and nexus with same result.
Try going to device manager and uninstall the drivers from your Nexus. Then unplug and replug it again and let it install its drivers again.
Leonhan said:
Try going to device manager and uninstall the drivers from your Nexus. Then unplug and replug it again and let it install its drivers again.
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Tried this with same result, thanks though
Rad0201 said:
Tried this with same result, thanks though
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Try using USB Deview and delete all drivers pertaining to android. Then download the google usb drivers for Nexus 7 and see if it fixes the problem.
Try an app on the market called "stickmount" it should do the trick.
Ricardin said:
Try an app on the market called "stickmount" it should do the trick.
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Leonhan said:
Try using USB Deview and delete all drivers pertaining to android. Then download the google usb drivers for Nexus 7 and see if it fixes the problem.
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Just getting to see these replies, thanks guys! Will give these a shot now and report back what happens...wish me luck haha :good:
Another thing i just remembered it could be the cable your using. Speacialy if your nexus 7 are different i mean like one is 3g the other is wifi or one is 16 gb the other is 32 gb' so i would suggest using her original cable on her nexus 7 and same thing to you. About stickymount i dont think thats gonna work, kinda was thinking something else.
Ricardin said:
Another thing i just remembered it could be the cable your using. Speacialy if your nexus 7 are different i mean like one is 3g the other is wifi or one is 16 gb the other is 32 gb' so i would suggest using her original cable on her nexus 7 and same thing to you. About stickymount i dont think thats gonna work, kinda was thinking something else.
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think i just made it worse used usb deview and now I can't get my nexus to show up as MTP device. Both nexus are 32gb wifi only. I used usb deview to uninstall all android and nexus 7 drivers...there were quite a few...downloaded nexus 7 drivers from asus site...when i plugged the nexus in windows installed its own driver, i tried to update the driver with driver from asus but windows indicated that the latest driver was already installed...I think i'll try installing the drivers from the root tool kit and see what happens ...ugh
Ricardin said:
Another thing i just remembered it could be the cable your using. Speacialy if your nexus 7 are different i mean like one is 3g the other is wifi or one is 16 gb the other is 32 gb' so i would suggest using her original cable on her nexus 7 and same thing to you. About stickymount i dont think thats gonna work, kinda was thinking something else.
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Rad0201 said:
think i just made it worse used usb deview and now I can't get my nexus to show up as MTP device. Both nexus are 32gb wifi only. I used usb deview to uninstall all android and nexus 7 drivers...there were quite a few...downloaded nexus 7 drivers from asus site...when i plugged the nexus in windows installed its own driver, i tried to update the driver with driver from asus but windows indicated that the latest driver was already installed...I think i'll try installing the drivers from the root tool kit and see what happens ...ugh
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something is different between the 2 nexus, which doesn't make sense. They're both 32gb/wifi. So I used usb deview to uninstall all drivers. Then useed Nexus root tool kit to install drivers (somewhat) only went through frist 3 steps or so and windows installed ADB and Nexus 7 MTP driver and I was able to see my girl friends Nexus now as MTP device and transfer files to and from...just to play safe i used the USB cable that came with hers. I then connected my nexus which originally worked fine (but then i jacked up the drivers and they both wouldn't connect) and now does not get picked up as Nexus MTP, rather only ADB device shows up for it. So it looks like windows only likes one of them? Very strange, I'll keep playing with it but doubt I will be able to get them both to be picked up by windows as MTP....gotta love windows
Rad0201 said:
something is different between the 2 nexus, which doesn't make sense. They're both 32gb/wifi. So I used usb deview to uninstall all drivers. Then useed Nexus root tool kit to install drivers (somewhat) only went through frist 3 steps or so and windows installed ADB and Nexus 7 MTP driver and I was able to see my girl friends Nexus now as MTP device and transfer files to and from...just to play safe i used the USB cable that came with hers. I then connected my nexus which originally worked fine (but then i jacked up the drivers and they both wouldn't connect) and now does not get picked up as Nexus MTP, rather only ADB device shows up for it. So it looks like windows only likes one of them? Very strange, I'll keep playing with it but doubt I will be able to get them both to be picked up by windows as MTP....gotta love windows
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so the only thing i notcied is when her nexus is connected if you go to control panel then devices and printers hers is now seen as Nexus Portabl Media player (MTP) and when mine is connected it comes up as Nexus 7 Unspecified and only driver i can install or updated is ADB..where with her device it is seen as ADB in device manager and also comes up as portable device nexus 7. Now i know if i use usb deview and uninstall all drivers then install mine first mine would probably be fine and then hers would prob not work
I have the exact problem ... but under win8. I have two Nexus 7s which I didnot have any (connecting issue) on my previous win7/64.
After upgraded to win8, windows only mounst one and refuses to mount the other. I can remove all devices relating to the Nexus7 then win8 will
mount the next N7 then refuses the other (the nexus7 is recorgnized but not mounted). Seems like it indexes the first Nexus then afraid to mount
the other as it sees a difference.
No solution so far, except everytime I want to work with the other Nexus, I have to remove&re-install the driver.
It has no issue when I connect other Android devices (AsusTF101, Nook Color, Samsung 4 Player).. Just refusing the identical twin.
hyperxguy said:
I have the exact problem ... but under win8. I have two Nexus 7s which I didnot have any (connecting issue) on my previous win7/64.
After upgraded to win8, windows only mounst one and refuses to mount the other. I can remove all devices relating to the Nexus7 then win8 will
mount the next N7 then refuses the other (the nexus7 is recorgnized but not mounted). Seems like it indexes the first Nexus then afraid to mount
the other as it sees a difference.
No solution so far, except everytime I want to work with the other Nexus, I have to remove&re-install the driver.
It has no issue when I connect other Android devices (AsusTF101, Nook Color, Samsung 4 Player).. Just refusing the identical twin.
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sucks but glad to know I am not the only one =) I'll keep trying, if i come up with anything i'll update the thread. Thanks!
Rad0201 said:
sucks but glad to know I am not the only one =) I'll keep trying, if i come up with anything i'll update the thread. Thanks!
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same issue here, also (win8 x64)
I'm using windows 7 but when my nexus is not mounting I turn and android debugging and it mounts right away well for me at least.
drkstr_yu said:
I'm using windows 7 but when my nexus is not mounting I turn and android debugging and it mounts right away well for me at least.
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Yup, it appears that USB Debugging suffers some sort of identity crisis after a root or OTA to 4.3 - toggled debugging off & the MTP mount worked as advertised.
Had to revoke all debug authorizations and re-init for USB debugging and MTP to function together.
Dr_Jim said:
Yup, it appears that USB Debugging suffers some sort of identity crisis after a root or OTA to 4.3 - toggled debugging off & the MTP mount worked as advertised.
Had to revoke all debug authorizations and re-init for USB debugging and MTP to function together.
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I started experiencing this issue right after the OTA to 4.3 update on both my wife and I's rooted Nexus 7 Tablets, both first gen and current. The issue was resolved by removing the drivers from my computer and before reinstalling them revoking all ADB/USB debugging authorizations. I'll post the the steps I took.
1. Followed the Wug Fresh steps for removing Android related drivers (I have owned a lot of Android devices so I cleared the slate of everything)
2. Turned off debugging on both tablets with MTP on
3. Revoked USB debug authorizations on both devices
4. Connected the first gen N7, let drivers install
5. Turned on USB debugging while still connected
6. Repeat 4 & 5 for second gen
7. Both tablets connect with no issues and I have adb access to them
I suggest you have a look here.
this worked perfectly for me.

Cannot connect nexus 4 to pc

I have spend 2 days figuring out way to connect the phone to my pc running win 7,but no luck.Pc detects it as new device,but driver installation fails.It shows Nexus 4 as unknown device in device manager.Tried universal naked driver,but it only installs ADB drivers,and my device is recognised as ADB device.I dont have wifi in my pc,so please guide me to correct drivers or please provide solution.Im on 4.2.2
I have windows 7 on my PC and I did not installed any drivers, maybe your USB is faulty? Try connecting it into another computer and see..
You shouldn't need drivers for mtp access. Try turning off UAB debugging
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
3rdstring said:
You shouldn't need drivers for mtp access. Try turning off UAB debugging
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Tried it,will try connecting on other pc.
ashishv said:
Tried it,will try connecting on other pc.
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Ever find a solution to this? My nexus 4 is doing this too...
jining said:
Ever find a solution to this? My nexus 4 is doing this too...
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Works great.

Nexus 4 and Windows 7 64bit MTP Problem

Hi all, i've buyed today my Nexus 4. And i have some problem on connecting MTP on my PC. When i connect the windows 7 install driver and inside device manager i see Android Device -> Google Nexus ADB Interfarce. But i can't see it on my computer why? It's stock 4.2.2 never rooted and clean install. I tried to install a lot of usb driver, too the clockworkmod release..
xator91 said:
Hi all, i've buyed today my Nexus 4. And i have some problem on connecting MTP on my PC. When i connect the windows 7 install driver and inside device manager i see Android Device -> Google Nexus ADB Interfarce. But i can't see it on my computer why? It's stock 4.2.2 never rooted and clean install. I tried to install a lot of usb driver, too the clockworkmod release..
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Cable problems maybe??
Mine was like that if the USB Debugging was enabled on stock.
I also had to use this driver
xator91 said:
Hi all, i've buyed today my Nexus 4. And i have some problem on connecting MTP on my PC. When i connect the windows 7 install driver and inside device manager i see Android Device -> Google Nexus ADB Interfarce. But i can't see it on my computer why? It's stock 4.2.2 never rooted and clean install. I tried to install a lot of usb driver, too the clockworkmod release..
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Try using this guide to install the drivers

Nexus 4 MTP Issues

I have accidentally uninstalled the MTA / PTP driver for my nexus 4 when uninstalling existing drivers for my nexus 4 to install drivers that would work with adb. Now whenever I plug my nexus in, the computer does not recognize it as a storage device. I am currently waiting to install android sdk tools to try and resolve issue, but I cannot find the drivers for the mta connection. Currently only the ptp connection and adb connection work. I also have tried uninstalling all drivers related to nexus or google and that has not resolved anything.
For storage the N4 uses windows media player's drivers. Check functionality of wmp. Maybe reinstall those drivers or try rollback.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
mrlinuxfish said:
I have accidentally uninstalled the MTA / PTP driver for my nexus 4 when uninstalling existing drivers for my nexus 4 to install drivers that would work with adb. Now whenever I plug my nexus in, the computer does not recognize it as a storage device. I am currently waiting to install android sdk tools to try and resolve issue, but I cannot find the drivers for the mta connection. Currently only the ptp connection and adb connection work. I also have tried uninstalling all drivers related to nexus or google and that has not resolved anything.
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Universal Naked Drivers 0.72
Fixed me up :good:
I have resolved the problem by uninstalling the previous driver completely then reattaching my phone to the PC.

