Not connecting in Windows 7 - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Windows cant find a driver for the phone, how do you use this on Windows?

You can install the drivers as part of the Android SDK, or you could search this forum for drivers, or you could goto the Development section and download mskip's Galaxy Nexus 4 Toolkit and install the drivers from there.

uberNoobZA said:
You can install the drivers as part of the Android SDK, or you could search this forum for drivers, or you could goto the Development section and download mskip's Galaxy Nexus 4 Toolkit and install the drivers from there.
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installed the drivers and Windows sees it as an Android ADB device but it doesnt mount anything. How do I transfer files over USB?

I extracted the drivers from the Android SDK and posted it up. Check my sig for the link.

tried those too and its still not mounting anything

Windows 7 detected my phone without any drivers installed and I was able to mount the internal storage. The only thing the sdk drivers allow for are adb and fastboot interfacing, so they shouldn't be needed if all you are trying to do is mount the device.

try different usb port my pc did that at first.

I'm not sure why, but it worked for me on windows 7 and automatically updated the drivers. The weird thing is that adb recognizes the nexus 4 as a Samsung phone

idividebyzero said:
Windows cant find a driver for the phone, how do you use this on Windows?
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Same issue here until I switched to the cable that came with the phone and it worked. Maybe just a fluke, not sure.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

idividebyzero said:
tried those too and its still not mounting anything
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Sorry, misread your post. Try restarting, try a different USB port, try a different cable. Also, make sure MTP mode is enabled on your phone (Settings > Storage > Menu > then check Media Device).

idividebyzero said:
installed the drivers and Windows sees it as an Android ADB device but it doesnt mount anything. How do I transfer files over USB?
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Have you found a solution yet? To transfer files from my PC to the phone, I have to make sure debugging is turned off and connect with MTP mode. But if I want to use ADB, I need to turn debugging on which loses the PC's ability to see the phone at all unless I connect in PTP mode. All a bit weird but at least it works. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers?

Phone mounts fine on 2 different computers, its something with my computer.
Its not the USB cable, tried different ports, I tried USB debugging on and off, camera mode and MTP. Device manager sees it as a Nexus 4 but says the drivers didnt install.
So my next question is why isnt Windows installing the drivers properly?

i have got two nexus 4
and with one of them i am not able to connect it to my main computer (with a second computer it works).
With the other nexus 4 i have no problems on any computer...
os is alway win 7.

just linking and sharing a similar thread [Q]Computer won't recognize phone? which covers same/similar issue and resolution.


[Q] Nexus 4 ADB on Windows 7 Home

After several hours of frustration, I'm just going to ask.
I have USB debugging enabled. When I plug in the Nexus 4 Windows auto installs drivers for MTP.
It's listed under portable devices in device manager. I am trying to uninstall the driver and install the Naked driver. But as soon as I uninstall in device manager, Windows reinstalls, despite me having turned off auto-installation of drivers. I am not able to use the advanced method listed here because gpedit.msc doesn't exist for Home users.
I have unplugged the device and manually put it into Fastboot and plugged it in. Windows does not try to autoinstall drivers. I am able to install Naked drivers and the device appears as "Android Phone" in device manager.
How can I proceed?
Donteventrii said:
After several hours of frustration, I'm just going to ask.
I have USB debugging enabled. When I plug in the Nexus 4 Windows auto installs drivers for MTP.
It's listed under portable devices in device manager. I am trying to uninstall the driver and install the Naked driver. But as soon as I uninstall in device manager, Windows reinstalls, despite me having turned off auto-installation of drivers. I am not able to use the advanced method listed here because gpedit.msc doesn't exist for Home users.
I have unplugged the device and manually put it into Fastboot and plugged it in. Windows does not try to autoinstall drivers. I am able to install Naked drivers and the device appears as "Android Phone" in device manager.
How can I proceed?
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Try checking the drivers thread link in my signature.
Stryder5 said:
Try checking the drivers thread link in my signature.
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The problem is that Windows is auto-installing the driver as soon as I uninstall it from device manager. I have this setting disabled in Device Installation Settings but nevertheless it continues auto-installing.
Donteventrii said:
The problem is that Windows is auto-installing the driver as soon as I uninstall it from device manager. I have this setting disabled in Device Installation Settings but nevertheless it continues auto-installing.
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When you plug in your n4 in your pc, does it allow you to open the folder for your phone. If it does the drivers are installed. Mine n4 did the same as you when I plugged it in my PC, and did show Android in the device manager.
Use the nexus 4 toolkit to do it.
jt.61 said:
When you plug in your n4 in your pc, does it allow you to open the folder for your phone. If it does the drivers are installed. Mine n4 did the same as you when I plugged it in my PC, and did show Android in the device manager.
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It's showing up as portable device, not as Android when MTP is connected. If I manually boot into fastboot, and connect to PC it will show as Android.
Nexus 4 toolkit doesn't work. When I connect the device, it still only shows up as MTP device connected.
How can I stop the "Nexus 4" driver from auto installing the MTP driver?
Nobody else is having this problem?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Donteventrii said:
Nobody else is having this problem?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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For the love of bump
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
You could try this installer. If a prompt ever says not to install a driver just do it anyway.
I was having the same issues, toolkit didnt work, auto kept auto installing MTP only, didn't work by itself, LG drivers didn't work. finally I tried the drivers in sig and adb was installed but the tool kit still didn't recognize it. I ran the one from after that and hit no to not reinstall the drivers when it asks, but it's hanging when installing pdanet on my phone.
TCMan5190 said:
I was having the same issues, toolkit didnt work, auto kept auto installing MTP only, didn't work by itself, LG drivers didn't work. finally I tried the drivers in sig and adb was installed but the tool kit still didn't recognize it. I ran the one from after that and hit no to not reinstall the drivers when it asks, but it's hanging when installing pdanet on my phone.
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im in the same boat
I'm having these same issues. Very frustrating.
Just fixed the problem by following the directions in this post -
His instructions about cmd prompt didn't work for me, so in device manager I selected View -> Show Hidden Devices.
I removed all android, nexus, other android phones and then reinstalled the drivers via the toolkit. Seems to be working so far!
The MTP driver will always install as that's nothing to do with adb. If you open Device Manager it should have the other option - you then manually install the driver by browsing the the drivers folder when using the 'Update driver' option in the right-click menu when you click on it in Device Manager
Donteventrii said:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I am having the same problem my windows xp is not reading I install a couple of different drivers still nothing. This the only phone/tablet I am having this issu that my pc is it's not reading the files of my phone.
2nd Batch phone
hello, now nexus 4 updated to 4.2.2 and when i connect to computer the device could not be found
i updated SDK , all the required things inside android 4.2 but still device not found
is there drivers that i can install instead of checking for updates and so on?
jasonmiracle said:
hello, now nexus 4 updated to 4.2.2 and when i connect to computer the device could not be found
i updated SDK , all the required things inside android 4.2 but still device not found
is there drivers that i can install instead of checking for updates and so on?
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Try downloading pdanet on your pc or downliad a nexys4 toolkit from here and they let u install the drivers
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
casonswag said:
Try downloading pdanet on your pc or downliad a nexys4 toolkit from here and they let u install the drivers
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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tried pda but failed
its caused by the android 4.2.2 update...
For anyone still having problems, these are the steps I followed that fixed it for me. (After updating to the latest sdk version and downloading the google usb driver)
1. Uninstalled the driver from Device Manager
2. Let it automatically install the generic 'MTP device driver'
3. Right clicked on the new device and selected 'Update Driver'
4. Selected 'Have Disk' and pointed it to [android-sdk-dir]\extras\google
5. Watched an 'ADB' driver install.
6. Opened Eclipse to successfully run on my N4.

[Q] Nexus 4 usb file transfer

This is my first Nexus device (N4), I know they have an emulated SD card, so I expected to connect it to my Win 7 PC via USB, and for the SD card directory to be shown as a file system / drive in Windows. This doesn't happen.
Phone is in MTP mode, screen isn't locked. Am I missing something here, a driver perhaps, or does this functionality no longer exist?
You should get a Nexus 4 device along with your drives, you open that, then go to 'internal storage'
If you're not getting that, then it's probably driver related.
If it doesn't detect by USB at all, you may have a faulty device like me.
If you plug your phone into the wall with the AC adapter, does it constantly say " charging (USB)" in the battery settings?
This defect means I cannot root or charge the phone properly... It sucks..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Most likely a driver issue. When I have use the adb driver I cannot see my device as a storage device. Switching to the default driver Windows installs lets me see it but adb no longer works.
I ended up just using AirDroid to do any file transfers.
There are a few reports of the stock charger being reported as USB charging actually, so it might not be all bad.
The phone might be in MTP mode, but has it installed the MTP driver ? Check Device Manager.
On my own XP system, MTP wouldn't work for me until I turned off USB debugging.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
steviewevie said:
The phone might be in MTP mode, but has it installed the MTP driver ? Check Device Manager.
On my own XP system, MTP wouldn't work for me until I turned off USB debugging.
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^ This.
On XP, MTP does not work if USB Debugging is turned on. It may be the same for Windows 7 as well.
Same behavior on Windows 7, just fixed my issues. Thanks!
I got similar problem with my N4, yesterday I flashed Mahdi-ROM 2.4[1/02] then my USB stopped working. I can view files through PC, but cannot upload to phone. It says device has been disconnected, but it's still connected Turning off USB debuging didn't help.
I cannot even flash kernel uploaded through Airdroid, recovery gives error - cannot open zip file.
Edit: Nevermind, its PC problem. With other PC it works normal.
use universal naked drivers.
fastboot adb and mtp and ptp working.
efrant said:
^ This.
On XP, MTP does not work if USB Debugging is turned on. It may be the same for Windows 7 as well.
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After I rooted my N4 a few months ago same thing, cannot get MTP on WinXP
Works fine on my Win7 machines though, its pretty annoying
Tried ALL the fixes I could find, no go
Uninstal all drivers, reconnect N4 let Windows install drivers, it will probably be adb device drivers, then select in device manager adb device drivers update drivers and check install from specific location and on next screen check don't search!
Then you could be able to select mtp. All of this should be done with USB debugging turned off and USB connection as mtp!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Nexus 4
zvecka said:
Uninstal all drivers, reconnect N4 let Windows install drivers, it will probably be adb device drivers, then select in device manager adb device drivers update drivers and check install from specific location and on next screen check don't search!
Then you could be able to select mtp. All of this should be done with USB debugging turned off and USB connection as mtp!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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Hey Buudy thanks this helps me

Nexus 4 appears as unknown device

Hello, I am trying to connect my nexus 4 to my computer to put some music on. This used to work, but now it is being detected as an unknown device. I tried updating the drivers to the Universal Naked driver, but it just says the best driver is already installed. I tried with USB debugging on and off, no difference. Also tried 2 different usb cables.
Cyanogenmod Version: 10.1.1-mako
Build: JDQ39E
Thank you for any help!
jining said:
Hello, I am trying to connect my nexus 4 to my computer to put some music on. This used to work, but now it is being detected as an unknown device. I tried updating the drivers to the Universal Naked driver, but it just says the best driver is already installed. I tried with USB debugging on and off, no difference. Also tried 2 different usb cables.
Cyanogenmod Version: 10.1.1-mako
Build: JDQ39E
Thank you for any help!
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What OS are you using? Windows? Mac? A linux distro?
Also, are you sure you're using MTP instead of PTP (Settings > Storage > menu > Usb Computer Connection) ?
You can try to install google's drivers from the android sdk as well.
vorbatello said:
What OS are you using? Windows? Mac? A linux distro?
Also, are you sure you're using MTP instead of PTP (Settings > Storage > menu > Usb Computer Connection) ?
You can try to install google's drivers from the android sdk as well.
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I am using Windows 7, it was set to PTP, I just set to MTP, but it still does the same thing. I have turned off my USB debugging in the developer menu as well.
jining said:
I am using Windows 7, it was set to PTP, I just set to MTP, but it still does the same thing. I have turned off my USB debugging in the developer menu as well.
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I know this is a silly thing to ask, but have you tried rebooting your phone? Something like this happened to me before and a reboot fixed it.
Also, if you have a custom kernel, check that you have USB fast charge disabled. And after that fails, try installing google's drivers. Sorry, I'm just spouting out random ideas at this point.
vorbatello said:
I know this is a silly thing to ask, but have you tried rebooting your phone? Something like this happened to me before and a reboot fixed it.
Also, if you have a custom kernel, check that you have USB fast charge disabled. And after that fails, try installing google's drivers. Sorry, I'm just spouting out random ideas at this point.
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Thanks for the suggestions. I am using Franco kernel, how do I turn off fast charge?
jining said:
Thanks for the suggestions. I am using Franco kernel, how do I turn off fast charge?
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Use trickster mod and go to the Kernel Specific page. If fast charge is ticked off, there's not much we can do from there.
Also, have you tried to install google's drivers or make a nandroid and reflash a clean rom?
EDIT: You could also try Koush's universal driver:
I'm afraid I'm out of ideas at this point
vorbatello said:
Use trickster mod and go to the Kernel Specific page. If fast charge is ticked off, there's not much we can do from there.
Also, have you tried to install google's drivers or make a nandroid and reflash a clean rom?
EDIT: You could also try Koush's universal driver:
I'm afraid I'm out of ideas at this point
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Hmm I am in the trickster mod on the kernel specific screen, but I don't see anything about USB fast charge Where might I get googles drivers? I can't seem to install any drivers because as soon as I uninstall the unknown device, it auto installs some drivers.
Thanks for the help!
jining said:
Hmm I am in the trickster mod on the kernel specific screen, but I don't see anything about USB fast charge Where might I get googles drivers? I can't seem to install any drivers because as soon as I uninstall the unknown device, it auto installs some drivers.
Thanks for the help!
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So I tried installing the newest Franco kernel Milestone (3), and the USB fast charge is off. I also tried installing a different CM mod, but there is no difference. I also tried installing the universal you gave me, but that didn't work, and i installed the google driver from SDK and that didn't work.
I don't know what else to do...
Hi, try to completly unninstall ALL drivers for nexus, samsung or android related, than install official drivers for nexus 4 and then connect nexus 4. Should work.
maxiiik said:
Hi, try to completly unninstall ALL drivers for nexus, samsung or android related, than install official drivers for nexus 4 and then connect nexus 4. Should work.
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I tried that, no luck...I don't know what else to do, I have tried 3 different cables. I tried using the drivers that come with the nexus 4 toolkit, but no luck. It charges when plugged in, but i get nothing else. Also it seems like half the time its not even in the device manager as an unrecognized device, and then it intermittently pops up a window saying unrecognized device detected... maybe my USB port is broken on the phone?
Is there something simple I have overlooked to get 4.2.2 to work with my computer?
jining said:
I tried that, no luck...I don't know what else to do, I have tried 3 different cables. I tried using the drivers that come with the nexus 4 toolkit, but no luck. It charges when plugged in, but i get nothing else. Also it seems like half the time its not even in the device manager as an unrecognized device, and then it intermittently pops up a window saying unrecognized device detected... maybe my USB port is broken on the phone?
Is there something simple I have overlooked to get 4.2.2 to work with my computer?
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Have you managed to solve this? I'm facing almost the same problem!
No, I tried for hours with no luck. I am glad I am not the only one, hopefully a solution will come to us. I have been using airdroid to transfer files from my phone in the mean time.
Im also having the same issue except my computer only recognizes my phone when its connected as a camera.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I am having a similar problem with my daughter's Nexus 4 phone, which is not rooted nor unlocked - it is still completely stock. It was just updated to Android 4.3, however I can't say that this is the cause of the problem because she never attempted to connect her phone to the desktop machine before.
I have a Windows 7 x64 box at home, and spent over two hours last night trying to get the computer to correctly recognize the Nexus 4 phone. I was hoping that the standard MTP Windows driver would handle it perfectly, but no luck. I tried the Google usb drivers, and the ADB interface was recognized, but still no access to the internal storage. I then gave the Naked Drivers a try, and no joy there either.
I am beginning to suspect that the MTP drivers on my desktop are munged, but do not relish the thought of a Win 7 wipe and reinstall.
Anyone else have any ideas?
Thanks much!
I am having a similar problem where I have USB storage set to MTP and Windows doesn't pick it up, whereas PTP Windows will pick up but I can't access any folders other than the camera related folders like DCIM.
So my workaround is doing it the old fashioned way through CMD in windows using adb push.
Assuming you have all the stuff you want to transfer in a folder called stuff, adb is located in C:\adb, and your folder known as stuff is also in C:\adb:
C:\adb>adb push stuff /data/media/0
The above command starting from the ">" will transfer all files in the folder called stuff to the root of /sdcard. In the N4, /sdcard is symbolically linked to /data/media/0.
Of course you need USB debugging enabled for this to work...
Device Manager (Hopefully this helps)
In the start menu type device manager, in that window you should see android and or something similar at the top. You want to drop the menu down and right click what should say Google ADB Interface and delete it, make sure you check the confirmation box. After reboot your computer! Once booted plug your phone in a viola!!!
I'm having a similar issue.
I can open device manager but there in no Android anything listed. All that comes up when I plug my phone in is 'unrecognized usb device'. I have 5 different cable I have tired. The OS will only bring up the usb error in a USB 3.0 port. It will not do anything if I use the 2.0 port.
I have gone and tried to manually update the drivers through the device manager but when I select the drivers from Android SKD or any of the other driver packs I get an error that it is not a x64 driver.
I found one suggestion about modding the driver to include the device but windows will not even recognize the device other than a unknown usb.
I'm going to have a bricked computer soon. Any help would be appreciated.
Roktgr said:
I'm having a similar issue.
I can open device manager but there in no Android anything listed. All that comes up when I plug my phone in is 'unrecognized usb device'. I have 5 different cable I have tired. The OS will only bring up the usb error in a USB 3.0 port. It will not do anything if I use the 2.0 port.
I have gone and tried to manually update the drivers through the device manager but when I select the drivers from Android SKD or any of the other driver packs I get an error that it is not a x64 driver.
I found one suggestion about modding the driver to include the device but windows will not even recognize the device other than a unknown usb.
I'm going to have a bricked computer soon. Any help would be appreciated.
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First, Google universal naked drivers xda. Try those. If they don't work go into device manager and go to where it says let me choose drivers from my computer. Then look for the android composite adb interface.
If you're on win 8 you'll need to allow unsigned drivers. Google how to do that
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
jd1639 said:
First, Google universal naked drivers xda. Try those. If they don't work go into device manager and go to where it says let me choose drivers from my computer. Then look for the android composite adb interface.
If you're on win 8 you'll need to allow unsigned drivers. Google how to do that
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Windows 7x64 on all machines. I am trying this on 2 work computers and getting the same result. I have 2 issues that I think are the root of the issue.
#1 is the phone doesn't do anything in USB debug mode. I keep seeing references to having to approve the computer connection but I haven't seen that yet. I have tired 9 usb ports. 6 on my main computer will not bring anything, not even the usb drive. 3 on the labtop will only bring up a 'unrecognized usb drive'.
#2 is the computer will not recognize the device in anything other than a 'unrecognized usb drive' (UUD). Everyone keeps mentioning the Android Composite ADB interface. It's not there, it doesn't show up or as an option. I can go into the device manager and find the UUD and try and update the driver via the manual method with a disk but it doesn't list any type of hardware that is related to Android or ADB.
Roktgr said:
Windows 7x64 on all machines. I am trying this on 2 work computers and getting the same result. I have 2 issues that I think are the root of the issue.
#1 is the phone doesn't do anything in USB debug mode. I keep seeing references to having to approve the computer connection but I haven't seen that yet. I have tired 9 usb ports. 6 on my main computer will not bring anything, not even the usb drive. 3 on the labtop will only bring up a 'unrecognized usb drive'.
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"#1 is the phone doesn't do anything in USB debug mode." This is normal!
How I experienced the USB debugging option is that, if turned ON:
1. The Nexus does not appear in my Windows env
2. BUT when in recovery mode, I can use the "adb" commands
If USB debugging turned OFF:
1. Then I CAN see the Nexus in my Windows env
2. BUT I cannot use the "adb" commands in recovery mode.
So you definitely need to have the USB debugging option turned off if you want to see your nexus in Windows, IMO
---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------
Roktgr said:
Windows 7x64 on all machines. I am trying this on 2 work computers and getting the same result. I have 2 issues that I think are the root of the issue.
#2 is the computer will not recognize the device in anything other than a 'unrecognized usb drive' (UUD). Everyone keeps mentioning the Android Composite ADB interface. It's not there, it doesn't show up or as an option. I can go into the device manager and find the UUD and try and update the driver via the manual method with a disk but it doesn't list any type of hardware that is related to Android or ADB.
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I think you really have an issue with the drivers. I would install the Google USB drivers. Maybe a bit heavy but then you can be sure that drivers are fine:

How to get USB Debugging mod to work?

I have a nexus 7 2012 and i am trying to install 4.3. Of course since i have rooted it and have twrp on it i cant just ota update, so i tried plugging it up to my computer. Right now everytime i plug in the device and use it as a media device it works until i turn on developer mode and enable usb debugging. As soon as i turn on debugging the device disconnects at the bottom right showing my N7 (on windows 7), and whenever i look in my computer its not there also. The only way i can find it in this mode is in device manager in which it says "android phone". I figured maybe i have a driver problem, but if you look for drivers and try to install it says it already has them.
So does anybody know how to get it to work so i can reset it?
Delete the current drivers than manually choose the n7 drivers you downloaded from xda.
Or use a free program called usbdeview for windows to seek out all drivers associated with a device to make sure you uninstalled them correctly. Also I highly recommend dual booting a Linux distro which is much less finicky than windows when using android
Best of puck
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
demkantor said:
Delete the current drivers than manually choose the n7 drivers you downloaded from xda.
Or use a free program called usbdeview for windows to seek out all drivers associated with a device to make sure you uninstalled them correctly. Also I highly recommend dual booting a Linux distro which is much less finicky than windows when using android
Best of puck
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2[/Q
Can you inform me on how to delete the current drivers?
when i connect with usb debugging mode turned on it connects as nexus 7 with a description as Android Composite ADB Interface. Also it is not recognized under the my computer setting at all. In usb deview it also has a purple dot all the way to the left beside the name instead of a green dot.
When i connect to the pc without usb debugging on the computer recognizes it as nexus 7 \ media device and i can use it as storage back and forth and in usb deview it has a green dot beside the name
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[Q] ADB drivers not working

Hello. Im new to the Nexus 10. I downloaded skipsoft Android toolkit, installed adb drivers in the package and rooted the Nexus and installed was easy using the toolkit. So the ADB drivers must have worked- at least in the environment it is used in to do these things. But these drivers dont work to transfer files between the nexus and the computer running winxp. I have USB debugging and PTP, have tried every other dirver package that has been mentioned on all available forums, have tried different usb ports, different cables etc. n my computer the device is recognised as a Nexus 10 but clicking on it gives a blank page, so cannot see the Nexux files. WTF this is driving me mad. Any ideas?
Hi Ghosta,
Are you using a USB 3 port? as i have had many strange issues with these the ports. The issue is caused by one of the intel drivers cant remember exactly which way but there is no easy way to fix this. If this is your issues i would try and find if you have a USB 2.1 port you can use or the Esata ports on laptops tend to be usb 2.1 inside...even though they dont look like it haha
Hope this helps
ghosta12 said:
Hello. Im new to the Nexus 10. I downloaded skipsoft Android toolkit, installed adb drivers in the package and rooted the Nexus and installed was easy using the toolkit. So the ADB drivers must have worked- at least in the environment it is used in to do these things. But these drivers dont work to transfer files between the nexus and the computer running winxp. I have USB debugging and PTP, have tried every other dirver package that has been mentioned on all available forums, have tried different usb ports, different cables etc. n my computer the device is recognised as a Nexus 10 but clicking on it gives a blank page, so cannot see the Nexux files. WTF this is driving me mad. Any ideas?
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What does Device Manager show? Device name, its Properties and exclamation mark?
You do know that if your device has a "password" then you must be logged in to see its contents.
peterk-1 said:
What does Device Manager show? Device name, its Properties and exclamation mark?
You do know that if your device has a "password" then you must be logged in to see its contents.
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Thanks for the replies and suggestions. All shows up OK in device manager, the device is not password protected, and the laptop has usb2 ports. I had another try today, after connecting the nexus it shows up in my computer as a camera, labelled nexus 10, with the camera icon. When I click on the icon it opens a special folder, must be a camera folder and the camera and scanner wizard starts. After a while it detects the photos on the nexus ( I have loaded a lot on it via USB otg using flash drive ), but thumbnails of the photos are not downloaded as I usually see when I connect a camera. The wizard downloads photos back to the computer, but each photo is about 18 kB instead of the 2 mb they originally were. So it appears a connection is happening, but a very strange one. I don't like to be beaten on problems like this one, but searching the net has not given me any answers, and I don't understand the android system well enough to know what to try next.
I think your device is working. If you connect it up as it now is and then go into Settings > Storage and tap the top RH corner menu you get the USB Computer Connection and select that and change it to MTP you should find it is now visible in My Computer or after auto install of the driver it will be visible. I'm brain dead - you said you had a PTP connection!
peterk-1 said:
I think your device is working. If you connect it up as it now is and then go into Settings > Storage and tap the top RH corner menu you get the USB Computer Connection and select that and change it to MTP you should find it is now visible in My Computer or after auto install of the driver it will be visible. I'm brain dead - you said you had a PTP connection!
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No PTP conection or MTP connection either. The Nexus also shows up in Device Manger under Imaging Devices when USB deugging is on, which is causing the camera and scanner wizard to start, although it doesnt work properly. When i disable it nothing happens at all. No idea where to go from here.
There is or was an issue with XP see
peterk-1 said:
There is or was an issue with XP see
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Thanks for the suggestion, I had already tried that but I did it again just to make sure. It did not work for me.
Have you tried following the driver install guide from Wug's toolkit? I've never used Skipsoft's but if it doesn't have you delete old drivers properly it's possible there's some old or corrupted driver sticking around from all the installs you've done. If you follow Wug's guide exactly you should end up with the only the correct drivers installed. Also, what ROM and kernel are you using? It's possible the issue is there.
capnkrunch said:
Have you tried following the driver install guide from Wug's toolkit? I've never used Skipsoft's but if it doesn't have you delete old drivers properly it's possible there's some old or corrupted driver sticking around from all the installs you've done. If you follow Wug's guide exactly you should end up with the only the correct drivers installed. Also, what ROM and kernel are you using? It's possible the issue is there.
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I used a program called usbdeview to uninstall every USB driver with an "android" or "adb" description which should have cleaned up my drivers? Then after reinstalling drivers I tried again no difference. I ran android-tools and can push and pull files to and from the computer and nexus, (from command line) so I believe I have eliminated hardware problems and software problems on the nexus. This leaves the computer, which works perfectly with my other android devices running 4.1.1.
Just in case this helps. In usbdeview I have 5 nexus 10 entries. They all have the vendor id of Google 18d1 and a unique Product ID . Which driver connects is related to the device settings:
PID Device settings
4ee1 MTP
4ee2 MTP + USB debugging
4ee5 PTP
4ee6 PTP + USB debugging
d002 USB debugging
With the device connected I can change settings and see the change in connected driver in USBDeview.
peterk-1 said:
Just in case this helps. In usbdeview I have 5 nexus 10 entries. They all have the vendor id of Google 18d1 and a unique Product ID . Which driver connects is related to the device settings:
PID Device settings
4ee1 MTP
4ee2 MTP + USB debugging
4ee5 PTP
4ee6 PTP + USB debugging
d002 USB debugging
With the device connected I can change settings and see the change in connected driver in USBDeview.
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This info does provide me with some way forward. With USB , when connected ptp I have a nexus 10 USB composite device and a nexus 10 digital still camera connected with the green light in USB deview, and also a blank device name, connected, description android composite device with a purple light. I'm guessing purple means not working. But changing drivers does nothing to change the purple light. Switching to mpt gives an additional blank name Google nexus adb interface also with purple light shown as connected. All connected devices show vendor 18d1. Drivers tried 1) clockworkmod (supplied with skipsoft); 2) naked drivers 3) Google drivers. Any clues what to try next?
2 things to check. I just tried running usbdeview from Wug's toolkit. It was v2.0 and wasn't the same as the version I have installed v2.3 - and there have been a significant number of changes. If you have XP pro x64 then you must use the x64 version of usbdeview - again I think Wug's may only ship with 32 bit usbdeview You will also find an explanation of the coloured radio buttons.
If you find you need to update usbdeview then I would suggest you uninstall the device drivers (instructions in Wug's toolkit?) then new drivers from and follow the linked install instructions.
peterk-1 said:
2 things to check. I just tried running usbdeview from Wug's toolkit. It was v2.0 and wasn't the same as the version I have installed v2.3 - and there have been a significant number of changes. If you have XP pro x64 then you must use the x64 version of usbdeview - again I think Wug's may only ship with 32 bit usbdeview You will also find an explanation of the coloured radio buttons.
If you find you need to update usbdeview then I would suggest you uninstall the device drivers (instructions in Wug's toolkit?) then new drivers from and follow the linked install instructions.
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I gave up completely on this, and connect via wifi using ES file explorer. I bought my wife a new tablet an Acer Aconia A1-830 and it has the same problems, impossible to connect via ADB, with exactly the same symptoms. Yet our phones connect via ADB without a problem, but both are Androild 4.1 or earlier and the tablets 4.2 or younger. Obviously an Android generated problem that arose when 4.2 was released and on which has no fix.

