Moving Forward - Epic 4G General

Hey everyone. I really don't know how to say this, nor do I think anyone will even care because I'm practically a ghost to the forums, but I just wanted to make a thread and thank everyone here from the past and present for the good year and a half-or so that I've been here on the E4G forums. Last night while randomly browsing some Sprint forums for the Galaxy Nexus (I just love to peek at other phones to see what's going on with them), I came across a post saying you can text the word 'upgrade' to the number 1311 to find out if your eligible for an upgrade or not. While this may be common knowledge to the masses, I did not know this and texted the number. Low and behold, I was indeed eligible for an upgrade! With that being said, money was definitely an issue here because I am flat broke, so my upgrade options were limited. From Sprint's website I could choose from a free SGS3, an LG Optimus G, or a Sprint Vital. And maybe something else I'm forgetting. I planned on going with the S3 because it had the most developer support from anything else listed. However, I went to a Sprint store, and it was only free for a new line. That, and also the only free phones Sprint offered me from the store was a Sprint Vital, or a iPhone 4S.
So I went to Best Buy. They offered me a few more options, a couple being the Samsung Galaxy Victory 4G (Which has NO support whatsoever), the Vital once again, and the Optimus G. So... I went with the Optimus G. I've been reading that is pretty much a branded/skinned Nexus 4.
Its definitely...... Nice. Fast as all **** most definitely, fluid, and sexy. The development for the LGOG is kinda weak at best, but it's getting there. There's CM10.1 builds for it, as well as some AOKP builds, so there's that. I definitely need to get a screen protector and case for it though.
Alright, this is way longer than I wanted it to be, so I'm gonna end it here. Thanks for all the roms and memories guys. I'll still be around because the LGOG Dev scene is kinda whack at the moment, and I plan on holding on to my Epic for quite a while. So...... Yeah, lol.
Stay gold, everyone.
Sent from my LePanII using xda app-developers app

If I recall correctly, xboxfanj got an LGOG as well, so hopefully he can get some nice stuff going for you guys
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

Man... I wish I could've gotten a GNex or something >_<
Rooting this thing has been nothing but a complete pain in ass. While there is a sort of a one click root kinda thing, which did work, it was finnicky as hell. And after that, throwing on a custom rom is even worse. It really seems like a 50/50 chance the ROM will boot, not because of user error, but because the phone really just seems unstable and not rom-friendly like our good old Epics are. I dunno, maybe because this phone is still relatively new or something, but this is definitely the biggest headache I've come across with Android at all. :banghead:
The stock rom is retardedly fast and fluid, yes, but this thing needs an AOSP rom on it.
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I think I remember reading somewhere that there's some sort of hardware mod to basically make it a nexus 4. Like use Nexus 4 radios, Roms, etc. Only I'm not sure if such a mod would exist.
Never mind, only gsm versions can do it, I totally forgot about that part.
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jeffreyjicha said:
I think I remember reading somewhere that there's some sort of hardware mod to basically make it a nexus 4. Like use Nexus 4 radios, Roms, etc. Only I'm not sure if such a mod would exist.
Never mind, only gsm versions can do it, I totally forgot about that part.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah I seen that mod in the AT&T OG forums, and it looked pretty damn sweet. I finally got my OG running a CM10.1 build, so I practically have a Nexus 4 at this point
The only thing I've noticed about the AOSP roms is an extremely low signal reading, no matter where I am. Us always either at two bars or one, haven't seen 3 or above not once. But as long as it doesn't actually affect data speeds or calls I guess, lol.
Sent from my LePanII using xda app-developers app


How many of u guys dumped the nexus one for the G2 and now u want it back????

I thinking about buying another nexus one because i can't live without be able to hack or install different roms i going to put my G2 on hold until we get permanent root i love my G2 but i miss my nexus 8-(
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
henryr934 said:
I thinking about buying another nexus one because i can't live without be able to hack or install different roms i going to put my G2 on hold until we get permanent root i love my G2 but i miss my nexus 8-(
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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Still got my nexus for roms, gingerbread and as a backup phone. I'll probably never sell it. But it seems as we have root well that's what people are saying on the thinktank thread. I'm gonna head over to the irc now to see
Sent from my T-Mobile G2
I don't have the Nexus One but I see what you mean. I'm not enjoying the Rooting issue and my gimped internal space (its supposed to be 4gb but it shipped with less than 2)
Yeah it suck not have full control of this beautiful machine i guess iam buying one this weekend
Akulamenuri said:
I don't have the Nexus One but I see what you mean. I'm not enjoying the Rooting issue and my gimped internal space (its supposed to be 4gb but it shipped with less than 2)
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Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
i moved from a nexus to a g2 and dont miss a thing. i never rooted mine or messed with roms so i dont miss that aspect. in fact, i think the g2 improves upon the nexus in almost every way. the nexus was a great phone (my first android, and purchased in May so i was a little late to the game) but the g2 is just better. screen response is better, not that i really had issues, the g2 is just more responsive. cell signal is way better. much stronger 3g in the same locations where the nexus would drop to edge. battery life is way better. doesnt even come close to overheating when used as a nav/mp3 player in my car. external speaker is much better. while i had no issues typing on the screen of the nexus, a physical keyboard is just awesome. i still have my nexus sitting at home so i plan to put gingerbread on it as soon as its released and play with it and i got into the google app maker beta thing a while back so i may use the nexus to mess with that as well but my g2 will continue to be my "daily driver"
I should it keep mine but is too late now but if i can get one for $300 i buy one this weekend for a backup phone
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I dont regret it, although I miss root and custom roms it looks like we just got Perma Root on the G2!
I still have my nexus so I can swap back if I want. But now need now that we have full root.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I started to reading i got tired i guess i come back and read some more lol
Okawa said:
I dont regret it, although I miss root and custom roms it looks like we just got Perma Root on the G2!
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Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Yep eMMC has been disabled. There should be a set of permanent root instructions soon.
I didn't 'replace' my nexus, but my company offered to get me a company phone, so I got a g2 to accompany my nexus. I still think the nexus one is one of the best phones ever. It was very well designed, and used top notch materials. About a week ago my daughter(4) broke the digitizer playing angry birds. She got mad and slammed it on the table. :-/ I'll fix it eventually, and keep it forever. I still love that nexus.
I don't miss using my nexus as my primary device, but I won't get rid of it.
As for the g2, I never used the physical keyboard because I'm so accustomed to using the on screen one. When the OTA came, something happened upon reboot and my phone caught an 'illness' if you will. Everything worked flawlessly, except it would vibrate every 5-10 seconds regardless of volume or system state. Even when I was on the phone.
T-mobile let me trade it in for a Mytouch4G(for free), and I can't say that I miss it all that much. The only real advantage would be the physical keyboard, which I never used. The HTC espresso UI is a bit annoying, but I like the widgets and LOVE the dialer. I may go back to launcherpro, but for now I'm enjoying it.
I use both on a daily basis. But my N1 is now my "tablet" until the actual tablets come out. The few issue I have with the G2 will be fixed by root or updates. I'm still a little PO'd about the "vanilla" android is on the G2 and the memory but my N1 was starting to feel a little long in the tooth.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Yes we have perm root now and also sense from the dezire z and confirmed that is 100% stable.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Don't miss it no more. Lol sorry nexus still love u but i have to move on
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

[Q] questions from a Droid user maybe coming to sprint

I currently have the Original Droid, which has been a great phone in terms of what you have been able to do to it and it's reliability. My question is; how do the owners of the Epic feel about their phone? Still happy with it? Like the roms that have come out for it? And since I haven't paid much attention to Sprint, up until now, any other phones down the line I should think about? My contract with Verizon is up in 3 months.
Yes if you like a hardware keyboard then get the Epic it's a great phone you won't be dissapointed
If you like running the latest and Greatest software then the Nexus S will be out for sprint in like a month.
If you want a powerhouse of a phone then the Evo3D should be out by June following what they did with the original Evo
This thread might give you more info
justin8338 said:
I currently have the Original Droid, which has been a great phone in terms of what you have been able to do to it and it's reliability. My question is; how do the owners of the Epic feel about their phone? Still happy with it? Like the roms that have come out for it? And since I haven't paid much attention to Sprint, up until now, any other phones down the line I should think about? My contract with Verizon is up in 3 months.
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Evo3d or nexus 4g or any phones that are dual core that come out in the next 3 months
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
If you get the epic, make sure you rigorously test the hardware keyboard within the first 30 days so you can return it if you get a phone that's physical keyboard drops keys.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
iSaint said:
Yes if you like a hardware keyboard then get the Epic it's a great phone you won't be dissapointed
If you like running the latest and Greatest software then the Nexus S will be out for sprint in like a month.
If you want a powerhouse of a phone then the Evo3D should be out by June following what they did with the original Evo
This thread might give you more info
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Thanks for the link!
I never buy phones on contract, and swapped from an iPhone to a Moto Droid in May of last year. Loved the Android platform, since I'm a programmer and super-user -- not a dumb user, the way the iPhone continued to fail.
I switched to the Epic 4G around October of that year (bought off-contract as well, ESN was clear, but ended up still being attached to an account... got scammed and ported it to Cricket myself). Love the keyboard. Love the screen. Not a bad phone at all. I wouldn't buy it on contract, though, since the new phones are coming out. But in my mind, the Epic is a definite upgrade from the Droid, albeit still not quite as flexible as the original Droid was in terms of development and ROMs (was on Sapphire with Droid -- tried pretty much all the different ROMs for Epic and they're nice, but not as nice as something mostly AOSP, i.e. CM7 or Sapphire). Waiting patiently for Epic's CM7 to be mostly stable so I can try to ROM with that -- having very high hopes for it.
So in a nutshell, yes, great phone. But, the only issue is that the phone will be outdated rather quick, though I don't think we're going to see another contender with a decent keyboard for a while with dual-core processors, etc (re: I'm guessing a year). No comment on Sprint service, but double check with reviews in your area to see how coverage, etc, is before making the jump.
justin8338 said:
I currently have the Original Droid, which has been a great phone in terms of what you have been able to do to it and it's reliability. My question is; how do the owners of the Epic feel about their phone? Still happy with it? Like the roms that have come out for it? And since I haven't paid much attention to Sprint, up until now, any other phones down the line I should think about? My contract with Verizon is up in 3 months.
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I would stay away from this phone if I were you. The roms I've tried are all pretty good, but never perfect for me. I can tell you the current stock rom is still sub par. I would get the HTC if I you. I know people on here will tell you it's not a good of a phone, but I can tell you it works a hell of a lot better. If you really want this phone I will trade you mine + I'll give you $100 if you get the evo and trade me. I'm trying to sell mine now! my phones of on really good shape, no damage to it at all. If you're interested or anyone else, pm me! But to be honest this phone is not really worth it.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
cpcormier3 said:
I would stay away from this phone if I were you. The roms I've tried are all pretty good, but never perfect for me. I can tell you the current stock rom is still sub par. I would get the HTC if I you. I know people on here will tell you it's not a good of a phone, but I can tell you it works a hell of a lot better. If you really want this phone I will trade you mine + I'll give you $100 if you get the evo and trade me. I'm trying to sell mine now! my phones of on really good shape, no damage to it at all. If you're interested or anyone else, pm me! But to be honest this phone is not really worth it.
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DON'T LISTEN TO THIS GUY. His intelligence is showing with trying to trade you for a lesser quality phone. The evo shift does not have an amoled screen or the gpu power the epic has. This phone is amazing and will be amazing for atleast 2 years. This phone will hold up to the dual cores of this year hands down. I've been with sprint for 9 years and they keep getting better. Development could be stronger but we have gotten EVERYTHING WE NEEDED FROM OUR DEVS HERE. CM7 is in progress and there is a stable alpha.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
It's a great phone now. Got mine for the second time on friday and updated that evening ota. I also have a Evo and Evo shift and had the dual core Atrix(hype at this point imho).
The Epic is my favorite although i do prefer the keyboard on the Evo shift cause its smaller which is odd but rue
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jbadboy2007 said:
DON'T LISTEN TO THIS GUY. His intelligence is showing with trying to trade you for a lesser quality phone. The evo shift does not have an amoled screen or the gpu power the epic has. This phone is amazing and will be amazing for atleast 2 years. This phone will hold up to the dual cores of this year hands down. I've been with sprint for 9 years and they keep getting better. Development could be stronger but we have gotten EVERYTHING WE NEEDED FROM OUR DEVS HERE. CM7 is in progress and there is a stable alpha.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Well maybe you like having to spend a million hours to get the phone to work, but for me, not really. It's almost a full time job trying to get this thing to work right! I agree the hardware is great, but not worth the fight to make it work right. I've spent hours flashing this thing since the new update and I will tell you I still have problems with this phone. If you would like me to list all the problems with my phone I would be happy to do so!
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cpcormier3 said:
Well maybe you like having to spend a million hours to get the phone to work, but for me, not really. It's almost a full time job trying to get this thing to work right! I agree the hardware is great, but not worth the fight to make it work right. I've spent hours flashing this thing since the new update and I will tell you I still have problems with this phone. If you would like me to list all the problems with my phone I would be happy to do so!
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YOU have issues, the vast majority of people are capable of flashing a ROM correctly and troubleshooting any problems they might have, don't dissuade someone from purchasing a phone they want because YOU have problems using it correctly.
I really do like my phone and the ROMs are smoke'n.
They have been having a bit of an issue releasing Froyo that doesn't have some level of suckage.
We're expecting a 3rd try this week.
What balances that are the AWESOME devs for it; they popout an updated ROM with the latest update in no time at all.
Everyone is spot on in regards to hardware keyboard, I find myself (I HAD to have a real keyboard) actually using the swype keyboard way more than the physical one. Go figure.
Some GPS issues; though each update makes it a bit better.
There is a reason that this phone is the #1 selling PDA phone.
Having all said that, in a few months there will be some really powerful stuff that will just blow the doors off anything currently available. If I were in your position. I'd go for a multi-processor phone.
Good luck
I say get an evo.
Theres a whole lot more going on with the evo development that its a much more flexible phone.
Our phone has a lot of potential, but with a fracyion of evo/droid devs its harder for the epic to get there.
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jdelano said:
What balances that are the AWESOME devs for it; they popout an updated ROM with the latest update in no time at all.
Everyone is spot on in regards to hardware keyboard, I find myself (I HAD to have a real keyboard) actually using the swype keyboard way more than the physical one. Go figure.
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Check out the hardware keyboard fix from mkasick - it's implemented in SRF 1.1.0 and its accompanying kernel, Twilight Zone 1.1.0. If you don't want to leave your current ROM, give Twilight Zone a try. The fix is an adjustable one - so you can set the value as low as you want. That should completely eliminate any issues you're having.
063_XOBX said:
YOU have issues, the vast majority of people are capable of flashing a ROM correctly and troubleshooting any problems they might have, don't dissuade someone from purchasing a phone they want because YOU have problems using it correctly.
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These forums speak for them selves. You don't see half the problems in the HTC forums. Also if you have BOTH phones you would know how many more problems there are on this phone. I would wait for the nexus s if you want a sammy. I would not choose this phone again if I had it to do over.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
cpcormier3 said:
These forums speak for them selves. You don't see half the problems in the HTC forums. Also if you have BOTH phones you would know how many more problems there are on this phone. I would wait for the nexus s if you want a sammy. I would not choose this phone again if I had it to do over.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I do have both, and have had few issued with either, I made the choice to stick with the Epic as my daily driver because its a much nice phone hardware wise and significantly lighter. I find it difficult to believe you would have any of the issues you're having if you properly flashed it.
063_XOBX said:
I do have both, and have had few issued with either, I made the choice to stick with the Epic as my daily driver because its a much nice phone hardware wise and significantly lighter. I find it difficult to believe you would have any of the issues you're having if you properly flashed it.
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I can't even tell you how many times I've flashed this phone trying to get an optimal set up. I have found that over all I've had less problems with the stock rom, but it is still a lot more buggy than the evo. I would just give this phone to my girlfriend and take her evo, but I don't think she would know what to do if the phone went haywire on her. Hers is stock and I've had far less issues with it than this phone. The only times I had any real issues with her evo is when I tried to mess with it. Trust me man, I thought I was the one screwing up this phone, that's why I'm trying out the stock hardware! All I'm saying there are a lot more issues. Trust me I bought this phone for the same reasons as everyone else! I'm just getting sick and tired of having to Odin the damn thing everyone 3 to 4 weeks! I thought a program may have been causing it, so now I'm trying stock ROM EC and I've only rooted it. I've downloaded XDA, Poynt, Blow up, and the Chase apps. These are the only apps I have on here now, so I was hoping that it was maybe an app causing my problems. Today I had my first problem since going to my current set up. I've been talking about it in this forum, I'm hoping that it's something that I just needed to reboot my phone. The only other thing I can think that made my phone go black screen is when I use the media player and play videos. I'm hoping it's not one of the apps, but I haven't been able to replicate the problem today. I'm just saying that my girl doesn't have any of these issues with the evo and right now I'm basically on the edge with this phone!!!! I also don't want to shell out a bunch more money for a phone so I just kind of have to deal with it and hope I can find a solution, but I would not recommend this phone to anyone after what I've been through! The Nexus S may be a different story since it's stock, but not this phone!
cpcormier3 said:
These forums speak for them selves. You don't see half the problems in the HTC forums. Also if you have BOTH phones you would know how many more problems there are on this phone. I would wait for the nexus s if you want a sammy. I would not choose this phone again if I had it to do over.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I'm not gonna say that flashing isn't a complicated thing. But that's your choice and if you really want to experience amazing ui then it takes time of the individual to figure how and what they can and can not do. That's why there is 1 click root. Flashing is not meant for everyone so if you don't have the time that's cool but don't blame the phone for your short comings either in time or intelligence or pesistence.
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jbadboy2007 said:
I'm not gonna say that flashing isn't a complicated thing. But that's your choice and if you really want to experience amazing ui then it takes time of the individual to figure how and what they can and can not do. That's why there is 1 click root. Flashing is not meant for everyone so if you don't have the time that's cool but don't blame the phone for your short comings either in time or intelligence or pesistence.
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Trust me I've flashed this phone many times. I'm sorry to tell you that when you flash Roms and kernels there are still going to be some problems. I realise that you may want to flash Roms and kernels to make the phone run a certain way, otherwise there wouldn't be multiple roms or kernels to flash if everything worked perfect with one. You're showing your ignorance if you think that a flashed rom and/or kernel is going to be problem free. There's a reason why there are constant updates to the roms and kernels.
I'm just tired of doing it and you should be able to use the phone, without it crashing, without having to mess with it. I don't think it's too much to ask for the phone to not crash when it's stock. Maybe I need to go to full stock with out root. Maybe that's what's causing the phone to mess up. That's my next option!
Edit: I wish I could see other things you've bought. Just curious what type of repairs you had to do to them...
Not sure why you would expect something to NOT work correctly out of the box? You make a valid point it shouldn't work correctly stock..........
justin8338 said:
I currently have the Original Droid, which has been a great phone in terms of what you have been able to do to it and it's reliability. My question is; how do the owners of the Epic feel about their phone? Still happy with it? Like the roms that have come out for it? And since I haven't paid much attention to Sprint, up until now, any other phones down the line I should think about? My contract with Verizon is up in 3 months.
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Whatever you do, do NOT get the Epic. Even if it's free. The keyboard TO THIS DAY does not work properly. It still misses keys and it's not layed out all that well either. I came from a g1 that had a keyboard that ACTUALLY registered keys, even if you type faster than my grandma. Please do not get the epic, get the evo shift or wait for something else on Verizon.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

[Humor] I remember when...(your noob days)

A little background before I begin. To be honest, all throughout Elementary, Middle School, and my first three years of Highschool, I never had a phone. There was no need for me to have one, and if I did need it, I'd call from the office, or a friend's cell. Plus I never lived too far from school to simply walk.
Junior year near my birthday was when my sisters, and mom surprised me with a "phone" it was one of those Nokia Phones that were very simple, with only skydiver, bowling, and backgammon for "fun". I was so pleased and glad, now i had my OWN number, now if a girl asked me for it, I had something for her to write down instead of lamely saying "sorry, i don't have one"
The phone probably lasted about 3 months until again, my family decided I didn't need one. Plus, I hardly used it and they didn't want to pay another bill.
Senior year, my mother gifted me a Blackberry 8130 (Business Edition) with the backlit keys. The provider was Cbeyond. I felt like such a pro, now I had a corporate device, with business service, and I felt good. That was short lived as well, apparently calls and texting weren't free and my mom had to cancel the $700 bill.
After High-School Graduation, I immediately began to work. (so much for vacations)
With my own money, I bought a cheap 100 dumb-phone from MetroPCS, a popular provider aimed at MetroPolitan areas, similar to Cricket for those who haven't heard of them. Without getting too personal, let's just say I partied too heavily one day and destroyed the phone.
Bought myself a Touch Pro 2 off craigslist from someone who was "moving" to Android. I didn't care what this Android OS he was switching to was, I was too busy being mesmerized by the eye-candy Sense running on Windows Phone 6. I got geeked up at the idea of having eye-candy Sense, and a Windows Phone in one that I now felt like my phone was a computer.
I was happy until i noticed it was laggy, and when i tried looking for apps, (The best app on there was probably Youtube.) or updates, it was very limited, and was sad to find out that support was being dropped. Nonetheless, I made the best of it, that's where I began using programming tools like cdma workshop and qpst. Didn't take long for me to figure out how to run it on MetroPCS. Another thing that captivated me about the phone was the KEYBOARD. I thought how genius it was to have something so handy, conveniently built right in. I learned about the "Xandroid" project, and was in love with Android running on my outdated windows phone. I learned to like and understand the efficiency of having an Android phone and soon wanted to look for one. I had noticed all over forums online that people had dropped my phone, and went over to the "Epic" I remember thinking how funny of a title that was, but I didn't pay too much attention to it, nor did I bother looking it up.
Wasn't till October 2011 that I decided to look for an Android phone on google, then search for its price on craigslist. I remember thinking how much of a headache it was to look for one, there were SO many phones, and I didn't know what to pick, my sister had recently bought the Evo, and being a Mexican with pride, I didn't want to piggy-back and get the same phone, but something that rivaled the Evo. To show my sister how much cooler my phone was. I came across the Samsung Captivate and Vibrant, loved the screens, and the phones looked nice. Went to craigslist, made the deal, when i met up with the seller, he said he didn't bring the phone.
I was like "wtf?, so you came three hours away from where you live, asking me to bring my money, just so you show up without it?" He said "Listen, I've got a better phone to offer you, and for the same price, unlike the deal i offered you, this one is BRAND-NEW" Turned out he was an authorized dealer and the phone was the Samsung Epic 4G.
I felt the smoothness of the case as i took it out of its box. I turned the phone on, being the first time I had ever seen a SuperAMOLED screen, and needing glasses, the brightness from the Samsung Bootup logo made my eyes squint. I had found my phone. The responsiveness blew the TouchPro2 out of the water, and while I tried to keep my cool in front of the seller, i pretended like it wasn't anything special. I ended up making the purchase, getting it flashed to MetroPCS, moving away from Texas, and re-programming it to Virgin Mobile here in Oregon.
And that's my Cell-Phone life story. Why did I share that? I don't know, but trust me, I appreciate my phone ALOT. So for you noobs out there that simply bought it and don't see what's so great, it's a big step-up, cherish it.
NOW back to the Humor!
I remember when I had my Touch Pro 2 and I saw that it had an app that said XDA, and this weird talk about root, and seeing a post with people saying, "good thing my phone's rooted!"
And I thought to myself, hm... I don't know what this root thing is, but obviously, it means backing up your phone's information to this Xda-Developer's Site on a backup server or something. Eh. Guess Rooting is handy.
I remember when I searched adult things on the android market with my old HeroC and wanted to erase the search history then found out about rooting online after a Google search
I remember when I flashed a leaked Froyo build just for the new Youtube UI
I remember posting in Dec sec for help I think
I also pmed noobnl for help cause I got computer ... triangle ... phone very early doing something
I can't remember
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I remember when I rooted my samsung moment entirely because I wanted a live wallpaper which was disabled by default.
Those who had a moment will understand just how noobish it was to bog that phone down with a live wallpaper haha.
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
xopher.hunter said:
I remember when I rooted my samsung moment entirely because I wanted a live wallpaper which was disabled by default.
Those who had a moment will understand just how noobish it was to bog that phone down with a live wallpaper haha.
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
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I remember having done the same thing. And Numus was the one who first taught me how to root over at SDX.
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xopher.hunter said:
I remember when I rooted my samsung moment entirely because I wanted a live wallpaper which was disabled by default.
Those who had a moment will understand just how noobish it was to bog that phone down with a live wallpaper haha.
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
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Yess awwful lol the phone itself as well haha. I remember when we could easily cook a rom ourselves and themes were really easy to use as well
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
XxLostSoulxX said:
Yess awwful lol the phone itself as well haha. I remember when we could easily cook a rom ourselves and themes were really easy to use as well
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Still can. Roms are easy to winzip
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA
I started out on Qwest Wireless on the oldest and crappiest phone I'd ever seen. But hey, it had a camera...which was the bees knees. Then when Qwest merged with Verizon, I got the LG Voyager. Pretty dumb phone looking back, but the keyboard was top notch. That was when my uncle walked up with this fancy new cell phone. He called it his "Android". It turned out to be the T-Mobile G1. I played around with it and well...that was the end of that. I was hell bent on my next phone being Android powered. Note this thing was running Cupcake. That's how big a step up it was. I researched and researched for months and months until sometime mid-summer 2010. When I 4" screen, full qwerty keyboard, Android 2.1, and so much more. It was...Epic. And I knew what I had to do. So I convinced my mother to switch to Sprint from Verizon so I could have it. And here we are.
Then Randy Shear taught me how to root and I flashed the latest ROMs. This was back before I knew that you could swap system files from other ROMs and benchmarks meant the world. I went with Viper ROM because it had the latest music player(you could toggle it from the notification area!). Eventually I settled on Bonsai and Rodderik released a 2.2 kernel that could overclock to 1.2GHZ! BEFORE SOURCE! WOWZERS! Then I met qbking77(on the BakedSnack threads lol) and joined ACS. It all seems so far away.
I remember when everything dev I'm doing now seemed impossible. I remember when iSaint wasn't a troll(HA!). I remember getting MIUI 1.3.5 up with Mike_77, asdfghjkl, raymond and fusingblackrose. I remember when joining the Syndicate mattered. I remember when I started my first thread and got torn up by a developer. When we prided ourselves on having no development but a great community...and hated the EVO even more so than now.
While there may be new phones and different operating systems, I will always remember and cherish the Epic 4G community for what it was, what it is, and what it will be. Thank you everyone! Old and new!
**I am so going to copy/paste that for my goodbye thread.
Humor: Snoochie Boochies!
darkierawr said:
While there may be new phones and different operating systems, I will always remember and cherish the Epic 4G community for what it was, what it is, and what it will be. Thank you everyone! Old and new!
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I nominate this for post of the year
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
Zeinzu said:
I remember having done the same thing. And Numus was the one who first taught me how to root over at SDX.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Lmao at SDX! I remember that site, you guys helped me out alot.. Thanks!
Memories.. hmm..
I remember when the Epic was a "forgotten" phone and people would complain and the devs and vets would just say be patient.. Patience is a virtue, because now I have 3 ICS roms to choose from!
Back further I remember when XDA didn't have much CDMA work going so I had to go between here SDX and PPCGeeks lol I'll have to log in and check how those guys are doing..
Back further I remember getting Android on my PPC-6800 aka the "Mogul" aka the iPhone Killer lol.. Having that phone was a big deal back then lol
And back even further I remember flashing my first rom on a PPC-6700 Apache which may be the last smartphone to have a freakin antennae on it!
Good times thanks to all of the great devs who have helped me out over the years..
I remember learning about xda from my friend's dad when he was rooting my friend's captivate then wanting to root my epic.
I remember when I first rooted without the one click (the root method by joeykrim and noobnl) and then using my phone stock rooted keeping my bloatware and everything. I tried getting clockwork mod but there were like 10 scripts called things like "usethisifthefirstandsecondandthirddontwork.bat" and I was just too confused. I eventually took the plunge and wanted to go on dk28. I odined to it and then flashed the viper rom.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
Lol I used to trick people into thinking I had ICS ( 1 month before it came out) when I was on the intercept XD I wud just change my build nukber to say ice cream sandwich and the version to be like 4.0.1 and like every week id change the last decimal and add 1 to make it look like I was getting updates hahaha. I'm glad I dnt have to do that anymore
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I remember when I first got my Samsung Moment with cupcake on it. I was jealous of my older brother with his old Touchpro who would flash different roms. So I used google to look for custom roms for the Samsung Moment. I ended up a site called SDX-Developers, I found the first rom made by Calkulin. Reading through the instructions which were linked to instructions by joeykrim which than I ended up rooting my phone putting his reocvery on the moment. Now I am able to compile a rom, debloat roms before flashing them.
I remember when I had got the Samsung moment when it came out and I was told about rooting the phone I spent 3 months trying to figure it out and never got it man I felt so dumb lol
Epic 4g, CM9 Beta, EL30, Shadow
crazymadbaby said:
I remember when I had got the Samsung moment when it came out and I was told about rooting the phone I spent 3 months trying to figure it out and never got it man I felt so dumb lol
Epic 4g, CM9 Beta, EL30, Shadow
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I think we vastly improve our skills as we begin to sharpen them, second and third time round is always faster.
Repgrogramming my first phone to a different carrier first took me 1 week to figure out with a guide,
Reprogramming second time through, without a guide to go by took 9 hours to figure out on my own.
Third time through took under 30 mins, mostly for protocol, checking and making sure everything is functional.
Rooting took like 20 mins of thorough reading first time through for me.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I remember the Moment as my first phone I ever rooted, over on sdx. I was always in a battle trying to top Zeinzu's desktop wallpapers
I also remember when Zanderman112 wouldnt root, so many other things will never be forgotten, along with this entire epic community.
Sent from a phone with kNOw CiQ k0nane...
My first phone that I modded was the T-mobile Wing. Lol. And SDX is still there and kicking. Most is just a copy from here now. The moment was getting 2.3. Lmao. That poor phone. This has been one of the best group of ppl. If not the best on XDA. Our forums are the cleanest, respected, and everyone knows everyone and gets along. I go look into other phones and I wanna just go off on them. Like wtf, its so bad the search button says fu I'm not touching that. I hope we move to a newer phone together. ;0) We've all noobed together.
This is such an awesome thread.
And nova...give me a new SuperNova! I won't use it. But I want it to exist. Collab with me on Mortify or something!
I remember using SuperNova back when DK28 had just come around. It had THE BEST boot animation ever. It didn't score the highest...back when scores mattered...but the dev was a cool guy and that was good enough for me. And he had the most ADDONS! LOVE THE ADDONS!
Oh and I remember flashing Syndicate ROM and BakedSnack 1.3 and saying "Wow these are almost as fast as DK28!" Even though they were probably much slower.
xopher.hunter said:
I remember when I rooted my samsung moment entirely because I wanted a live wallpaper which was disabled by default.
Those who had a moment will understand just how noobish it was to bog that phone down with a live wallpaper haha.
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
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This times 100.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Just jealous, why i didnt get I9300!?

Just looking an international I9300 ROM development forum, and jealous :crying:, so many amazing custom ROMS like this , and this one, and here for my AT&T model is ...- 2 if you can even call it a "ROM's", -sad. I switched from international SII I9100 which had tons of custom ROMs to I747 for which a cant even download CallRec MOD.
LTE? - thanks, u can keep it! Anyone willing to trade international for I747 ?
The international has been out a bit longer. And you're always gonna see more dev work for an international phone. That's just the way it is. Be patient. It will come man.
Just wait a bit longer, theme section is making a lot progress on theme department, plus we got myn making rom for it too(Idk if you heard about his work but he has done some great things for evo) so is just matter of time, the phone been out for 2 weeks and I think it will be great device for routers and developers
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
..AT&T with 2 ROMs, and Verizon with 0 ROMs - 2 most BIG time
Retarded sections ,.. unbelievable, - even to compare to T-Mobile and Sprint with at least 5 ROMs to choose.,
Willing to donate, but ...
Goo Sprint devs!
Ascertion said:
Goo Sprint devs!
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Yup sprint developers are really good Verizon too but the problem now is Verizon is locked but I doubt it will be for long
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
You had to start a new thread for this? Pretty lame. Since AT&T version just came out why don't you return it and buy the international version? Then you'll have nothing to complain about
I don't know how you expect there to be a bunch of roms out already. The phone was only available with a pre order, and was just released in stores today. Patience.
A wise man once said, "Settle down, Beavis".
RampageRR said:
I don't know how you expect there to be a bunch of roms out already. The phone was only available with a pre order, and was just released in stores today. Patience.
A wise man once said, "Settle down, Beavis".
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Exactly, today is the launch day for AT&T. By my count there is 5 ROMs and a lot of devs who just mentioned they just got the phone. Patiences... amazing things are in the works... :highfive:
eep2378 said:
You had to start a new thread for this? Pretty lame. Since AT&T version just came out why don't you return it and buy the international version? Then you'll have nothing to complain about
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Yes, why not?? I think i deserve one ,There is so many MUCH meaningless threads around, and i think this one is not a waist , + unfortunately i cant just "return it", so i offer my week old for exchange right in this thread
gennadiy008 said:
Just looking an international I9300 ROM development forum, and jealous :crying:, so many amazing custom ROMS like this , and this one, and here for my AT&T model is ...- 2 if you can even call it a "ROM's", -sad. I switched from international SII I9100 which had tons of custom ROMs to I747 for which a cant even download CallRec MOD.
LTE? - thanks, u can keep it! Anyone willing to trade international for I747 ?
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Hope you drop your phone. Way to put down the devs on the att side. Take it back to the store and go get the international one.
edit: if you can't return it then sell it.
So you give reasons y the international ver is better and you expect to get a trade for your "inferior" version
This is bad marketing
Besides there will be plenty of toms in no time
Also I personally kepp my phone on stock for at least 2 weeks after getting the phone
Mostly just to see what Sammy expects normal people to deal with
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Honestly the stock Rom is running so good i haven't thought of flashing one yet. Heck good battery life has made me even not to root and debloat yet. But anyway i will root soon just to install adblock and tools like TB. My point is that during initial days of my previous phone which is SG1 there were so many issues like lag, gps, rfs file system etc etc which made flashing roms inevitable. But so far i am really enjoying stock software.
Sent from my SGH-T999
gennadiy008 said:
Yes, why not?? I think i deserve one ,There is so many MUCH meaningless threads around, and i think this one is not a waist , + unfortunately i cant just "return it", so i offer my week old for exchange right in this thread
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List your phone one the XDA market place for sale or trade....someone will take it off your hands.
I see what you mean coming from a nexus on aokp and jelly bean back to touchwiz is a huge blah, but when roms are available this device will be amazing!! Just patiently sitting this through.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
uranis said:
I see what you mean coming from a nexus on aokp and jelly bean back to touchwiz is a huge blah, but when roms are available this device will be amazing!! Just patiently sitting this through.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747
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Locked bootloader
Sent from my Droid using xda app-developers app
I was actually thinking of trading my intetnational for the att variant. Then I remembered all the developement we have, I'm on MIUi right now. When the att version gets more I'll probably trade, should be soon!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
The phone became widely available in the US just a week ago. Give it some time.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Different variants for the us and Canada also hurt and slow the initial development as well
Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2
Every time I see people complaining about custom ROMs for the S3 (or any other phone) I get miffed.
Stop *****ing about what other people do or don't do for you. If you want a custom ROM that meets your needs, build one yourself or pay someone to do it.
The people who create these ROMs do so because they love doing it, not because it's their job (Though people do donate to them, I am sure they do not get what creating ROMs like this is really worth).
I see you're on Telus, well the Telus phone only came out 10 days ago, I know because I got one on the first day. How long do you think it takes to make a custom Android ROM for a phone? I have no idea, but I am sure there are hundreds of hours spent on creating each and every one.
Besides, did you get the S3 because of the custom ROMs available for it or because it is the best phone out there right now? This little beast can do things no other phone can dream of and you ***** about custom ROMs.

My Experience with the SGS2 and Why I'm Now Using the Epic 4G

About 3 months ago, I switched my tired old HTC Evo 4G for a Samsung Epic 4G Touch. I'd heard many great things about the super amoled screen and Exynos processor so I thought I'd give Samsung a shot. When I got the Samsung, it had many annoying issues. First off, whenever it was connected to Sprint's data I couldn't get anything to load and the buttons would press themselves so whenever I would try to text someone the menu would pop up, I would accidentally hit send, and they would get a half typed message. I odined different modems and tried just about every ROM on XDA but nothing fixed this problem. It had other smaller issues that I couldn't work through like music would glitch out and get all choppy if I locked the phone and it would randomly reboot. Sprint and Samsung would not fix or replace it so I just put up with it for 3 months. One day the display just completely stopped working so I put it in a drawer and started shopping around for a replacement. I came across a really cheap Epic 4G and after hearing people rave about how amazing their Samsungs are, I wanted to give them one more shot. When I got it, I immediately flashed it over to CM9 and got it all configured the way I wanted it. I've been using it for 3 months now and this phone is amazing, It's smooth, the screen is brilliant, and it has no issues running any 3D games. It wasn't topping benchmarks like my S2 was but it does everything my S2 did and more. The keyboard is a huge advantage and official stable CM is much nicer than the S2's nightlies. Honestly, I don't see the need to upgrade unless your phone is completely dead or about to die. Sorry for the wall of words but I wanted to get my Samsung experience out there. Thanks for taking the time to read!
OG Epic FTW!
My sister recently got the GS3. It looks like an amazing piece of hardware, and I was definitely tempted to upgrade, but the lack of a hw keyboard gave me pause. I still have my original launch-week Epic, and it still runs like a beast!
Welcome to the community - you won't be disappointed
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
I very much like our 4 capacitive buttons versus the two and the big button.
Samsung Epic - Tapatalk 2
In a world where most people are leaving the epic, apparently there are some going the other way. Welcome aboard!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
I played with a GS3, but trying to fit that thing in my pocket wasn't easy. I don't know what I'm going to do if my Epic breaks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
socos25 said:
I played with a GS3, but trying to fit that thing in my pocket wasn't easy. I don't know what I'm going to do if my Epic breaks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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are you wearing skinny jeans?
GS3 is a pretty large phone, but had no problems fitting it in a pocket. Will definitely miss my HW KB, but too many advantages over OG Epic not to make the jump. I am leaving OG Epic (primarily, Sprint) for it in a few weeks...
socos25 said:
I played with a GS3, but trying to fit that thing in my pocket wasn't easy. I don't know what I'm going to do if my Epic breaks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I was able to fit a Note in my pocket without any issues. I got my Epic for $80 on eBay so...
i miss my Epic so much, lack of a keyboard really makes this phone a hassle for me to use, even with swype
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Fire n mage said:
i kiss my Epic so much, lack of a keyboard really makes this phone a hassle for me yo use, even with swype
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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xboxfanj said:
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See! F***ing keyboard, i meant miss XDD
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Yeah, I know what you folks mean. I picked up a Sprint Galaxy SII after I thought that I FUBAR'ed the charging jack on my launch day OG Epic 4G, though it turns out that it's just a bit loose. After I duplicated my Boost PAYGO (yeah 35 cent/day 3G data!) account details onto the SII, only once I looked into putting a custom ROM on it did I realize what a pain in the @$$ it was. I had to Odin back to stock several times. Root is not functional, with SU denying all apps root access for some unknown reason. Still cannot get a custom ROM on it. Plus its lack of a hardware keyboard is a near deal-killer, as I love it on my Epic 4G. Last, the SII is *very* slick, and as a result, difficult to keep a firm grip on. I'll probably wipe the details off of it and sell it. Its hardware upgrades are nice, but for someone used to hacking Epic 4G just right, it's a flawed phone.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
SweetBearCub said:
Yeah, I know what you folks mean. I picked up a Sprint Galaxy SII after I thought that I FUBAR'ed the charging jack on my launch day OG Epic 4G, though it turns out that it's just a bit loose. After I duplicated my Boost PAYGO (yeah 35 cent/day 3G data!) account details onto the SII, only once I looked into putting a custom ROM on it did I realize what a pain in the @$$ it was. I had to Odin back to stock several times. Root is not functional, with SU denying all apps root access for some unknown reason. Still cannot get a custom ROM on it. Plus its lack of a hardware keyboard is a near deal-killer, as I love it on my Epic 4G. Last, the SII is *very* slick, and as a result, difficult to keep a firm grip on. I'll probably wipe the details off of it and sell it. Its hardware upgrades are nice, but for someone used to hacking Epic 4G just right, it's a flawed phone.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I keep forgetting this phone even has an hw keyboard.
n my soft keys are broke too. Still getting incredible everything out of this phone tho. Jb aokp is frkn awesome too!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
beltsnspoons said:
I keep forgetting this phone even has an hw keyboard.
n my soft keys are broke too. Still getting incredible everything out of this phone tho. Jb aokp is frkn awesome too!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Ha ha. I keep forgetting it does too, except when I'm using this to play emulator games: Game Gripper Controller
With CM10, this phone is still a great performer, more than two years out!
CM10 really cooks on this phone have it ported over to boost mobile with the nexus modem at 50 bucks a month a lot better than the 160 I was paying for my 2 accounts now reduced to 1.
BigOnes69 said:
CM10 really cooks on this phone have it ported over to boost mobile with the nexus modem at 50 bucks a month a lot better than the 160 I was paying for my 2 accounts now reduced to 1.
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I am running CM10 on the phone right now and it is buttery smooth 96.723% of the time. Everything works so perfectly that I'm surprised they don't just put the nightlies under the "Stable" category.
