[Q] Nexus 4 - Voice Recorder - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am looking for Voice Recorder app in my Nexus 4. Is there any built-in app or we need to download it from Play?

Download one from Google play there should be plenty
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I use "Smart recorder" for recording lectures in class. It's a great and simple app to use.
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Or, if you use Tasker, you can build a simple one with it.

I been using simple voice recorder since I bought N4. Its free and fast.
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SMS app options

Can anyone recommend a SMS text option app or service that might be on the 7 already I'm missing. Tired of doing the tiny brain thing switching back and forth with the phone. Thanks!
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? Tablet Talk?
I use Google voice and I have it on the phone too so everything syncs nicely
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Using tablet talk here. Great app.
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Fantastic suggestion I love tablet talk!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Receiving texts?

I was wondering if there is any way to use my nexus some way some how to text (from my VZW Droid Rzr)...something like the air droid app...?
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Tablet Talk will do what you want.
Play store I assume?
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Google Voice is what I use. You use the Google Voice number just like a cell number. Google even gives you a voice mail number.
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+1 for Tablet Talk...it's amazing.
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rmm200 said:
Google Voice is what I use. You use the Google Voice number just like a cell number. Google even gives you a voice mail number.
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As far as I'm aware, GV only works in the USA

Sending and receiving texts

Does anyone know if there is an app that we can use to send and receive text messages on the Nexus 7 while connected to wifi?
if you use Google Voice then there's always that option.
Cloud sms
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You can use mysms that works pretty well...
Google Voice is very good on the nexus 7
I use tablet talk. Does mms as well. Works very well
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I user Google Voice for SMS and Google Talk for chat.
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If you want to use a phone number from your cell phone tablet talk is great if you want your tablet to have its own number use Google voice
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kevin2516 said:
Cloud sms
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+1 for cloud sms
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I've been using MightyText. You install the app on your phone and set it up, then install it on the tablet. You can send/receive texts from the web or the tablet. It will push it through your phone so it's all from/to your normal number.
I just installed Mighty Text on my Nexus 7 (I already had it installed on phone and PC). Until now, I didn't know there was a tablet app. Pretty cool stuff.
- Ric / DesertDwarf
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Thanks for all the responses. I'll have to give them a try. Google voice does texts? I thought Google voice was voice chat
kevman8396 said:
Thanks for all the responses. I'll have to give them a try. Google voice does texts? I thought Google voice was voice chat
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It can do voice and text just like a cell number
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[Q] What is the best app to send text messages if I'm too lazy to grab my phone?

I'd like to send messages from my tablet. Its unrooted ATM...
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
Google Voice
Tablet talk, it's a paid app though.
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Does tablet talk capable of MMS?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
Yes, I've received pics mms and tablet talk was able to sync it to the tablet
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Google voice. You can set it up to use your cells number
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MykalDre said:
Google voice. You can set it up to use your cells number
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That I didn't know. I'll have to look into that more.
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Tablet talk also uses your cell phone number
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Cloud SMS has been most reliable for me. He is adding mms support right now. You can email dev and ask to beta test mms. Tablet talk wouldn't stay running for me and I kept missing messages. Google voice has always been horribly inconsistent for me. I just use it to make international calls nowadays.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
Mighty Text works just fine for me.

Beats Audio

Hi everybody, i beg your pardon for my bad english, anyway, I had a motorola milestone 2 with megabassbests and now i installed the NexusLouderV4B1-TestBuild_2 on my nexus 4. I made a comparison and i found that the megabassbeats is 100 times better than nexus louder. Is there any way to install the mileston bests audio on my new nexus 4?
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werba59 said:
Hi everybody, i beg your pardon for my bad english, anyway, I had a motorola milestone 2 with megabassbests and now i installed the NexusLouderV4B1-TestBuild_2 on my nexus 4. I made a comparison and i found that the megabassbeats is 100 times better than nexus louder. Is there any way to install the mileston bests audio on my new nexus 4?
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Try awesome beats. Or viper4android with beats IRS.
You will find both on xda in Android development
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Already tested
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The Nexus 4 is a bit tricky to find that sweet spot in AMAZING sound. After hours of trial and error (No kidding), and previous knowledge of experience from other devices. I've found that for the Nexus 4 you need to flash the Nexus louder mod, and combined it with a custom kernel and use that kernel's sound settings via either trickster mod, franco kernel updater app, or faux123 kernel enhancement pro app. I'm sure there are others, but those are the main 3 I alternate in between.
I could go into specifics about my settings and my setup, but as everyone tends to say people's preference and tastes in music are all different.
I hope this helps some.
I'm using the paranoid android custom ROM Abd I do not want to change it. If that the only solution i resign myself
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If you're looking to get great sound through the rear firing speaker then this phone isn't for you; viper4 android however works wonders on headphones.
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No, i'm looking to get a grat sound through the headphones. I just thought that isn't strange that the mileston's beats audio works better than the N4 one
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